Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Donald Trump Spent $27k In Taxpayer Money Tracking Media Stories after Stormy Daniels Sued Him

Donald Trump spent $ 27,000 of taxpayer money to monitor media reports … and it was done the day after Stormy Daniels sued the President. According to Federal Procurement documents obtained by TMZ, the payment was authorized March 7 by the…


Friday, March 30, 2018

Dana White Says Canelo-GGG Fight Will Happen, "There"s Too Much Money Involved"

Canelo Alvarez is suspended, but his rematch with Gennady Golovkin – only 36 days away — will go on, according to Dana White … ‘cause there’s too much damn money on the line. We saw Dana in L.A. and asked him about the most anticipated…


Friday, March 23, 2018

Cardi B Rants at Uncle Sam: Where the F-ck is My Money?

Pssst, U.S. Government:

Inch up close to the computer screen please.

Cardi B has a very simple question for you, one she poses over and over and over again in the Instagram video below:


The musician is apparently upset because it"s tax season and she"s coming off the most successful year of her career and, therefore, is facing quite a large tax bill.

Around 40 percent, Cardi says in this footage.

Which means she"s in the upper echelon of money-makers in the entire country, but which also means Uncle Sam is owed a pretty penny or several dozen.

"I want to know what you do with my f-cking tax money because, you know what I’m saying like, when you donate to a kid from a foreign country, they give you updates of what they’re doing in another nation," the singer says.

She then runs down a bunch of ways in which she knows this money is NOT being spent.

For example, the streets of her native New York are "always dirty," Cardi B says, and "there"s still rats on the damn trains."

She also called out the government for the amount of funding they allocate towards prisons, alleging the money gives inmates "like two underwears [and] one jumpsuit for, like, five months."

So, Cardi asks once more:

Where the eff is her money going?!?!?!?

"What is y"all doing with my f-cking money?" she asks. "I want to know. I want receipts. I want everything."

The artist, who may be pregnant with her first child, also touched on the whole tax issue late last year.

At that time, she posted another video in which she asked fans to hold off on sending her any checks, arguing that "mother fc-king IRS" was "coming for me for tax season."

This time around, she concludes by screaming:

I want to know what ya’ll ni–as doing with my f–king money… Uncle Sam, I want to know what the f-ck you’re doing with my mother f-cking money.

Well, Sam, go ahead: Answer the woman!

Check out this already-legendary video below;=:

Cardi b rants at uncle sam where the f ck is my tax money going

Monday, March 19, 2018

TMZ Live: Britney Spears: Money War with K-Fed!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Selena Gomez Shows Off Her Scars The Kardashians Save the Day Aaron Hernandez’s Alleged Gay Secret Samuel L. Jackson’s Dinner Date with Judge Judy


Britney Spears, Kevin Federline is Making Child Support Money Grab

Britney Spears’ dad, Jamie, is super upset at Kevin Federline, who called him pleading for more child support when, in fact, all he wants is to jump on her gravy train. Sources connected to Britney tell TMZ, last Friday K-Fed called Jamie and…


Saturday, March 17, 2018

Barry Switzer Says He Deserved More Money, "I Was A Great Coach"

Hall of Fame coach Barry Switzer is letting the world know he’s been CHEATED by father time, saying the HUGE money that the football coaches are making now should’ve been his … and he’s got PROOF. Switzer was on Capitol Hill wheelin’ and dealin’…


Friday, March 16, 2018

Stormy Daniels: Give Me Money so I Can Tell All About Trump!

On Thursday, following reports that they were drifting apart, Donald Trump Jr. and Vanessa Trump filed for divorce. But theirs isn’t the only Trump marriage that may teeter on the precipice.

Donald Trump allegedly had an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels while married to Melania. In addition to the personal embarrassment, the steps he allegedly took to cover it up may have violated campaign finance law.

Now, Stormy is trying to tell her story — and she’s trying to raise money from the American public to do it.

Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, may be a successful porn director who’s made paid appearances and done endorsement deals.

She’s suing Trump because she wants to be able to tell her story to the American public without incurring a $ 1 million penalty.

Lawsuits are expensive, even when you’re successful — and even when you were paid $ 130,000 in hush money to sign an NDA.

Stormy offered to refund the money, but Trump and his attorneys did not accept it by the deadline, which means that Stormy will have to sue.

