Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Larry King"s Down for O.J. Simpson"s First Post-Prison Interview

Larry King is transfixed by O.J. Simpson – and for the life of him Larry can’t figure out why Les Moonves isn’t. The legendary interviewer was leaving Craig’s Tuesday night when our photog informed him Moonves — the CBS…


Monday, July 31, 2017

Charlamagne tha God Protested by Transgender Community After "Breakfast Club" Interview

Charlamagne tha God is catching major heat from the transgender community after a guest on his radio show made a shocking threat of violence against the LGBT group … and he’s feeling the pressure first hand at Politicon. #Transgender…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

TMZ Live: O.J. Simpson: First Post-Jail Interview

ON TODAY’S SHOW Justin Bieber: My Crew’s Not My Problem! Kardashian Sisters Sued For Theft! Donald Trump: Military Ban On Trans Community Britney Spears’ Attack Umbrella Going Up For Auction


Les Moonves Has Zero Interest in Landing the First O.J. Simpson Interview

Les Moonves has as much interest in landing the first O.J. Simpson interview as he does in having his tongue nailed to a table — ZERO. The CBS honcho was leaving Craig’s Tuesday night when we asked if he’s gunning for that first…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

T.J. Miller Comes Across as Massive Douche in Bizarre Interview

T.J. Miller is one of the stars of the upcoming Emoji Movie, and he’s got some thoughts to share the on effect of artists on the prevailing zeitgeist in Western capitalist societies.

Okay, Miller is also a standup who’s probably best known for his roles in Silicon Valley and Deadpool, but we couldn’t resist that opening sentence.

Miller recently quit Silicon Valley and made a point of igniting the Bridge to Relevance behind him, both insulting the intelligence of the show’s writers and expressing his disgust at his co-stars for not doing enough to prevent the election of Donald Trump.

Because, ya know, Thomas Middleditch, Kumail Nanjiani, and Martin Starr all weild a tremendous amount of political clout.

We guess it’s not surprising behavior coming from a guy who thinks the answer to the political strife in this country is to physically attack people who disagree with him.

Miller continued his amusingly un-self-aware career suicide this week with a thoroughly bonkers and unintentionally amusing interview with Vulture.

The only way to really do justice to Miller’s interview is to present his comments unedited, followed by our reactions, all of which will start with the word “dude,” because, seriously … dude:

On Women Not Being Funny: “They’re taught to suppress their sense of humor during their formative years,” Miller told Vulture. “Women want to be treated as equals, and we want feminism to be a thing, but it’s really difficult when every woman makes the same point about her vagina, over and over.

“I think shock value works well for women, but beyond that, there’s no substance. I want to see what else there is with such complex, smart creatures.”

Dude, it’s not the entire gender’s fault that the only female comic you’ve ever seen is Amy Schumer.

On Wanting to Be Lindsay Lohan: “After the election, I realized that there was a gap. Nobody right now is publicly the Lindsay Lohan–train wreck–but–not–quite person. If I’d just said it was an honor to work on ‘Silicon Valley’ and was thankful to Alec Berg, I would have disappeared. Instead, by being just a little authentic, I infected the news cycle. 

Dude, if Lindsay Lohan is your PR idol, then you need to take several steps back and re-evaluate WTF it is that you’re trying to accomplish.

Offerring a Hilariously High-Minded Justification For Selling Out: “My goal is to distract people from the tragedy of the impermanence of everyday life. And I can do that best by oversaturating the market … In the American Zeitgeist, you have to recognize that there is no Zeitgeist.”

Dude, stop throwing around words like “zeitgeist” so damn much. You’re promoting The Emoji Movie.

On … We Don’t Even Know: “There’s no point in moderation. Every American’s job in this capitalist society is to consume content. If nothing means anything, then anything can mean everything.”

Dude, just … what?

The whole thing is worth a read.

At one point, Miller informs the interviewer that he “tricked” him into answering nicer questions, like he’s some steampunk goggle-wearing pick-up artist enveloped in a cloud of vape smoke.

Be sure to enjoy every unhinged word, because we get the feeling T.J. Miller interviews won’t be a thing for much longer.


Monday, June 26, 2017

DeMario Jackson Spills His Side, Gives First Bachelor in Paradise Interview

DeMario Jackson has sat down for his first interview since all Bachelor in Paradise Hell broke loose a few weeks ago.

As nearly every celebrity gossip follower knows by now, ABC and Warner Bros. announced this month that they had suspended filming on Season 4 of this reality show spinoff amidst rather disturbing allegations.

