Showing posts with label Death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Death. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Real Housewives of Dallas Guest Star Found Beaten to Death

Donna Alexander, a Texas native and entrepreneur who appeared on an episode of The Real Housewives of Dallas, died last month after police say she was brutally assaulted by her estranged boyfriend.

She was 34 years old.

Alexander founded and helped run The Anger Room, a facility that permits people to break things as a way to relieve stress.

She was very well known in the Dallas area and was featured just recently on the September 19 episode of this Bravo series when cast member LeeAnne Locken invited the women to The Anger Room to release tension and stress.

Said D’Andra Simmons, one of these Real Housewives, to a local news outlet in response to Alexander’s death:

She was “such a good soul and a nice person… You remember people like that in your life. When I found out what happened to her I had no idea, which is quite often the story.”

What allegedly happened to her in simply horrible.

d. alex

The 34-year old mother of two, who spent much of her life advocating against domestic violence, was allegedly beaten to death by Nathaniel Mitchell, according to Fox 4.

She was attacked at her home in Grand Prairie on September 21 and rushed to Baylor University Medical Center with severe head injuries, police told The Dallas News.

She died three days later.

As for Mitchell?

He actually accompanied Alexander to the hospital and then was arrested and initially charged with aggravated assault.

However, after Alexander passed away, he was charged with murder and is currently being held in prison without bond.

arrested guy

Alexander is survived by her son and daughter.

She created Anger Room in 2008 in hopes of “providing an alternative to seeing a ‘head doctor’ or talking it out when you’re having a bad day,” she has explained in the past.

Reads the official corporate website:

“The Anger Room facility is a place where you can let your hair down, gear up and destroy real-life mocked rooms that simulate an actual workplace, living area or kitchen – complete with glass, mannequins, TVs, tables and many, many more breakable items.”

It concludes:

“It might sound crazy at first, but we assure you once you’ve tried this method of stress relief, nothing else will compare!”

alexander photo

Alexander’s sister told Fox 4 that Mitchell attacked Alexander after she had kicked him out of her house.

“He ran around the back to my sister’s room and broke in the window,” she said.

“They got into an argument and he attacked her. The children reported they heard arguing and screaming until they got quiet.”

A pair of vigils were held for Alexander in Grand Prairie on Monday night, which marked the beginning of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

“I’m happy and I’m sad at the same time. I’m happy that she touched so many people’s lives. I’m sad that she is gone so early. That somebody took her away fro me,” Alexander’s father, Donald, told Fox 4.


Sunday, September 16, 2018

FEMA Administrator Uses Spousal Abuse to Dispute Puerto Rico Death Toll

President Trump may not be too far off in his claim that the death toll numbers in Puerto Rico were inflated … so says a FEMA administrator, who insists deaths linked to spousal abuse in the wake of the hurricane aren’t actually the hurricane’s…


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Ariana Grande: Read Her Heartbreaking Statement About Mac Miller"s Death

Hope you’re prepared to get in a good cry right now.

Because if you continue reading, trust us, it’s coming.

As you surely know by now, rapper Mac Miller passed away last week.

He was only 26 years old.

We still don’t have too many details about what happened, but here’s what we do know:

Mac was found dead in his home last Friday around noon, and when emergency responders arrived on the scene after receiving a 911 call, they saw that he’d been dead for several hours.

There’s no official cause of death yet, but the assumption is that he died of an overdose, considering the fact that he’s been dealing with addiction for several years.

Toxicology reports take a while, so it will likely be several more weeks before we learn what happened to him.

The night before his body was found, he’d been hosting a party in his home, and it sounds like the party got a bit out of hand.

Witnesses even claimed that several of his guests were there until Friday morning, when they rushed out of the house just before police arrived.

Because of this, some people are suspicious that something more than an overdose happened that night, but police aren’t investigating.

On a different note, another thing we know about his death is that as awful and implausible as it sounds, many of Mac’s fans are blaming Ariana Grande.

Ariana and Mac dated for a couple of years before breaking up in May, and a few weeks after that, she was engaged to Pete Davidson.

The idea seems to be that she should have done more to help him with his problems, or that her quick engagement broke his heart and caused him to ramp up his drug use.

It’s silly, because it’s not Ariana couldn’t force him to give up drugs, and she’s not responsible for his choices, no matter what.

