Showing posts with label SCARY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SCARY. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Game of Thrones Preview: New Footage, Old (SCARY!) Enemy

The enemy is real. It"s always been real.

So intones Jon Snow in a new trailer for Game of Thrones Season 7, which kicks off on July 16 on HBO and which will serve as the beginning of the end for this beloved drama.

The network has confirmed that the battle for the Seven Kingdoms will wrap up next summer, leaving fans wondering what could possibly be on tap over the next several episodes.

And now we may have an answer or two.

In the following new footage, Rhaegar Targaryen’s valiant son acting like a politician.

Now isn"t the time for partisan divide, he basically says. We better work together or else winter will come for us all.

"For centuries, our families fought together against their common enemy," he says. "Despite their differences, together. We need to do the same if we’re going to survive.”

This new teaser provides fans with an up-close-and-personal look at the very threat Snow describes here, as the Night King and his frozen underlings strike a frightening shadow over all of our favorites from the HBO drama.

(Seriously, there nearly all present in this two-minute sneak peek.)

Along with Snow hoping his friends and even his enemies heed his warning, Sansa Stark also get in some narrating below.

She talks about the winter and how it"s coming and how everyone is more or less screwed as a result.

"When the snows fall, and the white wind blows, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives…" she says.

What about Dany? Tyrion? The fight for the Iron Throne? 

It"s all covered, or at least hinted at, in the video below.

(It"s also all covered in these Game of Thrones Season 7 spoilers, which you"re very welcome to peruse if you want some inside, early information.)


Game of thrones preview new footage same old enemy

Monday, March 13, 2017

Jill Smokler, Scary Mommy Blogger, Announces Divorce; Gay Husband

Jill Smokler is best known for writing about her children.

But the blogger behind wildly popular website Scary Mommy made news over the weekend for a heartfelt message she shared with readers about her marriage.

Specifically, about the surprising reason why her marriage is coming to an end.

Via an emotional post on Facebook, Smokler said on Satuday her husband is gay.

The soon-to-be former couple has three kids and has been involved romantically for over two decades.

“Yesterday, Jeff and I told our children that we are divorcing, after more than 17 years of marriage and 23 years of togetherness,” Smokler wrote.

“We also told them that the impetus for the divorce is the fact that Jeff is gay.

“Without getting into too much personal detail, this is a reality which we have faced together for many years.”

She added:

“For a very long time, the deep love we had for one another sustained us through the more difficult moments that our increasingly diverging sexuality created.

“We have spent more than half of our lives inseparable, and we are very proud of the life and family we have built together. We have been true partners and friends; we are a kickass team.

“And while we will no longer love each other as husband and as wife, we remain deeply committed to one another as partners and co-parents to the three most incredible kids we could ask for.

“It’s our greatest hope that this experience translates into raising empathetic, caring and open-minded children who learn to embrace their differences… and respect and appreciate that which makes others different, too.”

scary message

Jeff, meanwhile, went ahead and shared his side of this story on Scary Mommy.

Explaining that he knew he was gay for about the last “four or five years,” he wrote the following:

“I always knew I was different, but when you meet your soulmate when you’re 18 years old – only five years older than my own daughter is now – and that person is a woman, you simply think ‘thank God then, I can’t be gay.”

Jeff and Jill are parents to a nine-year old, an 11-year old and a 13-year old.

“One thing I’ll say about my own journey is this: What should have been an easy choice — a no brainer — was the hardest decision I’ve ever made,” Jeff also wrote.

“Once I came to terms with the fact that I was gay, I figured I had two options:

I could die — either from my intentional neglect of my health and well-being, or perhaps from something even more tragic — leaving my children fatherless, or I could come out and hope that I remained surrounded by the love of my friends, family, wife and children.”

family pose

During an interview with the Today show on Friday, Jill talked about breaking the news to the kids.

She said her and Jeff’s 13-year-old daughter reacted with sympathy and even offered to hug her father, while their boys had more trouble with the announcement.

Jill said they have “weepy moments” but have still been “incredibly mature” given the situation.

