Showing posts with label Afraid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Afraid. Show all posts

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Kris Jenner: Is She Right to Be Afraid of O.J. Simpson?

As you’ve likely heard by now, O.J. Simpson was granted parole last month after serving 9 years of a 33 year sentence for robbery charges.

The notorious former NFL star might be released from prison as early as October 1.

And there are many famous figures who would’ve preferred that Simpson remain behind bars.

Among them are members of the Kardashian family, who were so close to the events of Simpson’s famous murder trial that they were portrayed in the recent FX miniseries The People vs. O.J. Simpson.

The late Robert Kardashian Sr. was a close friend and trusted confidant of Simpson’s and he’s often credited with assembling the crack legal team that helped O.J. beat double murder charges that likely would have landed him behind bars for life.

Robert’s ex-wife, Kris Jenner, was friends with Nicole Brown Simpson, and she’s one of the millions who believes O.J. took Nicole’s life along with the life of her friend, Ron Goldman.

Now, there are rumors that Kris is frightened for her life and ramping up security in preparation for Simpson’s release.

Naturally, several tabloid media outlets have taken this rumor and run with it.

Kris Jenner Enquirer

The National Enquirer in particular has been reveling in reports of Kris feeling threatened by Simpson.

“O.J.’s Chilling Threat As He’s Set Free… You’re Next Kris!” reads a salacious headline on the cover of the tabloid’s latest issue

“Bloodthirsty O.J. Vows To Cut Up Kris! Trash-Talking Ex-Mistress Next On Hit List,” screams a second banner, in case the first was too subtle for you.

“Kris and O.J. have moved in the same circles for a long time, and she’s heard through back channels he’s gunning for her… His rage has been simmering, and he’s ready to blow,” the outlet quotes a “source” as saying.

The outlet also reports that Simpson “blames [his] former flame Kris Kardashian for his fall from grace, and plans to make her pay.” 

Yes, according to the Enquirer’s version of events that Kris and O.J. were lovers, and he feels she’s responsible for his imprisonment.

Also, they’ve apparently taken to calling Kris “Kris Kardashian.”

Not surprisingly, several websites have already debunked the claims made by the Enquirer, but it’s a reminder that the members Kard clan might want to brace themselves for a new kind of gossip.

The Kardashians have been famous for about a decade, and O.J. has been behind bars for the majority of that time.

While there have always been rumors regarding ther family’s relationship with the disgraced football star (Reports that O.J. is the father of Khloe Kardashian have proven to be a favorite online.) public interest was limited by Simpson’s lengthy imprisonment.

With the Juice on the loose, Kris and company will have to contend with a renewed fascination in their entanglement with one of the most notorious figures of our time.


Sunday, July 2, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Anxious and Afraid of Being a Mother of Three?!

In just a few weeks — or less! — Kailyn Lowry’s life will change drastically.

And that’s because sometime very, very soon, Kailyn will give birth to her third child.

Things are a little different for her this time around — with both of her previous pregnancies, the babies’ fathers were involved.

Jo Rivera, the father of her first child, Isaac, may not have been the best back when their kid was born, but still, he was present.

His parents also helped out a lot with the new baby.

Then, when little Lincoln was born, Kailyn was married to Javi Marroquin and, at least then, things seemed pretty stable.

But the father of her third child is Chris Lopez, a guy she dated briefly but has since cut himself out of the picture.

And that’s why, according to a source who spoke with Hollywood Life, Kailyn is getting pretty nervous about the months to come.

“Kailyn is all over the place right now,” the source claims.

“She’s battling the stress of dealing with all the preparations for the new baby, as well as looking after Isaac and Lincoln, all while attempting to ready herself mentally to go through this birth without a partner.”

Yeah, that sounds like a lot to handle.

“As any mom knows,” the source says wisely, “it’s scary enough of an experience when you have your other half there with you, but this time Kailyn won’t have that, and the reality of the situation is finally starting to sink in.”

Normally this is about the time where we’d point out that perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to plan a pregnancy with a guy while still married to another man, but this is too sad.

The insider goes on to explain that “As far as Kailyn is aware, Chris wants nothing to do with the baby and doesn’t want any part in its life — period.”

“It’s all so distressing for Kailyn, and her hormones are all over the place right now, which just makes it all the harder to deal with.”

