Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Bethenny Frankel to LuAnn de Lesseps: Who You Banging?!?

Bethenny Frankel and LuAnn de Lesseps just can’t stop bickering. 

They can literally explode into an argument at any given moment. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you’ll know it all makes for some great TV. 

In a recent episode, Bethenny made it clear that she was in the know about some things that could signal the end of LuAnn’s engagement to Tom D’Agostino. 

Fun fact: D’Agostino also dated current RHONY stars Ramona Singer and Sonja Morgan. 

Talk about keeping it in the family. In this case, the Bravo family. 

At the end of the  engagement party, Bethenny revealed that she has some incriminating text messages about LuAnn and Tom. 

Obviously, LuAnn was less than impressed with Bethenny’s comments and even branded her co-star a terrorist.

There’s only so much one person can take before they go crazy and it seems that LuAnn is getting to that stage with Bethenny.

What does it even have to do with Bethenny?

Are the producers offering her bonuses to get involved in drama that doesn’t concern her?

In a clip from the episode airing August 3, 2016, it is revealed that Bethenny isn’t done trying to cause problems. 

She asked de Lesseps if she and Tom are seeing other people. 

“I mean, I know this is going to sound ridiculous because I know you had a different type of European relationship with Alex — are you guys monogamous?” Frankel asks.

“Of course, of course,” a startled de Lesseps replies. “What do you mean ‘monogamous’? We’re getting married!”

LuAnn then took to the camera to air her thoughts on Bethenny’s comments. 

“Why are you asking such bizarre questions? We just got engaged, and you’re asking me if we’re monogamous? Who asks that?” The way that Bethenny’s asking me these questions is not sitting right with me,” she continues.

“It makes me think that Bethenny is up to something. She’s not being mean, she’s not being argumentative — she’s just being coy.”

All things considered, LuAnn had every right to be annoyed with Bethenny. Would Bethenny like if someone tried to play god with her relationship?

What do you think about this?

Hit the comments.