“I have had probably 70 people message me or email me privately who are in the same situation,” she said on Today, adding:

“This has been really good for me. For as many nasty comments as we get on the internet, every time I have put something out there that has made me feel super vulnerable or that was painfully honest, the response has always been amazing.”

Scary Mommy has over 2.8 million Likes on Facebook.

It is a go-to website for parenting tales and advice.

Added Jeff in his Scary Mommy entry, focusing on what’s most important:

Our children are amazing. They are all digesting the information in their own ways, but, boy, are they all also showing their true colors.

Brush away all of the worst characteristics and idiosyncrasies one would expect from kids their ages, and we’re left with compassionate, thoughtful, wonderful children.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Angry Joey Porter Security Footage Released ... Scary but NOT Violent (VIDEO)

Joey Porter DEFINITELY got up close and angry with a bouncer before his Pittsburgh arrest — but he did NOT rough the guy up … and new security footage proves it.  Officials have finally released the video evidence in the case against the…


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Tyson Beckford Pulls Gun on Scary Process Server

Tyson Beckford pulled a gun on a process server, but he says there’s a very good explanation … the guy was scary and aggressive as hell, and he wore an eyepatch. Flashback to last Thursday, when a guy knocked at Tyson’s Miami apartment door at…


Monday, January 30, 2017

Mischa Barton: Incoherent in Scary Pre-Hospital Footage

Last week, Mischa Barton was rushed to a hospital following what sources described as an emotional breakdown.

Sadly, fans of the actress are accustomed to this sort of news, as Barton has been hospitalized in connection with psychiatric episodes several times in recent years.

This time, however, the 31-year-old claims that her medical issue had nothing to do with her long history of addiction and mental health issues.

Barton says she was drugged while celebrating her birthday with friends, and that she nearly lost her life as a result of ingesting the so-called "date rape drug," GHB.

“On the evening of the 25th, I went out with a group of friends to celebrate my birthday. While having drinks, I realized that something was not right as my behavior was becoming erratic and continued to intensify over the next several hours,” Barton said in the statement issued last week.

“I voluntarily went to get professional help, and I was informed by their staff that I had been given GHB. After an overnight stay, I am home and doing well,” the statement continued.

Now, video of the incident has emerged, and it shows Barton behaving in an erratic and frightening fashion.

The footage – in which Barton is seen ranting about her mother being a witch before falling down – was reportedly shot during a party at the actress" home.

Attendees say Barton"s strange behavior came on suddenly, which would jibe with her explanation that it was caused by a spiked drink.

You can see the incident for yourself in the clip below:

Mischa barton incoherent in scary pre hospital footage

Thursday, January 19, 2017

UF Bass Fishing EJECTED FROM BOAT ... Scary Video

Here’s the most incredible video you’ll see today … the University of Florida Bass fishing team (we didn’t know either) EJECTED FROM A SPEEDING MOTORBOAT at 57 mph.  The guys in the boat — Hunter Bland and Conner Young — were cruising…


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Donald Trump"s Bathroom Plan is Scary Says California Lt. Governor (VIDEO)

Donald Trump and the Republicans aren’t really that concerned about transgender people and which bathrooms people use, but it’s just an example of a much bigger agenda … so says California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom. There are rumors swirling…


Donald Trump"s Bathroom Plan is Scary Says California Lt. Governor (VIDEO)

Donald Trump and the Republicans aren’t really that concerned about transgender people and which bathrooms people use, but it’s just an example of a much bigger agenda … so says California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom. There are rumors swirling…


Saturday, October 29, 2016

Kate Hudson Halloween Party -- So Many Celebs It"s Scary (VIDEO)

Kate Hudson’s annual epic Halloween party didn’t disappoint … bringing out a ton of celebs this year. Hudson hosted the bash at her house in L.A. Friday night … and everyone from Leo DiCaprio to Adam Sandler got in on the action. Kendall…


Friday, October 28, 2016

Nick Viall as The Bachelor: First Scary Promo!

Nick Viall does not officially debut as The Bachelor until January.

But the controversial selection to anchor the next edition of this beloved reality franchise has already left quite an impression on potential viewers.

