Showing posts with label Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palin. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Bristol Palin & Dakota Meyer: MARRIED!

Well, this is a one heckuva gosh darn surprise, you betcha!

Last month we learned that Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer are back together after separating last year.

Yesterday, it was announced that Bristol and Dakota are engaged (for the second time).

And just moments ago, the happy couple revealed to the world that they’re married, via a joint statement issued to Entertainment Tonight:

“Life is full of ups and downs but in the end, you’ll end up where you’re supposed to be,” the Meyers wrote.

“We are so happy to share with loved ones the wonderful news that we got married!”

Well, we guess the heart wants what it wants.

And sometimes it thinks it wants something, then it changes its mind, makes the other heart take a paternity test, and then decides that it does in fact want it wanted in the first place.

Yes, to say Bristol and Dakota have endured a rocky road to the altar would be putting it very, very mildly.

Bristol called off her wedding to Dakota just days before the couple was scheduled to exchange vows in May of last year.

Interestingly, the couple’s families still gathered for what must have been one hell of an awkward barbecue in Kentucky on the day that the nuptials were supposed to take place.

Sarah Palin was reportedly spotted screaming at Dakota at the shindig, leading many to believe the Marine Corps veteran had cheated on her daughter.

Bristol and Dakota battled over custody of daughter Sailor Grace, and at one point, things got so ugly that Bristol forced Dakota to take a paternity test.

According to reports that we find incredibly hard to believe, the couple grew close again during Meyer’s visits to Alaska to see his daughter.

And today they dropped a wedding bombshell on us all.

So … congrats? We’re gonna hold out and see how this thing goes before we get too excited, dontcha know.

Bristol Palin: Engaged to Dakota Meyer... Again?

Excuse us, Bristol Palin, is there something you would like to tell us?

No, not about how black people need to suck up all possible examples of racism.

But about your love life.

We’re wondering because a new Instagram photo has sparked talk that Bristol is once again engaged to Dakota Meyer.

Just take a look at the picture featured above. Now take a close look at Bristol’s left ring finger.

Is that not a very large diamond?

Meyer shared the image on his social media account and included with it a seemingly revealing caption. It reads:

“On one hand, we know that everything happens for a reason, and there are no mistakes or coincidences.

“On the other hand, we learn that we can never give up, knowing that with the right tools and energy, we can reverse any decree or karma.

“So, which is it? Let the Light decide, or never give up? The answer is: both.”

Profound stuff from the U.S. Marine.

Meyer and Palin were engaged last year… until Bristol called off the wedding just days before it was scheduled to take place.

Not long after that, Palin announced she was pregnant with her second child.

Most people assumed Meyer was the father, but it wasn’t confirmed for several months.

Of late, meanwhile, the exes have been spending a lot of time together.

We got a glimpse of Meyer holding his daughter in late March; and then the pair shared a photo of themselves and their baby together at the end of May.

Earlier this month, Palin agreed to have daughter Sailor Grace’s last name changed to Meyer, after the father of one filed a court petition.

So we’re just gonna go ahead and call it now: these two are totes back together!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer: Back Together! For a Photo at Least!

It’s nearly summer in Alaska.

But that’s not why some ice has apparently thawed in the life of Bristol Palin.

The daughter of former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has shared a photo on Instagram of herself and Dakota Meyer.

Yes, the same Dakota Meyer to whom Palin was engaged last summer… prior to breaking off the engagement mere days before the scheduled wedding… and prior to Bristol then announcing she was pregnant with Meyer’s child.

Actually, Palin did not make this exact announcement.

Full of shame at the time, Palin did confirm she was pregnant for the second time out of wedlock last June.

It was not until this January, in fact, that Meyer actually took a paternity test and we knew once and for all that he is, indeed the father of Palin’s daughter.

Her name is Sailor Grace.

In March, meanwhile, an Alaskan judge ruled that Meyer, who resides in Kentucky, could visit his daughter twice a month for four consecutive days.

A few weeks later, we got our first look at Meyer holding his child.

The photo above, however, is our first look at Meyer and Palin together in a very long time. They are smiling for the camera while little Sailor is held in between them.

“Baby daddy BFF,” Palin wrote as a caption to the image, making it clear that things are going well for this non-traditional family.

The picture was also snapped just a few hours after Bristol’s other former fiance, Levi Johnston, was ordered by a judge to pay $ 61,915.20 in back child support for their seven-year-old son, Tripp.

