Thursday, September 1, 2016

Jennifer Garner: Pregnant with Baby #4? Will it Save Marriage to Ben Affleck?!

Ben Affleck is reportedly pulling out all the stops to save his fractured marriage … and Jennifer Garner is reportedly pulling the goalie! 

So to speak.

If the rumors of Affleck moving back into the family home are true, well, it looks like he hasn’t stayed in the guest bedroom like he planned.

The A-list couple pulled the plug on their decade-long marriage last summer, but the divorce process has stalled, or barely even begun.

After months of persistence, turning up the charm and wooing her hard, sources say Jen finally caved, and well, one thing led to another.

Their rekindled romance was consummated during a hot night in Europe, a source said, and the parents of three will soon have four.

Yes, the 43-year-old stunner is allegedly pregnant!

While prior speculation surrounding the duo suggested that Garner was finally divorcing Affleck, who is evil, this magazine says the opposite.

He’s apparently quite the charming SOB!

“Jen and Ben conceived the baby while he was working on Justice League in London,” the source revealed to the celeb gossip publication.

“He and Jen had begun spending more time together romantically and Jen realized there was still a lot of love between the two of them.”

How do they feel about the new addition?

Pretty much since the moment they split, talk of Ben and Jen getting back together has been commonplace, but this may be what does it!

A baby to save the marriage! It’s too good.

Obviously, this wasn’t in the cards for them as they saw it, but now, the couple could not be any more excited about the surprise pregnancy!

Jen’s “telling her inner circle she’s having a baby and that she’s happy about it,” but Ben’s taking it to another level even beyond that.

He’s “over the moon” to be back with her!

While Jennifer is “cautious” about reuniting with Ben, given their recent relationship turmoil, and remains skeptical, he’s pushing hard for it.

It being a full-on reconciliation.

“She’s isn’t ready to do that [reunite as a family] just yet,” the source explained. “She just wants to see if Ben is able to keep his promises.”

We’re skeptical as well.

Not about whether Ben is keeping any promises or not keeping them, but whether you can believe anything you read about this couple.

Seriously. Take a look at the covers above. These tabloids will change their tune every week if it means a good story (as it often does).

What to believe?

Don’t ask us, but we can tell you that their divorce certainly isn’t final and they’ve been spending a lot of time together in recent months. 

More than friends?

Not necessarily, but not estranged either. Not in the least. It’s a big leap from “not estranged” to “pregnant,” but you never know.

Stranger things have happened in this world. We’re not betting on a Bennifer baby just yet, or even a rekindled romance for that matter.

But don’t rule it out.