For example: Viall apparently slept with one of his upcoming suitors, only learning about this stunning coincidence when he came across the woman again on the set of Season 21.

But this shouldn’t really come as too much of a surprise, we suppose.

Viall was runner up on two seasons of The Bachelorette already and has revealed that he was intimate with both of the lead women during his stints on those seasons.

He isn’t sure why this is controversial, though.

“People are well aware of the fact that Andi and I slept together, as well Kaitlyn and I,” Viall has said in response to critics, adding:

“I slept with two women that at the time I felt deeply for and thought there was a good chance I could end up with.”

That’s just part of the show, it’s true. They don’t set up those fantasy suites to go unused, after all.

This is all a long-winded way of saying that Viall wasn’t the most popular choice to serve as the next Bachelor. Most folks expected Luke Pell to land this gig. 

But it belongs to Viall and it appears as if ABC is playing off of his somewhat villainous reputation.

In what way?

The first promo for The Bachelor Season 21 features a Halloween theme, along with a narrator who tells fans:

“The next scream you hear may be your own.”

We then hear women screaming over Viall, although we assume they are doing so because he is very attractive, not because they are actually frightened of the veteran reality star.

“Happy Halloween!” concludes the teaser below.

Nick will debut as The Bachelor in January, marking his fourth attempt at finding love on broadcast television.

He previously advanced far on the Andi Dorfman and Kaitlyn Bristowe seasons of The Bachelorette, while also making some enemies this summer on Bachelor in Paradise.

“I was very nervous, but it took me a couple of days. I told them I had to think about it,” Viall said of taking over the role from Ben Higgins, last season’s The Bachelor.

“I didn’t have a lot of time to think about it because they didn’t ask me too long ago. But it took me a couple of days…

“It’s a huge responsibility, but it’s obviously an amazing opportunity, so ultimately, I accepted.”

Bookmark The Hollywood Gossip in the days/weeks/months ahead for the most up-to-date Bachelor spoilers on the Internet and then check out the following photo gallery to see how Twitter reacted to news of Viall as The Bachelor:

Do YOU think ABC made the right choice?

Or should Pell have been named the show’s next star? It’s time to VOTE:

And the Winner is?

Nick Viall will be The Bachelor in the spring of 2017. But would you prefer to have seen Luke Pell picked for this position? View Poll »


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Billie Joe Armstrong -- Let"s Talk Kardashians ... And How Scary Trump TV Would Be (VIDEO)

Green Day’s frontman Billie Joe Armstrong would rather talk about the Kardashians than politics … until you push his Donald Trump button, that is. We got Billie in WeHo and tried throwing him a political fastball. He fouled it off, and asked for…


Billie Joe Armstrong -- Let"s Talk Kardashians ... And How Scary Trump TV Would Be (VIDEO)

Green Day’s frontman Billie Joe Armstrong would rather talk about the Kardashians than politics … until you push his Donald Trump button, that is. We got Billie in WeHo and tried throwing him a political fastball. He fouled it off, and asked for…


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Scheana Marie Shay: "Scary Skinny" on Instagram?

Last time we checked in on everyone’s favorite SUR girl/aspiring pop star, it was because Scheana Marie Shay got caught photoshopping a bikini photo that she had posted on Instagram.

The response to that pic were funny. The comments on her latest selfie … not so much.

Scheana posted the above photo earlier this week as part of an obvious promotion deal with HydroxyCut.

She captioned the photo:

“Getting some stretching in before my workout today! Want to take your workouts to the max? Grab some of this stuff…@hydroxycut #SP snapchat: scheanamarie addressing you haterzzzzzz”

But some hater-ish “fans” seem to think that the diet supplement has worked too well for Scheana.

Some of the uglier comments on the above pic include:

“You need all you can eat and repeat.”

“Holy sh-t ur teeeeeeny! Dont lose anymore or u will literally disappear! U must be a size 0!”

“Sorry!! Not a hater at all but you looked stunning and voluptuous before!! Thought you were beautiful!! Way too skinny now!”

“I don’t think you need to take that, your already sick skinny.”

Yes, Internet trolls be trollin’, as always, but we’d like to take this opportunity to remind of a cardinal rule of human behavior:

Just don’t comment on anyone’s weight ever, for any reason.

