Showing posts with label Rules. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rules. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Ice Cube Says BIG3"s New CBD Rules Will Force Other Leagues to Legalize It

Ice Cube says now that his BIG3 basketball league has legalized CBD medication for pain management — he truly believes other major sports leagues will follow suit.  The BIG3 made the announcement Tuesday … saying players are now allowed to…


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Kristen Doute: FIRED From Vanderpump Rules?!

Vanderpump Rules is unique among Bravo shows, in that the cast has endured very little restructuring over the course of their six seasons on the air.

Producers added Lala Kent and James Kennedy, and certain SUR folk have seen their roles diminished over the years (we miss you, Peter), but with the exception of flash-in-the-pan Vail Bloom, no one has been full-on fired from the show.

Until now?

Radar Online is reporting today that Kristen Doute will no longer be a full-time cast member as of the show’s seventh season, which is currently filming.

The reason? Well, if you watch the show, we probably don’t need to tell you.

In fact, if you were to ask a diehard Vanderpump fan what Kristen got up to this past season, you’d probably be met with the same blank stare that you’d get from someone who’s never seen the show.

That’s because Kristen has completed her transformation from “pasta”-fuelled, paranoid firebrand to tedious, chain-smoking bystander.

Aside from one trumped-up storyline in which she allegedly hooked up with James while on vacation in Mexico, Kristen was little more than vegetarian window-dressing this season.

An insider tells Radar that Kristen’s newfound maturity and relatively drama-free relationship with Brian Carter have caused viewers to lose interest in her life.

And since she wasn’t exactly a fan favorite to begin with, the feeling among producers is that they won’t be receiving many complaints about Kristen’s reduced role.

“She’s being downgraded to a ‘friend’ of the cast,” says the source, adding:

“She doesn’t have a lot of drama in her life these days.”

There are a few important takeaways here:

1. Carter is dude’s last name?! We’ve never heard anyone call him anything else!

2. You can be boring or unlikeable in the world of reality television, but you can’t be both.

For six seasons, viewers looked on in horror as Kristen cheated on her doting boyfriend with her best friend’s man, verbally assaulted her “lessers” at SUR, sabotaged an ex’s relationship, and — perhaps worst of all — unleashed James Kennedy on the world.

Her behavior was appalling, but at least she kept things interesting.

The unfortunate drawback for Kristen is that it’s hard to keep that pace up forever.

And if she’d spent the first six season endearing herself to fans instead of repulsing them in droves with her vile behavior, she could probably settle into a role as the show’s dull but affable hanger-on.

Instead, she’ll now serve as a walking exposition machine, forever prompting her more compelling friends with questions like “So what’s going on with you and so-and-so?”

Doute recently responded to the rumors with a tweet reading:

“I hate giving that trash bag tabloid any attention. But that is #fakenews”

We’re guessing Kristen is getting by on a technicality on that one, as she hasn’t really been fired, merely demoted.

For their part, Bravo has declined to comment on the situation, so it’s safe to say you’ll be seeing far less of Ms. Doute in season seven.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to relive Kristen’s wilder days.


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

"Vanderpump Rules" Star Scheana Marie Hooking Up with "Bachelor in Paradise" Guy

“Vanderpump Rules” star Scheana Marie’s bathing suit says it best — now that she’s hooking up with another hot reality TV star … in Hawaii — yeah, “Living My Best Life” definitely applies here. Scheana and “Bachelor in Paradise” star Robby…


Monday, May 14, 2018

Jessa Duggar Comes Clean: I Broke One of My Family"s Major Rules

It’s no secret that the Duggars adhere to a very strict code of conduct.

In fact, next to the sheer size of Jim Bob and Michelle’s brood, following rules is what they’re most famous for.

Duggar women are especially constrained, as every aspect of their day-to-day life – from clothing to interpersonal relationships – is strictly governed by regulations that are determined and enforced first by their parents, and then by their husbands.

Some of the Duggar girls have married men who are less strict than their father, which is why, for example, Jinger Duggar is allowed to wear pants.

But there are certain rules that are consistent throughout the faith-based community to which the Duggars belong.

And now it looks as though Jessa Duggar may have inadvertently violated one of those rules.

For reasons that won’t surprise anyone who’s familiar with their belief system, the Duggars are staunchly opposed to the consumption of alcohol.

