Thursday, October 22, 2015

Lamar Odom Before Overdose: Khloe Kardashian Will Always Be My Girl!

Lamar Odom has always had so much love for Khloe Kardashian – even if his actions and addictions suggested otherwise – within his heart.

He gushed about her just days before the now infamous Lamar Odom overdose that nearly took his life, and brought the two back together.

The former NBA star confessed his feelings for her in a tabloid interview the week before he was found unconscious in a Las Vegas brothel.

“Me and Khloe always talk,” the 35-year-old athlete said, echoing a sentiment he has expressed often during their two-year separation.

“We’re always in touch even when we’re out of touch.”

“I speak to Khloé indirectly every night before I go to sleep,” he continued, pensively. “We’ll always be connected. Khloe’s my girl. Always.”

“If we’re holding hands or a thousand miles apart.”

At the time, Khloe Kardashian was dating James Harden of the NBA’s Houston Rockets, though she put the kibosh on that after Odom OD’d.

“I would never comment on another man and what he does,” he said of his wife’s then-paramour. “Me and Khloe are just me and Khloe …”

“We’ll always be connected, you know? No matter what.”

Some prescient words, as it incredibly turned out.

Rumors of Kardashian texting Harden from Odom’s bedside may be true … but if so, she was likely calling things off with the basketball star.

James has yet to comment on being dispatched.

Despite signing the papers this summer, Khloe and Lamar’s divorce is called off, as her lawyer withdrew the filing in court 24 hours ago.

The amazing turnaround came a week after the 31-year-old rushed to be by Odom’s side after he was found near death in Nevada.

Kardashian was in charge of making Odom’s medical decisions while he was in a coma, and has not left his side for one moment since.

Think it will last this time around for the couple? Lamar swearing off drugs was enough for Khloe, but will he remain true to his word?

Hit the comments below and discuss …