Showing posts with label Basically. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basically. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Lamar Odom: "I Was Basically Committing Suicide" Before Rehab

Lamar Odom says he was in a “dark place” before his 2015 drug overdose in Nevada … and admits his addiction was so bad he was “basically committing suicide.”  Odom opened up about his past on “The Doctors” … saying, “I wasn’t in a good…


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton: 7 Ways She Basically IS Daenerys Targaryen

Hillary Clinton is the mother of Chelsea Clinton.

But did you also know that Hillary Clinton is very similar to The Mother of Dragons?

We refer, of course, to the beloved Game of Thrones character played by Emilia Clarke.

It"s true! The Democratic nominee for President is really just like Daenerys Targaryen is many ways. We count them below…

1. Hillary vs. Daenerys

Hillary vs daenerys

We can start with the fact that both are often referred to by their nicknames. The “Breaker of Chains,” is one name given to Khaleesi; while “Crooked” is often attached to Hillary by her opponents.

2. Both are Backed by Fan Favorites

Both are backed by fan favorites

President Obama has Hillary’s back; while Tyrion is fully on Team Dany after Season 6.

3. Both Come from Families with Scandalous Backgrounds

Both come from families with scandalous backgrounds

The Clintons will do anything to get their way, some argue. This was most definitely true of The Mad King, as well.

4. Both Fight for the Underdog

Both fight for the underdog

Dany is all about freeing slaves from their shackles. Hillary wants to help the middle class.

5. Women Love Them Both

Women love them both

In different ways, mind you. But still. Both have totally locked down the female vote.

6. Both Make Passionate Speeches

Both make passionate speeches

From the stage of the DNC or from stop a dragon. Whatever. It’s all the same, really.

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Monday, October 17, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Watch Tyga Basically Massage Her Vulva!

If Tyga’s hand got any closer to Kylie’s vulva, we’d have a full-on sex tape on our hands. 

… Not that we’re saying there is one, or that we’ve seen it, because that just wouldn’t be entirely accurate. 

Enough. The photo. 

Kylie shared the pic on her Instagram and simply captioned it with a cat face, which is, you know, slang for kitty, which is slang for Donald Trump’s favorite word, “p-ssy.”  

Girl, get a grip, and stop posting pictures of Tyga getting his grip on you.  

If you’re gonna make that tape or release those photos, you better hurry up and do it. 

The public’s interest is waning fast. 

In recent days, she’s talked about sex with Scott Disick, talked about being dressed up as a teenage prostitute, and decried boob jobs. 

As you can obviously tell, sex is on her mind in a very hardcore kind of way.

To be honest, we think she’s taking Kim’s temporary exit from the main spotlight a little too seriously. 

Gotta strike when the iron’s hot, though, or whatever. 

Last week, it was reported that Tyga was warned not to get mixed up with Kylie and her kooky family, which is probably why he’s milking his “entitlement,” and making Kylie look like a damn fool in all of her social media snaps. 

Kylie revealed that Tyga’s friends just weren’t that into her, and advised her not to date the Rack City rapper. 

“The first year we started hanging out,” she said, “everyone around him told him not to be with me.” 

“I still get comments like ‘Don’t be with him,’ ” she revealed. 

For his part, it’s been rumored that Tyga’s been cheating on Kylie from the get-go. 

Perhaps she should have listened to his friends and, you know, everybody else with a drop of sense in their heads. 

In April 2016, Tyga was accused of cheating on Kylie with model Tiffani Kathleen Birdas. 

About Tyga, Birdas said, “It was like a dream.” 

(More like a nightmare.) 

“Tyga was lovely; he was really relaxed and chlled and really humble,” the model gushed. 

“There was no talk of Kylie or the Kardashians or any family stuff.” 

Tyga was even once reported to have given Kylie and STD – the gift that just keeps on giving. 

Prior to – and likely after? – dating Kylie, Tyga was rumored to have slept with up to 100 women. 

Rumor had it that Kylie was terrified that Tyga had transmitted something terrible to her, so she hired a PI to find out about his past history. 

“Everyone [was] urging her to get herself tested, but she’s too frightened right now, even though eventually she will have to face getting answers.”  

Yeah, girl, us too. 


