Showing posts with label Chelsea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chelsea. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Chelsea Houska: Baby Name & First Photo Revealed!

It’s been an exciting week for Teen Mom 2 fans.

Just yesterday Jenelle Evans gave birth to her third child, a daughter named Ensley Jolie.

Today, Chelsea Houska welcomed her second child, and she’s giving Jenelle a run for her money in the unique name department.

Chelsea kept the name a secret throughout her pregnancy, but she did reveal that while based on a common last name, it was one that she’d “never heard before” as a first name.

Now we know she was speaking the truth.

Just moments after informing fans that she and Cole DeBoer had welcomed their first son into the world, Chelsea revealed that his name is Watson.

Yes, Watson DeBoer.

It sounds like innocuous-seeming butler who turns out to be a total badass in the climax of a James Bond movie.

For a middle name, the DeBoers kept it simple and went with Cole.

All-around, it’s a cool name, but not one of those names that’s so cool, that the kid is gonna have to spend his life living up to it, ya know?

Chelsea made the announcement along with an Instagram post of the first real photo of lil WCD:

Cute kid, but even though he’ll likely inherit his parents’ good looks, his greatest advantage in life won’t be genetic.

Chelsea and Cole got married back in October, and they’ve quickly developed into the most stable couple in the Teen Mom franchise.

Clearly, Chelsea learned a lot of valuable lessons from her disastrous relationship with Adam Lind, father of her daughter Aubree.

Where Adam was selfish, irresponsible, verbally abusive, and generally toxic, Cole is attentive, devoted, compassionate, and reliable.

It’s not hard to see why Chelsea’s story has provided so much hope to so many Teen Mom 2 fans.

Throughout her pregnancy, Chelsea has gushed about her supportive her husband and daughter have been:

“Cole and Aubree are so excited,” she told Radar Online in a recent interview.

“Literally, I have hands on my belly at all times. They’re helping get his room together. Cole built the crib. They’ve both been really involved.”

Sounds like Watson is entering a mighty fine home.

Congrats to the DeBoer family.


Chelsea Houska Gives Birth to Second Child!!

Teen Mom 2 star Chelsea Houska is a mother again! She just welcomed her second child, and her first with her husband Cole DeBoer.

Give it up for the Housk and family!

The child, a boy, made his precious Instagram debut moments ago, if only in part, in the above photo of his tiny hand holding hers.

“Welcome to the world, sweet boy,” the 25-year-old, who is already a mother to daughter Aubree, 7, captioned the touching picture.

No word yet on Chelsea Houska’s baby name, though we’ve been told it’s not one we’ve ever heard before, and that it’s a last name.

As in, they opted for an original baby boy name that you might normally associate with somebody’s surname, rather than a first name.

We’re guessing “Lind” was not the pick.

In any case, we don’t know the name yet, but should find out in due time as the duo joyous road to marriage and parenthood continues.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know how over the moon they’ve been with this pregnancy, and one another, throughout the year.

In announcing the pregnancy, Chelsea did so in adorable fashion with a photo of Aubree holding a sonogram attached to a wood cutout.

While she and DeBoer held hands in the background, the little girl’s joy at becoming a big sister was guaranteed to touch all of our hearts.

Houska also took to her personal website to expand on her new baby news, telling her fans, “We are beyond excited for this journey.”

“[We] can’t wait to share it with you all! Big sister Aubree is also extremely excited and it’s no secret that she is hoping for a girl haha.”

In that respect, Aubree did not get her wish …

Chelsea later revealed that they were adding a baby boy to their family with another, even more adorable family photo (above).

A little pair of jeans, a flannel onesie, a knitted hat and a pair of sneakers on a clothesline? Oh yes, they’re having a mini-Cole!

“It’s aaaaaaa….. BOY!,” she captioned the photo.

“Can’t wait to add a little man to our crazy crew!”

“Cole is the PROUDEST man I have ever seen, and cannot wait to have his son. He’s already planning his future hunting and fishing trips, haha!”

