Showing posts with label City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label City. Show all posts

Thursday, December 21, 2017

L.A. City Prosecutor "Itching" to File Criminal Sexual Harassment Case

L.A. City’s top prosecutor is anxiously waiting for a sexual harassment case to land on his desk so he can “make a point” … this according to sources inside his office. We’re told City Attorney Mike Feuer has his team ready to file what will…


L.A. City Prosecutor "Itching" to File Criminal Sexual Harassment Case

L.A. City’s top prosecutor is anxiously waiting for a sexual harassment case to land on his desk so he can “make a point” … this according to sources inside his office. We’re told City Attorney Mike Feuer has his team ready to file what will…


Friday, December 8, 2017

Surfer Bros Punk L.A. City Council to Fight for House Parties

L.A.’s crackdown on Hollywood Hills house parties isn’t sitting well with a couple of surfer bros who crashed a city council meeting, and punked the hell outta the old dudes. Self-proclaimed “activist and house party enthusiast” Chad…


Sunday, November 5, 2017

Kevin Hart, Karlie Kloss and More Stars Run the New York City Marathon

With great distance comes a great responsibility to run a decent time — which Kevin Hart, Karlie Kloss and other celebs took up in the streets of New York this weekend. A handful of stars threw on their running shoes Sunday and took part in the…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

KFC"s #1 Herb, L.A. City Council Prez Down to Promote 11 Herbs & Spices

One of the KFC’s now-famous 11 “Herbs and Spices”  is an L.A. City Councilman, who’s totally down for an original recipe hookup with the Spice Girls and the other herbs. Make it happen, Colonel! We got L.A. City Council President Herb J.…


Kim Cattrall: I"m Done with Sex and the City! Sheesh!

Kim Cattrall has no real interest in being in the news these days.

The actress has said for several months that she doesn’t want to appear on a third Sex and the City movie and she doesn’t quite understand how this became a big deal.

As previously reported, Cattrall definitely doesn’t understand why some have labeled her a diva for choosing to end her association with the franchise.

She’s not under contract. She filmed many seasons of the television show and two (poorly reviewed) films and now she simply wants to move on with her life.

In an earlier interview, Cattrall blamed Sarah Jessica Parker for smearing her name, saying her ex-scene partner “could have been nicer” after Cattrall bowed out of Sex and the City 3.

Now, speaking to Piers Morgan for a segment on his show Life Stories, Cattrall has confirmed the long-gestating rumors that she and her fellow Sex and the City stars weren’t especially close.

But that was never a bad thing, she explains.

“We’ve never been friends,” Cattrall told Morgan last night, adding:

“We’ve been colleagues and in some ways it’s a very healthy place to be because then you have a clear line between your professional life and relationship and your personal.”

Parker went public last month with her disappointment over the fact that Sex and the City 3 won’t be made despite it having a “beautiful, funny, heartbreaking, joyful, very relatable script and story.”

This was a not-very-subtle-shot at Cattrall… who didn’t appreciate the passive aggressive diss.

“This is really where I take to task the people from Sex and the City and specifically Sarah Jessica Parker, is that I think she could have been nicer,” Cattrall told Morgan.

“I really think she could have been nicer. I don’t know what her issue is.”

Cattrall simply says she has made “an empowered decision in my life to end one chapter and start another,” which sounds perfectly fair and reasonable.

She also says producers should totally hire another actress to play Jones in a new movie. Why not?!?

Elsewhere, meanwhile, Cattrall has made headlines for detailing the grueling Sex and the City schedule from back in the day that actually prevented her from having kids.

The actress and then-husband Mark Levinson considered undergoing IVF treatment shortly after she was cast as Samantha Jones in the long-running comedy.


“That was my early 40s, and I had just started filming Sex and the City, the chances of getting pregnant with these procedures … everybody was talking about it,” Cattrall told Morgan, adding:

“But I thought to myself, ‘Wow … I have 19-hour days on this series."”

She’s not complaining, per se. She’s grateful for the role of a lifetime. She’s just explaining.

“I have weekends where I finish at Saturday morning, my Monday morning would start at 4:45, and would go to one or two in the morning,” she said.

“How could I possibly continue to do that [and have a child], especially in my early 40s?”

That’s a fair question.

And it’s the sort of dilemma that unfortunately faces women in workplaces across America.

In conclusion, however, Cattrall adored her time as a Sex and the City cast member – but she’s moved on.

And she’s encouraging the franchise to do the same.

“It’s a great part and I played it past the finish line, and then some, and I loved it,” Cattrall said.

