Showing posts with label Michelle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michelle. Show all posts

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Michelle Obama Does Bev Hills Power Lunch with Kerry Washington

Michelle Obama + Kerry Washington + Spago = Biggest Power Lunch in Hollywood! We got the former First Lady and the ex-“Scandal” star leaving the Bev Hills hot spot Thursday afternoon — eat your heart out, Shonda Rimes. The meeting is more…


Michelle Obama Does Bev Hills Power Lunch with Kerry Washington

Michelle Obama + Kerry Washington + Spago = Biggest Power Lunch in Hollywood! We got the former First Lady and the ex-“Scandal” star leaving the Bev Hills hot spot Thursday afternoon — eat your heart out, Shonda Rimes. The meeting is more…


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Michelle Obama Rolls Deep for Lunch in Venice

Michelle Obama might be from the Midwest and live on the East Coast, but no one needs to school her on nailing the business cas’ look in L.A. The former First Lady joined some of her colleagues for lunch at the ritzy Gjelina restaurant in…


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Michelle Duggar Defends Treating Children Like Servants: They Love It!

If you’re a fan of her family’s reality show, then you’re probably aware that Michelle Duggar is a mother of 20 (she and husband Jim Bob adopted their nephew, Tyler Duggar, last year).

No one in their right mind would dispute the fact that Michelle is mother to a truly insane number of children — but there’s some disagreement regarding just how much how much mothering she’s actually done.

Yes, depending on how closely you pay attention to the Duggars’ social media accounts and Michelle’s comments on child-rearing, you might fall into one of two schools of thought regarding her skills as a mother:

There are those who feel she’s the uber-mom, named not for her weekend ride-sharing gig for her astonishing ability to attend to the needs of double-digit offspring without letting of her children feel left out.

And then there are those who believe that Michelle is essentially running a child-rearing sweatshop or pyramid scheme, essentially passing off the demands of the household to her oldest kids, who then burden the younger kids with those duties once they’ve been properly trained.

And what does Michelle have to say about these controversial practices?

Well, as the folks at In Touch Weekly point out, she just can’t imagine why anyone would have a problem with her division of labor.

“The little ones love to help,” Michelle once stated.

“They have such a servant’s heart.” 

Yes, there’s nothing kids love quite as much as being servants.

Fortunately for Michelle, it seems all 20 of her children have the exact same disposition and none of them would prefer to be outside playing with their friends or otherwise being children.

The Duggars are taught from a young age that chores are second only to procreating on the list of acceptable activities to be engaged in when Jesus comes back.

As such, when they take on a new responsibility because the previous laborer left the nest or simply became too decrepit, a sacred torch has been passed.

That’s 9-year-old Jordyn Duggar doing a load of laundry.

The family made a congratulatory video to mark the occasion.

She inherited the duty from Joy-Anna Duggar, who in turn inherited it from her grandmother.

“This is my jurisdiction, Grandma washes it all and I do put it away and…do the shoes,” Joy-Anna once remarked in one of the Duggars’ YouTube videos.

To ensure that all of the tasks around the Duggar compound are properly completed, the family has designed a stringently-enforced system of rewards and punishments.

An important part of this system is the chore pack, explained in the video below by top enforcer Jana Duggar:

Yes, when they’re finished with their chore pack, the Duggar kids report not to their parents, but to their older siblings.

It’s a system that brings to mind the prison practice of allowing more seasoned inmates to run the cafeteria instead of the guards.

It also might help to explain why Duggar children are so quick to start families of their own and fly the coop.

Perhaps Joy-Anna Duggar married Austin Forsyth at 19 because she fell madly in love … but even if that’s the case, the possibility of escaping laundry duty may have also factored into her decision.

And why would Jana Duggar remain single and resign herself to such brutal conditions?

Well, there’s something to be said for being at the top of the hierarchy — as well as for the power of Stockholm Syndrome.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Saturday, June 2, 2018

"Cruel Intentions" Stars Sarah Michelle Gellar & Selma Blair Hit Up Pink Concert

People usually say WTF gratuitously … but in this case, WTF!!! “Cruel Intentions” co-stars Sarah Michelle Gellar and Selma Blair went to a Pink Concert Friday night at The Forum in L.A. … and it just doesn’t seem real. Sarah is 41 and Selma is…


"Cruel Intentions" Stars Sarah Michelle Gellar & Selma Blair Hit Up Pink Concert

People usually say WTF gratuitously … but in this case, WTF!!! “Cruel Intentions” co-stars Sarah Michelle Gellar and Selma Blair went to a Pink Concert Friday night at The Forum in L.A. … and it just doesn’t seem real. Sarah is 41 and Selma is…


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Michelle Duggar Soaks Up Praise on Mother"s Day ... But Does She Deserve It?

