Showing posts with label Wrong'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wrong'. Show all posts

Friday, March 9, 2018

The Miz: Ronda Rousey"s "Messing with the Wrong People" in WWE

The Miz thinks Ronda Rousey’s been AWESOME in WWE so far … but says she’s making enemies with the “wrong people” — HER BOSSES. We got Miz and his beautiful wife, Maryse, leaving Il Pastio in L.A. the other night … and had to ask about…


Monday, February 26, 2018

NY Jets Linebacker Dylan Donahue Arrested In Wrong Way Head-On Crash

You’re looking at the car NY Jets linebacker Dylan Donahue was driving when he went the WRONG WAY into the Lincoln Tunnel on Monday and collided with a bus. Yeesh. Cops say 25-year-old Donahue was arrested for Driving While Intoxicated and reckless…


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Pregnancy: Is Something Wrong?!?

Khloe Kardashian is expecting her first child any week now.

And we really hope the little boy or girl is as healthy as can be.

We find ourselves being a little worried, however, considering the content featured in the following clip from this Sunday"s new episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

The preview is brief, but that doesn"t make it any less frightening.

It features Khloe lying on the couch and talking to sisters Kourtney Kardashian and Kim Kardashian, trying not to panic as she explains to her siblings just what"s going on with her body.

"Literally, I can"t walk," Khloe says.

“Can you text your doctor right now?” suggests Kourtney.

(We must interject here and comment on how very telling this comment is of today"s generation. Can you TEXT your doctor?!? Yo, ladies around the world Heck, men, too:

If you ever find yourself unable to walk, do not text your doctor. Place an actual phone call.)

We also quickly cut to Khloe at said doctor"s office, although it isn"t made clear whether she or her impending baby are okay or not.

Kardashian is about 33 weeks along with her first child.

The father is Tristan Thompson and, despite no plans for the couple to marry, they are very committed to each other and very psyched to become parents.

Unlike half-sister Kylie, who chose to remain almost entirely quiet while expecting, Khloe has been very open about all details of her pregnancy.

She even opened up about pregnancy sex in an interview, talking about the experience of doing it in your third trimester.

"It became harder to have sex and a little more uncomfortable and limiting," Kardashian said of this topic, adding that Thompson has been "amazing" in every way.

That"s good to hear.

Check out this Keeping Up with the Kardashians teaser now:

Khloe kardashian faces major pregnancy scare i cant walk

Friday, February 2, 2018

Anthony Scaramucci Says T-Mobile Got It Wrong, He"s Gay Rights Activist

Anthony Scaramucci says T-Mobile has his politics all wrong … Exhibit A — he’s a gay rights activist. We got the former White House Communications Director at LAX Thursday and asked him about the nixed deal from the mobile carrier. TMZ…


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Elizabeth Warren Says Steven Soderbergh"s Wrong, Men Will Keep Hiring Women

Sen. Elizabeth Warren says director Steven Soderbergh’s got nothing to worry about when it comes to a potential #MeToo backlash against women in the workplace. We got Senator Warren Tuesday on Capitol Hill where she addressed Soderbergh’s…


Jake Paul on Suicide Video: What Logan Did Was Very Wrong

Logan Paul’s little brother is now cleaning the remnants of his brother’s mess … both chiding and defending his brother for posting video of a suicide victim. Fellow YouTube star Jake Paul posted this video Monday and dubbed it “YouTube, Let’s…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Anthony Weiner & Huma Abedin Call Off Divorce: What Could Go Wrong?!

These days, Anthony Weiner is serving a prison sentence for sexting a teenage girl at the nadir of what’s surely one of the most rapid and infuriating political downfalls in recent memory.

There was a time–not all that long ago–when the former congressman seemed to have it all, including the love of his beautiful and equally successful wife, top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

What made his many discgraces so much more frustrating than most was not only the fact that he targeted a minor, but also that he seemed to receive countless second chances, only to repeatedly betray the trust of his supporters and his impossibly merciful wife.

Eventually, of course, both the public and and Abedin could take no more of dishonesty and depravity, and he lost it all.

His political career went up in flames.

He was sentenced to 23 months in prison.

And in what may have been the most painful loss of all, Abedin filed for divorce

But now it seems that Weiner may once again be on the receiving end of Abedin’s compassion.

The New York Post is reporting today that the Weiner and Abedin have officially withdrawn their pending divorce case.

According to the newspaper, Abedin was scheduled to appear in Manhattan Supreme Court this afternoon for a compliance conference.

Instead, her attorney submitted paperwork signed by both her and Weiner, agreeing to remove their case from the sourts … for now.

Lawyers for Abedin says this doesn’t mean she’s had a change of heart, insisting that she Abedin simply needs more time to work out a settlement with Weiner before the case goes before a judge.

