Showing posts with label Account. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Account. Show all posts

Friday, May 26, 2017

Chris Cornell"s Wife"s Chilling Account of Singer"s Last Moments Before Suicide

Chris Cornell’s wife knew something was terribly wrong with her husband during their last conversation, and it brought her back 14 years to when Chris was abusing prescription meds. We now know what Vicky told friends and family, and it’s a…


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

22 Reasons to Never, EVER Cross the Wendy"s Twitter Account

Go ahead and debate the merits of the Wendy"s hamburger vs. the McDonald"s hamburger.

We"re not here to tell you which fast food chain has the best food items.

But which restaurant has the best Twitter account?

Please. As has been proven time and again, the answer is Wendy"s. Consider the following examples as evidence why…

1. Oh, You’re Looking for McDonald’s?

Oh youre looking for mcdonalds

This is where most food from that place ends up.

2. Ever Heard of a Fridge?

Wendys rules

Wendy’s totally OWNED this guy on Twitter. Read the entire exchange now!

3. More Food Doesn’t Equal Better Food

More food doesnt equal better food

Words to live by.

4. Friends May Not Grow on Trees

Friends may not grow on trees

But still. You can do better than this guy.

5. We Mean, You Asked For It

We mean you asked for it

Was it as good for you as it was for Wendy’s?

6. The Truth Hurts Sometimes

The truth hurts sometimes

But it’s necessary.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Johnny Manziel Tweets Shoutout to Donald Trump, Deletes Account

Last week, Johnny Football announced that he’d like for his nickname to stop being an ironic punchline.

After years of being synonymous with disappointment, former Cleveland Browns quarterback and current “Gronk, but way douchier and without the talent” Johnny Manziel stated that he wants back in the NFL.

In a series of candid tweets and interviews, Manziel vowed to sober up, admitted he was “#LostInTheSauce” during his last stint in the league, and promised to do what it takes to avoid controversy and focus on the sport he loves.

To say he’s not off to a great start would be putting it mildly.

About 72 hours after assuring fans and scouts that his days of making tabloid headlines are through, Manziel decided to counsel Donald Trump on how to avoid the haters, then deleted his account amidst the totally predictable backlash.

“Yo, POTUS even I know to stay away from the notifications section on twitter. S— will drive you crazy, lead the country and let them hate,” Manziel tweeted Monday afternoon.

He followed that up with:

“Control what you can control and let the rest fall by the wayside.”

Johnny Manziel

We’re not sure why anyone in any field would want to take any advice from Johnny effing Manziel, and apparently the 24-year-old doesn’t even want to heed his own words, as deleted his account minuted later, after his notifications went through the roof.

Far be it for us to defend the tiny-fisted harbinger of doom who’s currently aiming a legislative Death Star at the rights you hold dear, but if there’s one thing President Trump doesn’t need advice on, it’s how to use social media.

Like all sane Americans, we wish Trump would stop publicly griping about TV ratings (since, ya know, he’s the president and all), but to his credit, the guy basically tweeted his way into the White House.

Johnny Manziel, meanwhile, is off someplace plotting a cold pill heist with Ryan Leaf.

Maybe the guy who once posted a photo of himself holding bags of cocaine on Instagram isn’t the guy you want to turn to to help you master this social media thing.

Stick to football, Johnny.

Those Calgary Stampeders aren’t gonna win the Grey Cup on their own.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Wendy"s OWNS Twitter Troll, User Deletes Account in Shame

Wendy"s social media manager deserves a raise this week after proving to a troll that if you"re gonna serve beef, at least make it high quality.

In the literal sense, and the Twitter feud sense.

The company"s official account posted a tweet about how unlike some of its major competitors, the fast food mainstay never freezes burgers.

A moronic Twitter user quickly took exception.

And Wendy"s absolutely owned that user.

Seriously, you wouldn"t think that if you came at Wendy"s, you"d get served faster and more efficiently than a value meal at said restaurant chain.

That"s exactly what happened though, and so badly that the user deleted his or her account in shame. Fortunately, the exchange went viral first.

"If you"re having a bad day, just remember that you didn"t get dragged by a fast food company on twitter," wrote another follower who screen grabbed it.

