Showing posts with label Paris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paris. Show all posts

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Kim Kardashian West Gets Apology Letter From Paris Robber

The mastermind, according to cops, behind Kim Kardashian’s Paris robbery is trying to extend an olive branch by writing her an apology letter … but Kim ain’t buying what he’s selling. Sources close to the situation tell TMZ ……


Monday, September 25, 2017

Paris Jackson Conspiracy Theories: What Do People Believe?!

Paris Jackson is a likable young woman. To most of us, she’s a teenager with a super spiritual vibe and some wonderful progressive ideals. She manages to do some of what Miley used to get up to, but without being obnoxious about it.

But there are some bonkers conspiracy theories surrounding this girl. She’s a Jackson, and it just seems to go with the territory.

We’ll start off with the simple and almost believable.

(Relatively speaking)

Paris Jackson’s parentage.

First, some believe that Michael Jackson isn’t her biological father.

To be clear, no matter what you believe about whose sperm was involved, we should be clear that Michael Jackson was definitely her father. There’s no question about that.

(Genes don’t make family)

Some fans have wondered why Paris Jackson’s skin tone is so light given that her father (skin condition aside) was a black man.

(90 Day Fiance couple Aleksandra and Josh faced the same accusations, but the opposite, given that they both have fair skin but their baby does not)

In the case of Paris’ fair skin, though, the theory has some support from a man who claims to have provided the sperm that conceived Paris.

Actor Mark Lester claimed to The Daily Mail that he provided sperm at Michael’s request.

“I was just helping out a friend. I think he had a problem with actually doing the physical act of sex and a very low sperm count as well.”

That might sound believable, but it’s hard to wrap our heads around someone doing that and then just blabbing about it to the world.

Also, Paris has been pretty adamant that Michael Jackson was her father. She even has multiple tattoos honoring MJ.

That, we think, is what matters.

Then there are theories that Paris Jackson’s mother, Debbie Rowe, isn’t her real mother.

Debbie was married to Michael Jackson from ’96 to ’99, and is the mom to both Prince and Paris.

Some conspiracy theorists believe that Debbie was just a surrogate. The sperm for Paris and Prince could have been from various donors, depending upon what flavor of conspiracy you fancy, we guess.

We’re guessing that this theory comes less from Paris and Prince’s looks and more from the fact that Debbie cut ties with her children after her divorce, which … doesn’t strike people as super maternal.

But, having never gone through a divorce with a massively wealthy and also super famous person, we have to imagine that there’s a lot that we don’t know that went into Debbie’s decision.

That seems more plausible than Debbie deciding to act as a surrogate for unknown reasons.

Bigi Jackson (formerly known as Blanket) was born via surrogate, though he looks so much like Michael Jackson did when he was younger that people seem less eager to try to invent new and exciting parentages for him.

Okay, now we’re getting into Illuminati territory — possibly our favorite territory when it comes to bonkers conspiracy theories.

Disclaimer: the Illuminati isn’t real, but different people like to imagine a shadowy organization that controls everything, from governments to pop singers. It’s human nature to try to see patterns in chaos, even when there isn’t any.

So, first, in 2013, Paris Jackson was not living her best life, and attempted suicide.

She was put in a psych ward and, upon her release, tweeted out some cryptic things:

“It took me a while to figure who ‘they’ are in ‘they don’t care about us’ but I found out like 3 years ago. RT if you know what I mean.”

First of all, that song lyric of Michael Jackson’s … like, we don’t know if he’s ever made a statement on it, but it’s literally just referring to white supremacy’s current and historic treatment of people of color and especially of black people.

Some said that Paris’ tweet was a revelation that the Illuminati existed. That she’d been brought into the loop and betrayed the people who wanted to be her masters.

Others went even further, and said that Paris didn’t really attempt suicide but that the Illuminati tried to assassinate her but failed.

(How is an organization that uses Beyonce as their puppet going to fail to kill a teenager? What are they, Voldemort?)

After posting a bunch of Illuminati symbols on Instagram, Paris “reassured” followers that she hadn’t been indoctrinated or whatever with another tweet:

“Guys The Drawings On Instagram Don’t Mean That They Got Me, I’m Just Trying To Let (the) World Open Their Eyes And Realize What’s Going On.”

That’s right out of the Jaden Smith playbook.

Obviously, those tweets — whatever Paris believed at the time or maybe even still believes — were the thoughts of a troubled 15-year-old.

We’re so glad that she’s doing so much better, now.

And while we’re talking about the Illuminati … one of the most out-there theories involves Paris Jackson and the Illuminati in a very different light.

Because some people genuinely believe that Paris Jackson is an Illuminati clone.

(Mind you, these are the same sorts of folks who buy into NASA having a colony of child sex slaves on Mars)

Some theorists point to Paris Jackson’s own words describing her recovery following her suicide attempt.

“It was great for me. I’m a completely different person. But up to that point, I was actually crazy, I was going through a lot of, like, teen angst. And I was also dealing with my depression and my anxiety without any help.”

Because, clearly, if you murder and then clone a teen celebrity, you want to make sure that they say “I’m a completely different person” on television.

