Showing posts with label Jared. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jared. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Jared Fogle: Judge Rejects New Appeal!

There are a lot of famous sex monsters walking free. But some are behind bars. Jared Fogle was sentenced to 15 years in prison, and he’s just over two years in.

It’s pretty safe to say that he is not enjoying his prison stay. In fact, he has once again attempted to appeal his sentence — by drafting the appeal himself and claiming that the court lacked jurisdiction.

The judge … wasn’t impressed.

Jared Fogle rose to fame as a spokesperson for Subway, showcasing his weight loss. Though he was fired from that job when accusations surfaced, he is arguably the worst thing to ever happen to that company.

(I know that this is where there’s almost an obligatory jab at Subway’s products, but I actually love their food)

For 15 years, Jared was the spokesperson for Subway. And then he came under investigation for paying for sex with minors.

As you can imagine when we’re talking about a man accused of having sex with children, he was also investigated for receiving child pornography.

In 2015, he was accused, tried, and convicted. His currently estimated release date is July 11th, 2029.

Since going to prison, Jared Fogle has been a key example of the way that men who prey upon children often do not fare well in prison.

By which we mean that Jared was brutally attacked by another inmate.

Even though most of us can agree that the prison system needs to be overhauled so that people who serve sentences stand a chance at rehabilitation rather than facing potential violence, it’s hard to get too upset when the victim of violence is a guy imprisoned for preying upon children.

And Jared is apparently paying other inmates to protect him. So we guess that he’s a job-creator now, or something.

It’s pretty safe to say, though, that he’s not enjoying his stay behind bars. He wants out.

Jared appealed his sentence once before, claiming that he was being punished for his thoughts — his fantasies — rather than for his actions.

See, the judge directly referred to his fantasies that he expressed in secretly recorded phone conversations.

We totally agree that, disgusting though they may be, someone’s thoughts or fantasies shouldn’t get them arrested.

Jared’s appeal didn’t work, though. Probably because, though the judge did mention his fantasies, he was convicted of sex with minors and receiving child porn.

The court upheld Jared’s sentence.

This time, Jared came up with his own legal argument in the prison library. Well, he borrowed a legal argument that another inmate had unsuccessfully made. 

Jared filed documents claiming that the court in which he had been tried had no jurisdiction. That’s the legalese equivalent of “I don’t recognize the authority of this court.”

His argument was that he believed that the case against him hinged upon travel between states taking place, and apparently countered that he had only committed his sex crimes in a single state.

TMZ reports that Jared Fogle’s appeal was shut down. The judge was not amused, and though she told him that he was welcome to appeal her ruling on his “frivilous” argument, she said that the law specifically covered his crimes.

We guess that it’s not really a huge surprise that “actually I only preyed upon children in one state” didn’t fly for the appeal.

While we’re not legal experts, we can’t imagine that Judge Pratt is eager to be overturned on appeal. Judges rarely are.

Therefore it’s probably unlikely that Jared will see much success with this argument.

But you never know when someone will find a technicality and be able to worm themselves out of prison despite what seemed like an open-and-shut case.

If not, though, Jared will just have to wait until 2029. If, you know, he lives that long.


Monday, January 22, 2018

Jared Fogle Shut Down By Judge in Bid for Early Prison Release

Jared Fogle got no love from the judge who sentenced him to 15 years in prison … ruling his legal arguments were BS. Fogle had filed legal docs he prepared himself in the prison library, claiming Judge Tanya Pratt had no jurisdiction to even hear…


Friday, January 12, 2018

Jared Fogle Says Let Me Out of Prison!

Jared Fogle is making a play to get sprung from prison, because he says the judge who accepted his guilty plea had no jurisdiction to even hear the case. Fogle wrote the legal docs himself, and it’s convoluted for sure, but the essence is that the…


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Jared Fogle"s Case Gets Jailhouse Lawyer"s Attention, Seriously

Jared Fogle’s clearly made at least one friend in prison … because a jailhouse lawyer wants to get him out.  Jared’s pal, Frank Edwin Pate, filed legal docs to say there’s no proof Jared traveled to engage in sex with a minor. The docs,…


Monday, October 23, 2017

L.A. Rams Coach: Yeah, Jared Goff"s Killing It

The Rams have returned to L.A. after stomping the Cardinals in London … and as you’d expect, head coach Sean McVay was in a GREAT mood!  WARNING: Our photog was SUPER excited (big Rams fan) and fanboy’d out a little too hard when talking…


Friday, September 22, 2017

Jared Leto Gets Ripped To Play Rock Star

Jared Leto lost 35 lbs. for “Dallas Buyers Club” and morphed into the gangly Joker for “Suicide Squad,” but when he’s just playing Jared the rocker in his band, 30 Seconds To Mars … he’s ripped!!! Jared shared this pic of his hot bod on Instagram…


Monday, August 28, 2017

Jared Leto Pays Tribute to Chester Bennington, Makes Us Cry

The MTV Video Music Awards turned solemn for a few minutes on Sunday night.