#Truth. Witness this amazing back and forth …

1. You See This?

You see this

It’s made to order, and Wendy’s is proud of its beef quality and the way it’s served to consumers. Which led to this tweet by the company …

2. 2 Cool 4 Frozen Beef!

2 cool 4 frozen beef

They didn’t style it like the late music icon Prince, but the message was clear: Wendy’s does not serve any frozen beef to its customers. Not now, not ever.

3. Thuggy-D Takes Exception

Thuggy d takes exception

For reasons unknown, Twitter user Thuggy-D, a.k.a. @NHride, took issue with that statement; Wendy’s was polite but firm in its response. Sorry you think that, Thuggy-D, but it’s the truth! Unfortunately for @NHride, he/she did not take the hint …

4. So You Have a Hot Truck?

So you have a hot truck

Obviously, the restaurant’s methodology was lost on this Twitter troll, because even this pop quiz didn’t get the point across.

5. He Had to Bring Up McDonald’s

He had to bring up mcdonalds

Seemingly unaware of the punishment Wendy’s was laying down, the troll then told the chain to just give up, because McDonald’s rules. Wendy’s response? LOL, you don’t know what a refrigerator is!



Wow. Let this be your public service announcement to only serve fresh beef … whether you’re in the food service business or just talking about it.

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Monday, November 7, 2016

Scheana Marie Shay: Husband Reportedly Goes Missing, Empties Bank Account

The fifth season of Vanderpump Rules debuts tonight on Bravo, and while some developments in the stars’ lives have emerged as a natural result of their growing fame, producers have done a solid job of keeping most of the drama under wraps.

However, one major shake-up in the lives of the show’s most beloved couple has gone public just hours before the heavily-hyped premiere.

According to TMZ, Scheana Marie Shay’s husband, Mike Shay, went missing last week and the SUR girl/aspiring pop star immediately became concerned that he had suffered a relapse.

Mike previously struggled with a prescription pill addiction, but has been sober since the beginning of this year.

Sources say Scheana immediately became concerned when she couldn’t get ahold of him, as she had recently lost an uncle and expected Mike to be at home to console her.

Fearing that he had fallen back into his old habits, she canceled his credit cards.

Shortly thereafter, however, Mike reportedly drained the joint checking account he shares with Scheana.

As of this writing, several media outlets are claiming that Shay is still missing, though it’s worth noting that he promoted the Reality Television Awards with an Instagram after he’d reportedly gone MIA.

Thus far, the Shays have been quiet about reports that their marriage is in trouble, but they could be complying with producers’ demands.

After all, the problems in their relationship made for last season’s most compelling storyline, and going public about a separation would serve as a major spoiler.

Scheana was heavily criticized last season for being dismissive of her husband’s addiction and encouraging him to drink despite his history of substance abuse.

It may be some time before we find out what’s going on with the Shays and their marriage (several media outlets have reported that they’re headed for divorce).

But this is a case where we’re sure to get the scoop eventually.

After all, being candid about their marital troubles helped these two claim center stage on one of TV’s most drama-packed reality shows.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for tonight’s premiere.


Friday, November 4, 2016

"Vanderpump Rules" -- Scheana"s Husband Cleans Out Bank Account ... Marriage on the Rocks

Scheana Marie and Michael Shay could be on the express train to spiltsville, now that she’s telling friends he disappeared with all their money … TMZ has learned. Sources close Scheana tell TMZ … the “Vanderpump Rules”…


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Cincinnati Zoo Deletes Twitter Account Due to Harambe Memes

Back in May, officials at the Cincinnati Zoo killed a gorilla named Harambe after a 3-year-old boy fell into his enclosure.

Fearing for the boy’s life and believing that a tranquilizer dart would only agitate Harambe, authorities made the difficult decision to put the 17-year-old animal down.

They never could have predicted that they’d just created a social media icon.

In the months since Harambe’s passing, memes about the late lowlands beast have popped up constantly on Twitter and Instagram.

They started predictably enough:

And got increasingly strange as time wore on:

Zoo officials asked the public to stop making posting images that reminded those involved in the Harambe incident of the tragedy.

But clearly those folks don’t really understand how the Internet works, as that only added fuel to the fire.

At this point, there are even memes about how ridiculously long the Harambe joke has been running:

Like we said, the Harambe stuff has gotten weirder and weirder as time goes by (though who doesn’t love a good Sandlot reference?)

