Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Chad Johnson Apologizes to Sarah Herron, Hates On Nick Viall

Chad Johnson can only be described as a hurricane after his appearance on Bachelor in Paradise. 

Most of the contestants were ecstatic to have Chad on the show. He was the ultimate villain on The Bachelorette, so they no doubt wanted to find out how he was in real life. 

They all got a little bit more than they bargained for when Chad went crazy on the first episode of the season. 

He got drunk and threatened to kill everyone on the show. What more did they expect?

This is Chad Johnson and he really has no filter when it comes to trashing people. 

He even took his anger out on Chris Harrison, who booted him out of Bachelor in Paradise. 

The most horrible thing Chad said, was to Sarah Herron

He called her a “one-armed b—h.”

It was a horrible thing to say and it proved that Chad Johnson really is the worst. 

Chad appeared on After Paradise on August 9, 2016, and had a lot to say about what went down in Mexico. 

What was Chad’s excuse about his rampage on the set?

“To be honest, I drank a lot,” he revealed. 

It was perfectly obvious he was drunk. His eyes were glazed. 

Chad makes for great TV, but some things he said were just too far. 

“I’m not trying to redeem myself,” he said after being asked if that was why he went to Paradise.

“I don’t care if people think I’m a good person or a bad person. That was not my whole plan. I’m not pulling a Nick Viall here and being like, I’m a good person now, please like me. I’m not trying to pawn teeth whitener on Instagram.”

With Chad, you really never know what mood you’ll get him in, but at least he appeared to be being genuine about his thoughts on the matter. 

It wouldn’t have been Chad if he didn’t take a swipe at someone right after explaining himself. 

Viewers were then treated to a Skype chat between Chad and Sarah, in which Chad apologized for his actions. 

“I do want to clear it up. I obviously feel really bad,” he said. “That is—that is something she can’t control. A person with a disability. That is super messed up. But what happened and what was not aired is literally, she followed me around the entire day telling me what I could and could not say. People crowd around, I talk to them and make jokes and all of a sudden, she’s offended. I would be talking to a girl, she’d be 50 feet away listening—why is she listening in the first place, telling me what I can and can’t say?”

It does sound like Sarah was being a little short with him, but that still doesn’t make up for him criticizing her appearance. 

“Look I am sorry,” he said.

“I should have absolutely never said that. I did not want to say anything like that…I know, the first seven, eight hours, I honestly didn’t even notice.”

Sarah was in a forgiving mood, but will she forget?

“I accept,” she told him.

“Thank you. I think that’s what I wanted, to hear it face to face, in person. You apologized on Twitter… but you know a lot of people who have my phone number and you didn’t do anything about it.”

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!