Showing posts with label Jolie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jolie. Show all posts

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Angelina Jolie Making Divorce So Hostile Her Lawyer is Quitting

Angelina Jolie is fighting Brad Pitt so hard and nasty in their divorce and child custody dispute, her lawyer is quitting her … sources tell TMZ. Sources familiar with the matter say Angelina has been out for blood. As one source connected to Brad…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Angelina Jolie: Amal Clooney Is Just a Hater Who Wants to Be Me!

It’s been almost two years since Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt finalized their divorce, but despite rumors that they’ve both moved on, it seems the wound remains as fresh as ever.

In fact, sources say the mere mention of Brad is enough to make Angie’s blood boil — and she’s kept a mental revenge list of the celebs who she feels betrayed her during her divorce.

Amal and Angelina

At the top of that list are George and Amal Clooney, who made no secret of the fact that they sided with Brad during the breakup.

Sources tell London tabloid The Sun that Angelina expected George to be loyal to his buddy Brad, but she was surprised to learn that Amal had been trash-talking her to mutual acquaintances.

Angie apparently suspects that Amal’s unkind words have little to do with her affection for Brad, and everything to do with old-fashioned jealousy.

Sources use the word “rivalry” and “hatred” when describing the relationship between Angie and Amal.

And it seems that at the center of the conflict is the humanitarian work that both women are known for.

Yes, even before she and Pitt divorced, Angelina reportedly viewed Amal as competition.

After all, Jolie has devoted much of her adult life to political causes, but she’ll always be viewed as an actress first and activist second.

Amal, on the other hand, is a human rights attorney who has never known any other life.

It’s difficult to imagine Angelina Jolie feeling threatened, but if anyone could undermine the actress’ confidence, it would be Amal.

Angelina has always made it clear that she considers philanthropy to be far more important than celebrity, and in that department, Amal has her beat.

The tension between the two women has been simmering for years, and The Sun claims it boiled over recently when Angie caught wind of some comments Amal had made.

One insider says Amal described Angie’s behavior during her divorce as “crazy.”
It seems that was all it took to push Jolie over the edge.

Now, the cold war is being fought openly, with the ladies forcing their mutual friends to choose sides.

According to The Sun, Jolie and Clooney have even been competing over decorators, hairdressers, and makeup artists.

The rivalry shows no signs of letting up, as both women feel they deserve to be the queen of the London humanitarian set.

And apparently, Amal isn’t the only one making Angie feel insecure about her contributions.

Currently, Brad is dating Neri Oxman, an architect and MIT professor who’s widely regarded as one of the top minds in her field.

Again, we don’t imagine Angelina is low on self-esteem, but she’s up against some pretty remarkable women these days.


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Angelina Jolie: Having a Meltdown Over New Custody Arrangement?

Last week, the court ordered Angelina Jolie to let Brad Pitt spend time with their children.

Now, an insider reports that Angelina is not handling it well. Worry about her children is allagedly taking its toll on her health.

It sounds like she’s having a breakdown.

RadarOnline reports that Angelina Jolie’s custody fight is triggering an emotional meltdown. Especially after this latest setback.

“Brad’s in a far stronger position now he’s scored a greater share of custody,” their insider reveals.

As you may recall, the judge ordered Angelina to allow Brad tos pend time with her children for hours each day — unsupervised.

She was also required to give him her children’s cell phone numbers so that he can text and call them.

The source goes on to say that this is a source of worry for Angelina, “and she’s not handling it well at all.”

Custody fights can be nasty, and when you’re concerned about the well-being of your children, it can take its toll.

“The stress is all consuming,” the insider says. “And she’s been skipping meals and losing a lot of sleep.”

That doesn’t sound good!

The source goes on to say that Angelina had feared that this was inevitable … but had perhaps been in denial about it.

“She knew this day would come eventually,” the insider says. “But she got so used to the way things were.”

It’s easy to put off worries by pretending that the future will never come.

The source goes on saying that she denied this outcome “and hoped Brad would abide by her terms instead of pushing for a greater custody share so aggressively.”

That has now happened, and a judge agreed with Brad that he was entitled to time with the kids — ostensibly for the well-being of the children themselves.

