Showing posts with label Children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Children. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Dad Makes Children Sign Detailed Dog Contract

They say that a dog is Man’s Best Man.

But only under certain conditions.

dog and contract

Isn’t that right, rjohnstone13?

A reddit user who goes by this name has shared a photo online of a contract he made his kids sign prior to the family bringing home a new four-legged friend.

It hits on all the important points, ensuring that the responsibility for the canine does not get forgotten about by the kids within days of him joining his new pack.

For instance:

The first couple points cover poop.

The next couple deal with the animal’s size and propensity to shed.

Then there’s the matter of scratching and the topic of baths and the vital point that a “dog is a dog.” All parties must agree to this.

Seriously, dogs are awesome. But they are not people.

Here. Click on the following photo to see the dog contract in full:

rjohnstone13 then went ahead and shared an update on social media, after his initial post went viral.

Turns out, the contract is two years old.

Two weeks after contract was signed, we got a three-year-old white fluffy mutt from a shelter that weighs 15 lbs., was already house trained and doesn’t shed or drool. We named him Kershaw (veto power not exercised).

It’s been two years, and the kids (now ages 12, 13 and 15) have been pretty good about doing everything.

Kershaw eats dry dog food from Trader Joe’s, and so far hasn’t created any indoor messes that have required the use of harmful cleaning chemicals.

Everyone (including dad) adores the dog, which has been a fantastic addition to (though not member of) our family.

And, of course, here’s a photo of Kershaw.


Isn’t he a cute little guy? We mean… little kid.

We mean dog. He’s a cute little dog.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Kristin Cavallari Defends Children Against Body-Shamers

There’s a fine line between being a helpful, interested party…

… and being an Internet troll who picks on children and parents trying their hardest to raise them properly.

Just ask Kristin Cavallari. She’s now very familiar with this line.

Over this past holiday weekend, the former Laguna Beach star shared what seemed to be an innocent photo of her sons, Camden and Jax, at the beach.

The three-year old and the two-year were just hanging out and playing, likely with their father, Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler.

But a few social media users out there decided to turn this sweet picture into something a lot more, coming down on Cavallari’s kids for being too thin.

Yes, some critics have now taken to body-shaming infants.

“Wow. I want to like this picture but for obvious reasons I cant. Please look into feeding your babies,” one follower wrote, while another added:

“I’m not hating but that little boys back does look really skinny. I have a kid and that just looks so skinny.”

Oh, well. You have a kid? That clearly makes you an expert!

We can’t pretend to know what is going on inside Cavallari’s’s household (which is why we’d never guess and never judge), but a couple facts to consider:

She and Cutler are not lacking for money. We’re sure they buy plenty of food for their adorable children.

Also: Cavallari is one of the more outspoken breast feeding advocates in Hollywood.

Just something to consider when choosing to criticize her parenting.

Fortunately, Cavallari responded to these trolls in a far more reasonable and mature way than we would have.

“Yep. I starve my children,” she wrote sarcastically, adding:

“Just blocked the most people I’ve ever blocked in my entire life. Happy 4th hahaha.”

Well played, Kristin. Way to ignore the haters.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Robert Kardashian: Did He Father Even More Love Children?

Khloe, Kourtney, Kim and Robert Kardashian Jr. are no strangers to paternity claims.

When Kris Jenner admitted to having an affair while married to Robert Kardashian, some claimed that Kardashian isn’t Khloe’s biological father.

To this day, Khloe has publicly refused to take a DNA test to put paternity questions to rest.

Back in 2013,OK Magazine alleged that 23-year-old Brit Emilia C. Morales claimed that Kardashian is her father, according to Radar Online. 

The tabloid printed a story about how Kardashian romanced Morales’ mother while on a business trip to London.

“This has a tinge of believability, and the girl does have the look of a Kardashian,” a source told OK! at the time.

“The family is extremely wary, because all these weirdos have been crawling out of the woodwork for years making crazy claims.