As for the pregnancy, it wasn’t always easy – it never is, as any woman knows – but it was also eventful in the best way. Chelsea said:

“This little dude is constantly kicking and rolling around, and both his daddy and sister always have their hands on my belly to feel him.”

Houska and De Boer met 2014 and he quickly made an appearance on Teen Mom 2, where their romance grew and fans fell for him too.

Not long after, Cole moved in with Houska and Aubree, before asking her (and, adorably, the little girl) to marry him in November 2015.

“Cole brought me to a personal spot in the woods where he had photos lining the tree,” she told MTV of her man’s storybook proposal.

“The pictures hanging were of him and I and the three of us as a family,” the reality star said, and the rest, as they say, is history.

“He’s stuck now!” she captioned an image that showed her flashing her engagement ring alongside her new fiance two autumns ago.

That he is, and he couldn’t be happier about it.

They couple tied the knot October 1, 2016.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Chelsea Handler Shames, Bullies Melania Trump Over English

Chelsea Handler insulted Melania Trump … and it’s backfiring. Chelsea says she wouldn’t interview the First Lady because “she can barely speak English.” Handler failed to mention Melania speaks 5 languages … French, Italian, German,…


Monday, January 23, 2017

Chelsea Houska: Help Me Get Skinny!

Chelsea Houska is gearing up to give birth to her second child, but she’s already wondering about what she’ll do in order to shift the baby weight. 

It’s definitely one of the more common things women think about after giving birth. 

The Teen Mom 2 star took to Twitter because she had no idea how to go about it and commented that she was curious how some people do it. 

Chelsea Baby Weight Tweet 1

Her first tweet found the reality TV star questioning how some people manage to look super skinny following the birth of their little bundle of joy.

“What is this thing thats happening with my friends where they r actually SKINNIER after having a baby? And how can I make this happen to me,” Chelsea wrote. 

While shifting the baby weight may seem like an easy task for some, but everyone is different and some mothers struggle to find a way to slim down in a short period of time. 

Chelsea went as far as questioning whether there was some big secret to weight loss that nobody was telling her about. 

Chelsea Baby Weight Tweet 2

Clearly joking, Houska then demanded an answer about it, but all she got was a whole lot of fans giving her tips. 

Chelsea Baby Weight Tweet 3

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you will know that Chelsea has been preparing for her wedding to Cole DeBoer. 

The pair tied the knot in October, 2016. 

Throughout her time in the spotlight, Chelsea has cemented herself as one of the most down to earth reality TV stars out there. 

She constantly keeps her fans up to speed with the latest developments in her life, so it probably comes as no surprise that she would turn to them for tips on weight loss. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Judge Judy says Obama"s Chelsea Manning Decision "Not Wise" (VIDEO)

Judge Judy thinks President Obama made a bad decision by cutting Chelsea Manning a break. We got Her Honor Wednesday night leaving Craig’s in WeHo and asked about the prez cutting short Chelsea’s 35 year prison sentence for leaking…


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

President Obama Commutes Chelsea Manning"s Sentence

President Obama just commuted Chelsea Manning’s sentence and she will be freed in May … the White House announced Tuesday. Chelsea Manning — a former Army intelligence officer who leaked classified information to WikiLeaks — was convicted back…


Chelsea Handler on Donald Trump as President: Blame the Kardashians!

Donald Trump is not exactly the most popular figure in Hollywood.

But few celebrities have been as openly disdainful and distrusting of the President-Elect as Chelsea Handler.

The comedian cried on air after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton on November 8.

She then seriously considered moving to Spain, prior to staying put and deciding to use her talk show as a platform to talk about politics and the state of this country.

Handler also plans to lead the Women’s March at the Sundance Film Festival on January 21.

Just days away from Trump being inaugurated as President, Handler spoke to Variety from her home in New York City, responding to a question about the real estate mogul’s victory with a surprising answer.