“Ultimately,” the insider says. “Angie can’t deprive Brad of seeing the kids.”

Angelina is in England to film Maleficent 2.

Brad has been spending time in the country just to be closer to his kids.

And the insider says that the entire situation is weighing heavily on Angelina.

“The movie is a hugely important project for her,” the source describes. “But she’s finding it hard to focus.”

We would imagine so.

Angelina’s career — and all of the people (especially young girls) impacted by this film means a lot to her.

But her own children, of course, come first.

Angelina never wanted the details of her new custody arrangement to come out, and slammed the “deplorable” leak.

“From the start, Angelina has been focused only on [the kids’] health and needs,” her representative’s statement began.

Remember that it was after an alarming alleged incident that Angelina resolved to end her marriage. She’s all about her kids.

“Which is why,” her representative explains. “It was so important that this last court hearing be conducted privately.”

The statement continues as the representative excoriates whoever it was who leaked the details of their latest court battle.

The representative says: “It’s deplorable that someone, for their own selfish reasons, leaked selective portions of the confidential and sealed court record to create an inaccurate and unfair picture of what is really happening.”

Is the court right? Was Angelina doing a disservice to her children by keeping them away from Brad Pitt as much as possible?

Or is he, if no longer an alleged danger to their physical well-being, still a bad influence or otherwise negative presence in their lives.

We should note that Maddox is 16, and not impacted by this ruling, at least. He can choose where to spend his time.

But we wonder how Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Knox, and Vivienne feel about all of this.

And what is truly in their best interests.


Friday, June 15, 2018

Billy Bob Thornton Reveals "Only Reason" He Split With Angelina Jolie

Long before Angelina Jolie divorced Brad Pitt, the actress was involved in a different high-profile breakup.

Yes, some of our younger readers may not even remember the days when Jolie was married to Billy Bob Thornton, but that relationship happened — and it was every bit as bonkers as it sounds.

When the 19-year age difference and the fact that one of you is named Billy Bob are not even the weirdest things about the relationship, you know you’ve got something special.

Thornton and Jolie met on the set of the 1999 film Pushing Tin, and they married the following year.

The marriage only lasted three years, but oh, the memorable moments they provided us with during that time.

Angie and Billy Bob wore vials of each other’s blood on necklaces.

They informed the whole world that they’d just had sex in the days before social media when we weren’t accustomed to knowing way too much about each other’s lives.

And of course, they got tattoos in one another’s honor, but we’re pretty sure Angie has commemorative ink for every human she’s ever crossed paths with, so that’s no biggie.

The point is, Billy Bob and Angie seemed to be head over heels for one another.

So where did it all go wrong?

Well, as you’re no doubt aware, Jolie is the jet-setting type — the kind of person who makes the entire party cringe when she describes herself as “a citizen of the world.”

Billy Bob, conversely, is more of a homebody, and in a recent podcast interview, he revealed that that’s ultimately what led to the end of his fifth marriage.

“Hers is a global lifestyle, and mine is an agoraphobic lifestyle, so that’s really — that’s the only reason we’re probably not still together maybe, because of a different path in life we wanted to take,” Thornton said Wednesday.

“We just had different lifestyles.”

Thornton stated that he has only fond memories of his time with Jolie, a comment that his current wife (lucky number six!) might have mixed feelings about:

“I remember our time together as really being great,” Thornton said.

As for some of the wild behavior that he and Angelina engaged in, Billy Bob says much of it was exaggerated by a media that was at that time obsessed with Jolie’s eccentric ways.

“We had so much fun. A lot of the things [people] said about us at the time were exaggerated,” he said.

“It wasn’t as crazy as people wrote about it. You know what I mean?”

Thornton claimed the infamous blood necklaces were a prime example of this phenomenon:

“The necklaces were a very simple thing,” he said.

“‘Hey, let’s poke our fingers with a pen and smear a little blood on there, and when we’re away from each other, we’ll wear the necklace.’ It was that easy,” Billy Bob explained.

“But by the time it came out in the press, it sounded like we were wearing a bucket of blood around our necks.”

Well, when A-listers shed blood for any reason, it’s generally gonna make the tabloids.