To hear Illuminati theorists tell it, there’s a super powerful clandestine organization out there that spends a significant chunk of its time planting clues to its existence in “obvious” places.

We have to question why they’d want to clone Paris Jackson.

Like, she’s great, but how would it serve these fictitious supervillains to have a tattooed teenager read tarot cards and hang out topless in the desert?

Somehow, the “celebrity clone” theories — conjured up to explain why someone looks different than they did years ago, or why someone’s public behavior has changed — are the most bonkers of all.

Weirder, even, than the detailed analysis that conspiracy theorists give to each year’s Superbowl Halftime Show.

Each performance, as it turns out, is an elaborate “Illuminati Freemason Satanic” ritual, based upon the imagination and repressed sexual fantasies of various paranoid conspiracy bloggers.

(Those bloggers are unwittingly part of a centuries-old tradition, where religious nuts writing about the practices of “witches” in Europe would describe detailed and sexually charged rituals involving the physical presence of “the devil” that was basically just thinly veiled erotica)

People, and their theories, are amazing.


Friday, September 8, 2017

Paris Jackson: Shows Off Tats, Sideboob in Flower Photos!

We’re always on the lookout for an update on Paris Jackson’s life. Maybe it’s a new photo, maybe it’s a meme. it’s actually usually a meme. This time, though, the 19-year-old model has shared two new 

So, remember Paris Jackson’s new tattoo? The one of the chakras that runs along her chest. She’s showing it off again, but this time she’s outdoors among some beautiful flowers.

Plus, she’s flashing a little sideboob. That never hurts.

Paris Jackson is full of life, love, and she’s so carefree! She’s also an intensely spiritual person.

She has her detractors, because people love to hate celebrities — but also because some people can’t stand to see someone happy and want to try their best to ruin someone’s day.

We’re not saying that we always agree with her on everything, though watching Paris Jackson bash white supremacy really warmed the cockles of our hearts.

But given that her family’s tragedies (some of which are ongoing) create circumstances in which she could have been a miserable person who didn’t even make it to adulthood, we’re so happy that she’s found a life path that brings her a sense of fulfillment.

Plus, she’s just a treat to follow.

(We love memes!)

Anyway, here’s the first of the two new pics that she shared:

She tagged this photo and the next one:

“I can feel the flower power.”

Plus a flower emoji. She’s just precious.

And, as we said, super spiritual with a New Agey vibe … but in a way that seems way more chill than, like, the way that some other folks can be.

Like we said, she’s showing a little sideboob, there.

Paris Jackson doesn’t shy away from sharing topless selfies, so some sideboob is nothing.

She looks great, though!

The next photo shows a much closer look at her latest tattoo.

This tattoo has a powerful spiritual meaning, since it portrays the seven chakras.

Paris recently posted to Instagram about the feelings of spiritual contentment that she achieves from really embracing the natural world.

“I can honestly say that before this week, i have never been able to show my true form to more than one person at a time. being able to channel my higher self and just vibrate at a frequency where i am one with the fluidity of mama gaia as well as the beautiful souls i had the pleasure of creating with, has been a journey i will never forget.”

There’s a lot of New Age spirituality that borrows from other faith traditions, like certain polytheistic faiths, and includes animistic beliefs.

You can see a lot of that in Paris’ writing.

“Embracing the gifts, facing my mortality, connecting with new and old friends. i thank everyone around me for this growth, the moon, mercury, my guides, and great spirit. i never want to lose this feeling.”

Hey, for what it’s worth, we hope that she never loses this feeling, either.

We’re happy to see her happy.

If you still need a better look at that tattoo, here’s a glimpse with better lighting.

Paris censored that herself, of course, per Instagram’s infamous hang-ups about women and their “scandalous” nip nops.

Anyway, you don’t have to share Paris’ beliefs to admire her level of devotion to improving her life and maintaining her overall well-being.

We think that it’s great that she continues to share so much of herself and personal journey with fans and followers.

A lot of celebrity kids run from the spotlight, but Paris has found a powerful way to embrace it.

And she can teach a lot of people about body positivity in the process.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Paris Jackson Showcases New Tattoo with Topless Photos

Paris Jackson says that she has over fifty tattoos. Some she has to honor her late father. Others have more specific meanings, like the matching spoon tattoos that she got with Macaulay Culkin.

Now Paris is showing off a new tattoo that depicts her spiritual side.

Because this one runs down her chest, however, she had to get a little creative to make her photos “safe” to share on Instagram.

When we see Paris Jackson, we see an openly spiritual young woman who’s at peace with her body and who is living her best life — with more wisdom than most people have at her age.

Like so many young Millennials, she gives us hope for the future.

Paris Jackson’s love of being nude is well-documented.

Plenty of us may find that relatable, but few of us go naked on outdoor spiritual retreats.

Even fewer of us then share photos (with some careful censorship) with two million Instagram followers.

Paris Jackson got a new tattoo, and she wants everyone to see it. The tattoo runs down the middle of her chest, though, so she had to find a few ways to cover up to show it off.