Does she blame a poorly-run Clinton campaign for the stunning Trump win?

Frustrated white workers in states such as Florida and Michigan?

Trump’s message on jobs?

Nope, nope and nope. 

Handler blames Kim Kardashian. And Khloe Kardashian. And Kourtney Kardashian. And probably Kylie Jenner, too.

After blaming the media for treating Trump like an “entertainer” instead of a politician, Handler explained her viewpoint thusly:

“We’ve turned into a reality show. I blame the Kardashians, personally; the beginning of the end was the Kardashians. The way these people have blown up and don’t go away – it’s surreal.”

There’s certainly something to be said for the Kardashians representing a new age of social media and celebrity, one in which one can basically “do” nothing and still be rich and famous.

But Trump did a lot during his campaign for the Presidency.

He didn’t just pose for racy Instagram photos… thank goodness.

“Everyone is for sale. We’re looking at a man that gets mad at Vanity Fair for reviewing his restaurant poorly,” Handler expounded to Vanity Fair, adding:

“By the way, have you ever been to that restaurant? It’s the biggest piece of garbage you’ve ever walked into. That place looks like a Southwest airport lounge. It’s the worst.”

In all seriousness, though, Handler is concerned about the future of our country.

“The idea that so many people were so wrong about the outcome is so screwed up,” Chelsea says.

“The fact that Russia is interfering with our election is beyond repair. How do we ever recover from that? What’s to prevent them from doing it for the rest of our lives?”

Elsewhere in the interview, Handler refers to Trump as a “sociopath,” says Kanye West “needs to get on his meds” and says of her role as a celebrity:

“[It’s] to reach across and figure out the people who are so disenchanted that they voted for him, and try to find some common ground.”

Sounds like a tall order.

And it may say something about the state of… well… everything that we’re partially turning to Chelsea Handler to help fill it.

Keep fighting the good fight, though, Chelsea. We’re on your side.


Friday, January 6, 2017

Chelsea Houska Reveals the Best Part of Her Wedding

Back in October, Chelsea Houska married Cole DeBoer in a small, relatively private ceremony in the couple’s native South Dakota.

The reception wasn’t crashed by Teen Mom 2 obsessives, which is somewhat surprising given how beloved Chelsea and Cole are amongst the show’s fans.

Chelsea attracted a loyal following of her own before Cole came along, but now that she’s one half of what is arguably the franchise’s most well-liked couple, her popularity has skyrocketed.

The Chelsea and Cole relationship is bigger than the two reality stars as individuals.

For many TM2 fans, the Houska-DeBoer wedding was proof that dreams come true and happy endings are possible.

That may sound melodramatic (and it absolutely is) but this is a show with “teen” in the title, and in fairness, viewers did watch Houska put up with a Herculean quantity of BS in the years before she met Cole.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that Chelsea may have the dubious distinction of having gotten knocked up by the absolute worst baby daddy in the show’s history.

Fortunately, after years of Adam Lind getting arrested for everything from assault to failure to pay child support, Chelsea has put him well and truly in her rearview.

Best of all, she didn’t endure those years of suffering for nothing.

Chelsea’s daughter may be the most well-adjusted of all the Teen Mom offspring, and it’s no surprise that when Chelsea reflects on her wedding, she does so with love not only for her husband, but for little Aubree as well:

“Even though I’m marrying Cole, it’s such a big moment for [Aubree] also, because she hasn’t had the best experience with her dad,” Houska recently told MTV News when asked about the most memorable part of her wedding.

“Her being able to have her own dress and feel beautiful and get ready for this day just as much as I am was really amazing.”

These days, Chelsea is pregnant with her second child, and she says Cole has been essential in helping her to cope with the stresses of raising one child while preparing for the arrival of another.

“Cole has been wonderful — he’s really laid-back, and I get anxiety really easily,” Chelsea says.

“So he’s been amazing. And I had a wedding planner, so she took a lot of the stress out of it.”

