Thursday, August 25, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Did Nicole Become the Target?

Nicole Franzel was one of the best houseguests on Big Brother 16. She was a competition beast and had a great social game. 

The fact that no one has tried to get her out of the game before now is pretty crazy. She’s going through the game undetected, but it appears the net is finally closing in on her. 

She and Corey pulled off a nice trick by having Natalie and Michelle target Paul and Victor. It was pretty hilarious to witness the reaction on Paul’s face. 

He was so sure Nicole and Corey were going up on the block, so it raised the tension in the house. He wanted to know why he was sitting on the block. 

Natalie doesn’t like confrontation and tried to steer clear of him, but he made it his mission to get to the root of who was causing the trouble. 

He waited until Corey was called to the diary room to confront her. It was a bit of a douche move because if Nicole was the perpetrator, Corey would have been in on it.

We’re at the stage of the game in which there’s not very many people left, so it makes the whole nominations process more difficult.

Nicole stood her ground against Paul, but Corey proved yet again that he’s oblivious to everything. He ran out of the diary room stripping and hitting Nicole with his costume.

It was hilarious, but awkward at the same time. Poor Nicole was trying to defend herself while being hit with the costume.

Natalie, Michelle and Victor watched all the action on the HOH TV.  You’d think Big Brother would have provided them with popcorn for this momentous occasion. 

When it was all said and done, Natalie and Michelle were on board with getting either Corey and Nicole out. They have got to be the most indecisive people in Big Brother history. 

It’s evident that James is fully on board with voting out Victor, if the opportunity arises. There’s a good chance of James’ plan working because he’s the swing vote this week. 

This means that there will be a line drawn in the sand on Thursday night. Expect Natalie to follow James, whichever he chooses. 

Nicole was the one houseguest not competing for the veto. It’s not like she got much studying done. Corey just wanted to keep her in bed, while the rest of the houseguests crammed for the competition. 

Does Corey not understand that he was being talked about as a replacement nominee? Geez, send the dude home and hopefully Nicole will start playing the game. 

The POV competition was one of the best in the entire series. Having all the houseguests as weather forecast presenters, while being hit with strong winds and rain made for an exciting competition. 

Paul won the POV.

His win was unsurprising because he pretty much stayed up the whole night and even tried to wake the others up so they had a better chance to get Corey put up. 

As expected, Paul used the POV on himself. 

Corey went up as the replacement nominee. 

What do you think James will do? 

Hit the comments below!