People were so cruel about this that she had to turn off comments on her Instagram, as if she wasn’t hurting enough.

Speaking of Instagram, she shared a sweet picture of Mac there last weekend, and although she didn’t say anything about his death, it was a lovely little tribute.

But now, in another post, she’s really opening up about what happened.

And it is rough.

This time, she posted a video of him, and while it’s a little hard to tell what’s happening, it’s still precious.

He’s talking with someone else about something when he notices Ariana filming him, and he laughs and says “Baby, stop!”

They start laughing together, and she says “it makes me so happy,” so he tells her “I’ll tell you the story as many times as you want.”

It’s sad enough to see him laughing and having a good time after knowing how things turn out for him, but things get even sadder once you read the caption she wrote to go along with the video.

“i adored you from the day i met you when i was nineteen and i always will,” she began.

“i can’t believe you aren’t here anymore. i really can’t wrap my head around it. we talked about this. so many times.”

“i’m so mad,” she continued. “i’m so sad i don’t know that to do. you were my dearest friend. for so long. above anything else.”

“i’m so sorry i couldn’t fix or take your pain away. i really wanted to.”

She finished by calling Mac “the kindest, sweetest soul with demons he never deserved.”

“i hope you’re okay now,” she told him. “rest.”

Mac’s funeral will take place sometime in the next few days in Pittsburgh, his hometown, and according to reports, she’ll be in attendance.

Here’s hoping she can get a little bit of closure from that, because it sounds like she’s really hurting right now.


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Ariana Grande: Living a "Nightmare" Following Mac Miller Death

On Friday, the world learned of the passing of rapper Mac Miller, who died of an apparent drug overdose at the age of 26.

The outpouring of love for Miller and the support for his grieving family has been nonstop in the days since his untimely passing.

And today, two new developments serve as reminders of just how many lives Mac touched in his short time on earth and how keenly his loss is felt by those who loved him.

First, People magazine reported that Miller’s former girlfriend Ariana Grande is devastated by his death, to the point that she’s shown no interest in leaving the house, and loved ones have begun to fear that she’s neglecting her health.

“She completely broke down after she found out about Mac,” a source told People of Grande’s state.

“She can’t believe he isn’t here anymore. He was such a special person to her. She is very, very sad.”

The insider concluded:

“This is a nightmare for her.”

While few were as close with Mac as Ariana was, millions felt a kinship with the rapper, largely due to the confessional, soul-baring nature of his work.

Though he never achieved the mainstream superstardom so many felt he deserved, Miller remains an icon in his hometown of Pittsburgh.

And last night, the city paid tribute to Mac with a candlelight vigil in Frick Park Blue Slide a location made famous as the title of Miller’s debut album.

“We would like to bring the city together in full force for this legendary icon,” read a Facebook post about the event, which was hosted by Nightfall Records.

“Mac deserves to be sent off with an evening of celebrating his life, discussing his struggles, and remembering his stories; most importantly for his iconic work that brought joy into the lives of everybody who listened,” the post continued.

“We are welcoming all artists to come and paint, create, draw, live tribute art for this event.”

On social media as well as in the physical world, many paying tribute to Miller say their intentions are twofold:

They wish to call attention to the music of an underappreciated talent, as well as to raise awareness of the struggles that led to Mac’s untimely passing, so that others might avoid the same fate.

We wish them luck in those endeavors, and our thoughts go out to all who have been affected by the passing of Mac Miller.


Mac Miller: Medical Examiner Says Cause of Death Is a Mystery ...

Last week, fans were stunned to learn that Mac Miller had passed away at the age of 26.

Though it was reported as an apparent drug overdose, police did not really find evidence of that when they searched the late rapper’s home.

And now his death certificate has come back … with no real answers for his fans and loved ones.

TMZ reports that the L.A. County medical examiner’s report has come back on Mac Miller, but it’s not giving people the closure that they seek.

Right now, Miller’s cause of death is “deferred.”

That means that the medical examiner is still unprepared to rule on his official cause of death.

Naturally, the office is awaiting the results of Miller’s toxicology panel. We imagine that they will leave no stone unturned as they test for substances.

Unfortunately, that may take a while. TMZ notes that toxicology results tend to take 4 to 6 weeks to come back.

So the world will have to wait until October, most likely, for confirmation of Miller’s cause of death and that much needed closure.