Who would have guessed that someone on a reality show best known for the trainwreck lives of its stars would go on to provide so many with #RelationshipGoals?


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Chelsea Houska: It"s Not My Fault Adam Lind is a Bad Father!

It’s a good thing Chelsea Houska has so many good things in her life.

Otherwise, she might have literally imploded from the knowledge that she once dated a douchebag like Adam Lind, and that she’s connected to him for life.

If she didn’t have her adorable and loving husband, Cole DeBoer, her darling daughter, Aubree, and that precious baby boy on the way … well, we don’t really want to think about it.

Adam Lind is just a whirlwind of grossness and garbage and shame, isn’t he?

And though he’s said many times that he’s quit Teen Mom 2 because they’ve been so mean to him by showing footage of him being an absent father, he’s still torturing us with his presence.

Will the horrors never cease?!

For this latest bit of nonsense, we’ll be touching on Adam’s appearance on Monday’s brand new episode of the show, specifically the bit where he complained yet again about how he’s portrayed.

On the show, Adam wouldn’t let the MTV crew in his house to film because the poor little dear was napping.

When he finally let them inside, he got right into some complaining, because, bless his heart, they never show him being Father of the Year to little Aubree.

The producers argued that he never lets them know when he does things with Aubree, so how could they film it?

A logical argument, sure, but Adam’s not about logic. His stance was that Chelsea should be the one to tell them, or that they should somehow know all on their own.

Does it make sense? No.

But hey, that’s Adam.

Luckily, Chelsea was able to find the humor in the mess that is this dude, because after the show aired, she tweeted about it.

“Wait…..” she wrote. “How would I inform MTV that he is going to do something, if I have absolutely no idea he’s doing it…? Um….”

“I’m suppose to tell them,” she continued, “even tho I would have no idea he’s doing it. Also, that’s the 1 time he’s been there for something.”

Chelsea’s father, the supremely lovable Randy Houska, also got in on the Adam-bashing, tweeting “How in the hell would @ChelseaHouska know if he went to something?”

When some unreasonable Twitter users pressed him, saying that Chelsea knows when Aubree is with Adam, Randy pointed out that it’s “not her job to call MTV.”

And obviously, it’s really, really not

Chelsea doesn’t owe Adam anything, and really, Adam shouldn’t even be worried about how he looks on television.

He should be worried about, oh, let’s see … maybe being a good parent for the sake of his kids?


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Chelsea Houska Opens Up About Baby Name: It"s One We"ve Never Heard Before!

When we think of the Teen Mom franchise, we often think of the attention-grabbing trainwrecks like Jenelle Evans and Farrah Abraham.

But we like to think it’s the more stable, less psychotic moms who have kept fans coming back all these years.

At the moment, it’s hard to think of a more beloved TM couple than Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer.

Chelsea and Cole got married back in October, and their first child together is due in February.

There’s been the usual amount of fan scrutiny surrounding Chelsea’s pregnancy, but for the most part, and for the most part, Chelsea has been game to offer regular social media updates to her many fans.

We know the baby’s gender (It’s a boy!); we’ve seen Chelsea’s baby bump photos, and we even know the exact due date (February 14).

But there’s one detail Chelsea refuses to divulge:

Fans have been clamoring for the kid’s name, but the Housk won’t go any further than revealing that it’s something truly original.

“We do have a name picked out but we’re not going to announce it until he’s born but yeah, it’s been pretty funny to see the names people come up with,” Chelsea WetPaint during a recent interview.

She added that she’s had a good laugh at fans’ attempts to try and guess the mysterious moniker: 

“Cole Jr., Randall – that’s not even my dad’s name, it’s Randy, it’s not Randall!”

Chelsea has no problem offering fans a couple hints, but she seems confident that no one will guess her future bundle of joy’s name ahead of the big day:

“Last names as first names are my favorite!” Chelsea wrote on Twitter. 

“The name we picked is actually a fairly common last name that we’ve seen but rarely [heard as] a first name…We want something that we don’t hear much.”