“And another actress should play it. Maybe they could make it an African-American Samantha Jones, or a Hispanic Samantha Jones.”


Saturday, October 14, 2017

Katie Holmes Takes Subway in New York City

Katie Holmes is not above hagin’ with the plebes … she sat scrunched Friday between 2 dudes on a super crowded New York City subway. Kate was solo in Soho, shopping up up a storm … and then she took the R train during rush hour up to her swanky…


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

"Rap City" Host Big Tigger Explains Why He Kneeled at BET Hip Hop Awards

‘Rap City’ host Big Tigger says he decided to drop to one knee at the BET Hip Hop Awards to seize the moment, and show support for Colin Kaepernick. We spoke to Tigger about taking a knee Tuesday night as he entered the event. He was also wearing a…


Monday, October 9, 2017

Shahs of Sunset Season 6 Episode 12 Recap: Sex (Tips) In The City

Just because the group was on their break to New York City, it did not mean the drama did not follow them. 

Shahs of Sunset Season 6 Episode 12 picked up in the aftermath of the significant proposal and the gang headed out to indulge in some ice stating the city. 

In one of the fakest moments in the show’s history, Reza called Asa to invite her to an event back in LA. The odd thing about all of this is that Asa exiled herself from the group. 

She wanted to lie about things and imply her life was perfect, but that was far from the point of having friends. She and MJ could have bonded over their treatment. 

Instead, it pushed them further apart because of Asa’s blatant disregard for someone who was once her best friend. Reza’s phone call did not seem to do anything to right the ship. 

Asa revealed that her energy levels were diminishing because of the pregnancy and that she felt like things were going to get worse for her until the baby was delivered. 

The rest of the group concluded that she did not want to be asked about her pregnancy. She tried to stay apart from the group, and when you consider how quickly they burn bridges, maybe that’s a wise move. 

Mike decided to stay off the ice and let everyone else have fun, but aside from MH and GG, none of them could skate. It was embarrassing watching them skate around as though they knew how to do it. 

While everyone was having fun in New York City, Asa was struggling with her pregnancy. Her doctor told her it would make more sense for her to steer clear of her friends if they are adding to her stress levels. 

Despite her blatant sadness, she found out that she was for sure having a boy, so that was one of the positives with her storyline in this otherwise somber episode. 

The next morning, the group started digging Mike for staying out the whole night before. The last time I checked, he was a grown man, so giving him in trouble is a bit too far. 

Not being the brightest person, GG thought it would be fun to sniff the underwear he wore the night before. It was bizarre, to say the least, and she automatically came to the conclusion he must have been with Jessica. 

GG, MJ, and Reza had a chat a little later and seemed to thin Jessica wanted to get back with Mike. If you watch Shahs of Sunset online, you will already know that Jessica has made it very clear she is done with Mike after all of his lies. 

This seemed like something thrown in at the order of a producer to ramp up the drama. It was apparently fake, and that’s not a good thing. 

Just when it seemed like we were finally going to lay eyes on Tommy’s family, we found out it was his friends we were meeting. They helped him through the loss of his parents, so they were his family. 

Back in LA, Destiney flipped out at Shervin for cheating, so he split up with Annalise via a video call. Yes, we are not kidding. The fakery is on full display this week, you guys. 

Also, ASA met up with Latoya Jackson, and they chatted about the perks of being part of the same family. In the process, they had a look at some baby clothes to pass some time. 

In the end, we got to see GG’s play, but MJ and Tommy decided to stay with Tommy’s friends. Shalom showed up at the play in the closing moments. 

So, he’s not as bad as we first thought! 

Over to you guys, what did you think of the latest installment?

Sound off below!


Friday, October 6, 2017

Austin City Limits Festival, Killer Mike Says I"m Nervous About Performing, But I"m Gonna Power Through

The Austin City Limits Festival starts tonight, and there are some very nervous performers in the wake of Sunday night’s Vegas massacre. Killer Mike concedes he’s got the jitters about his headlining gig, being a husband and a father, but he’s…


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Kim Cattrall Drags Sarah Jessica Parker Over Sex and the City 3

Ding! Ding! Ding!

It is totally on between Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker.

For real this time.

Throughout the filming of Sex and the City the HBO television show and then Sex and the City, the two mediocre movies, there had always been chatter that these two actresses did not get along very well.

Which is fine.

Not all co-stars need to be best friends forever.

But the claws have now officially come out in the wake of Parker telling Extra that plans for a third film in the franchise have officially been scrapped.

“We had this beautiful, funny, heartbreaking, joyful, very relatable script and story,” she told the entertainment news outlet, adding:

“It’s not just disappointing that we don’t get to tell the story and have that experience, but more so for that audience that has been so vocal in wanting another movie.”

