Showing posts with label Hillary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary. Show all posts

Monday, October 30, 2017

Hillary Clinton Dodges Manafort Indictment Questions, Opts to Peddle New Book

Hillary Clinton’s going full Kardashians by passing on questions about the big story of the day – Paul Manafort’s indictment — and instead choosing to plug the hell out of her new book. Asked about today’s indictments during book…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Hillary Clinton Slammed After "Ignorant" Tweets Following Las Vegas Shooting

Criticizing Hillary Clinton has been a regular pastime for a large swathe of America for the past two or three decades, and that doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon.

Not even following the horrific Mandalay Bay massacre in Las Vegas that killed 58 and injured more than 500.

Critics claim that Hillary’s tweet following the massacre was overly political and displayed “ignorance” of firearms. Did it?

Those who were still up on Sunday night and those waking up to terrible news on Monday morning expressed their reactions to the absolute horror of the shooting in Las Vegas.

Everyone on Twitter, from big-name celebrities to friends to coworkers to that one guest star you thirst-followed three years ago, was speaking out.

Those who couldn’t find the words themselves retweeted those who could.

Hillary Clinton, the 2016 candidate preferred by the majority of American voters and regarded by many as America’s monarch-in-exile, tweeted appropriately.

“Las Vegas, we are grieving with you — the victims, those who lost loved ones, the responders, & all affected by this cold-blooded massacre.”

We all saw the horrifying videos and heard the unmistakable sounds of gunfire. Hillary did, too, and followed up her tweet with this:

“The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.”

We’ll talk about that bill, don’t you worry.

“Our grief isn’t enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again.”

Obviously, this was the cue to everyone who’s ever read a Cracked article to try to make themselves sound like an expert on firearms.

Hillary was referring to H.R.367, the almost absurdly named Hearing Protection Act of 2017.

Despite it’s name, it’s not a proposed law about noise pollution or public nuisances or hearing aids.

It’s an NRA-backed bill that would make it easier to get silencers for guns by removing restrictions on silencers so that they are regulated just like regular ol’ guns.

As you may have guessed, Hillary’s critics mocked her by pointing out that silencers don’t actually make guns silent; they just muffle the noise somewhat.

An NRA spokeswoman tweeted:

“Suppressors only reduce by a few decibels, still same decibel level as a jack hammer.”

A radio host tweeted:

“Appallingly stupid, and entirely irrelevant, Mrs Clinton She knows nothing about firearms, and even worse, she doesn’t care.”

Though Hillary’s tweet doesn’t immediately convey whether or not she’s aware that silencers do not make guns literally silent, let’s remember two things:

One, Hillary Clinton is an almost frighteningly intelligent person. That’s based on basically every interaction that she’s ever had.

Two, if gunshots are quieter, even just a little bit, that means that fewer people will be aware of them.

Have you ever been to a concert? There are absolutely concerts at which “a few decibels” could make the difference between a gunshot being audible and it going unnoticed save to those who get shot.

Countless public voices have called out for the US to actually, for once, do something to prevent future mass shootings.

Ariana Grande called for gun control, and she is obviously no stranger to terrorist attacks at concerts.

Politicians who rely upon NRA endorsements and funding continue to turn a blind eye to common-sense solutions that have been proven to work in other countries — most notably in Australia.

There are those who characterize the NRA as the greatest ally of domestic terrorists. At this point, that is getting harder and harder to dispute.

But it’s much easier for the pro-gun lobby to criticize people calling for common sense gun regulations than it is for them to explain why, exactly, massacres in which hundreds and hundreds of people are hospitalized are becoming a staple of American existence.


Monday, September 18, 2017

Donald Trump Retweets Clip of Him Hitting Hillary Clinton With Golf Ball

Hey, remember the 2016 election? Sure you do.

Even if you were somehow able to forget that you’ve lived every day since November 8 in some sort of Orwellian hellscape where up is down, black is white, and hamburgers eat people, the principal players still bear the psychic scars of their electoral combat, and they will not let you forget it for a single second.

In case you decided to take up residence in a Unabomber shack in the woods around the time a presidential candidate started talking about his dong during a televised debate and you’re just now re-entering society, allow us to bring you up to speed:

Donald Trump is now our president, despite running a campaign marred by multiple genital-related scandals.

Despite the fact that he won, Trump clearly still awakes with the election at the forefront of his mind every morning, presumably staring dead-eyed at the ceiling fan over his bed, a la Martin Sheen in Apocalypse Now.

