Showing posts with label Claim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Claim. Show all posts

Friday, May 11, 2018

Judge Shuts Down Blac Chyna"s Claim Kardashians Tanked Her Reality Show

Part of Blac Chyna’s lawsuit against the Kardashians is about to get shut down by a judge, who says she can’t blame the family for her reality show getting axed. According to docs, the judge is leaning toward tossing Chyna’s claim Kris Jenner and…


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Chris Brown"s Friend, Lowell Grissom Jr. Denies Rape Claim, Rips Gloria Allred

Chris Brown’s friend, who’s been accused of raping a woman while partying at Brown’s house, says there’s zero evidence of a crime … and he’s blasting Gloria Allred for going after him.  Lowell Grissom Jr. is the man Allred’s anonymous…


Chris Brown"s Friend, Lowell Grissom Jr. Denies Rape Claim, Rips Gloria Allred

Chris Brown’s friend, who’s been accused of raping a woman while partying at Brown’s house, says there’s zero evidence of a crime … and he’s blasting Gloria Allred for going after him.  Lowell Grissom Jr. is the man Allred’s anonymous…


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Blac Chyna"s Stroller Rage at Six Flags Bolsters Buggy"s Durability Claim

Blac Chyna inadvertently helped a buggy stroller company prove its product is a durable blast on wheels … but there’s ZERO chance BC’s getting a deal outta this. We spoke to a rep at Step2 — the company that makes the exact buggy Blac Chyna…


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Kylie Jenner DESTROYS Claim That Kris Jenner Manages Travis Scott!

Kris Jenner isn’t just a momager — she’s the momager. She’s what all other momagers aspire to be.

But has she taken over managing duties for Travis Scott and Kanye West, now that they’re both part of the Kardashian-Jenner clan? One report claims that she has.

Kylie Jenner is taking a break from working on her post-baby body and is speaking out, calling that story a lie.

Complex discussed a report made on Page Six that claimed that Kanye has left long-time manager Izvor “Izzy” Zivkovic on Kris’ orders.

“They’ve been off and on for years.”

“But Kris is in [West’s] ears. Kanye’s been making changes and [he and Zivkovic] have grown apart — but Kris definitely gives her opinion and Kanye’s all ears.”

That’s an interesting claim.

“She’s about brand building and is gangster at it.”

That part is definitely true.

And the same report claims that Kris is responsible for Travis Scott leaving his own manager.

“She also told Travis Scott to fire Mark Gillespie. They are 100 percent part of that Kardashian-Jenner brand.”

Kylie Jenner Shuts Down Rumors

On Wednesday, Kylie quoted a link to Complex‘s article on the subject, and wrote:

“This isn’t true.”

She followed those words with an emoji of a woman facepalming herself.

While we’re sure that Kylie would much rather spend her time ons ocial media uploading more precious photos of Stormi Webster, but she saw a story and just couldn’t keep quiet about its veracity.

There are a lot of rumors that jumble around about the Kardashians that never earn a Kylie comment, but maybe this one just happened across her screen at the right time.

Or maybe she felt particularly defensive because the story featured both her mother and her baby daddy.

Fans replied to Kylie’s tweet, celebrating her shut-down of the story.

“Queen of ending fake rumors,” one fan tweeted.

Another Twitter denizen replied to that tweet with: “She makes up for it in fake body parts”


Curiously, another tweeter replied to Kylie’s tweet with a peculiar question.

“How would you know?”

A couple of fans jumped on that immediately, writing:

“Travis Scott is literally her baby daddy and Kanye is Kim’s husband lmfaoo.”

And another added:

“And Kris Jenner is literally her mom”

Other replies were mixed:

“Queen of confronting rumors we stan.”

To stan someone is to support them zealously; one might stan Britney Spears or Kesha, for example. You know, if they have taste.

“In other news how hot is Kris.”

We would never question Kris’ hotness, but this was an odd reply, given the context.

Another Twitter denizen seemed to be pushing a conspiracy theory.

“They made you tweet this s–t so fast!”

We dare not ask who “they” are; it could mean anything from lizard people to George Soros to the Illuminati (or, somehow, all three).

To be clear, Complex merely discussed the report, and even Page Six‘s report was based upon statements from a source. So it’s not like Kylie was accusing Complex itself of making false claims.

That said … some have wondered if it’s possible that this source has the right of it, and Kylie doesn’t know the whole story.

But we find that hard to believe. Kanye is her brother-in-law. Kris is her mom. Travis is her baby daddy.