Americans from coast to coast celebrated Mother’s Day this past Sunday, and naturally, the members of the Duggar clan pulled out all the stops to honor their matriarch.

After all, with the adoption of Tyler Duggar, Michelle is now a mother of 20, so if anyone deserves a day to relax and be pampered, it’s her.

Now, if you’re a member of the Duggars’ army of devoted fans, then you probably see absolutely no problem with that statement.

But if you count yourself among the equally sizable ranks of Duggar detractors, then you may have just thrown up in your mouth a little.

Obviously, there are lots of folks who take issue with Michelle’s approach to parenting, but the continuum of criticism is vast:

Some feel she’s harmlessly inept, a brainwashed victim of the fundamentalist patriarchy.

Others believe Michelle is something much, much worse – an abuser, an enabler, and a willing participant in a community that sanctions rape and other forms of sexual abuse.

Of course, as we’re reminded every year at this time, Michelle’s husband and many children think she’s just the bee’s knees:

That’s Jim Bob’s annual creepy Mother’s Day video, and as usual, he and several of his kids acted less like seasoned reality stars, and more like members of a forgotten tribe who are vaguely frightened that the camera is sucking out their souls.

Now, depending on which of the aforementioned camps you fall into, you’re either thinking that Michelle must be one hell of a mom to have earned such devotion from her kids, or you’re marveling at how well she’s trained her children to convey counterfeit emotions.

If you’re in the former category, you might be wondering how anyone could think such awful things about such an ostensibly sweet woman.

We don’t have time to get into all of the complaints against Michelle, but here’s a brief rundown of why her toughest critics think she deserves punishment, not praise:

For starters, there’s the matter of the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

Now, Michelle obviously had no direct involvement in the molestation of her four eldest daughters, but there are those who believe that when she was presented with an opportunity to put and to the abuse, she did nothing.

Whatever the case, Michelle definitely helped Josh avoid prosecution, which many believe makes her an active participant in some truly horrendous crimes.

And that’s not the only time that Michelle has condones abuse.

The 51-year-old is a proponent of “blanket training” which is a technique in which children as young as 6 months old are seated on a blanket and told to stay put.

If they move, they are struck with a ruler or some other blunt instrument.

The Duggars are supporters of controversial child behavior “experts” Michael and Debi Pearl, who originated the technique.

The Pearls co-authored a book called How to Train a Child, which the Duggars reportedly consider their personal child-rearing bible.

Within a year of its release, the book was found in multiple homes of children who died at their parents’ hands.

As we said, the list goes on and on with Michelle, with some even going so far as to accuse her of abusing her daughters by forcing them to dress in floor-length skirts in all weather and no matter what sort of activity they’re engaged in.

We’ll leave up to you to decide if Michelle should be condemned or emulated.

But clearly there’s no denying that she’s a more complex figure than most of her fans would like to think.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, May 7, 2018

Kelly Rowland Thinks Michelle Obama Could Keep Up In Destiny"s Child

If Destiny’s Child is ever in the market for a fourth member, they don’t have to look further than Michelle Obama, according to Kelly Rowland. We got Kelly at LAX Friday where she told us Michelle can bust a move like no other. She saw firsthand…


Friday, May 4, 2018

Kelly Rowland Praises Michelle Obama, She IS Forever First Lady

Kelly Rowland doesn’t see any issue with Michelle Obama referring to herself as “Forever First Lady,” because she says it wasn’t her idea and besides … everyone knows it’s true. We got the Destiny’s Child singer at LAX Friday and asked about…


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Michelle Wolf on Her WHCD Roast: I Wouldn"t Change a THING!

Michelle Wolf performed a roast at the annual White House Correspondent’s Dinner

While she had some amazing burns against a lot of people, a lot of the focus — and criticism — was on a short segment in which Wolf took aim at White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Now, Wolf is speaking up about the criticism. And she wouldn’t change a thing.