The 26-year was awarded joint custody of son Tripp in February after filing a petition in 2013.

Back in February, Palin addressed critics with the following post on Instagram:

“Every child deserves two loving parents, so I will continue to encourage that no matter what.

“I have never, and will never, keep them from having a positive relationship with their fathers. I did not ‘lose’ any custody case – my son has always spent most of his time with me and he will continue to do so, he is happy, healthy, and knows both of his parents love him.

“Matthew 5:11.”

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Sarah Palin: Bill Nye is NOT a Scientist!!

Wait, is that Sarah Palin or Tina Fey?

Sometimes when we hear Sarah Palin talk, we’re just not sure if she’s being serious or if it’s part of an elaborate SNL skit, because either way, we always wind up laughing.

During the Washington premiere of Climate Hustle, a film that argues against the notion of global warming, the former Alaska governor dissed Bill Nye by suggesting he was no scientist.

“Bill Nye is as much a scientist as I am,” Palin said. “He’s a kids’ show actor, he’s not a scientist.”

Nye, known for the popular kids’ show Bill Nye the Science Guy, appears in the film and denounces those who question the veracity of climate change.

Palin called Nye an “alarmist” whose credibility is dubious.

While Nye indeed is a television personality for PBS, he also graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering from Cornell University, developed a hydraulic pressure resonance suppressor for Boeing and helped create sundials that were used in the Mars Exploration Rover mission.

He also served as vice president of The Planetary Society, an organization dedicated to space exploration and research.

Scientist. Pfffft!

Before becoming governor of Alaska and the running mate who destroyed John McCain’s chance at the presidency, Palin graduated from the University of Idaho with a degree in journalism and was a former Miss Wasilla.

Earlier this year, she expressed a desire to have her own Judge Judy-type show, despite not being a judge or a lawyer.

Now that’s entertainment.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Bristol Palin Threatens Azealia Banks: What Did She Say?

Bristol Palin has taken a break from randomly inserting herself into various controversies in order to insert herself into one of the more random celebrity feuds of this decade.

Indeed… the unwed mother of two has A LOT to say about Azealia Banks.

Earlier this month, the singer went off on Bristol’s mom via a series of X-rated Tweets, at one point suggesting that Sarah Palin ought to be the victim of a sexual assault at the hands of multiple black men.

Banks quickly deleted the inflammatory messages, but not before they were captured for eternity by the Internet.

In response, Sarah Palin says she plans to sue Banks and “share [her] winnings with others who have gone defenseless against lies and dangerous attacks far too long.”

Now, in a Patheos blog titled “Azealia, which of your songs will teach me your values?,” Bristol responded to Azealia’s inappropriate comments.

“I want to start off this post by saying I would never wish any of these threats on Azealia’s mother (or anyone’s mother for that matter),” Bristol wrote.

She then quotes what Banks Tweeted about how the “burliest blackest negroes” out there should “run a train on” Sarah Palin and continued:

“It is unfortunate people in my generation think they can do, and say, whatever they wish without any sort of consequence. There are consequences for every action you make Miss Bank$ , and there will be consequences for your unimaginable threats.”

Banks also Tweeted that Bristol would not have so many “cotdamn kids” if she listed to some of her music, to which Bristol came back with what we have to admit is pretty great reply.

“Which song should I have been listening too?” she asked Banks, listing the titles of some of Banks’ better known singles, such as Hood Bitch, P-U-S-S-Y and Queen of Clubs.

Afraid of actually being sued, Banks responded to Sarah Palin’s threat of a lawsuit by saying she was “completely kidding” with her initial remarks.

But she also added the following:

“When you’re a public figure who courts attention, you can’t sue ppl for making jokes. Freedom of Speech girllllyyyyy.”

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Azealia Banks vs. Sarah Palin: Unexpected Feud Alert!

Azealia Banks and Sarah Palin may not seem like the most likely rivals, but when you think about it was inevitable that they would eventually butt heads, not because they’re so different – but because they’re so strangely similar.

Like the notorious Alaska-governor-turned-Trump-hanger-on, Banks tends to rush headlong into random situations and offer her (usually outraged) two cents without doing a lick of research.

This recently landed the rapper in trouble when she called for Palin to be gang-raped by black men, after mistakenly believing a satirical news article to be factual. 

The fake article claimed that Palin blamed blacks for willingly “accepting” slavery.