Hillary Clinton is also still obsessed with the most bonkers presidential election in American history, but she’s decided to seek catharsis by writing a book in which she blames everyone else for her loss.

Ya know, like an adult! (Hey, petty adults who are more concerned with settling old scores than with the future of the country are still adults.)

The Donald, on the other hand … well, he’s decided to handle things quite differently.

Take six seconds of your day to watch the clip above in order to remind yourself that we’re currently living in the Upside Down (RIP, Barb).

It’s from a Twitter account with the stunningly apt handle @fuctupmind, and it was retweeted by the President of the United States.

Yes, 71-year-old Donald Trump was so tickled by the thought of him pelting a former first lady, senator, and secretary of state with a golf ball that he felt compelled to share @fuctupmind’s handiwork with the world.

It’s easy to get bored when you’re in your bathrobe by 6 pm every evening, but surely a man with a pretty important gig can find better ways of keeping himself busy.

Obviously, there were millions of stunned reactions on social media, but the consensus is perhaps best encapsulated by this tweet from former director of US Office of Government Ethics Walter Schaub:

“The President of the United States just retweeted a video vignette that imagines him assaulting his political rival. The man is unfit,” Schaub wrote.

It’s the truth, folks.

No matter where your beliefs fall on the political spectrum, it’s time to admit that Donald Trump is unfit.

And we’re not talking about the fact that he an ass that could rival Kim Kardashian’s.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Martin Shkreli Imprisoned Following Hillary Clinton Threat

If you’ve ever wondered if there’s any truth to those quotes about karma that your pettiest friend is always posting on Facebook, then look no further than the sad case of Martin Shkreli.

As you may recall, Shkreli first made a name for himself as a world class jack rag by hiking up the cost of a life-saving medication by more than 5,000 percent during his time as CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals.

Apparently a fan of being universally despised, Shkreli proceeded to embark on a career of professional douchery.

He feuded with the Wu Tang Clan after buying the exclusive rights to the group’s latest album and refusing to share any of it publicly.

He then trolled the entire hip hop community by stealing unreleased tracks from artists and releasing them online without permission.

If you’re thinking those two acts seem to run counter to one another, you have to bear in mind that at all times, Shkreli is motivated by nothing but the desire to piss off as many people as possible.

We won’t bore with you the full list of the Pharma Bro’s indiscretions (though getting kicked off of Twitter for harassing a Teen Vogue reporter is a doozy that bears repeating), but suffice it to say, the guy is the worst, and he’s finally paying the price for his life of dickishness.

Last month, Shkreli was convicted of securities fraud, and his crimes could land him behind bars for up to twenty years.

Martin is white and wealthy, so he was able to post bond, and the original plan was that he would await his sentencing at home.

But that would’ve required Shkreli to refrain from publicly engaging in behavior that’s been roundly condemned by society for a few weeks, so naturally, he effed it up.

For reasons that are clear only to him, Shkreli offered his Facebook followers $ 5,000 to grab a strand of Hillary Clinton’s hair during her current book tour.

Turns out, our legal system frowns on issuing public threats and paying for acts of assault, so yesterday, the judge in his case issued an order for Shkreli’s pasty ass to be thrown in jail.

“The fact that he continues to remain unaware of the inappropriateness of his actions or words demonstrates to me that he may be creating ongoing risk to the community,” said U.S. District Judge Kiyo Matsumoto, in revoking Shkreli’s bond.

“This is a solicitation of assault. That is not protected by the First Amendment.”

Shkreli was taken into custody immediately after his hearing, and this morning, he was issued an inmate number at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.

But we’re sure he isn’t worried.

After all, the guy who spent the past two years terrorizing the poor and publicly taunting hip hop fans should have no problem making friends inside a Brooklyn prison.


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Martin Shkreli Arrested, Bail Revoked for Hillary Clinton Threat

Martin Shkreli is back in federal custody after his bail was revoked due to online threats against Hillary Clinton. Shkreli was arrested Wednesday in NYC after a judge revoked his $ 5 million bail in his securities fraud case. As we reported ……


Martin Shkreli Arrested, Bail Revoked for Hillary Clinton Threat

Martin Shkreli is back in federal custody after his bail was revoked due to online threats against Hillary Clinton. Shkreli was arrested Wednesday in NYC after a judge revoked his $ 5 million bail in his securities fraud case. As we reported ……


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Hillary Clinton Calls Trump"s Inauguration Speech a "Cry from the White Nationalist Gut"

Hillary Clinton thinks Donald Trump’s Inauguration speech was actually a rallying cry for white nationalists … and she blurted that out on national television.  HC was being interviewed by CBS Sunday, reflecting on her election loss (again)…


Monday, August 21, 2017

American Horror Story Promo: Hillary! Trump! Dead Dogs!

