Showing posts with label Apologizes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apologizes. Show all posts

Monday, April 9, 2018

Mother Apologizes After Her Young Son Wears Lewd McDonald"s Parody Shirt to School

The video that you are about to watch might be the best, and most adorably innocent, thing that you"ll see all day.

An elementary school student wore what he thought at the time to be a McDonald"s shirt. Honestly, he was probably just sleepy and grabbed a shirt that fit.

Unfortunately, the intensely lewd shirt was a parody … one that went right over his head.

Inappropriate mcdonalds shirt child 01

Texas mom Shelly McCullar was stunned after her son wore a shirt designed to parody the McDonald"s logo in a deeply inappropriate manner.

Not only did she not realize that he wore it to school, but he didn"t realize that it was anything but a McDonald"s shirt.

Unfortunately, though the shirt does read "I"m lovin" it," which is McDonald"s irritating slogan …

(Nothing against McDonald"s, but they"ve never had a good slogan during my lifetime)

… It does not actually show the golden arches.

Instead, it shows the silhouette of a woman"s spread legs. One might infer that the implied woman is wearing nothing save a pair of heels.

In other words, the shirt advertises sex with a woman.

Inappropriate mcdonalds shirt child 02

McCullar offers an apology — and an explanation.

"Once again, my sincere apologies to the teachers and staff at Travis Elementary. I promise from now on to monitor what my kids are wearing!"

Obviously, some parents go overboard when it comes to rigidly controlling what their children (who are people!) wear. But, in this case, this is not a shirt that should be worn by an elementary school student.

"I had no idea Anthony wore this to school!!"

Of course. Plenty of parents are busy. And if it"s cold, you might never see their undershirt.

"Just to clarify, I would never let my kid wear something like this."

Few parents would.

Inappropriate mcdonalds shirt child 03

She explains how this came to pass.

"A friend had given me some hand me down clothes for Anthony."

Clearly, this boy is not the only one who didn"t notice that the shirt was inappropriate.

"I haven’t had the chance to completely go through them. I will tonight though!!"

We"re sure that she did.

"Through my embarrassment, I did [laugh my ass off]!!"

She finished that with a couple of tags:

"#ithoughtitwaslikemcdonslds #notthegoldenarches"

Mcd image

Our favorite part about this story might be that … no one seemed to notice.

The boy didn"t notice, because even if he thinks about girls in that context, he"s just not old enough to immediately connect his shirt"s logo to sex.

But it seems that no teacher noticed, either.

We live in a world where girls are sent home because their sleeves are too short, flaunting their sinful shoulders which will surely leave boys too enthralled to concentrate in class.

And yet … not one teacher commented on this boy"s shirt.

There are two possible explanations.

The first is heuristics. It"s how the human mind processes sensory information, valuing efficiency over accuracy. His shirt has the colors and general shape of a McDonald"s logo, so it may register automatically as that to a teacher who has twenty-plus other students.

As the child says, "they thought it was like McDonald’s too."

Mcdonalds image

That said … it"s also possible that a teacher noticed but was simply too embarrassed to call attention to it.

Teachers and administrators will absolutely do that. They"ll see something that violates school policy but they"ll make a judgment call to pretend that they didn"t see it.

This child is clearly so innocent that he had no idea what he was wearing. A teacher didn"t want to be the one to explain sex to a kid without his parent"s permission.

Also, calling attention to it would mean that other students would be involved. There"s no good solution there … except to pretend that you never noticed.

See Anthony"s awkward, adorable explanation in the video:

Mother apologizes after her young son wears lewd mcdonalds parod

Jimmy Kimmel Apologizes to LGBT Community, Aims to Squash Beef with Sean Hannity

All Jimmy Kimmel is saying to Sean Hannity is…

… let’s give peace a chance.

Of course, this is not ALL Kimmel has been saying to Hannity, which is why the talk show host issued a lengthy statement on Twitter over the weekend.

Over the past several days, Kimmel and Hannity have been embroiled in quite a feud.