The source says that in her previous pregnancies, this was about the time when she’d start to get seriously into nesting — preparing her home for the new baby.

It was “her favorite part of being pregnant,” but “this time she’s just full of anxiety and worry.”

And just in case this whole thing wasn’t tragic enough, the source gives one more blow …

“Even though it’s still a long way in the future, Kailyn can’t help but worry about what she will tell her child when they eventually ask about daddy and why he isn’t around.”

Maybe that’s why, as we heard last weekend, she could be regretting giving up on her marriage to Javi.

Or maybe it’s why she’s been taking so many vacations lately — to put a positive spin on this bittersweet experience.

Whatever Kailyn is feeling right now, and whatever her hopes or fears are for the future, we wish her all the best with her upcoming delivery.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Kim Kardashian: I"m Afraid My Kids Will Get Bullied on Social Media!

Kim Kardashian went on The View to discuss how being robbed in Paris changed her life, and how the traumatic event and the aftermath gave her a new perspective on the rest of her life.

Part of that was that she was fearful about her children growing up on social media.

She’s elaborated even further on her fears for North and Saint and her possible third child and why social media could be dangerous for them.

“I’m terrified. And, you know, I think that social media is one of the most important tools if you’re building a brand and you wanna get your business out there and your brand out there. And just to share your life, I think it’s really fun. But also, I didn’t grow up in a world of social media.”

It’s interesting, but not surprising, that Kim thinks of social media as first and foremost a tool for business and branding.

It’s a huge part of how she’s become so famous.

Possibly as much as Keeping Up With The Kardashians itself.

We don’t just mean the photos and tweets that she shares, though of course that works in her favor tremendously.

But social media has given “word of mouth” advertising far greater reach.

Not to mention whole new dimensions.

So it’s not just people tweeting about Kim or her show or her products or her family, though that’s a huge contributor.

Just think of how people talk on social media — using a lot of shorthand, gifs, and memes.

When still images and gifs of you and your family are circulated by millions of people, it helps your brand.

And those people don’t have to buy Kim’s contouring kits (today’s the day for those) or watch her show or even follow her on social media.

Just using her tear-streaked face to respond to something on Tumblr is another drop in the fame bucket for Kim.

And those drops add up.

But Kim has her concerns when it comes to her children.

She tries to talk about it as if it’s a universal concern for parents, but — concerned parents or not — most kids don’t have real problems with social media.

At least, not the kinds of problems that they don’t have in real life.

You can’t sign up for social media of any variety until you’re 13. After that point, the popular kid in real life is gonna be popular among those same people on Instagram.

Same for Twitter and Tumblr and maybe even Facebook if kids still use that now that everybody’s parents are on it so it’s no longer usable.

Sometimes, kids who don’t have a lot of friends can make new ones or at least impress their peers with their blogging choices or artistic skills or whatever. I’ve seen that happen too many times to count.

The only things that really change with social media are audience size and access.

And that’s where being a young celebrity can be a burden instead of a blessing.

If you think that people who tweet vile things at Kim Kardashian day in and day out will spare North in 9 years when she’s old enough for Twitter, think again.

So Kim, who considers herself “thick-skinned,” is horrified that North, and later Saint, could be bullied on social media.

13-year-olds don’t have the coping skills of adults, even adults who are reality stars known for crying dramatically.

So Kim did what most parents can’t do and met with an expert who lives across the country from her.

“I actually met with a psychologist here in New York at the Child Mind Institute … just to get tips and tricks that we can do at home and what’s really important.”

That doesn’t sound like a solution.

Letting North have a private Twitter account when she comes of age so that only a select group of friends can interact with her sounds like a solution.

But we guess that Kim is speaking to all parents, here.

“And I think it’s about boundaries. … Like, at home, I don’t have my phone. Dinner time, breakfast time, there’s no phones. … Kids should not be falling asleep with their cell phones.”

Maybe I’m the out-of-touch one here, but I haven’t had time to regularly eat breakfast since I was 9.

But North and Saint are little kids and aren’t at the racing-out-the-door-to-get-to-school stage of their childhoods yet.

They’re rich, so maybe they never will.

As for the “kids should not be falling asleep with their cell phones” line … it sounds true but it’s ambiguous.

Like, kids shouldn’t be staring at it until they pass out.

The bright light actually hinders sleep.

But, like, my cell phone is my alarm (all five alarms, actually).

