Showing posts with label Hospital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hospital. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Leah Messer"s Daughter Rushed to Hospital After Frightening Health Scare

If you watched this week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, you know there was no shortage of intense drama.

In fact, there was so much packed into one episode that the three-way conflict between Kailyn Lowry, Jenelle Evans and Javi Marroquin threatened to overshadow one of the series’ most intense scenes to date.

Longtime viewers know that Leah Messer’s daughter, Ali, suffers from muscular dystrophy, which has resulted in numerous complications over the years.

In last night’s episode, Leah received a nightmare phone call from her ex, Corey Simms, informing her that Ali needed to be rushed to the hospital efter experiencing breathing difficulties.

“The reason I am calling is because Ali is having a hard time catching her breath and I think I need to take to her to emergency room because she says she couldn’t breathe,” Simms informed Leah.

“She’s fine…I think it’s a little scarier for us. But we’d rather be safe than sorry.”

Naturally, Leah rushed to the emergency room to be certain that Leah was well taken care of.

Sadly, respiratory problems are no surprise for the family, and is one of the expected complications of Ali’s rare and incurable illness.

“The disorder affects her respiratory system and progresses the older she gets,” Leah said in an interview shortly after Ali was diagnosed.

“The bigger she gets and the more weight she gains, the harder it’ll be for her muscles to carry the weight.”

The hearts of millions of fans have broken along with Leah’s, as they’ve watched Ali’s condition deteriorate over the years.

Fortunately, the 7-year-old and her family remain optimistic about her future health prospects:

Leah took to Instagram after last night’s episode aired to assure fans that all is well:

“Muscular Dystrophy won’t stop our girl! We always want her to know that if she can dream it, then she can do it! We believe in her like she believes in herself!” Messer wrote.

“We didn’t want her to feel different in a special needs class, but if it was in the best interest of Ali Girl, that’s all that mattered!”

Fans have expressed heartfelt warm wishes to Leah and Ali, who has served as an insipiration on a series loaded with cautionary tales.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the many chellenges overcome by the courageous ladies of the Messer clan.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Justin Bieber Surprises Sick Fans at a Children"s Hospital!

Some young patients at the Children’s Hospital of Orange County received a surprise visit from none other than Justin Bieber.

You can paint this as a cynical PR move after Bieber got pulled over for using his phone while driving a couple of days ago, but he really is trying to be a new person, and this was super sweet, you know? Maybe there was no agenda.

And what we get to see of the children’s reactions were absolutely priceless.

Not every kid’s visit was caught by a camera.

And it doesn’t look like Justin or anyone with him filmed or photographed any of the visit, which is great.

You don’t want to visit a bunch of sick kids and make it all about you, you know?

(Plus, he or someone on his team has to be aware that at least some people would take photos and video, if this was an effort to save face after his little traffic incident)

But the mother of a girl named Victoria too pictures and described the encounter on Instagram.

Hanson may hate Bieber’s music, but Victoria is a major fan.

“So… our nurse comes in and asks Victoria if she’s been asked about having a visitor? We say no. She ask if she likes ‘x’ person. She says YES.”

That’s a nice start to the story, right?

“Nurse exits the room. We discuss if she’s joking or not. I explain that famous people come visit sick kids at children’s hospitals all the time.”

Even if you technically know that celebrities come and visit, it’s a very different thing to have someone you admire that stop by for a surprise meet-and-greet.

“In this person walks. Introduces themselves to Victoria and we sit stunned. Victoria’s smile was amazing and huge.”

It sounds like Justin Bieber had at least something with the sick girl and her family — some degree of shared religious beliefs.

“Prayed with us and gave tori a great big hug.”

That’s so sweet!

“Ok. Anyone wanna guess who her visitor was?!! #justinbieber”

We’re not sure why she felt the need to not lead with his name, especially when her story was paired with a photo of Victoria with Justin.

(But, you know, whatever)

Some children with compromised immune systems needed extra precautions, so that guests like Justin don’t accidentally spread germs to them.

So don’t look at this pic and think that Justin’s being a germaphobe.

It’s pretty much the opposite scenario.

Children’s Hospital of Orange County is, of course, located in the OC.

It’s affiliated with the University of California, Irvine.

As you can imagine, its focus is pediatric care and treatment, with specialists in:

-Pediatric Neurology

-Pediatric Cardiology

-Pediatric Oncology

-Pediatric Orthopedics

We’re assuming that Justin Bieber visited the 238-bed main hospital facility in the City of Orange.

We have no idea how many patients he visited, though we don’t imagine that he made his way to 238 different rooms.

Obviously, not everyone’s a Bieber fan.