(Note: Have they, really?!? Sex and the City 2 has a score of 16% on Rotten Tomatoes.)

Amidst talk that Cattrall was the one to squash the follow-up flick due to various production demands, the veteran actress sat down with Piers Morgan on the program “Life Stories” to address any and all diva-related chatter.

Her general response?

I’ve never been on board for Sex and the City 3… and Parker sort of sucks!

“At this very moment it’s quite extraordinary to get any kind of negative press about something that I’ve been saying for almost a year of ‘no’ that I’m demanding or a diva,” Cattrall told Morgan, adding:

“And this is really where I take to task the people from Sex and the City and specifically Sarah Jessica Parker, in that I think she could have been nicer.”

So there you have it.

After all this time, that’s the first admission from either Cattrall or Parker that they aren’t exactly on each other’s Christmas lists.

“I really think she could have been nicer,” Cattrall reiterated in her interview. “I don’t know what her issue is. I never have.” 

Cattrall went on to explain that she was approached in December about the possibility of Sex and the City 3… and that it simply never appealed to her.

“This isn’t about more money, this is not about more scenes, it’s not about any of those things,” she said.

“This is about a clear decision, an empowered decision in my life to end one chapter and start another. I’m 61. It’s now.”

Fair enough, right?

And it’s not as if Cattrall is even against a third movie. Go ahead and make it without me, she happily tells the cast and crew!

“I want them to make the movie, if that’s what they want to do,” she said.

“It’s a great part. I played it past the finish line and then some and I loved it, and another actress should play it. Maybe they could make it an African-American Samantha Jones or a Hispanic Samantha Jones?’

“I’ve moved on. This is what my 60s are about. They’re about me making decisions for me, not my career. For me.

“And that feels frickin’ fantastic.”


Monday, September 11, 2017

Harrison Ford Directs Tunnel Traffic in New York City

Harrison Ford would make one helluva New York City cop on traffic duty … judging by the way he handled a tunnel backup in Manhattan. Ford’s Benz got trapped Sunday in between cars entering the Midtown tunnel. There was a pile-up inside, and ol’…


Monday, August 28, 2017

Beyonce Sends Prayers To Houston After Hurricane Harvey Ravages City

Hurricane Harvey has been causing a lot of trouble for the residents of Houston, Texas over the last few days, and it seems like the disaster is not over yet. 

From flooding to extensive damage, we think it’s fair to say that the consequences have been nothing short of horrific for the city. 

It’s so bad that residents have been warned to hang around on rooftops and wait for the emergency services to get to them. We can’t begin to imagine how horrible it must be for anyone involved. 

The celebrity world is not staying silent about the matter and has reacted to the heartbreaking scenes playing out. 

Beyonce took to Instagram to send her prayers to everyone involved. 

In a short, but sweet Instagram post, the vocal powerhouse shared a picture of her holding up the state flag for Texas and confirming that everyone involved was in her prayers. 

“Texas you are in my prayers,” the star shared. 

Comedian, Kevin Hart has been instrumental in getting other celebrities to join forces and donate money to help the city rebuild in the aftermath of the hurricane. 

“I’m calling this the Hurricane Harvey Relief Challenge….Lets go,” Hart revealed in a video on Instagram.

“I am getting a link together now people. Help me help Houston.”

He even tagged the likes of Chris Rock and Jay Z to help spread the word about the proposed relief efforts. Getting other celebrities involved will help raise awareness and help his message go further across the internet. 

Katy Perry even opened up about it during her stint presenting the 2017 MTV VMAs. Her hosting was all over the place, but she did direct viewers to the Red Cross in order to donate money.

“If you are in the path of #HurricaneHarvey, please be safe and know the whole country is thinking of you,” Ellen Degeneres shared on Twitter after learning about the severity of the storm. 

With flooding still widely expected to rock the City, there is no telling when the whole ordeal will be over. 

If you would like to donate, click here and you can do so via American Red Cross. 

We would like to extend our thoughts and prayers to those involved in the terrifying incident. 


Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 21 Recap: Who Is Tinsley Moving In With?

Having the cast of The Real Housewives of New York City in one place only can only mean one thing: Luann de Lesseps will have to listen to cheating allegations about Tom D’Agostino.

When The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 21 got underway, Luann was jumping to the defense of Tom after Ramona claims he is a little too friendly with some of the women he has had relationships with. 

Now, it’s not very often we agree with Ramona, but she does have a point. Why does one want to be friendly with their back catalog of lovers? Is it in the event he needs to go back to one of them?

