Friday, August 12, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Double Eviction Time!

Double eviction editions of Big Brother always have a lot of drama. This one was no different. 

With Zakiyah and Michelle still on the block, it seemed obvious that Michelle would be the one to go home. 

She poses the biggest threat to Paulie and isn’t scared to speak her mind about events in the house. 

If you read our Big Brother Spoilers, you’ll know there was a huge argument on Wednesday night when Michelle tried to flip the house on Paulie. 

Most of it was cut out of the episode, with Julie Chen conveniently blaming it on “time constraints.”

This further backs up the fact that the game is rigged for Paulie, but will he make it much further into the game?

His ally, Paul was quick to agree to Bridgette, Natalie, Michelle and James’ plan to get rid of Zakiyah in order to shake the game up. 

Victor was skeptical about the whole thing, but agreed with the decision to target Zakiyah in the end. 

Who would have ever thought that Bridgette would be the one to save Michelle? 

At the first eviction, Zakiyah gave a very nice speech, but Michelle threw Paulie under the bus for the things he said to Natalie. 

James canceled Paul and Corey’s votes and it resulted in Zakiyah being evicted from the game

Sadly, she didn’t have a round trip ticket, so she headed for the jury house. 

The subsequent HOH competition concluded very quickly, with Corey winning. 

It may have taken him like 7 weeks, but Corey finally won a competition. 

He tries to get pointers from his alliance about who to put up, but they were very against being in his ear. 

Corey nominated Bridgette and Michelle for eviction.

Corey then made it a double and won the veto. He decided not to use it. 

Bridgette’s speech was cute, but Michelle decided to go nuclear again. 

She genuinely thought she was going home so she threw both Paulie and Nicole under the bus. 

At the eviction ceremony, Bridgette was evicted.

She did not have a round trip ticket, so she becomes the third member of the jury. 

As the episode was concluding, Julie revealed that there would be a special edition of the show airing next Friday. 

Might it have something to do with the round trip tickets?

We’ll need to tune in to find out!

What did you think of the latest drama?