Getting liquored up isn’t conducive to remaining perfectly chaste and modest at all times, and thus, booze is strictly off-limits to all Duggars, women in particular.

So you can imagine the shock among fans this week when Jessa Duggar revealed that she has, in fact, sampled the devil’s brew.

In an interview with Jessa that resurfaced and was published by In Touch Weekly, the 25-year-old revealed that she has imbibed on more than one occasion.

Though she was careful to note that she never allowed alcohol to pass through her lips intentionally.

“Not on purpose,” Jessa replied when asked if she’s ever had a drink.

“We’re really heavily in politics, and sometimes, it’s one of those fancy, ritzy events and they serve you what you think is punch, and it’s not,” she added.

“You’re like, ‘Oops, yeah, that wasn’t punch.’ That was champagne or something.”

Jessa didn’t say what her next move was in those situations, but we assume she guzzled the rest of the glass, then headed straight to the bar, where she bellows for more.

We kid, of course. 

Obviously, Jessa is no fan of the hooch, and we’re sure she’s in no hurry to break with the rest of her family on the issue of spiritous beverages.

Besides, Jessa is mom-shamed enough these days.

Imagine if word got out in the fundamentalist community that she enjoys a glass of wine from time to time!

There’s a good chance she would literally be crucified.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial clan.


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Josiah Duggar: Already Rebelling Against Jim Bob"s Rules! (Exclusive)

Before they leave the nest (which occurs only after they’ve married), Duggar children are forced to abide by a very strict code of conduct.

And we use the word “children” very loosely here, as 28-year-old twins Jana and John David Duggar are still bound by Jim Bob and Michelle’s stringent regulations.

Longtime fans of the show know that the rules of the house run the gamut from the famous Duggar dress code to strict courtship guidelines that prohibit virtually all forms of romantic physical contact before marriage.

Once Michelle and Jim Bob’s offspring meet The One, however, the parameters change immediately.

The men become heads of household and govern as they see fit, whereas the women are now subservient to their husbands, rather than their father.

(Needless to say, the Duggars won’t be racking up awards for their progressive views on relations between the sexes anytime soon.)

Not surprisingly, some of the more rebellious Duggars have been quick to take advantage of the freedom afforded them by marriage.

Jinger Duggar started wearing pants after receiving permission from her husband, Jeremy Vuolo.

Apparently inspired by their sister’s courageous act of sartorial defiance, Jill and Jessa Duggar followed suit and purchased some Levi’s of their own.

Yeah, they’re not exactly smashing the patriarch, but it’s a baby-step toward independence.

Sources close to the family say Jim Bob is less than thrilled with this gradual loss of control over his daughters, but he’s even more concerned with the next threat to his authority.

Yes, it seems the next Duggar to marry is also planning to cast off the shackles of Jim Bob’s oppression, and in doing so, he might set a precedent that could a major shift in the balance of power within the family.

Last month, Josiah got engaged to Lauren Swanson following a very brief courtship.

Wedding plans are currently underway, and it seems those who know him best are already bracing themselves in expectaton of Josiah asserting his independence in a way that will bring him into direct conflict with Jim Bob.

A former Duggar employer spoke with The Hollywood Gossip excluisively and informed us that Josiah is set to be his family’s biggest rule-breaker yet:

“Josiah is gonna be the next one to bust out. He’s a little bit crazy,” the source tells us.

“He’s a 90-mile-an-hour guy. He drives 90 miles an hour, he moves 90 miles an hour, he thinks 90 miles an hour.”

The insider recalls a recent incident in which Josiah neglected his father’s orders and nearly caused a tragedy as a result:

“He almost killed a couple people one day with a car,” our informant says.

“This is a car they bought from one of the sales over there. It had a banged in front end, he got in at just – 90 miles an hour off the back of a roll-off truck right into another car.”

The disaster apparently came as no surprise to those who are familiar with 21-year-old’s reckless ways.

Of course, Josiah has been throwing caution to the wind and disregarding his family’s cherished customs for years now.

When he announced his relationship with Lauren, Josiah became the first of his generation to engage in multiple courtships.

Yes, as longtime fans of his family will remember, Josiah courted Marjorie Jackson back in 2015.

The relationship ended abruptly and without any sort of public explanation.

