Showing posts with label Transgender. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transgender. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Derick Dillard Slams Transgender Community AGAIN!

What’s wrong with Derick Dillard lately?

Serious question.

He’s always been very Duggar-y, with some extra conservative views that many find offensive, and of course there’s that ongoing nonsense with the way he and Jill Duggar keep asking for money from fans for no real reason.

But for the past couple of months or so, he’s been insisting on being even more awful than usual, and it’s getting kind of alarming.

For example, remember last week when he actually tweeted that the United States is “one of the least racist countries in the world”?

For real, that’s a thing he said. In 2017.

And then, in August, he made the unfortunate decision to bash Jazz Jennings, a fellow TLC reality star.

Jazz stars in a long-running show called I Am Jazz, which is all about her life as a 16-year-old transgender girl. She’s also an absolute doll.

But instead of being supportive of a co-worker, or, you know, instead of being a decent human being, Derick saw TLC tweet a promo for her show and decided to respond with the following:

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”

And then, when he started getting some criticism for that statement, he added “I want to be clear. I have nothing against him. I only have issue with the words and definitions being propagated here.”

Note the misgendering — Jazz is a “her.” not a “him,” and it would have taken literally nothing away from Derick to show her that little bit of respect.

But he didn’t because he’s awful, which is kind of the whole point we’re making here.

And now, two months after making those original statements against Jazz and the idea of being transgender in general, he’s doubling down on the awfulness.

Over the weekend, he retweeted a quote from Janice Raymond, a noted radical feminist activist who is also known to have extremely transphobic views.

“No one — women, men, children or transgender persons — should be subjected to any form of exploitation or targeted for discrimination,” the quote begins.

“Transsexual and transgendered persons are entitled to the same human and civil rights as others.”

The quote goes on to say that “Recognizing these rights, however, does not mean that we must accept that hormones and surgery transform men into women and women into men …”

“Or that persons who self-identify as members of the opposite sex, are what they subjectively claim to be.”

Derick retweeted all of that mess, and just in case he didn’t make himself clear, he also wrote “I agree with Janice Raymond on this.”

It’s just … why?

Even if he believes in these backwards views, and he’s made it very, very clear that he does, why does he feel the need to continue to talk about it?

It’s disrespectful, it’s cruel, and you know it’s got to be angering his employers.

His Twitter followers don’t get his game here, either.

“Derick, your ignorance is going to tweet yourself and your in laws out of a big TLC paycheck if you don’t just shut up,” one person advised him.

Another pointed out “The bible says thou shall not judge. Aren’t there much bigger things in life u should be preaching about? Did u feel good about hurting Jazz?”

One particularly sassy person turned Derick’s logic against him, asking “So you’d have no problem with me rejecting your subjective claims to be a good Christian, husband, father and overall decent human being?”

So Derick, your next step really isn’t that difficult …

Just shut up, OK?


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Richard Simmons To Appeal Ruling That Misidentifying Transgender People is NOT Defamation

Richard Simmons will appeal the devastating ruling on his transgender defamation lawsuit, TMZ has learned, and that could establish whether people are allowed to say someone’s gay or transgender without fear of lawsuit. Simmons’ lawyer, Neville…


Richard Simmons Big Lawsuit Loss, Calling Someone Transgender Isn"t Defamatory

Richard Simmons just suffered a potentially devastating loss in his lawsuit against American Media — which claimed he was transitioning to a woman — because the judge just said calling someone transgender is NOT defamatory. The National Enquirer…


Friday, August 18, 2017

Richard Simmons Provides List, Why I"m Not Transgender

Richard Simmons broke out a list of reasons explaining why he’s not transgender … not that there’s anything wrong with that. Simmons filed new legal docs in his defamation suit against the National Enquirer listing the reasons why the tabloid…


Friday, August 4, 2017

Kardashian Family Calls Caitlyn a Transgender Traitor

The Kardashian family believes Caitlyn Jenner has betrayed the transgender community by sticking with Donald Trump after the President vowed to throw every transgender soldier out of the military. Sources with first-hand knowledge tell us,…


