Showing posts with label Roseanne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roseanne. Show all posts

Friday, June 1, 2018

Lena Dunham Says She Wasn"t Serious About Writing a "Roseanne" Spin-off

Lena Dunham was apparently yanking our chain when she said she’d be down to write a new show for the remaining characters on “Roseanne.” Joke’s on us. We got the “Girls” creator — who acted in and wrote for the HBO show — at LAX Thursday,…


Lena Dunham Says She Wasn"t Serious About Writing a "Roseanne" Spin-off

Lena Dunham was apparently yanking our chain when she said she’d be down to write a new show for the remaining characters on “Roseanne.” Joke’s on us. We got the “Girls” creator — who acted in and wrote for the HBO show — at LAX Thursday,…


Sean Spicer Says if "Roseanne" Got Canceled, Samantha Bee"s Show Should Too

Sean Spicer supports Samantha Bee apologizing for calling Ivanka Trump the c-word on her show, but doesn’t think it’s enough … and he wants TBS to follow ABC’s lead. The former White House Press Secretary was out in NYC Thursday…


Sean Spicer Says if "Roseanne" Got Canceled, Samantha Bee"s Show Should Too

Sean Spicer supports Samantha Bee apologizing for calling Ivanka Trump the c-word on her show, but doesn’t think it’s enough … and he wants TBS to follow ABC’s lead. The former White House Press Secretary was out in NYC Thursday…


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Roseanne Barr Claims Liberals Are Lynching "a Jew"

Roseanne Barr is getting torn apart, unfairly mind you, by liberals out to attack “a Jew” … at least according to Roseanne Barr. Despite her twice issued threat to get off Twitter for good, Roseanne continued tweeting up a storm late Wednesday ……


Donald Trump Breaks Silence on Roseanne Cancellation, Makes It About Him

Roseanne Barr’s very public and not-so-shocking racism got Roseanne canceled

Though Roseanne is an outspoken Trump supporter and the show’s reboot shocked former fans and writers with its conservative slant, Trump did not initially speak out.

But Trump did break his silence on the cancelation. And he’s making it all about him.

Trump being Trump, he took to Twitter to lash out over Roseanne’s cancelation. 

“Bob Iger of ABC called Valerie Jarrett to let her know that “ABC does not tolerate comments like those” made by Roseanne Barr.”

We know that Trump jumbles things a lot and it’s easy to be desensitized to that, but it took him all of four words to be wrong about something.

Bob Iger hasn’t been President of ABC since the 1990s. He’s the CEO of Disney, which owns ABC. We’re not splitting hairs; Trump is just showing his age.

“Gee, he never called President Donald J. Trump to apologize for the HORRIBLE statements made and said about me on ABC.”

Please don’t refer to yourself in the third person.

“Maybe I just didn’t get the call?”

Trump Tweet about Roseanne

It’s kind of amazing — though not surprising — that he manages to make the cancelation about him.

Roseanne’s unabashed bigotry cost about 200 people their jobs. Many are hopeful that the series can continue in a spin-off without Roseanne.

But the real issue with Trump’s tweet is that he continues to misunderstand the difference between absolutely depraved, indecent racism and … saying unkind things.

It’s like how n Thursday morning, some conservatives took to Twitter to attempt to raise a fuss about comedian and host Samantha Bee, who said unkind things about Ivanka Trump.

Whatever you may think about Ivanka, there is a difference between saying something that might hurt someone’s feelings and, say, using classic racist insults.

You can absolutely say unkind things about someone — even if those things are unfair.

But when we’re talking about Trump, his complaints about ABC News are basically just that they report the things that he says and does.

That’s not even an insult — that’s their job.

Roseanne was not just a Trump-supporter personally. The show’s reboot turned the original series on its head, politically speaking.

Many saw the reboot of Roseanne as almost a surrogate for Trump on television.

While many may have tuned into the pilot out of curiosity or nostalgia, others tuned in explicitly because they wanted a Trump-friendly sitcom.