It started when the former made a few cracks about Melania Trump’s accent, which prompted Hannity to call Kimmel an “ass clown.”

(Kimmel had quipped about the First Lady pronouncing “this” as “dis” and setting a poor example for some school kids to whom she was reading.)

Kimmel made some jokes online in response, calling out Hannity for never exactly defending women or immigrants in the past, to which Hannity replied by playing clips of Kimmel as host of The Man Show many years ago.

He referred to Kimmel as “Harvey Weinstein Jr” and as a “pervert” for the way in which he interacted with women on this program back in the day.

From there, Kimmel made cracks about Hannity leaving lipstick on President Donald Trump’s rear end and wondering whether Hannity was a “top” or a “bottom” in his relationship with the Commander-in-Chief.

It was these jabs that, at least in part, have caued Kimmel to put an end to his back-and-forth with Hannity.

“By lampooning Sean Hannity’s deference to the President, I most certainly did not intend to belittle or upset members of the gay community and to those who took offense, I apologize,” wrote Kimmel, adding that he did “have fun” exchanging barbs with Hanniyu.


“After some thought I realize that the level of vitriol (mine and me included) does nothing good for anyone and, in fact, is harmful to our country.”

The comedian also touched on “vile attacks” against his wife and “wishes for death” on his infant son that he had received as a result of the exchange, expressing hope that the instigators would “give their words and actions thought.”

Tongue firmly planed in cheek at times, Kimmel got in a few shots at Hannity while still seeking to calm tempers, writing:

I will take Sean Hannity at his word that he was genuinely offended by what I believed and still believe to be a harmless and silly aside referencing our First Lady’s accent.

I am hopeful that Sean Hannity will learn from this too and continue his newly-found advocacy for women, immigrants and First Ladies and that he will triumph in his heroic battle against sexual harassment and perversion.”

jk tweet

Hannity did not respond to this statement with one of his own.

Not yet at least anyway.

“Just had this pop up. I am at a tournament with my daughter. I’ll have a full and comprehensive response tomorrow on Hannity. 9 EST FOX,” the Fox News veteran Tweeted on Sunday.

sh reply

Even before this argument with Hannity, Kimmel was often a target of disdain from conservatives.

He has used his platform often of late to advocate for various causes, breaking down in tears at one point over a failure of Congress to pass gun control legislation.

Kimmel also pushed hard and emotionally for universal health care after his newborn son had to undergo emergency heart surgery last year.

You can watch Kimmel and his child together in the following video while the world anxiously waits to see if Hannity responds to Kimmel’s statement with class and maturity or…

… LOL, who are we kidding?

While we wait to see just how Hannity brags about how he clearly won this ongoing debate.


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Groupon Apologizes for Using N-Word to Describe Boots

Groupon’s got a major mishap to deal with after a racial slur appeared on its site for a listing for women’s boots … and it started by issuing an apology. Screenshots from outraged customers started making the rounds on social media Wednesday,…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

"Girl With No Job" Apologizes for Racist Tweets, Outed as Pamela Geller"s Daughter (UPDATE)

7:25 AM PT — Oath Inc. — which owns AOL — has canceled the Oshry sisters’ YouTube show, “The Morning Breath,” and is launching an investigation into the latest revelations about the family. The ‘Girl With No Job’ might soon be the Girl With…


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Quincy Jones Apologizes for Recent Revealing Interviews

Quincy Jones has apologized for his recent “wordvomit” interviews — his word — in which he revealed A LOT of dirt on Hollywood elites … but he isn’t taking any of it back.  The legendary music producer said Thursday his six daughters pulled…


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Fergie Apologizes for Disastrous National Anthem

Forgive the mixed sports metaphor, but Fergie really wishes she could have a mulligan on her NBA All-Star Game national anthem performance.

The artist made headlines for all the wrong reasons on Sunday night after she donned a sexy dress and then belted out some kind of sultry rendition of our nation’s theme song.

Pretty much every single person who heard this version of the Star-Spangled Banner laid into it. Hard.

We mean it, too: Every. Single. Person.