It’s not quite what they mean by the phrase “if it bleeds, it leads,” but pretty close.


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Angelina Jolie Slams "Deplorable" Leak of Divorce Negotiations

Angelina Jolie would like to borrow a phrase from Hillary Clinton if she may.

The actress has a problem with some deplorables at the moment.

No, she’s not referring to any Donald Trump supporters… 

… although based on Jolie’s various comments and actions over the years, we’re guessing she isn’t exactly a hat-wearing member of the MAGA movement.

Instead, according to a spokesperson for Angelina Jolie, the movie star is aghast that details of her latest custody agreement with Brad Pitt has been made public.

It’s actually been made VERY public.

Late Tuesday night, multiple outlets quoted large swaths of a court document that states Jolie must grant more time with her six children to Brad Pitt.

While details of her previous custody agreement were not specifically known, it’s evident by this latest ruling that the actress was doing her best to keep the kids away from their father.

Based on documents obtained by The Blast, a judge in Angelina and Brad’s divorce case determined that the ex-couple’s sixtet of sons and daughters “not having a relationship with their father is harmful to them.”

This ruling adds that “it is critical that each of them have a healthy and strong relationship with their father and mother.”

As a result of this decision, a schedule of when Pitt can have full access to his kids has been made for the summer.

A list of dates in which Pitt will be the primary caretaker for his brood has leaked online, including a full week toward the end of July during which he will be in charge of them at his home in Los Angeles.

It’s unclear the last time Pitt was granted such free reign over his young loved ones.

Neither Jolie nor Pitt is quoted in these articles, likely because neither really wanted the world to be all up in their business.

In fact, this aforementioned spokesperson has emailed The Hollywood Gossip and asked that we run the following statement:

This misleading leak is not in the best interests of the children.

From the start, Angelina has been focused only on their health and needs, which is why it was so important that this last court hearing be conducted privately. 

It’s deplorable that someone, for their own selfish reasons, leaked selective portions of the confidential and sealed court record to create an inaccurate and unfair picture of what is really happening.

We’ve asked this spokesperson to put us in touch with Jolie so that she may clear the record herself with THG, but we have not yet received a response.

The actress and the actor filed for separation in September of 2016 and then for divorce two months later.

There are still so many fans around the world in shock that this marriage fell apart.

While both sides remain pretty quiet in terms of how they are getting along with each other and/or with their kids, Pitt did previously acknowledge a drinking problem that may have contributed to Jolie keeping said kids far from their dad.

“I was boozing too much,” Pitt told GQ last year, adding honestly:

“It’s just become a problem… I could drink a Russian under the table with his own vodka. I was a professional. I was good.

“And I’m really happy it’s been half a year now, which is bittersweet, but I’ve got my feelings in my fingertips again.”


Brad Pitt Riding His Bike After Angelina Jolie Custody Battle

Brad Pitt seemingly enjoys some me, myself and I time … because he was seen cruising all by his lonesome just a day after news broke he’d been granted more time with his kids. Pitt was spotted in London Wednesday riding his bike near a hotel where…


Judge to Angelina Jolie: Stop Keeping Your Kids from Brad Pitt!

We interrupt ongoing speculation over Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s love lives in order to bring you factual news on their parental front.

Just about two years after they stunned the world with their divorce news, the A-List stars have amended their custody arrangement for the summer.

According to a variety of new court documents, the Superior Court of Los Angeles County has determined that “not having a relationship with their father” would be “harmful” to Jolie and Pitt’s six kids.

(They, of course, would be: Maddox, 16, Pax, 14, Zahara, 13, Shiloh, 12, and twins Knox and Vivienne, 9.)

The court writes that the offspring of this former couple “are safe with their father” and that it is “critical that each of them have a healthy and strong relationship” with both of their parents.

(However, it’s worth noting that Maddox is basically free to spent time with either parent as he so choose due to his age.)

Prior to this revision, Jolie had successfully kept her kids away from her ex-husband for the most part, as she allegedly believed he was a bad influence on them.

Now, however, a judge has threatened to strip primary custody from Jolie if she does not take steps to improve the relationship between her children and their dad.

To what extent?

