Showing posts with label Pratt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pratt. Show all posts

Monday, September 18, 2017

Chris Pratt, I Wasn"t Invited to the Emmys, But Anna Faris was Awesome!!!

Chris Pratt gave us a peek into the current state of his relationship with Anna Faris, and it’s pretty clear he still has love for her. Check out the video … it starts out a little rough, with Chris explaining he didn’t get an invite to the…


Monday, September 11, 2017

Anna Faris & Chris Pratt Take Turns with Jack

Anna Faris and Chris Pratt have clearly made their son a priority in their separation. Anna spent Saturday with 5-year-old Jack. She took him to an L.A. carnival. Sunday was Chris’ turn. The two were spotted grabbing some ice cream. The couple…


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Spencer Pratt: BLASTS Lauren Conrad and Caitlyn Jenner, Makes a Total Ass of Himself

In case anyone needs a reminder, podcasts are totally public. If you’re a celebrity and you go on a podcast and make a total ass of yourself, people are going to find out.

If you come across as a bigot, even if you didn’t mean to, it is not going to stay a secret.

Spencer Pratt seems to have forgotten that, because — on top of bashing Lauren Conrad and then asking why she doesn’t want to work with him — he said some truly unacceptable things about Caitlyn Jenner.

You know, the recent Spencer Pratt has been relatively well-behaved.

Don’t get us wrong, he’s still the guy who blew through millions of dollars in a frighteningly short amount of time.

(That was a collaborative effort between him and Heidi)

But he’s been doing so well. He and Heidi Montag are expecting their first child.

That’s a huge milestone for the legendary reality couple.

(At seven months, Heidi Montag’s baby bump was ginormous! And Heidi is coming up on eight months, now)

It’s seemed like they’ve settled into being people who set realistic goals, instead of people who respond to dwindling finances by spending six figures on crystals because they hope that the energies or vibrations or whatever will restore their bank accounts.

He still likes them. But hey, who doesn’t?

Unfortunately, Spencer recently sat down for an interview for the podcast, Allegedly With Theo Von & Matthew Cole Weiss.

Spencer Pratt bashes Lauren Conrad, talks about Scientology and Ryan Gosling, discusses his unborn child’s potential dating life … and says some almost unrepeatable things about Caitlyn Jenner.

First, you know how some celebrities accept some nice financial incentives to let a magazine do some exclusive photos — of a wedding or, say, of their new baby?

Spencer and Heidi haven’t gotten any kind of lucrative photo deal, and Spencer blames Lauren Conrad.

“Well Lauren Conrad just blew it for us, having the worst selling magazine cover in the history of the publication. She killed our numbers. She’s supposed to be the queen of The Hills, so all our money just went way down because of her.”

Lauren Conrad’s People cover sold very poorly, it’s true.

“I would rather taken no money to have that happen to her so it’s a win regardless.”

Wow that is spiteful.

You may remember that the conflict between Lauren Conrad and her former friends became a central storyline on The Hills for years until Lauren left.

Apparently Spencer is still feeling that resentment, after all of these years.

Spencer’s explanation for why Lauren Conrad won’t do a reunion with them is, in light of his bitterness, pretty interesting.

“Some people don’t want to share any shine, they’d rather sit on their Instagram account.”

Maybe Lauren Conrad doesn’t want to interact with someone who can’t stand her.

Also, maybe Lauren Conrad didn’t hemorrhage money left and right and is estimated to be worth something like $ 25 million today.

She doesn’t need to do a reunion special if she doesn’t want to.

Spencer says that he’d be okay if his unborn child grows up and wants to date Lauren’s son, Liam.

“If he wants to date Liam, that’s up to him. I personally will be targeting Kristin Cavallari’s $ 100 million + daughter for my son. Kristin, I’ll be such a good in-law!”

Okay, that’s funny. And a nice blow to heteronormativity. A lot of parents just assume that their kid will be straight by default, and they set themselves up for a surprise.

