Showing posts with label Madonna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Madonna. Show all posts

Friday, January 27, 2017

Donald Trump Says Madonna is "Disgusting" (VIDEOS)

President Donald Trump went after Madonna big time Thursday night, calling Madonna “disgusting” for musing out loud she was thinking of “blowing up the White House.” Trump went on Sean Hannity’s show on FNC and did not hold back. He thinks the…


Donald Trump: Madonna is Disgusting and So is Saturday Night Live!

Is anyone else looking every so fondly back at last week when Obama was president?

It was a simpler time. A happier time. A time when the apocalypse wasn’t quite so near.

But, as much as it pains us to say, that was then, and this is now.

And now, Donald Trump is in the White House, ruining the country a little more every day.

This thing we’re talking about here though, thankfully it’s not all that serious. It’s stupid and obnoxious, sure, but it’s not as alarming as, say, a Muslim Ban.

(Seriously, how did we get here and how do we get somewhere else?)

No, all we’re talking about today is this new interview Trump did with Sean Hannity and how, in the interview, he called Madonna “disgusting.”

Actual presidents trying to start feuds with legendary pop stars. That’s the world we’re living in right now.

Trump took issue with Madonna over the speech she gave in D.C. at the Women’s March last weekend — you know the one.

In her speech, Madonna gave a hearty “f-ck you” to Trump and his supporters, but she also stated that, because of Trump, she’s “thought an awful lot of blowing up the White House.”

And it pretty much goes without saying, but that last thing is not a thing that a person should say.

Madonna hopped on Instagram the next day to offer a half-assed apology, saying that she’s “not a violent person” and that she doesn’t “promote violence,” but that the quote about blowing up the White House was taken out of context.

It wasn’t — if you listen to her entire speech, it’s just as awful as hearing it as a pulled quote — but sure, Madonna.

But while we’re all comfortable with shrugging off Madonna and her painfully desperate grabs at attention, Trump took a little more offense.

“Honestly, she’s disgusting,” he says in the new interview. “I think she hurt herself very badly. I think she hurt that whole cause.”

“I thought what she said was disgraceful to our country.”

OK, a few points.

One, “disgraceful to our country” sounds a little dramatic. Yes, it was a terrible thing to say, but it was Madonna who said it. Are we really placing that much importance on Madonna?

Two, it seems like there would be better ways for a president to communicate his issue with Madonna’s statement than saying that she’s “disgusting.” It sounds a little too catty.

And three, “I think she hurt that whole cause,” really?

Last we heard, no one’s saying “Man, Maddona’s speech was messed up, let’s back off of this stuff about women’s rights.”

But then, horror upon horrors, Donald Trump did the unthinkable: he actually made sense.

He touched on the topic of Katie Rich, the Saturday Night Live writer who was suspended indefinitely from the show after tweeting “Barron will be this country’s first homeschool shooter.”

About the tweet, he said “I don’t mind some humor, but it’s terrible.”

His statement that he doesn’t mind humor is debatable, judging by every tweet he’s ever tweeted about Alec Baldwin’s spot-on impression of him, but he’s right in saying that the original joke was terrible.

“For them to attack, for NBC to attack my 10-year-old son, it’s a disgrace. He’s a great boy and it’s not an easy thing for him. Believe me.”

NBC didn’t attack his son, one writer made a joke in poor taste about him, and it is pretty rich that Donald Trump is out here calling someone else “a disgrace” when he could have just peeked at a mirror and seen the biggest disgrace of them all.

We’re facing the longest four years of our lives, friends.


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Cyndi Lauper to Madonna: Calm the Eff Down!

Cyndi Lauper offered some pointed words for Madonna on Watch What Happens last night.

Appearing opposite Andy Cohen, the former pop star was asked about the Women"s March in Washington last Saturday, specifically how Madonna told a throng of protestors that she had thought about blowing up the White House.

The legendary artist later tried to clarify this remark, but it"s not exactly the kind of thing one can walk back easily.