In addition to the captioned images, there have been trending hashtags like the bizarrely popular (and yes, somewhat hilarious) #DicksOutForHarambe.

But the folks at the Cincinnati Zoo are not seeing the humor in the situation.

Yesterday, the zoo released an official statement asking the public to cool it with the memes:

“We are not amused by the memes, petitions and signs about Harambe,” the statement read.

“Our zoo family is still healing, and the constant mention of Harambe makes moving forward more difficult for us.

“We are honoring Harambe by redoubling our gorilla conservation efforts and encouraging others to join us .”

Unfortunately that was followed by a comment from a blog post from a Cincinnati journalist that read in part:

“The goofuses of the Internet hopped on the Harambe train for their jollies, and it has gotten out of control.”

If you’ve spent much time on social media, we probably don’t need to tell you what happened next.

The memes came fast and furious, and last night, the Cincinnati Zoo deleted its Twitter account.

Is it another sad development in a tragic case or justice for Harambe finally served?

Or is it neither, and the Cincinnati Zoo just needs to lighten up?

We have no idea, but we’re sure plenty of opinions are being offered up on Twitter.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Jenelle Evans Takes Shot at Chelsea Houska, Deletes Twitter Account In Wake of Pregnancy Reveal

Yesterday, the world learned that Jenelle Evans is pregnant with her third child in the classiest way possible – from a police report.

The news came as somewhat of a surprise, as for several months now, Jenelle has been denying that she’s pregnant whenever the topic came up. 

Considering every other event in Jenelle’s life plays out on Teen Mom 2 or social media, we’re not sure why she chose to keep things on the down-low, but we do know she’s very pissed that the world found out she’s knocked up.

In case you missed it, Jenelle’s pregnancy was revealed from a post car-accident police report that described her as “pregnant and complaining of abdominal pains.”

(The “complaining” part certainly sounds like Jenelle! Zing!)

Jenelle being Jenelle, instead of simply coming forward and confirming the information, she decided to make the whole situation unnecessarily weird and dramatic.

The fan reaction to the news that Jenelle is expecting was, well, mixed at best (After all, Jenelle is currently fighting two custody battles at once), and needless to say, the Carolina Hurricane didn’t take the criticism lightly:

“Funny someone else comes out with news they are pregnant and the world is overjoyed,” she tweeted over the weekend.

Given the recent announcement that Chelsea Houska is pregnant with her second child, many assumed Jenelle was referring to her much-more-beloved castmate.

Evans clarified that she was not talking about Chelsea, but about her “5 friends who recently announced they were pregnant.”

She then deleted her Twitter account entirely/

Jeez, you’d think someone who lies so much would be better at it.

Anyway, congrats, Jenelle!

This pregnancy feels like it’s gonna be tumultuous even by your lofty standards.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Azealia Banks Twitter Account Suspended Due to Rampant Racism and Homophobia

Twitter has managed to do the one thing no celebrity has yet been able to do:

Shut Azealia Banks up.

Following a rampage in which she went off on Zayn Malik via a firestorm of hateful insults that questioned his skin color… his religion… and his sexual preference, Banks has seen her Twitter account get temporarily suspended.

Those who visit the account for @AZEALIABANKS will now be redirected to a page that reads: “Account suspended.”

A message there explains why:

This account has been suspended. Learn more about why Twitter suspends accounts, or return to your timeline.

This news has hilariously caused “#AzealiaGotSuspendedParty” to start trending on Twitter.

Of course, anyone who has been following the celebrity gossip world over the past few days is well aware already of why Banks has gotten the social media boot.

In response to her belief that Malik copied portions of her work for his latest music video, Banks called Malik a “bitch n-gga” on Tuesday.

She also said he was the “token brown boy” in One Direction, that his mother is a “dirty refuse” and that he’s a giant “f-ggot.”

These messages got Banks fired from an upcoming London music festival and led many on Twitter to start calling for her account to be suspended.

They also led 14-year old Skai Jackson to slam Banks, putting the artist in her place by saying she has no class and no career.

“Fix ur life,” Jackson wrote to Banks. ‘I’m sure my mom did a wayyy better job then yours did! You give black woman a bad name. I’ll be praying for you.”

The only surprising thing here is that it took Twitter so long to actually kick Banks off.