(To be clear, we don’t think that Spencer and Heidi are actually planning to raise their kid to be a gold-digger)

Spencer Pratt says that he and Ryan Gosling used to be neighbors who hung out, and that Ryan Gosling told him some chilling tales about Scientology.

“He told me a story about Scientology that has stuck with me for years. Let’s just say it involved people not surviving heavy shit and I was like, oh wow, this is not something to joke about.”

To be clear, we don’t know where Ryan Gosling would have heard these stories, except perhaps from ex-Scientologists. But we’ve read enough horrific accounts about that organization to never be surprised at what we hear.

Spencer gets really awful now, so … brace yourselves.

He not only deadnames Caitlyn Jenner, but also misgenders her — as if he’d just awoken from a two-year coma.

“I’m Team Kris Jenner. I was Team Brody. Bruce is like the worst person ever. He wouldn’t even call Brody on his birthday and he was in the valley. It’s not like he was in the Czech Republic. He was always bad as a human from what I saw as Brody’s best friend. I had heard he had gotten hormone injections and all that but to me I was like, whatever, maybe that’s Tuesday.”

It’s incredibly rude to misgender someone or use their deadname, even if you’re talking about why they suck. And even if you’re talking about them before they transitioned or before they came out.

Caitlyn is a woman. You can say that she was a piss-poor parent without disrespecting her gender and that of every other trans woman on the planet.

Maybe worst of all is Spencer’s commentary about Caitlyn’s reasons for transitioning or … something.

“It was so back in the day and I loved titties so much, I thought maybe he just wanted titties to rub on, like his own titties, I don’t know. He was a ghost.”

In case it needs to be said, trans women who get top surgery don’t do so because, um, they love boobs so much that they want to touch them.

Part of it is about being able to dress and be perceived as they want to.

Many (though not all) trans woman also experience dysphoria, where their bodies feel wrong until they have top surgery and then things feel like they’ve settled into place, as they should be.

Spencer doesn’t mean anything cruel by this, we think.

He’s probably just still the same idiot we saw on The Hills.

On a brighter note, Spencer and Heidi might be coming back to reality television.

“My own show, the paperwork’s signed. We’ll see if it ever goes onto an actual … one thing I’ve learned about networks is they’ll pay you and maybe the show [will never happen]. I’ve now been paid for two shows, whole seasons, that never went.”

Yep. That’s how scripts and projects end up in limbo or development hell.

A network might think that something’s good enough that they won’t let anyone else do it, but not necessarily good enough to actually develop.

Oh, and Spencer and Heidi don’t have a sex tape. He says that he’d be willing to do one now for $ 10 million.

We’ll just … pass on that.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Spencer Pratt Mocks the Crap Out of Taylor Swift Music Video

Taylor Swift has broken, like, every viewing record with her music video for the song "Look What You Made Me Do."

But most critics don"t like it very much.

They think it"s petty and immature and just all around lame.

Now, however, we have a reason to be thankful it exists:

Because it gave Spencer Pratt the opportunity to make fun of every frame!

In the footage below, the former The Hills star and expecting father makes it clear that he"s studied Swift"s latest video very closely.

The video opens with Pratt sipping some tea, the universal sign for throwing shade and trolling the Internet.

At other times, we see Spencer"s dance moves… we see him hanging out with hummingbirds… making nectar… and chilling with both dogs and crystals.

Because of course.

Also, let"s not forget the portraits of Pratt and Heidi Montag hanging in their kitchen that play a key role in this spoof.

About halfway through, we get a glimpse of Montag, who is eight months pregnant with the couple’s first child.

The soon-to-be parent is spotted by an open fridge about to, in Swift’s lyrics, throw “a feast.”

Throughout, of course, Pratt is lip-syncing to Swift"s new track.

He rubs his wife"s very large baby bump and dances around with her as well, making this an unexpectedly romantic piece of mockery.

To a certain extent, that is.

