Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Scott Eastwood Speaks on Death of Girlfriend

Scott Eastwood has opened up about his personal life.

In a recent interview with GQ Australia, the actor opened up about the last time he cried. 

It paved the way for a heartfelt interview that shed some light on the death of his girlfriend.

“I dated a girl a couple of years ago who died in a car accident…The f*cked up thing is, it was a fender bender, and there was a recall on airbags,” he explained.  

“Her airbag exploded. It shot a projectile through her body. It split her spine, and um… I’ve never told anybody that.”

It’s tragic to think that could happen to someone you know, never mind love. 

He then spoke about how much the death affected him. 

“I’ve lost friends before; I’ve lost some great friends. But, I had never lost someone I had been really intimate with, you know, like in that way, in a relationship.”

“I think that really affected me in a way that… I don’t know. Maybe it’s made it harder for me to date…I still never called her father. I still haven’t found the right words.”

Losing a loved one would change anyone. It’s not something you would just get over in an instant. 

It’s nice that Eastwood is at a stage of his life in which he can speak about it. 

It would have been a horrific ordeal for anyone to go through. 

A hot topic of the interview was the time Scott’s father, Clint Eastwood, punched him.

“I had taken my younger sister, who was, like, 14, to this party. I left, maybe to go get beer with the guys. And I left her and I didn’t think about it at the time. Later, Dad found out that I’d left her there.”

Scott quickly realized the error of his ways when Clint gave him some tips.

“He popped me and said, ‘You don’t ever leave your sister at a party. EVER.’ And it was very old-school, very old-school of him. He wasn’t afraid. None of this new-age bullshit where you can’t even smack the kid because everyone’s afraid of being judged or whatever.”

“That wasn’t the way that shit went down in that family… If you did something wrong, you were going to get punished. I learnt quickly – you don’t do that.”

There you have it. Scott was punched by his father for leaving his sister at a party. 

What do you think of all this?

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