The first photo, uploaded not to her story but simply as another Instagram photo, just uses a robe:

This tattoo depicts the seven chakras.

In a number of Indian faiths — including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism — the chakras are energy centers within the body that have specific associations.

The chakras play a role in a number of forms of Eastern medicine and many people’s spiritual beliefs, from a devout Hindu to someone who holds esoteric, New Age beliefs.

You might think of them as spiritual focal points for different types of energy, and believers see the chakras as intrinsically tied to mental, spiritual, and even physical wellness.

Paris Jackson is definitely the eclectic sort, as she also shared a photo of the Egyptian deity, Anubis — a photo that also featured Ammut the Devourer — on Instagram. Though it’s possible that she just liked the art — we’re not sure.

The tattoo looks great, there.

However, what with the shadows caused by the angle and lighting and the presence of the robe, you can’t really see the tattoo in all of its glory.

But you can in this photo:

Better lighting and no robe to obscure the tattoo!

Unlike Snapchat, Instagram stories — like the rest of Instagram — is terrified of a woman’s nipples, because society is ridiculous.

So Paris had to get a little creative, and used some emojis as if they were little pasties to obscure her nip nops for the pic.

(And let’s be clear, it’s Instagram who’s super uncomfortable about nudity, while Paris Jackson is a very free spirit)

Now you can see the chakra tattoos in all of their colorful glory.

We’ve seen some poorly done tattoos before, but these look beautifully symmetrical.

Paris Jackson’s gotten spiritual tattoos inspired by Eastern faiths before.

Paris and her brother, Prince, got corresponding Taiji tattoos (in the West people call it a “Yin Jang” which is … literally not what it’s called).

Paris got a Yin tattoo (that’s the black teardrop part of it, representing the more at ease elements of thought and action) and Prince got the Yang tattoo (the white part that kind of looks like a fang, representing action and haste).

Over the weekend, Paris posted a video to Instagram of an interview that Prince gave, and she wrote in the captions about how proud of him she is.

She then tweeted about having to shut down her “thirsty” followers who were apparently lusting after Paris’ brother, as she isn’t convinced that anyone could be good enough for him.

That is so cute, you guys. Paris is such a treasure.


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Paris Jackson: I Flaunt My Leg Hair and So Can You!

Paris Jackson, whether she’s taking a public stand against white supremacy or talking fearlessly about her love of being nude, is such an inspiration sometimes.

You might follow her on social media for her endearing New Age spirituality and her memes (and for when she combines the two, which is often), but the 19-year-old has some wisdom to share. Even when it’s controversial.

This time? Paris is casually showing off her body hair on Instagram. And kind of encouraging others to follow her example.

So, Paris Jackson shows off her legs in an Instagram photo of herself in the sweltering August heat.

(At least, it’s still pretty sweltering in a lot of places, though it’s just “warm” in others now that August is dying out for the year)

In it, if you look closely, you can see that she has (gasp!) some hairs growing out of her legs, which is what happens to humans.

Sharing that photo, as a celebrity, is a great way to help normalize body hair in a very casual, conversational manner.

We do wish that she weren’t smoking in the photo, even though she’s outdoors and not bothering people. A lot of smokers aren’t nearly so courteous as Paris Jackson.

First of all, she looks great.

Second of all, she captioned this:

“If you’re not competing with your brother over who can grow longer leg hair wyed.”

(“Wyed” means “What are you even doing?”)

We love this girl’s sense of humor, but also her sense of casually promoting personal body autonomy.

If you’re wondering what sort of hateful comments she received, know that Paris tends to keep commenting disabled on her Instagram because … well, you can imagine the sorts of vile things that people must write to her.

Paris also recently tweeted a hypothetical (or perhaps not-so-hypothetical) exchange of dialogue.

The question was: “Why don’t you shave?”

Her reply was an old-format meme — the one of Ned Stark from Game of Thrones where that huge obnoxious font says “Winter Is Coming.”

Which is super funny — it’s no secret that many women are less likely to shave in some places or at all in the winter, especially if they’re not planning to have any sexual encounters.

If you’re wearing long pants, nobody will notice if you don’t shave your legs. If you’re wearing sleeves at all, no one will notice that you didn’t shave your underarms. If you’re wearing a bikini, nobody will notice that you’re sporting pubes.

This actually isn’t the first time that this has come up.

In the past, Paris has addressed her body hair on her Instagram stories.

“I didn’t realize that people were going to get so upset over my armpit hair. I didn’t realize that was such an issue. It is so funny.”

In this particular instance, we don’t think that Paris is a victim of the celebrity bubble cutting her off from how society sadly operates.

Instead, we think that she was just doing that thing where you laugh off something that’s serious in order to make people who are wrong reconsider, or question why something is such a big deal to them.

Basically, you pretend that you’ve never heard that people are against whatever (in this case, women having body hair) and you might even ask something like: “Why is that a big deal?” as if you’re genuinely curious.

Then you watch someone struggle to explain.

It’s not difficult to explain a personal aesthetic preference or cultural expectations.

