Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts

Friday, March 17, 2017

THIS is How a Mother Would"ve Handled That BBC Interview

By now, you must have seen it, right?

Last week, a political science professor at Pusan National University in South Korea named Robert Kelly went viral while sitting in his home office and conducting an interview with the BBC.

Well… Kelly didn"t really go viral. His kids went viral.

As you can see HERE, Kelly did he best to keep a straight face despite his infant toddler happily waddling into the room… and then his baby son quickly following adorable suit. 

In his walker.

The video is pretty much perfect in every way, but New Zealand-based satirical news and entertainment show Jono and Ben has released a parody that depicts how a working mom would have reacted to this same scenario.

In the following footage, we see the woman continue to talk politics, as she invites the child to sit on her and offers her a bottle of milk.

She also shakes a toy as a baby in a walker strolls on it… and then displays a pan containing a chicken she just roasted, followed by the act of steam-cleaning a shirt; cleans a toilet bowl; and ignoring her seemingly helpless husband.

"Oh my God, is that a bomb?" the interviewer asks as point, after a SWAT team member hands the working mother a briefcase and a wire cutter.

It is.

But she"s got this.

"Shout out to all the working women out there defusing bombs on a regular basis!" reads a message posted on the show"s Facebook page along with the video.

It has been viewed over 16 million times.

Click PLAY to find out why:

Woman parodies bbc interview shows world how a working mom rolls

Friday, March 10, 2017

Kids Interrupt Dad"s BBC Interview, Become Internet Sensations

As detailed earlier this week, when a young boy broke into a weather report in order to fart, it can be challenging to conduct live television with children in the vicinity.

Just ask Robert Kelly.

A political science professor at Pusan National University in South Korea, Kelly was sitting in his home office this week for a video interview with the BBC.

As you can see in the outset of the footage below, the topic at hand was pretty darn serious.

But it was hard for the BBC anchor and, eventually, Kelly to keep a straight face when the latter"s adorable/enthusiastic toddler daughter busted into his office.

From there, a baby waddled in via a walker, causing brief and total chaos for both Kelly and the reporter trying to ask him questions about global politics.

After a few seconds, a frantic-looking woman (the nanny? We presume?) barged into the room to corral the kids out of their dad"s office.

She grabbed the toddler. She rolled the baby away. And the clip hilariously ends with her down on two knees, desperately closing the office door.

The footage has gone viral, inspiring a number of memes and earning a lot of celebrity reaction as well.

Tweeted Tom Hanks: "No Fake News here!”

Joked Ben Stiller: “Whoever directed this should get a 3 picture deal.”

Added Ike Barinholt: “I cannot stop watching this.”

We think you"ll feel the same way. Check it out below!

Kids interrupt dads bbc interview become internet sensations

Monday, March 6, 2017

Prince Michael Jackson Gives Rare TV Interview: WATCH!

In the years since Michael Jackson passed away in 2009, his eldest son, Prince Michael Jackson, has mostly kept a low profile.

These days, Prince is trying his hand at acting and stepping behind the camera to direct music videos for up-and-coming artists, but it"s his work with an important organization inspired by his father"s generous spirit that got him to sit down with Robin Roberts on GMA this morning.

Prince has started an organization called Heal LA, it"s name inspired by his father"s song "Heal the World."

He describes the group"s endeavors in the clip below:

"We have partnered with a charity called "A Sense of Home," which supports foster kids who have aged out of the system in a sort of preempt against homelessness because it"s very hard to get on your feet once you"ve gotten out of the system," Jackson says.

Though his main reason for giving the interview was to promote Heal LA, but also took time to offer some insights into his feelings toward his iconic father.

Asked for his favorite video from the King of Pop, Prince answered:

"Personally I love "Moonwalker," and I know it"s kind of an easy way out — it"s so many different videos into one — but if I had to pick one specific, I would choose "Smooth Criminal,"

Asked how his father would feel about his kids" career choices, Prince answered:

"As we were growing up my dad always said, "I really don"t care what you do in life, as long as you"re happy doing it and you"re the best at what you do. If you want to be a janitor at a high school, you should be the best janitor that you can be.""

Watch the full interview below:

Prince michael jackson gives rare tv interview watch

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Adrian Peterson Does Local News Interview ... Reporter Has No Idea (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Would you recognize NFL superstar Adrian Peterson if he was walking down the street?  How about if you were a reporter interviewing him for a story about road rage?  That’s the exact situation FOX 26’s John Donnelly was in during a…


Jane Fonda Reveals Rape, Childhood Abuse in Shocking New Interview

Jane Fonda is a remarkable woman.