Asked about the reaction to the unexpected breakup in the Duggars’ community, our source says one leading theory emerged:

“Folks used to think he was gay,” the insider tells, adding, “I don’t guess he is.”

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Lauren Swanson: Is Josiah Duggar"s Fiancee Breaking the Family Rules?!

It’s only been a month since the world learned that Josiah Duggar is engaged to Lauren Swanson, but it looks like the young couple is already tossing aside some of his family’s most strictly-enforced rules.

In fact, if you’re one of the more devout Duggar fans, you may want to sit down for this one…

Ladies and gentlemen, we give you – Lauren’s shins:

Yes, that outfit might not seem particularly revealing, but by Duggar standards, it’s downright risqué.

The famous Duggar dress code dictates that all unmarried women must wear skirts with hems that fall safely below their knees.

In the interest of playing it safe, Josiah’s sisters typically wore floor-length skirts and dresses.

As you can see from the photo below, Lauren has mostly followed suit.

But on her recent trip to San Antonio with Josiah and family, Lauren favored a slightly less conservative look:

“Enjoyed a beautiful evening in San Antonio on the river walk, and checking out the Alamo with Lauren and the family!” Josiah captioned the photo.

Typically, Duggar kids aren’t allowed to have social media profiles until after they’re engaged, but a special exception has been made for Josiah due to the fact that this is not his first relationship.

Josiah courted Marjorie Jackson back in 2015, but the romance ended abruptly and without explanation.

Fans still aren’t sure what led the couple to call it quits, but the breakup helped bolster Josiah’s reputation as being much more progressive than his siblings and taking an almost-modern view of dating and relationships.

The fact that his girlfriend feels comfortable wearing playing fast and loose with the Duggar dress code has only cemented that view of the 21-year-old reality star:

“Pls let her wear whatever she wants! You seem to be the cool Duggar!” commented one fan on Josiah’s photo.

“A woman should be able to express her self anyway she want! There is nothing wrong with a good pair of jeans! Break free from this ridiculousness!”

As In Touch Weekly points out, planning for Josiah and Lauren’s wedding is already underway, and it seems Si can’t wait for the big day.

On a recent outing, he and Lauren were chaperoned by his younger brother Jason.

Josiah posted a pic of the excursion with a caption reading, “Third wheel problems.”

We guess Jinger’s not the only rebel in the family!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial clan.


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Jeremy Vuolo to Jinger Duggar: Forget About Jim Bob"s Rules! (Exclusive)

It’s been eighteen months since Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo, and to say a lot has changed in the reality star’s life in that time would be to put it very mildly.

These days, Jinger is pregnant with her first child, and it seems she has every intention of following in her sisters’ footsteps and raising a large family with husband Jeremy Vuolo.

But in many ways, Jinger is living a life that’s very different from those of her siblings, and likely very different from the one her domineering father, Jim Bob Duggar, had envisioned for her.

Much has been made of Jinger’s departures from her family’s stringent code of conduct.

The most obvious way in which the 24-year-old has flouted her father’s rules is by disregarding his famous dress code.

Yes, as you’ve likely heard, Jinger has been wearing pants.

That may not sound like a big deal, but after a spending her entire childhood in mandated below-the-knee skirts, we imagine Jinger got quite a thrill out of slipping on her first pair of Levi’s

Of course, that’s the only way in which Jinger has defied her upbringing and forged her own identity.

Jinger’s parents have reportedly expressed concerns about everything from her decision to relocate to Laredo, Texas to hthe fact that she was married to Vuolo for over a year before she announced her first pregnancy.

(It’s not uncommon for Duggar daughters or women who marry into the family to conceive on their honeymoons.)

A former employee of the Duggars spoke with The Hollywood Gossip exclusively and revealed that Jinger’s husband has encouraged her not to fear her father and to live a life that aligns with her own values, not Jim Bob’s.

“Jinger, she’s off on her own trip, and I’m kind of glad, because she’s been hemmed up so long for many years,” the insider tells us.

“She just needed to spread her wings and realize that God still loves her and there is a life after all that seclusion.”

Not surprisingly, rumors about Jim Bob clashing with Vuolo have been common over the course of the past year, and Vuolo likely knew that he was making a powerful enemy when he encouraged Jinger to break her father’s rules.

