Showing posts with label Carter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carter. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Cris Carter Says Ezekiel Elliot Is NOT A Fantasy First Rounder

Cris Carter says Ezekiel Elliot’s fantasy value is just like his recent off-the=field conduct … shaky at best, telling TMZ Sports Zeke’s suspension makes him a no-go as a fantasy 1st rounder. We got Carter and his FS1 on-air partner Nick Wright…


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Aaron Carter Threatened by Publicist Over Alleged Trash Talk

Aaron Carter’s life is spiraling out of control, and he’s spreading lies about his former publicist to cover it up … according to a threatening legal letter obtained by TMZ. Jon Lewandowski’s lawyers fired off the ultimatum to Carter Monday,…


Aaron Carter Threatened by Publicist Over Alleged Trash Talk

Aaron Carter’s life is spiraling out of control, and he’s spreading lies about his former publicist to cover it up … according to a threatening legal letter obtained by TMZ. Jon Lewandowski’s lawyers fired off the ultimatum to Carter Monday,…


Aaron Carter Ex Madison Parker: I Didn"t Split Because He"s Bisexual! I"m Not a Bigot!

Aaron Carter came out as bisexual and he also broke up with his girlfriend Madison Parker, and those were at just about the same time.

While Aaron’s been quick to thank fans for supporting him since he came out, it’s sounded an awful lot like Madison herself was less than supportive — and that she may have even broken up with him because of biphobia.

Madison’s making a statement, however, and she hopes to clear up any misconceptions.

In a statement to E!, Madison Parker claims that Aaron’s bisexuality and coming out wasn’t behind their split.

“My split with Aaron has nothing to do with him being bisexual. Our parting of ways is something that has been coming for some time and it’s the best thing for us both.”

That’s good to hear, at least.

“Some of my closest friends and loved ones are of the LGBTQ community, people I love and support wholeheartedly, so for or anyone to label me ‘homophobic’ is appalling and hurtful and couldn’t be more off character.”

We understand why she felt the need to speak up for herself.

“I’ve been nothing but supportive of Aaron and his career and I’m happy for him that he’s having the courage to live his truth.”

She’s still not calling him out for saying what he did about her, so maybe she’s still being supportive.

“Breaking up is never easy for anyone, but it is my hope that we can move on from this point as peacefully and respectfully as possible. I wish him all the best.”

So, let’s get into this:

In a moment, we’ll show you Aaron’s previous statement, which painted a different picture of their breakup.

First, though, while we’re not necessarily accusing Madison of anything, let’s go through that statement line by line.

We totally believe that their breakup was already in the works. 

That’s usually the case with breakups, after all.

Saying that she has close friends who are LGBTQ and that therefore she couldn’t possibly be homophobic is … pretty close to someone saying that they can’t be racist because they have black friends, right?

Plus, there are (unfortunately) plenty of people who have zero shortage of close gay friends but who would be uncomfortable dating a bisexual person, which is definitely biphobic.

And they didn’t just make it up — their write-up had to be based on Aaron’s statement.

She’s definitely been super supportive of him and we don’t think that anyone’s questioning that.

Madison is talking as if various writers accusing her of biphobia came out of nowhere.

It did not.

While some (us included) wondered if that might be a factor when the news of their breakup first, well, broke, we also discussed the possibility that it might not be.

The belief that Madison broke up with Aaron Carter because he is bisexual or because he was ready to tell the world that he is bisexual came from Aaron Carter himself.

If you’ll recall, Aaron Carter had suggested in an interview that his coming out as bisexual played a role in their breakup.

“I had discussed it with my ex-girlfriend, and she didn’t really understand it and she didn’t want [to].”

That sounds so incredibly sad.

“And that was it. So, we left it mutual and parted ways.”

He later tweeted that their split was “very amicable,” but that … isn’t the same as saying that biphobia wasn’t involved.

You know, though Madison doesn’t really make a compelling argument for herself, we can totally see this as just an amicable breakup that coincided with Aaron’s coming out.

In fact, both of those events may have been brought on by the same life factors.

We just don’t know.

It’s also possible that Aaron misunderstood Madison’s reasons for breakup up with him, or described their breakup in a way that he didn’t mean to.

We want him to live his best life, don’t get us wrong, but he’s sometimes said worrisome and irrational things in the past.