Some kids are too little to even know who he is.

And, tragically, some children in a place like that might be in no condition to accept visitors, celebrity or otherwise.

Justin even dabbed with this kid, which is amazing.

First of all, because dabbing is hilarious.

Second of all, because it’s not dignified in the slightest.

We’re on the seventh month of 2017 and dabbing hasn’t been cool for, like, a year — if it ever was.

(Seriously sometimes it seems like youth culture’s love of irony makes it impossible to tell what’s sincerely cool and what isn’t)

But that’s a great photo.

This isn’t the first decent thing that Justin’s done, of course.

Justin Bieber’s Manchester performance earned praise from Selena Gomez herself, who is flawless and correct in all things.

And it’s good that he’s working so hard at being a better person (even if he struggles sometimes).

One just has to look at Aaron Carter’s recent mugshot to know that Justin isn’t always going to be able to rely on being hot for people to love him.


Friday, June 30, 2017

Joe Jackson Rushed to Hospital After Car Crash in Las Vegas

Joe Jackson’s been taken to a hospital after a car accident near the Las Vegas strip … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us … Joe was a passenger in a black Jaguar when it T-boned a red SUV. MJ’s father walked into a Panda Express…


Saturday, June 24, 2017

Aaron Carter Attacks Body Shamers, Ends Up in Hospital

The worst week of Aaron Carter’s life has concluded with him in the hospital.

On Thursday night, the singer went off on a Tweet storm in response to the influx of body-shaming he’s unfortunately experienced of late.

The artist jumped on his social media account following a concert in Syracuse that evening, during which he overheard fans making fun of his gaunt figure.

(Carter opened up last month about his diagnosis of a hiatal hernia at the age of 19, saying the medical condition makes it difficult for him to eat.)

“I’m entirely hurt by a so-called fan that I just encountered,” Carter wrote on Twitter, explaining in further detail:

“She wasn’t realizing I was listening, she said I look like I have cancer. This is body shaming. You guys are bullying me. I’ve already addressed my medical issues.”

The singer added the hashtag “#bodyshaming” to his message.

Not long after sending this Tweet, Carter provided followers with an update of his condition – and his whereabouts.

“Lots of shows lately, had to head up to ER just to get a little check up these shows are crazy lately gotta make sure I stay strong,” wrote Carter as a caption to the photo above.

He added another image of himself in a wheelchair and added:

“I’ll recover.”

Just a few weeks ago, Carter’s dad passed away.

This tragic event took place five years after his sister, Leslie Carter, died of a drug overdose at age 25.

The star referenced these sad developments in a follow-up Tweet, writing:

“I’ve literally had the hardest week of my life, my dad past [sic] away my late sisters birthday anniversary was June 6th & people #BodyShame me…

“I promise I’ll work on getting bigger physically I have medical issues I don’t want to discuss at this time. #GodBless.”

AC tweets

Carter’s diatribe continued throughout Thursday night and into most of Friday, as he re-Tweeted thoughts from supporters and shot back at others who questioned his weight.

“I’m sorry I’m not fat enough. For my fake fans,” he said.

“I’m sorry I’m not good enough or heavy enough to be attractive… I’m bullied and body shamed by the world… They literally won’t stop bullying me…

“They won’t leave me alone. I’m getting hate messages and death threats.”

Continued the angry and upset singer:

“Been in the hospital three times this month, dealing with health issues and broken fingers as well as things I can’t legally discuss.

“Do I have to do a spinal tap to prove to people? They’re trolling me and causing me so much insecurities.”

At times, Carter did appear hopeful.

He tried to remain upbeat.

“I’m not ashamed of my body,” he wrote on Instagram. “Maybe I’m too skinny, maybe I’m too short but the one thing I know is I love my fans my family my girlfriend and my friends. I’m #NotPerfect you never know what someone is going through.

“We are not immortal. #embracelove…

“All I can do is my best in my life with the conditions I have I need to stay strong, I’m so grateful for my fans, YOU mean the world to me.

“Progress is better than perfection. It’s OK to be on a self-love journey, so don’t beat yourself up if u have yet to reach your destination.”

Finally, on Friday, Carter shared the following picture:

“My appetite is coming back,” he wrote. “#StayingPositive.”

We’re glad to hear it!

Hang in there, Aaron. Ignore the haters, man.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Beyonce and Twins FINALLY Leave Hospital!

Fantastic news for the members of Bey Hive Nation today.

One full week after Beyonce welcomed twins, the living legend and her already wildly-famous offspring finally left the hospital and returned home Tuesday night.

A source close to the couple shared the joyous news this morning.