But it seems Jeremy realized that Jinger could never be entirely happy living under her Jim Bob’s thumb. 

“When you put someone in a bubble like that and they get out – she went rampant, totally rampant,” says our source.

“Her husband said, ‘This is the way it’s going to be – I’m the boss of this family. You’re not doing anything wrong by wearing pants or showing your arms."”

The insider tells us that he still gets regular updates about the Vuolos from friends who live in laredo, and he’s pleased to report that Jinger has found happiness in her new life.

“I just worry about some of them kids,” he tells us.

And our source has a prediction about which of Jim Bob’s offspring will be next to rebel against their strict upbringing:

“Josiah’s going to be the next one to bust out,” he says.

We’re sure that’s something that many Duggar fans will eagerly look forward to.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family. 


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Judge Judy, Another Judge Rules She"s Worth $47 Million

Judge Judy and CBS just won an enormous victory against an L.A. talent agency that sued the network claiming it conspired with the TV jurist to screw the agency out of profits. An L.A. County Superior Court judge just ruled CBS’ decision to pay Judy…


Brian Lancaster Dies; Former Road Rules Star Was 43

Brian Lancaster, a reality star best known for having been a cast member on Season 7 of Road Rules, was found dead in his Pennsylvania home last Thursday.

He was 43 years old.

According to TMZ insiders, Lancaster had a history arrhythmia (that is, irregular heartbeats) and his family believes he passed away from heart failure.

Lancaster competed on Road Rules: Latin America back he was 23.

This season of the widely-viewed adventure reality series found Lancaster competing in missions across Mexico, Costa Rica and the United States.

On its website, the DellaVecchia, Reilly, Smith & Boyd Funeral Home in West Chester, Pennsylvania shared an obituary for Lancaster.

It described him as a “jack of many trades, including advertising account manager, telecommunications project manager, special education teacher, bartender, and reality TV star.”

His relatives tell TMZ the death was not drug or alcohol related.

Police will likely investigate but, as far as his loved ones know, there were no foreign substances found inside Brian’s home.


Out of respect for Lancaster (pictured below in the latest photo we can find of him), we’re going to simply excerpt other portions of his obituary:

In his formal education, Brian graduated from University of Colorado Boulder with a B.A. in Journalism, Public Relations and Advertising and graduated from Eastern University with a Master’s degree in Elementary Education.

He would tell you though that his real education came from examining life endeavoring to become “well sharp” in order to chop through life’s challenges.

Although not actually Jamaican himself, Brian was long entranced by their culture and proudly sported excellent dreadlocks.

A spiritual explorer, dreamy stargazer, inquisitive world traveler and barstool philosopher who enjoyed a good mind meld, Brian exceled at being a human being rather than a human doing. 

Constant in his soul and spirit, he would share possessions, thoughts and every part of his essence with anyone who came into his orbit.

Brian, who was also known as Chilly Willy, Lanc, Dawg and Briana, never knew a stranger and was a connoisseur and collector of an eclectic assortment of friends ranging from 18-97.

He was a consummate hugger, professional cuddler, iconoclast and master bullshitter who was extremely accident prone.

Ever the authority shirker he was well-known for crossing lines and pushing the envelope.

lancaster at 43

As you can tell by these passages, Lancaster was a unique individual.

He is survived by his fiancee Sarah J. Bell and his parents Dennis and Carol Lancaster and he will be greatly missed.

A private service was held in memory of Lancaster on Wednesday for his friends and family members.

The obituary also notes that in lieu of flowers, memorial contributions in Lancaster’s name may be made to the Brandywine Valley SPCA, a no-kill shelter in Chester and Delaware County, where Lancaster adopted his faithful companion, Reagan.

Pretty admirable.


This, sadly, is not the first tragedy to hit the Road Rules cast over the past several months.

If you recall, Danny Dias died in June of 2017 at the even younger age of 33.

Toward the end of Lancaster’s obituary, meanwhile, it reads:

Because he couldn’t be sent to space or have his head cryogenically frozen he will have to settle with living on forever as ashes in the earth, just the way he wanted.


May he rest in peace.