Not online, not in real life, not quietly behind people’s backs after they leave a room.

We’re not saying you can’t make fun of public figures, just don’t speculate about their health in idiotic fashion in public forums.

Look, if you feel the burning need to make fun of Scheana Marie, we recommend you start with her music career.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for plenty more material.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Egor Tarabasov: Lindsay Lohan Reveals Scary History Of Abuse

The violent fight Lindsay Lohan and Egor Tarabasov were seen having in Mykonos, Greece on July 5th was upsetting, to say the least.

Now, Lindsay tells the Daily Mail‘s Katie Nicholl about her fiance’s abusive past, revealing that this isn’t the first time Tarabasov has put his hands on her.

“No woman can be hit and stay with that person if that person isn’t prepared to say sorry,” Lindsay said.

“I realise now you can’t stay in a relationship just for love.”

The disturbing footage, released by Radar Online, shows the couple in a jeep and reportedly arguing.

Lindsay threw Egor’s phone out the window, so he got out of the car to retrieve it.  Lindsay got out as well, and tried to get to the phone before her fiance.

Egor managed to grab Lindsay from behind, and twisted her arm behind her back.  When he finally got his phone, Ego went back to the jeep.

Lindsay later explained that Egor, 22, had taken her phone, so she threw his on to the beach in retaliation.

Without going into much detail, she said that he “drank too much” and “went crazy.”

Lindsay did, however, explain what led to their last public fight on July 23rd, when Lindsay screamed for help from the balcony of her London flat and claimed that Egor was trying to strangle her.

“Egor and I had been out for dinner. We danced, it was fun,” Lindsay explained of the series of events that led to the incident.

‘When we got home I went to bed and Egor went out. A few hours later he came back and when I woke up he was standing over me. He wasn’t himself, he was being very aggressive and he attacked me."”

Why is Lindsay talking about this now?   She’s scared of what might happen to her if she stays silent, especially now that there is hard evidence that Egor has put a hand on her.

“I wanted to do this interview because it’s time to tell the truth,” Lindsay said.

“There have been so many lies printed about me recently. I’ve kept quiet for so long but now I’m scared of what Egor might do to me and to himself.

Still, Lindsay admits, she wears her emerald engagement ring.  The relationship, though, may well be over.

“I haven’t taken it off, even after all this,” Lindsay said.

“The truth is, I wanted to make things work, but now I’m not sure that I can.”

Lindsay said she has tried to get in touch with Ego to talk things out and figure out how to move forward.

“I need closure,” she explained. ‘I genuinely fell in love with him but he broke my trust and made me feel unsafe.”

Lohan also revealed that she and Egor planned on getting married next May in Lake Como, and that she has cut her father, Michael Lohan off again for falsely telling the press that she’s pregnant (Lohan blames her rounder belly on pasta and “good Mediterranean living.”).

“My father is known for talking to the press and selling stories,” she said.

“He loves the attention. In the past he’s said I’ve done drugs, he put my number on the internet. ‘Who does that? Some of the stuff he’s done proves to me he doesn’t care about me.”

Where Linsday and Egor go from here is anyone’s guess, and the Russian businessman has not responded to the Mail‘s request for a comment.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Chelsy Davy Claims Dating Prince Harry Was "Scary," Is Obviously Insane

Before the Duchess of Cambridge, the (albeit unofficial) royal trio consisted of Prince Harry, Prince William and Chelsy Davy.

The Zimbabwe-born blond dated Harry on and off from 2004 to 2010, and though she was training to be a lawyer, right now she’s in the midst of launching her own jewelry line, AYA.

Davy was always portrayed in the press as a bohemian party girl, when in reality she wanted nothing to do with public life.

“It was so full-on: crazy and scary and uncomfortable,” Davy said about the amount of unwanted press she received while dating Harry.

“I was trying to be a normal kid and it was horrible.”

Like the former Kate Middleton, Davy was bombarded by paparazzi when leaving night clubs with Harry.

“I found it very difficult when it was bad. I couldn’t cope,” she told The Times.