Monday, July 18, 2016

13 Times Channing Tatum Was Basically Perfect

From his roles on films such as Step Up and She"s the Man to Dear John and Magic Mike, Channing Tatum has won the hearts of many.

He"s got the smile, the dance moves, and everything in between.

We put together a list of times Channing Tatum was pretty much perfect, both on screen and off. Check them out below!

1. That Time He Held His Baby Girl

Channing tatum baby

How sweet is this? Channing Tatum celebrates his first father’s day with his wife and his baby girl, and it’s adorable.

2. That Time He Showed Off His Best Vogue Moves

That time he showed off his best vogue moves

This guy pulled off seven classic dance movies in 30 seconds, from Vogue and the robot to the funky chicken. Because why not?

3. That Time He Was a Mama’s Boy

Channing tatum and his mom

This is a guy who loves his mom, and isn’t afraid to show it. He posted this pic on Instragram for Mother’s Day, with a quote from Abraham Lincoln: “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” He followed that with, “She has put up with a lot over the years. Wow. Don’t know how we got to be here mama. But I know it’s cause of you. I be lovin you.”

4. That Time He Supported National Puppy Day

Channing tatum with a puppy

Channing Tatum joined other celebrities to help promote adoption for National Puppy Day by posing with this adorable puppy. Talk about cuteness overload.

5. That Time He Admitted How Much He Loves Stripping

That time he admitted how much he loves stripping

Was there anything better than the time Channing Tatum went on Saturday Night Live and admitted he loved stripping in the opening monologue?

6. That Time He Danced Like This:

That time he danced like this

I mean, seriously. Was Channing Tatum ever more perfect than when he was on Magic Mike? Yeah, we didn’t think so either.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tom Hiddleston Asked About Taylor Swift, Basically Hates His Life

This is all Taylor Swift"s fault.

Tom Hiddleston is a brilliant actor, and a seemingly well-mannered gentleman.  His patience was tested during a recent interview in Australia, but the polite Brit managed to keep his cool in spite of super dumb questions about Swift.

"How is Taylor enjoying the beautiful Gold Coast?" the Channel9 reporter asked as Hiddleston was preparing to go for a run on the beach.

"I"m not going to answer that, if it"s all right," he responded, after an awkward laugh.


After returning from his run, Hiddleston was met by fans who were psyched to see the Thor star, who traveled Down Under to film the movie"s third installment.

One girl in particular absolutely lost her shit after meeting the actor, bawling her eyes out as the reporter asked her how she was feeling.

"I don"t even know," she said in between sobs.  "I"m so happy."

Yesterday, The Hollywood Gossip exclusively reported that Hiddleston is massively over this charade with Swift.

A source told us that Hiddleston – who has starred in The Deep Blue Sea, Midnight In Paris, War Horse and The Avengers – is "a pleasant guy who is very talkative, charming, and humble." 

So, how did he get involved with Swift? 

"Tom and Taylor’s relationship was initially set up by Taylor’s PR team after they bumped into each other at Anna Wintour’s house-party," the source said.

Swift sunk her teeth into the Brit in order to "stay relevant within the public eye until she decides to release her next album," as you do.

Prior to this, Hiddleston (who was a few years ahead of Prince William and Eddie Redmayne at Eton College) dated Elizabeth Olsen. 

Now, Hiddleston is on the Hot Mess Express.  And it doesn"t look fun.

"Tom was prepared to go along with it because he believed that he and Taylor would be able to find something in common with each other," the source added about their initial dates.

It was fine at first, but "whilst he does care about Taylor, he is now beginning to realize that he may have made a mistake," the source pointed out, "after she insisted upon them meeting each other’s parents within the space of twenty four hours."

Now, she"s attached herself to Hiddleston, and they"re taking their love tour across Australia!

She"s going to ruin him. She is THE WORST.

Tom hiddleston gives painfully awkward interview in australia

Monday, April 18, 2016

Hillary Clinton to Voters: I"m Basically Beyonce

Hillary Clinton is expected to basically clinch her party’s nomination in Tuesday’s New York primary, but that doesn’t mean she’ll be easing up on the campaigning anytime soon.

The former secretary of state was up and at it bright and early this morning, doing some truly eyeroll-worthy pandering on Power 105.1’s The  Breakfast Club.

Asked by Charlamagne Tha God and company what one item she can’t travel without, HRC replied that she’s rockin’ that hot-sauce-in-her-bag swag, a la Beyonce. 