Caitlyn Jenner Shows Support for Trump after Transgender Ban

Caitlyn Jenner isn’t letting the whole transgender ban thing get in the way of what appears to be her undying support for President Trump. Jenner was out and about Thursday, in a sporty car sporting a “Make America Great Again” hat. It’s pretty…


Thursday, August 3, 2017

TLC Stands By Jazz Jennings, Transgender Show After Duggar Attack

TLC is speaking out in support of transgender teen Jazz Jennings after she was verbally attacked by Duggar family member Derick Dillard. Dillard unleashed a social media rant on the 16-year-old, saying … “Transgender” is…


Derick Dillard: SLAMMED on Twitter for Attacking Transgender Teen Girl Jazz Jennings!

Just yesterday we were wondering if Derick Dillard had come out in favor of LGBT rights after he liked a tweet. That would have made sense — there are plenty of Christian conservatives who’ve grown up with LGBT friends and don’t see a reason to discriminate.

Unfortunately, we now know with certainty that Derick Dillard is not one of those conservatives. Not at all.

Religious beliefs are one thing, but it takes a special kind of person to publicly put a 16-year-old girl on blast just for existing.

But that’s what Derick Dillard saw fit to do, proving that he never deserved to have the awesome hair that he lopped off in the first place.

TLC, the network that continues to give screen time to the horror show that is the Duggar clan, tweeted a promo for one of its shows.

This time, for a show that’s been running for years — I Am Jazz, which follows Jazz Jennings, a teenage girl who works as an advocate.

The series follows her life as a transgender teen and also a great deal of her advocacy.

Unfortunately, Derick Dillard saw fit to tweet about it, quoting TLC’s promo and adding his own commentary.

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”


In case we need to clarify this, trans folks are in fact real, and they’ve been around for as long as humanity has.

Unfortunately, that’s not all that Derick had to say, folks.

We guess that he couldn’t resist digging that hole this much deeper:

About a half hour later, Derick had started to notice backlash (we’ll get to the backlash in a moment) or maybe gotten cold feet about insulting a minor, so he tweeted again.

And … if anything, his second tweet made it worse.

“I want to be clear. I have nothing against him. I only have issue with the words and definitions being propagated here.”

Deliberately misgendering a transgender person is an act inextricably linked to the targeted violence that transgender folks, and particularly trans women, face on such a frequent basis.

That violence — that causes trans women to lose their lives, so often to men they trusted or even loved — is hateful and dehumanizing.

And so is the act of deliberately misgendering a trans woman.

But don’t worry — while Derick Dillard did, unfortunately, get a few supportive responses from fellow bigots, the vast majority of the replies to both tweets were in the form of total condemnation.

The first couple were just trying to correct him for misgendering Jazz.

“*Her. You wouldn’t like someone using the wrong pronoun with you. Please at least try and be respectful if you have nothing against her.”

That’s phrased like a friend would correct another friend, right?

Others were understandably more heated.

“I love the way you put ‘him’ just to put some extra disrespect and hate in your statement. Very godly.”

They’ve got a point.

And then replies started getting into the hypocrisy of the Duggars getting famous (and getting paid) thanks to reality television even when it’s part of everything that they condemn.

Not to mention the fact that I Am Jazz airs on the same network as Counting On.

“Bet y’all won’t leave your show. Y’all like that money way too much. Your ‘reality’ show skips around your bro in law touching his sisters.”

Oh, did you think that Josh Duggar wasn’t going to come up? He absolutely came up.

“Exactly, hypocrites! If it truly went against their beliefs they would walk away from TLC for supporting it. But $ $ speaks louder than God.”

And then:

“Haha, just like the ‘reality’ show about Godly people who molest their sisters & cheat on their wives. Oh wait…”

Others think that Derick Dillard biting the hand that feeds him should be a sign to TLC that they should, well, stop feeding the Duggars and supporting their lifestyle.

“@TLC Time to get rid of the Duggars for good!!!!”

They came after him specifically for going after Jazz Jennings — who, again, is only sixteen.

“Yes so much courage to attack a teenager from behind a computer screen….”

She’s probably heard everything you can imagine and worse before, because bigots are everywhere, but that doesn’t mean that more people should pile on.