But, let’s be clear: we’re so excited that Aaron’s come out and we’re hopeful that his life and overall well-being will only improve from here on out.

And unless we know that someone is bigoted, we’re not going to hop on the hate train with regard to Madison Parker or anybody else.


Monday, August 14, 2017

Aaron Carter Thanks Fans for Support Over His Sexuality ... Then Deletes, Reactivates Social Media Accounts

Coming out is hard to do, but it it sounds like Aaron Carter’s life has mostly taken turns for the better since he came out as bisexual.

It hasn’t all been perfect — just today, he deactivated and then reactivated his social media accounts.

Before that, though, the “Aaron’s Party” singer spent the weekend living as his authentic self and celebrating

His coming out may have cost him his girlfriend Madison Parker, but good riddance if she couldn’t accept him for who he is.

Aaron Carter appeared at and even performed at a gay restaurant called Hamburger Mary’s (it’s actually part of a chain of LGBT-friendly restaurants) in Florida.

It apparently went very well.

Aaron Carter took to Twitter on Saturday to express how moved he was by his warm reception so soon after his coming out.

“I was in shock!!”

Remember, Aaron Carter’s had his share of inner demons, but he’s also struggled with fan responses to him in recent years.\

Now that he’s being more honest about his sexuality but also his eating disorder, hopefully Aaron can live his best life.

Living honestly can help abate a lot of personal problems — and maybe people are less likely to be harsh about him now that they know what’s going on with him.

Apparently that wasn’t a problem at Hamburger Mary’s.

“It was an emotional night in a lot of ways.”

But we have more than his social media reaction to go on.

TMZ reports details of Aaron Carter’s performance at the restaurant.

“I just want to thank you for all your love and support in the LGBT community and my announcement. It means a lot.”

A closeted LGBT person is essentially living apart from their entire community, so he’s feeling a sense of connection and family that he may have never known that he was missing.

It’s understandable that he was in shock.

He repeated his coming out while at Hamburger Mary’s.

“Yes, I am a bisexual man.”

Sometimes a lot of bi folks feel that people don’t say that enough.

You’ve probably noticed that bisexual television characters like the dance around the label instead of using it, saying that they “like hot people” or are “flexible” instead of using a very convenient label that’s just … right there for them to use.

Aaron also evaluated some of the men in the audience, going over them one-by-one with varying levels of praise.

“That motherf—er right there is gorgeous. You’re gorgeous. … He’s kind of cute.”

Good for Aaron for embracing his identity in such a public manner, you know?

“It is what it is. I am who I am.”

In true Taylor Swift style, Aaron sang a song about his ex, Madison Parker.

“I wrote this song about my ex girlfriend that just left, so bye Felicia. This song is about her.”

Aaron got very emotional, even breaking down in tears.

“I just wanted to say thank you for believing in me, guys.”

He also had something to say for the haters, or at least the non-fans:

“Even if you don’t, I still love you.”

That’s a very healthy, positive attitude.

And, for the most part, that’s been reciprocated.

Unfortunately, Aaron Carter saw some other reactions to his recent appearances that were … less kind.

Though he thanked fans over Twitter for their support, he also shared a screencap of negative comments.

Some rude people referred to him as “painful to listen to” when he did an interview.

They were commenting and perhaps assuming that he wouldn’t see what they had to say.

In fact, after sharing how hurt he was, Aaron Carter shared that he was going to be staying off of social media for a while … and then deactivated both his Twitter and Instagram accounts.

He did reactivate them (literally while I was writing this post), which sounds like a good idea, since he gets so much love and support from fans that way.

We can only hope that he’ll keep his social media up and running, though a farewell tweet of his from before he took down social media suggested that he might be away for a few months.

We hope not … but he should do whatever’s best for his general well-being.


Saturday, August 12, 2017

Aaron Carter Says Brother Nick Hasn"t Reached Out Since He Came Out as Bisexual

Aaron Carter says he’s received amazing support since coming out as bisexual … but apparently not yet from his brother. The singer clammed up at the D.C. airport Saturday morning when he got asked if his bro, Nick Carter, had contacted him since…


Friday, August 11, 2017

Aaron Carter Breaks Down In Tears at Gay Club

Aaron Carter was overcome with emotion after he was embraced by the crowd in a gay bar where he performed … the first such appearance since he came out as bisexual. Aaron performed at Hamburger Mary’s near his hometown in Brandon,…


Aaron Carter and Chloe Grace Moretz: New Couple Alert?!

