Friday, August 26, 2016

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Clip: WTH is Going On?

Khloe Kardashian has had a tough 2016.

Really, we can include the entire year here.

This is mostly due to her divorce proceedings from Lamar Odom, along with the up and down nature of their relationship.

Odom, of course, was recently just spotted out with a bunch of strippers.

Those who watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online are well aware of Khloe"s trials and tribulations, of course, as are those closest to her.

Such as Kim Kardashian and Kim Kardashian.

With this in mind, the siblings organize a surprise for Khloe on this Sunday"s new installment of the family"s annoying reality show.

Because their sister is going through a difficult time, they aim to show her that she"s "loved" by surprising her at Kourtney’s home with a bunch of her favorite things.

"What the hell is going on?” asks Khloe when she initially approaches.

In response, Kourtney and Kim say they just want her to feel adored, admired, loved and cared about.

Pretty sweet, right?

"But why what happened?" Khloe asks them.

"Well … what hasn"t happened?" Kim responds.

"True story, true story," Khloe laughs.

Kourtney and Kim then explain to Khloe that she just "refiled for divorce" and even though she acts "strong and together," let"s face: sometimes she just needs some "TLC."

Sometimes, we all do.

"This is a pampering session to just keep you going," Kim explains.

And Khloe is clearly touched by the gesture.

"This just shows that you know my sisters do love me and they are aware of everything I"m going through," she says.

"I do not have a clue what I would do without them. When you have people that you know you can depend on, even though you"re going through s–t, you just know everything is going to be OK eventually."

Check out the clip now:

Keeping up with the kardashians clip wth is going on