There are multiple reasons for which the NDA might be void, including the attorney speaking of it and Trump having never signed it.

But to prove that case in court, Stormy is going to need money to pay attorney fees.

Her mission statement, posted where she’s raising funds, is simple:

“I am attempting to speak honestly and openly to the American people about my relationship with now President Donald Trump and the intimidation and tactics used against me.”

So far, Stormy Daniels’ crowdjustice page has raised over $ 150,000 in just a few days. She has 27 days remaining. 

People are often leery of crowdfunding drives, but Stormy wants to clear the air.

“There is a lot of misinformation out there regarding the funds being raised on this site.”

She’s not asking people to give her money for personal use.

“First, I want to be clear as to what this money is NOT being raised for. This money is not going to me personally. Ever.”

It’s going directly into a legal fund.

“It is only being used to cover the legal expenses and potential damages I describe on the home page. If the money is not needed, it will be used pursuant to the crowdjustice guidelines on unused funds as with all other cases on their site.”

So no, this is not some moneygrab, folks.

“In other words, I am not going to pocket any money. The money is being controlled at all times by my attorneys in a trust account.”

Stormy has another thing that she wants to clear up.

Understandably, some folks may be hesitant about leaving the name of a world-famous porn star on their bills.

She says that this will not happen.

“Second, if you donate, your donation merely appears as a donation to ‘Crowd Justice’ on your bank or credit card statement.”

The stigma associated with sex workers can even extend to the people who pay them. That’s sad, but won’t impact people donating to help her pay attorney fees.

“There is no reference to Stormy Daniels or Stephanie Clifford.”

And, of course, she offers her thanks.

“Thank you for continuing to support me.”

Unfortunately, Stormy has more than just an expensive legal battle on her hands.

CNN reports that her attorney, Michael Avenatti, says that Stormy Daniels was physically threatened to keep quiet about her Trump affair.

Avenatti cannot disclose details at present, so he cannot say whether the person who threatened her was someone closely affiliated with Trump.

He does, however, hope that Stormy will be able to tell the whole story to everyone in the near future.

“She’s going to be able to provide very specific details about what happened here.”

Stormy Daniels’ 60 Minutes interview is scheduled to air later in March. Perhaps she will be able to say something more, though the full details of her Trump affair would still be suppressed by the NDA.

Ultimately, Stormy Daniels hopes to be able to directly discuss the Trump affair on talk shows.

Not only will it be good to clear the air (and boost her brand), but guests get paid for their appearances.

In the mean time, however, she can’t disregard the binding NDA simply because it’s probably void. She has to prove that in court.

Raising money from the American people is smart. Trump seems to be the least popular President in history, and a lot of people are happy to see him publicly embarrassed.

Will this story be his downfall? Probably not, since none of his much more serious words and actions seem to have left him vulnerable so far.

But plenty of Americans are willing to be satisfied with his public humiliation — and they’re willing to pay to see it.


The Duggar Family: Raking in Money with Instagram Ads!

The Duggar family is rich. Jim Bob made his fortune through real estate investments, and after all of their reality television ups and downs, he"s worth over $ 3 million.

But 19 Kids and Counting isn"t on television anymore, and Counting On doesn"t rake in the same kind of money. But this family of over 30 members has found another revenue stream.

Fans believe that the Duggars are engaging in Instagram ads, like so many other reality stars.

Curiously, they don"t seem to tag what appear to be product endorsements — usually of food — as #ads, but these posts are not subtle. At all.

Perhaps the Duggars are violating FTC regulations because they believe that they"re above secular laws.

It"s possible that they"re just getting free products, but the volume of the posts seems to indicate to some fans that the Duggars must be getting paid for these promotions.

Take a look:

1. First of all, the Duggars LOVE Chick-fil-A

Duggars at chick fil a

They’re not even remotely subtle about it. This strikes many fans as a clear sign that they’re getting more than just free food out of this deal.

2. There’s a difference betwen Instagramming your meal …

Joy anna duggar with jill and derick

… And product placement. This, folks, looks like a straight-up endorsement to many Duggar fans.

3. Even Josh Duggar’s gotten in on the action

Josh duggar chick fil a photo

Which, you know, kind of reads like a Jared from Subway situation. But since these are unofficial ads, Chick-fil-A has avoided the backlash.