She may have said some truly ridiculous things in her day, but she never said that, and Banks never apologized for tearing Palin a new one in a since-deleted Twitter rant.

Here’s where this story really gets shocking. Palin defended herself today in an astonishingly articulate statement (that was almost certainly written by someone else):

“You’re obviously not exercising enough intelligence to acknowledge you’ve been sucked into believing some fake interview,” Palin (or somebody in her camp) wrote.

“Why don’t we strengthen both our platforms and work together on something worthwhile – like condemning racism.

“And now I’ll go through my young daughter’s playlist to make sure there hasn’t been any inadvertent addition of any anti-woman, pro-rape garbage that you seem to endorse, which perpetuates the cultural challenges we face in America.”

Wow. Looks like Ms. Banks should stick to feuding with Iggy Azalea.

As it is, she’s forcing us to side with Sarah Palin, and that’s just not cool.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Donald Trump Chooses Sarah Palin as Running Mate: Former Governor Says "You Betcha" to YUGE Opportunity

Possibly as a response to his highly-publicized struggle to attract female voters, Donald Trump shocked the political world today when he announced that he has selected former Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate in his bid for the White House.

Palin joined Trump for a press conference at the skyscraper that bears his name in Midtown Manhattan this morning, where she formally (and enthusiastically) accepted his invitation to be a part of the second presidential ticket of her career.

“When Donald called me up last night, I said, ‘Mr. Trump, after eight years of ramifications of the transformation of the betrayal of our country, America needs a president who can unite the brawlers, the ballers and the shot-callers,” Palin told a crowd of reporters.

“And number B, we need a vice-president who can stand up to our enemies, whether it’s Vladimir Putin, Lena Dunham, or the puppy-monkey-baby from that Super Bowl commercial. Boy, that thing gives me the willies, you betcha.”

Though he frequently appeared troubled by regret or severe indigestion during Palin’s rambling 37-minute speech, Trump took the podium once more when she was through, seemingly to address widespread social media criticism that he had just torpedoed his campaign.

“Ya know, folks, I checked my phone a lot during while she was talking, and I gotta say, there are some real losers on Twitter,” Trump said.

“But there also some people who are excited to have a beautiful, classy, sexy vice-president in the guest bedroom of the White House, or wherever the vice-president lives.

“If I didn’t already have a beautiful wife and two hot daughters that I’m aware of, I would be all over this fine piece of running mate.”

Political analysts say that despite everyone they know being disgusted by Trump’s remarks, the real estate mogul somehow accumulated an additional 236 delegates during his time on stage.

They added: APRIL FOOLS’!!!!

Donald Trump Chooses Sarah Palin as Running Mate: Former Governor Says "You Betcha" to YUGE Opportunity

Possibly as a response to his highly-publicized struggle to attract female voters, Donald Trump shocked the political world today when he announced that he has selected former Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate in his bid for the White House.

Palin joined Trump for a press conference at the skyscraper that bears his name in Midtown Manhattan this morning, where she formally (and enthusiastically) accepted his invitation to be a part of the second presidential ticket of her career.

“When Donald called me up last night, I said, ‘Mr. Trump, after eight years of ramifications of the transformation of the betrayal of our country, America needs a president who can unite the brawlers, the ballers and the shot-callers,” Palin told a crowd of reporters.

“And number B, we need a vice-president who can stand up to our enemies, whether it’s Vladimir Putin, Lena Dunham, or the puppy-monkey-baby from that Super Bowl commercial. Boy, that thing gives me the willies, you betcha.”

Though he frequently appeared troubled by regret or severe indigestion during Palin’s rambling 37-minute speech, Trump took the podium once more when she was through, seemingly to address widespread social media criticism that he had just torpedoed his campaign.

“Ya know, folks, I checked my phone a lot during while she was talking, and I gotta say, there are some real losers on Twitter,” Trump said.

“But there also some people who are excited to have a beautiful, classy, sexy vice-president in the guest bedroom of the White House, or wherever the vice-president lives.

“If I didn’t already have a beautiful wife and two hot daughters that I’m aware of, I would be all over this fine piece of running mate.”

Political analysts say that despite everyone they know being disgusted by Trump’s remarks, the real estate mogul somehow accumulated an additional 236 delegates during his time on stage.

They added: APRIL FOOLS’!!!!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Bristol Palin Baby Daddy: Actually Holding His Baby!