After witnessing Jackson and fellow contestant Corinne Olympios get drunk and then get naked together in a pool, a producer told executive that she feared “sexual misconduct” took place.

This producer said it wasn’t clear whether Olympios was sober enough to consent to the actions that took place between her and DeMario.

At one point, Corinne issued a statement that said she had been victimized on the show…

… and although she never specified whether Jackson had taken advantage of her or whether she believed producers should have stepped in to stop the hook-up, the word “victim” being used in association with the words “sexual misconduct” forced Jackson to respond.

He desperately wanted to clear his name.

In his reply to Corinne, Jackson stated that his character was being assassinated as a result of this ongoing scandal.

Now, just under a week after Warner Bros. completed its investigation and cleared Jackson of any misconduct, the reality star has spoken out in depth.

In a three-part, two-night interview with E! News’ Melanie Bromley, DeMario talks openly about truly happened in Mexico with his co-stars, most notably Corinne.

You’ll need to tune in on Monday and Tuesday nights to see the full interview, but excerpts that have been released that focus on how this controversy has affected Jackson’s loved ones.

“It was stressful. For me, mostly for my mother,” DeMario said. “It’s hard to see your mom cry every single day. It was very difficult.”

Added the spurned Bachelorette suitor, choking back tears:

“My dad, he kept me extremely strong and kept me grounded and humble but having your mom cry every day for something that you know you didn’t do.”

As you might expect, based on his reaction to how everything was handled, Jackson has chosen NOT to return for Season 4 of Bachelor in Paradise, which actually will still air as scheduled this summer.

Wrote Warner Bros. in its statement last week:

Our internal investigation, conducted with the assistance of an outside law firm, has now been completed.

“Out of respect for the privacy interests of those involved, we do not intend to release the videotape of the incident.

“We can say, however, that the tape does not support any charge of misconduct by a cast member. Nor does the tape show, contrary to many press reports, that the safety of any cast member was ever in jeopardy.”

Olympios, however, is not going away quietly.

She won’t return to Mexico for further filming, either, while her attorney has said the following:

It needs to be made crystal clear that production of Bachelor in Paradise was shut down because of multiple complaints received from BIP producers and crew members on the set.

It was not shut down due to any complaint filed by Corinne against anyone.

It comes as no surprise that Warner Bros., as a result of its own internal investigation, would state that no wrongdoing had occurred.

Our own investigation will continue based on multiple new witnesses coming forward revealing what they saw and heard


Migos and Joe Budden Nearly Come to Blows After Hostile Interview

Migos taught Joe Budden a valuable interviewing lesson — don’t abruptly end it and walk off unless you feel like getting your ass kicked. The bizarre scene went down Sunday as Budden, DJ Akademiks and Nadeska Alexis interviewed the rap…


Monday, June 19, 2017

Megyn Kelly: Actually Praised for Alex Jones Interview

After several says of hype and criticism, it finally happened last night.

Megyn Kelly finally interviewed Alex Jones.

The sit-down had been roundly lambasted across social media because Kelly was giving a nationwide platform to a truly evil man.

Jones is a radio host who has perpetrated such conspiracy theories as 9/11 being an inside job and, most famously, doubting the legitimacy of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting.

He has actually argued, frequently, that the 2012 mass murder in Newtown, Connecticut – in which 20 children were killed – did NOT happen.

In response to Kelly’s scheduled Q&A, a mother who tragically lost her child in this attack Tweeted at Kelly earlier in the week.

“Hey @megynkelly , let me know if you want to give his victims equal air time. Promoting this fool is bad news. Do not encourage his abuse,” wrote Nelba Márquez-Greene.

She later added a few more thoughts:

kelly responses

With advertisers pulling out and pressure mounting, Kelly did end up taking this advice in the end.

Along with her Jones discussion, the program also aired the reaction of Neil Heslin, whose 6-year-old son Jesse died in the Sandy Hook shooting.

This interview had not been planned until Kelly and NBC read all the negative feedback to the original segment.

“It’s disrespectful to me,” said Heslin, referring to Jones’ comments on the massacre. “I take that very personal.”

Kelly, meanwhile, introduced her interview with Jones as follows:

“Some thought we shouldn’t broadcast this interview because his baseless allegations aren’t just offensive, they’re dangerou. But here’s the thing:

“Alex Jones isn’t going away. Over the years his YouTube channel has racked up 1.3 billion views. He has millions of listeners and the ear of our current president.”