4. But the Duggars love more than just one restaurant that fits their brand

Jill duggar promotes milk on instagram

Jill Duggar tagged this whole milk brand in her captions, and alert fans note that it all really looks like a paid endorsement.

5. Derick helps out with these alleged promotions, too

Derick dillard and jill duggar on instagram

You know, Derick claimed that they don’t get paid for their roles on Counting On, so plugging a restaurant is certainly one way to make money. When fans get wise to your dubious requests for “mission funds,” that is.

6. Not the worst thing that we’ve seen in an IHOP parking lot…

Jill duggar and derick dillard at ihop

Not only did they photograph themselves standing in front of the restaurant, they heaped praises on how affordable it was for their family to eat there.

View Slideshow

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Stormy Daniels" Donation Money for Trump Lawsuit Raises Questions

Stormy Daniels is getting a huge financial assist from the public in her legal battle with Donald Trump, but while the donations pile up … so do questions about the loot.  Stormy opened a crowdfunding page Wednesday, asking for donations to…


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Jenelle Evans Could Still Be Fired from Teen Mom 2, Asks MTV for More Money Anyway

Jenelle Evans is not in the best place right now in terms of her career.

Or in terms of her relationships with other people. Or in terms of being a stable human being.

In terms of anything, really.

She’s been sort of spiraling for a while now, so much that it’s honestly difficult to pinpoint an exact moment that things started going so wrong for her again.

There was a time when many people thought she was finally getting her life together, when she got with David Eason (before many people found out about his scary criminal record) and they built their home together.

But then we saw David on the show and began to realize what a creep he was, and we learned that Jenelle had been doing drugs while pregnant with Ensley and all the stuff about the alleged child neglect and abuse …

And it looks like things have just always been a mess.

Still, things have intensified recently, with all the (extremely well-deserved) criticism she’s been getting for doing drugs during her pregnancy and, you know, for standing by a gigantic jackass like David.

Last month, David made some extremely homophobic and transphobic comments on Twitter, and MTV promptly fired him from Teen Mom 2.

Jenelle liked a few of his tweets and she never spoke out against his hateful comments except to say that he simply didn’t understand how Twitter works and that he’d “keep his comments to himself from now on.”

Oh, and she also said that he’s not homophobic because they went to a party once where there were gay people and “he didn’t act in any type of way.”

We’ve heard many reports about the situation, about how she could be fired too, or she could quit.

We’ve also heard that MTV wrapped up filming early down in North Carolina, and there are no plans yet for the crew to return.

But as of now, we haven’t heard anything official about Jenelle’s status on the show.

Don’t go getting too sad about the lack of news though — because we do have a hilarious new report about how she may be handling this situation!

According to a source who spoke with Radar Online, Jenelle has been begging producers to keep her on the show … but she’s been angling for more money at the same time?

“Jenelle hired an entertainment lawyer to negotiate with MTV,” the source claimed, “but the network wasn’t giving in to any of her demands.”

One of her demands, believe it or not, was that the network pay her an additional fee to film on her property.

That’s just … what is she … why would that ever be a thing that would happen?

It kind of sounds like her logic is that MTV and David are at odds, and since her home is also David’s home, they need extra compensation to allow them to film there?

It also sounds like she’s not taking into consideration that all of the cast members have always filmed in their homes, and that it doesn’t make sense at all for Jenelle to receive extra money just because her husband was too dumb to not get fired.

The source said that “MTV shot that down,” of course, and that “no one wanted to film on Jenelle’s property because they were all disgusted by David.”

“And all of the guns are unacceptable too, people are afraid of what David could do.”

In addition to asking for more money, the source said that she also tried to get David back on the show, but MTV refused.

Not only that, but the network “still hasn’t given Jenelle a date for when or even if filming would start with her again.”

And that’s because “she could still be fired from the show.”

If Jenelle is pulling dumb stunts like trying to get a bonus for filming at her own house, and if the crew is legitimately afraid for their lives because of David with his terrible temper and gun collection …

Maybe it wouldn’t be the worst thing if she got fired.


Derick Dillard: Jim Bob Duggar Kept All Our TV Money!

Folks, it looks like the inevitable unraveling of the Duggar clan might finally be underway.

And like so many major events of the modern age, it started not with a bang … but with a deleted tweet.