“In order to ensure the proceedings have a minimal impact on their child, the parties have decided to attempt to reach a settlement swiftly and privately,” says attorney Charles Miller.

For a professional opinion, the Post consulted with divorce attorney Michael Stutman, who is not involved with the case.

Stutman confirmed that the withdrawal does not necessarily mean that Abedin and Weiner have called off their divorce.

He says that they may have decided to postpone the hearing for tax or other economic reasons, or to allow them more time to work out a custody agreement for their 6-year-old son.

Of course, with how much Weiner has gotten away with over the years, we won’t be convinced Huma is really leaving him until the papers are signed.


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Kenny Smith to Charles Barkley: You"re WRONG About LaVar Ball

Could LaVar Ball tear apart the family on “Inside the NBA??”  Probably not … but Kenny Smith definitely says his co-star, Charles Barkley, was WRONG when he blasted LaVar as a bad father who’s exploiting his kids.  TMZ Sports spoke…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

"Scorpion" Actor Sues Robert Patrick, Producers for Alleged Stunt Gone Wrong

Robert Patrick did a real number on one of his “Scorpion” co-stars … at least according to a lawsuit the actor’s filed against Patrick and the show. David Fabrizio, who had a recurring role on the CBS hit drama, says he was shooting a scene that…


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Jimmy Garoppolo Likes Beer & Debauchery (And There"s Nothing Wrong with That)

Turns out … Jimmy Garoppolo’s a bro. Now that Tom Brady’s former backup is in the news for being traded to the 49ers … someone sent us some footage of Jimmy partying during St. Patrick’s Day — and guess what? Bro’s gonna bro. Jimmy G. rolled…


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Rick Pitino: I"ve Done Nothing Wrong, No Evidence Against Me!

Rick Pitino says there’s not a SHRED of evidence proving he did anything wrong to justify his firing — and has lawyered up in what seems to be a prelude to a legal war with Louisville.  As we previously reported, the University of Louisville…


Rick Pitino: I"ve Done Nothing Wrong, No Evidence Against Me!

Rick Pitino says there’s not a SHRED of evidence proving he did anything wrong to justify his firing — and has lawyered up in what seems to be a prelude to a legal war with Louisville.  As we previously reported, the University of Louisville…


CBS Honcho Les Moonves: Donald Trump Is Wrong, NFL Ratings Are Up!

CBS honcho Les Moonves is calling #FakeNews on Donald Trump — saying the President’s claims that NFL ratings are “way down” are just wrong. “All I know is our ratings were up 4% this weekend for the NFL,” Moonves told TMZ Sports while leaving…


Friday, September 22, 2017

Aaron Carter Visited by Police AGAIN: What"s Wrong with Him?!

2017 hasn’t been very kind to Aaron Carter.

Or perhaps we should say that in 2017, Aaron Carter hasn’t been very kind to himself.

Though he has been experiencing more than his fair share of tragedy — his father passed away in the spring, and he’s been open about his health problems — many of his issues seem to be somewhat self-inflicted.

In July, he was arrested for a DUI and for drug possession while cruising around Georgia, and things kind of went downhill from there.

The arrest got him some serious attention, so we saw him doing tearful, emotional interviews about how innocent he is.

(This is also when he revealed his eating disorder and his self-hatred, because sure, what’s a little more sadness at this point?)

Shortly after that, he came out as bisexual — an admirable thing to do, especially considering some of the hateful reactions he received — and shortly after that, his girlfriend, Madison Parker, broke up with him.

He said it was because of the bisexual thing, but she’s denied that.

It was a fair bit of drama, but nothing like what happened earlier this month.

Because earlier this month, Aaron was visited by police four times in the span of 34 hours.

The whole mess started because he’d gotten into a car accident — a bad one. He was uninjured, but he totaled his car.

The first police visit was a welfare check, because whoever called had told officers that he’d been doing drugs and drinking a lot lately, and he’d also been talking about buying a gun.

He didn’t answer the door, and a couple of hours later they returned after receiving a call that he needed a psychological evaluation because he refused medical attention after the accident.

The third call was because Aaron was “not in a safe mental state” and had “threatened to harm family and others.”

And then the fourth call was someone claiming that he’d threatened to kill himself.

Nothing came from any of these visits — police just showed up to make sure he was OK, and he obviously was, so they let him be.

But last night, police were called to Aaron’s house again.

We don’t have much information about this visit yet, but Aaron’s local police department has stated that “We responded to a welfare check at his home this evening.”

“Our officers went out there and found he was not in need of any assistance.”

Interestingly enough, just a few hours before the latest Aaron Carter welfare check, some of the 911 calls from his earlier welfare check extravaganza were released.

