Monday, August 8, 2016

Kim Kardashian Teases MORE Nude Photos, No One Cares

Brace for impact, internet.  Kim Kardashian has confirmed that she’s not done sharing nude selfies.

Kardashian was a keynote speaker at the BlogHer 16 conference in Los Angeles on August 5th, and touched on everything from her relationship with Kanye West to whether or not she considers herself a feminist.

Kardashian lost seventy pounds since giving birth to son Saint last December, and she’s not afraid to post a nude selfie these days because she feels good about herself.

“After you have two kids there is a feeling. I mean, I lost 70 pounds. So when you dedicate yourself getting up every morning, wake up at six in the morning, feeding one baby, get to go work out for an hour, coming back, feeding another baby, my husband, and then come back… I’m like, ‘I have three people I have to take care of!’

“You can just get so caught up in not wanting to be motivated. So I made it a really important thing for my confidence and for me to feel good. Have I posted a new selfie since I lost all my baby weight? I don’t think so!”

Oh, hell.

Kim, the recipient of the Webby Awards’s first-ever Break The Internet gong, doesn’t post photos to get a reaction.  

“I post it because I like the photo,” Kim explained.  “Sometimes I laugh. Like, I can’t even believe this photo’s getting a reaction. Haven’t they seen this a million times?”


Is Kim a feminist?

“I don’t think that I am [a feminist]. I don’t like labels. I do what makes me happy and I want women to be confident,” Kim explained.

“I am so supportive of women. I love nothing more than when I’m with all my friends and I love to support women but I’m not a ‘free the nipple-type” of girl. If you’re not comfortable with that, don’t do it! I’m not about the labels. Just be you and be confident in you.”

On August 7th, Kim shared a video of her son, Saint West, likely a follow-up to her comments about him at the conference in response to a rumor that his “birth” was a publicity stunt.

“So truly, I was not posting about my son because I wanted him to be able to go to the park every single day like a normal human being and nobody knows who he is,” Kim explained.

“He’s eight months old now, and people thought he didn’t exist. People thought I had a whole fake baby and I made this whole thing up because I wasn’t posting about it. And to me, that’s so ridiculous.”

Totes ridic.

So, there you have it.  Kim Kardashian is a non-feminsist-but-kind-of-a-feminist who values a good photo, a right and tight body, and proving to the public that her children exist.

The end.