It sounds like things may be looking up for Aaron Carter!

Maybe. Possibly. Hopefully.

Because come on, universe, can the guy get just one single break?

Aaron, as you probably know, has been having a rough time lately. A very rough time.

His father passed away in May, he was hospitalized in June after opening up about the horrific body-shaming comments he receives on a daily basis.

Then, in July, he was arrested for refusing to submit to testing for a DUI — it’s still not clear if he was actually driving under the influence or if he was telling the truth when he claimed he was driving poorly because of an issue with his car.

After the arrest, he gave a tearful interview about it all, and he also revealed that he suffers from an eating disorder.

And if all that wasn’t enough, we learned earlier this week that he and his girlfriend, Madison Parker, just broke up.

It’s a lot for one person to go through, especially just in one summer, right?

So hopefully this latest turn of events will work out for him — this latest turn of events being Chloe Grace Moretz showing interest in him in a new interview!

It’s true: when Chloe sat down for a chat with Variety recently, she mentioned that “When I was four years old, I thought Aaron Carter was so cool.”

She’s nine years younger than Aaron, so when she was four years old, he was right in the height of his fame. He actually was pretty cool then.

“My friend,” Chloe continued, “when we were both little babies back in Georgia, she liked Aaron Carter, too. We used to fight about who would date Aaron Carter one day.”

“Who knows?” she added. “Maybe we’ll meet.”

And judging by Aaron’s reaction to the quote on Twitter, he’s so down.

He replied to a page that had posted Chloe’s interview, writing “Mmmm may I take you to dinner @ChloeGMoretz?”

Then, just in case she missed the message, he tweeted “Hey @ChloeGMoretz – let’s set up a date. The crush is mutual.”

He even added that emoji with the heart eyes, so you know he’s serious.

So far, Chloe hasn’t responded, but since she did tack on that “Who knows? Maybe we’ll meet” bit at the end of her story, we’d say there’s a chance she could reach out to him.

If not for a genuine love connection, maybe just for a chat.

But, if they do have a love connection, hopefully Chloe would be cool with Aaron’s recent confession that he’s bisexual.

As he revealed in a recent interview, Madison Parker wasn’t cool with it, and that’s why they split.

“I had discussed it with my ex-girlfriend,” he said, “and she didn’t really understand it and she didn’t want to. And that was it. So we left it mutual and parted ways.”

See what we mean about this guy having a tough summer?

Come through, Chloe!


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Aaron Carter Peforms at Gay Bar After Coming Out as Bisexual

Aaron Carter’s back to the grind since coming out as bisexual … taking his talents to a gay bar. The singer’s headlining Thursday night at Hamburger Mary’s near his hometown in Brandon, Florida. The joint’s known for its burgers and drag queen…


Aaron Carter: Madison Parker Broke Up With Me Because I"m Bisexual!

When we told you that it was over between Aaron Carter and Madison Parker, we mentioned that nobody’s statements said anything about Madison breaking up with him because he’d just come out as bisexual.

It’s easy to see a connection and jump to a conclusion and assume that there was bigotry involved, but you don’t want to slam somebody before you have all of the facts.

But according to Aaron Carter’s new interview … we know exactly why Madison broke up with him.

Between coming out and getting arrested, Aaron’s had a busy year — but that means interviews.

In a new interview on The Bert Show, Aaron Carter says that Madison Parker broke up with him over his bisexuality.

That’s heartbreaking to hear.

“I had discussed it with my ex-girlfriend, and she didn’t really understand it and she didn’t want [to].”

Aaron doesn’t call her out for being a bigot, but … we don’t know how else to characterize someone breaking up with their lover because they find out that they’re bi.

Aaron’s coming out wasn’t about looking to, I don’t know, get a dude as a side ho for his relationship with Madison.

He’s admitting what many people have suspected for a long time — that he’s also attracted to men — so that he can live openly and honestly as himself.

If Madison had a problem with who Aaron is, then good riddance.

Aaron says it a lot nicer than he necessarily needs to.

“And that was it. So we left it mutual and parted ways.”

