Showing posts with label Idol'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Idol'. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Katy Perry: Will Her Failure as a Judge Doom American Idol?

Taylor Swift must be cackling somewhere — if she’s even bothering to pay attention to Katy anymore.

American Idol’s returned on Sunday, to mixed reactions.

One major problem, a report says, is that Katy Perry is a disastrous judge who doesn’t know what to say to contestants.

Yes, American Idol is back and Katy Perry is one of the judges.

RadarOnline reports that Katy is a disaster for the show — beyond what viewers have already seen on camera and beyond everyone’s worst fears.

“Katy Perry has been worse than anyone ever could have imagined on American Idol.

Producers were already worried after Katy’s reign as host at the 2017 VMAs fell flat, but apparently she’s even worse as a judge.

Per RadarOnline‘s source, the lines that judges say and the opinions that they espouse “absolutely aren’t scripted.”

And it sounds like Katy, though a great singer, isn’t so stellar at improv.

Or even just … speaking.

The problem seems to be that Katy doesn’t know how to give feedback.

“This is proving to be a huge issue for Katy because she literally has no clue what to say to any of the contestants.”

You can be funny or you can be helpful, but it sounds like Katy is neither.

“During auditions, Katy has appeared to be completely at a loss as to what she should say.”

When she does speak up, it doesn’t play well for the cameras.

“Her feedback and interactions with contestants are flat, and at times, very, very awkward.”

Oh, dear.

It turns out that Katy Perry allegedly has yet another issue: punctuality.

“Along with constantly being late, this is not a very good indication of the show’s reboot success.”

The source summarizes how they view the new American Idol:

“It’s a complete train wreck!”

Over time, we’ll see whether they can get Katy Perry and the show back on the right track.

(See what I did there?)

Speaking of disasters for the show, however, we should talk about Ryan Seacrest.

Recently, Ryan’s accuser spoke out and shared the details of her allegations of working as his stylist for years and enduring verbal and physical sexual harassment.

Among other things, she described him repeatedly groping her in the genitals.

In another incident, Ryan allegedly held her down on a bed while wearing only his underwear and sporting a visible erection, and only relented when another man in the room yelled at him to stop.

Though a number of fans have ignored these accusations and choose to disbelieve the woman who accuses Ryan as well as her witnesses, it’s definitely made American Idol‘s revival … awkward.

The Ryan Seacrest problem sounds like it would easily be solved by firing and replacing him, even though that, too, would be controversial.

(Some people believe the accuser and her witnesses, some people believe Ryan)

As for Katy … that’s even easier.

She needs to hire someone to write some lines for her. Pay a comedy writer $ 100,000 a season — a drop in the bucket compared to what she herself is making — and have them write some lines or even text them to her or whisper them into her earpiece.

Unless this is some sort of pride thing where Katy wants to do it herself but just can’t.

In that case, she just needs a tutor. Seriously — there’s something to be said, humorous or constructive, in response to just about anything. If you don’t know what to say about someone’s performance, compliment their pants or shoes or whatever.

Unfortunately, even if Katy suddenly becomes a masterful judge, that might not be enough to save this revival.


Monday, March 12, 2018

Katy Perry"s No Simon Cowell for "American Idol" Reboot"s First Disaster Audition

The “American Idol” reboot saw its first train wreck of an audition this weekend, but there was no real Simon Cowell to be found among any of the judges … try as Katy Perry did. A woman named Koby — who’s a theater performer — was the first…


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Nigel Lythgoe Says Ryan Seacrest Should Still Host "Idol" Despite Allegation

Nigel Lythgoe says Ryan Seacrest should absolutely be allowed to continue hosting “American Idol” … despite a sexual harassment allegation hanging over his head. We got the “So You Think You Can Dance” judge Tuesday in Bev Hills, and he thinks…


"American Idol" Contestants Hooking Up Like Crazy for New Season

“American Idol” contestants have all been staying in an L.A. hotel together and it’s a good bet they’re keeping other hotel guests up late at night … because there’s been a lot of banging.  Production sources tell us this season is…