And it"s not the sort of thing Lauper liked to hear from her fellow singer.

“I don’t think that it served our purpose,” Lauper told Cohen on the latter"s Bravo talk show. “Anger is not better than clarity and humanity. That is what opens people’s minds.”

Lauper, of course, wasn"t against the Women"s March overall. Far from it.

She just preferred the way some other celebrities went about passing along their message of hope and inspiration.

Like Scarlett Johansson, who spoke about her experience with Planned Parenthood.

“It was clear, it was eloquent,” Lauper said. “Yelling just jacks people up. It doesn’t communicate any kind of humanity or story that would open another person’s mind.”

Watch Lauper"s full critique of Madonna below:

Cyndi lauper to madonna calm the eff down

Monday, January 23, 2017

Madonna: I Wasn"t Actually Going to Explode the White House!

Madonna may have said the most controversial thing of her entire life on Saturday.

And that’s saying a whole lot when it comes to someone who once commented on her own son’s penis and who offered oral sex to any guy who voted for Hillary Clinton.

Taking the stage in Washington D.C. for the Women’s March on January 21, Madonna said she had “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.”

Ummm…. WHAT?!?

The Material Girl referred to this global event as a “revolution of love” and to Donald Trump’s election as a “darkness” that has at least helped society “wake the f-ck up.”

Fair enough on both accounts, right?

She then cursed off all “detractors” before making the aforementioned, way-out-of-bounds confession.

As you might expect and understand, Madonna’s threat to explode the home of the President of the United States was met with shock and derision.

Among her many critics, Piers Morgan said Madonna should be arrested.

Watch the artist’s full speech below:

In response to the growing backlash, Madonna took to Instagram on Sunday and issued a lengthy statement of clarification.

“Yesterday’s Rally. was an amazing and beautiful experience.  I came and performed Express Yourself and thats exactly what i did,” she wrote at the outset, stating the obvious.

Then came the quasi apology.

“However I want to clarify some very important things,” she continued. “I am not a violent person, I do not promote violence and it’s important people hear and understand my speech in it’s entirety rather than one phrase taken wildly out of context.

“My speech began with ” I want to start a revolution of love.”

“I then go on to take this opportunity to encourage women and all marginalized people to not fall into despair but rather to come together and use it as a starting point for unity and to create positive change in the world.

“I spoke in metaphor and I shared two ways of looking at things — one was to be hopeful, and one was to feel anger and outrage, which I have personally felt.

“However, I know that acting out of anger doesn’t solve anything. And the only way to change things for the better is to do it with love.”

Concluded the 58-year old:

It was truly an honor to be part of an audience chanting “we choose love”.

Madonna was one of several celebrities on hand in D.C., many of whom delivered speeches at the March.

Alicia Keys, America Ferrera, Scarlett Johansson Amy Schumer, Miley Cyrus, Helen Mirren and Blake Lively all made their presence felt at gatherings in D.C., Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City.

All told, around the world, over 3.5 million people protested the personality and the politics of our new President.

Aside from Madonna, Ashley Judd likely made the strongest impression.

She read a poem about all the “nasty women” who came out against Trump, making references to Hitler and homophobia and white supremacy and even Trump’s many weird remarks about his own daughter.

Watch Judd’s speech HERE.

And then click through the following gallery for a look at other stars who marched on Washington:


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Madonna: I Want to Blow Up the White House!

The day after Donald Trump was sworn in as our brand new president, people all across the country — all across the world, actually, are gathering together to march for women"s rights, for LGBT rights …

For all the rights, honestly.

The Women"s March is, of course, focused in Washington D.C., and that"s where a number of celebrities gathered to protest Trump"s presidency and also everything he"s ever said or done.

One of those celebrities in attendance was Madonna, who gave a speech she"d prepared about the whole situation.

And oh, what a speech it was.

Several news channels airing Madonna"s speech cut away, thanks to all the language, and that one comment about blowing up the White House.