“Tom is a great guy who loves me. We love being together and married,” Luann countered, but now that we know they are divorcing, it makes me think Luann had heard enough and gave him his marching orders. 

It’s almost like Luann has been living in a dream world in which she thinks Tom can do no wrong, but the sheer amount of cheating rumors should have been enough to tell her this romance was not one for the ages. 

With her marriage being trashed, you would think the ladies would give her a break, but Bethenny stuck the knife in by saying that Luann should stop calling her apartment a penthouse. 

It’s apparently a one-bedroom apartment on the top floor of a building, but Tom and Luann seem to think it’s a penthouse. 

Bethenny yells, “It’s pretentious as f—!”

We then switched gears to Tinsley and how she is still living in a hotel and loving the room service. She did reveal that she and Scott are going strong and that she is moving in with him. 

According to her, he’s the one and she will spend the rest of her life with him. Hey, she needed to do something to secure her spot on the cast for Season 10. 

I thought things could not get any more convoluted, but then I heard that the women heard a rumor that Sonja’s “Frenchie” is a man who Sonja cast to play the role. 

She was shocked by all of it, and flat out denied it all. Something tells me she got him from Page Six as a gesture of goodwill for all of the stories she’s sold.

Surprisingly, Tinsley revealed Sonja and her man are very loud in the bedroom, so is he a gigolo? Nobody knows. 

Nobody seems to care about it, either. Sonja has been a bit all over the place with her allegations of late, so it would not be surprising if she was putting on a show for the cameras. 

Okay, what did you think of the second part of the reunion?

Hit the comments!


Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 20 Recap: Ramona Reveals a Juicy Secret

The ladies of Bravo’s The Real Housewives of New York City sure are a toxic bunch. When they’re not going at it with one another, they are keeping secrets and stirring the pot. 

On The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 20, the ladies met up with Andy Cohen to discuss all of the drama from the current season, but there was still a lot of animosity between them. 

When the episode got underway, we were greeted with a message: “What you are about to watch was recorded three weeks before Luann filed for divorce from her husband of seven months, Tom.”

Wait… did Luann learn something shocking about Tom from one of the ladies during the reunion? It would not be the first time, but seriously, we’re intrigued by this cold opening. 

Ramona was up first, and Andy revealed that one viewer wanted to know why she did not apologize for going a little overboard at Dorinda’s home. 

As expected, Ramona gave her typical side-eye-fueled apology, and Bethenny was not impressed. She said that Ramona’s manners were terrible and that she made fun of Bethenny’s assistants a day before the reunion. 

Apparently, Ramona acted like the assistant did not exist. 

“You’re 60 years old,” Bethenny yelled.

Bethenny kept her composure during the war of words, but she made it clear she was on the outs with Ramona. Will the former friends find a way back from this?

Don’t bet on it. 

We got an update on Sonja allegedly feeding stories to the press. If you watch The Real Housewives of New York online, you will likely remember that Tinsley was adamant Sonja was the one who leaked a story about her not being thankful for staying with her. 

The housewives were quick to point out that she has done it in the past, so it would not be out of the ordinary to assume she’s doing it again. 

We then got to hear Luann continue to boast about how awesome her marriage is. 

“Right now, I love being Mrs. D’Agostino,” she said with the biggest grin on her face. 

Things took a shocking turn when Ramona finally divulged the secret she almost revealed last year: Tom met a woman from Philadelphia and took her to the Regency Hotel and went up to a room with her. 

She said that Tom claimed to be having an open relationship with Luann and that’s why he got away with it. 

Luann then claimed she would leave him if he cheated on her while married, but what about the months before when they were engaged?

Something is not right with this relationship. 

What do you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Thursday, August 10, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 19 Recap: Thank You And Goodnight

With all of the drama going on off-screen for the cast members of The Real Housewives of New York City, it was always going to be difficult to end the latest season of the Bravo in shocking fashion.

When The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 19 got underway, the ladies returned home to New York City and left their alcohol-fueled days in Mexico in the past. 

Carole and Bethenny are mingling and chat about the new man in Tinsley’s life. They note that he’s the right one for her and that he’s ticking all of the right boxes. 

Now, we’re all for Tinsley moving on with her life, but has she not met her man, like, twice? There is such a thing as moving on too quickly, and there’s a chance Tinsley could be doing just that. 

Meanwhile, Luann was going on about how amazing her relationship with Tom was going, and well, we all know that they are now officially divorcing, so it makes us wonder what the heck was going on in her mind when this episode was filmed. 

There have been countless rumors swirling about what really paved the way for the end of their short union, but we might not get answers for some time. 