At one point during the event, Jared Leto took to the stage; not to accept any trophies or present any performances, but to honor late Linkin Park lead singer Chester Bennington.

In mid-July, Bennington killed himself via hanging at the age of 41.

Leto, who is an Academy Award-winning actor but also a member of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars, knew Bennington well as a result of his music career.

“Chester was my friend as he was to so many and witnessing his life taught me important things – especially about working relentlessly, pursuing dreams and being kind and caring while doing it,” Leto said on stage, continuing:

"When I think about him, Chester, I see his face which was always smiling.

"I think about his heart which he wore on his sleeve. I think how kindly he treated me, my brother, our band."

It was virtually impossible to watch Leto pay tribute to Bennington without getting choked up.

“I think about his wife and his six, six incredible children," Leto said toward the end of his speech.

"I think about his family, I think about his band who were really his brothers and I remember his voice – at once ferocious and delicate. That voice will live forever.”

To wrap up his tribute, Leto kept his eye on the larger picture.

"If there is anyone else out there who is watching this tonight who feels like there is not hope, hear me now: you are not alone," he said.

"The absolute biggest breakthroughs in life lie just beyond the darkest days."

Amen, Jared.

Very well said all around.

Watch the moving tribute now:

Jared leto pays tribute to chester bennington makes us cry

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Yes, Jared Kushner Appeared on an Episode of Gossip Girl

I have never sought the spotlight.

So stated Jared Kushner after speaking in private to the Senate Intel Committee this week.

The son-in-law of Donald Trump, Kusher answered questions in this session about allegations that he colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 Presidential election, following the revelation that he met on a number of occasions with representatives from that foreign adversary.

In response to the charges, Kushner said simply afterward: "I did not collude."

He also uttered the above quote about the spotlight, which got our attention because… come on, Jared!

We all know you and wife Ivanka Trump appeared on a 2010 episode of the former CW smash Gossip Girl!

It"s true!

You can see for yourself via the screen capture below:

For their cameo, Kushner is presenting an award at a New York Observer party, while Trump is seen smiling in the background.

It actually aired on the couple"s one-year wedding anniversary, and Ivanka later quipped that she wasn"t sure you could refer to what she"s doing in the clip below as "acting, per se."

Ah, that classic Trump self-deprecation!

Check out the throwback video below and think back to a more innocent time… when Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump were simply appeared on teen TV shows, not threatening our national security.

Jared kushner guest stars on gossip girl for real watch now

Monday, July 24, 2017

Jared Leto Shares Moving Tribute to Chester Bennington

You know, there’s more to Jared Leto than having a reportedly huge penis or irritating the everloving f–k out of his Suicide Squad castmates. He’s also a person who can be truly thoughtful and sensitive. He is also a musician.

While countless fans were shocked and saddened by Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington’s death by suicide, we have to remember that there were people who knew Chester as a person as well as an artist.

Jared Leto is one of those people, and he penned a beautiful tribute to Chester’s life and memory.

Sometimes it takes days, or longer, to process news of a death even enough to write down your thoughts and feelings in a way that might make sense to anyone.

(Some people never do)

We’re glad that Jared Leto collected his thoughts and expressed himself, because this is beautiful:

“When I think of Chester I remember his smile, his laughter, his intelligence, kindness, and talent.”

That’s precisely how he should be remembered.

“That absolutely unforgettable voice that was at once — delicate, ferocious and always full of emotion.”

Passion fuels art, after all.

“Witnessing his life taught me a lot. Especially about commitment, about kindness, about hard work, and the pursuit and achievement of dreams and mostly, about love.”

That’s a lot to learn from one person.

“I know that both his family and his band were a massive source of inspiration and pride for him.”

Of course they were — which made his loss that much harder for countless people.

