Monday, October 12, 2015

Sister Wives Recap: So Many Girls, Only One Kody

Kody Brown, literally up to his elbows in women, attempted to bond with his youngest daughters on an all-new episode of Sister Wives this week.

At one point on Sister Wives Season 6 Episode 8, the Brown patriarch and his girls ended up in a situation one of the wives was not a big fan of.

Having a blast on a California beach trip is great and all, but Robyn Brown wishes her hubby would have individual heart to hearts with them instead.

Previously acknowledging that he didn’t have the best relationship with his girls, Kody came up with this road trip/beach idea as a way to fix that.

“This will allow us to hang out and bond,” Ysabel, one of the five companions, explained. “I’m excited to go somewhere all alone with dad.”

“It’ll be nice to have dad all to ourselves,” Savannah added.

You know you have a big family when “only” five of you go somewhere together and you legitimately consider that “all to ourselves” or “all alone.”

That’s no surprise if you watch Sister Wives online, though. When you have four wives and 17 kids, well, taking it down to just five kids is relaxing!

Meanwhile, Maddie Brown explained to Robyn and Meri, Kody’s first sister wife, why she wasn’t being allowed to get baptized by the LDS:

“They called me and said it was too contradictory and they hope I reconsider [joining the church] when we’re not such a public family.”

Maddie elaborates that the LDS church, which banned polygamy a century ago, wouldn’t accept her unless she would “publicly disown” her family.

“That’s so unfair,” Robyn responds, and we kind of agree.

Maddie reveals she’s now struggling with her faith.

“My beliefs don’t fit a religion other than the Mormon Church,” says Maddie, who is engaged to one man and does not plan to be in a plural marriage.

“And now I don’t want to join the Mormon Church,”

Elsewhere, Meri Brown confronted Janelle about partaking in therapy sessions and they both decided it was time to help mend their rocky relationship.

The two agree that they would like to find peace and find a way through the “turbulence” that has occurred from the “beginning of the relationship.”

“So what was the problem all these years? I don’t know,” Janelle says, presumably serious, as though plural marriage isn’t the long and short of it.

To each their own, but just saying.