Monday, February 26, 2018

"American Idol" Star Haley Reinhart Guilty of Striking Bouncer

“American Idol” alum Haley Reinhart took the stand in her battery case, but her defense fell woefully short — she was found guilty of hitting a bouncer. TMZ broke the story … Haley was arrested last July for punching a bouncer during a bar…


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Katy Perry Habitually Late for "American Idol" Tapings

Katy Perry is having some serious issues making it to the “American Idol” judge’s table on time.  Production sources tell us Katy’s almost always late to the audition rounds, showing up 10-25 minutes after call time. While it’s been frustrating…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

William Hung Says "American Idol" Without Bad Auditions Is a Bad Idea

“American Idol” producers are making a HUGE mistake by cutting bad auditions from the new version of the show … so says the king of bad auditions, William Hung! We spoke to Hung shortly after news dropped of the new format … to go with the…


Friday, January 5, 2018

American Idol Will Be a Total Failure. This is Why.

American Idol is officially returning to TV this spring, as Ryan Seacrest and company will air new episodes on ABC.

We"re as shocked as you are.

And also very pessimistic about this endeavor.

Why do we think this version of American Idol will fail miserably? Scroll down to find out…

1. Not Even Kelly Clarkson Wants To Be Part of It

Kelly clarkson at 2017 amas

Wouldn’t it have been great to bring one of the most successful contestants back as a judge? It would have been a great way to market the series, but Kelly decided to defect over to NBC’s The Voice instead.

2. The Katy Perry Effect

Katy perry 2017 mtv vmas

It was reported last May that Katy Perry secured a massive $ 25 million paycheck for her role as a judge for ABC’s inaugural season of the show.

The big salary was apparently an offer she could not refuse, and producers only offered as much because they lost Kelly Clarkson, and they needed to have a big name attached before Fox’s upfronts.

3. Can Katy Even Judge Music?

Katy perry host pic

Katy Perry has built a career on belting out songs written by others that make very little sense. On the marketing side of things, she went for a bizarre live streaming event to promote her latest cure for insomnia that was titled “Witness.”

It found her crying, and doing a whole lot of sleeping as fans watched live thanks to Youtube.

She also appeared as a guest judge many years ago on The X-Factor UK, and well, let’s just say her critiquing skills were not up to scratch.

4. "The Farewell Season"

Simon cowell returns

American Idol came to an end in April 2016 with a season that was widely marketed as “The Farewell Season.” It’s hardly a farewell if the show will be returning to the air less than two years after its series finale.

When a show as big as American Idol gets the reboot treatment, it should be off the air for long enough that people actually miss it.

5. The Voice For The Win

The voice season 13

The Voice emerged from the shadows back in 2011, and ultimately wound up as the more popular attraction. The chair turning may not be as fresh as it once was, but the overall show is better produced than American Idol ever was.

6. The Ratings

Ryan seacrest on final idol

The show was already way past its prime when it concluded in 2016. It received a minor boost in the ratings vs. its 2015 edition because the marketing team at Fox made everyone aware it was the end of the series. There’s no getting away from the fact that show was losing viewers steadily the year

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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Ruben Studdard Gives American Idol Advice to NFL"s Marvin Jones

Detroit Lions star Marvin Jones listen up … sure you might’ve killed your “American Idol” audition like O.J. in his prime, but that doesn’t mean you’re gonna win the show … UNLESS YOU LISTEN TO RUBEN STUDDARD RIGHT NOW. We got Studdard,…


Friday, September 29, 2017

Luke Bryan Announces He and Lionel Richie Are Joining "American Idol"

Luke Bryan just made official what we told you about early Friday morning — he and Lionel Richie are joining Katy Perry as judges #2 and 3 on “American Idol.” The country star made the announcement in a video he posted on Twitter just moments…


"American Idol" Set to Announce Lionel Richie and Luke Bryan as Judges

“American Idol” has completed the arduous and super expensive process of snagging 3 judges for the show’s reboot … and it didn’t come a day too soon. Sources connected with the production tell TMZ, ABC and Fremantle, which co-own the show, will…


Monday, September 25, 2017

Luke Bryan to Judge American Idol? Hmmm...