And we’re more worried about this guy than ever.

In one of the calls, an unnamed woman claims that Aaron crashed his car after getting high from “inhaling computer duster,” and that he’s “very, very ill, he’s on the verge of death.”

The woman begged them to arrest him, because she’d “rather see him go to jail than die.”

“He’s been driving drunk all night,” she reported. “I’m sure he was driving fast and intoxicated.”

This woman believed things were so serious that she told police that the next time they pay him a visit, “it’s going to be finding him dead.”

She also mentioned that he’d been abusing his pets, which is a whole different level of awful.

In another call, a woman tells police that Aaron is “schizophrenic and bipolar” and that “he’s been trying to purchase a gun and threaten people.”

Yet another concerned person in Aaron’s life called and recounted the story of Aaron’s recent appearance on The Doctors — the one where the doctors in question told him that he could die if he didn’t go to rehab.

This woman says that she’s “tried” to tell him to follow the advice and head off to rehab, but “he won’t listen.”

“He thinks he’s invincible and he’s so far gone. He doesn’t listen to anything I say.”

At this point, we can only hope that sometime very, very soon, Aaron starts to listen to all these concerned people around him.

Because whatever is happening in his life right now sounds downright terrifying.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Janet Jackson and Wissam Al Mana: What Went Wrong?

Janet Jackson and Wissam Al Mana shocked the world earlier this year when they dropped the bombshell news that they had split up. 

The reason the news was shocking was that they had welcomed their first child into the world just months before the announcement, and it certainly got fans speculating about what actually happened between them. 

According to E! News, there were many reasons for the relationship going the way of the flip phone.

Janet and Wissam don’t see eye to eye on many things,” the tipster revealed. 

“One of the many divorcing factors was their religious beliefs. Wissam and Janet did not feel that they were on the same page when it came to this and the way they wanted their child to get raised.”

Being on the same page is integral to keep a relationship flourishing. If you’re not on the same page, then it means arguments are more likely to happen. 

“Janet is more of a free spirit than Wissam. Cultural difference and backgrounds played a major role.”

“Wissam is a very strong minded individual and can come across being hard headed and judgmental at times. Janet started not to feel comfortable around her husband. While she was pregnant Wissam caused stress on Janet and it affected her stress level.”

Now, we all know that stress during a pregnancy is something that should not happen for many reasons, so if Janet was stressed during her pregnancy, it could have changed her outlook on the relationship. 

But that’s not to say that Janet did not want to try and right the ship and stay together with her man. 

“They knew it was over before the baby was even born. Janet wanted to make it work, but it could not be saved. She didn’t tell many people about this toxic relationship till after.”

“Her family was never a big fan of her husband. She lost confidence in herself along the way.”

Janet is apparently ready to move on with her life and put the past behind her, and that is the best thing to do given the circumstances. 

“Janet feels like she has broken free from her old life and is slowly starting over,” the source explains.

“Her baby has brought so many new beginnings and life back in Janet. She wants to connect with her fans again and make her concerts something that her fans will remember and love. Janet’s confidence is back.”

It was recently reported by Janet’s brother, Steven Randall “Randy” Jackson that she was “verbally abused” during her marriage to Wissam. 

Fans noticed some big changes with Janet when she got together with Wissam. For a start, she pretty much disappeared from the public eye. 

She also moved to London and was allegedly told by Wissam that she was to cover up and follow his rules, making her compromise on every aspect of her life for him. 

It was not worth it and despite having a baby to “fix things,” their relationship and marriage is over. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Friday, September 1, 2017

Post Malone Says Ezekiel Elliott "Did Nothing Wrong," Free Zeke!

Post Malone is exonerating Ezekiel Elliott with his suspension appeal ongoing — saying the Dallas Cowboys RB “did NOTHING wrong” and shouldn’t have to sit out. “Free Zeke — you did nothing wrong, Zeke,” Post told TMZ…


Post Malone Says Ezekiel Elliott "Did Nothing Wrong," Free Zeke!

Post Malone is exonerating Ezekiel Elliott with his suspension appeal ongoing — saying the Dallas Cowboys RB “did NOTHING wrong” and shouldn’t have to sit out. “Free Zeke — you did nothing wrong, Zeke,” Post told TMZ…


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Joel Osteen Says Church Was Always Open to Harvey Evacuees and Twitter Got it Wrong

Pastor Joel Osteen says his church was unfairly criticized for locking its doors to Hurricane Harvey evacuees. The man who leads the Lakewood Church in Houston says the doors were always open, despite the video TMZ posted which was shot Monday ……


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Dana White: "Highly Unlikely" Jon Jones Steroid Test Is Wrong

Dana White says he REALLY hopes Jon Jones’ positive drug test is a mistake and he’ll be exonerated by the B sample … but he says that’s “highly unlikely.”  White appeared on the “TMZ Sports” TV show (airs weeknights on FS1) and said he still…


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Clay Aiken: Whoops, Looks Like I Was Wrong About Trump ...