As you may already know, Derick Dillard was fired by TLC back in November after launching a bigoted twitter tirade against fellow network star Jazz Jennings.

You would think that after all that, Derick would have learned a valuable lesson about running his mouth on social media, but that doesn’t appear to be the case.

Last week, Derick went on yet another tirade, and this time it appeared he was hell-bent on biting the hand that used to feed him.

In a series of tweets (some of which were quickly deleted), Derick attacked TLC for refusing to pay his son’s medical bills after baby Samuel spent two weeks in the NICU.

Derick’s reasoning was that since the birth was featured on Counting On, the network should have helped cover expenses.

“We even requested that they help with some of the medical expenses from the birth that they made a pretty penny on, but they refused to help cover any of those costs,” Derick tweeted.

“We could pay for it fine; I had a great job,” he continued.

“The point is, I thought that at least since they were making money off the birth special episode, they could help soften the burden a little.”

When fans pointed out that Derick and wife Jill Duggar were paid for their appearances on the show and thus were entitled to no further compensation, the former reality star dropped a bombshell that left fans stunned:

“As far as we could tell we were volunteers and hadn’t been paid anything for the show,” he wrote.

“Like I said, for the year we were paying off our son’s birth expenses, both Jill and I thought we had been volunteering our time to help out [the show].”

Volunteering?! Is Derick seriously suggesting that he and Jill weren’t compensated by producers?

And if that’s the case, was anyone in th family paid a salary?

The answers, according to Derick, are yes and yes:

“TLC should approach all adults if they expect any obligation from them, so they can evaluate their own situation,” Dillard tweeted.

“Like I said, until recently, I assumed we were just volunteering to help out in filming where it would help out.

“I knew they didn’t owe anything but I didn’t think it was unreasonable to request some expense reimbursement under the impression we volunteered all the time.”

There’s that “volunteer” word again.

Derick chose not to answer direct questions about who did receive money from the network, but he made no effort to correct fans who speculated that Jim Bob was the only one getting rich.

“[The producers] were always asking for our time, so it seemed like a lucrative trade on their part, to make all the money they did and only be requested to help cover some expense,” he reiterated at one point.

“We paid it, but it seemed like a reasonable trade to request, considering what they asked of us.”

Asked why in the hell he would agree to put his life on television for free, Derick replied:

“There is too little space and time on Twitter to explain my whole thought process over the course of the past 4+ years, but the point is, TLC should have handled all of it much differently,” he tweeted.

“Doing the right thing should be more important than taking the path of least resistance.”

In other words, “Jim Bob made me do it.”

Watch Counting On online to relive Derick’s many years of unpaid labor.


Monday, March 12, 2018

Stormy Daniels Offers to Refund Hush Money to Trump

Porn star Stormy Daniels is suing Trump and attempting to quash the NDA that prevents her from directly discussing their 2006 affair.

Her legal team has put forward a couple of different arguments, but now Stormy herself is making an offer:

She’ll give back the $ 130,000 in hush money.

Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, sent a letter on Monday to Trump attorney Michael Cohen.

If you’ll recall, Michael Cohen is the private attorney for Trump who claims that he basically just woke up one morning and decided to wire $ 130,000 to Daniels without any reimbursement from Trump.

In it, Daniels offers to refund that amount in exchange for the NDA being lifted, which would allow her to speak about their affair and also publish photos, text messages, or even videos from that time.

(In fact, Stormy may have Trump’s DNA on a “Lewinsky-style” dress)

Interestingly, the letter (obtained by the New York Times) offers to send the money to Trump, and specifically to any account of his choosing, rather than to Cohen.

Also, the letter includes a deadline by which Cohen (and, realistically, Trump) must decide whether to accept the offer: Noon on Tuesday.

Realistically, it seems unlikely that Cohen or Trump will accept the offer.

In fact … one has to wonder if Stormy or her legal team ever imagined that they would. $ 130,000 is a lot of money, but even though Trump goes to great lengths to inflate his wealth without divulging how much or little he actually owns, he can go without.

And obviously Cohen, if he’s willing to potentially violate election law by paying Stormy this hush money just weeks before the 2016 election, isn’t going to agree without the go-ahead from Trump.

Some might say that even drafting this letter was a waste of time.

But perhaps there is a method to this “madness.”

Though the world has heard many details thanks to an old, buried interview, Stormy still can’t respond directly when asked if she had sex with Donald Trump in 2006.