One could easily argue that this latter statement is the real story here.

Why has Donald Trump called Jones on multiple occasions for advice? Why Jones’ media outlets, InfoWars, have White House press credentials?

Kelly has said it’s her duty as a reported to “shine a light” on someone such as Jones, but the real light needs to be shined on an administration who takes someone such as Jones seriously.

That said, Kelly has actually received praise from a handful of respected journalists for her line of questions.

Asked about his Sandy Hook viewpoint, which is complete and utter cruel nonsense, Jones said on air:

“I do think there is cover-up and manipulation, that’s pretty much what I believed. I was going into devil’s advocate but we know there are mass shootings and these things happen.”

“You’re trying to have it all ways,” Kelly shot back.

“No, I’m not,” Jones responded, later adding that he “didn’t create that story” about Sandy Hook being a lie.

In a voiceover, Kelly noted that Jones “never completely disavowed his previous statement.”

When the topic of this month’s Manchester bombing was raised, along with Jones comment that a bunch of “liberal trendies who are promoting open borders” were killed in the attack, Kelly slammed his sarcastic reply as “classic Alex Jones,” elaborating:

“That pattern, reckless accusations followed by equivocation and excuses, is classic Alex Jones.”

The immediate reaction to the segment was mixed, but it received far more positive replies than many believed it would when it was first announced.

Those who gave Kelly and NBC props for the interview includes veteran journalists such as Andrea Mitchell and Dan Abrams.

(Yes, the former works for NBC and the latter used to work for NBC.)

kelly props

“I think my influence on Trump is way, way lower than what [the mainstream media] has said,” Jones said of his connection to the Commander-in-Chief, adding:

“He has called sometimes, talked about politics and thanked me. Stuff like that. That’s it.”

Jones went on to say that he and Trump are on “friendly” terms, but refused to give Kelly an exact number when pressed on how many phone calls he’s exchanged with Trump since he took office.

Again, the main issue here is why any sitting President would ever say a word to anyone who has denied the existence of Sandy Hook and who has said America in responsible for 9/11.

If Kelly really wants to receive acclaim for her work, she’ll follow up this piece with one that examines that pressing question.


Friday, June 16, 2017

Alex Jones Secretly Recorded Megyn Kelly Interview, Reminds World Why You Should Never Interview Alex Jones

As you’ve likely heard by now, a controversial interview between Megyn Kelly and Alex Jones will air on Kelly’s new NBC newsmagazine Sunday night.

If you’re unfamiliar with Jones, buckle in, for this man’s batsh-t insanity cannot be exaggerated, and it’s difficult to know where to start when describing a loon so deeply mired in far-right conspiracy theories that even the folks at Breitbart prefer to keep their distance.

It’s unfortunate that there’s not an app (that we know of) that lets you find the nearest flakka or bath salts dealer in you neighborhood, because just hanging out outside and conducting exit interviews with some of the customers would give you a good idea of Alex Jones’ belief system.

Jones espouses the usual nut job conspiracy theories (9/11 was an inside job; global warming is a Chinese hoax; we’re all basically living in the Matrix thanks to global, George Soros-funded network of Blue Pill-munching cucks, etc.), but he also takes his escaped mental patient routine several steps further with some beliefs that are just *kisses fingertips like an Italian chef* deliciously bonkers:

Jones believes a network of humanoid lizards runs our global banking system; he thinks that Hillary Clinton is mass murderer who has “personally chopped up bodies”; he’s a proponent of the debunked #Pizzagate child sex ring theory (in which he also believes Clinton is involved); and most disgustingly of all Jones believes the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre was faked in order to put pressure on anti-gun control lobbyists.

Yes, Jones looks at the grieving parents of 20 6- and 7-year-old children who were murdered in their classroom and believes they’re faking it as part of a left wing plot to cripple the NRA.

It’s a revolting belief that’s sent even some of Jones’ most unhinged followers scrambling for saner pastures.

But it didn’t stop Kelly from giving Jones a platform on a major network in primetime, and therein lies the problem.

Already Kelly has already lost advertisers and been fired from a speaking engagement at a benefit for Sandy Hook families.

And doesn’t look as though the backlash will be letting up any time soon.

Part of the problem is that Kelly doesn’t seem to have done her research on Jones.

If she had, she might have known that he recently called her an “old tranny globalist” during an interview with Joe Rogan.

And she also might have known about his bad habit of stabbing fellow “journalists” in the back.