Kids might not need to check for emergency calls like adults do, but most kids can manage to have their phones beside their beds at night like normal people.

But hopefully Kim will mellow out enough over the next nine years that North and later West can enjoy social media.

Better yet, maybe social media platforms like Twitter will have better protections for minors who use their services by then.

As for building North’s brand, like … her parents could run a public account on her behalf and shield her from the bad stuff.

Anyway, boundaries are good, but strict rules where family time means no cell phones sounds like it could backfire.

Like, where kids dread being around their parents because they can’t see if their friend wrote them back.

Children absolutely need boundaries, but if you find yourself turning into their warden, you’ve become their enemy.

That’s not a recipe for happiness for anybody involved.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Maci Bookout on Ryan Edwards: I"m Afraid He"ll Go Back on Drugs!

If you watched last night’s episode of Teen Mom: OG, you know that much of the hour was devoted to growing concerns over the health and wellness of Ryan Edwards.

Edwards’ drug use has brought his loved ones to their breaking point, and on this week’s TM:OG, Maci Bookout revealed a plan to withhold custody and visitation rights unless the father of her first child gets sober.

It’s a drastic move, but it could prove necessary to saving Edwards’ life.

Unfortunately, Maci was faced with a conundrum:

In order to ensure that Edwards seeks treatment, she needs to apply pressure.

But she fears that applying pressure might lead him into a potentially fatal binge,

“He is my oldest son’s father,” she told a counselor who’s aiding Edwards’ inner circle in their efforts to get him clean.

“I’m not sure what he’s using. But sometimes he’ll fall asleep when you’re trying to have a conversation with him or is extremely wide-eyed. He doesn’t look right.”

Asked if she’s willing to keep Edwards’ child from him if he refuses to seek treatment, Maci reluctantly affirms that she’ll do whatever it takes:

“Yeah, I’m hoping it doesn’t get to that point, but that would be the ultimatum,” she said.

“The other aspect is if I’m limiting access to him, I’m also going to have to do that with his parents because they are the sole caregivers of his son when he’s with his dad.”

But though she seemed stalwart in her decision to help her ex no matter the cost, she remained stymied by a very real concern:

“What happens in the time we talk and the time he goes to get help?” she asked her husband, Taylor McKinney.

“I feel like he’s going to use or do something in that time period. What if it’s too much? I’m scared, but I’m more scared of not doing it.”

It’s a problem that many families have faced, and there’s no easy answer to be offered.

Ultimately, Maci made the right decision, but it hasn’t come without a cost.

Earlier this week, Edwards left rehab and promptly slammed Bookout on social media.

The damage to their relationship may well prove irreversible, but Maci can console herself with the knowledge that she did the right thing.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive Ryan and Maci’s rocky relationship.


Monday, June 12, 2017

Julia Stambler: Charlie Sheen"s New Girlfriend Not Afraid of Getting HIV!

Charlie Sheen’s made a lot of mistakes in life — remember, this is the guy who’s still in a senseless feud with Rihanna for essentially no reason.

We can see why people would look at his antics and steer clear of him. 

But the one reason why people shouldn’t avoid him is his HIV status.

According to a TMZ report, Charlie Sheen’s new girlfriend Julia Stambler isn’t afraid of catching HIV from him.

Like, she’s not an AIDS-denier or from one of those religion offshoots that believes that their faith makes them immune to disease or whatever.

It’s just that she knows about countermeasures like PrEP and condoms and, like, common sense.

According to the report, multiple people warned Julia against dating Charlie because they were afraid that she would catch the virus.

That’s a super ignorant thing to say, and Julia agrees.

It looks like she hopes that being upfront about her lack of worries will help reduce stigma for others with HIV.

The actual weirdest part of this relationship is that Julia is friends with Charlie’s ex, Brooke Mueller, and that Brooke is reportedly rooting for the two.

Because sure, why not?

Don’t get us wrong — there are probably a lot of good reasons to not date Charlie Sheen.

Even if you ignore his, um, history of behavior — which includes some very recent allegations — you’re looking at a young, beautiful woman who’s dating a much older man. 

Though … he is estimated to be worth, like, $ 150 million.

As hard as it is to believe, since we don’t know literally anyone who’s ever watched the show, Charlie Sheen made over a million dollars per episode of Two and a Half Men.