Whatever the gender of his next partner, we hope that they’re not bigoted and are interested in Aaron Carter for who he is.

(Unfortunately, as comments about Aaron when he came out remind us, there are sadly some gay people who are just as bigoted towards bisexuals as certain straight people, so bi folks can experience the worst of both worlds)

Aaron talks about his life now and what he plans next.

“I’m a single guy again, recently came out as bisexual, so that’s who I am. And I’m just taking it one minute, and one day, and one comment at a time.”

That’s smart, of course.

Just because he only recently came out doesn’t mean that he necessarily wants to dive into a relationship with a guy.

Mainly, we imagine, because he just got out of a lengthy relationship and he’s going to need some time to heal.

When he says “one comment at a time,” he’s reminding us that he sees a lot of vile things in his mentions.

Most celebrities do, but Aaron, we think, is more inclined to read his comments and also more inclined to feel hurt by them.

Nevertheless, Aaron actually sounds pretty optimistic.

“All I can say is that I’m really looking forward to the future right now, and whether I choose to be with a man or a woman is my decision, and no one else’s.”

He is, of course, absolutely right.

He might get pressure from well-meaning LGBT fans who want to see him live openly in a same-sex relationship.

He might get pressure from, well, ill-intentioned fans who don’t want to see him with a man, ever.

(And perhaps from some lady fans who only want to see him with women because they want to imagine themselves dating him)

What all of his fans — and the rest of us — should want is for him to be happy.

So he should date someone who makes him happy, relationship-wise.

(True happiness comes from within, we know, but relationships can help)

As we mentioned, Aaron knew from the time that he was 12 that he was attracted to both men and women.

Aaron talks about why he finally came out at 29, even though he’d first had a “small” relationship with another guy when he was 17.

“It was something that I just felt like was important and I needed to say. It was a part of a new chapter of turning 30, on December 7 this year.”

We’re guessing that, so recently after he’d admitted to having an eating disorder, Aaron felt that there was no time like the present to be honest with his fans.

To be clear — nobody, celebrities or otherwise, ever has to come out.

Coming out can impact careers, sever relationships, and radically change a person’s life.

Usually it’s for the better, but as Thomas Dekker recently mentioned, everybody gets to make that choice of when and how to come out for themselves.

Aaron Carter spoke some more about coming out.

“The process is at your own pace and when you feel comfortable.”

He’s absolutely right, though few people feel totally comfortable coming out at that moment.

“There might be a lot of people who don’t agree with it, but you might be surprised by the people who do.”

Despite folks who seem to think that passing marriage equality ended anti-LGBT bigotry, there are bigots everywhere, and we don’t just mean in Congress or the currently orange-tinted White House.

We’re glad that Aaron received some pleasant surprises.

“I was shocked. I was blown away. My fans know that I’m a heart on the sleeve kinda guy. That’s the way I am.”

That’s great.

Aaron’s needed some good news, you know?


Monday, August 7, 2017

Aaron Carter Splits from Madison Parker, Shares Shirtless Selfie!

Aaron Carter has come out as bisexual, leaving some fans surprised and others saying “finally!”

But that’s not the only big news that he’s had, because he’s also ended his relationship with girlfriend Madison Parker. His rep made a statement about their split.

Every step of the way, Aaron’s been reaching out to thank his fans and supporters over social media. He even thanked them with a photo and he’s suddenly looking a lot better than he had been.

Aaron and Madison met through Instagram, which isn’t usually the social media platform where you’d imagine that people would meet, and they hit it off.

But now they’ve broken up.

In a statement to E!, Aaron Carter’s rep shared confirmed that Aaron Carter and Madison Parker broke up.

“Aaron and Madison love each other and respect one another dearly.”

That’s always good for a breakup, though … reps aren’t usually going to say anything negative anyway.

“It was a mutual decision and Aaron’s personal statement released speaks for itself.”

Aaron’s personal statement, of course, was his coming out as bisexual — his rep didn’t feel a need to speak over their client.

“Now back to the music.”

It’s easy to forget that Aaron Carter is still passionate about music, but he is.

Aaron shared this shirtless selfie, and we have to say that he’s looking way, way better here than he was in his mug shot.

Obviously he played around with shading a little, but he still looks good here.

He tweeted out the photo and captioned it:

“Goodnight world. Your #LøVë and support means everything to me. [hands touching as a high five or prayer emoji] I adore all my fans. Never forget that.”