“People are always looking to cash in on them, so they’ve lost count of the number of times they’ve had to roll their eyes or defend themselves.”

Morales had to issue a statement via Twitter to shoot down any of these rumors.

“I dont need to clear up some nonsense that someone made up about me, it’s OBVIOUSLY lies I dont understand how anyone could believe this,”  Morales tweeted.

Two years later, even more offspring are coming out of the woodwork.

“Another woman from LA and a New York man are claiming to be Robert’s kids and demanding answers — it’s sent the entire family into meltdown,” a source told Radar.

‘“If it’s true, they would have been conceived after he left Kris [Jenner], but the emotional rollercoaster these claims put on the family are horrific.”

2013 was a year of doozies for the Kardashians;  Robert’s ex-wife, Ellen Pierson sold parts of his private diary to the tabloids, adding fuel to claims that Robert was not Khloe’s real dad. 

“I think the thing that most became overwhelming was when, like, the stuff happened with one of my dad’s wives,” Khloe said on an episode of her now-canceled series, Kocktails with Khloe.

“She [Ellen] wanted to come out, like, 10 years later after my dad passed away and said that I’m not his daughter and that he confided in her and blah-say-blah.”

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Woman Rants in Target: The Devil is Raping Your Children!

Just in case you were feeling too good about humanity this morning…

Video of an unnamed woman ranting and raving her way through a Target location has gone viral, with this woman clearly VERY upset of the chain’s stance on LGBT rights.

How can we be so sure? Well…

In the following clip, the woman screams at patrons and staff at a Target franchise (in an undisclosed city) that she is “disgusted” by the company’s pledge to permit transgender customers to use the restroom that best corresponds with their gender identity.

This has become a hot button topic after a North Carolina law was passed that prohibits transgender individuals from using restrooms in that state that best correspond with their gender identity.

“Target would have you believe with their Mother’s Day displays that they love mothers and children. This is a deception,” says the disgruntled woman below.

She is holding a Bible and is accompanied by what we presume to be her family.

“This is not love and they’ve proven it by opening their bathrooms to perverted men!” she yells at one point.

Target has always prided itself on being progressive.

It has tailored clothing to models who are NOT waifs in the past and it has gotten rid of sections that label toys for "Girls" or for "Boys."

Referring to herself a mother of 12 in this video, the woman warns fellow parents to “get your children out of this store” because it is a “dangerous place.”

“Are you gonna let the devil rape your children, America?" she asks, adding:

"It’s time to stand up and have a voice, instead of bowing to the homosexual, perverted agenda that’s taken over this nation."

Ever since Target stores enacted their policy of having transgender-friendly restrooms, various locations have been the… well… target of protests such as this.

Police were called to a store in Bradley, Illinois just a couple weeks ago due to reports of an active shooter. Scary stuff. 

Disturbing stuff.

Check out the latest footage now:

Transphobic woman rants in target the devil is raping your child

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Anna Duggar Defends Decision to Continue Homeschooling Children

After avoiding the spotlight for several months following the Josh Duggar sex scandals, Anna Duggar has been speaking out and sharing her thoughts on what she describes as the most difficult year of her life.

Last week, Anna broke her silence with a blog post in which she described her visits with Josh while he was in rehab.

(The post conspicuously did not address the rumors that Josh got Anna pregnant on one of those visits.)

Yesterday, Anna spoke out once again, this time in an interview for the official Duggar family’s official website.

In her latest remarks, Anna did not directly address the topic of her husband’s indiscretions, but as with everything she says these days, her comments are being interpreted in the context of Josh’s ongoing scandals.

The interview focused primarily on Anna’s decision to continue homeschooling her kids.

At one point, the mother of four revealed that despite rumors to the contrary, she has received some formal training as an educator:

“After high school, I did an online Christian college program in early child education, but what has helped me the most has been taking advice from my mom, my mother-in-law, and other homeschooling veterans,” Anna said.