It was a shame, because she really did have some nice sentiments.

"Welcome to the revolution of love," she said. "It took us this darkness to wake the f-ck up."

She directed a message "to our detractors that insist that this March will never add up to anything," and that message?

"F-ck you. F-ck you."

Madonna also said that she"s "outraged" over Trump, and that she has "thought an awful lot of blowing up the White House."

Watch the full speech below:

Madonna i want to blow up the white house

Madonna At Women"s March ... "F*** You" To The Haters (VIDEO)

Madonna attended Saturday’s Women’s March in Washington D.C. and had one very strong message to those opposing the event … a big old “F*** You.” Madge was among the last of the star studded lineup — which included Amy Schumer, Alicia Keys,…


Saturday, December 10, 2016

Madonna Boasts About Surviving Prince, Bowie, and Whitney in Acceptance Speech (VIDEO)

Madonna dropped some brutally honest words at Billboard’s Women in Music event, reminding the crowd how much she’s overcome … and how many huge celebs she’s outlived. She was accepting the Woman of the Year trophy when she literally listed off…


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Madonna Sings Carpool Karaoke, Shares MJ Shocker

Life was not a mystery for Madonna on Wednesday night.

Based on days of hype and sneak peeks, we knew exactly what to expect from the iconic singer during her appearance on The Late Late Show with James Corden:


Indeed, the Material Girl followed in the talented and hilarious steps of such artists as Adele, Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga by sitting shotgun with the CBS host and helping him lip-sync a number of her classic hits.

The segment opened with the pair dancing to Vogue, with some Twerking to "Bitch I"m Madonna" soon following.

After talking about how the Vatican ex-communicated the artist at one point, Corden and Madonna sang, “Papa Don’t Preach.”

Next, they belted out “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina” from the musical Evita, as well as her smash hit “Express Yourself.”

There was a discussion about Madonna"s love interests and her types of men over the years, along with some mockery of Corden"s fashion sense.

Aside from also singing "Ray of Light" and "Music," Madonna admitted that she once kissed Michael Jackson after she got him to "loosen up with a glass of Chardonnay."


What else did the stars gossip about? Where does this Carpool Karaoke rank among the all-time best?

Watch now:

Madonna and james corden carpool karaoke time

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Madonna: Marry Me (Again), Sean Penn!

Look, Madonna is a remarkably embarrassing human being, she just is.

She’s also a legend, sure, but that doesn’t give her a pass.

A lot of people think this is some age discrimination, like “what, Madonna is 58 years old so she can’t be sexy and have fun anymore?”

And that’s absolutely not the case.

No, if any person, no matter if they were 1 or 100 or any age in between, behaved the way Madonna behaves, it would be an honest-to-goodness shame, it really would.

It’s just that she’s so very, very desperate for attention. Like she can’t handle the fact that perhaps her popularity isn’t what it used to be, and she has to do stunt after stunt to just get a little bit more of the spotlight.

Come on, why else would she rock as many grills as she does?

And why else would she act like as hot a mess as she did last night?

Yep, buckle up, friends, because we’ve got a wild and wacky Madonna story to share with you right the hell now.

See, last night, Madonna hosted a charity gala for Malawi, the African nation where her 11-year-old son, David, was born.

She managed to raise over $ 7.5 million, which is amazing, it really is.

But boy, did she pull some ridiculous sh-t along the way.

Because Madonna’s ex-husband, Sean Penn, was there too, right?

The two got married in 1985, but they stayed together for just four years before they got divorced.

There have been persistent rumors for years that he was majorly abusive to her, but she’s denied those rumors, and she’s even made it clear that she still has strong feelings for him.

Back in January, they did another charity gala together, and Madonna gave a speech all about how amazing she thinks Sean is.

During the speech, she got all gushy, telling him “I want to say that, Sean, I love you. From the moment that I laid eyes on you. And I still love you, just the same.”

And, well, last night she took things a step further.

“I’m still in love with you,” she told Sean.