She has bashed the gay community in general in the past, while she’s also gotten into absurd beefs with Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Pharrell and Iggy Azalea.

Who has Banks NOT gone after? 

That may actually be a shorter list than who she has gone after.

We’ve made an attempt to compile the latter below:

Azealia Banks Twitter Account Suspended Due to Rampant Racism and Homophobia

Twitter has managed to do the one thing no celebrity has yet been able to do:

Shut Azealia Banks up.

Following a rampage in which she went off on Zayn Malik via a firestorm of hateful insults that questioned his skin color… his religion… and his sexual preference, Banks has seen her Twitter account get temporarily suspended.

Those who visit the account for @AZEALIABANKS will now be redirected to a page that reads: “Account suspended.”

A message there explains why:

This account has been suspended. Learn more about why Twitter suspends accounts, or return to your timeline.

This news has hilariously caused “#AzealiaGotSuspendedParty” to start trending on Twitter.

Of course, anyone who has been following the celebrity gossip world over the past few days is well aware already of why Banks has gotten the social media boot.

In response to her belief that Malik copied portions of her work for his latest music video, Banks called Malik a “bitch n-gga” on Tuesday.

She also said he was the “token brown boy” in One Direction, that his mother is a “dirty refuse” and that he’s a giant “f-ggot.”

These messages got Banks fired from an upcoming London music festival and led many on Twitter to start calling for her account to be suspended.

They also led 14-year old Skai Jackson to slam Banks, putting the artist in her place by saying she has no class and no career.

“Fix ur life,” Jackson wrote to Banks. ‘I’m sure my mom did a wayyy better job then yours did! You give black woman a bad name. I’ll be praying for you.”

The only surprising thing here is that it took Twitter so long to actually kick Banks off.

She has bashed the gay community in general in the past, while she’s also gotten into absurd beefs with Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Pharrell and Iggy Azalea.

Who has Banks NOT gone after? 

That may actually be a shorter list than who she has gone after.

We’ve made an attempt to compile the latter below:

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Brooke Wehr Feuds With Leah Messer Fans, Jeremy Calvert Deletes Twitter Account

On a recent episode of Teen Mom 2, Leah Messer got drunk and flirted with her ex husband Jeremy Calvert.

It was an odd scene, not only because Leah and Jeremy went through a messy divorce just last year, but also because Jeremy has been dating Brooke Wehr for several months. 

Leah’s flirtatious behavior sparked rumors that she’s jealous of Wehr and may be trying to win Jeremy back.

When a photo of Jeremy and Brooke began to circulate on social media yesterday, several fans claimed that it was part of the couple’s efforts to prove that they’re still very much together despite Leah’s advances.

Today, Brooke lashed out at Leah supporters (Messerers?) who suggested that she may be feeling insecure about her relationship in the wake of the Leah and Jeremy’s televised date night.

“People are so f–king stupid,” Wehr tweeted.

“I posted a picture of me and Jeremy together in NY well over a month ago. Had absolutely zero to do with Leah.”

Wehr’s Twitter page is private, so we have no way of knowing when she posted the photo in question, but her latest tweets (posted online by the Inquisitr) certainly give the impression that her relationship is a bit of a touchy subject these days.

As for Calvert, he’s deleted his Twitter account altogether.

Not damning evidence, exactly, but certainly not a sign that he’s unconcerned about all the Internet chatter regarding his relationship. 

So just when we were willing to write off all the rumors about Leah coming between Jeremy and Brooke, it looks like there may be something to them, after all.

Or maybe these two are just fed up with answering questions about Jeremy’s ex.

Of course, the easy solution to that problem would be to bow out of the show, but that would put an end to all that sweet, sweet MTV money, so we’re guessing Jeremy won’t be taking that route anytime soon.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more insights from people who get paid for living out their lives on camera and then complain about being scrutinized by strangers.

Brooke Wehr Feuds With Leah Messer Fans, Jeremy Calvert Deletes Twitter Account

On a recent episode of Teen Mom 2, Leah Messer got drunk and flirted with her ex husband Jeremy Calvert.

It was an odd scene, not only because Leah and Jeremy went through a messy divorce just last year, but also because Jeremy has been dating Brooke Wehr for several months. 

Leah’s flirtatious behavior sparked rumors that she’s jealous of Wehr and may be trying to win Jeremy back.