Considering how much American Idol is paying Katy Perry to be a judge on their new iteration of the series, you’d think that they’d have an easier time filling out the judges’ table.

Now it sounds like Luke Bryan is being considered to judge the talent competition.

That … could be both good and bad for the show.

We should preface this by acknowledging that there have been a number of reports of big names being considered or even courted by ABC for their American Idol revival.

We heard Kim Kardashian’s name a while back, but haven’t heard it again since.

Frankly, it makes a lot of sense for Kim to not take this. She’s a reality star and a businesswoman and, oh by the way, a mother of two with a third on the way.

Being a TV judge on a show like that is a cushy job, but it could take her away from her family a lot.

(Not just from her children, but from Kanye)

Given that we haven’t heard a peep about Kim and American Idol since, it’s probably safe to say that she won’t be at the judges’ table.

Much more recently, we heard that ABC and the show’s producers were preparing an offer for Selena Gomez to judge American Idol.

That would be a truly inspired choice.

Unlike Kim and some other names that have been thrown out there, Selena is a singer and in fact an amazing vocalist.

Hearing “Naturally” in 2010 absolutely transformed my life because it was and remains the greatest song that I have ever heard, ever, in my life.

Selena would be the “nice judge,” as Katy Perry is expected to be the more critical, Simon Cowell-like voice in the group.

That makes sense, as Selena Gomez is a person secure in who she is, while one can imagine that Katy Perry, who seems to be in the process of changing her image (but also somehow always in the process of changing her image), would love to seem “mean” on TV.

Selena Gomez has an incomparably massive social media presence and producers reportedly hope that she would draw in viewers.

But … we haven’t heard anything about her accepting the gig.

And, looking at Selena Gomez’s life and career — and also looking at her ongoing health battle — you have to wonder why in the world she would agree to take it.

If they ever worked up the nerve to make the offer, that is.

So now, Variety reports that Luke Bryan might be an American Idol judge.

In case you’ve forgotten since the last time that we talked about Country Music, Luke Bryan is a Country singer.

American idol could be a sweet gig for him, though he apparently makes tens of millions a year.

(If you don’t listen to country music, that sounds … mind-boggling … but it really is big in more places than you’d think! And not everyone who listens to it lives in rural areas or flyover states or whatever)

Here’s how Luke Bryan could be a strong choice for American Idol:

That series has always played well with the rural white demographic, and much (though, as we said, not all) of Luke Bryan’s fan base matches that description.

We don’t mean that they’re all farmers, but a lot of white people in small town America might feel encouraged to watch if they are a fan of one of the show’s judges.

It could also be a mistake.

Katy Perry is white. Luke Bryan is white.

You absolutely cannot and should not have an all-white panel to judge contestants. Especially given that there are music genres with strong ethnic and racial associations.

This iteration of American Idol is expected to have a three-person panel of judges rather than one of four, so casting Luke Bryan might box them into a corner.

Unless, of course, they already know who their third judge is going to be.


"American Idol", ABC and Producers in Tug of War Over Racial Diversity for Third Judge

The folks who are bringing you “American Idol” again are in conflict over racial composition of the judge’s panel  … TMZ has learned.   Now that Katy Perry is in place and Luke Bryan is just days from signing, ABC and Fremantle, which…


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Luke Bryan Nabs Second Judge"s Seat on "American Idol" Alongside Katy Perry

Luke Bryan has reportedly landed the second seat as a judge on the rebooted “American Idol” series alongside Katy Perry … this just a week before taped auditions begin. According to Variety … Luke is confirmed as the 2nd judge, but the details…


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Selena Gomez: Becoming a Judge on American Idol?

Producers may have actually figured out a way to make people watch the American Idol revival that nobody asked for or needed.

Their reported solution? To hire on Selena Gomez to sit at the judges’ table.

… You know? That just might work.

American Idol is coming back.

Hundreds — probably thousands, honestly — of people are literally lining up for their shot at stardom.