It’s a lot tougher to explain why any of that should impact someone else.

“If you don’t shave then I won’t want to bone you” is going to sound, to most women, like a two birds one stone situation.

To be clear, no one should be pressured to shave their legs (or genitals or underarms or whatever) or to not shave, regardless of time of year or wardrobe or gender or whatever society expects.

It’s just hair and it’s not a big deal. It’s your business and your business only.

You might have sexual partners (or romantic partners) who have an opinion, and you can take that into account — or not — just as you might when you get a haircut.

Despite her “wyed” that would indicate that Paris is challenging others to do the same as she is, we think that Paris was just finding a casual way to help normalize body hair on women.

As opposed to demanding that other women follow her example. She’s just making sure that her fans, many of whom are young women, know that it’s a totally viable option for them.

She’s so good.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Paris Jackson Posts Tribute to Michael Jackson on the Late Music Legend"s 59th Birthday

Today would have been Michael Jackson’s 59th birthday, in case you’ve forgotten how tragically young the music legend was when he passed away during the “Summer of Death” in 2009.

He’s mourned by countless fans across all social media platforms today.

But, obviously, no one could miss Michael Jackson more acutely than his own children. His daughter, Paris Jackson, posted a beautiful tribute to honor her late father on his birthday.

Taking to Instagram, Paris Jackson posted a moving birthday message that both memorializes and celebrates who her father was — very specifically, to her.

“Birthday wishes to the love of my life, the one person who showed me what passion truly was, the one that gave me solid morals to live by and how to dream.”

Michael Jackson’s legacy in the public might be his music, accusations levied against him, and his distinctive image and brand. Though, mostly, music.

To Paris, however, he was her father. Of course that’s how she remembers him.

“i will never feel love again the way i did with you. you are always with me and i am always with you. though i am not you, and you are not me, i know with all of my being that we are one. and our souls will never change in that way. thank you for the magic, forever and always.”

That is an extremely sweet, if lengthy, sentiment.

Paris would certainly have made Michael Jackson proud on Sunday at the VMAs.

While Katy Perry’s awkward VMAs hosting had network higher ups worried, Paris Jackson spoke out against the very alarming hate and violence that is increasingly popping up across the US.

Remember back to a year ago, when people were warning that fringe right hate groups, neo-Nazis included, would feel emboldened by a Donald Trump victory?

Well, since 2016 was a cursed year, Trump won … sort of … and those groups were very emboldened by a man who seemed to make it clear that he shares their values occupying the highest office in the land.

Just a few weeks ago, torch-bearing Nazis descended upon Charlottesville, Virginia, to protest the removal of an enduring symbol of white supremacy.

In separate attacks against counter-protesters, various white supremacists beat black men with planks of wood, menaced their opposition with firearms, and of course one of them plowed into a crowd in a terrorist assault, killing one and leaving dozens of others injured.

A lot of celebrities spoke up “against the violence,” but nobody at the VMAs seemed willing to tell it like it is.

Until Paris got her hands on a microphone, that is.

Paris Jackson called out white supremacy for the evil that it is.

“Lets leave here tonight knowing that… We must show these Nazi, white-supremacist jerks in Charlottesville and all over the country that as a nation with liberty as our slogan we have zero tolerance for their violence, their hatred, and their discrimination.”

That’s not really a surprise coming from Paris Jackson.

In addition to being a fairly woke young woman with strong spiritual leanings and a great deal of political awareness, like, she’s not exactly from an all-white family.

For so many of us, the fight against Nazis is deeply personal.

(It should be for all of us, really)

To be fair, even though we love Paris Jackson, we should acknowledge that, in the days leading up to the VMAs, some of her tweets had us a little worried.

She spoke about antifa as people who answer violence with violence.

That’s often true — antifa are individuals who are “anti-fascist,” thus where the name originates. They show up where Nazis show up in order to make it clear that their evil views have no place in a good, just society.

Paris, at the time, advocated responding to hatred with peace, in the fashion of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

We would point out that MLK was murdered, so we wouldn’t recommend that anyone try to mirror his footsteps.

But since she didn’t say anything about antifa or counterprotesters at the VMAs, which seems to indicate that she listened as people responded to her on Twitter.

And maybe she learned and grew as a person.

That’s what really defines wisdom more than anything else — a willingness to listen.

Michael Jackson would be tremendously proud of her.


Paris Jackson, Michael Would Be Proud of Me On His 59th Birthday

Paris Jackson did her dad proud at the VMAs, and she knows it. We got MJ’s daughter at LAX Monday and she’s confident her dad would be smiling at her zero tolerance message about white supremacists. Tuesday is a special day for Paris and her…


Monday, August 28, 2017

Paris Jackson at the VMAs: White Supremacy Sucks!

For the most part, the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards avoided politics.

Yes, Katy Perry made a couple cracks in her terrible opening monologue about how the world was falling apart, but few stars referenced Donald Trump or the mess he"s created during their time on stage.

With the exception of Paris Jackson, that is.

The only daughter of Michael Jackson presented the very first trophy of the evening, taking a few moments before doing so in order to address the cloud of White Supremacy that is sadly hanging over our nation.