But Jared’s focusing on the positive.

“It was clear to me that he was deeply grateful for both the people that surrounded him and the life that he had.”

It’s good that he’s giving credit to Chester’s loved ones, instead of blaming them — as some awful people do after suicides.

“My heart goes out to his family, friends, band and fans. A tragic loss of an absolute legend. We will miss you.”

We all will.

This is the photo that Jared shared of the Chester that he remembers.

It isn’t uncommon for those lost to suicide to be people associated with happiness and passion.

Depressive suicide doesn’t come with an ominous dark cloud to signify its presence to everyone.

And, in case it needs to be said, people who are suicidal don’t choose to take their own lives.

Just as they didn’t choose to be suicidal in the first place.

Just as cancer patients didn’t choose to have cancer.

It’s a terrible disease that impacts so many people.

Contrary to what some vile member of Korn said about Chester being a coward, Chester was a victim of a battle with a disease that ultimately claimed his life.

Most responses weren’t anything like that, of course.

We saw countless celebrities react to Chester Bennington’s death, but we think that Jared’s was one of the most moving.

Jared Leto’s faced some criticism recently for his antics on set.

An actress with a smaller role in Suicide Squad was creeped out by Leto’s behavior.

He also reportedly played “pranks” on more famous costars while staying in character as part of his ridiculous self-aggrandizing method acting shenanigans.

At one point, he sent Margot Robbie a box with a live rat.

(That rat has been adopted and is now in a loving home, so don’t worry)

He reportedly did not try any of that nonsense with Viola Davis

The end results were a few minutes of awkward screen time as a genuinely bad and almost universally panned version of The Joker that bore a stronger resemblance to some sort of bizarroverse Justin Bieber where he’s a criminal with his own gang who wants to impress a bunch of impressionable Myspace tweens.

(The best version of The Joker is Mark Hamill, no question — after that there’s some debate)

That’s a real shame, because Jared Leto is a good actor. If only his Joker hadn’t been such a cringeworthy Hot Topic guy, you know?

And also one of Suicide Squad‘s real strengths — aside from being better than Dawn of Justice, which can be said of most films — was that almost all of the characters were true to their comic selves.

But that wasn’t the case for The Joker.

(Or for Rick Flag but that’s another story)

It’s good to see posts like this, where Leto pours out his thoughts and expresses himself outside of the context of acting.

This, this heartfelt note, is who Jared Leto is.

Of course, Jared Leto isn’t the only one who knew him who’s spoken up.

Linkin Park shared their own tribute to Chester

There will be more over time.

Suicide is tragic and claims too many lives.

We hope that some good can come of Chester Bennington’s tragic death.

Maybe some people waging the same battle will reach out for help, or have loved ones reach out to them, to prevent a few more tragedies.

Every life saved is important.


Friday, June 30, 2017

Jared Padalecki Pens Touching Letter to Children After Father"s Day

We’ve watched Jared Padalecki grow up on a string of WB/The CW drama series over many years, and we still can’t quite believe he’s a father to three children.

It is crazy how the time flies, right?

Turns out, Jared is embracing fatherhood with open arms and even penned a touching letter to his children after Father’s Day. His wife, Genevieve Cortese shared the letter on her blog, Now & Gen, on Thursday. 

It was titled Post Father’s Day Thoughts and included a whole lot of thoughts that will hit you right in the feels.  He and Genevieve have three children, Thomas, 5, Austin, 3, and Odette, 3 months.

“I realize Father’s Day was supposed to be about … well … ‘fathers’ … praising them and thanking them and making them feel needed and appreciated. But, as the ‘father’ in this relationship, I wanted to change things up a bit,” the actor’s letter began.

“I wanted to take this opportunity, after my fifth Father’s Day (and counting), not to say ‘you’re welcome,’ but to say ‘thank you.’”

In the letter, the star reflects on some funny moments in which his kids turned his trailer into a “jungle gym,” his office into a “secret candy storage bunker,” his bed into a “UFC octagon, and his truck into “a giant garbage and food crumb receptacle.”

“Thank you for making my trailer feel like more than just a ‘place I go to work,’ thank you for our ‘don’t tell mom’ excursions up to my office to have a sweet treat, thank you for testing the mattress springs, thank you for making me clean my truck more often,” he said. 

“Thank you for letting me feel what it’s like to love something more than yourself. I have your back, now and always. You’ve humbled me, you’ve helped me rediscover the joy of discovery. You’re turned my world upside down. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Was that, like, the biggest tearjerker of the century?