And then, just when you thought things couldn’t get any more romantic and/or creepy, she said that she would marry him again, right then and there — if he bid $ 150,000 on a piece of jewelry.

And he did.

We’re not sure about whether or not they’ve gotten hitched yet, but someone did have the presence of mind to play a wedding march.

Sean hopped on stage, crawled between Madonna’s legs, and then handcuffed her.

Why? We may never know.

But, hilariously enough, Madonna did joke while Sean was handcuffing her that “For once, he’s not the one being arrested.”

Oh, Madonna, you’re in love with a criminal! How sweet!

Best of wishes to this former, maybe present couple, we guess.


Madonna -- Sean Penn"s Got Me in Handcuffs ... Just Like the Good Old Days (VIDEO)

Sean Penn slapped the cuffs on Madonna and it only cost him $ 150k — instead of marriage and a messy divorce. The exes ended up on stage for Madonna’s charity event — Raising Malawi — during Art Basel in Miami. She told the crowd she’d marry…


Monday, October 31, 2016

Idris Elba -- Makes REAL Kickboxing Debut ... As Madonna Watches On (VIDEO)

Here’s video of Hollywood movie star Idris Elba fighting in a REAL LIFE kickboxing match in the U.K. over the weekend … kicking a little ass as Madonna watches on. It went down at York Hall in London … and it looks like all the training Elba’s…


Friday, June 10, 2016

Bobby Brown Reveals Affairs With Janet Jackson & Madonna!

In his new book, Every Little Step: My Story, Bobby Brown reveals some details about his life that are shocking fans.

His latest revelation? He had a torrid affair with Janet Jackson… and Madonna!

“I fell in love with [Janet] when she was Penny on Good Times,” the singer told Us Weekly. “It goes back that far, you know, my infatuation with her.”

Brown said he secretly dated Jackson in the 80s while she was in a relationship with Rene Elizondo Jr., who she eventually went on to marry.

“She loved me but wasn’t in love with me,” Brown said of why his affair with Jackson ended.

Shockingly, he disclosed that race was also a factor.

Jackson had told him, “My father won’t allow me to be with a black man,” which was the last straw for Brown.

Good old Joe Jackson. Always giving new insights into how his kids got so messed up.

“I exploded and I threw her out,” Brown wrote, noting that they had been lying together post-coitus in a hotel room bed when it happened.

On his encounter with Madonna, Brown described it as “kind of weird, but you know, memorable.”

“We met through mutual friends,” Brown told Us.

“One of her dancers was dating a friend of mine and I guess she told my friend that Madonna wanted to meet me,” he explained. 

“We ended up going down to the studio and the next thing I know, there was some strange things happening to me.”

Oh, we bet.

Earlier this week, Brown appeared in an interview with Robin Roberts and broke down crying about the death of his daughter Bobbi Kristina and ex-wife Whitney Houston.

During the exchange, he revealed that he thought Bobbi Kristina’s boyfriend Nick Gordon was responsible for the deaths of both women.

In the book, he also claims that Whitney was bisexual and carried on an affair with her assistant Robyn Crawford.

Way to go, Bobby. Exploit your dead ex-wife and daughter for a little extra cash – I guess it’s your prerogative.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Madonna Defends Prince Tribute, Sends Message to Critics

Madonna would like to apologize to anyone who has an issue with her tribute to Prince at the 2016 Billboard Music Awards on Sunday night.

She understands your criticism and she didn’t mean to offend you and she knows she did not do the late musician proud and…


Does that sound remotely like Madonna to you?

Just hours after The Material Girl sang a version of “Nothing Compares 2 U” and then joined Steve Wonder for a duet of “Purple Rain,” BET called out Madonna for what that network deemed to be a terrible performance.

Hyping its own Prince tribute at the BET Awards on June 16, this is what the network Tweeted:

See the message on the bottom?

Pretty harsh, huh?