It seems more likely that Kylie knows exactly why Travis makes his career decisions related to his management.

And she just wanted to clear that up.


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Farrah Abraham Shuts Down Mental Illness Claim: My Mom is Pure Evil!

In a recent interview, zero-time mom-of-the-year Debra Danielsen claimed that Farrah Abraham is suffering from multiple mental illnesses.

While mental illness doesn’t deserve its stigma, offering an armchair diagnosis of your famous daughter is … inexcusable.

Farrah is now responding by firing back at her mother.

As you may recall, Debra shared her “compassionate” words about Farrah in an interview.

“If you have Borderline Personality Disorder, if you have narcissism, any of these kinds of things, they’re all highly treatable.”

Whether or not you imagine that someone is having symptoms of something, it’s irresponsible to assign them a diagnosis. Um, especially in an interview.

“All is not lost, but I will say that deep down inside I know my daughter. She is kind, loving and she is sweet and very compassionate.”

Despite her upbringing, we guess.

“I think she works extremely hard, I think she just needs to step back a moment, and take some time and get healthy and take time for her so she can heal.”

Farrah tells People that it is “sad to hear my own mother would say these untrue things about her own child.”

We should keep in mind that Farrah has claimed that Debra has Asperger’s … which is also not an okay thing to guess in an interview, and seems better designed to malign the autistic community than anything else.

But Farrah goes in on her mother’s words.

“It’s evil and alarming. After all these years, I still have her best interests at heart.”

Evil is a very strong word, but honestly … people don’t use it enough. Not for the right things, anyway.

Farrah is perhaps not the best judge of what is and is not reasonable, but she’s right about this being a crappy stunt to pull on her mother’s part.

Farrah goes on to reveal how she views her mental health.

“Clinically & honestly, none of my TV show therapists & personal therapist have all said I’m balanced.”

That’s … an interestingly worded statement, but we think that she means to say that her therapists all say that she’s fine.

We’re not saying that they really said that, we’re just saying that this is what Farrah meant to say. Obviously, we don’t know what her therapists have told her, only how she’s apparently interpreted it.

“I started therapy in my past at the age of 14 due to my mother and I not getting along as our family therapist sided with me about my safety and my life choices that my mother has never been supportive or caring to help guide her own children.”

In the past, Farrah has accused her mother of terrible abuse. Which might explain some of Farrah’s … quirks … but not excuse things like Farrah’s race-fueled rants.

Farrah then shares that her therapists “have come to the conclusion my mother is jealous” of Farrah.

“I always wish my mother the best as I attended her wedding supporting her.”

As Farrah continues to talk about her mother, her sentence structure takes on exciting new forms.

“Saying horrible things about your own child after I’m the only one who has ever strived to overlook her demons she fights daily against.”

You know, Farrah’s said that she’s going into scripted television now that she was fired from Teen Mom OG. “Farrah Abraham: Demon-Slayer” sounds like an amazing trainwreck that I would watch every week. Just saying.

Farrah continues.

“This brings sadness to our family and I wish her all the best for the sake of my health & safety I wish her all the best.”

So … she wishes her mother the best … for the sake of her own health. Not very selfless, but that probably is healthy if Farrah means it.

That said, Farrah says that she and her daughter are getting the hell out of Dodge.

“I hope she has enjoyed the Teen Mom MTV ride that Sophia brought to her life as I’m moving on from that toxic environment she dwells in.”

In other words, Farrah plans to cut off Debra from her granddaughter after this.

“I hope she ceases talking about me since she does not love me she does not need to speak about me to stay relevant in a disgustingly hateful way. God Bless.”

Don’t worry, Debra … at least you’ll always have your bond with Amber Portwood, right?


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Judith Regan Says O.J. Simpson"s Claim She Scripted Confession is Defamatory

O.J. Simpson has defamed Judith Regan by suggesting she scripted his confession just so it would be more dramatic and she could make money … and Judith is now mulling over a possible lawsuit. Regan’s lawyer, Jennifer McGrath, tells TMZ, her client…


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Chevy Chase Calls BS on Claim He Threw a Punch in Road Rage Incident

Chevy Chase is calling BS on his alleged attacker’s claim he threw a punch during a road rage incident, because he says he couldn’t even lift his arm at the time. We broke the story … Chevy says he got kicked in the right shoulder during a…


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Steve Wynn Sued By Shareholders who Claim Cover-Up Over Sexual Impropriety Tanked Stock