“I hope we leave here tonight remembering that we must show these Nazi, white supremacist jerks in Charlottesville and all over the country that as a nation with liberty as our slogan we have zero tolerance for their violence, hatred, and their discrimination,” said Paris, to loud applause.

She ended her brief statement by saying the following:

"We must resist.”

Incredibly/tragically, this is an actual topic of debate at the moment after a group of neo-Nazis gathered in Virginia a few weeks ago and created havoc around Charlottesville.

Their actions led to the murder of a 32-year old protestor named Heather Heyer, whose mom actually spoke out as well on stage at the VMAs.

Here is what she had to say:

And here is what Paris Jackson had to say.

Click the PLAY button below to find out and then react to her message of hope, anger and resistance.

Paris jackson at the vma white supremacy sucks

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Paris Jackson Shares Topless Selfie, Love for Her Dog

You have to love Paris Jackson.

We don’t mean that in the “you must love her because of who her father was” or whatever. You can do that if you like, but we think that Paris is admirable for who she is.

Sometimes, Paris Jackson shows her spiritual side while topless. In this photo, she’s topless again, but the context is a little different. …

Paris Jackson, daughter of the late, great Michael Jackson, chooses to honor her father’s memory with tattoos.

Recently, Paris and her godfather, Macaulay Culkin, got matching tattoos on their arms, though the meaning of the enigmatic spoon tattoo could be an inside joke or a reference to chronic illness.

(We just don’t know)

Some people hold a very negative view of tattoos.

For yourself, that’s fine. But please don’t try to impose your personal choices on others, okay?

Paris Jackson’s body and skin are her own, and she can decorate it with whatever ink she chooses.

She can also choose whether or not to display those tattoos. It is, again, her body.

And while we’re on the subject, she doesn’t need to cover up any parts of her skin that she doesn’t want to.

Obviously, Instagram has its rules.

To that particular social media platform, nipples — very specifically, women’s nipples — are bad and naughty and not allowed.

(A lot of laws about indecent exposure are written in the same archaic mindset, because society is and always has been something of a nightmare)

It’s important to note that, for Paris, the focus of this image isn’t on her skin or boobs or whatever, but on her dog.

She captioned the photo: “bby”

(She also turned off comments, which we’ll get to in a moment)

But while Paris Jackson’s latest topless selfie features the helpful censorship of her beloved dog, she’s very nearly suffering a nip slip.

Though it doesn’t really look like she’s suffering anything, does it?

Paris has spoken before about her love of nudity, and we don’t blame her one bit.

Unlike most of us, Paris sometimes takes her fondness for baring it all into the great outdoors.

It wasn’t very long ago that Paris Jackson attended a spiritual retreat, which you can see here.

It looks like a beautiful (if very warm) location, but Paris doesn’t mind baring some skin, and that can be a great way to beat the heat.

Not everyone can do that, of course.

Maybe you live around a lot of people or maybe the weather or laws don’t permit it.

Or maybe you’re just comfortable with your body but not comfortable being seen nude.

(Heck, people with scopophobia aren’t comfortable being seen while dressed, so there’s no shame with having a comfort zone)

That’s not even the only time this summer that Paris has shown her spiritual side while nude, as she recently sat topless (though indoors) while possibly looking at tarot cards.

In each case, Paris Jackson tends to turn off comments on Instagram.

It’s not clear if she leaves comments on at first and only turns them off once people start saying gross things, or if she just doesn’t want to deal with it.

Either way, we wouldn’t blame her.

Half of the negative responses are going to be, well, sexual harassment.

How a woman is dressed doesn’t give you permission to say sexual things to her, and the way that she’s undressed is no exception.

Don’t get us wrong, Paris Jackson looks great. You can say “you look great!” Don’t say things that you wouldn’t say to someone in front of your mother.

The other half of the negative responses are more hateful, comments shaming her for having a body, as if she should hide her flesh because someone who voluntarily follows her Instagram account disapproves.

We’re glad that Paris Jackson is such a free spirit. We can’t imagine blaming her for tuning out the comments, though.


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Paris Hilton: I"m Totally Sorry for Defending Trump! That Wasn"t Hot

Hey, remember how Paris Hilton defended Trump, calling him “respectful” and “sweet” as if she’d only met a Trump from an alternate universe? Unfortunately, we remember.

She’s been slammed for her comments, because … they were terrible. The interview turns out to have been from a year ago, but still.

Her thoughts on the orange man notwithstanding, Paris Hilton’s not stupid — and she’s issued an apology.

Plenty of people admire Paris Hilton for her music or her business acumen or her acting or her brand or whatever.

These past couple of years of listening to her have positive things to say about Donald Trump has been … painful.

While it was obvious that, like Clay Aiken, Paris Hilton’s statements in Trump’s defense were based upon personally knowing him and being totally unable to handle the kind of man he really is because he was always so nice to her.

(That’s so common — we’ve all seen people respond to finding out that someone’s an abuser or a serial killer or whatever and going “but he was so nice.” Monsters aren’t always monsters to everyone, folks)

Like Clay Aiken, Paris is now apologizing for her remarks defending Trump.