Taylor"s actual video has garnered more than 65 million views on YouTube and it contains more than a dozen hidden messages with references to her ex-lovers Calvin Harris and Tom Hiddleston, along with feuds with Katy Perry, and Kanye West and Kim Kardashian.

Check out Pratt"s amazing version now!

Spencer pratt mocks the heck out of taylor swift music video

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris: Trying Couples Counseling!

As we are all too keenly aware, Chris Pratt and Anna Faris have separated. Because love is dead, if it was ever real in the first place.

However, the two of them are reportedly attending couples counseling even though they’re separated.

But … don’t get your hopes up. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re pushing to reconcile.

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris announced their separation during the first week of August, shattering hearts and hopes and dreams from countless fans of the couple.

Though we’re sure that there were many factors behind the split, it’s looking more and more like Chris Pratt’s success ruined their marriage.

Isn’t that sad?

When the two of them got married, Chris Pratt had barely dipped his toes into Parks and Recreation, while Anna Faris was the movie star with name recognition.

Chris Pratt scored Guardians of the Galaxy and became an overnight blockbuster star. Then he starred in Jurassic World.

He even starred in that creepy mistake of a film, Passengers.

(Seriously, casting people: have Chris Pratt play someone lovable or what is even the point?)

Apparently, his busy filming schedule and the travel involved didn’t fit with Anna Faris’ plan for their family, and it was tearing the two apart.

We’re sure that there were other factors, but the two have been fairly tight-lipped about it, releasing this statement about why they’re keeping mum:

“Our son has two parents who love him very much and for his sake we want to keep this situation as private as possible moving forward.”

And their son, Jack Pratt, born in August of 2012, is what leads us to these two sitting down with a couples counselor.

People reports that Chris Pratt and Anna Faris are in couples counseling, but it’s not an effort to reconcile.

“They are going through couples counseling now, which is what you do when you want to divorce and there are children involved.”

Jack, who is five years old, deserves as much care and attention as they can give him.

To be clear, they’re not planning on ending their separation.

“It won’t likely change the status but it could help with their future coparenting.”

That is so important.

For Jack’s continued stability and happiness, his parents need to be on the same page regarding him and his development.

And we’re sure that they’d rather reach an agreement in counseling than work out custody concerns in court.

Of course, some people wonder if spending this time being honest and working together could make them reconsider.

People‘s insider isn’t prepared to totally rule that out.

“Never say never.”

But … mostly. They’re mostly prepared to rule that out.

“Their work separations have taken a toll, and it is not likely that the marriage can be repaired enough to work right now.”

Now, we don’t know if this means that there was something that one or the other of them cannot forgive, like a cheating incident.

Sometimes people just grow apart — especially if they’re spending time apart.

It sounds like Chris and Anna don’t hate each other, though.

“But there is still love between them.”

That’s definitely a good thing. Sometimes, when a relationship sours, all that’s left is spite.

What seems to have drawn them apart hasn’t changed.

“Chris is in demand now and will continue to be traveling all over the world, keeping them apart.”

He’s in Avengers 3: Infinity War, of course, but that’s certainly not his only project.

“That doesn’t make young marriages fare well.”

In all fairness, Chris Pratt as a movie star isn’t really the dynamic that either Chris or Anna signed up for when the two first tied the knot.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Chris Pratt: Dating Someone New ALREADY?!

It’s been just over a week since fans were stunned by the news that Chris Pratt and Anna Faris have separated after eight years of marriage.

Pratt announced the split via social media, but the couple has kept mum with regard to the factors that led them to the decision to part ways.

Those who know them best say there was no infidelity and blowout fight precipitated the end of Chris and Anna’s marriage.

Pratt’s success seems to have been a factor, however, as Faris reportedly thought she and her husband should both spend more time at home.

Sources say Anna wants to one day have more kids, and Pratt feels that the increasing demands of his career would make it difficult for him to devote sufficient time to helping raise another infant.

It’s a sad situation, and we sympathize with the drama queens and kings of social media, who declared grieved the death of love as we know it in hilariously maudlin tweets.