Hit the comments, you guys. 


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Ellen Pompeo to Ivanka Trump: You Actually F-ck Jared Kushner?!?

Ellen Pompeo may play a doctor who saves lives on television…

… but she just played a very different role on Twitter:

The server of total and complete Ivanka Trump shade.

And Jared Kushner, we should add.

On Monday, the President’s son-in-law – who has amassed an unusual amount of White House power for someone with no political or foreign policy experience whatsoever – gave a speech at a technology roundtable.

Despite Kushner having often been in the news since Donald Trump was elected, and despite the many responsibilities he’s been given by this administration, this marked one of the few times the public has heard him talk.

Did he blow everyone away?

Was it obvious from the get-go why President Trump has entrusted Kushner with an array of domestic and international tasks and duties?

Not to Pompeo.

“Ok ok this… omg @IvankaTrump you have sex with this guy??? I can’t aahhhhhaaaa,” Pompeo Tweeted along with a link to Kushner’s speech.

The veteran Grey’s Anatomy really couldn’t believe it.

She had to jump back online and repeat herself shortly after making her initial comment.

“Wait wait one more time aaahhhhaaaa,” Pompeo added.

Aside from once wondering who needs a penis to get things done, Pompeo isn’t exactly the type of celebrity to make outrageous statements.

She isn’t Sarah Silverman. Or even Katy Perry.

She doesn’t usually make waves on social media or step into the political fray, which is what makes this Tweet both so noteworthy and so hilarious.

pompeo tweets

It was as if Pompeo truly could not help herself.

She was so taken aback and so turned off by Kushner’s speech that she literally couldn’t comprehend how anyone could have sex with him.

And yet… Ivanka has had sex with Jared Kushner.

At least three times by our count, considering the couple has three children, two sons and a daughter.

The replies on Pompeo’s page were mostly congratulatory after she slammed Kushner, with one following even welcoming the actress to the “blocked by Donald Trump club.”

Alas, the Commander-in-Chief is yet to take this step when it comes to Pompeo.

Another user replied: “ELLEN UR A SAVAGE OMG.”

And another paid homage to the most famous Meredith Grey quote in Grey’s Anatomy quotes history by writing:

“Can someone help me be friends with @EllenPompeo? Choose me. Pick me. Love me!”

Mad props to this person. We’d totally understand why someone would have sex with him or her.


Saturday, May 27, 2017

Jared Martin Dies; Former Dallas Star Was 75

Jared Martin, a veteran actor likely best known for his role as Steven “Dusty” Farlow on the beloved series Dallas, died on Wednesday night from pancreatic cancer.

He was 75 years old.

Jared Martin

Martin’s son, Christian, has confirmed the sad news via Twitter and also to The Hollywood Reporter, telling the publication that his father passed away at home in Philadelphia.

Farlow was a rodeo cowboy who seduced main character on the aforementioned drama,

He actually perished in a plane crash… only to have producers resurrect his character by popular demand shortly afterward.

As for the actor himself?

Martin was born in Manhattan and attended Columbia University where he roomed future filmmaker Brian De Palma, who cast his pal in his 1968 film Murder à la Mod.

“I played a mad photographer-murderer who liked to lick the blood off his victims’ bodies,” Martin told People Magazine way back in 1981, adding:

“Brian used Hershey syrup for blood and paid me $ 35.”

martin on dallas

Martin’s impressive resume also included starring roles on two sci-fi TV shows: 1977’s The Fantastic Journey at NBC and a 1988-1990 adaptation of War of the Worlds, which aired in syndication.

He signed on for just three episodes of Dallas Season 3 in 1979 as Dusty.

But he became such a fan favorite that producers had no choice but to keep him around for longer than initially planned.

“They brought Dusty Farlow on to make goo-goo eyes at Sue Ellen [Linda Gray], become moderately involved with her, tempt her and then she basically remembered who she was and went back to J.R. [Larry Hagman],” Martin said a few years ago in an interview for a Dallas fan site.

The character was killed off in a plane crash to conclude Martin’s initial stint on the series.


on dallas

After J.R. Ewing was shot by an unseen assailant in what many consider to be the most buzzworthy season finale in TV history, viewer polls and Las Vegas oddsmakers made Dusty a favorite to be the answer to the question on literally everyone’s minds:

“Who shot J.R.?”