(Many shows have, of course, integrated or acknowledged Trump in some way, but this is usually negative. Black Lightning has a villain say “make America great again” explicitly, while other shows like Star Trek: Discovery have subtler references to the ominous slogan)

Trump himself said that he called Roseanne Barr to congratulate her on her show’s pilot’s success.

After 18 million viewers turned out, the show was immediately renewed for another season.

Until Roseanne ruined it.

Of course, as many have pointed out, Roseanne has a history of making awful statements.

Prior to comparing Valerie Jarrett to an ape, she accused George Soros, who is both Jewish and was a child during World War II, of having been a Nazi collaborator.

Roseanne has also, through her social media activity, suggested that she believes that Trump is carrying out secret arrests of Illuminati pedophile rings by using secret courts.

She also combines her bigotry and conspiracy theories, saying things about “Jewish mind control.”

Critics say that ABC allowed to Roseanne reboot in the first place as a cynical ploy to attract viewers from Trump’s base, who would watch the series out of spite if nothing else.

Some even wonder if FOX canceling a number of shows with good racial and LGBT+ representation but renewing the canceled Last Man Standing was their attempt to get a piece of the “deplorable” viewership pie.

Roseanne was perhaps canceled because ABC’s leadership has certain lines that they are unwilling to cross.

But given that she was given a show to begin with — and had made similar comments about other former members of the Obama administration — many people have noted that it was the outcry that got the show canceled.

Sponsors notice outcry on social media. Networks take notice when sponsors pull out of a show.

Did Trump take her cancelation as a personal attack? Possibly.

It remains to be seen — and will not be seen until November of 2020 — whether enough of the American people will hold Trump to the same standards to which ABC held Roseanne Barr.


"Roseanne" Costar Michael Fishman Concerned for Jobless Crew

Roseanne Barr’s TV son, Michael Fishman, says he fears the sudden cancellation of their show might have left a lot of people without a job — and he’s right … TMZ has learned. Fishman, who plays D.J. Conner on “Roseanne,” tells us, “I worry most…


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Tiny Is Sad "Roseanne" Was Canceled, For the Crew"s Sake and Mine

ABC went too far by canceling “Roseanne” according to T.I.’s wife, Tiny, who says there are people who’ve gotten away with tweeting and saying worse things than Roseanne Barr did.  We got Tiny at LAX Tuesday night and she made it clear…


Tiny Is Sad "Roseanne" Was Canceled, For the Crew"s Sake and Mine

ABC went too far by canceling “Roseanne” according to T.I.’s wife, Tiny, who says there are people who’ve gotten away with tweeting and saying worse things than Roseanne Barr did.  We got Tiny at LAX Tuesday night and she made it clear…


T.I. says Roseanne Claiming Racist Tweet was Fueled by Ambien"s No Excuse

T.I. straight-up says you wouldn’t let a crackhead use being on crack as an excuse for a robbery … so there’s no excusing Roseanne for firing off a racist tweet just because she was on Ambien. We got the rapper leaving Craig’s on…


Ambien Tells Roseanne Drug Has No Racist Side Effects

Roseanne Barr should keep Ambien out of her mouth when trying to explain away her racist tweet this week … so says Ambien. A rep for the sleep medication brand tells TMZ quite frankly … “People of all races, religions and nationalities work at…


Roseanne Bar Says She Was Ambien Tweeting and Thought Valerie Jarrett was Jewish

Roseanne Barr SAID she was swearing off Twitter, but that lasted a nanosecond before she pounded away with a flurry of tweets, saying her racist comment was Ambien-induced and then she obliquely claimed it wasn’t racist because she thought Valerie…


Roseanne Barr Breaks Silence on Sitcom Cancelation, Tweets Up a Storm Once Again

Less than 24 hours after claiming she was leaving Twitter, Roseanne Barr has returned to Twitter.

This time, however, the controversial comedian has fewer racist “jokes” to make at the expense of African-Americans.