Some gossip sites claimed their relationship to be volatile at times, but in truth, Davy just didn’t want to be in the papers.

“It was nuts,” she said of being chased by photographers and written about without her consent.

“That’s also why I wanted to go back to Africa. Now it’s calm, it’s fine,” Davy, whose father is a wealthy landowner in South Africa, has said.

Though she was Harry’s Plus 1 at William and Catherine’s wedding in April 2011, she reportedly told friends she had no interest in becoming a royal wife.

“There’s no way we are getting married,” she told friends.

“It’s not a life for me.”

A source told the Daily Mail at the time that Davy “has watched what Kate has gone through and how much she has had to sacrifice, and says it’s not for her.

“Chelsy thought the wedding was wonderful and she had a ball, but there’s no way marriage is on the cards for her. She wants her freedom and to start a career,” the source added.

Davy is still close to Harry’s cousins, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie.  in fact, the Princesses of York also introduced Harry to his other blond girlfriend, Cressida Bonas.

Harry and the actress dated for two years, before breaking up after two years.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Christina Grimmie Killer: Scary New Details Emerge

Frightening new details have emerged about Kevin Loibl.

Loibl is the man who approached Christina Grimmie after a concert she put on in Orlando last Friday night.

According to various outlets and eye witness accounts, Loibl pulled out a gun upon getting close to the former Voice contestant and shot her dead.

Others in the vicinity may also have been Loibl’s victims if not for Grimmie’s brother, Marcus, who wrestled the shooter to the ground prior to Loibl turning the gun on himself and pulling the trigger.

It was a heinous, unspeakable, incomprehensible crime.

We may never know what motivated Loibl to take Grimmie’s life, but TMZ has uncovered disturbing new pieces of information about the killer.

According to former co-workers, Loibl was a deranged fan of the singer’s.

He was infatuated with Grimmie, listening to her music at work and claiming he would someday be her husband.

But that’s not all:

Loibl also changed his appearance to be more appealing to the artist. He reportedly got hair transplants. He underwent Lasik eye surgery. He became a Vegan in order to lose weight.

We’re talking really scary stuff here.

Those who worked at Best Buy with Loibl say he attended one of Grimmie’s shows in March and told everyone that he met the rising star.

He also claimed to have played games online with Christina. 

A source close to the late singer denies Grimmie having ever had contact with Loibl prior to their fatal meeting, however.

Since Grimmie’s death, it’s come out that she was likely dating her producer.

TMZ concludes that Loibl was teased about this relationship by his colleagues, as they taunted him over having no shot to ever date Christina.

This supposedly served to enrage the clearly-unbalanced Loibl.

And it now seems as if he turned this anger into some form of warped, misguided hatred for the artist, shooting her in the head before taking his own life.

Christina Grimmie was only 22 years old at the time of her death.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Kylie Jenner Explains Why She Snapped at Young Fans: "It"s SCARY!"

Earlier today, a video showing Kylie Jenner snapping at adoring young fans outside a restaurant went viral, and the internet went HAM.

Critics pegged the lip kit maven as a entitled, ungrateful princess who handled the situation too aggressively.

To explain her side of the story, Kylie did a little impromptu Q&A on Twitter to address fan concerns.

This is how the Twitversations went:

@kyliesgoddess: “That kid was annoying. I don’t blame you for saying what you did.”

Kylie: “She wasn’t annoying. She came in the restaurant after and I had a talk with her and we took photos.”

@_eemilyyy_: “What she say?”

Kylie: “She just apologized for grabbing on to me so hard… & said she was a big fan and we embraced & took pics”

@agbkam: “What did you say to her?”

Kylie: “I just said u can’t be doing that. It’s scary when I can’t see & have no Secuirty [sic] already.”

See what she did there? She was able to retweet a fan who called the kid annoying without actually having to say it herself. Nice little Jedi-PR mind trick.

This wasn’t the first time Kylie was accused of being rude to fans.

Earlier this month, she reportedly arrived an hour late to a scheduled appearance at the Sugar Factory in Orlando, then stayed just five minutes, disappointing more than 3,000 fans – many of whom paid $ 150 for a reservation.