The stars were actually ordered be on a phone call between the kids and two psychologists in order “to explain the summer schedule,” the documents read. 

Moreover, the actor will have physical custody everyone except Maddox for four hours a day from June 8 to 17 in London, where Jolie rents a residence.

Pitt must spend time with each child at least twice during the 10-day period with one of the psychologists present.

And Jolie will not be present during her estranged husband’s custodial time.

The documents goon to list other dates in June, July and August during which Pitt will have custody of the kids.

It even sounds like he will have them all to himself from July 21-29 in Los Angeles.

Family law lawyer David Glass, who is NOT associated with the case, tells People Magazine that this sort of legal intervention is unusual.

But there must have been ample evidence to show that Jolie really was doing a disservice to her children and to Pitt.

“It’s a rare case where the court will find that someone alienated the kids,” Glass explains, adding:

“It takes a lot to move the court past estrangement into alienation, but once it’s determined that one parent is alienating the kids, the court has no choice but to jump in and make pretty strong orders right away.”

This new arrangement even requires Jolie to provide Pitt with the kids’ cell phone numbers so that he may text them.

Jolie and Pitt separated in September 2016… and we remain in shock that this marriage failed to work out.

While there have been plenty of rumors regarding the relationship status since, neither Pitt nor Jolie has said much in public about their private affairs.

“This [divorce] has been a longstanding back-and-forth, and hopefully now there will be greater collaboration for the benefit of the kids,” an insider tells Us Weekly, concluding:

“The kids have always been a priority for both parents and hopefully everyone will comply with the court order going forward.

“Brad will be wherever he needs to be for the kids.”


Angelina Jolie Could Lose Physical Custody of Kids to Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie is dangerously close to losing primary physical custody of her and Brad Pitt’s six children if she doesn’t switch up the how she lets the kids interact with dad. According to a new report, the judge in the couple’s divorce case…


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Angelina Jolie: Did News That Brad Pitt is Dating Make Her COLLAPSE?!

While it’s been reported that Angelina Jolie is pissed that Brad Pitt is dating Neri Oxman, details on how she responded the news have been scarce.

Until now.

A new report describes how Angelina was so overcome with distress upon the news that she allegedly collapsed.

Star Magazine has an explosive, incredible report about how Angelina Jolie allegedly responded to the news that Brad is dating a brilliant professor.

Their source claims that Angelina “flew into such a rage that she collapsed.”

Specifically, they say that she started to respond with a more outward display of her frustration.

“She was ranting one minute.”

But there was a sudden change.

“And then the next, she just sort of crumpled.”

That certainly sounds dramatic!

The report goes on.

“Angie can’t stand anyone who’s smarter and prettier than her.”

(Fortunately, there’s no such person who matches that description)

Apparently, she finds it “galling that Brad has managed to keep his connection Neri hush-hush for months.”

The source says that Angelina has been viewing this as a race.

“Angie is very jealous and competitive, and she wanted to be the first one to start a hot new relationship.”

So, in her world, she would allegedly see this as a defeat.

“If it turns out that Brad beat her to the punch, it could be humiliating.”

The source speaks about where Brad is these days.

“Brad has been ready for a new relationship for a while now.”

This source says that his current lady love is perfect for him.

“And Neri is just the sort of woman he needs.”

Neri is a professor at the MIT Media Lab.

She leads the esteemed university’s Media Matter research group.

She is also an architect and a designer.

Many have suggested that Brad has found his “Amal Clooney” in her, because she’s smart and she challenges him and, in many ways, her career path is more impressive than his.

Some have called this report on Angelina’s response into question.

The dubious dramatics and alleged jealousy aside, Angelina actually has been linked with someone.

And we don’t mean those rumors about Angelina having a revenge-bang with Justin Theroux.

In March, Entertainment Tonight reported that Angelina was seen with an “older-looking man who is a real estate agent.”

So it’s hard to see how Brad could have won the race to find someone new.

If that’s even something that concerns Angelina.

It was, after all, Angelina who broke things off with Brad. And, lest we forget, reported him for the FBI, accusing him of child-abuse.

None of us know what happened on that plane, but there are many who once admired the notoriously handsome actor who have lost all respect for him.