MTV "Road Rules" Star Brian Lancaster Dead at 43

Ex-MTV “Road Rules” star Brian Lancaster has died at just 43 years old … TMZ has learned. Brian appeared on season 7 of “Road Rules” back in 1999. His family tells us he was found dead in his Pennsylvania home last Thursday. They believe it…


MTV "Road Rules" Star Brian Lancaster Dead at 43

Ex-MTV “Road Rules” star Brian Lancaster has died at just 43 years old … TMZ has learned. Brian appeared on season 7 of “Road Rules” back in 1999. His family tells us he was found dead in his Pennsylvania home last Thursday. They believe it…


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Summer Zervos: Judge Rules In Favor of Alleged Donald Trump Assault Victim

With all the talk of Stormy Daniels‘ lie detector test and news that the president congratulated a foreign dictator on winning a sham election, you may have forgotten that there are threats to the legitimacy (such as it is) of Donald Trump’s administration that don’t involve porn stars or Russians.

So let’s open the Manhattan yellow pages-sized Big Book of Trump Scandals and turn all the way back to 2007 – a simpler time, when the Donald was just a handsy reality show host, and not the nominal leader of the free world.

Back in 2017, former Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos alleged that she had been sexually assaulted by Trump on two separate occasions a decade prior.

When Trump publicly derided Zervos as a liar, she responded by filing a defamation suit.

Naturally, Trump’s lawyers (the hardest-working bastards in the legal biz) did everything they could to have the case thrown out of court.

But today, another item was added to the laughably long list of legal setbacks for 45, as a New York judge denied a movement to dismiss Zervos’ claim, which means the case will now move forward.

The statute of limitations for possible criminal charges has expired, but the defamation lawsuit allows Zervos and famed attorney Gloria Allred to bring Trump to task for his alleged crimes.

“In a defamation action, the question is truth. That’s your defense in defamation: The truth of the matter. So the underlying action of sexual harassment gets litigated in this defamation action,” civil rights attorney Areva Martin recently told CNN.

“It’s a back-door way to talk about the sexual harassment, the groping, the touching.”

Trump’s lawyers tried to convince Judge Jennifer Schecter that sitting judges should be immune from such suits.

The judge wasn’t having it, and she cited a suit against Trump’s second most-hated former president in today’s decision:

“No one is above the law. It is settled that the President of the United States has no immunity and is ‘subject to the laws’ for purely private acts,” Schecter wrote

“For the very same reasons articulated in Clinton v Jones, a stay for the duration of the Trump presidency must be denied.”

More than a dozen women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct, but thus far.

It’s currently unclear if Zervos’ suit will encourage other alleged victims to file suit against Trump, but today, Lisa Bloom, an attorney who has represented several of the women, took to Twitter to encourage “a rich Patriot to step forward and promise to pay all costs, fees and penalties for any Trump accuser who wants to speak out.”

“I applaud the decision to allow Summer’s case to go forward,” Bloom told CNN. “It is clearly the law that a sitting president can sue and be sued. I hope this will encourage other women to come forward.”


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Joseph Duggar & Kendra Caldwell: Did They Break the Rules of Courtship?

It’s been six months since Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got married, but today, many Duggar fans are thinking about the last days of the couple’s courtship.

That’s because Monday night’s episode of Counting On featured the couple engaging in behavior that doesn’t quite align with the Duggar rules of courtship.

A joint bachelor/bachelorette party allowed the young couple to – gasp! – engage in premarital physical contact, and being human adults with genitals, they took advantage.

“We were on John’s boat and whenever we were back on the tube he was definitely working pretty hard to get us off the tube,” Joe said in a voiceover.

“It was pretty tough not to break the rules of engagement just for the fact that when you’re tubing your closer than you normally would be,” he added.

“When they put you in a turn, you’re trying to counter for the turn so I had to move from side to side so therefore I was crawling over top of her and definitely in close quarters.”

It was a nice attempt at explaining away behavior that would have gotten a female Duggar locked in the basement until her wedding day, but fans weren’t buying it.

On social media, viewers expressed shock that Joe and Kendra allowed themselves to be shown “climbing on top of one another.”

Many pointed out that Jim Bob and Michelle appear to be getting more lax with age, as physical contact of the variety that Joe and Kendra engaged in last night would have been the stuff of scandal a decade ago.

One of the downsides of making such a big deal of your ridiculous dating guidelines is that millions of people now know the Duggar courtship rules by heart.