For this reason, the series brought Dusty back from the dead.

“My agent said, ‘Get ready, they are going to bring you back,"” Martin said in the past, explaining:

“I said, ‘How? I’m dead.’ My agent says, “Oh, this is Hollywood, they will think of something."”

HA! That remains the case today, really.

J. Martin

Dusty would make an amazing recovery and even return to the rodeo circuit.

Upon his retirement from acting, Martin co-founded and served as the creative director for the non-profit Big Picture Alliance, which brought the world of filmmaking to inner-city kids.

He also spent his time as a painter and photographer after his acting days were over.

Martin is survived by Christian, wife Yu Wei, and grandchildren.

We send our condolences to the family members and loved ones of Jared Martin, as well as to those close to every celebrity who has passed away this year.

May they rest in peace.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

NBA"s Jared Dudley Says Clippers "Gotta" Trade Blake Griffin (VIDEO)

If the Clippers wanna win next year, they GOTTA trade Blake Griffin … so says current NBA player (and former Clippers teammate) Jared Dudley. Dudley isn’t just a sharpshooter for the Phoenix Suns, he’s a league expert — so when we got him…


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Jared Leto Relists Hollywood Hills Home After Facelift (PHOTO GALLERY)

Jared Leto is doing a retake on selling his home … he’s listed it a second time, but this time it’s a tad cooler. Jared originally put the Hollywood Hills home on the market in November for $ 1,999,000, but there were no takers so he took the…


Monday, March 27, 2017

Jared Padalecki, Wife Welcome Baby Girl!

Jared Padalecki tracks down Supernatural beings on television.

But the actor officially has his hands full at home now, as well.

In a good way, however, because Padalecki and his wife just welcomed their third child into the world!

The tall drink of talented and handsome water announced today that wife Genevieve gave birth to a girl on Friday. She’s named Odette Elliott Padalecki.

And she’s so gosh darn cute!

“Please welcome the newest Padalecki, Odette Elliott!!” Genevieve captioned a photo of her snuggling her newborn little girl.

She went on to explain the basis for the heart tag in the following cute image, writing:

“I wanted to celebrate this special occasion by collaborating with one of my favorite brands, @popandsuki, to raise funds for two amazing causes: Planned Parenthood and Human Rights Campaign, who need our help now more than ever.

“Help us spread the love and joy Odette has brought us by monogramming your own heart tag.

“They are super limited edition so will run out quickly! Link to purchase is in my bio. I can’t wait to see how you guys are personalizing your hearts!”

Odette joins a family that already includes three-year old brother Shepherd and five-year old brother Thomas.

The 34-year old CW star announced in November that the couple was expanding its immediate family, revealing the exciting news during an appearance on Live with Kelly.

“Father of two, about to be father of three in March,” he said simply at the time.

Padalecki and his beautiful wife met when the actress had a recurring role on Supernatural Seaosn 4.

They married in February 2010 and Padalecki shared a photo from their big day upon welcoming his better half to Instgagram:

The actor and actress reside in Austin, Texas.

They share family photos on social media often, but choose not to publicize their relationship very much on the red carpet or any other major events that could draw photographers.

“I am violently protective of my – I call it my off-time – when I’m not working,” Padalecki told People Magazine back in 2014, adding at the time:

“I’m straight home and whether they’re in Vancouver or they’re in Seattle or wherever we happen to be, I’m straight to them.”

No wonder so many fans adore this guy, huh?

We send our very best wishes to Padalecki, his wife and to all the other celebrities who have become parents already in 2017:


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Jared Fogle Attacker Hailed As Great American Hero, Read the Letters (DOCUMENTS)

Jared Fogle’s turned a guy doing hard time for gun charges into a true blue American hero, and we have the letters that show the kinda love he’s been getting. We broke the story … Steve Nigg is the inmate who handed Fogle his ass during a brutal…


Jared Fogle Attacker Hailed As Great American Hero, Read the Letters (DOCUMENTS)

Jared Fogle’s turned a guy doing hard time for gun charges into a true blue American hero, and we have the letters that show the kinda love he’s been getting. We broke the story … Steve Nigg is the inmate who handed Fogle his ass during a brutal…


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Jared Fogle Prison Attacker: The Pedophile Deserved It!

Approximately one year after he beat Jared Fogle nearly to death, the man responsible for bludgeoning this disgraced former Subway spokesman has finally spoken out.