“It’s great to learn from other women who are further down the road. I find women with teenage children who love the Lord or grandchildren who love the Lord, and I seek to learn from them.

“It’s also important to realize that just because something worked for one family, that doesn’t mean it’s going to work for you.”

As we said, Anna isn’t directly addressing her family’s recent legal and public relations troubles here, but she does seem to be indirectly addressing the question of whether or not she and Josh will continue to homeschool their children.

As several commenters have pointed out on the Duggars’ facebook page, both parents are currently unemployed, so they may as well stick with the program!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Kelly Rutherford Loses All Custody Rights, Can Only Visit Children in Europe

Actress Kelly Rutherford has been waging a custody battle against ex-husband Daniel Giersch for over two years now, but today, the former Gossip Girl star was dealt a crushing blow that may put an end to her campaign to have her two children returned to the US.

TMZ is reporting that the judge in Kelly’s case has granted Giersch full custody of 9-year-old Hermes and 6-year-old Helena.

While Giersch will be legally obligated to consult Rutherford on major decisions such as where the children will attend school, Kelly’s interactions with the kids will be limited to visits that must take place in either France or Monaco.

It’s an unexpectedly devastating outcome for Rutherford, whose lawyers stated that they expected their client to at least retain partial custody.

The harsh ruling may have something to do with the fact that Rutherford refused to turn her kids over to Giersch after they visited her in Los Angeles last summer.

Rutherford was accused of abducting her son and daughter, and she eventually turned them over out of fear of legal repercussions.

Kelly will likely appeal the decision, but at this point, it’s unlikely that any judge will find in her favor.

For now at least, she may want to start stockpiling frequent flier miles. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Kate Gosselin Admits to Physically Abusing Her Children in Shocking Journal Entries!

On Tuesday, Kate Plus 8 returned to TLC and series star/perennial mother of the year candidate Kate Gosselin has been making the press rounds in support of the show that made her famous.

Of course, media attention has always been a double-edged sword for Kate, and her show’s return from a lengthy hiatus has been accompanied by a new round of accusations that Gosselin is an abusive mother who’s not equipped for the task of raising eight kids.

This time, the allegations supposedly come straight from Kate’s own diary, excepts of which have been published in the Robert Hoffman tell-all Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World:

“Mady was grouchy and received a few spankings with the spanker that newly joined the emergency supply stash in the big blue bus!!!! She eventually happied up!” reads one of the tamer entries from 2006.

Kate’s frustration – and abuse – escalate as the journal entries progress, eventually reaching the point where she casually discusses striking her son Colin with an object and pulling his hair:

“I am too rough with him and the girls see that,” Kate writes. “I feel so guilty that I treated him like that that I will set out tomorrow to be a better mommy.”

She goes on to describe a 2007 incident in which she fleew into a rage after the 2-year-old knocked over some high chairs:

“I grabbed him and spanked him as hard as I could and thought I may seriously injure him so I sent him to his crib…. And whipped him into it very hard!…I pulled Collin up by the hair [and] spanked him.” 

Kate also admits to striking children Alexis and Aaden with an unspecified object.

She frequently expresses remorse for her actions, and at one point even speculates that she and then-husband Jon may not be fit to raise so many children:

“Things spiraled quickly into a big ugly argument where Jon said really ugly things in front of the girls numerous times and he scared me about his sanity, seriously!” she writes. “I feel like we are the worst parents in the whole world!”

Watch Kate Plus 8 online for more of Gosselin’s seriously questionable parenting decisions.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

David Canary Dies; All My Children Star Was 77 Years Old

The soap opera universe has lost a legend.

David Canary, who won five Daytime Emmy Awards for portraying twins Adam and Stuart Chandler on All My Children, died on November 16 of natural causes, it was confirmed today.

He was 77 years old.

The veteran actor was mostly a theater actor prior to breaking into television in the 1960s, initially as Mia Farrow’s physical therapist in Peyton Place and then as Ponderosa ranch foreman Candy Canaday in Bonanza.