From her support to the civil rights movement in the 1960s to her involvement with several feminists causes to, let’s be real, her iconic workout videos, she’s been an inspiration to many.

And in this new interview with the also amazing Brie Larson, Jane is really just taking our appreciation of her to an entire new level.

Jane, who turns 80 this year, kicked things off by giving some real talk about feminism — particularly about the struggles of growing up as a woman so many years ago.

“I grew up in the ’50s,” she explains, “and it took me a long time to apply feminism to my life. The men in my life were wonderful, but victims of a [patriarchal] belief system. I felt diminished.”

She says that the first time she truly felt she was a feminist was when she saw Eve Ensler do a performance of The Vagina Monologues — which would have been in the mid 90s at the earliest.

“It took a long time” for her to call herself a feminist though, “because I was brought up with the disease to please.”

She went on to say, and this is where things really take an intense turn, that “To show you the extent to which a patriarchy takes a toll on females; I’ve been raped, I’ve been sexually abused as a child and I’ve been fired because I wouldn’t sleep with my boss and I always thought it was my fault.”

“That I didn’t do or say the right thing.”

“I know young girls,” she says, “who’ve been raped and didn’t even know it was rape. They think, ‘It must have been because I said ‘no’ the wrong way."”

“One of the great things the women’s movement has done is to make us realize that [rape and abuse] is not our fault. We were violated and it’s not right.”

This is the first time Jane’s ever publicly said that she’s been raped — after so many years of speaking up for women’s rights, it must have taken a lot for her to share this.

It’s not the only thing she shared though. She also discussed her controversial opposition to the Vietnam War.

“I didn’t become an activist until I was 31,” she says. “When I found out what was really happening in Vietnam I didn’t care if I ever worked again; I considered leaving the business to become a full-time activist.”

She recalls that “My father was terrified for me. He remembered the ’50s when people’s careers were destroyed.”

Jane even adds that, with Trump as president, “It’s possible the [Hollywood] blacklist will be brought back.”

And on the topic of Trump, she says that there are many battles to be fought, including but certainly not limited to the fight against defunding Planned Parenthood.

About being an activist for so many years, she says “Honey, I am almost 80 years old. If you want to make it to the long-haul, you have to take care of yourself.”

“I get more than eight hours sleep every night; I meditate twice a day for half an hour; I eat right; I workout.”

“I always tell activists: ‘This is going to be a long struggle. We have to stay strong.”

Yes, Jane Fonda. Just … yes.


Monday, February 20, 2017

Angelina Jolie Gives First Interview About Brad Pitt Divorce!

To say that Angelina Jolie has had a rough few months would be a major understatement.

She filed for divorce from her longtime love, Brad Pitt, after a suspicious incident, and since then, she’s been widely perceived to be the bad guy in the split.

Brad has stated in court documents that he believes she’s exploiting their children to get ahead in the custody battle, and reports claim that she’s had multiple meltdowns recently.

But this weekend, Angelina sat down for an interview with BBC World News. And for the first time, she’s opening up about the divorce.

And she sounds pretty reasonable and level-headed to us.

About the divorce itself, she said “i don’t want to say very much about that, except to say it was a very difficult time and … and we are a family and we will always be a family, and we will get through this time and hopefully be a stronger family for it.

“Many, many people find themselves in this situation,” she went on. “My whole, my family … we’ve all been through a difficult time.”

“My focus is my children, our children … and my focus is finding this way through. We are and forever will be a family. I am coping with finding a way through to make sure that this somehow makes us stronger and closer.”

She said that “It’s been a difficult few months,” but “Right now, I’m going through a moment when just everybody’s in my room. Two dogs, two hamsters and two children at the moment. It’s wonderful.”

“But, usually, I just wake up trying to figure out who’s going to get the dog out, who’s doing to start the pancakes and did anybody brush their teeth.”

Then Angelina was asked about where she saw herself in five years, and she joked “At this stage, I hope I’m just standing.”

In five years, her six children will range in age from 20 years old to 13, so yeah, we imagine “just standing” is a pretty reasonable goal.

She continued “In five years’ time I would like to be traveling around the world visiting my children, hoping that they’re just happy and doing really interesting things, and I imagine in many different parts of the world, and I’ll be supporting them.”