In an interview with NPR, Michelle Wolf says that she is glad that she said what she did at the WHCD.

And, after discussing some of the logistics of speaking at the correspondent’s dinner in contrast with a normal roast or especially a stand-up gig, she talks about the backlash.

“I wasn’t expecting this level, but I’m also not disappointed there’s this level. I knew what I was doing going in.”

It’s good that she was prepared.

“I wanted to do something different. I didn’t want to cater to the room. I wanted to cater to the outside audience, and not betray my brand of comedy.”

Artistic integrity is important.

“I actually, a friend of mine who helped me write, he gave me a note before I went on which I kept with me which was, ‘Be true to yourself. Never apologize. Burn it to the ground."”

Wolf talks about how the WHCD has changed in recent years.

“I think a lot of it and what I’ve seen in the past is they poke little fun, they kind of poke fun at deeper dives in news media.”

Notably, some people were outraged at Stephen Colbert in 2006 for “getting too political.”

But there are many people who feel that George W. Bush should be sent to the Hague for war crimes, so they’d say that some political commentary is getting off easy.

“They’ll go kind of table by table pointing at people and making fun of them, in a way that I think used to be fun because the dinner used to have the president there, it used to be we’re all poking fun of each other, the president’s going to poke fun at us, we’re going to hit back.”

Donald Trump is notoriously thin-skinned, and it is difficult to imagine that he would enjoy even a lighthearted roasting if it touched on certain subjects — such as his alleged wealth, or his multiple business failures.

“Now it seems like it’s a much more serious environment and to kind of not go after the big issues and just have a little fun in the room seemed just not as exciting to me.”

Though Wolf is hardly the first to go after Sarah Huckabee Sanders, her lines about the Press Secretary received the most scrutiny and backlash.

“I mean, I’m honestly – I wouldn’t change a single word that I said. I’m very happy with what I said, and I’m glad I stuck to my guns.”

She suspects that perhaps people were shocked at her words because of her gender.

“Yeah, I mean, I think I don’t know maybe I’m projecting this, but I think sometimes they look at a woman and they think ‘Oh, she’ll be nice."”

She says that she is not nice.

“And if you’ve seen any of my comedy you know that I don’t — I’m not. I don’t pull punches.”

Good for her.

“I’m not afraid to talk about things. And I don’t think they expected that from me. I think they still have preconceived notions of how women will present themselves and I don’t fit in that box.”

The interviewer asks Wolf what she has to say about people who heard her lines about Sanders as an attack on her appearance.

“I think they didn’t pay attention to what was said.”

For the record, her criticism for Sanders was over the fact that she lies to the American people for a living and over the fact that he’s pretty hostile when she does it.

“Yeah, I mean, if there is two people that I actually made fun of their looks on Saturday it was Mitch McConnell and Chris Christie.”

She referred to Christie as a “barrel” and said that McConnell was having his neck circumcised.

“And no one is jumping to their defense. I made fun of Mitch McConnell’s neck and I did a small jab at Chris Christie’s weight and no one is jumping to their defense.”

In the mean time, what she actually said about Sanders’ appearance was that she has a “perfect smokey eye.” That is a literal compliment.

“I think one of the things about being a comic is getting to actually, as a woman, I have access to hit women in a way that men might not be able to hit them with jokes. I don’t mean physically hit.”

Of course.

“But you know, because I’m a woman, I can say things about women because I know what it’s like to be a woman, if that makes any sense.”

Honestly, the most important things that Wolf said had nothing to do with the Press Secretary.

She pointed out that Trump has the support white nationalists, and pointed out that it was an oddly soft word to use to describe nazis.

(Wolf compares it to calling a pedophile a “kid friend”)

She also reminded the world that Flint, Michigan still does not have clean drinking water.

Honestly, good for Wolf for speaking her mind, at the dinner and on NPR.

And no matter how much backlash she receives, her roast made a great advertisement for her upcoming Netflix special.


Anthony Scaramucci Says Michelle Wolf"s Sarah Huckabee Roast Was Ridiculous

Anthony Scaramucci says comedian Michelle Wolf crossed the line when she went after Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ looks at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner … calling the roast ridiculous. We got the Mooch outside Catch Monday night and…


Sunday, April 29, 2018

Michelle Wolf at the WHCD: Her 17 Biggest Burns

For the second straight year, Donald Trump did not attend the White House Correspondents Dinner.