She stated on Twitter that she and Cole both love the name they’ve chosen, but the selection process wasn’t always smooth sailing.

She revealed that at one point, she was pushing for the name Knox, but Cole was having none of it.


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Chelsea Houska: See Her Tell Aubree She"s Becoming a Big Sister!

We"ve known for a good long while now that Chelsea Houska, the best Teen Mom out of all the Teen Moms, is pregnant with her second child.

She announced in July that she and her massively adorable boyfriend (now husband!!!), Cole DeBoer, were expecting their first kid together, and we couldn"t be more excited about a total stranger"s pregnancy.

(Oh, and hey, it feels important to note that while this new kid will be Cole"s first biological child, he"s made it clear that he considers himself a father to Chelsea"s older daughter, Aubree, too.)

In the months since, we"ve learned that the new baby will be a little boy, and that he"s due to enter the world on Valentine"s Day, February 14th.

We"ve kept up with Chelsea"s growing bump, we"ve seen all the photos from her baby shower, and it"s all been just grand.

But next Monday, on January 2nd, the new season of Teen Mom 2 premieres.

And we will get to see so much more of this magical journey.

Right now, we"ve got a brand new clip from the show, and if the rest of Chelsea"s role in this season is anything like this, it"s going to be painfully cute.

In the clip, Chelsea and Cole sit Aubree down to tell her all about the pregnancy — and about her upcoming role as a big sister!

See the seriously sweet video below:

Chelsea houska see her tell aubree shes becoming a big sister

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Chelsea Houska: Will We See Her Giving Birth on Teen Mom 2?!

Chelsea Houska, the greatest Teen Mom of them all, has about two months to go until she gives birth to her second child — her first with her precious new husband, Cole DeBoer.

And even though we don’t know her, and even though we will never meet her or the baby or have anything to do with them … well, it’s just exciting, isn’t it?

Chelsea’s due date is on Valentine’s Day, February 14th, and she and Cole are expecting a little boy.

But will she allow MTV cameras to film the actual birth for Teen Mom 2?

Will we see any footage from her labor? Or maybe from right after the baby is born?

Will we get anything?!

Chelsea answers all these desperate questions and more in this new interview she did with Wetpaint … and boy, are you in for a surprise!

But let’s start off light: for instance, did you know that this new season, the one with the pregnancy and the wedding, is Chelsea’s favorite so far?

“It’s more focused on Cole and myself and my family,” she explains, “and not so much drama. It’s my favorite.”

By “not so much drama,” we’re guessing she means “not so much Adam Lind.” And that’s more than fair.

But if you live for drama — welcome to the family!!! — don’t worry, because Chelsea adds “I’m sure there’s some Adam drama mixed in, it’s always there.”

She says that she “cannot even remember the last time I spoke to him,” but that this new season will feature some of their ongoing issues surrounding the child support he’s supposed to be giving her for Aubree.

About that, Chelsea says “I mean, he hasn’t changed, so … nothing’s improved.”

And speaking of how Adam hasn’t changed, Chelsea says that even though Adam’s claimed that he’s done with the show, that’s probably not totally true.

“I feel like he might not film for a while and then kinda be like, ‘oh sh-t, I better do something,"” she theorizes.

“I think it bothers him when he’s not able to say his side or whatever. Who knows?”

Then Chelsea proves that she’s just like us with “I would love it if he quit the show. That would make me so happy. We could only wait and see.”

But enough about Adam and his awfulness and irresponsibility and jackassery … let’s hear about the new baby!

She was asked about why she’s been sharing so much about her pregnancy when she’s been super private about her October wedding with Cole, and she adorably answered, “I just feel like I’m so excited.”

She clarifies “I mean, I was excited about the wedding, too, but it’s nice for people to relate who are going through pregnancy at the same time. It’s nice to share how I’m feeling.”

Unfortunately, Chelsea’s desire to share her feelings don’t extend to sharing actual footage on national television.