Fortunately, it seems Pratt and Faris are committed to working out an amicable co-parenting relationship, and friends say they’ve separated in the most civil way possible.

However, every breakup offers a unique set of challenges, particularly as the former partners move on and begin dating again.

And we’re guessing Anna is less than thrilled by news that Chris is already spending time with a new lady friend.

The Daily Mail has photos of Chris boarding a private jet with a mystery blonde last week.

The woman has not been identified, and for all we know, she could be Chris’ sister.

But whoever she is, it certainly seems that she and Chris are close.

After all, sharing a private jet isn’t really something one does with a casual acquaintance.

Pratt appeared at the 2017 Teen Choice Awards on Sunday night, and many felt that the Guardians of the Galaxy star was showing signs of distress.

“There is a reason that there was major bags under his eyes at Teen Choice,” an insider tells Hollywood Life.

“It’s because he hasn’t been able to sleep since everything went down. It’s legitimately been a very sad time and he has been crying about it.”

Meanwhile, Faris addressed the split publicly for the first time on a new episode of her podcast that debuted today. 

“Hey dear listeners, I just want to thank you all so much for all the love I’ve been receiving, and I truly love you,” the actress told fans.

Friends say Faris and Pratt are both holding up as well as can be expected given the circumstances.


Sunday, August 13, 2017

Chris Pratt Takes Son, Jack, to Church Solo After Split from Anna Faris

Chris Pratt is sticking to what he knows in the fallout of his separation from estranged wife Anna Faris … and that involves family and faith. Chris was out Sunday taking his 4-year-old son, Jack, to Church in L.A. — with Anna nowhere in sight.…


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris: Did His Success Ruin Their Marriage?

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris have separated, because love isn’t real and we all eventually succumb to entropy. 

Or something.

But it looks like working in the same field doesn’t always help your marriage, because part of what may have torn apart this power couple was their very competitive natures.

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris had a beautiful relationship.

We say had because they’ve separated, and we don’t mean to sound too pessimistic … but they don’t seem like a couple that’s going to bounce back after realizing that they can’t live without each other.

Sure, Anna Faris has reportedly been crying every day since the two of them split, but it’s normal to grieve a relationship.

And crying is a normal part of grief.

Fans of the couple have been grieving, too — this news came as such a shock.

From what we understand, it sounds like the biggest factor behind Chris Pratt and Anna Faris’ split was disagreements about how to live their lives, pretty much.

Anna Faris wants to stay based in L.A. and wants the family to spend a lot of time with each other.

She reportedly also wants to have more children.

Chris Pratt, on the other hand, is zipping around all over the world to film on different locations.

So, yeah, he’s pretty busy these days.

And he certainly can’t responsibly commit to having more children when he can’t always be there for his family.

Part of that story never quite struck us as the whole story.

Like … who calls it quits, guaranteeing that the family will spend no time together, when their desire is to spend more time together.

That’s like refusing to eat your cake because it’s not as big of a slice as you’d wanted.

Cake is cake.

It looks like there’s more.

Us Weekly reports that their source tells them that Chris Pratt’s movie star status drove a wedge between him and Anna Faris.


Because apparently the two are pretty competitive.

“Chris became this huge movie star and Anna wasn’t getting any big jobs.”

Most people would celebrate that … but you can see how a sudden change might leave her feeling like part of his old life.

“She was the more famous and sexy one at the start of their relationship and then things took a turn.”

Imagine if Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima stay together, but in a few years Younes becomes this huge movie star who’s famous and beloved by fans for different blockbuster films.

That might … change their dynamic.


You’d think that Anna Faris would just be happy for Chris Pratt’s sensational success.

Right now he’s a guy that Hollywood wants for every role (whether he’s great for it like in Guardians Of The Galaxy or an ill fit like in Passengers).

Most people would be beyond thrilled that their spouse has rocketed up to the top.

(Not to mention, you know, brings home those kinds of paychecks)

But their competitiveness has always been there, the insider claims:

“When they’re in a big group, they each want to be the one telling the funniest joke.”