Jones revealed this week that he secretly recorded his interview with Kelly and that he plans to release it in order to undermine what he feels will be a heavily-edited attack piece put out by NBC.

Jones says his recording will expose Kelly as a fraud:

“God, she was like, ‘I want to get steaks with you, I’m obsessed with you, oh my God,’ wiggling around in her seat. It was all crap,” he explained in a recent YouTube clip.

“I knew it was all a lie. I said Sandy Hook happened, and she wouldn’t even put it in the promo pieces.”

He added:

“So we’re going to release, oh yeah, we’re going to release the pre-interview. And then when they put their fraud out on Sunday — which I’ve asked them not to air because they’re misrepresenting who I am and saying I’m as bad as Saddam Hussein, or Jeffrey Dahmer, or Charles Manson — we’ve got the whole interviews here … We’ve got it all … It’s all going to come out.”

Yes, Megyn Kelly has finally managed to move on from her bizarre feud with Donald Trump, and now she’s being targeted by the Internet’s Number One Nut Job, Alex Jones.

Of course, this is the woman who famously went on an on-air tirade arguing that Santa should only be decpicted as white, so we’re not exactly brimming with compassion.


Alex Jones Promising to Release Full Megyn Kelly Interview

“Infowars” host Alex Jones says he knew Megyn Kelly was going to screw him over … so he’s releasing his own behind-the-scenes footage from their interview before NBC airs the piece. Jones says he suspected Kelly would misrepresent him in the TV…


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Bobbi Kristina Death Investigators Interview Nick Gordon"s Girlfriend

Nick Gordon’s domestic violence arrest got the authorities investigating Bobbi Kristina Brown’s death to board a plane … and go talk to the girlfriend he allegedly beat up. Fulton County Assistant D.A. Seleta Griffin landed back in…


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Megyn Kelly: Dropped by Advertisers, Benefit Gala Over Alex Jones Interview!

Megyn Kelly’s interview with famous jerk and creator of Infowars Alex Jones hasn’t even aired yet and it’s already mired in controversy.

The contentiousness of the decision to interview such a man hasn’t gone unnoticed. Advertisers have been fleeing to the hills.

And now Megyn Kelly’s been asked to step down from hosting a Sandy Hook benefit … because Alex Jones and his people famously declared that the Sandy Hook mass shooting was a hoax.

Tomorrow, Sandy Hook Promise, a major gun violence-prevention organization, holds its annual Champions Promise Gala, where Megyn was originally supposed to emcee.

She has now been asked to step down from that role.

In case there was any doubt as to why she’s being bumped, Sandy Hook Promise issued this statement: 

“This decision was spurred by NBC’s planned broadcast of Kelly’s interview with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who believes the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT, was a hoax.”

Yeah, we can absolutely see how that would rub grieving parents the wrong way.

“Sandy Hook Promise cannot support the decision by Megyn or NBC to give any form of voice or platform to Alex Jones and have asked Megyn Kelly to step down as our Promise Champion Gala host. It is our hope that Megyn and NBC reconsider and not broadcast this interview.”

That’s pretty understandable.

Networks care about image, but only up to a certain point and only as a means to an end.

What most of them really care about is ratings and advertisers, and the ratings only because they attract more money from advertisers.

While some controversies and drive up viewers, some businesses do not want to risk the association and pull their ads — which is exactly what’s happening here.

J.P. Morgan Chase has pulled its ads from NBC — not just for Megyn’s timeslot — until after the interview is scheduled to air on June 18th.

J.P. Morgan Chase’s chief marketing officer tweeted that she was “repulsed” that Alex Jones would receive airtime.

Alex Jones, for his part, has already declared to his followers that the interview will be “fake news” and that “they’re scared of what we’re covering.”

As always with conspiracy theorists, the use of “they” could mean anything from “the establishment” to Illuminati lizard people, which are often just one and the same.

Everybody learns of the existence of Alex Jones and Infowars in their own way.

Have you ever made the mistake of looking up something without paying attention to where you were looking it up?

I did, a few years back. I looked up some dumb movie — Transcendence — for an analysis of its portrayal of transhumanism.

The first couple of paragraphs just summarized the film, and the next one briefly defined transhumanism — it’s basically just technology making our lives longer and better.

The next paragraph, and in fact the rest of the article, was talking about how this film was made as part of some diabolical campaign to “prepare” the public for transhumanism, though it would only be reserved for “global elites.”