Their excitement is understandable, since even people who don’t win can end up signing huge record deals and launching music careers that last for decades.

The question remains: will people actually watch it?

Like, plenty of people will check it out, sure. But are there enough grandmas and chorus nerds out there who are going to want to give the show a second chance?

Clearly, those behind the revival are hoping so.

They’ve already gambled a whopping $ 25 million that Katy Perry sitting at the judges’ table is going to draw in viewers by way of her fans.

(That just makes me think of the saying “every year we get older, but Katy Perry fans stay the same age,” which really rings true … because her demo is not the coveted 18-35 range)

Katy Perry’s recent, abysmal hosting of the VMAs has producers in a panic

They worry that they’re spending all of this money on her without having her audition, and that she’ll just be a flop as a judge.

Well, HollywoodLife reports that producers are preparing an offer for Selena Gomez to judge American Idol

“Producers think that Selena would be great to join the judging panel because she’d bring in a younger crowd for ratings, she’d be considered the nice judge, and they would love her to join because the impact she has with social media.”

Well, Selena would bring in a younger crowd than the default American Idol crowd.

She is nice. Like, she knows all about performing, but we feel like she’d offer up constructive criticism.

(Katy, in the mean time, is said to be planning to be the harsh one)

And Selena is the most-followed person on Instagram, currently and also ever.

“They are putting together a proposal for her and are hoping she will accept it and join the show.”

That’s the thing — just because they propose it doesn’t mean that she’ll accept the gig.

But they know that.

“It’s a long shot but they are taking the chance to get her. They’d love to have her signed up and all judges by mid October.”

Now, this isn’t confirmed — but it’s very believable that the producers would want Selena Gomez.

But, like, people in hell want icewater.

Selena Gomez’s career is still going strong, despite being delayed by her ongoing battle with Lupus.

Just this summer, Selena Gomez got a kidney transplant thanks to her friend generously offering up one of her own kidneys.

Between the damage that Lupus does directly and the ravages of chemo, Selena Gomez’s fight for her health and life takes up a lot of time.

Plus she has her own career. And a relationship with The Weeknd.

And, you know, the rest of her life to live.

So … we’ll see.

There’s a question of how much ABC could possibly afford to spend to hire an all-star judges’ panel.

Which would be worse — spending $ 50 million a year on just two judges or offering Selena Gomez less than they’re paying Katy Perry?

The first could be a ludicrous use for their budget.

The second would just be an insult.

But if they make the right choices and Selena Gomez signs up … well, that will capture my interest, at least.


Monday, September 18, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Will She Be a Judge on American Idol?!

American Idol is coming back, but producers doubtless want to make certain that it doesn’t seem like the same-old show that ended just a few years ago.

As it turns out, they may have part of that solution lined up. And it’s bound to be controversial.

What would you guys think of Kim Kardashian sitting at the judges’ table? Because apparently that’s something that at least one big name from the show really wants to see.

You know in fantasy stories when there’s an ancient evil that used to threaten the kingdom or whatever, but over the centuries people think that it was defeated and eventually people stop being vigilant and, whoops, suddenly it’s back and nobody’s prepared?

Well, we forgot to be vigilant, because American Idol is coming back. In real life.

Some people, at least, are excited about the revival.

Weeks ago, I had friends over and they had the hardest time parking because traffic was at a stand-still as people tried out for American Idol.

That makes sense.

Think what you will about the show, but even people who don’t win can create massive audiences and become wealthy celebrities thanks to the fame that they accrue.

For a lot of people, a huge talent show might be their best shot out of living in poverty or working a dead-end job.

But for the show to work, it needs to be entertaining and fresh. It needs to attract a passionate audience and hold their attention.

Reportedly, Ryan Seacrest thinks that Kim Kardashian could be the key to doing that.

According to Star Magazine, Ryan Seacrest thinks that Kim Kardashian would make the perfect judge.

“While producers have been looking at Lionel Richie, Luke Bryan, Ke​ith Urban and other people within the music business, Ryan thinks the show should hire Kim.”