Aaron’s been more than diligent about being grateful for the continued support of his fans.

He’s had a rough go of many things over the course of his life.

He’s had to deal with countless expectations from a very young age.

(Don’t even get me started on his and Nick’s parents, ugh)

Even as disappointing as some of his irrational statements and troubling actions have been, we still think that he’s come out of fame better than Bieber.

Better as a person, anyway.

Aaron’s confession that he’s bisexual wasn’t that much of a surprise to people who’ve heard multiple rumors about him (or some past statements that he’d made that suggested as much).

And, frankly, it wasn’t a surprise to anyone with gaydar, which totally works for bi folks.

(I remember being shocked when Anderson Cooper came out because I hadn’t known that he was closeted before that, whoops)

As important as LGBT representation is among celebrities and in fictional media, there’s something called bisexual erasure where people get branded as gay when they’ve made it explicitly clear that they’re bi.

Twitter was full of those folks after Aaron’s big announcement.

Just think of how many people refer to Kristen Stewart as a lesbian when she’s had male lovers and even recently spoken about the possibility of dating men again.

Some will doubtless speculate that Aaron’s decision to come out as bi was behind his split from Madison, and that could technically be the case … but let’s not go accusing her of being some raging biphobe.

It may be that, when they decided to break up, Aaron figured that he might as well come out with it.

Many fans have expressed hope that his mental and emotional well-being will improve now that he’s no longer closeted.

Aaron Carter’s had a rough go of it.

He’s estimated to be a couple of million dollars in debt with very little money to his name.

He also has a hernia which he says makes it difficult for him to put on any body weight.

But he also recently confessed that he has an eating disorder, which is always tragic.

Maybe, as we mentioned that his fans have been hoping, his coming out — no longer weighed under the burden of being closeted — will be a step in the right direction towards him having a better life.

If he can address his eating disorder, which can be even harder to do for those who aren’t rich, that could really help transform his life.

Coping skills can do wonders, which could help him with his music and his efforts to turn things around.

Maybe he’ll even stop lashing out at “fake support” when someone who cares about him reaches out.

We really do wish him the best.


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Aaron Carter Split from Girlfriend, Madison Parker, Before Bisexual Announcement

Aaron Carter broke up with his girlfriend days before announcing he’s bisexual — and the split seems to be tied to the news … TMZ has learned. A source close to Aaron tells us he and now ex-GF, Madison Parker, broke up sometime last week ……


Aaron Carter Comes Out: I"m Bisexual and I"m Not Ashamed!

Aaron Carter is not holding back.

Not that he ever has, right?

Aaron’s always been exceedingly open about his experiences and his emotions — almost to a fault.

Remember a few years ago when he refused to stop talking about his teenage romance with Hilary Duff and how much he still loved her after all this time?

More recently, he’s been vocal about his health problems, including a hernia that he says makes it very hard for him to put on any weight.

He’s also said that he suffers from an eating disorder, and that he hates what he sees when he looks in the mirror.

On top of all that, he was arrested last month in Georgia for a DUI — or technically for refusing to submit to testing for a DUI.

He insists that he’s innocent, and that any reckless driving was due to the tires on his car being messed up, but the arrest didn’t help rumors that his thin appearance is due to a drug addiction.

Basically, it’s been a tough few years for Aaron, but he’s still ticking.

And last night, he felt moved to make yet another revelation.

In a note he posted to Twitter, he wrote “To start off, I would like to say that I love each and EVERY ONE of my fans.”

“There’s something I’d like to say that I feel is important for myself and my identity that has been weighing on my chest for nearly half of my life.”

“This doesn’t bring my shame,” he explained, “just a weight and burden I have held onto for a long time that I would like lifted off me.”

“I grew up in this entertainment industry at a very young age and when I was around 13-years-old I started to find boys and girls attractive.”

“There were years that went by that I thought about,” he continued, “but it wasn’t until I was 17-years-old, after a few relationships with girls, I had an experience with a male that I had an attraction to who I also worked with and grew up with.”

And so there you have it — Aaron is bisexual, and he wants us all to know.

Good for him, right?

“To me music has always been my temple,” he concluded his statement. “Music will ALWAYS be what transcends us and myself. The studio has always been my safe haven.”