Even before Madonna took to the Billboard Music Awards stage, a petition compiled over 8,000 signatures, urging almost any big name aside from this legendary artist to honor Prince, who died on April 21 at the age of 57.

This, despite the fact that Madonna collaborated with Prince back in 1989 and even once dated the superstar.

What does Madonna have to say to these critics?

“Deal with it,” she wrote last night on Instagram alongside a photo of her decked in an all-purple getup.

Several hours later, she returned to elaborate via a second post:

“Anyone who wants to do a tribute to Prince is welcome to. Whatever your age Gender or skin Color. If you loved him and he inspired you then show it!!!! I love Prince 4 ever.”

Sounds pretty reasonable, doesn’t it?

With so many awards shows on the docket, we can expect an endless number of Prince-themed performances over the next few months.

Instead of criticizing the ones you don’t like, let’s all use them as an opportunity to remember the reason why they exist in the first place:

Prince is dead. Prince is an icon. And Prince deserves to be honored in as many ways as Hollywood can honor him.

BET Throws Major Shade at Madonna, Hates on Prince Tribute


Tell us what you really thought of Madonna’s tribute to Prince, BET!

madge, prince

On Sunday night at the 2016 Billboard Music Awards, Madonna took to the stage in order to honor the legendary artist, who died at the age of 57 back on April 21.

She opened her number with a rendition of “Nothing Compares 2 U” and was then joined by Stevie Wonder for a version of “Purple Rain.”

Overall, the performance received mixed reviews online. Check it out for yourself before we move on:

While we expect the Twitterverse to get its proverbial panties in a bunch over pretty much anything, BET came out and surprised Internet users last night by actually throwing its own shade at Madonna.

Big time.

With the BET Awards set for June 16, the network released a short promo on Twitter, teasing its own Prince tribute and stoking the fire of disapproval with by stating:

“Yeah, we saw that. Don’t worry. We Got You.”

Ouch. Pretty harsh, no?

Questlove, who introduced Madonna to the stage for her tribute performance, certainly thinks so.

He took to Twitter immediately to defend the Material Girl.

“Because of P’s well known love for the *poof* vanishing act. A lot of us are left feeling incomplete in the act of saying goodbye,” he wrote, adding:

“For starters it’s hard to accept him no longer being here. & in the upcoming award season for ’17 there will be a gang of tributes. Naturally there will be folded arms & shade thrown because the Purple Standard is hard boots to fill & a lot of us don’t wanna come 2 grips w the fact that Prince – (an on the surface) face of health & invincible agelessness – succomb [sic] to something so… friggin basic.”

Questlove concluded as follows:

“So I know there is gonna be A LOT of ‘feel a certain ways’ about who you want to see do his music justice – but you gotta put that aside y’all.

“Every Prince rendition will not be a life changing orgasmic xperience. Just to SING his work is brave enough. Again feeling are on high, and EVERYBODY wants and deserves a chance to say goodbye in their own way.

“But remember: there will be AMAs, SoulTrain, NAACP, mtv, GRAMMYS, and a gazillion other tributes.

“But the point is let’s not get ugly with playing the ‘Prince would and wouldn’t approve’ game.”

What did you think of Madonna’s tribute?

We’ve included it below, along with other memorable performance from the Billboard Music Awards:

Madonna Pays Tribute to Prince: Watch, Cry...

Madonna and Steve Wonder put on a performance at the 2016 Billboard Music Awards that they never wanted to put on.

One month after Prince died unexpectedly at his home in Minnesota, these veteran artists paid tribute to the iconic singer in a rousing seven-plus minute set.

Wearing the sort of sparkly, paisley-print purple suit that Prince made famous, Madonna kicked things off by also rocking a ruffled blouse and using a cane.

She sat on a purple throne as the monologue of Prince"s hit "Let"s Go Crazy" played overhead.

From there, with the assistance of a sparse backing band of strings and synths, the Material Girl started into "Nothing Compares 2 U," a track Prince wrote for Sinead O"Connor.