That was when I looked up at where Google results had taken me — it was Infowars. Other articles discussed various vague and elaborate “plots” that involved various innocuous elements of pop culture and politics. I’d quickly had my fill of nonsense.

These days, the far-right fringe conspiracy site is much better known.

From a viral video of Alex Jones decrying that he doesn’t “like ‘em putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin’ frogs gay!” to the disturbing links between Infowars and Donald Trump, people these days are much more familiar.

Unfortunately, a huge part of that is because of ironically named “Sandy Hook Truthers” who deny that the Sandy Hook mass shooting took place, and instead insist that the children never existed and that the very real grieving parents are paid actors.

That’s a lot more upsetting than a dumb theory about a dumb movie.

So Megyn Kelly choosing to interview Alex Jones has her on blast for giving the guy a platform.

Parents who are still — and will always be — grieving don’t want to see see anyone even seem to give credibility to the guy who’s claims that their children never existed.

It’s one thing to interview Putin, who’s terrible but can’t be ignored.

It’s another thing to give a platform to Alex Jones.

But, at the same time, we have to wonder if she could do more good by exposing Alex Jones for exactly the sort of man he is.

Especially since Alex Jones has been praised by Donald Trump and Infowars has been given White House press credentials, as if they were a real news organization.

One thing’s for sure — this interview’s going to get a lot more viewers due to all of the controversy. People will want to see what all of the fuss is about.

Assuming that NBC doesn’t pull it entirely.


Friday, June 9, 2017

Amanda Bynes Does First Interview in Four Years: Is She OK?!

Can you believe it"s been five years since Amanda Bynes first began her downward spiral?!

It"s true: in April of 2012, Amanda got her first DUI, which set off a series of bizarre events.

After the first DUI, she had a few more car-related incidents, and it wasn"t long after that that she began her infamous Twitter rants.

She asked Drake to murder her vagina, she called a number of celebrities "ugly," she shaved her head.

It was a long, crazy ride that came to an end when Amanda set a fire in someone"s driveway and nearly torched her dog as well.

She was placed on a psychiatric hold, and remained hospitalized for months.

Reports claimed that she"d been diagnosed as bipolar and schizophrenic, and though she"s definitely had some setbacks, she"s been relatively quiet for the past few years.

Until now!

Amanda just did a brand new interview with Hollyscoop — her first in four years.

"I"m doing great," she says about her current state. "Really great."

"I"ve been going to school lately, fashion school, FIDM [the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising], and I love it. I"ve learned how to sew, I make patterns, and I want to start a clothing line in the future."

"Other than that," she continues, "I hike, I go spinning, take spinning classes, and I feed the homeless, and that"s been really interesting and fun."

As for her acting career, she says she misses it — so much that she"s going to start working again!

"I want to do TV," Amanda explains, "maybe a few guest spots on some shows that I"m a fan of, and maybe another TV show where I"m the star of it, in the future."

While that"s wonderful news, and while it really does look like she"s doing much better these days, she also touches on some darker moments from her past.

For instance, that time that she asked Drake to murder her vagina.

"I actually wasn"t being insincere," she says of her request. "I was, like, saying "murder my vagina." I was serious, but I was also on drugs."

"So that was my way of saying, like, "Let"s do it, man!" But I was on drugs and trying to be hilarious."

When asked what exactly murdering a vagina entails, she responds with "What does that even mean? It just means, like "F-ck me, Drake.""

Oh, Amanda, how we"ve missed you.

She goes on to dish about more wild times from all those years ago — she even admits that with her cheek piercings and colorful wigs, she totally stole Blac Chyna"s look.

She also says that even though she once tweeted that Zac Efron has an ugly face, he"s actually 100% hot.

Watch Amanda"s full, amazing interview in the video below:

Amanda bynes does first interview in four years is she ok

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Bill Maher Apologizes for Using N-Word During "Real Time" Interview

Bill Maher has apologized for using the n-word on his show Friday night … claiming he’s lost a lot of sleep over it. Maher just released a statement saying … “Friday nights are always my worst night of sleep because I’m up reflecting on the…


Bill Maher Hurls N-Word During Interview with Senator on "Real Time" (VIDEO)

Bill Maher jokingly used a racial slur during an interview on his TV show, but as expected — lots of people aren’t laughing. But really, @BillMaher has got to go. There are no explanations that make this acceptable.…


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Prince William Gives Rare Interview, Opens Up About Mother"s Death

We’re approaching the 20th anniversary of Princess Diana’s death.

On August 31, 1997, the beloved Royal icon was killed in a car accident after a high-speed chase with a paparazzo who was in full pursuit.