And then came our favorite responses — where people went after Derick Dillard for his, um, shady missionary work.

Specifically, the fact that Derick and Jill asked for money from fans:

“And at least she isn’t pretending to be a missionary over seas leaching off donations and not providing an explanation of where they go.”

“Maybe you should quit TLC then. … But then you may have to get a job instead of selling out your children on tv or scamming fans to give you money for your fake mission trip.”

Sometimes, Twitter is a force for good.

We’re not sure why Derick decided to single out Jazz Jennings at this particular moment.

But we can’t help wondering if he felt a need to tweet that after seeing that fans had noticed that he’d liked a tweet that mentioned that a person shouldn’t be fired for being gay (or for being a Christian).

Was he trying to set the record straight and make sure that everyone knows that he’s firmly on the wrong side of history and morality?

Or did he feel some pressure, from within or from his extended family, to double down on hateful rhetoric to preserve the Duggar brand?

We just don’t know.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin Says We Will Care for Transgender Vets We Displace

Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin says his department has compassion for the transgender vets whom the President is kicking out of the military. We got the Secretary Wednesday on Capitol Hill and he spoke with resolve … if anyone –…


Monday, July 31, 2017

Lil Duval Doubles Down, Says Transgender Woman Lying Would Cause "Psychological Damage"

Lil Duval is doubling down on saying a transgender woman would be “dying” if he found out she’d deceived him — but he also insists he has no problem with gay or transgender people. The comedian was on “TMZ Live” Monday to address the protests…


Lil Duval Doubles Down, Says Transgender Woman Lying Would Cause "Psychological Damage"

Lil Duval is doubling down on saying a transgender woman would be “dying” if he found out she’d deceived him — but he also insists he has no problem with gay or transgender people. The comedian was on “TMZ Live” Monday to address the protests…


Charlamagne tha God Protested by Transgender Community After "Breakfast Club" Interview

Charlamagne tha God is catching major heat from the transgender community after a guest on his radio show made a shocking threat of violence against the LGBT group … and he’s feeling the pressure first hand at Politicon. #Transgender…


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Wanda Sykes Says Transgender Soldiers Not The Problem, Trump"s The Problem

Wanda Sykes doesn’t think transgender soldiers in the military are a problem, she thinks the guy taking away transgender soldiers’ rights to be in the military is the real problem. Sykes, like many Americans, ain’t happy with President…


Montel Williams Says Military Spends More on Viagra Than Transgender Soldiers

Montel Williams is PISSED that Donald Trump wants to ban transgender Americans from serving in the military … and says they’re getting stiffed with his “too expensive” argument. We got Montel, famously a Navy veteran, Wednesday in L.A. and he…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Ray Allen Slams Trump, Transgender Ban"s Not Right with Jesus

Ray Allen says Donald Trump’s decision to ban transgender people from serving in the military is not only “insane” — but suggests it ain’t how Jesus Christ would handle things.  The NBA legend was furious with Trump’s Twitter statement…


Caitlyn Jenner Responds to Donald Trump Transgender Ban: WTF, POTUS?

Back in February, Caitlyn Jenner asked Donald Trump to call her.

The reality star was angry that the President rolled back federal guidelines at the time that said transgender students could use public school bathrooms and locker rooms matching their chosen gender identity.

This seemed especially galling because Trump had previously come out in favor of the guidelines.

On the campaign trail, he also spoke out in defense of the LGBT community, saying such things as the following, after that awful shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando:

“As your president, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology. Believe me!”

Fast forward to this morning and Trump announcing on Twitter that transgender individuals would no longer be permitted to serve in the U.S. military.

“After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military,” the Commander-in-Chief wrote, explaining:

“Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming. Victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail.

“Thank you.”

many trump tweets

In response to this decree, many stars came out swinging against Trump, even harder than usual.

“We should be grateful to the people who wish to serve, not turn our backs on them. Banning transgender people is hurtful, baseless and wrong,” Tweeted Ellen DeGeneres.

And Demi Lovato:

“I just want to tell the transgender community that I love you and you ARE supported no matter what.#ProtectTransTroops.” 