In 1978, Canary began his long and respected daytime drama career with a role on Search for Tomorrow.

He followed this up with stints on The Doctors and Another World, before finally kicking off his 27-year run on All My Children in 1983.

Although he returned to the series a few times in 2011, Canary essentially left both All My Children and the acting profession entirely in 2010.

“So sad to learn of the passing of the great David Canary,” wrote Kelly Ripa, who knew Canary from her time on All My Children. “A incredibly talented actor. A wonderful man. I was lucky to know you.”

Another former co-star, Sarah Michelle Gellar, added:

“#rip #DavidCanary You were the epitome of class. It was a joy and an honor to call you a colleague. #AllMyChildren.”

We send our thoughts to Canary’s family, friends and loved ones.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Farrah Abraham Says She Wants to Adopt; Children of the World Run For Cover

Yesterday was World Adoption Day, and since Farrah Abraham never lets a trending hashtag pass her by without attempting to jump on the bandwagon, she shared her thoughts on the occasion with her millions of social media followers. 

As is often the case with Farrah, her heart was in the right place, but her brain was a good thousand miles or so from where it needed to be:

“Let’s embrace the power and beauty that family brings with adoption. There are over 145 million orphans in the world,” Farrah wrote.

“I grew up with all my neighbors being adopted and in foster care and I’ve seen it mean the world to them to have loving and caring homes ‘a family.’ I hope soon Sophia and I can make a world of difference by bringing home a baby brother or sister for Sophia.

“I always have been passionate about adoption as it means so much to me, my family, my community, my church and my heart thank you to all the parents who have adopted and to all the amazing children with their loving families. God Bless.”

Now, a post like this is certainly a more worthwhile use of Farrah’s time than posting the world’s most unnatural makeup free selfie, but as usual, she’s sort of missing the point.

The goal of an event like World Adoption Day is to find suitable, stable homes for children who need them. There’s nothing remotely stable about Farrah’s life.

We’re not saying there’s anything inherently wrong with a woman who sells rubber molds of her vagina for a living adopting a child, but Farrah travels constantly, she has frequent emotional breakdowns, and she’s talked about her 6-year-old daughter getting plastic surgery and starring in her own “sex tape.”

She’s only 24, and it’s possible that 10 years from now, all of those things will be distant memories.

That’s why we wish Farrah would replace the word “soon” with “someday” when she talks about abortion.

Friday, November 6, 2015

21 Times Parents Have Outsmarted Their Children

Too many times in the past, we"ve mocked the ridiculous actions of some very irresponsible parents.

Granted, many of them deserved such mockery. Some moms and dads out there really have to shape up.

But others have totally mastered this parenting thing, as evidenced by the amazing things they"ve done to their children below…

1. Not the Master of Your Domain

Not the master of your domain

This is OUR domain. Know it. Respect it. Or pay the Justin Bieber-themed price.

2. A Hard Bargain

A hard bargain

You think you can just lose a tooth and then rake it in?!? The Tooth Fairy has other ideas.

3. LOL!!!


And may we add: LOL! How can this son ever look his parents in the eye ever again?

4. Be Grateful for the Blanket!

Be grateful for the blanket

We won’t be as generous next time. Consider yourselves warned.

5. You WILL Get Along

You will get along

Or else you’ll have a very long day being stuck together, literally.

6. Let’s Make a Deal

Lets make a deal

You can go surf the Internet after you do these three things. Your call, child.

View Slideshow

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Jared Fogle Describes Abuse of Children in Disturbing Audio

Back in August, Jared Fogle pled guilty to child molestation after a several-year investigation revealed that the former Subway spokesman may have victimized as many as 14 minors.

Authorities were able to put Fogle away in large part due to the efforts of Rochelle Herman-Walrond, a Florida journalist who befriended Fogle and pretended to share his perversions so that she might be able to gather audio of him admitting to his crimes.