But Michelle Wolf sure did.

The comedian has gone viral for her somewhat raunchy, borderline offensive jokes and insults as keynote joke-maker at this annual press and politics event.

She went after Michael Cohen. She attacked Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She held nothing back when it came to Ivanka Trump.

Did Wolf go too far at times? Or did she execute this unique job perfectly?

Relive some of Wolf"s most biting quips below and decide for yourself:

1. Who is Michelle Wolf?

Michelle wolf

Michelle Wolf is a comedian and a former writer on The Daily Show. Now, she may forever be remembered as the 2018 White House Correspondents Dinner speaker.

2. Her Best Lines?

Her best lines

Wolf made headlines for several of her digs, including: “Here we are, the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Like a porn star says when she’s about to have sex with a Trump, ‘Let’s get this over with.”

3. And Also:

And also

I’m 32 years old, which is an odd age. I’m 10 years too young to host this event, and 20 years too old for Roy Moore.

4. The Present is Female

The present is female

I know as much as some of you might want me to, it’s 2018 and I’m a woman, so you cannot shut me up — unless you have Michael Cohen wire me $ 130,000. Michael, you can find me on Venmo under my porn star name, ‘Reince Priebus.’

5. Double Diss

Double diss

It is kinda crazy that the Trump campaign was in contact with Russia, when the Hillary campaign wasn’t even in contact with Michigan.

6. Getting Dirty

Getting dirty

Of course, Trump isn’t here… and I know, I would drag him here myself, but it turns out the President of the United States is the one pussy you’re not allowed to grab

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Michelle Wolf Destroys Trump Admin. at White House Correspondents" Dinner

Comedian Michelle Wolf eviscerated Donald Trump and Co. Saturday night at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Wolf had a receptive audience of journalists and celebs, almost all of whom have unbridled contempt for the Prez.   Among…


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Michelle McNamara: Patton Oswalt"s Late Wife Helps Apprehend Golden State Killer

Back in April of 2016, author Michelle McNamara passed away unexpectedly at the age of 42.

Though perhaps best known to the general public as the wife of comedian Patton Oswalt, McNamara was a highly-regarded true crime writer who was hard at work on her magnum opus at the time of her death.

I’ll Be Gone in the Dark became an instant bestseller when it was published posthumously in February of this year, and now it looks as though the book may have helped lead police to a serial killer and rapist who evaded capture for more than four decades.

Former police officer Joseph James DeAngelo, 72, was arrested in Sacramento this morning on two counts of murder.

There’s reason to believe that DeAngelo might be the man police referred to as the East Area Rapist and who McNamara dubbed the Golden State Killer – an elusive suspect whose DNA ties him to 12 murders, 45 sexual assaults, and 120 burglaries committed between 1976 and 1986.

The investigation has been referred to by Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert as “the most prolific unsolved serial killing case probably in modern history.”

At the time of her death, McNamara’s manuscript was left unfinished.

The published version has been supplemented with material from researcher Paul Haynes and journalist Billy Jensen as well as an afterword by Oswalt, all of whom took to social media today to celebrate what appears to be the completion of McNamara’s life’s work.

“Think you got him, Michelle,” Oswalt said in an emotional video posted to Instagram this morning.

The famed comic will also produce an upcoming HBO docudrama about the GSK investigation.

The publicity surrounding the book and HBO special is believed to have prompted Sacramento police to re-open the 32-year-old cold case.

Interestingly, when news of DeAngelo’s arrest broke, Oswalt was with the book’s research team at a press event in McNamara’s hometown of Chicago last night, which also served as the first night of filming for the HBO documentary.

“Ended with me saying, ‘He’s running out of time.’ And now all of this. Surreal,” Oswalt tweeted today.

Many fans of McNamara’s work have posted some of the more eerily prescient passages of her first and last book, particularly a section in which she addresses the killer directly, imagining him being apprehended as an old man.

“You’re long past leaping over a fence. Take one of your hyper, gulping breaths. Clench your teeth. Inch timidly toward the insistent bell,” McNamara writes.

“This is how it ends for you … Open the door. Show us your face. Walk into the light.”