Over the years, American Horror Story has centered seasons on witches, circus freaks and killers in black leather sex suits.

But the upcoming season may be the strangest and scariest to date… because it will focus on the 2016 Presidential Election!

Sort of!

Creator Ryan Murphy has teased that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will both play some kind of role on American Horror Story: Cult, with the just-revealed opening credits sequence featuring characters donning the masks of both these polarizing figures.

There are also bees depicted below, along with many creepy masks and dead dogs.

What else do know about new fall episodes?

Ryan has previously teased a "love story for the ages" between Sarah Paulson"s character and that of Evan Peters… although Paulson will be married to a woman played by Allison Pill.

"I think it"s going to reveal itself in surprising ways," Paulson said at the 2017 TCA summer press tour of her romance.

Billie Lourd, Cheyenne Jackson, Colton Haynes, Billy Eichner, Adina Porter and Leslie Grossman will also star in the new season; while Lena Dunham, Frances Conroy and Mare Winningham will make appearances.

"We"ve got bloody tension, a well-cooked meal, an exciting trip to a grocery store,” previewed executive producer Alexis Martin Woodall this summer of what’s on tap,adding:

“I just think it is true to our brand, which is you"re going to be in a whole new world all over again and fall in love with these really special characters and hate yourself for watching it right before you go to bed and love."

The 11-episode season will be set in Michigan and take place the night of the 2016 presidential election.

American Horror Story: Cult premieres Tuesday, September 5 at 10/9c on FX.

Check out the teaser below:

American horror story cult teases hillary trump and dead dogs

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Hillary Clinton Attacks Healthcare Bill, Calls GOP the "Death Party"

Hillary Clinton jumped off the political sidelines and fired a shot at Republicans over the new healthcare bill … saying, in not so many words, it’s gonna kill Americans. Forget death panels. If Republicans pass this bill, they’re the death party.…


Hillary Clinton Attacks Healthcare Bill, Calls GOP the "Death Party"

Hillary Clinton jumped off the political sidelines and fired a shot at Republicans over the new healthcare bill … saying, in not so many words, it’s gonna kill Americans. Forget death panels. If Republicans pass this bill, they’re the death party.…


Thursday, June 15, 2017

President Trump Accuses Hillary Clinton of Destroying Phones, Obstructing Justice

Donald Trump wants Hillary Clinton to feel the same heat he is over Russia … and claims she smashed phones and hid evidence which he thinks rises to the level of obstructing justice. The Prez insinuated the Clintons have their own ties to…


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Hillary Clinton Jokes About Covfefe Being a Hidden Message to the Russians (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton used Donald Trump’s mysterious late-night “covfefe” tweet to take a jab at the Prez and his alleged ties to Russia. HRC was speaking at the Code Conference in Southern California Wednesday — primarily about technology and…


Friday, May 26, 2017

Hillary Clinton Commencement Speech: Was She Trolling Trump?

Well, it"s graduation time, which means there"s a good chance you"ll soon be forced to cut a check to a nephew you haven"t seen in three years and/or make an appearance at a booze-free party that"s attended mostly by snapchatting teens.

But there are good things about this time of year, too:

Primarily, the fact that you get to see various celebrities do a little cap-and-gown standup routine without actually racking up a lifetime worth of debt yourself.

Today, graduates at Wellesley College got the super-, mega-A-list treatment courtesy of former Secretary of State and noted popular vote winner Hillary Clinton, who gave her third commencement speech at the Massachusetts liberal arts school.

(Her first was as a graduate in 1969.)

Clinton did not announce that she"s running for mayor of New York City (looking more and more like a few media outlets got a bad tip on that one), but she did make headlines doing what so many of us have been doing for the past four months:

Taking dead aim at the low-hanging fruit that is the Trump administration.

After reminding those in attendance that they"re “graduating at a time when there’s a full-fledged assault on truth and reason” Clinton really went in:

"When people in power invent their own facts and attack those who question them, it can mark the beginning of the end of a free society," she said at one point.

"That is not hyperbole, it is what authoritarian regimes throughout history have done. … They attempt to control reality."