Steve Wynn has yet another legal problem … the shareholders of Wynn Resorts have just filed a class action lawsuit against the fallen mogul and other execs, claiming they covered up what they call Wynn’s “pattern of sexual misconduct.” According…


Friday, February 2, 2018

Mohamed Hadid Accused of Date Rape, Calls Model"s Claim "Outrageous"

Guess co-founder Paul Marciano’s facing a new sexual harassment allegation — 24 hours after Kate Upton’s — and this accuser also claims Mohamed Hadid date raped her … something he strongly denies. Miranda Vee met with Marciano to discuss a…


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Guess Co-Founder Paul Marciano Denies Kate Upton"s Sexual Harassment Claim

Guess co-founder Paul Marciano is so confident there’s been no misconduct by him against Kate Upton … he’s urging her to take him to court to set the record straight. Marciano tells TMZ … he’s shocked by Upton’s accusations of sexual…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Body-Positive Woman Claps Back After Trolls Claim She"s Too Heavy for Her Boyfriend!

In another incident of body-shamed women clapping back at haters, body positive Instagrammer Melissa Gibson is speaking out after trolls flooded the comments of her New Year’s Eve photo.

This time, the shamers weren’t just giving her a hard time for daring to exist in her very curvy body.

They were slamming her and her slender boyfriend — claiming that she’s “too heavy” to be dating him.

Melissa Gibson is a law student. She’s also a body-positive Instagrammer.

She knows that any time that she posts a photo, she’s going to have haters trolling the comments.

Some will pretend to be concerned for her “health.”

Others will just be straight-up hateful. Why? Ultimately, they probably hope to make her feel bad in order to feel powerful. Which is profoundly sad.

Like other body-positive women on the internet, Melissa knows this. She sadly expects these comments.

But when she posted photos of herself and her boyfriend, Johnathan, ringing in 2018 together, she got a different kind of criticism and hate.

She was told by haters that she was too large to be with her boyfriend, who is smaller than she is.

That’s a horrible thing to say. Or think. (And we’d wager that fewer of these haters would have said anything if it had been a smaller woman beside a larger boyfriend)

Speaking to People, Melissa Gibson spoke about the response that she received.

“As a fat woman on the internet, comments about my weight and health are very common.”

That’s terrible on its own.

“But these were especially disturbing because they were in reference to my relationship on a post that was about us celebrating the New Year together.”

And, as she points out, it wasn’t even a post in which she was drawing attention to her size. She was literally just standing beside her boyfriend, fully dressed.

“The post was innocent, nothing about our bodies — but simply being visible with my thin boyfriend became an opportunity for strangers to express their opinions about fatness, my body and our relationship.”

Melissa waited a couple of days after receiving the negative comments, and posted another photo with her boyfriend.

This time, her caption was prepared for this particular strain of haters.

“When taking a picture in a sparkly dress next to the man you love makes people comment about your body, question your relationship, make judgments about him for loving you.”

It’s a sort of fat-shaming by proximity, where people assume that there’s something wrong with her partner that “explains” why he’s with her.

Her caption continues:

“Our relationship is political. Even though we both know how natural and right it feels. And if the world won’t just let us be, we will keep fighting for our love, for our space, for our right to be seen, accepted without question, and celebrated.”

So many people have to do that, still, in 2018. It’s so sad.

“In all honesty it’s silly to think it bothers people so much, but when privileged people base their value on attraction and relationships, it results in the plethora of relationships that look like mine being erased and delegitimized. Like somehow I don’t deserve him or our love isn’t real.”

That’s a little complex, but basically, sometimes people feel threatened by people who don’t look like they do, and by relationships that don’t look like their own.

“We are exactly what each other wants, and guess what, our bodies are a part of that. It’s not a abnormal or a fetish. It’s simply natural. So while you insist on yelling your insecurities and bigotry at me, realize I’m not playing the game you play any longer.”

Speaking to People about that follow-up post, Melissa writes:

“I wrote that post not to the people who made judgments about our relationship, but for every person who has ever felt like they did not fit into the mold of what our society believes relationships look like.”


“I wanted to give a voice to the normality and naturalness of my relationship and other’s that look like mine.”

Plus size women, women of color, disabled women, and trans women can all have to deal with people called chasers. People who fetishize them for the same qualities that make bigots loathe them.

Some of these haters assume that Johnathan must be one such chaser.

But that’s not what Melissa Gibson describes. She’s just in a loving relationship that is, frankly, none of anyone’s business.