In the following letter, he explains why Fogle deserved what happened to him.

First, however, a refresher:

In November of 2015, Fogle was sentenced to 15 years behind bars after an investigation determined that he often partook in some truly reprehensible behavior.

According to authorities, Fogle texted over a dozen victims (all of them minors), offering to pay them money for various sex acts, often receiving illicit photos from several of the young girls.  

A raid of his home turned up child pornography on Fogle’s computer, while court documents stated he had traveled between Indiana and New York City several times between 2010 and 2013 to pay for sex with teenage girls.

Like we said: truly reprehensible behavior.

With such strong evidence against him, Fogle didn’t even go to trial.

He pleaded guilty in late 2015, hoping to reach a deal with prosecutors that would result in only five years in jail.

But a judge saw things differently. Hence the 15-year punishment.

Fast forward to January of last year and reports that Fogle was savagely beaten in the prison yard.

According to a TMZ report in March, James Nigg – a 60-year-old serving numerous year on a weapons charge – reportedly pushed Fogle while outside with him and then repeatedly punched him in the face.

Shortly after news of this assault went viral, family members of Nigg’s said they were not surprised by the confrontation.

Nigg had reportedly been complaining about the presence of child molesters in the minimum security prison for awhile… and he simply could not handle such a famous one being in his presence.

Now, in a letter obtained by TMZ, Nigg has basically confirmed this assertion.

In the message, Nigg says “Jared is [a] hero” to other pedophiles in prison, writing in disgust:

“You would not believe how arrogant Jared was. He hired bodyguards and the other child molesters looked at him as if he was a god.”

This perception was altered, briefly at least, when Nigg left Fogle with a bloody nose, swollen face and scratches on his neck early last year.

Following his pummeling of Fogle, Nigg was moved to an Oklahoma prison.

He says he’s since “lost good times [that is, time off his sentence] and spent many months in the hole, plus the loss of commissary and email” due to the actions he took against Fogle.

Still, “I have no regrets,” Nigg concludes.

We don’t want to ever encourage violence and we never want to take the side of someone in jail on a weapons charge.

So we’ll just stop writing words now in that case.


Jared Fogle"s Prison Attacker: I Beat His Ass Because Pedophiles Treated Him Like a "God"

Jared Fogle is treated like royalty by fellow child molesters in prison, and that’s why he got the crap beat out of him … so says the inmate who handed out the beating. Steve Nigg – the 61-year-old who attacked Jared last year in a…


Monday, February 20, 2017

Angelina Jolie & Jared Leto: Dating?!

Over the weekend, Angelina Jolie spoke publicly about her divorce from Brad Pitt for the first time.

It’s been months since the couple parted ways following a still-mysterious confrontation between Pitt and the couple’s eldest son aboard a private jet, but until this week, both actors have refrained from speaking about the split publicly.

That’s not terribly surprising, considering how closely Pitt and Jolie guarded the details of their personal lives were throughout their marriage.

Of course, true privacy isn’t possible at that level of fame, which means that in the absence of on-the-record updates from the tabloid media will meet the demand for Brad and Angie news with unsubstantiated rumors.

We’ve already heard (almost certainly bogus) reports that Brad is dating Kate Hudson.

Now it’s Angie’s turn for a made-up rebound relationship.

And gossip columnists have decided to set her up with an even more high profile and unlikely new boo: 

Yes, according to Star magazine, Angelina is dating Jared Leto.

To be clear, we wouldn’t put it past her, and when Jolie does move on, it will probably be with someone famous and weird as hell, not unlike Leto.

We just don’t think it’s happening yet.

A source tells the magazine that Angie and Jared aren’t just hooking up, they’re rushing headlong into a serious relationship:

“The word is they spoke several times on the phone before meeting up in L.A. for dinner, and they’ve been seeing each other whenever they can since then,” says one source.

“Angie’s been telling friends Jared has a special way of making her feel good about herself.”

Another insider adds:

“He’s been good for her, helping put a smile back on Angie’s face.”

Yes, he’s putting a smile on that face of hers.

We can’t help but thing the person who made this source up got Jared confused with Heath Ledger.

Anyway, as we said, this almost certainly BS, but we wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s impossible.

This is a woman who went from Billy Bob Thornton to Brad Pitt.

In a way, Jared Leto is the next logical step.

Which would make this the only time there was anything logical about Jared Leto.