“Beyonce is happy and relieved she finally left the hospital with her new twins late Tuesday after a week in the hospital,” says the rep.

“JAY-Z is also doing well, as their doctors approved the release of the newborns after receiving extra care post-delivery. They are now all healthy and doing well.” 

Relatively minor health concerns forced the twins to remain in the hopital much longer than expected.

The twins entered the world several days prematurely, which left them vulnerable to a number of possible ailments, and doctors chose to keep them under treatment and observation to ensure that these conditions didn’t develop into anything serious.

Insiders say the babies showed signs of jaundice due to elevated bilirubin levels and spent some time “under the lights” in order to improve liver functioning.

It sounds serious, and we’re sure the Carters were both deeply concerned, but it’s actually a fairly common scenario, particularly in babies that were born prematurely.

The important thing is that Queen Bey and her issue have returned to the palace.

Sources close to the singer say she was getting understandably flustered the more time she and her children spent at the hospital.

“Beyonce is eager to get her new babies home,” an insider told Hollywood Life on June 19.

“She has been stuck inside the hospital for a week now and Jay has been by her side daily as they follow all of the doctor’s conservative orders to ensure the newborns are healthy and strong before going home.”

So now that the scary stuff is out of the way, the fun speculation can begin.

We’ve heard rumors about what Beyonce named the twins, but thus far, nothing has been confirmed.

In fact, we’re still not completely sure about their genders.

(Word around the web is one boy and one girl, but again, no confirmation.)

For now, we’ll just have to cotent ourselves with the knowledge that mother and babies are all happy and healthy.

And that’s more than enough.


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Comedian Bobby Slayton and Daughter Natasha Sue Hospital for Wrongful Death of Wife/Mother

Bobby Slayton’s wife’s death could have been avoided if her caretakers paid more attention to the grave condition she was in … according to a new suit. Slayton’s wife, Teddie Lee Tillett, was in the Sherman Oaks Hospital outside L.A. in March…


Sunday, June 18, 2017

Beyonce Birth, Twins Still in the Hospital with "Minor Issue"

Beyonce has given birth to a boy and a girl, but an issue surfaced that has kept them in the hospital for nearly a week … TMZ has confirmed. Sources connected with the family tell us the twins were born Monday in a Los Angeles hospital. We’re…


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Phil Collins Rushed to Hospital, Cancels Shows

Phil Collins was rushed to hospital after suffering a fall in his hotel room. 

The 66-year-old singer fell while going to the bathroom and required stitches in his head.

This means Collins’ concerts which were scheduled to go ahead on Thursday and Friday will now be delayed until November. 

A representative for Collins took to the star’s official Facebook page with the following statement:

We unfortunately have to announce that Phil Collins’ performance at the Royal Albert Hall in London will be postponed tonight (June 8) and tomorrow (June 9).

Phil suffers from ‘drop foot’ as a result of a back operation which makes it difficult to walk. He rose in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and slipped in his hotel room, hitting his head in the fall on a chair.

He was taken to hospital where he had stitches for a severe gash on his head close to his eye and is recovering well. He will be kept under observation for 24 hours.

Phil sends his sincere apologies and thanks to fans. He has had a fantastic week at his first shows in 10 years, cannot thank people enough for their warm reaction and is excited to return.

These Royal Albert Hall shows will be rearranged for November 26th and 27th this year. All tickets for June 8th will be valid for November 26th and tickets for June 9th will be valid for November 27th.

He will carry on with this tour on Sunday in Cologne and then Paris before returning to London for his headline performance at BST Hyde Park on June 30th.

It’s good to hear the singer is now on the mend, but it must have been a frightening incident for him. 

Collins has been vocal about his health concerns in the past, opening up to Billboard in 2016 about them and pondering whether he would ever be able to return to the performer he once was. 

I don’t know if I’ll ever be fit enough to play the drums again on tour,” said Collins.

“My left arm has changed – it’s a neural thing. The back surgery I had was great – I mean, how good can surgery be? But it was problem-free.”

“But then when I was recovering on crutches, I fell and fractured my foot. When I recovered from foot surgery, I fell again and fractured another part of the same foot. My right foot now is completely numb.”

He continued, “It could be a year or three months to get feeling back – I have no idea. But my kids want me to do shows so they can brag to their friends.”

“I intend on doing some things. I stopped going into the studio because I was sad, but now I’m getting a taste of it again.”

We wish Phil a speedy recovery. 