The following words actually came out of Mrs. Clinton’s mouth unironically:

“I’ve been eating a lot of hot sauce because I think it keeps my immune system strong.” When asked if she was pandering to black voters, Hillary replied, “Is it workin’?”

Look, we all know there’s very, very little that Hillary won’t do for a vote.

Just last month she posed for a photo with Caitlyn Jenner.

That may not seem like a big deal, but just three days prior, Caitlyn called Hillary a “f–king liar” on national television.

Despite that subtle critique (and the fact that she has more celebrity supporters than Botox), Hill plastered her signature fake grin on her face and buddied up to Caitlyn like was a Godlman-Sachs exec.

So it’s not exactly shocking that Hillary basically morphed into Iggy Azalea before our eyes this morning.

In fact, the only thing that’s surprising about this interview is the fact that she didn’t strap on some Beats by Dre headphones and spit a few freestyle bars.

Stana Katic: Basically Fired from Castle!


Talk about an unexpected cop out.

ABC and ABC Studios have chosen not to ask Stana Katic back for a ninth season of Castle, both the network and the actress have confirmed, keeping open the possibility that the series will be renewed… without one of its two lead stars.

Prior to Castle Season 8, both Katic and Nathan Fillion signed one-year contracts.

According to Deadline, however, ABC has been in contract with Fillion regarding a new deal – but has made it known that it has no interest in asking Katic to return as Detective Kate Beckett.

“Rather then distract from what was an amazing experience, I would just like to say that I’m very grateful to ABC for giving me the opportunity to be a part of a much beloved show,” Katic said in a statement in response to the news.

“Thank you to the fans.”

Tamala Jones, an original cast member as Lanie Parish, will not return for Season 9, either.

It’s worth noting, of course, that ABC is yet to actually renew Castle for Season 9.

But one has to assume it’s leaning toward doing so… or else why bother making this casting news public?

“Kate Beckett has been a beloved character on our hit series Castle for the past eight years,” ABC said via statement.

“We are grateful for Stana Katic’s talent and dedication to the series and we hope to continue our relationship. Tamala Jones has also been an integral part of the series and we are grateful she was a part of Castle.“

Monday, February 1, 2016

Nick Jonas Basically Confirms Banging of Kate Hudson

Nick Jonas refuses to say for certain whether or not he’s engaging in sexual intercourse with Kate Hudson.

But Nick Jonas is TOTALLY engaging in sexual intercourse with Kate Hudson!

Rumors of Jonas and Hudson surprisingly getting it on started way back in September.

Neither half of this alleged couple has talked much about the other in public, though some believe Hudson recently shared a photo of her rear end online with Jonas in mind.

Featured in a new interview with Complex Magazine, meanwhile, Jonas was asked about Hudson.

And not in some indirect, roundabout, subtle way, either.

Reporter Kerensa Cadena came right out and asked the following of the artist:

Are you having sex with Kate Hudson?

Jonas reportedly laughed at the direct question and then did his best to answer it honestly, while being sure not to bang kiss and tell:

“Kate’s incredible. We had an unbelievable connection as two humans who just admire things about each other, and see something in each other that’s beautiful.

“Out of my best effort to respect her and her privacy, I’m not going to say if we had sex or not. But we did have a beautiful connection. Even now I have so much admiration and respect. She’s amazing.”

Allow us to translate:

Kate is incredible. We had an unbelievable SEXUAL connection as two humans who just admire things about each other, LIKE EACH OTHER’S NAKED PRIVATE PARTS, and see something in each other, LIKE WHEN MY PENIS IS INSIDE OF HER VAGINA.

Hehe, sorry.

We actually do admire Jonas for not coming right out and bragging about something he most certainly has every right to brag about.

It’s good to know he’s willing to admit he has a lot of sex, but enough of a gentlemen not to reveal who that sex is with. (SPOILER ALERT: It’s currently Kate Hudson!)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Ricky Gervais Defends Caitlyn Jenner Joke, Basically Tells Haters to Suck It

Those holding their breath for a Ricky Gervais apology should probably exhale right about now.

There isn’t any sort of Mea Culpa on the way.

As usual, the comedian found himself in pretty hot water after hosting the 2016 Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night, mostly for jokes made during his monologue… and specifically for one joke he made about Caitlyn Jenner.