Heck, even Roseanne Barr claimed her disrespectful and disastrous performance way back in 1990 was better than whatever Fergie was trying to accomplish.

We disagree with that assessment.

But the general point remains: This was a baffling and bizarre rendition by Fergie.

Take a look and take a listen for yourself if you have not already done so:

In the wake of universal panning across the Internet, Fergie has taken a step we can’t ever recall an artist taking after he or she performed a less-than stellar anthem:

She’s come out and apologized.

“I’ve always been honored and proud to perform the national anthem and last night I wanted to try something special for the NBA,” she said in a statement first published by TMZ.

The statement continued:

“I’m a risk taker artistically, but clearly this rendition didn’t strike the intended tone. I love this country and honestly tried my best.”

Pretty impressive, right?

Many stars over the years have attempted to put their own spin on this legendary song by holding certain notes for a long period of time or emphasizing certain lyrics.

Fergie likely thought she would attempt something similar.

She just lacks the vocal range to pull anything too unique off with her range, so she went the seductive route instead.

It failed miserable, as evidenced by the Tweets below…

oh, fergie

… but it’s hard not to admire Fergie for admitting it and for taking responsibility for it.

And we certainly never thought for a second that Fergie had anything but love for the United States.

At various points, the Black Eyed Pea seemed to struggle to hit notes, although she closed out the tune with an impressive vibrato, telling the arena at the very end:

“Let’s play some basketball!”

Thankfully, the All-Star Game itself was so competitive that some people forgot all about Fergie’s opening fail.

Some, that is. But very clearly not most.


Monday, February 19, 2018

Fergie Apologizes for NBA All-Star Game National Anthem

Fergie has finally broken her silence on last night’s botched NBA All-Star Game’s National Anthem … saying she was trying to take a risk, and it clearly didn’t pay off. The singer tells us, “I’ve always been honored and proud to perform the…


Saturday, February 17, 2018

WWE"s Mark Henry Says Hogan Can Return If He Apologizes To Black Wrestlers

Mark Henry has a way for Hulk Hogan to make a complete return to the WWE … one that he says will allow everyone in the organization to forgive Hogan for good. Hulk has to apologize, again, but this time to all the existing black talent currently…


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Shaun White Apologizes for Calling Sexual Harassment Case "Gossip"

Shaun White says he’s “truly sorry” for referring to his sexual harassment case as “gossip” — saying, “It was a poor choice of words to describe such a sensitive subject in the world today.” The snowboarding legend appeared on the the “Today” show…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Quentin Tarantino Apologizes to Roman Polanski"s Rape Victim

Quentin Tarantino is issuing a mea culpa after old comments he made live on the air about Roman Polanski’s child rape victim were met with rage. Tarantino issued a statement Thursday, apologizing to Polanski’s then-13-year-old victim, Samantha…


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Shane Dawson, Wildly Popular YouTube Star, Apologizes for Pedophilia Joke

You know what?

We’re starting to think these YouTube personalities only care about making money…

In the wake of Logan Paul being whacked in the wallet by this platform after he shared a video of a dead body on his account, Shane Dawson has now come out and issued an apology of his own.

Like Paul, Dawson is well known for having a popular YouTube account and for posting basically anything and everything on there.

He has over 11 million subscribers.

On Wednesday evening, however, a YouTube channel named “Pop Blast” posted footage to its 677,000 fans titled “I think Shane Dawson is a pedophile. Here’s my proof.”

Cue a troubling clip in which Dawson is heard making quips about a “sexy” child.

When followers started to voice their outrage at the star’s words, the YouTuber chose to respond with his own video, opening the 14-minute reply by sharing the controversial quotes in question.

“I went to Google and I didn’t want to see child porn,” says Dawson in the scandalous footage.

He continues:

“I just wanted to see, let me pretend I’m a pedophile for a second. So I typed in naked baby. First of all, I don’t understand why anybody would be turned on by that.

“But, they were sexy. I’m kidding.”

Few, though, found this attempt at a joke to be funny.

In his response, Dawson explained why he played it again for everyone.