And it seems that Angelina feels the same way.

Does she really care that much about what her ex is up to?

We hope not. Angelina Jolie is an accomplished actress, admired political activist, and she’s done work with the United Nations.

She is better than the petty, vindictive image that some paint of her in recent months.


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Angelina Jolie: PISSED About Brad Pitt Dating Neri Oxman!

It’s been 18 months since Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt separated, and in that time, the tabloids have connected both parties to just about every unattached celebrity in Hollywood.

The rumors have run the gamut from utterly ridiculous to thoroughly plausible (who didn’t want to believe that Brad was back together with Jennifer Aniston?)

But the latest report about Brad’s love life appears to be the most legit one yet, if for no other reason than even Angie seems to believe it’s true.

As you may have heard, insiders believe that Brad is dating Neri Oxman, a 42-year-old architect and MIT professor with whom he’s been spending a lot of time in recent months.

Brad and Neri have been hanging out at least since November, when he sat in one of her classes.

Sources say this is the first time that Angie has gotten upset about the latest Brad news, and there are two main reaons for that:

For starters, despite denials from Pitt’s rep, she fully believes that he’s romantically involved with Oxman.

Brad Pitt Neri Oxman

On top of that, Neri is highly intelligent, politically engaged, and socially conscious – and Angie fears she’ll come off looking a vapid Hollywood type when the two of them are inevitably compared by the media.

“Angelina is steaming with emotions and jealousy,” a source close to the actress tells Hollywood Life.

“She doesn’t like to hear any of the dating rumors about her ex… She can‘t handle it.”

The insider says Angie was surprised to feel the envy welling up inside her when she first laid eyes on Oxman:

“Angie saw pictures of Neri and felt a bit jealous,” the tipster claims.

It’s Neri‘s incredible intelligence that has thrown Angie off balance. An MIT professor is the last person Angie would have picked for Brad.”

The insider adds that “Angie might feel more comfortable if her ex were dating another Hollywood actress.”

But apparently, Jolie is taking comfort in the fact that Neri is simply out of Brad’s league, intellectually-speaking:

“Angelina is in a bit of denial about Brad‘s possible new relationship,” the source claims.

“She knows Neri is not Brad’s type, or at least doesn’t fit into his group of ex’s.”

Oh, Angie. That sounds like a challenge.

And we’re guessing Brad is the type that rarely gets shot down.


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Angelina Jolie to Jennifer Aniston: Take Your Peace Offering and Shove It!

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are over.

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are over.

But might Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston just be getting started?!?

Indeed, according to a hilarious In Touch Weekly rumor, Aniston recently reached out to her long-time rival in hopes of getting together and burying a hatchet that has existed ever since Brad Pitt buried his penis deep inside of Angelina’s…

… sorry, nevermind.

You probably get it.

The aforementioned tabloid writes in its latest issue that Aniston “extended an invitation” to sit down for a meal with Jolie because “Jen thought it was finally time to resolve the past.”

Even the recent past.

Just in the past couple months alone, there’s been talk that Aniston and Pitt are getting back together, now that each is single.

We’ve always doubted this chatter and it appears as if Aniston wanted to make sure Angelina didn’t believe any of it, either.

Aniston was aiming for a “fresh start on all fronts” with Jolie, who this same report alleges responded as followed to Aniston:


We’re paraphrasing with that response, of course, but In Touch writes that Jolie turned down Aniston’s invitation.

For what reason?

The former Academy Award winner supposedly told Aniston that “she didn’t owe her an apology,” leading the magazine insider to conclude:

“The whole idea to get together for dinner turned into a disaster.”

Shocking, right?

Aside from the obvious reasons why Jolie would scoff at this sort of request, Star Magazine claims that Aniston and Pitt have been hanging out of late, due to an intervention of sorts by George Clooney.

The beloved actor is close friends with Pitt and has reportedly been in close contact with him ever since his September 2016 divorce from Jolie.

“After Jen and Justin [Theroux, 46] announced their split, [Clooney] encouraged Brad to reach out and give their relationship another chance,” Star claims of Pitt and Aniston.

