Thursday, September 1, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Christmas Comes Early

Getting a perk in the Big Brother house is no easy task, so when a a houseguest gets one, we expect them to use it. 

Corey got a perk that allowed him to bribe another houseguest to influence someone to make a game move. 

It’s a great little perk, but will he really use it? I’m not so sure the dude even knows what a perk is. 

We picked up right after the nomination ceremony. Michelle and Paul were put on the block by Nicole. 

Yes, Nicole actually managed to win a competition this summer. She may have manipulated her way to victory, but it’s still a win. 

Michelle had the audacity to thank Nicole for not being mean in her speech. If you recall, on double eviction night, Michelle was sure she was going home. 

She decided to call Nicole out on live TV. It was nasty, but it’s something I would have expected from her. 

The sad thing about Michelle is that she knows how the game works, but she’s too much of an emotional player to use her knowledge to her advantage. 

She’s made it clear on countless occasions that Nicole is her target, so why shouldn’t Nicole strike while she can?

Nicole and Corey are very much committed to their new alliance with Paul and Victor, so there was no chance she would target either of them. 

That said, it made sense for her to put Paul on the block to prove to James and Natalie that she was honoring her part of the deal. 

James chose to believe everything Nicole said about not putting he and Natalie on the block. However, Natalie isn’t as dumb as she leads James to believe and knows there’s a chance Nicole is flipping on them. 

The reason she figured it out was due to a change in Victor. He was no acting like he or Paul were in danger that sort of gave it away. 

Add in the fact that Victor chose Corey to play in the veto. Michelle picked up on that, and let the audience know there was something sketchy going on. 

At the veto competition, Christmas came early to the Big Brother house i the form of the Stay/Fold competition.

Nicole was bossing it, so Corey put in a silly number when it looked like Nicole was about to be eliminated. 

It was hilarious, but also pretty clear he was doing it to prevent Nicole from being ousted from the competition. 

Nicole won the Power of Veto.

After the competition, Paul pretended he was mad at losing, while Michelle took a meltdown when she realized her time in house was probably over. 

Paul then went to meet Nicole to confirm their alliance was still a thing.

Nicole did not use the Power of Veto. 

Michelle and Paul remain as the nominees for eviction. 

Who do you want to be evicted?

Hit the comments!