“Everything I do I hope is that I represent something, and I represent the right things to my children, and give them the right sense of what they’re capable of, and the world as it should be seen.”

“Not through the prism of Hollywood,” she said, “or through a certain kind of life, but really take them into the world, where they have a really good sense and become rounded people.”

So Angelina sounds pretty good, right? Not at all like the unhinged woman we’ve been hearing about in the tabloids.

And thank goodness for that.


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

ABC Peddles Fake Picture of Trump to Promo Interview (PHOTO + VIDEO)

ABC News used a mocked up pic of Donald Trump in the Oval Office to promote its first TV interview with the prez, and the image was ripped from The New Yorker! Oops.  The network ran the phony image Tuesday night to promote an interview…


Saturday, December 24, 2016

Vin Diesel"s Brazilian Reporter Was Into Him After Bizarre Interview

Vin Diesel may not have crossed the line with the Brazilian reporter over whom he salivated, because she seemed down with it. Vin’s chitchat with Carol Moreira seemed super creep at first blush … but check out the video we got afterward –…


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Lamar Odom Gives First Major Interview Since His Overdose

Last October, there was a decent stretch of time in which the world was pretty sure that Lamar Odom was going to die.

He overdosed during a wild visit to a brothel in Nevada, and he was rushed to the hospital. During his ordeal, he had a series of strokes, and his organs were failing.

Things were so bad that, at one point, it was reported (falsely, thank goodness) that he"d been declared brain dead.

But even after everything, Lamar managed to make a miraculous recovery — seriously, "miraculous" is really the only way to describe it.

But then, a few months later, he was seen drinking in a bar, which obviously wasn"t a great sign for an addict who"d very nearly died recently.

Rumors began circulating that he"d also began doing drugs again, with one particularly persistent report claiming that someone had found a crack pipe on the property that Khloe Kardashian had been renting for him.

It"s all very sad, but right now Lamar is in rehab. His team is adamant that he"s clean, he just wanted to stay ahead of his recovery.

And it turns out that, before he left for rehab, he did an interview with Dr. Travis Stork to air on The Doctors.

In the interview, his first major one since the overdose, he talks about his near-death experience, his history of drug use, his relationships with the Kardashians, and more.

It airs tomorrow, but you can check out a preview below:

Lamar odom gives first major interview since his overdose

Kate Gosselin Tears Jon Gosselin APART in New Interview

Kate Gosselin just might be the worst person in the history of reality television.

She might be the worst person in the history of the world, not counting murderers and stuff.

We know it, you know it, literally everybody knows it.

She’s rude and controlling and hateful, she’s got all the warmth of some old rock that you put in the back of your freezer and forgot about for 41 years.

Why would you put a rock in your freezer? It’s hard to say. Why can’t Kate Gosselin manage to be a decent person for even the tiniest little bit of time?

Life is full of unanswerable questions.

Listen, we don’t have time to break down all the many, many ways in which Kate Gosselin is awful, but what we do have time for is to break down this new interview she did with Dr. Oz.

First up, let’s discuss this clip in which she wastes no time in throwing Jon Gosselin under the bus:

“They want a dad who’s there for them,” she explains of the eight children she and Jon share. Well, they share them biologically, at least.

“I’m I’m gonna be really honest,” she went on, “there was kind of the old Jon and the new Jon and none of us can quite understand, like, what happened there.”

“So we struggled together. I mean, they coined it years ago, old daddy and new daddy. That’s understandable, but, like, hard to kind of digest for all of us.”

This isn’t exactly new information — Kate’s said before that she and her kids think of Jon in terms of “old daddy” and “new daddy” — but still, how terrible, right?

There’s also this bit, where Kate just can’t seem to understand why people don’t care for her:

When asked why she gets so much media attention, she cries out “I don’t know why! I’m just a mom, like all the moms everywhere.”

“We’re just doing our best,” she insists, “and I’m really passionate about what I do and really loud about it, but, I mean, moms don’t get enough credit. It’s a stinking hard job.”

“I mean, everything that we do we’re putting the next generation out there. I don’t take that lightly. I mess up a lot.”

You don’t say, Kate!

“But, I mean, I’m doing my best,” she adds, “and I think that’s the important thing to stop beating ourselves up and just to keep getting up and doing your best.”

Poor Kate, huh? Poor, misunderstood Kate, who is just an absolute delight with no issues whatsoever. It hardly seems fair.