This supposedly led to Pitt and Aniston getting together on the night of March 3, reminiscing about “the past” and sharing “a lot of laughs.”

Overall, “it seemed just like old times, but better,” the tabloid reports.

Naturally, news of this meeting of ex-lovers got back to Jolie, which helps explain why she never considered a sit-down with Aniston.

Simply put, according to In Touch?

“She’s furious about it.”

Thankfully, even if Aniston does jump into bed again with Pitt, all hope is not lose for Jolie.

There’s a certain handsome actor who wants to take her out on a date and who would probably not object to a round of intercourse, either.

We can’t say for certain what will happen between them, but both Jolie and Aniston need to focus on the future.

The former confirmed her split from Jolie over a year and a half ago, while Aniston separated from Theroux in February via the following statement:

In an effort to reduce any further speculation, we have decided to announce our separation. This decision was mutual and lovingly made at the end of last year.

We are two best friends who have decided to part ways as a couple, but look forward to continuing our cherished friendship.

The stars had been together for seven years at the time and married for two years.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Angelina Jolie Wants THIS Actor for Her "Revenge Romance"

Angelina Jolie has heard all the rumors.

She’s read all the celebrity gossip sites.

She knows that Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston may soon make babies together.

But a new report claims the famous actress has a plan to get back at her estranged husband for his possibly rekindled romance.

She’s figured out exactly how to attack Pitt where it may hurt him the most:

By sleeping with a guy who sort of looks just like him!

According to Radar Online, Jolie has been in contact with Garrett Hedlund, a 33-year old actor who is very easy on the eyes.

And he apparently thinks there’s something between himself and Jolie, or is at least confident that something could happen between the stars, considering his alleged aggression.

“It’s gone from exchanging the odd email to texting several times a day and planning to meet up for dinner,” claims an insider of the connection between Jolie and Hedlund, adding:

“It’s Garrett who’s making all the moves!”

Hedlund dated actress Kirsten Dunst for four years after they met on the set of 2012’s On the Road.

He also actually co-starred with Pitt way back in 2004 in Troy and he grew close to Jolie after she cast him in Unbroken a decade later.

Might these two really end up dating? Or at least banging?

“Angie’s incredibly flattered and enjoying Garrett’s attention,” Radar writes.

The website then goes on to compare Hedlund with Pitt:

“He’s like a younger, hotter Brad and she’s confessed to a couple of girlfriends that she’d be up for a fling with him. It would be the ultimate revenge romance!”

Well, let’s be honest here:

If Pitt really does get back together with Aniston, that will be the ultimate revenge romance.

It will be the ultimate revenge romance to end ALL revenge romances.

Within seconds of Internet users learning that Aniston was splitting from husband Justin Theroux, pretty much anyone with a Twitter account was assuming Pitt and Aniston would start getting it on once again.

That would be cool with us, but not nearly as cool as the flipside:

What if Jolie and Theroux decided to sleep together?!?

Yes, this is another rumor making the World Wide Web rounds.

“Angelina is interested in working with Theroux, she actually put feelers out before he and Jennifer’s split,” Hollywood Life wrote about a month ago, adding:

“Apparently she’s a big fan of The Leftovers.

“When Justin and Jennifer were together no one expected it to happen, but now that they’ve split the chances of him saying yes to Angelina are way up.”

Yes, this report claims Angelina just wants to work with Justin.

But she merely worked with Pitt on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith and we all know what transpired from there, right?

Red. Hot. Sex.

We’re just sayin.


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Angelina Jolie & Justin Theroux: Planning An Epic Revenge Bang?!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have called it quits after two and a half years of marriage.

Based on accounts from those who knew the couple best, Justin broke up with Jen, and the decision was primarily the result of lifestyle differences.

(Justin loved Manhattan; Jen was a lifelong California girl; neither wanted to relocate permanently. Seems like the sort of thing they should’ve worked out before getting hitched, but we digress.)

Anyway, despite – or perhaps because of – the seemingly dull cause of the split, the rumor mill has been running wild with reports that Aniston is planning to get back together with Brad Pitt.

As far as we can tell, those claims are entirely baseless, and of course, the internet is deeply bummed about about it.