While there are certainly no happy endings in a story this macabre, we hope that DeAngelo’s arrest can bring a modicum of relief to those who were tormented by his crimes – as well as the family of the woman who devoted her final days to seeing him brought to justice.


Beyonce, Kelly Rowland & Michelle Williams Hang Post Coachella

The Destiny’s Child reunion is still going strong post-Coachella because all three ladies stepped out together Tuesday night in L.A. for a fashion event. Beyonce, Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams attended the Dundas traveling pop-up store opening…


Beyonce, Kelly Rowland & Michelle Williams Hang Post Coachella

The Destiny’s Child reunion is still going strong post-Coachella because all three ladies stepped out together Tuesday night in L.A. for a fashion event. Beyonce, Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams attended the Dundas traveling pop-up store opening…


Monday, April 23, 2018

TMZ Live: Kellyanne Conway Melania "Superior" To Michelle Obama

ON TODAY’S SHOW Lil Wayne: My People Will Shoot At Concert Jay-Z Blesses Cardi B’s Baby Bump  Avicii’s Final Moments Rapper Viciously Attacked At Coachella 


Kellyanne Conway Says Melania is "Superior" First Lady to Michelle Obama

Kellyanne Conway says Melania Trump is a “superior” First Lady to Michelle Obama … and the country is lucky to have her.  Yep, that’s the word she used.  We spotted the White House counselor in D.C. and asked about reports that…


Sunday, April 22, 2018

Michelle Duggar: PROOF She"s Abusing Her Children?!

If you keep up with the comings and goings of the Duggar family, then you know that a hot topic of discussion when it comes to these people is their parenting styles.

And that’s because it’s all very, very scandalous.

For years now, people have speculated on the way Jim Bob and Michelle raise their children, and that’s for a lot of reasons.

They just have so many of them, for one — how does one even begin to parent 19 children?

On top of that, it’s always interesting to look into the Duggars’ church and their specific religious beliefs, because it turns out that others with those same beliefs use some pretty concerning methods to care for their kids.

One of those methods, just for an example, is blanket training: you put a baby on a blanket, and if he rolls or crawls off of it, then you scold him (or hit him, in some instances) until he learns to stay put.

Do the Duggars do this? Maybe, maybe not.

We’ve never seen them do it on any of their shows, but many other people who share their belief system do it, so, you know, there’s a decent chance.

But besides all that, there’s been actual evidence that all is not quite right in this family — Josh’s molestation scandal and the way it was dealt with, the way Jana seems to be more of a mother to the younger kids than Michelle is.

And now, thanks to a live video Derick Dillard put on Instagram, there may be even more evidence of abuse.

In the video, Derick is just filming around Jim Bob and Michelle’s house, and he happens to catch Michelle talking to Jennifer, her 10-year-old daughter.

She’s visibly scolding her, and Jennifer is turned away, flinching.

When Michelle notices that Derick is filming, she’s surprised, but then goes into her usual sickly sweet public persona.

It may not sound like a lot, but after watching the clip, numerous Reddit users are convinced that this is proof the Duggars are abusive to their children.

One person said that the clip contained “a lot of red flags,” including “Jenny’s body language, Michelle’s sociopathic switch to sweetness and the finger wagging which is clearly being used as a threat.”

“Omg did you see Jennifer flinch?” another asked before answering that it looked like “she was actually flinching becauseshe thought Michelle was going to hit her.”

One user confirmed that “Jennifer was absolutely flinching,” and “she did it as soon as Michelle made a swift motion with her hands. It looked like she was going to smack Jennifer in that moment.”

Sadly, multiple people commented to say that Michelle’s scolding and Jennifer’s reaction remindd them of their own abusive childhoods.

Of course none of this is definitive proof that she’s hitting her children — none of us could know that, obviously — but it’s troubling that so many people think this is evidence that something sinister is going on in the Duggar home.

Or something more sinister than the stuff we already know about anyway.

But regardless of everything else, someone else pointed out that “nothing about that interaction looked to be a healthy way to reprimand a child.”

And that sounds accurate.

Do you think this is proof that Michelle is abusive?


Friday, March 9, 2018

Barack and Michelle Obama Talking with Netflix About Providing Shows

Barack and Michelle Obama are reportedly saying screw politics and joining an increasingly popular trend — getting their own show on Netflix! The 44th president and former first lady are in talks with the streaming service to “produce a series of…