In a statement to Us Weekly on Wednesday, Paris Hilton said that she’s sorry for her Trump comments.

“I want to apologize for my comments from an interview I did last year.”

Always good to start with the apology itself.

Remember when we mentioned, as we covered it, that we didn’t know when the interview was actually done?

It’s kind of shady that it just popped up right after the Charlottesville Nazi rally and terrorist attack, when Trump is despised even more than usual.

“They were part of a much larger story and I am regretful that they were not delivered in the way I had intended.”

Now, they shouldn’t have been delivered at all, to be clear.

She should not have said what she did, either about Trump being a good person and especially not about the women accusing Trump of sexual assault being fame-seekers.

“I was speaking about my own experiences in life and the role of media and fame in our society and it was never my intention for my comments to be misapplied almost a year later.”

Poor phrasing isn’t the best excuse.

We do understand that Paris is talking about a man she’s known since childhood.

We just wish that his present statements and actions would speak loud enough for her to condemn him.

Paris Hilton tries to address the shaming of his accusers, specifically.

“I always believe in helping women have their voices heard and helping create an environment where women feel empowered and believe in themselves.”

That’s good.

That’s also very different from accusing Trump’s accusers of bieng liars.

“I am deeply hurt by how this has played out and also deeply sorry.”

That kind of has a “I’m sorry you were upset” vibe to it, you know?

But it’s Paris and we think that she’s being sincere.

“Moving forward I will continue to do what I can to be an advocate for girls and women with the hopes of providing a louder voice for those who may desperately need it.”

That’s not a condemnation of Trump, but it is an apology.

That has to count for something.

Honestly, we’re beginning to suspect that there’s more at play here than a personal fondness.

It’s possible that Paris’ family has business ties with Trump that could be endangered if she speaks up.

We know that Trump’s politics are very different from her own.

Remember, this is the woman who did the “Paris For President” music video back in 2008.

During that song, she talked about LGBT rights, she talked about scaling back the world’s nukes and also about the importance of environmental protections in the face of climate change.

Seriously, “intensify nuclear non-proliferation and ratify Kyoto today” was a line from the song.

She also took some well-deserved jabs at George W. Bush.

We’d love to see that from Paris again. We believe that she can be that Paris again.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Paris Hilton Defends Donald Trump: He"s So Respectful & Sweet!

Over the weekend, white supremacist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia shocked the nation and claimed the lives of three Americans.

Among the departed was 32-year-old Heather Heyer who was on hand to peacefully demonstrate against the hate and bigotry ravaging her town.

At first, President Donald Trump failed to renounce the violent actions of the KKK members and neo-Nazis who turned out in force for the Charlottesville protests.

When he did speak out against their hate crimes, Trump’s words seemed coerced, half-hearted, and insincere.

As a result, many were not surprised last night when Trump reverted back to his original position, insisting that “both sides” were responsible for the Charlottesville tragedy, including members of what he called “the alt-left.”

Having clicked on an article about Paris Hilton, you might be wondering what all of this has to do with the hotel heiress and sex tape star who gave us the memorable catchphrase “that’s hot.”

Well, as you may already know Paris has been a Trump supporter for quite some time.

And it seems recent events have done nothing to sway her from that position.

“I’ve known him since I was a little girl. And he’s always been so nice, so respectful and sweet,” the 36-year-old told Marie Claire.

Asked about the decidedly non-respectful comments Trump made to Billy Bush in the now-infamous “grab ‘em by the p–sy tapes,” Paris had this to say:

”I’ve heard guys say the craziest things ever, because I’m always around guys, and I listen to them speak.”

Answering a question about the many women who have accused Trump of sexual assault, Paris gave a repugnant response that shall henceforth be known as the Cosby Defense.

”I think that they are just trying to get attention and get fame,” she said of the alleged victims.

Yes, it seems Paris Hilton is one of those people who could watch Trump gun someone down on Fifth Avenue, and declare, “That’s hot.” 

Now, to be fair, the interview was published today, but we don’t know when it took place.

Paris’ comments may have come before the events in Charlottesville, and she may have changed her position on Trump since.

But if that’s the case, she has yet to clarify it.

In fact, she’s made no public comment about the events in Charlottesville.

She’s under no obligation to do so, but we think it’s safe to say she wasn’t profoundly affected by the violence, and her political stance is likely the same as it was last week.

Paris has plugged her Marie Claire interview on multiple social media platforms, but has consistently ignored follow-up questions about her love of Trump.

But hey, this is a celebrity gossip site, and you came here to have a chuckle at the world’s most clueless heiress, not dwell on the sad state of our nation.

So here’s a nugget to leave you smiling.

It seems that Paris believes were it not for her sex tape with Rick Salomon, she’d be regarded as America’s uber-classy answer to Princess Di. No, seriously:

“It’s really hurtful, because my whole life I really looked up to Princess Diana, all these elegant, amazing women, and I feel like [Salomon] just took that all away from me,” she says.