It was appropriate for this sentimental occasion.

The emotional tribute continued after the track concluded, as Stevie Wonder joined Madonna onstage to close the show with "Purple Rain."

As they singer the late legend – who passed away on April 21 – attendees at the purple-lit T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas stood, with stars such as Rihanna and the Weeknd singing along.

"Thank you, thank you so much, ladies and gentlemen," Madonna said after the performance, adding:

"And most of all, thank you, Prince Rogers Nelson, for all that you have given us. Thank you. Good night."

Madonna and Prince were rumored to have been a romantic item way back in the day. They also collaborated on the 1989 single “Love Song.”

There was even talk at one point of the two headlining a world tour as a tandem.

Upon Prince"s death, Madonna said she was "devastated," writing on Instagram: "He Changed The World!! A True Visionary."

We continue to send our condolences to the friends, family members and loved ones of Prince.

Check out Madonna and Stevie Wonder"s Billboard Music Awards tribute to the star now:

Madonna and steve wonder honor prince at billboard music awards

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Madonna to Fashion Critics: You"re Sexist! And Ageist!

According to many critics, Madonna was among the worst dressed celebrities at the MET Gala in New York City on Monday night.

The Hollywood Gossip was among those who labeled The Material Girl as such (see our rundown below) after she walked the red carpet in a VERY revealing black lace ensemble by Riccardo Tisci.

The singer’s buttocks and breasts were pretty much on full display.

But this is Madonna.

This is one of the most outspoken celebrities of modern times, so she didn’t exactly take the criticism lightly.

She fired back in full force, in fact.

Via a long, detailed and harshly worded Instagram post, the legendary artist said her MET Gala selection was about far more than just her personal fashion preferences.

“We have fought and continue to fight for civil rights and gay rights around the world. When it comes to Women’s rights we are still in the dark ages,” Madonna wrote as a caption to the photo above.

 “My dress at the Met Ball was a political statement as well as a fashion statement.”

And just what was that political statement?

“The fact that people actually believe a woman is not allowed to express her sexuality and be adventurous past a certain age is proof that we still live in an age-ist and sexist society.

“I have never thought in a limited way and I’m not going to start. We cannot effect change unless we are willing to take risks By being fearless and By taking the road leas traveled by.

“Thats how we change history.”

Here is a look at both the front and the back of Madonna’s controversial dress. 

You tell us if you agree she’s making a profound political statement:

It shouldn’t exactly come as a shock to anyone that Madonna would wear a risque outfit, especially to this sort of event.

But here is how she concluded her Instagram post:

If you have a problem with the way I dress it is simply a reflection of your prejudice. I’m not afraid to pave the way for all the girls behind me As Nina Simone once said, the definition of freedom is being fearless. I remain Unapologetic and a Rebel in this life and all the others.

Join my fight for Gender. Equality!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Madonna Busted For Posting Fake Parking Signs Outside NYC Home

Madge has been under a lot of stress lately, in her case against ex-husband Guy Ritchie over custody of their teenage son, Rocco.

So you can’t blame her for going a little nuts over parking privileges in front of her $ 40 million townhouse on New York’s Upper East Side.

Sources tell TMZ that Madonna and her team basically made up their own rules when it came to public parking spots.  Someone posted “Tenant Parking Only” signs, sprayed “NO PARKING” warnings on the curb, then painted said curb yellow.

One of Madonna’s neighbors thought this was a little weird/wrong and got in touch with the Department of Transportation, who sent an agent over to the singer’s home on March 23rd to assess the situation.

Guess what?  The signs were fake, and Madonna’s people were instructed to remove the signs immediately.

TMZ spoke to the whistle-blowing neighborhood, who explained that when she asked a man standing outside Madonna’s home (where 3 SUVs were parked) about the signs, he said “We know the right people.”

If by the right people you mean the sales associates in Home Depot’s sign department, then yes, yes you do.