Not only are Duggars forbidden to engage in premarital sex, they’re not allowed to kiss or hold hands for a period of time exceeding 15 seconds.

In order to maintain full compliance with Michelle and Jim Bob’s rules, unmarried Duggar couples can’t even hug face-to-face lest their fully clothed genitals come into contact.

Fortunately for Joe and Kendra, their scenes were overshadowed by the news of Joy-Anna Duggar’s pregnancy.

Still, the fact that such a racy (by Duggar standards) scene was permitted to air is a sign that either Jim Bob is desperate for ratings, or he’s finally easing up on his beleaguered adult children.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Josiah Duggar & Lauren Swanson: Breaking Courtship Rules In Front of his Parents?!

Last week, we learned that Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson are engaged.

Obviously, this means another Duggar wedding is on the way.

But for the young couple, it might mean something even more immediate and important

You see, according to Duggar courtship rules, Josiah and Lauren are allowed a bit more physical contact know that they’re engaged.

In other words, the couple went from barely being able to touch at all to holding hands for brief periods and engaging in “side-hugs.”

What they are not allowed to do, however, is paw at each other like lustful wildebeests in heat!

And from the way fans are reacting to a new video of the couple, you’d think that’s exactly what they’re doing:

The clip below appeared on the Duggars’ website earlier this week:

“I know Josiah feels very honored that you have accepted him as your fiancé,” Michelle tells an obviously nervous and reticent Lauren.

“I’m really looking forward to marrying you,” Josiah says at one point.

“And starting a new life and a new journey together with you along that path with me.”

Lauren continues to smile sheepishly, and at one point manages to remark that she’s “speechless.”

Then she saves herself by blurting out “God is good” at the end of the video.

Needless to say, even at a scant 90 seconds, it’s a pretty boring clip.

Or at least it would be, were it not for the fact that Josiah and Marjorie maintain physical contact the whole time, which has caused some Duggar fans to lose their freakin’ minds.

As you can see, Lauren has her hands on Josiah’s arm throughout the clip.

Since this is the Duggars we’re talking about, that was sufficient to whip some fans into a frenzy:


“I can feel the sexual tension between these 2 from here! They wanna do it, ASAP,” wrote another.

Yes, a little thumb-on-arm action is all it takes to get Duggar fans envisioning the wedding night.

It’s an extreme read on a very innocuous video, but in a sense, the Duggars invite this sort of fixation by talking so much about their premarital restrictions.

So are Josiah and Lauren breaking the rules of courtship here?

Not exactly, but they’re probably going a bit further than Michelle and Jim Bob would prefer.

Though come to think of it, just by being in the same room, they’re going further than Michelle and Jim Bob would prefer.

Watch Counting On online for a refresher course on the Duggar Rules For Sexual Frustration. 


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Michael Wilbon Says NBA"s 1-And-Done Rule"s Gotta Go, But Racist?!

The NBA’s 1-and-done rule is “complicated” and objectionable” and has got to go … so says ESPN star Michael Wilbon — but he definitely stopped short of calling it “racist.” We got the “Pardon The Interruption” host leaving Craig’s in L.A. — and…


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

James Kennedy: Should He Be Fired From Vanderpump Rules For Abusive Behavior?

The current season of Vanderpump Rules certainly hasn’t been light on drama.

Jax cheating on Brittany; the Toms attempting to make a name for themselves in the restaurant business; Stassi transforming into a tequila-and-Adderall-fueled zombie at her own birthday party

It’s all enough to make you wonder why producers felt the need to bring back the show’s most justly-reviled cast member, James Kennedy.

Aside from a tenuous friendship with Lala Kent, James has no real connection to the rest of the cast.

It would’ve been the perfect time for show to cut ties with Kennedy, but in order to ensure things remained lively for viewers in the sixth season (a time when many reality series begin to show their age), producers welcomed James and his abusive tendencies back.

And the decision points to what will likely become a growing problem for reality TV showrunners in the #MeToo era.

In an age when some of TV’s best known villains aren’t reading from scripts, the behavior of people like James puts their bosses in a tough spot:

At what point does the obligation to maintain a safe work environment supersede the desire to deliver compelling television?