Nevertheless, it’s nice to know the tween girls Kylie reprimanded (who probably did go too far) were able to get their selfies and a hug from the reality show star.

We just hope Kylie remembers to be grateful for her fans, without whom she wouldn’t enjoy all the privileges most folks only dream of.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Super Bowl 50: Hot Refs, Scary Monkeys and More!

Super Bowl 50 sucked.

The Denver Broncos defeated the Carolina Panthers by compiling under 200 yards of total offense and converting one third downs all game.

It was a sloppy, boring game that didn’t feature a touchdown from farther than two yards away.

But there were at least a few things that saved the Super Bowl, as an event, from being a total letdown.

And one of those things was Clete Blakeman.

The well-chiseled referee made a variety of calls on the field, but those were nothing compared to the phone calls going around from female viewer to another, each asking the same thing:

Who is Clete Blakeman? And is he single?!?

Speaking of hot men…


Sorry. But we’re a tad bit excited. And we think you will be, too, after seeing the Jason Bourne trailer that debuted during the big game:

Prior to kickoff, of course, Lady Gaga blew us away with a national anthem that actually had people comparing it to the iconic Whitney Houston version from 1991.

How could they?

This is how they could:

Gaga was not the only superstar to take to the stage, of course.

Halftime featured Chris Martin and Coldplay, but let’s be serious: it really featured Beyonce.

She was the real winner on Sunday, honoring Michael Jackson and the Black Panthers and putting all entertainers to shame:

Not that Bruno Mars couldn’t hold his own.

Did you ever think you’d see a Bruno Mars-Beyonce dance-off? Watch the Super Bowl 50 halftime performance below and be left in awe:

Finally, Mountain Dew gave viewers more nightmares than Von Miller gave Cam Newton, introducing the world to a puppy monkey baby for some reason.

We’ll never get this image out of our heads:

What was YOUR favorite Super Bowl 50 commercial and/or musical act? Weigh in below!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Adam Lind: Weird, Scary Chelsea Houska Tattoo Revealed?

Adam Lind is a frightening dude who seems intent on making his baby mama’s life a living hell, so it makes sense that he would get a frightening tattoo that seems to depict Chelsea Houska living in hell:

Does the demonic tatt look like Chelsea? 

No, not really, but there’s been lots of speculation that Lind’s new ink is meant as a shot at his ex, and he has yet to dispute the rumor.

The rumors were prompted in part by Lind’s caption for the photo, which reads, “My sexy red head :) eating my heart out!”

Given that Chelsea’s red hair is one of her signature traits, it’s not hard to see why fans might think the tatt is some sort of bizarre tribute.

It was probably a little unsettling for Chelsea to see the pic online, but fortunately, it seems she doesn’t have much to worry about form her lunatic ex.

Shortly after his other baby mama, Taylor Halbur, filed for a restraining order against Lind, he seemed to get his notorious temper somewhat in check.

As a bonus, Lind has been arrested so many times that if he stalks or harasses Chelsea again, his ass is going away for a long time!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Father Issues Scary, Hilarious Warning to Daughter"s Homecoming Date

There are some parents out there who should never be allowed to text. This much has been made clear.

But there are other parents in existence who should have free reign over technology and the Internet, such as Sharee Schock and her husband, Ben.

A native of of West Salem, Wisconsin, Sharee (a photographer by trade) was snapping pictures of her daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend prior to their homecoming dance on October 10.

Before the couple left for the event, though, Ben offered up the following words of wisdom/warning to the boyfriend:

Whatever you do to my daughter, I will do to you.

That may be the greatest threat we’ve ever heard or read.

At some point during the evening, meanwhile, Ben walked over and “put his arms around the boyfriend’s waist and looked right at me,” according to Sharee.

So, naturally, she had to take a snapshot of this moment.

Sharee (our new hero) then edited the images to be side-by-side, inserted her husband’s quote on top of them and… presto!

The photo immediately went viral, with over 3.3 million views on imgur alone.

And here’s the funniest part, at least to Sharee:

“[Ben is] just a big, giant teddy bear that is not really in any way overprotective. I’m kind of the one that’s the stern one.”