Ramona visits Sonja, and although she claims the purpose of her visit is to check out the decorating, it’s clear she has other ideas. 

Sonja was quick to point out that she did not want to change her house until her daughter was “stable.” As nonsensical as it is, we’ll just nod along with her. 

She says that “Sexy Frenchie” was the one to want some change in the household, and that’s not alright. Why would she change her home for someone she’s known for all of five minutes?

Like, change the locks and tell him to stay at a hotel if he is not a fan of the decor. 

We then got the reveal that Tinsley had moved out and Sonja was still pissed about the lack of gratitude from her former friend. 

Tinsley was still set to go ahead with the party she was throwing for Sonja, but Sonja was not impressed and wanted to skip the event and leave her hanging. 

Just when we thought Bethenny was rid of the strange men from her life, an NHL player stops by and takes out his tooth in order to eat a sandwich. Yes, that was not a typo. 

She’s ready to move on from all of the crap and live her life with people who deserve to be in it. 

The final portion of the episode finds Tinsley throwing the aforementioned party. Sonja was late because she was getting jiggy with Frenchie, but she went into sordid detail, and we do not wish to repeat what she said. 

Despite trying to imply she was over Tinsley, she changed her tune when Tinsley handed her a $ 5000 gift certificate for Bergdorf’s. 

So, all is right in the world… for now. 

The reunion is next week, and things are going to get crazy between the women. Watch this space. 

What do you think of the season finale reveals?

Sound off below. 


Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 18 Recap: Make Out, Make Up

The end of a trip is a bittersweet affair, and for the ladies of The Real Housewives of New York City, it’s evident they have a lot to discuss.

When The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 18 got underway, the ladies were still under the influence of A LOT of alcohol, and well, things were not okay. 

Sonja is still making it known that Ramona is not admitting she is happy, but her attention quickly turned to Ramona’s assets and not her flaws. 

Then, the ladies seemed to think it was appropriate to get naked and show off their bodies. So, yes, it was a regular night for these women of New York City. 

Bethenny continued to drag Ramona’s name through the mud. She wanted everyone to know how much of a bad person her former friend was. This, in turn, paved the way for them to get teary-eyed. 

They put their feud aside, and Bethenny moved on by kissing Sonja. It was not a passionate kiss, but Sonja wanted more. 

As expected, Bethenny was the only one to show up for dinner, and she got mad at Dorinda for drinking instead of eating. Dorinda accidentally stabbed herself with a knife, so that should tell y’all just how drunk she was. 

Tensions were still all over the place the next morning, and Dorinda did not remember a thing. This made her think she was in the right and that Bethenny was wrong. 

The two ladies are bickering over nothing because a lot of the others did not appear for dinner, so there’s that. Dorinda admitted to Carole that she can be a bit much sometimes and that she needed to pull herself together. 

Tinsley, Ramona, and Carol went on a trip to go fishing while the other ladies got massages. Tinsley dropped the bomb that she was going to Vegas with Scott. 

That’s a big step when you consider they’ve been dating for five minutes, but Tinsley is over the single life and wants something more. They did not have any luck at the fishing excursion and wound up at a fish market to lie about their catch. 

Yes, we would do the same. 

The trip came to an end with one final dinner. The main attraction was Tinsley who was a drunken mess. She went at it with Luann because the Countess trashed her for swearing so much. Yes, Tinsley was firing expletives around at every opportunity. 

Sigh. These ladies will always be able to find a way to cause some drama with one another. It’s pretty bizarre, but it makes for good TV. 

What did you think of all the developments? 

Has this been the craziest trip of the entire series?

Hit the comments with your thoughts!


Friday, July 28, 2017

Allen Iverson: Another City, Another Casino

Allen Iverson tested his luck in Chicago this week … hitting up a local casino while his BIG3 team was in town for a game.  The Answer posted up at the roulette table at the Rivers Casino on Thursday — where witnesses say he was flanked by…


Thursday, July 27, 2017

"Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" Makers Sued for Miss Cleo Look-alike Character, Auntie Poulet

There’s a fortune teller in “Grand Theft Auto: Vice City” that looks and sounds WAY too much like the late TV psychic Miss Cleo … at least according to Miss Cleo’s estate which just sued the game makers. Psychic Readers Network — which holds the…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

"Sin City" Dough On the Line as Frank Miller"s Ex-Manager Sues

Graphic novel icon Frank Miller let his conniving producing partner screw his faithful business manager out of more than a million bucks … according to a new lawsuit. Mark Lichtman says he worked for Miller for 28 years — on…