James Carville Laughs Off Trump"s Claim He"d Beat Oprah for President in 2020

James Carville reacted with sounds and not words when he heard President Trump claimed he could beat Oprah’s butt in 2020.  We got the man who engineered Bill Clinton’s White House victory at LAX Tuesday and asked…


Friday, January 5, 2018

Paul Haggis Accused of Rape by 2 Women, 2 More Claim Sexual Misconduct

Paul Haggis — the Oscar-winning director and writer of “Crash” — is being accused of sexual misconduct by 4 different women … including 2 rapes. Haggis was sued in December for allegedly raping film publicist Haleigh Breest in 2013 at his…


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Matt Lauer Exposed Himself, Gave Sex Toys as Gifts Claim Accusers

Matt Lauer exposed himself to a female co-worker, and gave another one a sex toy as a present — and that’s just the tip of the iceberg — according to dozens of current and former NBC staffers. The former “Today” co-host also allegedly enjoyed…


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Nick Carter Responds to Melissa Schuman"s Rape Claim

Nick Carter is denying he raped former DREAM singer Melissa Schuman, and claims they only had consensual sex. Nick says, “I am shocked and saddened by Ms. Schuman’s accusations. Melissa never expressed to me while we were together or at any…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Calls for Sen. Al Franken Probe After Leeann Tweeden Makes Sexual Harassment Claim

Sen. Al Franken may face an Ethics Committee review in the wake of claims he groped and sexually harassed radio host and former model Leeann Tweeden. Tweeden released a 2006 photo of Franken — who was not then elected — groping, or at least…


Saturday, November 11, 2017

George Takei Calls BS on 1981 Sexual Assault Claim

George Takei says he’s “shocked and bewildered” at claims made by a former model/actor who says the “Star Trek” star drugged and sexually assaulted him in 1981. Takei is responding to allegations made by Scott B. Brunton, who says 36 years ago he…


George Takei Calls BS on 1981 Sexual Assault Claim

George Takei says he’s “shocked and bewildered” at claims made by a former model/actor who says the “Star Trek” star drugged and sexually assaulted him in 1981. Takei is responding to allegations made by Scott B. Brunton, who says 36 years ago he…


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Jeremy Piven "Unequivocally" Denies Sexual Misconduct Claim

Jeremy Piven has issued a statement in response to sexual harassment allegations leveled at him by former reality star Ariane Bellamar.

Earlier today, we reported on a number of disturbing Tweets posted by Bellamar, who guest-starred many years ago on an episode of Entourage.

Piven, of course, is best known for having portrayed super agent Ari Gold throughout the duration of that long-running comedy.

In her barrage of social media messages, Bellamar tagged Piven and reminded him of two alleged times in which he groped her private body parts.

“Hey @jeremypiven! ‘Member when you cornered me in your trailer on the #Entourage set? ‘Member grabbing my boobies on the without asking??” she wrote, later adding a pair of texts that read:

Member when I tried to leave; you grabbed me by the ass, looked at yourself in the mirror, & said what a ‘beautiful couple’ we made?

Jeremy Piven, on two occasions, cornered me & forcefully fondled my breasts & bum. Once at the mansion & once on set.

Bellamar – who appeared as herself on installments of Beverly Hills Nannies and The Millionaire Matchmaker and who has had bit parts in various movies – also referenced “explicit” texts she supposedly received from Piven.

In response to these allegations, the Emmy-winning actor has now said the following:

“I unequivocally deny the appalling allegations being peddled about me. It did not happen.”

Recognizing in general how difficult it is for victims of sexual harassment and assault to come forward, Piven concluded:

“It takes a great deal of courage for victims to come forward with their histories, and my hope is that the allegations about me that didn’t happen, do not detract from stories that should be heard.”

Piven was in New York City on Tuesday to promote his awful CBS drama, Wisdom of the Crowd.

In a statement of its own, the network says it is “aware of the media reports and [is] looking into the matter.”

Over the past few weeks, the topic of sexual harassment in Hollywood has been especially prominent after countless women accused producer Harvey Weinstein of misconduct or even flat out rape.

The courage of the alleged victims who have called Weinstein out for his abhorrent behavior has inspired others to do the same.

Actor Anthony Rapp, for instance, says that Kevin Spacey attempted to sexually assault him at a party back in 1986, a charge Spacey did not deny.

Andy Dick, meanwhile, has been dropped from the independent feature film Raising Buchanan following accusations of sexual harassment and misconduct on set.

“I might have kissed somebody on the cheek to say goodbye and then licked them,” Dick said as a defense of his actions, adding:

“That’s my thing.”

Yeah. Maybe it shouldn’t be.