“I wanted to play that clip in full – that moment especially in full – just for context because that seems to be missing nowadays,” he says in the video below, adding:

“I can’t believe I’m having this make this video. I’m going to start by saying I’m not a f-cking pedophile. I go on record saying I am not a f-cking pedophile. Got it? Great. There’s my statement.

“It’s disgusting that people are saying I’m a f-cking pedophile because of some s—ty ass f-cking jokes from six years ago on a podcast.”

Despite clearly being pissed that he’s in this situation, Dawson did acknowledge the misguided language he chose to use in the original clip.

“I’m going to apologize first. I’m sorry that I used to make really s—ty f–king jokes,” he said on Wednesday, going on as follows:

“I’m sorry that I was so f-cking insecure and playing this character of this guy who’s crazy and will say anything and tries to make people laugh by shocking them. That was my thing. That is what I did on YouTube.

“Back in the day, 2008-2012ish, that was my thing. I loved the feeling of making somebody shocked and laugh because they couldn’t believe what was coming out of my mouth.

“I wasn’t confident enough to make smarter jokes. I was making the easy jokes…I was doing some f-cked up comedy stuff that I’m not proud of.”

Dawson proceeded to remind fans that he, himself, has been molested and has evolved significantly over the years as a content creator.

He concluded:

“I think that’s why it hurts the most is having my name put next to the word pedophile is actually the most triggering and the most heartbreaking thing I’ve literally ever seen.

“I’ve been called everything. I’ve been on YouTube for a long time.

“I’m so sorry if that triggered you or offended you or hurt your feelings. It triggers me listening to that.”

In the end?

“I’m sorry for making offensive jokes. I’m sorry that these are making people uncomfortable but it’s also very out of context. When you listen to the full thing, it’s still s—ty and creepy and bad jokes but it’s not me being a pedophile.

“This is not proof of me being a pedophile.”

He probably has a point.

But still: perhaps fewer people ought to admire and support these random people who have nothing to offer the world except lots of attention-seeking videos.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

H&M Apologizes for Extremely Racist Sweatshirt

H&M is very sorry.

The clothing company says it knows it messed up big time by selling a sweatshirt online with the saying “Coolest Monkey in the Jungle,” especially when one considers the model it used to sell said item:

A young African-American.


Someone in the marketing department (likely multiple someones in the marketing department) approved the idea of an African-American child modeling something that reads “Coolest Monkey in the Jungle.”

This actually happened.

And it was noticed by a few famous people on the Internet.

Wrote Questlove, for instance, along with a photo of the boy and his shirt:

I’m sure the apologies are a coming. And the ads will be pulled. I’m certain there will Be media fixers and whatnot and maybe a grand gesture like a donation to some charity (donations under these circumstances are the corporate version #SomeOfMyBestFriendsAre move if there ever was one).

All this tells me about @HM is that the seats in the boardroom lack something…wanna take a guess?

LeBron James, meanwhile, dunked all over the retailer.

LBJ response

On his Instagram page, the basketball legend replaced the controversial slogan with the photo of a crown, while also editing in a crown on the child’s head.

And he wrote in a passionate caption:

@hm u got us all wrong! And we ain’t going for it! Straight up! Enough about y’all and more of what I see when I look at this photo. I see a Young King!!

The ruler of the world, an untouchable Force that can never be denied!

We as African Americans will always have to break barriers, prove people wrong and work even harder to prove we belong but guess what, that’s what we love because the benefits at the end of the road are so beautiful!!

As for Diddy?

He went a similar route, photoshopping “Coolest King in the World” on to the shirt and writing:

Put some respect on it!! When you look at us make sure you see royalty and super natural God sent glory!! Anything else is disrespectful.

Other World Wide Web users were less generous, writing responses such as the following:

hm backlash

As of Monday morning, H&M had removed the ad from its website, a spokesperson confirmed CNBC, yet it continued to sell the hooded top online, just not in America.

It also said via statement:

“We sincerely apologize for offending people with this image of a printed hooded top.