Oh, and speaking of fair, check out this last clip, the one where Kate whines about being a single mother:

“I’m down a parent so I’m really outnumbered now,” she says. “I have to be kind of the mom and the dad and that’s hard.”

“It’s been double duty and there’s nobody to back me up so that’s been — it’s really challenging, but it’s not something — I mean, I have more than the average number of kids, but it’s not something that I’m doing alone.”

Is she actually about to say something that’s not horrifically negative about Jon? Nope!

She explains that “there’s so many single parents out there, single moms, single dads, and we’re all just kind of like trying to pick up the pieces together. It’s hard.”

Unfortunately, we don’t have a clip of this part, but she continues on that “single parent” riff, saying that “the good is the fact that we’ve kind of really pulled tighter.”

She says that her kids are “a lot more empathetic, whether you see it really or not. Like I only have so much energy. I only have so much time … They are empathetic to there’s just one of you.”

While that’s the good part of being on her own, “the bad is, unfortunately, they feel torn a lot between parents and that really sucks.”

Wait, she finally acknowledged the fact that she’s not all on her own in the world, that her eight children have a father that has wanted to spend much more time with them for years?

Well, kind of. It’s a start. Maybe.

Just be better, Kate Gosselin. Read a book, do some Googles, figure out how to be halfway decent on occasion and then work on doing that. Please.


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Brielle Biermann -- FaceTime Interview w/ Baseball Star BF ... Moments After Blockbuster Trade (VIDEO)

This is actually pretty awesome …  Kim Zolciak’s daughter, Brielle Biermann, is dating MLB prodigy Michael Kopech — a HIGHLY touted minor league pitcher who throws a 105 MPH fastball … who could be a future MLB superstar. …


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Taylor Swift -- Alleged Butt Grabber Interview Vanishes ... She Denies Strong-arming

The radio interview with the guy accused of grabbing Taylor Swift’s ass was abruptly removed from the station’s website — and there are conflicting stories about who pulled the plug. Former radio DJ David Mueller went on iHeart’s “Mojo in the…


Taylor Swift -- Alleged Butt Grabber Interview Vanishes ... She Denies Strong-arming

The radio interview with the guy accused of grabbing Taylor Swift’s ass was abruptly removed from the station’s website — and there are conflicting stories about who pulled the plug. Former radio DJ David Mueller went on iHeart’s “Mojo in the…


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Selena Gomez Gives Her First Interview After Rehab

Don’t you just adore Selena Gomez?

Of course you do: you’re human, and you have eyes and ears and hearts. What’s not to adore?

Unfortunately, our girl hasn’t been doing all that great recently.

As you surely know, things got so bad that she even went off to rehab for nearly two whole months.

She sought treatment at a secluded center in Tennessee because she’d been having a hard time dealing with depression and anxiety, which she said had developed as side effects of her lupus.

(But we’re sure all that nasty feuding with Justin Bieber that happened before she went off didn’t exactly help anything.)

Selena very recently left rehab, and she made her first public appearance in months at Sunday night’s American Music Awards.

She won the award for Favorite Female Artist in the pop/rock category, so she even got a chance to speak, too.

While she was giving her speech, she got extremely personal, telling the audience that “I had to stop because I had everything and I was absolutely broken inside.”

“I kept it all together enough to where I would never let you down,” she said, “but I kept to too much together to where I let myself down.”

It was an extremely moving speech, and now, just a few days later, we’ve got her first post-rehab interview.

We are so blessed.

Selena sat down with Elle magazine, and she got real about her health. Her physical health, namely.

When asked about working out, she says that she’s “horrible at discipline,” and “I’m one of those people who’s like, ‘Ah, I ran for five minutes, I think I’m good."”

Adorable and relatable!

But she does have a personal trainer, and she says “We’ll do hikes. We have a Pilates machine. I have a sweat bed, which looks like a burrito that I wrap myself up in, and I sweat for about 45 minutes.”

“Just little things to kind of keep me healthy and keep me focused.”

About that awful-sounding “sweat bed,” Selena admits “I know but sounds gross,” but apparently “you just sit in your sweat for an hour and don’t immediately shower because there’s natural collagen in your toxins that it actually makes your skin feel softer before you wash it all off.”

“It feels incredible. I definitely suggest it.”

She also suggests that you not wash your poor hair every single day.

“I feel like I do maybe every three days,” she reveals, “I’ll kind of shower — not shower, wash my hair. I shower every day.”