Herman-Walrond has agreed to share some of the recorded conversations between her and Fogle on episodes of Dr. Phil that are set to air today and tomorrow.

Yesterday, we received the first shocking preview of the Fogle recordings, which featured a number of revolting quotes from the 38-year-old, including this description of one of his sexual encounters with an underage male:

“I had a little boy, it was amazing; it just felt so good. I mean, it felt – it felt so good.”

Sadly, it gets worse. The first of Herman-Walrond"s tapes was released to the public today, and it contains Fogle"s truly disgusting descriptions of the methods that he used in order to engage in sexual activity with young children:

"Well, if we got them—got them segregated out," Fogle says. "You know, in this thing where it’s just the three of us, you know, we sort of, you know, we just sort of start talking or whatever and we just start sharing stories and then, you know, we get a little closer, and a little closer, and a little closer, and before you know it, you know, it’s, you know, it just starts to happen."

You can listen to the full audio below, but beware that the content is truly unsettling.

Jared fogle describes abuse of children in disturbing audio

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Amid Controversy And Legal Troubles, Kim Richards Celebrates Her 51st Birthday With Her Children And Sister Kyle Richards By Her Side!

So happy to see this.

It’s been a tough several months for Kim Richards, but at least for one moment on Saturday night, everything was normal again.

Related: Kim’s Facing Some Difficult Community Service

The reality TV star was celebrating her 51st birthday with sister Kyle on Saturday evening in Beverly Hills, at the steak and seafood restaurant Ocean Prime, when they snapped some Instagram pics to commemorate the event.

Also there? Kim’s daughters Whitney Davis and Brooke Wiederhorn, along with Brooke’s husband Thayer in what looks to be a fun, nice family gathering.

Ch-ch-check it all out (below):

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM 🎈📷: @alicethecarrollA photo posted by @brookewiederhorn on Sep 19, 2015 at 10:53pm PDT

Happy Birthday to my beautiful Mom! I love you so much! 🎂💞🎂💞🎂💞A photo posted by @brookewiederhorn on Sep 19, 2015 at 3:44pm PDT

Right here, right now @kimrichards11 it’s your birthday sister!!! 🎂🎉🎁❤️A photo posted by Kyle Richards Umansky (@kylerichards18) on Sep 19, 2015 at 11:24pm PDT

Kyle also shared a throwback picture of the two sisters:

Happy birthday @kimrichards11 May all your birthday wishes come true 🙏🎂💝 Love youA photo posted by Kyle Richards Umansky (@kylerichards18) on Sep 19, 2015 at 9:38am PDT

Awww!! So heartwarming. Happy birthday, Kim!!

[Image via Kyle Richards/Instagram.]

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Tragic Details Emerge After Minnesota Father Kills Wife, Three Children, & Then Commits Suicide

So scary and sad.

Brian Short, a father in South Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota, allegedly murdered all three of his teenage children, and his wife, before turning the gun on himself in a suicide at their home earlier this week.

Short, a nurse by trade who also founded a popular nursing website, apparently grabbed his shotgun, walked into the rooms of his children Cole (17), Madison (15), and Brooklyn (14), and shot them one by one.

Then, he turned the gun on his wife Karen, 48, who had grabbed a cell phone and was calling 911 after hearing the first gun shots inside the house. He killed Karen in a separate bedroom of the home, and then went to the garage, where he shot and killed himself.

Authorities only found the bodies several days later after Short failed to show up to work.

[ Related: Disgraced Camerawoman Apologizes For Kicking Refugees ]

Though the family lived in a $ 2 million, 5,600-square foot mansion, Short allegedly found himself with both financial and mental health problems, and sources alleged that police suspect those contributed to Short’s decision to kill his entire family, and then himself.

Obviously, the community has been rocked by the murders. Our thoughts are with the loved ones of the Short family as they deal with the fallout from this terrible tragedy.

[Image via Short family/Facebook.]