“We believe in diversity and inclusion in all that we do and will be reviewing all our internal policies accordingly to avoid any future issues.”

With this terrible decision, H&M joined other retailers who were forced to apologize for various kinds of offensive attire.

Remember the Kent State sweatshirt with blood splatter, for instance?

Or that “I Drink You’re Cute” top?

Relive some of the worst clothing decisions in capitalism history below:


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Logan Paul Apologizes Again, Gets Defended By Chrissy Teigen

If you’ve been anywhere near social media today, then you’re probably aware that Logan Paul apologized in the most half-assed fashion imaginable after posting a video that seemed to have no purpose other than traumatizing his mostly teenage audience.

Not surprisingly, Paul decided (no doubt after a lengthy consultation with his management team) to issue a second mea culpa.

This time around, he went with less of a “self-satisfied douche” tone, and more of a “oh, sh-t, I put a dead body on YouTube! My career might really be over, so I’m genuinely contrite!” vibe.

“I have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment, and I don’t expect to be forgiven. I’m simply here to apologize,” Paul told the camera in a brief video clip posted to his Twitter page.

“I should’ve never posted the video. I should’ve put the cameras down and stopped recording what we were going through. There’s a lot of things I should’ve done differently, but I didn’t and for that, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry.”

Many have taken issue with the fact that Paul is still acting like he recorded an impromptu video and then hit “send,” when in reality, he went to a part of the world famous as a site of numerous suicides, found exactly what he was looking for, and then edited the incident into a video intended both to shock and to boost his public profile.

Paul has found an unlikely defender in Chrissy Teigen, who tweeted a reluctant message of empathy for the controversial YouTube star.

“Re: Logan Paul, something I always think about is when people make…ethical mistakes, as in, not-illegal, should we really be trying I ruin their lives and end their careers or accept the apology, personally make a choice to stop watching, and move on,” she wrote.

“I’m not saying what he did wasn’t sick and stupid and his videos aren’t or haven’t been stupid, I’m saying…a lot of you don’t know what it’s like to have a campaign to end your entire being.”

At this point, Chrissy might be more famous as a social media firebrand than as a model, so when it comes to bearing the brunt of public outrage, she knows whereof she speaks.

But it’s important to point out that none of the sane people who have been involved in this debate are calling for Logan to be publicly executed.

The consensus seems to be that he should simply go away for a while, as he’s proven that he’s not the kind of person who should be generating content for impressionable young people.

In his second apology, Paul stated that he doesn’t “expect to be forgiven,” but that’s clearly not the case.

He wants this to be over as quickly as possible so that he can continue making obscene amounts of money with cruel and problematic “prank” videos.

No PR magic is going to make the public forget that Paul mocked a suicide victim in front of an audience of millions.

Fellow YouTube star Nate Garner tweeted that Paul should donate his 2018 YouTube revenue to suicide prevention charities.

That’s a start, but we’d prefer that Paul donate his 2017 revenues, take 2018 off entirely, and come back when he learns the difference between comedy and exploitative cruelty.


Logan Paul Apologizes After Mocking Suicide Victim, Posting Video With Dead Body

Logan Paul is the YouTube “celebrity” whom you recently became aware of when your most obnoxious nephew told you about him over the holidays.

He unequivocally sucks, but he has a massive following.

And he’s probably not going anywhere, despite having recently crossed the line between “terrible” and “ghoulish,” because 2018 is sure to be another diaper incinerator of a year.

Paul is a 22-year-old professional prankster who lives his life to amass views, but found himself smack-dab in the center of a particularly lazy episode of Black Mirror yesterday, when he became a top trending topic on Twitter … for all the wrong reasons!

For reasons that remain clear only in his brain–which has likely been severely damaged by years of violent “dabbing”–Paul and some of his friends traveled to Japan’s infamous “suicide forest” near the base of Mt. Fuji.

Here, they quite predictably encountered a dead body hanging from a tree.