The war between Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer has ended in peace.

After initially refusing to divulge that Meyer was even the father of daughter Sailor Grace, Bristol has now done a total 180. Consider the photo she just posted on Instagram below…

“Too cute not to share,” Palin wrote as a caption to the cute image, which is our first look at Meyer actually spending with with his child.

The parents, who were set to get married until Bristol called off the wedding at the last minute last summer, reached a custody agreement over Sailor earlier this month.

Meyer had filed a motion at the end of February requesting joint legal custody and Alaska Judge Herman G. Walker Jr. granted in court that the former lovers would share interim joint legal and physical custody of their baby.

As part of the process, text messages Bristol sent to Dakota were made public, each one actually showing that Palin did want her ex to be a part of her child’s life.

“There’s nothing on my end holding you back Dakota,” Bristol wrote at one point.

“I want you (and your family) to be in her life as much as possible. It’s not about us, and I don’t care if you hate me, put it aside and put her first.”

As it stands for now, Meyer will make the trip to Alaska from Kentucky twice a month and stay for four days each visit.

His visits have clearly started, as evidenced by the photo above, but sleepovers won’t commence until May.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Sarah Palin Hopes to Make Like Judge Judy

Sarah Palin is preparing to trade in her parka for a robe.

The controversial Conservative, who is no longer a contributor on Fox News, has signed a contract with a production company named Warm Springs with the goal of starring in a Judge Judy-like reality series next year. 

“It’s a production deal,” a source tells People of Palin’s proposal to preside over a court room. “What happens next is she’ll meet with stations, make a pilot and sell it.”

Warm Springs went to Palin with this idea in 2015 and the company has since put together a team that includes the television executive who found Judge Judy and Judge Joe Brown.

Both of those individuals were actual judges before they became reality TV stars, of course.

Palin is neither a judge nor a lawyer.

“Palin’s telegenic personality, wide appeal and common sense wisdom make her a natural for this kind of format and she was Warm Springs’ top pick for this project,” the insider adds.

The proposed talk show would debut some time in 2017.

At the moment, Palin is in Alaska, caring for her husband Todd. He suffered serious injuries on March in a scary snowmobile accident.

Would you watch a show that features Sarah Palin as a judge?

Sarah Palin Hopes to Make Like Judge Judy

Sarah Palin is preparing to trade in her parka for a robe.

The controversial Conservative, who is no longer a contributor on Fox News, has signed a contract with a production company named Warm Springs with the goal of starring in a Judge Judy-like reality series next year. 

“It’s a production deal,” a source tells People of Palin’s proposal to preside over a court room. “What happens next is she’ll meet with stations, make a pilot and sell it.”

Warm Springs went to Palin with this idea in 2015 and the company has since put together a team that includes the television executive who found Judge Judy and Judge Joe Brown.

Both of those individuals were actual judges before they became reality TV stars, of course.

Palin is neither a judge nor a lawyer.

“Palin’s telegenic personality, wide appeal and common sense wisdom make her a natural for this kind of format and she was Warm Springs’ top pick for this project,” the insider adds.

The proposed talk show would debut some time in 2017.

At the moment, Palin is in Alaska, caring for her husband Todd. He suffered serious injuries on March in a scary snowmobile accident.

Would you watch a show that features Sarah Palin as a judge?

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Bristol Palin Defends Brother Trig Against Loser Instagram Troll

Say what you want about Bristol Palin, but you must applaud her loyalty to family.

Today is World Down Syndrome Day, celebrated annually by those with Down Syndrome and their loved ones through activities and events to “raise public awareness and create a single global voice for advocating for the rights, inclusion and well being of people with Down syndrome,” according to Down Syndrome International.

Bristol Palin’s 7-year-old brother, Trig, has Down Syndrome, so the mom-of-two gave a shoutout to him via Instagram.

“World Down Syndrome Day!!” Palin wrote.  “I don’t know how our family got so lucky to have this handsome boy 😍 light of our lives without a doubt #theluckyfew #TrigPaxson #T21 #mybrotherhasmorechromosomesthanyou.”

Trig was wearing a winter hat with Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan, which prompted some backlash.

“Yep that’s Trump’s target demographic,” one person wrote.

Palin hit back.

“I wish I knew who you were, hope you don’t happen to be a nurse with any child with Down syndrome,” she wrote.

“You are pathetic.”

Palin then shared another photo of Trig with her son, Tripp (the boys are the same age).

