Friday, August 26, 2016

Maci Bookout: Faking Pregnancy For Teen Mom: OG?!

Outraged fans who watch Teen Mom OG online are accusing Maci Bookout of faking her pregnancy, as depicted on this week’s premiere.

At issue is one scene in particular where the Tennessean learns she is expecting another baby with her longtime love, Taylor McKinney.

According to Radar Online, this was 100 percent bogus.

In the scene, Bookout complained to McKinney about her drastic weight gain, at which point he advised her to take a pregnancy test.

“No way!” Maci said when the test read positive.

“Oh, that’s real positive. Oh my God.” 

Cute. So what’s the big deal? Well …

Bookout was slammed on social media during the Teen Mom OG season premiere because of the obvious baby bump she was sporting.

Throughout the episode.

“I love Maci but she is so noticeably pregnant at her engagement shoot,” said one eagle-eyed OG viewer. “How could she not know?”

Another fan offered up a similar observation, along with a nice diss: “Maci and Taylor gotta be some of the worst reality TV actors ever.” 

McKinney denied that they faked it, responding, “We’re actors? They forgot my script and I never got a trailer. Somebody getting fired.”

Good one. But no.

Bookout’s own words even betrayed her in this case; Maci told Us Weekly that she found out about her third pregnancy at the doctor.

Not at home.

“I was at the doctor, ironically, to get my birth control prescription refilled,” she said, revealing her doctor told her she was already pregnant.

“I laughed at her! I mean, she’s the doctor that delivered Jayde, so I was like, ‘Ha ha, that’s a funny joke … but it’s not really that funny!"”

“And she was like, ‘No, seriously!’ And I was like, ‘Oh, OK … well, give me 10 minutes to not freak out,"” the reality star recalled.

Maci added that she was thinking, “‘You’re wrong. You’ve got the wrong results, you mixed them up.’ But no, she was serious!”

And that isn’t the only controversy that occurred once she got pregnant, after which talk of Bookout drinking while pregnant surfaced.

Slammed for drinking beer with an obvious baby bump in photos, Maci responded to the rumors by telling the haters to step off.

“I never pay attention to any of the comments or press or anything like that, I never have,” Maci said in a recent interview.

“It’s kind of just a dark hole that I don’t want to get into. I mean, everybody that really knows me knows I would not be drinking while I was pregnant.”

“So like I said,” Maci added, “it was important for me to know that the pregnancy was going to be okay and Maverick was just doing fine.”

“Everything was perfectly fine, and so that was a blessing.”

Let’s give her the benefit of the doubt on that front then.

As for faking the pregnancy reveal for the sake of reality TV ratings … in that case she is very much guilty as charged.