“I could have been like that, but because of that tape, I will always be judged and thought of as whatever they say about me because of a private moment between my boyfriend and me.

Leaking a sex tape without consent is never funny.

But Paris comparing herself to Princess Di – that’s just downright hilarious.


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Neymar All Smiles Despite Missing First Paris Saint-Germain Game, Record Deal Not Registered in Time

Neymar gave Paris Saint-Germain fans 265 million reasons to cheer in his 1st appearance as a member of the team this weekend … even though he didn’t play. The Brazilian super star was officially presented as a P.S.G. player Saturday in a match…


Neymar All Smiles Despite Missing First Paris Saint-Germain Game, Record Deal Not Registered in Time

Neymar gave Paris Saint-Germain fans 265 million reasons to cheer in his 1st appearance as a member of the team this weekend … even though he didn’t play. The Brazilian super star was officially presented as a P.S.G. player Saturday in a match…


Friday, August 4, 2017

Neymar Swarmed By Fans at Paris Saint-Germain Arrival

The $ 265 million man has arrived!! International soccer superstar Neymar was greeted by a MASSIVE group of passionate fans Friday to celebrate his transfer to Paris Saint-Germain … and the scene is incredible. P.S.G. coughed up more than $ 520…


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Neymar Signs $265 Million Contract with Paris Saint-Germain

Neymar has just become the highest paid soccer player in the world — signing a deal with Paris Saint-Germain worth more than $ 265 MILLION!! That’s more than Ronaldo. More than Messi. More than Pogba.  The 25-year-old Brazilian…


Monday, July 31, 2017

Paris Jackson and Macaulay Culkin Got Matching Tattoos!

You may have heard that Macaulay Culkin recently cut his long, wonderful hair pretty drastically. But he’s also working as an actor again, which is great.

Well, that’s not the only change that he’s made to his appearance — and this one’s a little more permanent.

Not every godfather gets matching tattoos with his goddaughter, but that’s just how Macaulay Culkin and Paris Jackson roll.

We love these two.

Individually, for their talents and eccentricities and personalities.

But also for their unique bond as celebrities who became famous at young ages, and who both have no shortage of affection for the late musical legend Michael Jackson.

And now they share something else … in the form of matching tattoos on their arms.

Paris shared a photo of the two of them showing off their matching tats on Snapchat.

The tattoos are of … spoons.

Paris Jackson has tattoos already, of course.

Like, something in the area of 50 tattoos.

She loves them and she uses them for self-expression.

Part of that self-expression means honoring her late father.

Macaulay, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have any tats on his arm — except for this one.

But hey, you go that extra mile when it comes to bonding with your goddaughter, right?

Macaulay does, at least.

We all remember when Paris gave Macaulay a pedicure.

Now, we’ll be honest with you … we don’t know what the spoon tattoos are supposed to mean.

Since we don’t think that it’s a wildly tasteless drug reference, our first thought was that it might have some sort of New Agey significance.

As we know, Paris Jackson is very spiritual.

We looked up the possible meanings of spoons, and when they show up in dreams, they involve the quest for your personal fulfillment and the tools that one needs to achieve it.

We explored some other options — some people get spoon tattoos for chronic illness (a reference to spoon theory).

But the fact of the matter is that we don’t know why they got that as a tattoo.

It may be an inside joke.

They may even just be trolling people.

We love that they have so much that they can share and enjoy with each other.

Including matching spoon tattoos.

(Whatever they may mean)

It’s good that they can share, since they both lost the same great man in their lives and are both still feeling that loss.

We … would still like an explanation for what the spoons mean in this context, though.


Monday, July 24, 2017

Paris Jackson: I"m Spiritual AND Topless!

What did the world ever do to deserve someone as wonderful as Paris Jackson? Seriously, whether she’s talking about politics or her love of dogs or how she wants to make the world a better place, you can’t help but love her.

Without social media, the world would only know her for interviews. Interviews give you answers to questions, but they don’t let you see as much of who someone really is. Plus, social media lets stars share their own photos.

Her most recent photo is raising a few eyebrows, less because of what she’s doing but because it lacks commentary … and she appears to be entirely topless.

Whether Paris Jackson uses Instagram to show off a new tattoo honoring Michael Jackson or Twitter to drag Kylie and Kendall for all they’re worth, the girl is a marvel on social media.

Paris Jackson’s latest Instagram photo makes use of some clever censorship that’s all about camera angles.

(The best censorship isn’t via photoshop or hand placement or a fig leaf — it’s when the camera is angled so that a natural part of the environment or even the person’s activity blocks whatever needs to be hidden)

She’s looking at a set of cards, and with her posture, the table in front of her (and, arguably, her hand that’s holding the cards) prevents any violations of Instagram’s ridiculous pearl-clutching policies.

She looks great — Paris Jackson always looks great.

She’s gorgeous, as always.

We were also immediately captivated by those tapestries behind her.

You see a lot of those in people’s apartments, so it’s nice to see that Paris doesn’t just have a decorator come in and never give her own surroundings a second thought.

(Not that we expected that she did — she’s such a real person, you know?)