It seems clear that she’d love to tell all.

In part, perhaps she — despite having conservative political views — is as horrified as most Americans by Trump’s tenure in the White House.

But it’s very likely that she’s eager to seize the opportunity to go on every talk show to tell her story, and every financial benefit that goes with it.

At present, however, violating the NDA would result in a $ 1 million penalty.

This letter — which was always bound to be leaked — seems like a way of shopping how much she has to expose to the world.

Of course, depending upon a court ruling, that NDA may not be enforceable for one simple reason:

Donald Trump never signed it.

It’s widely believed that he may have avoided signing it so that he could have deniability of the whole thing — which would sound implausible, but so do plenty of his assertions.

But Stormy’s lawsuit alleges that the NDA is null and void because both parties didn’t sign.

This new offer, to refund the money, requires the signatures of all parties — Trump included.

Interestingly, the news that Trump may have had multiple extramarital affairs doesn’t seem to trouble his evangelical base.

Some say that they’re just bigots spiting Obama and progressives. Others say that they’re just willing to put up with anything in the hope that Trump will restrict abortion rights.

Part of the reason that progressives care about the Stormy Daniels story is quite simple: schadenfreude. Since Trump is making every waking moment a hellish nightmare for people, they can squeeze some joy out of anything perceived to make him unhappy.

The other reason, however, is that violating election laws — in this case, campaign finance laws — is actually serious business.

But so are a lot of crimes that Trump is believed to have committed. Let’s be realistic — even if he ends up being carted off to prison, Trump will probably get by unscathed with most of what he’s done.

But schadenfreude is still a great reason to enjoy this story as it continues to develop and evolve.

As for Stormy’s offer, we’ll find out by noon tomorrow.


Saturday, March 3, 2018

UFC"s Brian Ortega Says He"d Fight TMZ Host"s Grandma for Big Money

UFC rising star Brian Ortega lives by the warrior code — anyone, anytime, anywhere — and says those rules apply even if you’re a 78-year-old woman!! We got “T-City” and Bruce Buffer on the TMZ Sports TV show earlier this week … and Buff told us…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

John Salley to Donald Trump: Don"t Arm Teachers, Give Your Gun Money to Schools!

The only thing Donald Trump should be giving teachers is more school supplies — so says John Salley, who tells TMZ Sports he ain’t down with POTUS’ idea to have educators packin’ heat in the classroom. We got Salley at an event at NeueHouse in…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

LeBron James Says Racists Don"t Care About My Money, "N-Word" Graffiti Was Proof

LeBron James is letting the world know the disgusting, racist words spray painted on his home in 2017 were no fluke … ‘cause despite all his money and fame, he’s still a target for racists. We broke the story … LeBron’s old Brentwood home…


LeBron James Says Racists Don"t Care About My Money, "N-Word" Graffiti Was Proof

LeBron James is letting the world know the disgusting, racist words spray painted on his home in 2017 were no fluke … ‘cause despite all his money and fame, he’s still a target for racists. We broke the story … LeBron’s old Brentwood home…


Cardi B Pregnancy Could Cost Her Lots of Money

A Cardi B team member says she’s pregnant — 3 to 4 months along — which would make her upcoming business deals and commitments tricky … costing her big bucks. Sources close to the rapper tell TMZ … Cardi and her team expect to finish…


Monday, February 12, 2018

Rob Ryan Says He"ll Come Back to the NFL for BIG Money!

Here’s Rob Ryan going all Jerry Maguire on his NFL future … saying he’s still down for a coaching gig if someone SHOWS HIM THE MONEY.  Like, a lot of it. Rob jokingly told our guy he wanted an Alex Smith-level contract, but don’t get it…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Dad Who Attacked Larry Nassar Donating GoFundMe Money to Charity

The man who tried rushing Larry Nassar in court last week says he’s giving away the $ 31,000 people have raised for his defense to charity. Randall Margraves — the father of 3 of Nassar’s victims — released a statement Thursday, saying he’d be…


Victoria Beckham Will Join Spice Girls Reunion For Money, Self-Esteem

Victoria Beckham went from wanting nothing to do with a Spice Girls reunion to being fully on board … largely because she wants to step out of David Beckham’s shadow and do her own thing again … sources connected to the group tell TMZ. TMZ broke…