Apparently, Chris Pratt going from a guy who stars on one NBC comedy to a Hollywood A-Lister practically overnight didn’t sit well with Anna.

“It definitely caused tension in their marriage.”

That is just … so sad.

As news broke of their separation, a lot of people have been quick to share their own theories behind the split.

And by theories, we really just mean theory — singular.

Because, while Chris Pratt was handsome and lovable before he became a movie star …

(Remember how great he was, even early on, on Parks and Recreation? Like, his character was awful for that first season or so, but he himself was great)

… He wasn’t, like, mind-blowingly hot until he was getting those big Marvel Movie Star bucks.


People joked that they’d never allow their significant other to get that hot, out of fears that they’d leave them.

To be honest, though, Chris Pratt doesn’t really strike us as the “gee I’m hot and now I can bang anyone I want!” type.

There are plenty of those, and that’s fine — some people get rich and famous and hot pretty much entirely so that they can go wild with as many beautiful partners as possible.

(Their dream is to live Scott Disick’s current lifestyle, but to be happy while they’re doing it instead of being filled with self-loathing)

Chris Pratt doesn’t fit that profile, at all.

Rumors aside, it’s hard to picture him cheating.

So of all of the factors that pulled them apart — their schedules, different ideas about how many kids they wanted to have, competition — we don’t think that Chris’ hotness was, directly, a factor.

Sometimes, marriages end.

Actually … all marriages end. In death or divorce.

That’s how the world works, folks.


Spencer Pratt Puts the Ass In Asphyxiation, Chokes Out Comic

Spencer Pratt went on the attack Tuesday night, putting a famous British comedian in what looks like a vicious head lock. Spencer was goofing, we assume, just outside the Ivy in the bougie part of L.A. where Keith Lemon was begging for mercy.…


Anna Faris: I Can"t Stop Crying Over Chris Pratt!

As you surely know by now, Chris Pratt and Anna Faris are no longer together.

You know that because they made that heartbreaking announcement, and also because you’ve probably already gotten an invitation to true love’s funeral.

In that tragic statement, which Chris shared to his Facebook page on Sunday night, he explained that “Anna and I are sad to announce we are legally separating.”

“We tried hard for a long time, and we’re really disappointed.”

About their son, precious little Jack, he wrote “Our son has two parents who love him very much and for his sake we want to keep this situation as private as possible moving forward.”

“We still have love for each other,” he concluded, “will always cherish our time together and continue to have the deepest respect for one another.”

It hurts just as much as it did the first time, doesn’t it?

It actually hurts a little worse, because it’s been three days now and this whole thing still hasn’t turned out to be a joke — hey, we can’t be the only ones holding out hope for a super belated “April Fools!”

But what happened? What could have torn apart this once solid couple?

We’ve heard that neither Chris nor Anna cheated, and they there hasn’t been any accusations of cheating, either.

A new report from Hollywood Life backs that up, and throws in some extra upsetting details of the split, too!

A source tells the website that “Infidelity was not an issue in the split between Chris and Anna, who are dealing with their separation as amicably as possible.”

“They still talk daily and are on good terms, not vicious, mad or angry at each other like so many high-profile divorces.”

Instead of feuding and high drama and all that mess — looking at you Brangelina — “they are taking a page out of Gwyneth and Chris Martin’s book and are trying to be as good to each other as possible as they begin to move forward with the divorce paperwork.”

“Their main concern continues to be the best parents they can for their son during this challenging time.”

Which is all great. Or, you know, as great as news about Chris Pratt and Anna Faris divorcing can be.

But wait for the kicker …

“Anna has been crying daily since the split,” the source claims, “and is leaning heavily on her family for support during this difficult time.”

Meanwhile, “Chris has turned to some of his closer guy friends, who have been through similar situations, for advice and guidance.”

We’re sure that if they came to the decision to split, it’s what’s best for the family, so hopefully after some time things won’t be quite so very sad.