Hey, no judgment, girl, this is a safe place.

For another recommendation, Selena says that you should probably give the makeup a rest every once in a while.

“I just can’t understand when — and no offense — people have to wear makeup all the time, and they’ll say, ‘Oh, you can sleep with a tinted moisturizer or a self tanner on your face and you can wake up."”

“For me,” she says, “I just think that’s not my vibe, plus I do breakout. I don’t know if it’s bad advice, I just think it’s kind of to each their own.”

“For me, I can’t really sleep with things on my body or tinted things just because I get worried. It’s not my vibe.”

She was asked which friend she’d trade hair with if she could (weird question, but we’ll go with it), and she said “I wish she was my friend, but she’s not my friend. Blake Lively. I’ve never met her, but I just love her hair.”

What a coincidence, we wish Blake Lively was our friend, too!

Like we said, she’s relatable as hell, right?

And even though she’s just talking about health and beauty, she sounds strong and focused, and we’re just so very, very glad to hear it.


Friday, November 11, 2016

Kris Jenner Bursts Into Tears, Walks Out of Interview

Are you ready for one of the most revealing Keeping Up with the Kardashians episodes in the history of this hilariously scripted reality show?

You better be.

Because it’s on tap for this Sunday!

First, as previously depicted, Kim Kardashian will open up about an important issue close to her heart: gun control.

She’ll try to convince Kendall Jenner to join her cause, but the argument will fall on seemingly deaf and selfish ears.

Also, as featured in THIS SNEAK PEEK, Kim will admit to Kourtney Kardashian that she’s open to the idea of surrogacy.

Kim wants to have a third child, but doesn’t think her body can handle a third pregnancy.

But the person who will shed the most tears next week will be Kris Jenner. Although it’s unclear exactly why.

As seen in the clip below, Jenner will sit down and interview her mom, M.J., for some kind of legacy video on this Sunday’s brand new installment.

The family matriarch and manager will ask her mother some basic questions, such as the age of her first kiss and the year she was born. Pretty basic stuff.

But then Kris will ask M.J. about her biggest fear in life.

“Biggest fear…I try not to fear,” M.J. replies. “What’s your biggest fear?”

And when faced with the same question she just posed to her parent, Kris totally breaks down.

“Why did you ask me that?” Jenner says, unable to hold back her emotion. “I can’t believe I’m crying…just losing someone.”

In Jenner’s defense, she did lost her ex-husband Robert to cancer. He passed away in 2003.

So we guess she has a reason to possess this fear.

But why did it manifest itself suddenly in this interview? How was it possible that basically just hearing the word “fear” caused her to fall apart into an incoherent mess and cut the Q&A short?

Who the heck knows.

It’s almost as if producers came up with this idea and then offered it to Kris as an opportunity for her to show her soft and vulnerable side.

Check out the moving clip below:

Forget losing someone for a moment, though. Forget death.

Let’s focus on life!

As in… the new life that is now part of Kris Jenner’s world because son Rob Kardashian welcomed a child into the world on Thursday.

Kris was actually present for the birth of granddaughter Dream Kardashian, saying it was one of the most beautiful moments of her life.

We can only imagine.

We make plenty of fun of Kris Jenner and other members of this family. Because they deserve said mockery.

But it’s an amazing, blessed event to welcome a baby into the world.

Perhaps this event can give Kris some comfort. Perhaps she can focus on gaining someone instead of losing someone.

And perhaps the writers can come up with better material for her going forward… because this was just lame and contrived. We know they can do better.


Friday, October 14, 2016

Donald Trump Accuser Details Assault in Shocking Interview

On Wednesday, four women came forward to accuse Donald Trump of sexual assault.

The incidents took place over the course of several decades in locales as varied as the first-class section of a commercial jet and Trump’s lavish Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida.

Trump has called the women liars, attacked their physical appearances, and accused them of conspiring against him, but thus far, none of them has backed down.

In fact, his vitriolic response seems only to have emboldened at least one of the women: 74-year-old Jessica Leeds, who, in the clip above, gives a shocking account of being groped and harassed by Trump aboard a flight to New York City in 1979.

“He [kissed me] wherever he could find a landing spot,” Leeds tells Anderson Cooper.

“He was grabbing my breasts and trying to turn me towards him.

“Then after a bit, that’s when his hands started, I was wearing a skirt, his hands started going towards my knee and up my skirt.”