“But the ultimate goal for me is to be satisfied. I never want to be a figure of disappointment.”

He added a Boy George quote he said he felt summed it all up the best: “I’ve never felt as though I didn’t belong, I just acted as though I did.”

It’s unclear if Aaron thinks this new information will disappoint his fans or if he’s speaking more broadly about his life, but of course the majority of people won’t look down on him for this.

In fact, we feel pretty comfortable saying that each and every one of his fans would want him to do whatever it is that makes him happy — especially since he’s seemed so very, very sad lately.

Just be happy, Aaron.


Aaron Carter Comes Out as Bisexual

Aaron Carter has just come out, saying he’s bisexual.  Aaron posted a late-night tweet Saturday in which he says when he was 13, “I started to find boys and girls attractive.”   He goes on, “There were years that went by that I thought…


Friday, August 4, 2017

Michelle Carter Sentenced to Minimum of 15 Months in Prison for Encouraging Boyfriend’s Suicide

Michelle Carter, the Massachusetts native who was convicted several weeks ago of involuntary manslaughter in the 2014 suicide of her boyfriend, was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison today.

She is only expected to serve 15 months, however, as a judge declared the rest of her sentence suspended.

Moreover, Carter will not begin serving her term until her potential appeal is resolved, a judge ruled this afternoon.

Michelle Carter

Carter’s case has garnered national headlines due to its unusual nature.

While the way Carter acted toward Conrad Roy three years ago was undeniable despicable, questions have been raised over whether she ought to be held legally responsible for his death.

In July of 2014, Roy locked himself in his truck and committed suicide via carbon monoxide poisoning.

The incident took place after Carter, who was 17 years old at the time, urged Roy – through text messages and phone conversations – to take his own life.

She was even on the phone with him, encouraging the 18-year old, who had a history of mental illness, to remain his pickup truck as it filled with the deadly gas while it was parked near a store.

Altogether, it is believed Carter sent Roy over 1,000 text messages during their relationship.

carter, m

Among the most damaging were messages such as the following:

  • You always say you’re gonna do it, but you never do. I just want to make sure tonight is the real thing.

  • You just have to do it.

  • It’s painless and quick.

Authorities also discovered Carter’s written admission to a friend in which she thought back a phone call with Roy, who had exited his truck as it filled with toxic fumes.

He told her that he was frightened and didn’t want to abandon his family.

“Get back in,” Carter said she told him.

In June, Massachusetts Judge Lawrence Moniz found Carter guilty of involuntary manslaughter, describing her behavior as “reckless.”

While confirming the verdict, Moniz said that Carter instructed Roy “to get back into the truck well knowing of all of the feelings he [had] exchanged with her, his ambiguities, his fears, his concerns.”

During the case, prosecutors asked for Carter to receive between seven and 12 years in prison, while Carter’s lawyer recommended five years of supervised probation and mental health counseling.

According to court documents, Carter and Roy had been texting about death for many weeks leading up to the suicide, The Washington Post has written.

Per the newspaper, in one message, Carter (pictured below) wrote:

“You’re finally going to be happy in heaven. No more pain. It’s OK to be scared and it’s normal. I mean, you’re about to die.”


In a statement read in court prior to sentencing, Conrad’s mother, Lynn Roy, wrote the following:

“There is not one day that I do not mourn the loss of my beloved son.”

Added his father:

“Michelle Carter exploited my son’s weaknesses and used him as a pawn. How could Michelle Carter behave so viscously and encourage my son to end his life? Where was her humanity?”

In announcing today’s sentencing, Bristol County Juvenile Court Judge Lawrence Moniz said:

“This court must and has balanced between rehabilitation, the promise that rehabilitation would work and a punishment for the actions that have occurred.”


If you or someone you know is showing warning signs of suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK.

You can also text the Crisis Text Line at 741741 or seek help from a professional.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Aaron Carter Says Hi to TMZ Tour Bus, Apparently Right After Surgery

Aaron Carter was more than happy to greet fans on the TMZ Tour bus, apparently right after he went under the knife for something that is super secret. Our tour guide spotted Aaron driving around Tuesday in L.A., when he pulled over and hopped on…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Aaron Carter: I Have an Eating Disorder, Leave Me Alone!

It’s been a bit of a week for Aaron Carter, hasn’t it?