“I’ve changed. Not as much as Bruce Jenner, obviously – now Caitlyn Jenner, of course,” Gervais cracked.

“What a year she’s had. She became a role model for trans people everywhere… She didn’t do a lot for women drivers, but you can’t have everything.”

This was a quip about a fatal car accident in which Jenner was involved in early 2015, back when he still went by “Bruce.”

Gervais has faced a lot of backlash for the remark, prompting him to defend the joke on Twitter as follows:

“Suggesting a joke about Caitlin Jenner is automatically transphobic is like suggesting a joke about Bill Cosby is automatically racist.”

That’s true.

This joke was not about Caitlyn Jenner having become a woman. It was about a motorist being killed in a car crash.

You can go ahead and decide which is more offensive.

As you can see via the above video, Gervais offended quite a few people with his monologue.

But he doesn’t appear to feel very badly about it.

“In the future, everyone will be offended by me for 15 minutes,” he also Tweeted, adding: “You have every right to be offended. Just don’t cry when no one cares.”

Gervais also embarrassed Mel Gibson (below) at the event.

So even if you were offended by his Caitlyn Jenner joke, perhaps this evened everything out in the end.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Taylor Swift is Basically Shakespeare, Ryan Adams Says With a Straight Face

Ah, Shakespeare. Willy Shakes. Poet, playwright, subject of countless half-assed term papers, possible stoner, and arguably the most celebrated figure in the history of literature.

The Bard’s got quite a few achievements under his foppish Elizabethan belt, but has he ever released a multi-platinum album? Did even have a squad? We doubt it. So maybe Ryan Adams is on to something when he says Shakespeare and Taylor Swift are basically in the same boat. Or maybe he’s just being a total dumbass.

Adams recently covered Swift’s 1989 in its entirety, and while we – like most people – initially dismissed it as part of his ongoing attempt to remain relevant and sell some records to people who aren’t confused about the absence of “Summer of ’69” on the tracklist, it turns out Ryan actually has a ton of respect for Taylor.

Like, “thinks she’s on par with the greatest geniuses the Western world has ever produced”-level respect.

In a recent interview with The Guardian, Ryan compared covering Taylor’s songs to “being in Ghostbusters or something, and then all of a sudden I have to go do Shakespeare.”

When the interviewer pointed out that that’s a bit of an “overgenerous analogy,” Adams replied, “Well, look, those songs are popular for a reason. She’s a popular artist for a reason.”

He may be onto something there.

Guys, we recommend you take your girlfriend to McDonald’s instead of a fancy restaurant for your next anniversary, and if she questions your decision, simply point out that Mickey D’s is more popular than any French eatery on the planet, and there must be a reason for that, non?

Then, when she dumps you, you can write an album of sad breakup music, and Ryan Adams will cover it the next time he’s out of ideas. It’s the circle of life.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Lindsay Lohan: Still Trying to Make Mean Girls 2 Happen, Is Basically Gretchen Wieners

In case you weren’t reminded of it 47 times on social media, October 3 was “Mean Girls Day” – so called because Lindsay Lohan says the date in the movie, and the Internet exists for the purpose of beating obscure references into the ground.

Obviously, no one was more excited about this than LiLo herself, because when you’ve only done one good thing in your life, you’ll take any opportunity to celebrate it.

We’re sure the members of Chumbawamba throw a huge party to mark the anniversary of the release of “Tubthumping” every year. Same idea.

Of course, Lindsay isn’t content to just look back on her past successes. She’s still delusionally planning her big comeback, and as she’s said in the past, her plans involve an Oscar and a Mean Girls sequel. Seriously.

So naturally, on Saturday, Lindsay posted about a dozen references to what’s really the only successful movie that she starred in as an adult, and she capped the day off with an Instagram post reading, “Next step: #MEANMOMS (I’m trying to make it happen!)”

Sadly, we don’t think Lindsay got her own Gretchen Wieners reference with the “trying to make it happen” part. Otherwise, she would realize that “Mean Moms” is like “fetch”: 

It’s kinda lame, and no one cares about making it “happen” except for her.

Hopefully, Lindsay will get back to running around naked at weddings and dancing on yachts, and let go of this silly “being an actress that actually gets paid to be in movies” dream. It’s just sad at this point.