But right now … this is just really, really rough, huh?


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris: Where Did It Go Wrong?!?

Love is not truly dead.

It only feels that way after Chris Pratt and Anna Faris announced their separation on Sunday night.

A married couple of eight years, Faris and Pratt came across as the perfect match: funny, laid back, successful, attractive, clearly smitten over their five-year old child.

And yet…

“Our son has two parents who love him very much and for his sake we want to keep this situation as private as possible moving forward,” they wrote in a joint statement, concluding:

“We still have love for each other, will always cherish our time together and continue to have the deepest respect for one another.”

How did the actress and actor arrived at this place?

Where did their seemingly perfect relationship go wrong?

For starters, it was never perfect.

Let’s be honest: as happy as Faris and Pratt may have seemed together in public, there’s no way of knowing what was really going on inside of their hearts or their home.

Let’s also be honest: This split had nothing to do with Jennifer Lawrence.

There’s been chatter on both sides of the relationship spectrum when it comes to Pratt and Lawrence, with some reports stating they hated each other on the set of Passengers and others alleging there were hints of a romance.

The truth is very likely somewhere in the middle. They are just friends.

According to TMZ insiders, no third party played any role in this separation. Neither Pratt nor Faris is accused of infidelity.

Instead, Faris simply yearns for a family that spends a lot of time together. She wants it to be based in Los Angeles. And she wants more children.

As a very successful sitcom star, Faris is able to work frequently and make a lot of money… yet rarely travel.

Pratt, conversely, has seen his movie career explode over the past few years; he’s often trotting around the globe, filming a new blockbuster.

Back in 2009, when the couple got married, Faris was a bigger star than her husband. The roles have now been switched, which isn’t a source of jealousy.

But it is a source of contention because their schedules are so very different.

For now, and for the foreseeable future, Pratt does not want to have more children. He simply can’t juggle that responsibility and the aspects of his A-Lister career.

Moreover, he can’t commit to Los Angeles as a steady home base because he just doesn’t know where future shoots will take him.

Both Pratt and Faris adore their five-year old son.

They will remain close and committed to co-parenting, although divorce proceedings may get underway very soon.

Expect this to be one of the more amicable divorces in Hollywood history, although that doesn’t mean it won’t be extremely upsetting to fans who believed Pratt and Faris would be together forever.


Chris Pratt, Anna Faris Split Triggered by Family, More Kids and Hollywood

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris are going their separate ways not because of some third party in their marriage, not because one of them did something unforgivable … they split because they each have very different views of what a family should be. Our…


Monday, August 7, 2017

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris Separate, Twitter Gives Up on Love

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris are getting a legal separation.

It"s difficult to even type these words. 

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris getting a legal separation.

Yup, still difficult.

We"re not alone in reacting with shock over the dissolution of a marriage that seemed unique by Hollywood standards; that is, Faris and Pratt seemed to truly be in love

But does such a concept even exist in light of this depressing news? As you"re about to find out, Twitter isn"t so sure…

1. What’s the Point?

Whats the point

Of… anything anymore?

2. Don’t Do It, Bird!

Dont do it bird

We’ll get through this together.

3. We Feel You, Will Smith

We feel you will smith

Multiply this by a few thousand and you have our reaction as well.

4. I Can’t Make It Into Work Today

I cant make it into work today

Or tomorrow… or the day after that, either.

5. It’s Not Your Fault

Its not your fault

It’s not your fault… It’s not your fault… It’s not your fault… It’s not your fault… It’s not your fault…

6. Bernie Kosar?

Bernie kosar

Oh, right. Bernie Sanders.

View Slideshow

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris Announce Separation, Destroy Our Belief in Love

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris have officially declared that love is dead.

It’s a myth. It’s a fairy tale. There’s no such thing as happily ever after any longer.

Such is the reaction from many people on the Internet after the stars stunned the world on Sunday night and announced their marriage is over.