Because we live in an unjust universe.

So we can see how this happened.

Also, he’s probably, like, charming or something in person.

But what’s wonderful here is how much how people view HIV has changed.

It’s no longer the automatic death sentence that it once was.

There is still a lot of stigma, but not nearly as much as there was during the height of the AIDS crisis.

People are even somewhat less ignorant.

Just as significantly, there have been multiple medical breakthroughs.

We’re not to the point where everyone’s HIV can just be “deleted” … yet … but between condoms and PrEP, people can almost completely inoculate themselves against becoming infected.

Though it’s important to note that there’s been at least one case of someone on PrEP contracting HIV, so PrEP isn’t an ironclad defense for random hookups.

But it sounds like it should be pretty safe for people who know exactly what strain their partners have.

Julia Stambler’s attitude, though, is a huge step forward from how people used to regard people who are HIV-positive.

Like, we’ve all heard of cultures that have “outcasts” who are literally untouchable, in that touching them is taboo.

That’s exactly how people with HIV and AIDS were treated in the ’80s and early ’90s.

There were people who didn’t want to risk kissing or even hugging someone with the virus for fear of catching it themselves.

And yes, there were people like that in the years after people discovered that HIV was transmitted through specific bodily fluids.

The AIDS crisis essentially killed off an entire generation of gay men.

It was a time when audience members on The Oprah Winfrey Show felt comfortable standing up and suggesting that anyone with AIDS be placed in internment camps until doctors were sure how it was spread.

So Julia Stambler shows how far the world has come.

All things considered, it’s great that so many medicines exist that can improve life expectancy and quality of life for those with HIV.

And the world needs more people who look at things like Julia Stambler does.

Well … more people who view HIV status like she does.

We really, really don’t need more people who look at Charlie Sheen and go “sure, yeah, I’d date that.”

But if the two of them dating helps fight the stigma, we guess that it’s worth her putting up with his unbearable nonsense.


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Maci Bookout: I"m Afraid Ryan Edwards Will Die From Drug Use

On last night’s episode of Teen Mom: OG, the “important people” on the show (read: everyone except Farrah Abraham) traveled to Puerto Rico to bond over the difficulties of MTV stardom and the joys of never having to work a real job.

It was a laid back atmosphere, but one of the moms clearly had difficulty leaving her problems on the mainland – and with good reason.

Ryan Edwards’ drug use has been a cause of deep concern for Maci Bookout in recent weeks, and she gave voice to her fears and frustrations during a candid chat with Catelynn Lowell and Amber Portwood.

Maci revealed that, far from being played up for the cameras, Ryan’s situation is actually more serious than it appears on screen.

Bookout says she fears that those closest to Edwards are enabling his self-destructive behavior, a mistake that could have fatal consequences.

“What I’m saying is that everyone else around him is too afraid of what it will look like more than his health,” she tells her co-stars.

Portwood and Lowell have both experienced addiction issues firsthand, and they confirmed Maci’s fears that her ex’s situation is a dire one.

“You are so in love with the drugs that you feel that if you wake up in the morning without them you want to die,” Portwood said of her own battle with substance abuse.

“So, should I die? It’s a feeling that you can never f—ing feel unless you’ve really been to the bottom. He needs to find where his bottom may be.”

Edwards recently got engaged to Mackenzie Standifer, and he maintains a close relationship with his parents, but Maci says she feels as though she’s the only one who recognizes the severity of his situation.

“I’m just sick of cleaning up his mess. I get tired of dealing with the s—. Just being the only one that f—ing sees everything and cares,” says a tearful Bookout.

She went on to reveal that she frequently fears for Edwards’ life:

“I talk to Taylor about it like, ‘I wonder if today’s going to be the day that Ryan does something that he can’t come back from?’” Bookout says.

She later told the camera that while her fears persist, it was helpful to share her concerns with Amber and Catelynn:

“That’s exactly what I needed was two people that have been there on both sides of it that have my back no matter what,” said Bookout.

“They were genuinely just there for me.”