Leeds adds that the attack continued for roughly 15 minutes, and she hoped for someone to intervene for the duration.

When Trump put his hands “up her skirt,” Leeds says, she got up and returned to coach, where she had been sitting before her being offered a free ticket upgrade.

“I went all the way back to the last seat in the last aisle, and when the plane landed I made sure I was the last person off the plane,” Leeds says.

She added that she ran into Trump two years after the alleged incident and not surprisingly, he was not happy to see her.

“You’re that [expletive] from the plane,” Trump said according to Leeds, who declined to specify what expletive the real estate mogul used.

The reports of sexual misconduct couldn’t come at a worse time for the Trump campaign.

Just weeks away from the election, it seems not a day goes by without another report of appalling behavior from the realty-star-turned-presidential-candidate.

The deluge of allegations started last Friday, when footage of Trump boasting about sexual assault was released by the Washington Post.

Since then, the Trump campaign has been bombarded with damaging new accusations on a daily basis.

Thus far, the candidate has yet to offer any compelling counter-evidence, but his campaign has hinted that he’s planning to sue at least one of the accusers.


Donald Trump Accuser Details Assault in Shocking Interview

On Wednesday, four women came forward to accuse Donald Trump of sexual assault.

The incidents took place over the course of several decades in locales as varied as the first-class section of a commercial jet and Trump’s lavish Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida.

Trump has called the women liars, attacked their physical appearances, and accused them of conspiring against him, but thus far, none of them has backed down.

In fact, his vitriolic response seems only to have emboldened at least one of the women: 74-year-old Jessica Leeds, who, in the clip above, gives a shocking account of being groped and harassed by Trump aboard a flight to New York City in 1979.

“He [kissed me] wherever he could find a landing spot,” Leeds tells Anderson Cooper.

“He was grabbing my breasts and trying to turn me towards him.

“Then after a bit, that’s when his hands started, I was wearing a skirt, his hands started going towards my knee and up my skirt.”

Leeds adds that the attack continued for roughly 15 minutes, and she hoped for someone to intervene for the duration.

When Trump put his hands “up her skirt,” Leeds says, she got up and returned to coach, where she had been sitting before her being offered a free ticket upgrade.

“I went all the way back to the last seat in the last aisle, and when the plane landed I made sure I was the last person off the plane,” Leeds says.

She added that she ran into Trump two years after the alleged incident and not surprisingly, he was not happy to see her.

“You’re that [expletive] from the plane,” Trump said according to Leeds, who declined to specify what expletive the real estate mogul used.

The reports of sexual misconduct couldn’t come at a worse time for the Trump campaign.

Just weeks away from the election, it seems not a day goes by without another report of appalling behavior from the realty-star-turned-presidential-candidate.

The deluge of allegations started last Friday, when footage of Trump boasting about sexual assault was released by the Washington Post.

Since then, the Trump campaign has been bombarded with damaging new accusations on a daily basis.

Thus far, the candidate has yet to offer any compelling counter-evidence, but his campaign has hinted that he’s planning to sue at least one of the accusers.


Friday, August 26, 2016

Beyonce Remembers Aaliyah, Posts 2000 VMAs Interview

Beyonce may have won Throwback Thursday, because she shared an incredible MTV Video Music Awards moment on Instagram that many of us may have forgotten about.

The 2000 VMAs clip features a 19-year-old Beyonce – still a member of Destiny"s Child at this point in her career – interviewing a Gucci-clad Aaliyah, who at that time was one of the most popular R&B singers.

"Miss Aaliyah.  How you doin," girl?"

"It"s so good to see you again," Aaliyah told the budding singer.

"What are you looking for to seeing?" Beyonce asked

"I want to see D"Agenelo perform," Aaliyah revealed.

"Girl, I"m with you "cause you KNOW he fine," Beyonce said.

“He’s fine, he’s hot, he’s sexy,” Aaliyah added.

It"s a fantastic interview that shows how much things have changed in the world of celebrity over the past 15 years.  Aaliyah was at the top of her career then, but didn"t look entirely comfortable the red carpet.

Beyonce was green, but eager at that point, since her first solo album wouldn"t drop for another three years.

She was just psyched to part of the VMAs, and it was adorable.

A year later, Aaliyah died in a plane crash after filming a video in the Bahamas in 2001.  

A few days after her death, Beyonce spoke about how supportive she was to young singers at the Soul Train Awards.

"She was the very first person to embrace Destiny"s Child. She was so sweet always," Knowles told reporters, according to ABC News.