She says that there were no camera’s “at doctor’s appointments or anything,” but “they’re at the baby shower for a while.”

And that’s because “This is Cole’s firstborn baby and he didn’t sign up for this show so I just want him to be able to have his moments to himself and not have to feel like he has to share them with anybody.”

“So it’s a hard line that I’m trying to balance right now.”

And sadly, there will “for sure” be no cameras in the delivery room.

She had to try to balance that same line with her wedding — she says that MTV filmed a lot of wedding planning and the preparation right before the wedding, but “just not the actual ceremony.”

Next October, around their first anniversary, Chelsea and Cole plan on having a big reception with more friends and family present. No word on whether or not she’ll allow cameras at that one!

But even though it may hurt that Chelsea won’t share so much of her life with us anymore, she’s not some cold, unfeeling robot.

When asked whether or not she plans on sharing photos of her new baby once he’s born, she says “I don’t know, I feel like I’m not going to be able to wait because I’m going to be so excited and just want everyone to see him!”

Poor, adorable Chelsea adds that she’s “still really nervous!” about having a boy, but says that she has talked to Teen Mom bestie Kailyn Lowry about what it’s like.

And, to end things on a seriously cute note, Chelsea throws in the fact that little Aubree is still super in love with Cole.

“He’s way cooler than me to her!” she laughs.

Oh, Chelsea. Oh, Cole, Aubree, and future baby. Never change.


Monday, December 19, 2016

Chelsea Houska: I"m Scared About Having Another Baby!

Chelsea Houska has changed a lot over the years and she has now revealed that the prospect of having another baby is pretty daunting. 

Chelsea is currently pregnant with her second child, but she has made it clear that she is much more grown up now than she was when she gave birth to Aubree in 2009. 

“This time I’m more paranoid,” she told Radar.

“Before I was really young so I felt like I knew everything, which was ridiculous. But now I know so much and I’ve been researching everything and I’m just paranoid. I’m nervous. It’s been a really long time since I’ve had a baby.”

There is also a huge chance she was too busy enjoying the break from Adam Lind while she was in the hospital giving birth to Aubree. 

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you’ll know that Lind is not a good father by any stretch of the imagination. He’s constantly in the media for all the wrong reasons.

This time, Houska has Cole DeBoer and Aubree to support her through the pregnancy and it’s pretty clear she’s excited about the support she has. 

“Cole and Aubree are so excited,” she said.

“Literally, I have hands on my belly at all times. They’re helping get his room together. Cole built the crib. They’ve both been really involved.”

Since meeting Cole at a gas station a few years back, the pair have had a whirlwind romance that has been widely publicized. He actually seems like a really nice guy and he makes Chelsea very happy, so who are we to judge?

The pair were married in October, but fans thought they were going to be in for a longer wait for the marriage after Chelsea made some comments about waiting until the baby was born. 

The wedding will be documented on Teen Mom 2 Season 8, which debuts Monday, January 2 on MTV.

What do you think about Chelsea being more nervous this time round?

Sound off below!


Friday, December 16, 2016

Chelsea Houska to Farrah Abraham: Keep Hating, It"s Cool!

Chelsea Houska is the latest Teen Mom cast member to be dragged by Farrah Abraham, but she’s not going to engage on that level.

When Farrah goes low, Chelsea goes high. Or something.

If you missed it, Farrah dissed Chelsea and Kailyn Lowry after her infamous, physical Teen Mom OG reunion fight with Amber Portwood.

Without any logic behind it, and for no reason at all.

In explaining why she’s just better than the rest of the Teen Mom gang, Farrah alleged that Kailyn and Chelsea got pregnant to stay relevant.

Never mind that Houska and Lowry are, or were, married to the father of their second kid, and already on a popular reality show then.

While Houska responded to Abraham’s shade, she didn’t address it beyond acknowledging that Lowry – who was more vocal – clued her in.

Now she’s taking on Farrah directly … but still nicely.