Maybe that’s why we’re suddenly hearing rumors about a different sort of rebound hookup:

It’s been almost two years since Pitt and Angelina Jolie broke up, and news about Angie’s love life has been scarce to non-existent,

There are those who think that’s because she was biding her time, Maleficent-style, waiting for a hookup that would devastate her rivals and cement her place as the queen badass of Hollywood.

Okay, maybe no one really thought that, but an anonymous source tells Hollywood Life that Angie has her eyes on Justin.

“Angelina is interested in working with Justin Theroux, she actually put feelers out before he and Jennifer’s split,” the source claims.

“Apparently she’s a big fan of The Leftovers. When Justin and Jennifer were together no one expected it to happen, but now that they’ve split the chances of him saying yes to Angelina are way up.”

Oh, man. The appropriateness of Angie scooping up Jen’s sloppy seconds because she loves The Leftovers is simply too much to bear.

Anyway, the source adds that the interest is mutual, and we may see Jolie and Theroux working together very soon:

“Justin’s a very ambitious guy and his star is on the rise,” says the insider.

“Doing a project with Angelina could really take him to the next level.”

Obviously, the situation is not without potential complications:

“Of course it would really hurt Jennifer, so that may be a deterrent for him, but it’s certainly going to be tempting for him,” the source adds.

Yeah, we suppose the possibility of having one’s genitals fed to a pack of starved hyenas would be a deterrent for anyone.

Nothing against Justin, but we’re hoping it happens just so Jen can drop a sick Bond villain line like, “There will be no … leftovers.”


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: We"re Holding Secret Talks!

According to an onslaught of recent rumors, Brad Pitt is getting back together with Jennifer Aniston.

Call us crazy, but we aren’t exactly buying this chatter.

On a semi-related note, however, reports also indicate that Pitt is back in contact with estranged wife Angelina Jolie, leaving folks to wonder why.

Is Jolie pissed about the Aniston reunion talk?

Is she considering a reconciliation with Pitt?

Are they collaborating on a movie project?

No, no and no.

Nearly 18 months after they stunned the world by announcing their separation and planned divorce, Jolie and Pitt are still working out the details of their legal split.

There’s no chance they will ever see each other naked, so don’t go getting all excited over this drawn out process.

But there is hope that the initial tension between the superstars has thawed and that an amicable relationship is still very much possible.

The Blast writes that Jolie and Pitt have filed documents in their divorce case, asking to extend their “temporary judge” so that negotiations remain private.

This means we can’t say for certain just what the actress and actor are talking about as it relates to their break-up.

But it’s most likely they are figuring out a way to distribute assets and, of course, coming up with a custody arrangement that satisfies both sides.

Granted, most divorces do not take this long to settle.

However, most divorces do not involve so many millions of dollars between the man and the woman – or so many kids!

Angelina and Brad are the parents to six sons and daughters: Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, and twins Vivienne and Knox.

Amid speculation that Pitt was actually abusive with Maddox on board a private airplane in the fall of 2016, Jolie was hesitant at first to agree to any sort of joint custody.

But the two are now coordinating schedules so that Mom and Dad both get ample time in the kids on a regular basis.

“Brad and Angie are doing OK, working out time for him to be with the kids,which he treasures,” an insider tells People Magazine.

Right now, the kids reside permanently with Jolie in Los Angeles and visit with Pitt on occasion.

“Angelina is busy with everything she is doing, including being a super mom to her kids,” someone close to the actress previously told this publication, adding:

“But she is doing fine and working with Brad on ways to continue their lives so everyone is happy.”

As for Pitt?

He’s at least in a better position now than he was several months ago, back when he was actually under investigation by the FBI for supposedly getting physical with Maddox on board that aforementioned airplane.

He’s given a few candid interviews in which he’s admitted to maybe smoking and drinking a little too much back in the day and appears to have arrived at a few revelations about his life in general.

The guy clearly loves his kids.

“The process has been difficult,” said a different People source. “But he is OK and remains committed to his family.”


Thursday, November 30, 2017

This Teenager Desperately Wants to Look Like Angelina Jolie

You"ve perhaps read about Human Barbie on our website in the past, as a woman has shelled out an insane amount of money to resemble the famous plastic doll.