“Anna and I are sad to announce we are legally separating,” Pratt wrote in a joint statement on Facebook. “We tried hard for a long time, and we’re really disappointed.”

He added of their five-year old boy, Jack:

“Our son has two parents who love him very much and for his sake we want to keep this situation as private as possible moving forward.

“We still have love for each other, will always cherish our time together and continue to have the deepest respect for one another.”

The Guardians of the Galaxy actor and the Mom actress met on the set of Take Me Home Tonight in 2007.

They got engaged after about a year of dating and then got married in the summer of 2009.

And they just seemed totally and completely in love!

They looked adorable on the red carpet of events, they talked lovely about each other in public and this prank call from Faris to Pratt was hilarious!

Of course, one can never really know what is going on inside the lives of other people, let alone the lives of famous people who one has never actually met.

Moreover, astute observes have noticed that Pratt was often seen out and about over the past few months without his wedding ring on.

Still, it was just this pat December that Faris opened up on an episode of her podcast, Anna Faris Is Unqualified, about “feeling so hurt” by negative chatter regarding her marriage.

“I think it was a combination of things,” she told friend Isla Fisher, explaining:

“I take pride in how great my relationship is with Chris, but having said that, of course in this crazy world where he’s off doing movies and I’m in L.A. raising our child, of course I’m going to feel vulnerable, like any normal human would.”

Interesting, right?

It’s unclear what Faris meant by “vulnerable,” but it could be interpreted as an allusion to a fear that Pratt will cheat on her while he’s off filming movies.

The actor’s career has sky-rocketed over the past few years.

While Faris has a very steady and successful job as the co-star of long-running sitcom Mom, the series does not require her to travel at all.

Conversely, Pratt is as busy as any film star in Hollywood these days.

It’s not hard to imagine how such a schedule could place a heavy toll on a marriage, regardless of infidelity concerns.

pratt announcement

On this same podcast, Faris shot down talk that her union was failing.

But she did admit that speculation over its state “made me feel incredibly insecure.”

Said Pratt to People Magazine back in 2015:

“It’s just as important, if not more important, to focus on your relationship with your partner because your children are going to leave one day [and] you have to maintain a relationship that’s going to outlast your child’s needs for you.

I have the support of a strong partner who’s been through this and understands it and whom I can share these experiences with.

And we have a family that we’re starting that’s the focus of my attention.”

This news makes us very sad.

We wish Pratt and Faris the best of luck moving forward.


Anna Faris and Chris Pratt Announce Separation After 8 Years of Marriage

Anna Faris and Chris Pratt are the latest couple heading down splitsville … they just announced they’re legally separating after 8 years of being married. Anna and Chris made the announcement Sunday night saying … “We are sad to announce we are…


Anna Faris and Chris Pratt Announce Separation After 8 Years of Marriage

Anna Faris and Chris Pratt are the latest couple heading down splitsville … they just announced they’re legally separating after 8 years of being married. Anna and Chris made the announcement Sunday night saying … “We are sad to announce we are…


Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Chris Pratt Goes Fishing with Son

It doesn’t get a whole lot cuter … Chris Pratt put up his “Gone Fishing” sign on his trailer where he’s filming “Jurassic World 2” for an outing with his son. Chris showed his casting skills in Honolulu Monday as 4-year-old Jack watched…


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt: We"re Having a Baby...

Brace yourselves, world:

Another Spencer Pratt is on the way.

We’ll give you a few moments to collect your thoughts and keep your latest meal down…

About a month ago, Pratt and Heidi Montag shocked the world when they revealed they still exist.

Just kidding. We had heard rumblings that they were still an item and still living their lives over the years.

We simply had seen very, very, very little of the couple who did an impressive job of extending their 15 Minutes of Hills-Related Fame into at least 25 or 30 Minutes back in the day.

Yet there were Pratt and Montag again last month, back in the news and back on a tabloid cover.

For a very exciting reason: they are expecting a baby!

Speaking to Us Weekly about the development, Spencer and Heidi went over the story of how the former was told the news, while confirming that Montag is due in October.