On Tuesday morning, Roseanne wrote that former Barack Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett was what would happen if the “Muslim brotherhood [and] planet of the apes had a baby.”

The actress eventually deleted this horrible insult, but not before it spread around the Internet and ABC reacted by canceling her sitcom.

In a statement, ABC Presidence Channing Dungey said that the huge ratings for Season 10 of the rebooted series no longer warranted a Season 11, not when the show’s star had expressed such inappropriate views.

“Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show,” said Dungey.

This network decision has been applauded all non-racists around the globe.

Roseanne, meanwhile, issued an apology shortly after garnering an extreme amount of backlash online, Tweeting:

I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks. I should have known better. Forgive me – my joke as in bad taste.

Few folks are forgiving Barr, however, considering her history of being an awful person.

Now, in the wake of this controversy, Roseanne has walked back her claim that she was leaving social media and commented at length on her show’s cancelation.

“Don’t feel sorry for me, guys!!-I just want to apologize to the hundreds of people,and wonderful writers (all liberal) and talented actors who lost their jobs on my show due to my stupid tweet,” Barr wrote, adding:

“I will be on Joe Rogan’s podcast friday.”

She was far from done, however.

“I did something unforgiveable so do not defend me,” she added, prior to making an excuse for her racism:

“It was 2 in the morning and I was ambien tweeting-it was memorial day too-i went 2 far & do not want it defended-it was egregious Indefensible [sic].

“I made a mistake I wish I hadn’t but…don’t defend it please.”

Aside from the lame ambien defense, this may sound all well and good to some.

Roseanne is clearly sorry, right?

Except she has since re-Tweeted a large number of Conversative voices who have, indeed, defended her position and her opinions and think this is yet another Liberal conspiracy.

To wit:

Roseanne Barr RTs

In a now-deleted tweet, Barr also wrote an apology to Jarrett once again, addressing President Obama’s close friend as follows:

“@ValerieJarrett I want to apologize to you. I am very sorry to have hurt you. I hope you can accept this sincere apology!”

Jarrett, meanwhile, has mostly taken the high road in response to her name randomly and terribly being bantered about in this fashion.

“I think we have to turn it into a teaching moment,” she said yesterday in response, adding that Roseanne’s remarks reflect a greater issue in society than her hurt feeling:

“I’m fine. I’m worried about all the people out there who don’t have a circle of friends and followers who come right to their defense.

“The person who is walking down the street minding their own business and they see somebody cling to their purse, or run across the street, or every black parent I know who has a boy who has to sit down and have a conversation — the talk — as we call it.

“As you say, those ordinary examples of racism that happen every single day.”

barr stuff

But back to Barr:

In a series of other Tweets she has since erased, Barr repeats the stance of one follower who thinks ABC is acting in a hypocritical manner.

“I’m calling on @ABCNetwork @Disney to uphold their “standards” by firing @JoyVBehar for calling Christians mentally ill,” this person (and Roseanne) wrote.

“You can’t treat @therealroseanne one way because she supports @realDonaldTrump & allow Joy Behar to remain employed. #BoycottABC #StandWithRoseanne #Roseanne.”

But then after this, Roseanne said:

Please don’t start all of that boycott abc stuff-I’m not a censor and they have the right to do what they wish. It’ all ok. thanks tho guys.

Roseanne was the number-one scripted series of last season with a 6.4 rating among 18-49-year olds, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The Wrap reports that Paramount Network, TV Land and CMT have pulled all reruns of the series.

Based on her Twitter spree last night, it’s very possible that Roseanne really was on ambien when she originally Tweeted about Jarrett and was also on ambien in these rambling responses to the scandal.

But plenty of celebrities take sleeping pills and/or other types of medication.

It says something about Roseanne’s personal beliefs that when she does so, this filth comes out of her virtual mouth.