In his two seasons as a full-time cast member on Vanderpump we’ve seen James degrade multiple women as “sluts” and “whores,” shove his hand in the face of a former sex partner whom he had recently derided (in Trump-like fashion) for being too ugly to sleep with, and spit at an ex-girlfriend who was imploring him to leave her home.

Not exactly lovable anti-hero stuff.

In recent weeks, James has turned his attention to “friend” and frequent victim Lala Kennedy, who seems to have finally become fed up with his erratic outbursts and unwelcome sexual advances.

On last night’s episode of Vanderpump, James groped Lala in front of his girlfriend before turning on her and subjecting her to a drunken tirade.

All of this comes on the heels of Kennedy repeatedly slut-shaming Kent and accusing her of sleeping with an older man for money.

After the show aired, Kent appeared on Andy Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live, where she responded to a question what she gains from her friendship with James in a way that offers hope that she’s finally cut him loose.

“You know what, my love? That is a great question, and I have just recently realized [he adds] nothing,” Kent said.

“So, that’s what it is.”

The remark came after a preview of next week’s Vanderpump, in which James yet again becomes enraged over Kent’s relationship with Randall Emmett.

“If I had been that billionaire successful DJ, she would have definitely come along for the ride. Her man was the guy that had all of that, so she went running along with him. Do I think that could have happened? Absolutely,” Kennedy said in the clip.

“You know Ray J hit it first before [Kanye West], right?” James added, likening himself to Kanye.

James’ behavior comes smack in the middle of what has already been a deeply problematic season for the show.

Allegations of racism against Stassi Schroeder have led to several deeply uncomfortable moments and even some questions about the show’s future.

At this point, it seems the best thing Bravo can do to preserve its reputation as one of the more woke networks on television is to permanently sever its relationship with James Kennedy.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up on the show’s most troubling season to date.


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Meghan Markle: Planning to Break the Royal Rules at Her Wedding?!

We’re less than four months away from Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding, and royal obsessives are already giddy with the anticipation of waking up at 4 am to watch two strangers say “I do.”

As with all royal matters, the details of the planning process are being kept under lock and key, but it’s safe to say that Harry and Meghan’s reception will be as non-traditional as their relationship.

In all likelihood, the ceremony will bow to custom, but it seems that after the vows are exchanged, Meghan is planning to let her hair down.

(Not literally, of course. Her updo will probably cost more than your car.)

We’ve already learned of various ways in which Meghan and Harry are planning to buck tradition.

For example, the couple reportedly plans to invite Cressida Bonas, one of Harry’s most high-profile exes, to the ceremony.

Not a big deal for most of us, but the sort of thing that results in widespread pearl-clutching in royal circles.

But Cressida’s presence will probably go mostly unnoticed by the massive international TV audience.

What reportedly has royal handlers far more concerned is the possibility that Meghan might … speak at her own wedding!

Yes, insiders say the actress is planning to give a toast in which she’ll thank all those who have helped ease her transition from peasant to royal.

She’ll apparently close by addressing Harry in an “affectionate” fashion.

Since royals are basically forbidden to display any sort of emotion in public, this is apparently a big deal.

According to tradition, men are allowed to give toasts at royal weddings, but women are just supposed to sit there and look pretty.

“Historically at a royal wedding reception, the bride’s father would speak on her behalf, and the other speeches are reserved for the groom and the best man,” wedding etiquette expert Amber Harrison tells Huffington Post.

Harrison adds that if she does decide to give a speech, Meghan will be “breaking centuries of royal tradition.”

“It is more common for an American bride to give a toast or make a speech at her wedding reception,” says Anne Chertoff, another wedding specialist.

“Since Meghan is an American it’s highly likely that she may make a toast or speech at her wedding reception, which will widely be received in a positive and wonderful way.”  

We don’t know what’s more shocking – that the royals still observe such an outdated tradition or that multiple people identify as professional wedding experts.

We get the feeling that you’ll be hearing a lot from these “specialists” in the months to come.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Josiah Duggar & Lauren Swanson: Caught Breaking Courship Rules ALREADY?!

It’s only been two weeks since we first learned that Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson are courting, but it seems the couple is already moving awfully fast.

Like, so fast his parents are probably about to spray them with a garden hose.

As you probably know, the Duggars follow a strict set of rules when it comes to the process of courting, which they describe as “datint with a purpose.”