“One more picture for World Down Syndrome Day!!” she wrote.

“Love seeing my newsfeed filled up with so much love for these kids.”

Monday, March 14, 2016

Todd Palin: Husband of Sarah Palin Seriously Injured in Snowmobile Accident

Todd Palin – the husband of former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin – has been hospitalized following a snowmobile accident in Alaska.

The extent of Palin’s injuries is unknown, but NBC News has described his condition as “very serious.”

Palin was scheduled to speak at a Donald Trump rally in Florida this afternoon, but she has canceled her appearance in order to return home and be by her husband’s side.

The Palin’s eldest son, Track Palin, was arrested on domestic violence charges in January and was scheduled to be in court today.

It is not yet known if his father’s injuries will cause the start of Track’s trial to be delayed.

Sarah Palin’s social media followers became concerned when she abruptly canceled her appearance just minutes before she was scheduled to take the stage today.

The Trump campaign issued the following statement moments ago:

“Todd Palin was in a bad snow machine accident last night and is currently hospitalized. Governor Palin is returning to Alaska to be with her husband and looks forward to being back on the campaign trail soon. Mr. Trump’s thoughts and prayers are with the Palin family at this time.”

We will have updates on this story as more information becomes available.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Bristol Palin: Read Her Heartbreaking Texts to Ex Dakota Meyer

They called off their wedding in 2015, roughly six months before their daughter, Sailor was born in December.

Now, Dakota Meyer is fighting for a custody agreement with Bristol Palin that will allow him to see his daughter more frequently.

Daily Mail obtained text messages (published for court records) between Palin and Meyer, who served in the Marines, in which the Alaska native wanted her ex to see Sailor more regularly.

“I want you to be a part of her life, from the bottom of my heart I do,” Palin wrote. “There’s nothing on my end holding you back Dakota.  I want you (and your family) to be in her life as much as possible. It’s not about us, and I don’t care if you hate me, put it aside and put her first.”

“I don’t hate you Bristol,” Meyer responded.  “I have no reason too [sic] but my hands are tied when I legally have no right to a child that is mine.”

Meyer, who had to undergo a paternity test when he filed for joint custody and child support, is trying to move things along so that he can see his daughter.

His visitations, however, are limited since Palin is breastfeeding the infant, and the court rules in the mother’s favor since it’s in Sailor’s best interest.

“Yea i don’t want to miss anything either and being busy will never be what keeps me from seeing Sailor,” Meyer wrote to her in another exchange.  

“Hopefully everything gets worked out soon and I can be in her life.”

Meyer will see his daughter for the first time on March 19th, according to court records.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Bristol Palin Slams Baby Daddy Following Custody Agreement

Bristol Palin has taken aim at her baby daddy on Instagram.

Oh, right. Sorry. We need to clarify which baby daddy, don’t we?

Earlier this week, Levi Johnston finally won the custody battle over the seven-year old son he has with Bristol, Tripp.

Way back in 2009, Palin’s former fiancé filed legal documents that alleged Bristol and her family were barring him from seeing his child.

He and Bristol then agreed that Levi could see his son twice per week, but no formal agreement was ever signed in court.

The case was dismissed due to inactivity in 2012, but Johnston filed a petition a year later for equal custody. And a judge has now granted it to him.

“I’m so happy to have my son in my life, and to put all of this back in forth in the courts behind me,” Johnston wrote on Facebook on Tuesday.

“It might have taken me 7 years and cost me around $ 100,000 in lawyer fees, spread out among 3 different lawyers, as well as a lot of patience, but it was all worth it.”

Bristol – who gave birth to a child fathered by her second former fiance, Dakota Meyer, in late 2015 – proceeded to respond to the situation on Instagram.

In seemingly bitter fashion, Palin screen-capped the image of the following quote:

Always be careful of what you hear about a woman. Rumours either come from a man that can’t have her or a woman who can’t compete with her.

A short while later, however, Bristol shared the sweet family photo posted above, referenced the bible verse Matthew 5:11 and wrote this on her Instagram page:

These babies are my world and I will always be doing what is best for them.

Every child deserves two loving parents, so I will continue to encourage that no matter what. I have never, and will never, keep them from having a positive relationship with their fathers.

I did not “lose” any custody case – my son has always spent most of his time with me and he will continue to do so, he is happy, healthy, and knows both of his parents love him.

