Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Chevy Chase Needs "Tune-Up," Checks Into Rehab

Chevy Chase has checked into rehab.

The veteran actor – who most recently starred for years on Community before having a falling out with creator Dan Harmon – has been admitted to the Hazelden Addiction Treatment Center in Minnesota.

According to Chase’s rep, the ex-Saturday Night Live cast members is in need of a “tune-up” for an alcohol-related dependency.

The rep adds that the man who brought Clark Griswald to live “wants to be the best that he can be.”

Chase is a two-time Academy Awards twice whose most famous films include Fletch, Foul Play, Vacation and Christmas Vacation.

He previously sought treatment for addiction to prescription painkillers back in 1986.

At that time, many decades ago, his rep told The New York Times that Chase had checked into the Betty Ford Clinic/

For what reason?

His past addiction was related to “chronic and long-term back problems” he suffered while injuring himself doing pratfalls and stunts on Saturday Night Live.

(Chase departed the iconic NBC program halfway through it second season.)

“I never shot things up or freebased. I was pretty low-level when it came to drug abuse,” Chase told Esquire in 2010.

“I checked myself into the Betty Ford Clinic after my nose started to hurt.”

The rampant use of drugs and alcohol by cast members during the early years of Saturday Night Live has been well-chronicled at this point.

Chase is 72 years old.

He is in the middle of filming a movie titled “Dog Years” and recently wrapped another flick, “The Christmas Apprentice.”

Other stars who have sought professional help at this same facility in Minnesota include Chris Farley, Liza Minnelli and Robin Williams.

We send Chase our best wishes for a full recovery and clean bill of health, both mental and physical.