"This is, it"s just tragic. It"s very sad."

The plane Aaliyah was flying on was operated by an unlicensed pilot who was found to have had traces of drugs and alcohol in his system.  

Also possibly contributing to the crash was the amount of production equipment placed on board, which the pilot allegedly argued made the plane too heavy.


Beyonce remembers aaliyah posts 2000 vmas interview

Friday, July 29, 2016

Jean-Claude Van Damme Gets Bored, Storms Out of Interview

Jean-Claude Van Damme made a bloodsport of an interview in Australia this week.

In a manner of speaking, that is.

The 55-year old actor appeared Thursday morning on the morning program Sunrise, eventually leaving in the middle of the discussion because he was angry over “boring” questions.

It didn"t take very long for the action star to get annoyed by various distractions behind the camera.

“Guys, you are talking behind the cameras,” he said, adding by way of complaint:

"I’m online talking to you and I have people behind that camera talking about … because I’m sweating and everything."

Things then took a turn for the more awkward after a question was asked about Van Damme"s Street Fighter costar, Kylie Minogue.

See, back in 2012, Van Damme admitted that he had a relationship with the Australia singer while they were filming the 1994 action film in Thailand.

That was decades ago, but it was apparently still a topic of discussion for the interviewer.

“Yeah, I like Kylie. I like everybody," he said, before changing topics and getting frustrated:

"Sorry, guys, I cannot do this anymore. You are talking to a guy who’s very rough, you know. Let me talk… The press, they have been asking me the same questions for the last 25 years.

"How’s Kylie? How’s the training? How’s your this? How’s your that?”

And Van Damme really was hoping to mix things up.

“Those interviews you are giving me on TV right now, they are very boring because the questions are very boring,” he continued.

“It’s difficult for me to answer those questions so I start to sweat, I don’t feel good because they are boring and I knew this. OK, next question. You have something interesting to ask me?”

But that didn"t accomplish his goal.

Van Damme finally decided he had had enough of the situation, standing up to leave the interview.

“What the f-ck is going on with Australia?” we hear Van Damme utter prior to ripping off his microphone and announcing he had to use the bathroom.

The Expendables 2 actor was on the series to promote his speaking tour in Australia, which begins in August.

Yes, Jean-Claude Van Damme is going on a speaking tour. We need to go buy tickets.

Check out clips from the awkward exchange below:

Jean claude van damme storms out of interview claims questions a

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Teresa Giudice Storms Out Of "Access Hollywood" Interview!

Welp, you done it this time, Hollywood.

More specifically, Access Hollywood: Live.  

Even more specifically, Kit Hoover and and guest host David Karger.

During a satellite interview with The Real Housewives of New Jersey"s Melissa Gorga and Teresa Giudice, Karger asked Giudice about her husband Joe"s possible deportation to Italy after he serves his prison sentence.

Oh no.  ABORT, Karger.  ABORT.

"Next question please… " Giudice declared before saying to Kruger, "you know what, I don"t think that"s something you should be asking."

"Well," Hoover interjected, "everybody"s talking about it and it could be a reality…"


"Yeah, no I"m sorry, I think that"s really rude," Guidice said, steam starting to rise from her head.

"Okay, well it is a fact and we"re probably going to see it on the show so I don"t think that was a rude question…" Hoover said (with a bit of attitude, I will say).

"No you"re not gonna see it on the show," Giudice interrupted her, clearly not down with Hoover"s tone.

Hoover then tried to change the subject, but this one was no better.  It had to do with The Real Housewives of Orange County"s Heather Dubrow criticizing Giudice"s lack of remorse after being released from prison.

Again, NOPE.

"As a matter of fact, I"m going to leave," Giudice finally said as she got up and ripped her mic off.

"Cause I don"t think that…. to even ask that…" 

 Giudice"s mic pack nearly whacked Gorga in the face as her sister-in-law made her exit.

This isn"t the first time Giudice as avoided the question of Joe"s future.

Last week, she gave an interview to ABC News from her New Jersey home, and managed to shut down the question of deportation without ruining the interview.

Access Hollywood"s questions were likely a result of bad timing: Guidice was over talking about her family"s run-ins with the law, and is now ready to move forward.

The problem is, those run-ins are pretty much the main reason she"s famous right now.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey airs Sundays at 8/9 central on Bravo.

Teresa giudice storms out of access hollywood interview over wha