And Judd Apatow: 

“One by one he will f-ck over every segment of the population he made a promise to except Russia, bankers and big oil.Get ready-you’re next.”

Many who follow the celebrity gossip world, however, were looking to Jenner for her reply to the situation.

She’s the best known transgender person in Hollywood, after all.

Thus far, Caitlyn has kept it pretty simple and pretty factual, simply Tweeting the following at the President:

“There are 15,000 patriotic transgender Americans in the US military fighting for all of us. What happened to your promise to fight for them?”

Caitlyn Jenner v Trump

Trump has not yet said whether he will actually remove these 15,000 individuals from the armed forces.

But his Tweets certainly imply as much.

Which is just… it’s astounding, really.

While on The View recently, Jenner said she’s been reaching out to members of Trump’s administration to “help them” on LGBTQ issues.

She added that she had really hoped Trump would be a “bit more outspoken” in his support of the LGBTQ community, considering all he said during the election, but Jenner said she thought “it’s a lot of the people around him” who are affecting the President.

Does she still feel this way?

We can’t imagine so.

On July 16, meanwhile, Jenner actually said she may run for a seat in the California senate.

“Over the next six months or so I gotta find out where I can do a better job,” Jenner said on a radio show, adding:

“Can I do a better job from the outside working the perimeter of the political scene, being open to talking to anybody, or are you better off from the inside?”

We’ll be curious to see if Jenner really does enter the world of politics.

But we need not wonder any longer whether she’ll enter the world of the armed forces. She isn’t allowed to.


Transgender Ex-Navy SEAL Kristin Beck Thinks Trump"s Military Ban is a Big Step Backward

Retired Navy SEAL Kristin Beck has 3 letters for President Trump’s ban on transgender people serving in the U.S. military … “WTF!” Beck, a transgender woman and former SEAL Team Six soldier, told us Trump pinning the ban on money woes…


Transgender Ex-Navy SEAL Kristin Beck Thinks Trump"s Military Ban is a Big Step Backward

Retired Navy SEAL Kristin Beck has 3 letters for President Trump’s ban on transgender people serving in the U.S. military … “WTF!” Beck, a transgender woman and former SEAL Team Six soldier, told us Trump pinning the ban on money woes…


President Trump Bans Transgender People from Serving in U.S. Military

President Trump says transgender recruits are too expensive for the U.S. military, and that’s why he’s banning them from serving their country … in any capacity. Trump dropped the announcement Wednesday morning on Twitter, of course, saying…


Friday, July 7, 2017

LCD Soundsystem"s Gavin Russom Comes Out as Transgender

Gavin Russom has an announcement to make.

The LCD Soundsystem’s synth player and keyboardist came out as transgender in a new interview. 

“Over the last year and a half, I went from my trans identity being something I was in touch with and worked through in one way or another, to suddenly this shift where it’s on the front burner,” Russom, 43, told Grindr.

“Now it’s time to become a whole person.”

The musician revealed that she was “on [her] way to coming out into transitioning” in her earlier years, but came up against “a lot of violence and harassment” and didn’t decided against it. 

“Sometimes, if [people] happened to be walking behind me at enough distance where they would read me as feminine, they would catcall me,” she told the publication.

“Getting closer to me, they would see me as masculine and then become very angry. I was assaulted on a number of occasions.”

The artist then opened up about difficulties she faced in the past dealing with her transition. 

“[They] led me into some self-destructive behaviors, particularly around addiction and substance abuse. In the past, it consistently clouded or interrupted my ability to get into the kind of relationship with myself I needed to.”

Added the rocker, “I had to really work on that stuff and get it out of the picture.

Ultimately, she took time out last year after touring and recording and found comfort in support groups in New York City. 

“I feel a tremendous gratitude to know there are people out there — many of whom have much less of a degree of privilege than I do — who have been fearless enough to do the work,” she said.

“I think the most helpful thing was talking to people with different transgender experiences, especially those with upbringings, economic circumstances and ethnic backgrounds different than my own.”

“It allowed me to hear all these different perspectives and see the ways in which the trans experience is so varied and so individual.”

Russom is set to DJ for the first time as a trans woman at the Pitchfork Music Festival in Chicago on Thursday, July 13.