“I don’t let her brother me,” Houska, 25, said.

“Everyone is different, and not everyone likes everybody. I don’t think she likes us and that’s fine,” she added of Farrah, also 25.

Chelsea and Cole De Boer married this fall and are expecting their first child – her second – sometime in the next month or so.

Abraham’s exact quote, we kid not, was this gem: “It’s sad to me that these women who I meet/see, so eager to be famous.”

“I’m not okay with seeing women who are getting pregnant worried about being famous like Chelsea Houska, Kailyn Lowry.” 

Lowry did not take kindly to that comment.

“Do you ever have anything nice to say about anyone?” Lowry tweeted, as Abraham responded by doubling down and calling her a pawn: 

“Yes real people who aren’t fake puppets of @mjfree production company. Thanks for asking sweetie hope you stay out of the drama.”

Lowry then responded to that one, “Hard to stay out of it when you bring my name into interviews and say I got pregnant to stay relevant.”

She raises a valid point, doesn’t she?

At the reunion special, Amber Portwood took a swing at Farrah after the latter commented that Matt Baier “probably looks like” a pedophile.

Behind it all was the ultimate online troll, Simon Saran; Farrah’s on-off boyfriend seemed to delight in instigating this drama, and watching.

In vintage Farrah fashion, Abraham didn’t take responsibility, instead saying, “I’m over all the other Teen Moms and I’m bored with their antics.”

In that respect, she and Chelsea really are on the same page … only one of them actually behaves in a way that supports such a statement.

As her father Randy – a small-town dentist trying to live a normal life, but who hilariously offers some of the best Teen Mom tweets – said:

“#hilarious I wonder exactly which TM would do ANYTHING to be famous … Chelsea flies so far under the radar, @MTV forgets about her #teenmom2”



Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Chelsea Houska: See Photos from Her ADORABLE Baby Shower!

You know that thing where Chelsea Houska is the best Teen Mom out of all the Teen Moms?

Of course you do — it"s one of the top five most important Teen Mom facts!

(The other four are just about how terrible Farrah Abraham and Jenelle Evans are.)

Chelsea is wonderful, her husband, Cole DeBoer, is wonderful, and the two of them are expecting a baby come February, and that baby will obviously be wonderful, too.

And to celebrate all that, Chelsea"s family threw her possibly the cutest baby shower that ever happened. Since Chelsea is the greatest, she documented the whole thing on Snapchat.

Check out the precious pics here!

1. A Celebratory Selfie!

A celebratory selfie

Seriously, does any important occasion even exist if you don’t make a kissy face and take a selfie at it? Because we’re thinking the answer is “no.”

2. Proud Mom!

Proud mom

Guys, just look at how excited Chelsea’s mother, Mary, is to be here. We could only hope to be this excited for anything.

3. Cutest Couple Ever? Probably.

Cutest couple ever probably

Yeah, you better know that when Chelsea has a baby shower, all genders are invited. And thank goodness — doesn’t seeing this girl with her man just warm your heart?

4. And So … Proud Father!

And so proud father

Yes, it wasn’t just Chelsea’s mother that was ready to have a good, baby-themed time. Her father, Randy, was excited AF too.

5. Also Friends!

Also friends

Also in attendance were some of Chelsea’s closest friends. But, more notably, check out that bump!

6. Speaking of the Bump …

Speaking of the bump

A BUMP SELFIE!!! And not only that, a bump selfie featuring someone with a big ol’ camera … so we’re going to see the shower on Teen Mom 2?!

View Slideshow

Friday, December 9, 2016

Oakland Fire -- Chelsea Handler Gives Big for Relief ... Lena Dunham Chips in Too

The Oakland fire relief effort is flush with Hollywood celebs like Chelsea Handler, NFL coaches and tech companies all sending dough. We found out Chelsea donated $ 5,000 Tuesday to an online relief fund. Lena Dunham also pitched in $ 500. Their…


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Chelsea Houska Jumps Into Farrah Abraham vs. Kailyn Lowry Feud

In a recent interview, Farrah Abraham bafflingly accused Kailyn Lowry and Chelsea Houska of getting pregnant just to boost their public profiles and become more famous.