“I have never been more excited,” Heidi says of the child in her womb, adding:

“The reality is sinking in that we are going to have a child! I’ve read every pregnancy book, and now I realize I don’t know anything.”

Now, in a new discussion with Us Weekly, Pratt and Montag has come out and announced their baby’s gender.

IT IS A BOY!!!!!

Montag says she was the one to inform her husband of this important tidbit, relaying his response to the tabloid when asked about it.

“He was really excited! He trains jujitsu all the time, so he’s excited to have a little grappler. He’ll be doing jujitsu and soccer with him,” she says.

As for what gets Heidi so pumped about having a son?

“I’m really excited for his personality and his little smile,” she explains, adding:

“I’m excited to take him to Disneyland and to see if he’s into dinosaurs, Mickey Mouse or ballerinas — it can be anything. Maybe he’ll be the best dance.”

Montag, of course, could do any of these things with a girl, too.

But whatever. No reason to harsh her buzz right now.

In closing, Montag responded to whether or not she’s heard from any of her old MTV friends and/or colleagues.

“Kristin [Cavallari] and Audrina [Patridge] both reached out and said congratulations,” she tells Us.

“I’ve actually been in touch with both of them for a while now. And I obviously asked both of them for advice.

“Kristin sent me a whole list of baby things you need in the first few months, which has been really helpful.”

We had our issues with Spencer and Heidi back in the day, but it’s pretty amazing they’re still happily married, isn’t it?

Consider all the Hollywood marriages that have failed and then consider how these two are still going strong. Maybe they weren’t as fake as we previously assumed.

Therefore, allow us to send Spencer and Heidi our very best wishes and to do the same for all the other celebrities set to become parents this year.

Good luck to you all!


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Heidi and Spencer Pratt Scored $700k for "Celebrity Big Brother" UK

Heidi and Spencer Pratt’s return to the “Celebrity Big Brother” UK house didn’t come cheap … the show dropped hundreds of thousands of dollars for the couple to come in and cause trouble. Speidi will make $ 700k to compete this season — quite a…


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris: Sued For Animal Neglect!

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris are probably among the most beloved couples in Hollywood.

But that might be soon to change, thanks to new reports about the actors allegedly neglecting and abandoning their pet Chihuahua.

According to TMZ, the problems started when Faris adopted the dog named Pete about four years ago.

At the time, Faris signed an agreement with rescue shelter operator Laurel Kinder, stating that she would pay a fine of $ 5,000 if she ever gave the dog to a different owner.

On Friday, Pete was found wandering the streets of North Hollywood and was reportedly badly emaciated.

Pete was outfitted with microchip that identified Pratt and Faris as his owners.

The couple is currently out of town, but reps say they’ve made arrangements to have the dog returned to the “nice home” that they found for him upon concluding that they could no longer care for the animal.

Faris and Pratt’s ream did not comment on why they violated their agreement, or if they intend to pay the shelter the agreed-upon $ 5,000.

Sadly, this isn’t the first time that Faris and Pratt have been involved in a pet-related controversy.

Back in 2011, Pratt was criticized for attempting to give his 15-year-old cat away on Twitter.

His response to online backlash was seen by many as insensitive to both animal lovers and people who are unable to have children:

“Bottom line, and not that this is any of your f–king business weirdos, but my wife and I want to start a family and we ABSOLUTELY CANNOT have an animal that shits all over the house,” Pratt wrote on social media.

“Sorry. If you are a parent you will understand. And if not, that probably explains why you have such a hard on for cats. Just sayin’.”

This was all before Chris became a mainstream movie star on the strength of his performance in Guardians of the Galaxy, and he may have changed his ways in the years since.

There were reports of Pratt losing it on a fan back in September, and while the actor does appear to have lost his temper, he still remained pretty chill.

Hopefully, he and Faris will have a good explanation for what happened with Pete whenever they get back into town.

We already lost Brangelina this year.

We need all of the likable Hollywood couples we can get.
