Monday, October 12, 2015

Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 3 Recap: Lancelot Lives!

Look out, Storybrooke.

As made evident on Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 3, Emma is on a mission to get Excalibur and snuff out her light forever.

In need of a hero to yank the famous sword out of its resting place, Emma turned to Hook, who knows a lot about Dark Ones and saw right through her plan.

“I loved you,” he told Emma when challenged to profess his feelings, making the past tense clear and asking the Dark Swan what she is really after.

In both Storybrooke and Camelot, meanwhile, it’s made pretty clear that the King isn’t as noble as initially assumed, considering he stole the crimson toadstool from Charming during a mission to track down an item that would allow them to speak to Merlin.

Arthur jumped (too enthusiastically?) at the chance to help David with this quest, as the latter quickly took fondly to the former.

The King’s motives are not entirely clear at this point, but he did offer David a spot on his Round Table.

Mary Margaret is proud of her man for his seat among the honored Knights, but then her attention is diverted but someone else there: Lancelot! Somehow alive!

Arthur tried to sound humble in explaining the awkward situation between himself, Guinevere and Lancelot… but the presumed-dead knight tells it different.

He speaks of corruption and greed and a ruthless leader who will do anything possible to remain in charge of his kingdom.

Finally, Belle arrived at Rumple’s bedside after the rose revealed to her that he was waking up from his coma… only to find he had done AWOL.

Thanks to Emma?

We can only assume Belle will go off on her own quest to find out and we can’t wait to watch that unfold.

Head over to TV Fanatic to watch Once Upon a Time online and sound off below on a complicated/suspenseful episode that played with both time and our emotions.