Watch Teen Mom online for more of Maci’s ups and downs.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Shaq Says Lakers Shouldn"t Be Afraid to Draft Lonzo Ball (VIDEO)

Shaq says the Lakers shouldn’t let LaVar Ball scare them off from taking Lonzo Ball with their #2 pic … ‘cause despite the media circus that follows the Big Baller, his kid’s game is “fabulous.” The Big Diesel hasn’t always been the biggest…


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Marlon Wayans Suggests Ex-WWE Star Is Afraid of Giant Black Penises

Marlon Wayans believes he’s gotten to the root of why ex-WWE star Cameron doesn’t date black men — and let’s just say size matters.  As we previously reported, Cameron — real name Ariane Andrew — says she’s not racist, she’s just more…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

NFL"s Eric Davis Says Trump"s WRONG ... NFL Owners Not Afraid You (VIDEO)

Donald Trump is WAYYYYYY off if he thinks NFL owners are blacklisting Colin Kaepernick out of fear of a presidential Twitter backlash … so says ex-NFL star Eric Davis.  The former 49ers cornerback says NFL owners are too rich and too…


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Daniel Jacobs -- I"M NOT AFRAID OF GGG ... I Beat Cancer, Right?

Triple G don’t scare Daniel Jacobs … the guy he’s fighting tonight … ‘cause his opponent says he fears NO MAN after already conquering cancer.  DJ and Gennady Golovkin are squaring off at Madison Square Garden … where GGG will attempt to…


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Gospel Singer Not Afraid to Say He"s Performing at Donald Trump Inauguration (VIDEO)

Donald Trump’s Inaugural Committee doesn’t want to say who is performing at the inaugural balls … but one of the singers sure does. Gospel and Grammy nominated singer Travis Greene — who will open the Freedom Ball — says God told him to…


Gospel Singer Not Afraid to Say He"s Performing at Donald Trump Inauguration (VIDEO)

Donald Trump’s Inaugural Committee doesn’t want to say who is performing at the inaugural balls … but one of the singers sure does. Gospel and Grammy nominated singer Travis Greene — who will open the Freedom Ball — says God told him to…


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Bruce Springsteen on Donald Trump: Be Afraid, America!

Believe it or not, we’re just 17 days away from the inauguration of Donald Trump as 45th President of the United States.

Like tens of million of other Americans, you may be feeling that we’re truly living in the darkest timeline, and there’s little cause for hope, and well … you’re absolutely right.

(Sorry if we got your hopes up there.)

But this is America, dammit.

It’s the only country in the world where people say the name of the country followed by “dammit.”

No matter how far Putin has his hand up our president’s ass, we’ve still got plenty to be proud of:

Free refills on fountain drinks, constant Seinfeld reruns in syndication, and of course … Bruce Springsteen.

In case you’re one of those Millennials, always listening to the trap music on your Air Pods, allow us to offer you this crash course on the Boss:

He’s indisputably the greatest American that’s ever lived. 

Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration, but we think it’s safe to say that Springsteen will one day be featured on our futuristic currency, in .GIF form, doing the Carlton with Courteney Cox in the “Dancing in the Dark” video.

Because he understands what it means to be a true patriot and he has balls the size of the Garden State, Springsteen has not shied away from harshly criticizing Trump.

Bruce appeared on Marc Maron’s always-brilliant WTF podcast this week to share his feelings in the lead-up to the Orange One seizing power with his tiny, tiny little girl hands.

Predictably, he didn’t let the Donald off easy:

“I’ve felt disgust before, but never the kind of fear that you feel now,” Springsteen told Maron.

“It’s as simple as the fear of is someone simply competent enough to do this particular job?

“Forget about where they are ideologically. Do they simply have the pure competence to be put in the position of such responsibility?”

Springsteen went on to share his belief that a Trump presidency could well have a permanent and terrifying on our nation’s culture:

“When you let that genie out of the bottle — bigotry, racism, intolerance — they don’t go back in the bottle that easily if they go back in at all,” Springsteen said.

“Whether it’s a rise in hate crimes, people feeling they have license to speak and behave in ways that previously were considered un-American and are un-American.

That’s what he’s appealing to. My fears are that those things find a place in ordinary, civil society and the country changes in a way that is unrecognizable, and we become estranged.”

Springsteen concluded his thoughts on Trump by stating that in spite of everything, he still believes Americans are really good at heart:

“I still believe in its ideals, and I’m going to do my best to play my very, very small part in maintaining those things,” he said.

If you’re quiet, you can almost hear the president-elect’s miniscule thumbs clacking out his 140-character reply. Sad!


