Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Lamar Odom Overdosed on Drugs, May Have Suffered Stroke, Doctors Report

Last night, Lamar Odom was found unconscious after several days of partying at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada.

Odom is currently comatose, and until recently, there were conflicting reports about how he wound up in his present state.

Now, E! News is reporting that Odom has overdosed on several different drugs, and he may have suffered a stroke and permanent brain damage.

“He was doing crack cocaine all weekend and he choked on his mucous,” the insider explains. “They’re now having to fix all the damage it has done.

“So, likely there’s brain damage, but they’re not sure how much. Virtually every drug imaginable was found in his system.”

Doctors add that it appears Odom suffered from an “ischemic stroke,” which is the result of a clot preventing proper blood flow to the brain.

Ischemic strokes are often the result of prolonged cocaine use.

“The long term effects of his drug use have taken a toll on his body and the binge this time was too much to handle,” the source says.

The insider adds that while doctors are “treating this as an overdose situation,” they do not believe that it was a suicide attempt.

We’ll keep you updated as more information becomes available.