When a photo of Jeremy and Brooke began to circulate on social media yesterday, several fans claimed that it was part of the couple’s efforts to prove that they’re still very much together despite Leah’s advances.

Today, Brooke lashed out at Leah supporters (Messerers?) who suggested that she may be feeling insecure about her relationship in the wake of the Leah and Jeremy’s televised date night.

“People are so f–king stupid,” Wehr tweeted.

“I posted a picture of me and Jeremy together in NY well over a month ago. Had absolutely zero to do with Leah.”

Wehr’s Twitter page is private, so we have no way of knowing when she posted the photo in question, but her latest tweets (posted online by the Inquisitr) certainly give the impression that her relationship is a bit of a touchy subject these days.

As for Calvert, he’s deleted his Twitter account altogether.

Not damning evidence, exactly, but certainly not a sign that he’s unconcerned about all the Internet chatter regarding his relationship. 

So just when we were willing to write off all the rumors about Leah coming between Jeremy and Brooke, it looks like there may be something to them, after all.

Or maybe these two are just fed up with answering questions about Jeremy’s ex.

Of course, the easy solution to that problem would be to bow out of the show, but that would put an end to all that sweet, sweet MTV money, so we’re guessing Jeremy won’t be taking that route anytime soon.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more insights from people who get paid for living out their lives on camera and then complain about being scrutinized by strangers.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Kanye West Did NOT Hijack My Twitter Account

She can get whacky on the interweb, too.

Yesterday, Kardashian uncharacteristically lashed out at a few celebrities who made fun of her nude selfie, which was proudly posted yesterday morning.

Bette Midler Pokes Fun at Kim Kardashian on Twitter

Piers Morgan Pokes Fun at Kim Kardashian

The tweets were borderline obnoxious and read like a rant from her husband, Kanye West.

No sir, claimed Kardashian, who took full responsibility for her slightly unhinged responses to Bette Midler, Chloe Grace Moretz and Piers Morgan.

“Wait I can’t believe people thought Kanye or Khloe hacked my Twitter,” Kardashian tweeted earlier today.

“I swear I’m funny too!!!”

Kardashian’s responses to all three celebrities were reminiscent of West, who has gone on the defensive via Twitter to call out anyone who has so much as asks what time it is.

Kim Kardashian Slams Bette Midler on Twitter

Kim Kardashian Tweets To Bette Midler

Midler was not amused by Kardashian’s “funny” response to her joke, and tweeted back to the mom-of-two, “I never tried to fake friend you. Looks like anyone can take a selfie but not everyone can take a joke…”


Morgan didn’t stand a chance either.

Kim Kardashian Tweets To Piers Morgan

And poor Moretz was just a young girl retweeting Midler’s joke because, again, it was funny (and true).

Kim Kardashian Tweets to Chloe Moretz

After tearing those three apart, Kardashian posted another nudie of herself with the declaration, “#liberated.”

If this is a show of solidarity to West, then I implore someone – anyone – to take away their social media rights, at least until after Kris Jenner has given them a time-out.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Josh Duggar: Details of Ashley Madison Account Revealed!

Back in August, we learned that Josh Duggar  had an account with Ashley Madison – the dating website designed to help married people cheat on their spouses  – after hackers revealed the site’s client list in a massive data dump.

That bombshell marked the beginning of the second Josh Duggar sex scandal, and as more information came to light, Josh’s already badly damaged reputation took a hit.

The latest revelations aren’t on par with Josh paying porn stars for sex, but they still provide insights into his double life that the 27-year-old father of four would probably prefer to keep private:

Those are the profile pics that recently unearthed by Gawker as the ones used by Duggar in his unsuccessful effort to find a mistress online.

We can’t imagine why the ladies didn’t come running the moment Josh posted some tiny, blurry pics of himself wearing a terrifying eye mask and showing off some sweet karate moves.

The photos were used on two separate accounts (Yes, Josh paid for two different accounts and still couldn’t find any takers.) with the usernames of Josh_the_Man and Ready4ThisDC. 

(Josh and his wife and 4 kids were living in Washington, DC at the time. They’ve since moved back to Arkansas.)

Hilariously, both accounts are still active, so if you want to sign up for Ashley Madison and send a message to Josh, now’s your chance! 

Of course, you’ll have to wait until he gets out of sex addiction rehab to get a reply.