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Shaunie O"Neal -- My Kids Ain"t Afraid Of Racists ... "I Didn"t Raise No Punks" (VIDEO)

Shaunie O’Neal has a message for any racists that might try to bully her children … don’t try it … saying her kids are completely ready, willing and able … TO FIGHT BACK! We got Shaunie out at LAX and asked her what it’s like raising…


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Sia -- "Naked and Afraid" Star Horsing Around for "Cheap Thrills" (VIDEO)

Sia and Halloween make grown men and mini horses do weird things.   “Naked and Afraid XL” star Jake Nodar recreated Sia’s “Cheap Thrills” video with his 6-year-old stallion, Tyrion, after seeing her in concert inspired him to dress…


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Trump Star Vandal -- I"m Not Afraid of Donald or the Cops! (VIDEO)

James Otis is the the guy who took a pickaxe to Donald Trump’s star on the Walk of Fame, and he tells TMZ … he’s ready and willing to go to jail for the crime. Otis was totally open with us about what he did and why. He says he attacked Trump’s…


Trump Star Vandal -- I"m Not Afraid of Donald or the Cops! (VIDEO)

James Otis is the the guy who took a pickaxe to Donald Trump’s star on the Walk of Fame, and he tells TMZ … he’s ready and willing to go to jail for the crime. Otis was totally open with us about what he did and why. He says he attacked Trump’s…


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Tito Ortiz -- Ronda Rousey"s Afraid of Cyborg ... She"d Destroy You! (VIDEO)

Tito Ortiz says Ronda Rousey is SCARED … claiming she’s too afraid to fight Cris “Cyborg” Justino because she knows what would happen.  The UFC Hall of Famer was at the ArcLight theater in Hollywood when he went in on Ronda … essentially…


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Charlamagne Tha God -- I Ask Tough Questions ... And I Ain"t Afraid of Beanie Sigel (VIDEO)

Charlamagne Tha God’s no chump on the radio, and if his direct questioning makes things awkward with a guest or leads to a death threat or 2 … so be it. We caught up with Charlamagne in NYC and asked him about tense confrontations … like the…


Friday, June 24, 2016

Jon Gosselin Still Hates Ex-Wife Kate: "I"m Not Afraid To Say Anything"

Ah, Jon Gosselin.  How the might, Ed Hardy-clad have fallen.

The former reality star gave an interview to Yahoo! this week about the state of his family affairs, and it ain’t good.

Jon claims he hasn’t seen 12-year-old son, Collin in a year-and-a-half, something he blames on Kate, who filed for divorce seven years ago yesterday.

“I can’t do anything,” he complained.

“It’s unfair of her to do that, considering she claims that she does her best for all my kids. Dah, dah, dah, drama. ‘I’m perfect.’

“No one’s perfect, honey. Trust me.”

Since he’s not legally bound by TLC to keep his mouth shut about the broken relationship with his family, Jon is ready to drop some truth bombs.

“Now all the secrets are coming out because I’m not afraid to say anything,” he said.

When people asked him, “how come you only get four kids [at a time]?” Jon claims he gets “whoever comes through that gate or gets off that [school] bus is who I get.

“And Collin is home-schooled, so he doesn’t get off a bus.”

Ah, now we understand the year-and-a-half time-out between father and son.  This guy’s like the poor man’s Tom Cruise.

“If the kids want to come, they come,” he continued.

“I love them all, but I am going to focus on the ones that want to come. My hands are tied.”

As for fighting for a better custody arrangement, Jon has something to say to the critics.

“People are always like, ‘Oh, I would fight so hard [for a better custody arrangement].’

“I’m like, ‘Honey, you don’t have the money to fight that hard. Do you know how expensive court is? You have no idea."”

Jon explained that he files all the paperwork himself, then submits to a law firm to make sure everything is filled out correct.

“I have to pay for that,” he said

“And pay all the court fees in the hopes that you’ll get something out of it. I’ve been going to court for seven years now.

“Unless you can arbitrate out of it and have a working relationship with the other parent, you’re going to spend a lot of money.”

When Kate Plus 8 is filming, no one updates Jon on his family’s whereabouts.

“She pulls custody BS, like, ‘Oh, you don’t have custody this week. We’re filming,"” he said.

“But she won’t tell me where they’re filming.”

In times like these, Jon, you must ask yourself what your old friend, Michael Lohan would do.