This week, Trump gave what might be his worse press conference in the history of his administration. While we have every confidence that he can and well do an even worse one, leaping to the defense of Nazis in Charlottesville is pretty bad. Even for him.

We don’t think that the majority of his supporters care. Maybe they’re just so full of spite that they want to see Trump cut off America’s nose to spite Obama’s face, or maybe they really don’t know any better.

For some who’d defended Trump in the past, though, this week was the final straw. One of those defenders was Clay Aiken:

You know how some of the only people still defending Bill Cosby are people who’ve known and personally worked with him and can’t imagine him being the sort of predatory monster that dozens and dozens and dozens of witnesses have described?

Well, it’s not uncommon for people to have trouble reconciling what they’ve heard or even know about someone with a person who’s met them and, personally, been nice to them.

Whether it’s your friend’s parents who are always super nice to you but you know that they’re awful behind closed doors or a friend who’s super nice to you but has been beyond shady with other people, we don’t always see people for who they are.

We don’t always want to see people for who they are.

That’s why celebrities who’ve known Trump, stars like Clay Aiken and even the beautiful and talented Paris Hilton, have defended him.

It’s not that they voted for him or defended his atrocious political views or even his many failed businesses.

They just can’t wrap their head around the avowed racist that he’s shown himself to be, because that’s not what they perceived about them in their personal experience with him.

Sometimes, though, things just suddenly “click.”

Like Robert Kardashian realizing that his buddy O.J. didn’t deserve his friendship, people go past the limit of what they can accept or deny.

It looks like, with this week’s intense and bonkers press conference where Trump “accidentally” identified himself with the rallying Nazis in Charlottesville and said that there were decent people and also blame “on both sides,” Trump went too far for Clay Aiken.

Clay Aiken took to Twitter to admit that he’d been wrong to defend the orange mound of humanity’s worst instincts, and also to apologize.

“Remember all those times I defended @realDonaldTrump and believed he was not actually racist? Well… I am a f—ing dumbass. #imsorry.”

To be clear, Clay Aiken didn’t vote for Trump.

He does not and has never supported Trump’s campaign or ever-shifting politics over the past year and a half.

Clay had just been claiming that Trump wasn’t a racist despite, you know, the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Remember, Trump announced his campaign by saying that Mexican immigrants were rapists.

That was literally day one for Trump’s campaign. And it’s gotten worse since then.

Clay tweeted out some clarifications about his stance on Trump:

“I’ve always thought he would be a dumpster fire as a president, and I was right about that. I just didn’t think he was racist. #wrong”

We’re not sure how Clay was able to overlook quite so many incidents.

Even if we stick to only the race stuff … there’s so much.

From Trump’s failure to disavow the KKK and David Duke when he was being praised and endorsed by them on the campaign trail.

To Trump hiring white nationalists as his advisors.

How about Trump appointing Jeff Sessions The Racism Elf to be Attorney General?

To be fair, though, we don’t quite understand how Trump’s actual supporters managed to overlook his racism, either.

For some, it was literally why they voted for him. Because, you know, evil.

For others, though, they voted to spite President Obama or to spite Hillary Clinton or because they always vote red or, in a few rare cases, because they genuinely weighed their options and thought that he’d be better for business or whatever.

(This is a man who bankrupted a casino among various other failed ventures, but whatever)

In the past — like, in interviews — Clay Aiken had described Trump’s blatantly racist statements as reminding him of embarrassing statements that a drunk uncle might make at a family gathering.

“You still love him, but you’d wish he shut up.”

Clay, if your uncle gets drunk and starts referring to Mexicans as rapists, then your uncle is racist. He just might hide it better when he’s sober.

Clay Aiken did not want anyone walking away from their Twitter feed thinking that he’d voted for Trump and is only now having regrets.

“My party is the Democrats. I didn’t vote for the idiot. Never ever implied that I did or would. Was VERY vocal about not voting for him.”

Some polls suggest that as many as one in eight Trump voters have had serious second thoughts or even outright regrets over their vote for him.

That doesn’t mean that Trump’s opponent, or Pence’s if Trump has resigned or been carted off to jail by 2020, will have an easy fight.

Republicans in Congress still want to strip away healthcare and essentially dismantle many parts of the United States government. They know that they’ll need a fellow Republican in the Oval Office in order to do that.

The same people who voted for a screaming mound of earwax out of spite will probably do it again.