It was a true tragedy, one that caused the world to stop, collectively mourn and react in sheer shock and sadness.

Diana, of course, left behind two sons, both of whom have grown into widely-respected, very handsome and charitable adults.

But neither has spoken out very much about the most painful experience of their lives; both Prince Harry and Prince William have remained relatively quiet about the fatal incident.

Until now.

Giving an unusually rare and raw interview with British GQ, the Duke of Cambridge is featured in a lengthy cover story this month.

He sits down with Alastair Campbell for the July issue of the magazine and talks openly about this impending anniversary… what it’s been like without his mother today for himself and his loved ones… and how he’s managed his grief in the public eye.

“I am in a better place about it than I have been for a long time,” Prince William tells the publication of the horrible accident.

He goes on to explain that he is now capable of talking “about her more openly [and] more honestly and I can remember her better, and publicly talk about her better.”

The father of two (a three-year old named Charlotte and a two-year old named George), William adds:

“It has taken me almost twenty years to get to that stage. I still find it difficult now because at the time it was so raw.”

The hardest part, explains the Prince, is the fact that his mother has never met his wife or his children.

“I would like to have had her advice,” he says, adding painfully.

“I would love her to have met Catherine and to have seen the children grow up. It makes me sad that she won’t, that they will never know her.”

The 34-year-old – who took time to honor the Manchester bombing victims last week – went on to note that unlike some people, his grief almost seem magnified due to the public nature of his unique position in British society.

“It is not like most people’s grief, because everyone else knows about it, everyone knows the story, everyone knows her.

“It is a different situation for most people who lose someone they love, it can be hidden away or they can choose if they want to share their story.”

But William has clearly grown into a responsible, intelligent, benevolent adult.

He’s a husband and a father and, by all accounts, a very good man.

“I could not do my job without the stability of the family. Stability at home is so important to me,” he says.

“I want to bring up my children in a happy, stable, secure world and that is so important to both of us as parents. I want George to grow up in a real, living environment, I don’t want him growing up behind palace walls, he has to be out there.

“The media make it harder but I will fight for them to have a normal life.”

This issue of British GQ goes on sale on Thursday, June 1.

It’s an intimate portrait of William’s life, one that gives readers a glimpse into his typically private world.

We strongly recommend you pick up a copy.


Friday, April 28, 2017

Megyn Kelly Hits Up Kardashians for Possible Interview (PHOTO)

Megyn Kelly was on the set of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” Thursday … and it’s not hard to connect the dots to figure out what’s up. Megyn’s jumped from FNC to NBC, where she’ll anchor a Sunday night magazine show premiering in June. We’re…


Friday, April 21, 2017

Russell Westbrook Fined $15k For Dropping F-Bomb In Postgame Interview

Russell Westbrook’s potty mouth just cost him $ 15,000 … ‘cause the Thunder superstar just got slapped with a fine for his “I don’t give a f*** about the (stat) line” comment.  You’ve seen the clip … Brodie was asked about his 51-point…


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Aries Spears Repeatedly Punched in the Head During Heated Radio Interview (VIDEO)

Aries Spears took repeated blows to the head from a pissed off host when a heated radio interview turned violent, and TMZ’s obtained the video that was censored from the broadcast. The incident went down during the ‘Corey Holcomb 5150’ online…


Friday, April 14, 2017

Adam Sandler Pays Tribute to Charlie Murphy in Touching Interview

As we all know at this point, Charlie Murphy passed away earlier this week after battling leukemia.

He was only 57 years old.

And, as it turns out, he was really, really loved.

Celebrities far and wide took the time to pay tribute to the legendary late comedian, and all of them had a story about how funny and kind he was.

His death is obviously a huge loss to those that knew him — and Adam Sandler is one of those suffering.

Adam went on Good Morning America yesterday to promote his latest Netflix movie, but he took time at the beginning of the interview to talk about Charlie.

And it really is just touching to see.

"Can I just say, Charlie Murphy … loved him," he began. "My respect to his family and thinking of all of you."

"As a guy, he was the sweetest guy to see and talk to, and we"re all going to miss him very much. It"s great that you"re talking about him."

Adam, who is clearly feeling emotional about the subject, said that while comedians share a close community, Charlie "just stood out."

"You got so happy seeing Charlie, anywhere you saw him," he said. "He was just a good person."

See Adam"s moving remarks in the interview below:

Adam sandler pays tribute to charlie murphy in touching intervie