Rather than respectfully mourning the loss of a human life and quietly alerting the authorities, Paul and company attempted to turn the whole thing into a comedy bit, with a video entitled–sigh–“We found a dead boy in the Japanese Suicide Forest…”

In the since-deleted clip, Paul and his friends laughed, spoke in “funny” voices, and repeatedly zoomed in on the corpse.

Needless to say, the reaction from Paul’s 3.9 million subscribers was one of near-universal disgust.

And the situation wasn’t helped much by the 22-year-old’s apology, which quickly deteriorated into a remarkably douchey humble-brag session.

“This is a first for me. I’ve never faced criticism like this before, because I’ve never made a mistake like this before. I’m surrounded by good people and believe I make good decisions, but I’m still a human being. I can be wrong,” Paul wrote on Twitter.

“I didn’t do it for views. I get views. I did it because I thought I could make a positive ripple on the Internet, not cause a monsoon of negativity. That’s never the intention.”

He concluded:

“I was misguided by shock and awe, as portrayed in the video. I still am.”

Yes, it was apparently shock and awe that led Paul to introduce his video by saying, “Buckle the f–k up, because you’re never gonna see a video like this again!”

Needless to say, Paul’s “apology” didn’t win him many converts … by which we mean he’s being savaely roasted by the entirety of the internet:

“How dare you! You disgust me,” tweeted Breaking Bad star Aaron Paul (no relation).

“I can’t believe that so many young people look up to you. So sad. Hopefully this latest video woke them up. You are pure trash. Plain and simple. Suicide is not a joke. Go rot in hell.”

“You’re an idiot. You’re not raising awareness. You’re mocking,” remarked Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner.

“I can’t believe how self-praising your ‘apology’ is. You don’t deserve the success (views) you have. I pray to God you never have to experience anything like that man did.”

“The amount of personal + social unawareness Logan Paul has displayed in THAT video is mind blowing to me. How could one w such power and influence have the audacity to put something so thoughtless online?” asked singer Rebecca Black.

“You have potentially intensified an entire family’s grief beyond measure.”

And as usual, Twitter person Pixelated Boat said what we were all thinking, tweeting:

“Logan Paul is clearly a psychopath, but so is everyone else who recreationally watches YouTube videos.”

Folks, let’s make 2018 the year we stop watching terrible people ruin lives for recreation.

We kid. It’s important to watch the evening news sometimes.


YouTuber Logan Paul Apologizes for Posting Video of Dead Body

Logan Paul is making a full mea culpa for posting a vlog showing a dead body he discovered in Japan … saying he only intended to raise awareness about suicide. The famous YouTuber posted the original 15 minute video Sunday showing him and some…


YouTuber Logan Paul Apologizes for Posting Video of Dead Body

Logan Paul is making a full mea culpa for posting a vlog showing a dead body he discovered in Japan … saying he only intended to raise awareness about suicide. The famous YouTuber posted the original 15 minute video Sunday showing him and some…


Friday, December 29, 2017

Target Apologizes, Pulls Anti-Semetic Cards Against Humanity Game

Target has apologized and vows to remove an anti-Semetic expansion pack of the popular game Cards Against Humanity from its shelves. A customer on Twitter discovered his local store selling the CAH “Chosen People Pack” … which featured cards with…


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Braylon Edwards Apologizes For Bar Prank Caught on Video

Ex-NFL wide receiver Braylon Edwards says he was just kidding around when he reached over the bar at a Chicago tavern and pulled the beer taps … in a late night incident captured on video.  It all went down Friday at Duffy’s Tavern and…


Landon Collins Apologizes for Calling Teammate Eli Apple "a Cancer"

N.Y. Giants star Landon Collins is apologizing for his recent comments referring to teammate Eli Apple as “a cancer” … saying he met with Eli in person and cleared the air. ICYMI … Collins ripped into Apple during a radio interview with 98.7…


Landon Collins Apologizes for Calling Teammate Eli Apple "a Cancer"

N.Y. Giants star Landon Collins is apologizing for his recent comments referring to teammate Eli Apple as “a cancer” … saying he met with Eli in person and cleared the air. ICYMI … Collins ripped into Apple during a radio interview with 98.7…