On Saturday night, he was arrested in Georgia for a DUI and drug possession, and it seems like he’s been on the verge of a breakdown ever since.

It’s actually been really, really hard to watch.

Earlier this week, Aaron did a lengthy interview with Entertainment Tonight to talk about the DUI and more — for instance, he explained that he wasn’t drunk when he was arrested.

He said that local police got a call that he was driving recklessly, but it was because the alignment was off on his car. He drove to an AutoZone to figure out the issue, and that’s where he was arrested.

It seems far-fetched, but some reports have specified that his arrest was actually for a DUI refusal, meaning that there was reason to suspect he was driving under the influence but he refused any testing.

So hey, he could be telling the truth.

Aaron also claimed that he doesn’t even drink, and that he only smokes the marijuana he was found with for anxiety and to help increase his appetite.

And speaking of his appetite …

In new excerpts from Aaron’s interview, he gets into his appearance and the alarming amount of body shaming he faces on a daily basis.

He says that the reason he’s so thin is because of a hiatal hernia, which he’s mentioned before, but that he also suffers from an eating disorder, which he calls a “stress condition.”

Just when you thought Aaron Carter’s story couldn’t get any sadder …

“I have a stress condition of an 80-year-old man,” he explains. “I am also lactose intolerant.”

He says that he weighs around 135 to 140 pounds and that he’s 5’8″, and his doctors have advised him to “avoid stress, because I can develop cancer.”

He doesn’t get into much detail about his health, but he does explain at length how all the criticism about his appearance makes him feel.

“How would you feel every two seconds, seeing a tweet, ‘You have AIDS. Go die. Oh, look at this meth head. Oh, meth kills. Crack kills,"” he asks, giving an example of the messages he receives.

“It’s body shaming and it’s the toughest thing to deal with.”

“I am not a meth head,” he adds. “I have never touched it in my life.”

He even shows off his teeth and his skin as proof, and he’s right — he doesn’t look like he’s on meth.

He just looks very, very thin.

The poor guy says it “hurts so bad” to even look in a mirror these days, because “there’s nothing I can do about it.”

He’s so insecure about his appearance that he gets fillers in his face, just to plump things up a little bit.

When asked what he would say to his haters if he could, he broke down in tears, crying “I’m sorry. I am sorry for the way that I look.”

Thankfully, Aaron says that he’s going to a training camp soon, and that he hopes to get healthier there — and he asked people to “Give me a break so I can look better, so I can eat.”

He even says that a lot of men have been reaching out to him to thank him for opening up about his issues with weight, because with celebrities, it’s usually just women who talk about body image.

“The difference,” he theorizes, “is men are a lot more prideful. We don’t want to admit it. I don’t want to admit I don’t look good.”

But it does seem like he’s on the right track now.


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Aaron Carter Breaks Down, Insists: I Don"t Drink!

Aaron Carter is having a difficult 2017.

The singer endorsed Donald Trump in semi-crazy fashion a few months ago… then his dad passed away… then he ended up in the hospital… then he got arrested for DUI and drug possession.

In response to the latter incident, Carter sat down this week for an interview with Entertainment Tonight, pleading innocent, making bold statements and breaking down in tears.

“Basically, I’ve been listening to America and Stevie Wonder and the O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack,” Carter told Jennifer Peros about how he’s been coping in the days since he was taken into custody.

The artist says he hasn’t been able to sleep at all since Saturday night.

As previously reported, Carter was arrested over the weekend on charges of DUI refusal, possession of marijuana less than one ounce and possession of drug related objects.

“I do not drink alcohol at all,” he says of the drunk driving charge, clarifying a bit and adding: I’ll occasionally have a sip of beer or something like that, but I can’t even drink IPAs.”

So, what happened? How did he end up getting charged with a DUI?

“Somebody said I was driving recklessly on the road, that’s what the police report said, but the alignment was off on my car, so I went to AutoZone to see if I could do anything about it,” Carter explains to ET.

“A motorcyclist reported that I was swerving all over the road, but the alignment was off a little bit on the new tire.”

According to the police report, Carter was arrested while at an AutoZone.

He claims the arresting officer never even saw him behind the wheel; he simply responded to the 911 call about his driving and everything snowballed from there.