Kailyn responded to the comment, pointing out that both she and Chelsea got pregnant with their second children when they were in their twenties, in committed relationships – and already starring on a reality show.

Farrah doesn’t “do” facts and logic, so instead of replying with a reasonable counter-argument, she went on a Twitter tirade in which she called Kailyn a “puppet” of the company that produces Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2.

In the early stages of the feud, Chelsea Houska remained silent.

Last night, she acknowledged it for the first time, but in keeping with her reputation as the most emotionally stable mom in the franchise, Chelsea stopped short of jumping into the fray and indulging in some Farrah-bashing of her own.

Asked on Twitter if she had seen what Farrah was saying, Chelsea replied simply:

“Kail just showed me hahaha.” 

Obviously, the laugh is in reference to the absurdity of Farrah’s comments, but its worth noting that Chelsea refrained from taking any real jabs of her own.

Her father, Randy Houska, however, was not quite as forgiving.

Randy has a reputation for rushing to his daughter’s defense, and it seems her latest dust-up has definitely caught his attention”

“#hilarious I wonder exactly which TM would do ANYTHING to be famous,” Randy tweeted yesterday.

“Chelsea flies so far under the radar, @MTV forgets about her #teenmom2”

Farrah’s been uncharacteristically quiet on social media the past 24 hours, perhaps finally sensing that she’s badly outnumbered and outwitted.

Or maybe she’s just spent an entire day composing the ultimate take-down tweet.

We’re sure we’ll find out soon enough.

Based on her recent descriptions of her co-stars as “stooges,” whom she’d like to “slug,” we’re guessing Farrah won’t be reversing her opinion of her co-stars any time soon.

Farrah endorsed Donald Trump for president during the 2016 campaign, and it seems she’s taken a page from her political idol’s book when it comes to social media beefs:

Never surrender, no matter how insanely petty the feud, or how massive the waste of your time.

Watch Teen Mom online to remind yourself of just how absurd a human being Farrah really is.


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Chelsea Houska Reveals Due Date, Shares Pregnancy Pics

Back in July, we learned that Chelsea Houska is pregnant with her second child.

Like all stars of the Teen Mom franchise, Chelsea interacts with fans and shares frequent updates about her personal life on social media, but details about her pregnancy have been relatively scarce.

Yesterday, however, the fan favorite offered her biggest reveals to date, sharing not only her due date, but also a number of photos of her growing baby bump.

Chelsea posted the pic above on Snapchat this week, along with a caption containing some very encouraging news:

“Had a healthy check in today! Baby boy is over 3 lbs!”

We assume she meant “check up” but we’re not here to quibble.

We’re just happy Chelsea is getting all positive updates about her forthcoming bundle of joy.

Chelsea also revealed that she has just ten weeks remaining in her pregnancy, which put her due date some time in late February.

With her signature sense of humor, Chelsea also revealed that she’s already begin planning for the delivery:

“Making a list of things I need to get/pack for my hospital bag…adult diapers was #5 on that list.”

The girl speaks from experience.

It’ll be Chelsea’s second child, but her first with new husband Cole DeBoer.

Chelsea and Cole got married in October, but he’s been a favorite of viewers for quite some time.

He’s been helped in that regard by how sharply contrasts with Chelsea’s first baby daddy, Adam Lind, who’s widely considered one of the worst baby daddies in the Teen Mom franchise.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that falling to the bottom of that list is no easy feat.

Chelsea revealed that she’s expecting a boy last month, but she’s been tight-lipped about potential names.

Chelsea offers a refreshing change of pace in that fans are interested in her life not because they’re eager to see how she’ll mess up next (a la Jenelle, Farrah, etc.), but because they’re excited to see her happy.

If anyone deserves to be loved and content, it’s Chelsea.