That’s the most well-reasoned, grounded, mature thing we’ve ever heard Bristol Palin say.

We may need a few minutes to digest it.

Bristol Palin Slams Baby Daddy Following Custody Agreement

Bristol Palin has taken aim at her baby daddy on Instagram.

Oh, right. Sorry. We need to clarify which baby daddy, don’t we?

Earlier this week, Levi Johnston finally won the custody battle over the seven-year old son he has with Bristol, Tripp.

Way back in 2009, Palin’s former fiancé filed legal documents that alleged Bristol and her family were barring him from seeing his child.

He and Bristol then agreed that Levi could see his son twice per week, but no formal agreement was ever signed in court.

The case was dismissed due to inactivity in 2012, but Johnston filed a petition a year later for equal custody. And a judge has now granted it to him.

“I’m so happy to have my son in my life, and to put all of this back in forth in the courts behind me,” Johnston wrote on Facebook on Tuesday.

“It might have taken me 7 years and cost me around $ 100,000 in lawyer fees, spread out among 3 different lawyers, as well as a lot of patience, but it was all worth it.”

Bristol – who gave birth to a child fathered by her second former fiance, Dakota Meyer, in late 2015 – proceeded to respond to the situation on Instagram.

In seemingly bitter fashion, Palin screen-capped the image of the following quote:

Always be careful of what you hear about a woman. Rumours either come from a man that can’t have her or a woman who can’t compete with her.

A short while later, however, Bristol shared the sweet family photo posted above, referenced the bible verse Matthew 5:11 and wrote this on her Instagram page:

These babies are my world and I will always be doing what is best for them.

Every child deserves two loving parents, so I will continue to encourage that no matter what. I have never, and will never, keep them from having a positive relationship with their fathers.

I did not “lose” any custody case – my son has always spent most of his time with me and he will continue to do so, he is happy, healthy, and knows both of his parents love him.

That’s the most well-reasoned, grounded, mature thing we’ve ever heard Bristol Palin say.

We may need a few minutes to digest it.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Bristol Palin on Oscars Controversy: Suck It Up, Black People!

Bristol Palin has finally spoken out on the ongoing Academy Awards controversy.

Thank goodness, right? We know how badly you’ve been waiting for her opinion on this topic.

Over the past few weeks, the hashtag #OscarSoWhiteControversy has gone viral as critics have reacted to the fact that no men or women or color were nominated for any significant Oscars in 2016. 

Jada Pinkett Smith has said she will boycott the event as a result, while Stacey Dash has taken the opposite tact, calling for the end to Black History Month because it encourages segregation.

Where does Bristol come down on this subject?

“[As] far as what I have seen about the #OscarSoWhiteControversy, it seems Jada Pinkett Smith started it because her husband wasn’t getting nominated,” she said, referring to Will Smith’s alleged snub for his role in Concussion.

She added:

“I don’t know how other people think about it, but I hope my son sees early on – that not everyone gets a trophy.”

Bristol, who recently slammed Tina Fey’s looks, also blogged her agreement with Dash, writing on her official website:

“Either we want to have segregation or integration. If we don’t want segregation then we need to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the NAACP Image Awards.”

Despite being unfamiliar with their work, Palin also used statements from rappers Waka Flocka Flame and Ice Cube to build her case.

“I have to admit, I don’t know who ‘Waka Flocka’ is, or what he sings, but I agree with him on this!” she wrote.

“Though [Ice Cube] didn’t mention Stacey by name, isn’t it interesting how he echoed her sentiments exactly.”

Palin concluded:

“We shouldn’t segregate ourselves or limit Black History Month to one month a year. I wish things were really colorblind… I don’t know what we can do as a society to come together as one.”

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Bristol Palin SLAMS Tina Fey: Her Voice Is Like "Nails On a Chalkboard"!

Last weekend on SNL, Tina Fey treated viewers to yet another hilarious impersonation of Sarah Palin, mocking the speech in which the former Alaska governor endorsed Donald Trump for president.

Palin’s daughter Bristol, however, was not impressed.

The Dancing With the Stars alum admitted she can’t stand the sound of Fey’s voice when she impersonates her mom.

“I’m sure many of you saw Tina Fey, who sounds nothing like my mom, do a skit based on my Mom’s endorsement of Donald Trump,” Palin wrote on her blog. “I don’t know about you, but hearing her fake accent is like nails on a chalkboard for me!”