John Goodman Looks Miserable Following "Roseanne" Cancellation

John Goodman’s body language says it all — he’s beyond pissed after Roseanne Barr’s racist comment led to the cancellation of their hit ABC sitcom. Goodman — who costarred as Dan Conner on “Roseanne” until Barr’s decision to post a racist…


John Goodman Looks Miserable Following "Roseanne" Cancellation

John Goodman’s body language says it all — he’s beyond pissed after Roseanne Barr’s racist comment led to the cancellation of their hit ABC sitcom. Goodman — who costarred as Dan Conner on “Roseanne” until Barr’s decision to post a racist…


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Marlon Wayans Jokes Where Roseanne Will Land After Racist Tweet

Marlon Wayans has an idea where Roseanne will land after ABC gave her show the boot … and it’s not with any of the major 3-letter networks. We got the comedian at LAX on Tuesday and wanted to get his reaction to “Roseanne” getting…


Roseanne Gets All Racist on Twitter, Prompts Sitcom Cancelation

Roseanne Barr is at it again.

Although the comedian/actress claims she’ll never be at it ever again after this.

Allow us to explain…

The controversial star, whose rebooted sitcom dominated the ratings this fall and which has already been renewed for Season 11, caused quite an uproar on Twitter today after responding to a comment about Valerie Jarrett.

Jarrett is a close friend of former President Barack Obama and worked as a top-level White House advisor to the ex-Commander-in-Chief.

Using Jarrett’s initials in a message to her followers, Roseanne wrote early on Tuesday that Jarrett is the result of what would happen is the “Muslim brotherhood [and] planet of the apes had a baby.”

We should note here that Jarrett is African-America.

Barr sucks

Shortly after spewing this racist nonsense to the world, Roseanne claimed she is quitting social media and offered an apology that reads as follows:

“I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks. I should have known better. Forgive me – my joke as in bad taste.”

This Mea Culpa has largely fell on deaf ears, however.

Ever since returning to the public eye with her popular sitcom, Roseanne has been saying cruel things, spreading Conservative conspiracy theories and generally acting like… Roseanne.

She once said Hillary Clinton should commit suicide and that Democrats were involved in a child sex-trafficking ring based out of a New York City pizzeria.

A movement to boycott her show cropped up in March as a result of Barr’s past Nazi remarks.

Roseanne Bar tweet

Roseanne has also feuded with adult film star Stormy Daniels over the topic of anal sex.

We really wish we were making that up, trust us.

In the wake of Roseanne’s latest racist insult, veteran comedian Wanda Sykes resigned as a writer on the sitcom.

Many other celebrities have also had their voices heard on the topic.

There was this from Don Cheadle:

you can take @RoseanneOnABC out of racism but you can’t take the racism out of @therealroseanne …

And this from Roseanne actress Sara Gilbert:

Roseanne’s recent comments about Valerie Jarrett, and so much more, are abhorrent and do not reflect the beliefs of our cast and crew or anyone associated with our show.

I am disappointed in her actions to say the least.

UPDATE: Wow, ABC has just announced that Season 11 of Roseanne has actually been scrapped.

In a statement, Channing Dungey, president of ABC statement said the following:

“Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show.”

Doesn’t get much more straightforward than that.

Expect television viewers, along with folks from both sides of the political aisle, to have a lot to say over this decision.

Where do YOU stand on it?


"Roseanne" Canceled by ABC after Racist Tweet

“Roseanne” — the breakout hit of 2018 — has gotten the axe just hours after Roseanne posted a tweet about former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett, saying, “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes.” ABC said, “Roseanne’s twitter statement is…


Wanda Sykes Quits "Roseanne"

Wanda Sykes is following Whitney Cummings out the door of “Roseanne” … adding to the apparent turmoil behind the scenes of TV’s biggest sitcom. Wanda kept it short and sweet, saying … “I will not be returning to [‘Roseanne’].” The timing is VERY…


Roseanne Barr Takes Racist Shot at Barack Obama Adviser, Quickly Apologizes

Roseanne Barr says she’s done with social media … just hours after she fired off a racially charged tweet at a former adviser to President Obama. Roseanne’s random tweet late Monday night said, “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a…