Carter says he told the cop that a small amount of pot was in his car, but insists the last time he had smoked was nine hours before the arrest.

He says he smokes marijuana for his anxiety, chronic pain and to increase his appetite.

“I am willing to do a polygraph test,” Carter says in this interview. “I take Xanax, Propranolol for high blood pressure medication, and I took oxycodones for my mouth.”

But that’s it, he adds. No illicit substances.

In the wake of his arrest, some critics and even some fans out there have been saying that Carter needs professional help.

They assume he’s a drug addict or has a drinking problem.

But he has a message for these people:

“I don’t need help. What I need is for people to understand that I’m human and I make mistakes just like every other human in this world, but I would never risk my life or my girlfriend’s life.

“I do not drink. Hire a polygraph person, a professional. Strap me up.”

Carter had earlier sent this same message to his very own brother.

“I love u no matter what & if u feel the need to reach for help, I am here and willing to help you get better,” Nick Carter Tweeted after his sibling’s arrest, adding:

“Family isn’t always easy, but we’re all here for you.”

Aaron was NOT having this, however.

Almost immediately after the Tweet went live, he fired back as follows:

If my own blood (Nick) truly cared about my well-being, why wouldn’t he call me directly and have a conversation instead of making this about him through a very public forum?

That’s not cool at all to use me for this PR and kick me out while I am down. I love my family despite it through thick and thin.


Aaron Carter 911 Caller Saw Him Drive Past Cops, "Looks Like He Is On Something"

Aaron Carter was opening his door while driving and swerving all over the road — until he drove right past a parked cop … according to an extremely worried 911 caller. In the audio obtained by TMZ, the caller says he’d been following the…


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Rumi and Sir Carter: What Do Their Birth Certificates Reveal?

Beyonce and Jay Z are the parents to a brand new baby boy and baby girl.

Perhaps you’ve heard.

Perhaps you’ve also heard their unique names: Rumi and Sir Carter, as confirmed by the artist herself in a memorable Instagram post just a few days ago.

Other than this first name confirmation, neither Beyonce nor Jay Z has said much of anything about their kids.

According to various celebrity gossip outlets, the superstars are caring for the kids in a rented mansion and are making every effort to avoid the spotlight for the time being.

They don’t want to expose little Rumi or little Sir to the glare of the Hollywood spotlight at such a young age and we don’t blame them one bit.

However, TMZ has obtained the birth certificate for the twins and it does reveal some new information about each/

For example:

Rumi is the oldest. She was born about a minute before her brother, at 5:13 a.m. on June 13.

(This means the Carter twins share a birthday with another set of twins: the Olsen twins, Mary-Kate and Ashley. How fun!)

This official document also states that Dr. Paul Crane delivered the babies, which is only of note because he also delivered Kim Kardashian’s two kids… Kourtney Kardashian’s three kids… AND Black Chyna’s daughter.

We wonder whether Kanye West recommended Crane to his good pal, Jay Z.

(Or his former good pal, that is, prior to their shocking falling out.)

Meanwhile, Beyonce and Jay Z’s first child, has three names. She is called Blue Ivy Carter.

This isn’t the case for Rumi and Sir, though. They are simply Rumi Carter and Sir Carter. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Those are all the interesting pieces of information revealed via the birth certificates.

An earlier E! News report, however, took us inside the new, exciting and sleep-deprived world of the kids’ parents.

Insiders tell the website that Beyonce is in good health. She’s eating well and keeping herself active, although she isn’t doing any over-the-top workouts at the moment.

Due to her C-section, it may be a long time before she can truly break a sweat once again.

As for the tension between Bey and Jay? Yes, it existed for awhile. It was real. The latter has basically admitted the cheating on the former.

But the stars are fully committed to both their marriage and to their three children. They are all about co-parenting, are getting along well and obviously have no plans to divorce.

Finally… what about Blue?

It can be challenging for a toddler to be thrust into the role of older sibling.

There are new responsibilities for her and the adjustment of no longer being the center of attention.

Thankfully, this E! report says Blue is helping her parents as best she can when it comes to Rumi and Sir, changing their diapers, giving them a bath and generally embracing the role of young role model.

How adorable, right?!?

We’ll give this famous family all the privacy it wants during this special time.

But we hope Beyonce and Jay Z know how much we are thinking of them and wishing them well.