But issuing a death certificate before the toxicology results come back is no fool’s errand — it has a purpose.

TMZ notes that the release of this document means that Miller’s family can obtain the body and make plans to bury, cremate, or otherwise lay him to rest.

It also means that the medical examiner probably did not find anything suspicion during the examination — no odd fractures or ligature marks that might indicate that Miller’s death was merely staged to resemble an overdose.

While the toxicology results will hopefully bring the family a degree of closure, the certificate will allow them to honor his memory and his death.

As we mentioned, police searched Miller’s home, but did not find what you’d expect to see in the home of a man with a substance abuse problem.

Police found only a small amount of white powder, but did not find drugs, pill bottles, or drug paraphernalia.

Reaching the natural conclusion that Miller did not clean his house, then overdose, they came to believe that someone purged Miller’s home of all drugs before police had the chance to do a sweep.

It seems most likely that a well-intentioned friend of Miller’s hoped to avoid awkwardness or embarrassment for Miller’s family and memory.

But, in general, it’s best to let investigators see as much evidence as possible when someone has died.

Miller was last seen alive on the night of Thursday, Septeber 6. He had friends at his home.

He was scheduled for a video shoot on Friday, but was found unresponsive that day, resulting in a 9-1-1 call at around noon.

Emergency responders arrived, but pronounced him dead at the scene.

It is unclear exactly when he may have passed away, but so far, no one has come forward to claim that they saw him alive after Thursday night.

This is heartbreaking for his fans, his friends, and most of all, for his closest loved ones.

Unfortunately, some people had the sheer audacity to blame Ariana Grande for Mac Miller’s death.

These awful trolls claimed that if Ariana had simply continued to date him as some sort of human emotional support blanket, he would still be alive.

Ariana’s responsibility is to live her own life. She dated Miller for two years, but ultimately his substance abuse problems played a huge role in their breakup.

The fact that she moved on and found happiness with Pete Davidson does not in any way make her responsible for Miller’s death.

Miller wasn’t the victim of a breakup. He was the victim of addiction.


Monday, September 10, 2018

Ariana Grande: Did Her Own Reps Try to Keep Mac Miller"s Death a Secret?

As you’ve likely heard by now, rapper Mac Miller passed away on Friday after suffering what appeared to be an accidental drug overdose in his San Fernando Valley home.

Though he was an accomplished artist in his own right, Miller was likely best known in the mainstream for his two and a half year relationship with pop icon Ariana Grande.

Though Grande and Miller were reportedly not on speaking terms at the time of his death, sources close to the singer have revealed that Ariana was “shattered” by her ex’s untimely passing at the age of 26.

It wasn’t long after the rapper’s death that Grande paid tribute to Miller on Instagram.

But it seems she didn’t find out about her ex’s passing at the same time as the rest of the world.

Within minutes of TMZ reporting the news of Miller’s death, the story was picked up by media outlets over the world.

However, Grande was intentionally kept in the dark by her own staff.

How is such a thing possible in the smartphone era?

Well, it seems Ariana was busy promoting her acclaimed new album, Sweetener, and some of the people she trusts most made the conscious decision to keep Miller’s death under wraps so that she could focus on the task at hand.

At the time of Mac’s passing, Ariana was filming an interview for a BBC documentary about the making of Sweetener.

According to Radar Online, staff made the call to wait until filming was done for the day to tell her about Miller.

A source tells the site that they quickly regretted that decision as Grande “was understandably raging when she found out the news had been kept from her and gave everyone a dressing down when she’d finished crying.”

The insider goes on to describe a nightmarish scene right out of Black Mirror.

It seems that news quickly spread throughout the audience and the rest of the closed set, but Ari remained in the dark for hours:

“There was only a select number of fans allowed in for the filming of the BBC special, and a handful of TV bosses and publicists,” says the insider.

“Even though fans were told to turn off their phones for filming, many kept them on during the interview and knew about the news but none of them could interrupt to tell Ariana,” the sourcr adds.

“The people involved in the show also knew, but chose to let the cameras keep rolling as they didn’t want to disrupt a very expensive set-up since they knew Ariana would probably not want to carry on if she’d been told.”

Sadly, shortly after news of Miller’s death went public, Ariana was forced to disable comments on her Instagram page due to hateful trolls implicating her in ex-boyfriend’s passing.