In case that was too subtle, she also had this to say:

“People [are] denying science, concocting elaborate, hurtful conspiracy theories about child-abuse rings operating out of pizza parlors, drumming up rampant fear about undocumented immigrants, Muslims, minorities, the poor, turning neighbor against neighbor and sowing division at a time when we desperately need unity.

“Some are even denying things we see with our own eyes, like the size of crowds, and then defending themselves by talking about quote-unquote "alternative facts."”

Yeah, it was basically the climactic battle rap scene in 8 Mile disguised as a commencement speech.

Watch the whole thing below:

Hillary clinton commencement speech was she trolling trump

Hillary Clinton Says Chardonnay Eased Her Pain, Coughs Up a Storm at Alma Mater (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton inspired grads at her alma mater … to lean on the bottle when times get tough. That’s mostly a joke, but HRC did talk about how she’s been coping during her commencement speech Friday at Wellesley College. She was cracking…


Sunday, May 14, 2017

Cards Against Humanity Sues Rival for Jacking "72 Virgins" Card for Trump & Hillary Games! (PHOTO)

Cards Against Humanity, “the party game for horrible people,” says another game is ripping off its raunchy cards for politically themed decks based on the 2016 election. CAH is suing SCS Direct, which has been selling Humanity Hates Trump and…


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Sean Spicer Uses New England Patriots to Diss Hillary Clinton

Sean Spicer has weaponized the New England Patriots — using his favorite NFL team to fire a shot at Hillary Clinton during a White House briefing.


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, Sarah Palin Hang With Trump, Mock Hillary

It’s a strange time to be an American.

We continue to provide the world with a number of crucial exports, such as Springsteen songs and Seinfeld reruns, but we’re in danger of losing our most cherished delusion and being forced to confront the reality that we don’t actually hold a position of respect and authority in the global community.

Part of the problem is that we went from a president who hangs with Beyonce and Kendrick Lamar to this guy:

Yes, that’s Donald Trump chillin’ with the biggest celebrities who will admit to voting for him. (Sorry, Scott Baio.)

The good news is that the phenomenon of aging, Trump-voting rockers in dumb hats seems to be mostly limited to the Detroit area.

The bad news is literally everything else about this photo.

Gaining the approval of celebrities might be the only thing more important to Donald Trump than convincing the world that his penis is actually quite adequate in size, so the fact that the best he can do in terms of famous friends is Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, and Sarah Palin means there’s probably a MOAB headed for Hollywood at this very moment.

Fortunately for Donnie, he was able to find playmates who share his obsession with his former rival:

Nugent uploaded the above photos to his Facebook page, along with captions such as this bonafide gem (*kisses finger tips like an Italian chef*):

“So today is the 242nd anniversary of The Shot Heard Round The World is it! Well well well looky looky here boogie chillin’, I got your Shot Heard Round The World right here in big ol greazyass Washington DC where your 1 & only MotorCity Madman WhackMaster StrapAssasin1 dined with President Donald J Trump at the WhiteHouse to Make America Great Again!”

He later added that the group dined on “incredible lobster salad & lampchops! UltraYUM!”

For our readers who aren’t fluent in Ted Talk, we think Nugent is trying to say that he got separated from his tour group and ate part of a lamp.

For some reason, he’s very excited about the whole thing.

We kid, of course.

Donnie is just enjoying having some friends over to his new place while his wife remains semi-permanently out of town, and we don’t blame him.

It gets lonely in the Oval Office.

Steve Bannon never wants to watch old DVDs of The Apprentice, and Jared Kushner always messes up the chorus of “Bawitdaba.”


Friday, April 7, 2017

Hillary Clinton, Here"s Why I Lost Presidential Election to Donald Trump (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton says there are 4 reasons that substantiate why she lost her bid for the White House to Donald Trump. Clinton, who called the loss devastating, was interviewed at the Women in the World summit in NYC. Her reasons for the defeat: –…


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Hillary Clinton"s Hot Nephew Signs Modeling Contract

Hillary Clinton’s nephew — who made waves last summer with some amateur hot shots — is now a signed male model … TMZ has learned. Tyler Clinton inked a deal with big-time modeling agency IMG, and even moved to NYC for the new gig. He’s got…


Hillary Clinton"s Hot Nephew Signs Modeling Contract

Hillary Clinton’s nephew — who made waves last summer with some amateur hot shots — is now a signed male model … TMZ has learned. Tyler Clinton inked a deal with big-time modeling agency IMG, and even moved to NYC for the new gig. He’s got…