Friday, June 2, 2017

Ariana Grande Makes Hospital Visit to Manchester Victims (PHOTOS)

Ariana Grande’s already spreading the love in Manchester … even before taking the stage for her One Love benefit concert. She toured a hospital to visit some of the victims still healing after the bombing at Ariana’s Manchester Arena show on May…


Ariana Grande Makes Hospital Visit to Manchester Victims (PHOTOS)

Ariana Grande’s already spreading the love in Manchester … even before taking the stage for her One Love benefit concert. She toured a hospital to visit some of the victims still healing after the bombing at Ariana’s Manchester Arena show on May…


Brandy Norwood: Rushed to Hospital!

Brandy Norwood has been rushed to hospital after taking unwell on a Delta flight earlier today. 

According to TMZ, the singer slipped into unconsciousness before the plane took off and was treated at the scene by paramedics. 

The plane was set to travel from LAX to JFK, but things took a tense turn when Brandy took unwell. The plane was gearing up to leave the gate when the alarming incident occurred. 

The report states that the singer did regain consciousness at the scene while being treated, and has now been taken to a nearby hospital. Phew. 

There is no indication about what caused her sudden illness, but we’re sure the hospital will be able to give her a much better insight into what actually happened. 

Delta allegedly contacted the L.A. City Fire Department and paramedics swiftly made their way to the scene. 

Fainting is one thing, but fainting on a plane must have been scary for everyone at the scene.

We’re just glad the plane had not already left the airport. That would have made things a whole lot worse. 

Brandy was previously hospitalized during her Slayana World Tour for exhaustion. It’s unclear whether exhaustion could have played a part in her collapsing today. 

Brandy actually cut some of her tour dates after being hospitalized because she was doing way too much and it was affecting her health. 

Most recently, Norwood competed with her brother, Ray J on Fox’s My Kitchen Rules. It was a terrible reality show that featured Brandi Glanville. 

That final sentence sums up the whole show. 

As always, we’ll keep you up to speed on any updates about Brandy’s health, and we wish the singing sensation a speedy recovery. 


Brandy Norwood Unconscious on Delta Flight, Rushed To Hospital

Brandy Norwood fell into unconsciousness on a Delta flight that was about to take off … and paramedics rushed to the scene to administer help … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us Brandy was on a Delta flight early Friday from LAX…


Friday, May 26, 2017

Erika Jayne in Hospital Following Surgery for "DWTS" Injury (PHOTO)

Erika Jayne wasn’t being stuck-up on the finale of “Dancing with the Stars” like some fans accused her of being — she skipped the final group performance because she needed surgery. The ‘Real Housewives’ star is at an L.A. hospital Friday to have…


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Queen Elizabeth Visits Manchester Bombing Victims in Hospital (PHOTO GALLERY)

Queen Elizabeth trekked across England to visit some victims of the Manchester Arena face-to-face … and she looked spiffy doing it. The Queen showed up Thursday to the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital dressed in a blue suit — and a…


Monday, May 15, 2017

Loretta Lynn Released From Hospital And Recovering From Stroke

Country music legend Loretta Lynn has been moved out of the hospital and into a rehab facility after suffering a stroke just over a week ago at her ranch in Hurricane Mills, TN. A message on her website says her recovery is going great, however all…


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Kehlani Tells Crowd She Needs to Go to Hospital Because "I Feel Crazy" (VIDEO)

Kehlani broke down onstage Monday night and canceled her show — telling fans she felt “crazy” … this after being placed on a 5150 hold last year. The R&B singer was set to perform in Grand Rapids, MI — an early stop on her summer tour –…


Conrad Hilton To Be Released on Bail if He Agrees to Enter Hospital for Diagnosis

Conrad Hilton’s family will use his arrest after going off the rails at his ex-girlfriend’s house to get him help … TMZ has learned. We broke the story … Conrad was arrested Saturday at 4 AM after allegedly stealing Rick Salomon’s Bentley,…


Friday, April 21, 2017

Richard Simmons Covers Face with Blanket After Arriving Home from Hospital (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Richard Simmons was playing with the paparazzi Thursday, with a lot of help from the LAPD. TMZ broke the story, Simmons returned home after spending 3 days in the hospital for gastrointestinal issues. As Richard sat in his garage waiting for cops,…


Richard Simmons Returns Home from Hospital with Police Escort

Richard Simmons just came home from the hospital … with a little help from the LAPD. Simmons checked himself in on Monday for gastrointestinal issues. He returned home Thursday afternoon … but there was a problem. Simmons longtime…


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

"General Hospital" Actor Peter Hansen Dies at 95

Peter Hansen — who played Lee Baldwin for 5 decades on the iconic soap opera “General Hospital” — died Sunday in Santa Clarita, California. Peter’s character started out as an addiction counselor at the hospital, and then the role morphed into…