Now, it"s time to meet Angelina Jolie.

And we know what you"re thinking: isn"t Angelina Jolie already human?

Of course she is. (We think.)

But Sahar Tabar is a 19-year old Iranian who has undergone over 50 procedures in order to look as much like her celebrity idol as possible.

In response, Internet users are concerned. Find out why below…

1. "She Looks Like a Zombie"

Sahar tabar

This is what some Instagram users are saying in response to Tabar’s photos. It’s not hard to understand why.

2. But Tabar is Committed

Sahar tabar picture

She has lost over 60 pounds and gone under the knife over 50 times, simply because she wants people to think she looks like Jolie. Do you think she’s been successful?

3. Is There an End in Sight to Her Surgeries?

Is there an end in sight to her surgeries

It doesn’t sound that way. Tabar has said she’ll “do anything” to look like Jolie. That much, sadly, seems clear.

4. But She Has a Major Internet Presence

But she has a major internet presence

Over 356,000 followers on Instagram, some of whom applaud her, but many of whom criticize her.

5. For Example:

For example

Yvonne_rolandson asks: “But why would anyone do this to themself?” The answer likely has a lot to do with a severe lack of self-esteem.

6. Is She for Real?

Is she for real

Some folks out there think this isa hoax, that the 19-year old is using prosthetics and make-up to achieve this unique look.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Angelina Jolie Spends $1,000 on Halloween Shopping

Angelina Jolie does Halloween like the Griswolds do Christmas lights because she dropped a fortune — to most of us — on costumes and decorations. Angie cruised the aisles of Glendale Halloween last weekend — she only had Zahara and one of…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Angelina Jolie Claims Harvey Weinstein Put the Moves on Her ... in 1998.

Angelina Jolie now claims she too was sexually harassed by Harvey Weinstein … sources tell TMZ. Our sources say Jolie claims in 1998, when she was doing a junket for Weinstein’s movie, “Playing by Heart,” she was in a hotel room and he made “an…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Angelina Jolie: It"s Been Quite a Year!

We’re inching closer and closer to anniversary we never thought we’d mark:

On September 19, it will be one year since Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt.

For the first few months after this shocking split, neither star spoke much to the media.

There were plenty of rumors over just what transpired between the actress and actor, with a few scathing accusations leveled at Pitt in regard to his alleged drug and alcohol use.

Fast forward to 2017, however, and Pitt and Jolie appear to be on decent enough terms.

They aren’t really speaking to each other, but they have been speaking to the press.

Talking to The Sunday Telegraph, for example, Jolie recently lamented her single status.

“Sometimes maybe it appears I am pulling it all together,” she said.

“But really I am just trying to get through my days. I don’t enjoy being single. It’s not something I wanted. There’s nothing nice about it. It’s just hard.”

And now Jolie is opening up even more as the cover subject of the latest People Magazine.

“I have had my ups and downs. I guess I am a little bit stronger,” Jolie tells People over the past several months, adding:

“We all have our difficult times, but as a mother you also have a responsibility first and foremost towards the kids.

“They are going through their formative years and everything else comes second to that.”

Jolie’s latest directorial effort, First They Killed My Father, hits Netflix on September 15.

The film is based on her friend Loung Ung’s memoir about surviving the Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia, which is the country from which Jolie and Pitt adopted son Maddox.

Will Angelina ever act again? Yes.

But it isn’t a priority.

“Everything will be around the children,” she says. “I haven’t worked for over a year now because they needed me home. Everything was just stopped.

“I’m really sitting and talking with them because everything affects them. Every location, every type of project, I’m going to have to adjust it to however much they can handle.”

Jolie and Pitt are still trying to finalize an official custody agreement for their six kids: Maddox, 16, Pax, 13, Zahara, 12, Shiloh, 11, Vivienne and Knox, 9.

The actress has been trying to keep them away from the spotlight, but she understands this isn’t realistic and perhaps not even desirable.

“I think they’re itching to get out in the world again,” says Jolie, concluding:

“We’ve all been a bit in lockdown and going through some things. I think it would be good to get out there and play together.”