No one is exempt from city parking laws.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Madonna Exposes Fan"s Bare Boob During Concert

Madonna exposing her own breast in public is basically just another Tuesday. After all, she"s been doing it since the 80s.

But when the material girl pulled down the top of an unsuspecting fan in the middle of a concert, well, that was a little unusual.

During a show in Brisbane, Australia, Madge brought an audience member on stage and began to gush over her.

"She"s the kind of girl you just want to slap on the ass… and pull…" she said before yanking down the woman"s top and revealing her bare breast to a sold-out stadium of concert-goers. 

Luckily, the fan seemed to take it in stride and even gave Madonna a little side hug after re-adjusting her top.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry, sexual harassment!" exclaimed the singer in a mock attempt at an apology.

"You can do the same to me if you like," she added.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?), the fan declined the invitation.

This is just one in a series of recent disturbing events for Madonna, who is reportedly in angst over a custody battle with ex Guy Ritchie for their son Rocco.

A source close to the singer said that Madonna has been boozing and popping anti-anxiety meds, which has led to her bizarre behavior.

At a concert earlier this week in Brisbane, witnesses say she showed up two hours late then chugged from a bottle of tequila and crawled around onstage like an animal.

During the same show, she grabbed a flask from an audience member and downed whatever was in it.

Witness Madonna"s latest antics below:


Madonna exposes fans boob during concert

Madonna Exposes Fan"s Bare Boob During Concert

Madonna exposing her own breast in public is basically just another Tuesday. After all, she"s been doing it since the 80s.

But when the material girl pulled down the top of an unsuspecting fan in the middle of a concert, well, that was a little unusual.

During a show in Brisbane, Australia, Madge brought an audience member on stage and began to gush over her.

"She"s the kind of girl you just want to slap on the ass… and pull…" she said before yanking down the woman"s top and revealing her bare breast to a sold-out stadium of concert-goers. 

Luckily, the fan seemed to take it in stride and even gave Madonna a little side hug after re-adjusting her top.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry, sexual harassment!" exclaimed the singer in a mock attempt at an apology.

"You can do the same to me if you like," she added.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?), the fan declined the invitation.

This is just one in a series of recent disturbing events for Madonna, who is reportedly in angst over a custody battle with ex Guy Ritchie for their son Rocco.

A source close to the singer said that Madonna has been boozing and popping anti-anxiety meds, which has led to her bizarre behavior.

At a concert earlier this week in Brisbane, witnesses say she showed up two hours late then chugged from a bottle of tequila and crawled around onstage like an animal.

During the same show, she grabbed a flask from an audience member and downed whatever was in it.

Witness Madonna"s latest antics below:


Madonna exposes fans boob during concert

Monday, March 14, 2016

Madonna: Boozing, Popping Pills to Cope With Custody Battle?

Back in December, Madonna’s son Rocco Ritchie moved in with his father, Guy Ritchie, and has spent most of the time since living with the film director in the UK. 

Despite reports that she feels humiliated and heartbroken about the whole situation Madge has carried on, touring non-stop in support of her Rebel Heart album.

Unfortunately, insiders say the 57-year-old is merely throwing herself into her work to take her mind off her troubled family life – and in her quieter hours, she resorts to much more dangerous coping mechanisms.

“Madonna seems to like her anti-psych meds,” a source close to the pop star tells Radar Online, noting that Clonozepam seems to be her drug of choice.

The source adds that Madonna has recently taken to mixing booze with her medications, which may be the cause of her recent erratic behavior, such as stumbling and slurring her words on stage, and engaging in social media tirades worthy of Kanye West.

According to several reports, the singer may have hit rock bottom over the weekend during a concert in Brisbane.

Witnesses say she took the stage late, chugged straight from a bottle of tequila, crawled around onstage, and even guzzled the mystery contents of a flask that she took from an audience member.

Madonna’s touring crew has reportedly staged multiple mini-interventions, but it seems their admonitions to take it easy have fallen on deaf ears.

“She doesn’t listen to anyone,” says the source.