That “purpose,” of course, is getting married and siring a small army of fundamentalist children.

As such, all forms of pre-marital hanky-panky are strictly prohibited.

But the Duggars don’t just forbid sexual intercourse.

No, they prohibit unmarried couples from engaging in just about any form of physical contact, including hand-holding and “front-hugging.”

(Courting couples are permitted to engage in brief “side-hugs,” which have been sanctioned by Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, as they don’t involve any chest-to-chest or genital-to-genital contact. Seriously.)

For obvious reasons, the Duggars have had trouble enforcing these rules in the past.

For example, despite the fact that their dates were all chaperoned, Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth admitted to breaking courtship rules in the months leading up to their marriage.

We don’t know if that meant they simply held hands for too long, or dared to front-hug, or … went even further.

Whatever the case, “shotgun wedding” rumors began plaguing the Duggars shortly after Joy-Anna snnounced her pregnancy, and now it looks as though they have another courtship scandal on their hands.

Yes, it seems that just a few days after Josiah and Lauren confirmed their courtship, the couple was spotted violating the strict code of conduct set forth by his parents.

According to Radar Online, Josiah and Lauren have already been spotted, holding hands, hugging, and yes … even kissing.

The couple is currently on vacation in New Zealand, where Josiah’s family is doing a number of public appearances and speaking gigs.

At one point, the site reports, Josiah and Lauren visited a military monument with a tank that visitors are encouraged to climb into. 

Lauren apparently had trouble dismounting, and Josiah grabbed her around the waist to help her down.

That may not sound like a big deal, but as far as Josiah’s parents are concerned, he might as well have climbed into the tank with her and made a baby.

Interestingly, Josiah is unique amongst the Duggars in that this isn’t his forct courtship.

Josiah courted Marjorie Jackson back in 2015.

The relationship ended under mysterious circumstances, and neither party has gone into detail about why they decided to call it quits.

So perhaps the rules are different for Josiah because he’s been down this road before.

We doubt it, but that might be how the 21-year-old is justifying his more hands-on approach to dating.

We’re guessing his parents aren’t thrilled, and Lauren’s familt–who is rumored to be just as conservative–probably isn’t too crazy about it, either.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Vanderpump Rules Cast: Urging James Kennedy to Come Out of the Closet?

On last night’s episode of Vanderpump Rules, James Kennedy drunkenly confessed to being in love with his gay best friend, Logan, whom he then kissed.

It came in at about 47,000 on the list of most eyebrow-raising behaviors James has engaged in this season, but for some reason, that’s the move his cast mates are fixated upon.

The previews for next week’s episode showed Kristen Doute–James’ only real competition for the title of most sociopathic Vanderpump cast member–insisting that Kennedy come out of the closet, because … well, we’re sure she’ll eventually come up with some reason why his sexuality is any of her business.

Just give her some time.

Kristen wasn’t alone in being far more concerned with the possibility that James is bisexual than with the fact that he’s likely a bipolar alcoholic with abusive tendencies.

“Watching James and Logan interact for like two seconds, I don’t know what’s going on,” Jax Taylor remarked during Monday’s episode.

“I just don’t know who’s the top and who’s the bottom.”

And apparently, James’ castmates aren’t just playing it up for the cameras.

In fact, it seems the only one who isn’t concerned is Kennedy’s girlfriend, Raquel Leviss.

One insider tells Radar Online that James’ “friends” have been relentlessly pressuring him to come out:

“They told him that he really needs to start living as his true self,” said the source.

“They think James needs to come out.”

The situation is interesting, but not for the reason the Kristen and company think:

1. The questioning of James’ sexuality and the campaign to forcibly draw him out of the closet comes on the heels of an episode in which the cast repeatedly boasted about their concern for social justice and their cred within the LGBT community. 

Side-eyeing your straight friend’s friendship with his gay roommate isn’t exactly the height of wokeness.

2. In that same episode, James got daytime sh-tfaced and heaped verbal abuse on a woman in a public setting.

No one seemed to have a problem with that, but kissing his male friend on the cheek?! Mon dieu!

Look, horrendous behavior from the Vanderpump cast is nothing new, but coming on the heels of their annual pride parade episode, this buffoonery is especially nauseating.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to remind yourself of the extent to which these people need to grow up.