A lot of people reported this as her playing cards, and that might be the case.

Most people have played strip poker (well, the rules of poker get a little complicated the more that you drink … so it usually ends up more like strip Texas hold ‘em, right?), but most of us don’t allow photos.

The thing is, though, that we’re not entirely convinced that these are playing cards.

(Or, at least, being used as playing cards)

They might be tarot cards.

(And yes, some do have very simple backs like these)

Even traditional playing cards can be used for divination, just like a dedicated tarot deck.

We mention this, even though playing cards are a more common choice, because Paris Jackson — a very spiritual person in general — has been on a huge spiritual kick lately.

And she’s been sharing many of her thoughts on social media, even just over the weekend:

“When the universe be sending you so many messages at once n you don’t know which ones to process first n can’t figure out what they all mean.”

She tweets that with a well-known stock photo of a man who seems surprised but overwhelmed with his good fortune at receiving so many limes.

(Stock photos are weird, but they make great fodder for memes)

She also shared a meme about reincarnation that featured a Trump quote (don’t worry — she is not one of his fans).

Paris shared another tweet that, honestly, even we had to read a couple of times:

“When they hurt u but they’re playing a role due to sacred soul contract so u love them bc their existence is furthering ur spiritual growth.”

Our big takeaway is that we’re sorry that some jerk made Paris Jackson sad.

Anyway, we still don’t know what cards she was looking at.

She included no caption with the photo.

She also appears to have disabled comments for that picture.

A good choice, given the kind of vile things that people say to naked young women.

As for the toplessness, well … Paris Jackson has been nude before. And she’s even shared photos:

She enjoys nudity (even outdoors).

It’s so nice that she’s embracing her flesh prison instead of being needlessly ashamed of it.

Really, she’s 19 and she’s already wiser than a lot of people.

More importantly, she’s so good, you guys.

Given her father’s fame, controversy, and death — it would have been so easy to look at her and go: “This girl doesn’t stand a chance.”

Instead, she’s one of our absolute favorite celebrity kids.

Actually, she’s one of our favorite people.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Paris Hilton Shares Throwbacks of Herself, Kim Kardashian!

Remember when Lindsay Lohan teased an epic reunion with Paris Hilton and Britney Spears? It gave us all flashbacks of simpler times, when Paris Hilton’s squad ruled the party scenes.

Paris Hilton saw what we craved, and she’s giving it to us. And by “it,” we mean a series of throwback photos from the good ol’ days, captioned: “Good Times in Ibiza with @KimKardashian & @CarolineDamore #GirlsTrip2006.”

Remember when Kim Kardashian followed Paris around everywhere? You’re about to.

Remember back when Paris Hilton was kind of a party monster (in a good way)?

That’s the Paris Hilton that the world first got to know.

That was before we all learned that she can act and sing.

(“Nothing In This World” remains one of our top 100 favorite songs of all time, no questions)

It was also before most of us knew about her business acumen. 

More people know these days simply because people have pointed out that she’s grown her inherited wealth at a greater rate than “great businessman” Donald Trump.

She’s also never, to our knowledge, bankrupted a casino. There’s an interesting contrast.

But as different as Paris’ life is these days, Kim’s life is almost unrecognizably different.

Like, sure, she was semi-famous at the time and she was already from a rich family.

But this was 2006, before she was a household name.

Before she was a brand.

And, obviously, before she was a wife and mother.

It’s amazing to think that Kim used to be someone that people had to read a photo’s captions to identify, because she was always with Paris Hilton.

Most of the photos that Paris shared also feature Caroline D’Amore, who is also stunningly beautiful.

Caroline D’Amore hasn’t made nearly as big of a splash as either of her former buddies.

But you know what? The reality television life isn’t for everyone.

And neither is the omnipresent media circus that comes with it.

The last time that we talked about Caroline D’Amore was in, like, 2009.

And it was about Kim’s breakup with Reggie Bush.

These days, D’Amore is a DJ, actress, songwriter, and former model.

But it’s not hard to see why she was into modeling.

She is every bit as gorgeous as Paris and Kim.

Some throwbacks double as thirst traps, right?

All three of these women have done their share of modeling, though it looks like Caroline has left that life behind.

Paris still does tons of promotions, of course.

And Kim still models sometimes, but unlike little sister Kendall, she mostly just advertises her own stuff these days.

But oh goodness, these three are beautiful and probably had a lot of fun in Ibiza.

Though, given their dispositions — including Paris, who famously dislikes casual sex — probably not as much fun as people would like to imagine.

But you don’t need sex to enjoy cruising around and being rich, right?

Just a reminder that Kim, like basically her whole family, is super short.

These photos with Kim and Paris have us thinking about that photo of Kim Kardashian with Danielle Bregoli aka Cash Me Ousside Girl.

That wasn’t them hanging out or partying in Ibiza, of course.

It was just a little arranged photo, and Kim reportedly didn’t even know who the young teen was.

But eleven years from now, Danielle Bregoli could be forgotten by history or she could be a huge name that people can’t imagine being unfamiliar.

Amazing how times change, right?