We’d mentioned that they were considering Lionel Richie for American Idol.

“Promotion and social media are now just as important to being a successful artist as singing, and no one knows that world better than his pal Kim.”

A portion of Kim’s fans might start watching just for her, and then get hooked.

A number of hate-watchers might also watch just for her … and then get hooked.

“People might moan at first that she doesn’t have experience with music but they did the same thing when Heidi Klum joined the panel at America’s Got Talent.”

Heidi Klum isn’t exactly a stranger to talent competitions or reality television … but okay.

“At least Kim is from the USA, and she certainly knows how to make great TV.”

Say what you will about Kim Kardashian, but she sure is from the US. Hard to argue with that logic.

“Ryan is worried that if they just follow the format of the old show, that it will feel dated. Adding Kim will be a game-changer.”

Sure, it would be different.

We have to wonder if there’s more to this than Ryan Seacrest’s personal affection for the Kardashians.

Reportedly, American Idol producers are worried that Katy Perry will bomb after her gig hosting the VMAs didn’t go over well at all.

We don’t know how much better Kim would be, though.

Between Katy Perry and Kim Kardashian, you have to wonder if maybe they’re trying to attract a lot of people who like famously busty celebrities.

There’s one major factor that makes us seriously question whether Ryan Seacrest will get his wish and have Kim as a judge.

Kim’s family.

With two young children at home and another on the way via surrogate, Kim Kardashian has her hands full.

(Kim doesn’t want to confirm their surrogacy just yet, but she didn’t deny it … and what we’ve heard has come from reliably credible sources)

Does Kim really want to be taken away from all of that to be a judge on a talent competition show that might flop?

Sure, she’s rich and has nannies, but she’s still a mom and she loves her children.

Isn’t part of the whole point of being rich that you don’t have to make those kinds of sacrifices if you don’t want to?

Plus, Kim has plenty of money coming in thanks to her new makeup line and plenty of other branding deals.

She doesn’t need to take a high-paying job like becoming an American Idol judge.

(We guess that Ryan Seacrest wouldn’t rehash his old gripes about how much they pay Katy Perry, since Kim is his friend and this was his idea)

Kim doesn’t need that job and we don’t know if she wants it.

And we don’t know if American Idol‘s producers want her.

It will probably come down to demographic appeal at the judge’s table more than on actual ability to judge.

Like, if they go with Keith Urban, the one who’s a different person than Toby Keith (though have we ever seen the two in the same room at the same time?), they’re probably going for a rural crowd.

Katy Perry will doubtless attract a lot of, like, tween girl viewers who look up to her.

(We heard someone say: “every  year we all get older but Katy Perry fans stay the same age,” and that really stuck with us)

Kim could bring in viewers, sure. But would they be the right viewers?

If this pans out, we’ll all find out.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

"American Idol" May Be Delayed, and That Causes Problems with Katy Perry

“American Idol” has backed itself into a corner, because it might need to delay taping until it lands more judges … but that doesn’t work for the only judge it’s got so far — Katy Perry. Our ‘Idol’ sources tell us … Thursday is the last stop…


"American Idol" May Be Delayed, and That Causes Problems with Katy Perry

“American Idol” has backed itself into a corner, because it might need to delay taping until it lands more judges … but that doesn’t work for the only judge it’s got so far — Katy Perry. Our ‘Idol’ sources tell us … Thursday is the last stop…


Thursday, September 7, 2017

"American Idol" Offering Disney Perks to Lure Judges Due to Blown Budget

“American Idol” is struggling to land judges to join Katy Perry because of budget limitations, but it still has a weapon on reserve to lure ‘em in — a partnership with Disney. Our ‘A.I.’ sources tell us … the show’s talent budget has a $ 40…


Saturday, September 2, 2017

Luke Bryan Receives "American Idol" Offer to Join Katy Perry as Judge

Luke Bryan could be sitting next to Katy Perry very soon … as the second judge on the panel of the new “American Idol.” Our ‘A.I.’ sources tell us … producers have reached out to Luke and made him an offer. We don’t know how Luke responded to…