Totally understandable. If someone made fun of my mom, I’d be her biggest defender as well. 

But then Palin took things to the shallow end of the pool by criticizing Fey’s looks.

“I may be biased, but I think my mom trumps her in the looks department. (Especially for having three more kids and seven more years on Tina!)” she wrote.

Real classy, Bristol.

Nice to see that a young woman such as yourself is focusing on issues of importance here, because when women are involved, it’s really all about their physical appearance, isn’t it?

Palin also thinks SNL needs to just let this skit go, already.

Saturday Night Live and Fey have been clinging to this impersonation a little too long,” the mother of two lamented. “It’s getting pathetic. Its been 7 years! Are they desperate for content? Or just desperate for viewers?”

Welp, maybe when your mom stops spewing out ridiculously laughable comments that almost seem designed for parody, these sketches will die off on their own.

As it stands, viewers and critics alike still love it when Fey does the former vice presidential candidate.

In a final petty blow, Palin brought up the black fringed jacket worn by her mom and a similar one worn by Fey in the sketch.

“I think my mom wore it better. What do you think?” she wrote, then included a poll in which readers could vote.

The result?

Tina Fey: 78%, Sarah Palin: 22%

I think the audience has spoken.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Track Palin Arrested for Assault, Being Drunk with a Gun

Sarah Palin spent Tuesday afternoon publicly showing her support for Donald Trump.

But she may want to get back to Wasilla, Alaska as quickly as possible. Someone close to her at home could use some support right about now.

According to police reports, Track Palin was arrested on Monday night and charged with fourth-degree assault… interfering with the report of a domestic violence crime … and possession of a firearm while intoxicated.

The New York Daily News reports that the 26-year old son of the former Vice Presidential candidate was at the center of a domestic disturbance call around 10 p.m.

Track Palin allegedly punched and kicked his girlfriend and then proceeded to hold an assault rifle near his head, threatening to kill himself.

“Do you think I’m a p—y?” Track reportedly said, also asking: “Do you think I won’t do it?”

Palin was booked without bail and his arraignment was scheduled for Tuesday, January 19. All these charges are (somehow) only Class A misdemeanors.

Track is the oldest of Sarah Palin’s five children.

The unidentified woman had “bruising and swelling around her left eye,” according to police, and “complained of pain to that area as well as to her right knee.”

Authorities later found an unloaded AR-15 assault rifle on the kitchen counter.

Track is a U.S. Army veteran who spent a year deployed in Iraq.

He is divorced with a daughter named Kyla and he reportedly broke his ribs during a drunken brawl at an Anchorage party in September 2014.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Bristol Palin DOES Have a Very Good Baby

Say what you want about Bristol Palin.

Seriously. Go ahead. We’ll wait…

But the daughter of former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin does apparently know how to give birth to a very cute child.

With controversy swirling around her second offspring (is Dakota Meyer really the father, as Bristol’s ex-fiance claims?), the 25-year old shared a new Instagram photo of little Sailor Grace on Instagram over the weekend.

And even the strongest Liberal out there must admit that this tiny girl is rather precious.

Palin did not include a caption with the picture, though a follower basically did the job for her, writing as a comment to the gorgeous image:

“What a sweet peanut!!!!”

Bristol gave birth to Sailor back on December 23, sharing a couple pictures from her hospital room at the time.

She was then forced to share a couple other pictures a short while later in order to shoot down a strange rumor: that she actually welcomed her daughter into the world a month prior, in November.

“For all the people saying I gave birth 11/4/15…here is my IV that was started on 12/22/15 when I was admitted,” she wrote as a caption back then, adding:

“My baby girl was born 12/23/15 stop trying to create controversy where none exists, desperation is the ugliest thing.”

We actually have to agree with Palin on this one.

The scandal-plagued ex-Dancing with the Stars contestant called off her wedding to Meyer in May.

Just a few weeks later, she announced that she was pregnant with her second child, both of whom have been born out of wedlock, not exactly sounding thrilled about the prospect.

“Honestly, I’ve been trying my hardest to keep my chin up on this one,” she Tweeted as part of her announcement. “When life gets tough, there is no other option but to get tougher.”

Palin then went on to clarify her statement and claim that her second pregnancy was planned all along, despite it taking place without a father in the picture.

Either way, now that Sailor is here, the new mother is very clearly smitten.

“My heart just doubled,” she told Instagram followers the day she first presented her daughter to the universe.