Saturday, September 8, 2018

Celebrities React to Shocking Death of Mac Miller

The tragic news of rapper Mac Miller’s fatal OD on Friday afternoon has shocked the world, and celebrities’ tweets of grief and prayers have been pouring in. See some of the their reactions below. Praying for Mac’s family and that he rest…


Post Malone Gets Emotional Talking About Mac Miller"s Death

Post Malone’s understandably devastated over the shocking death of his friend and fellow rapper, Mac Miller … because like he says — it really f***ing sucks. We talked to Post in Beverly Hills Friday shortly after the tragic news of Miller’s…


Mac Miller Update: Family Releases Statement, Awful People Blame Ariana Grande for Rapper"s Death

As previously reported, tragedy has once again struck Hollywood.

Around noon on Friday, authorities, responding to a call from an unknown individual, arrived at the San Fernando Valley home of Mac Miller and found the rapper dead.

He was 26 years old.

As of this writing, the likely cause of death is a drug overdose.

The artist had been well known and respected across the music industry ever since his debut album in 2012… but he was perhaps better known of late for his long-term relationship with Ariana Grande.

This romance ended in May, with sources saying that Miller’s substance abuse issues played a significant role in Grande deciding it was time to part ways.

Just a week later, Miller was arrested for drunk driving.

Shortly afterward, in July, he an interview to Zane Lowe on Beats 1 on Apple Music in which he referred to himself as a “self-destructive depressed drug user.”

But he also assured fans at this time that he was doing okay and that he was “happy” for Grande, who he dated for two years.

Just over a month later, Miller is dead.

“Malcolm McCormick, known and adored by fans as Mac Miller, has tragically passed away at the age of 26,” his family said in a statement provided to multiple outlets.

“He was a bright light in this world for his family, friends and fans. Thank you for your prayers. Please respect our privacy. There are no further details as to the cause of his death at this time

Elsewhere, Warner Bros. Records added the following:

“Mac was a hugely gifted and inspiring artist, with a pioneering spirit and sense of humor that touched everyone he met.

“Mac’s death is a devastating loss and cuts short a life and a talent of huge potential, where the possibilities felt limitless.”

The Los Angeles Fire Department has confirmed that first responders were dispatched Friday after an 11:42 a.m. call about a medical complaint at a residence in Studio City, California.

They did not transport anyone from the scene, making it safe to assume that Miller had passed away before they arrived.

“I just wanna go on tour,” Miller Tweeted on Thursday. “The show is going to be special every night. I wish it started tomorrow.”

Meanwhile, while music heavyweights mourn Miller’s passing (“Great man. I loved him for real. Im completely broken. God bless him,” Tweeted Chance the Rapper), a handful of terrible trolls out there are blamng Grande for what has transpired.

They somehow think the singer is responsible for Miller’s addiction and for driving him to this fatal place due to their split.

In the wake of this tragedy and upon seeing what these awful people were writing on her Instagram page, Grande disabled Comments for a period of time.

She appears to have now turned them back on.

And if she is checking, we sincerely hope she sees that the supporters out there far, far, FAR outweight the misguided haters.

“The amount of tweets blaming Ariana Grande for what happened to Mac Miller is disgusting, his addiction and lack of help is what drove this to happen, don’t point the finger and blame,” wrote on fan.

And another chimed in as follows:

“Just noticed Ariana Grande disabled comments on her Instagram account after a barrage of Mac Miller-related comments. Recognize the true problem here, rather than using someone else as a scapegoat & continuing the cycle.

All so sad & nauseating.”

Following Mller’s aforementioned crash and DUI arrest, someone on the Internet dared to blame Grande for the rapper’s fate.

She wasn’t having it.

“I am not a babysitter or a mother and no woman should feel that they need to be,” clapped back the singer, adding:

“I have cared for him and tried to support his sobriety & prayed for his balance for years (and always will of course) but shaming / blaming women for a man’s inability to keep his s— together is a very major problem.”

That is oh so true.

And also so not the point right now.

A young man is dead at the age of 26.

It’s a tragedy.

This is especially the case when you consider what Miller said in a documentary a few years ago:

“I’d rather be the corny white rapper than the drugged-out mess who can’t even get out of his house. Overdosing is just not cool. You don’t go down in history because you overdose. You just die.”

May he rest in peace.


Friday, September 7, 2018

Celebs React to Burt Reynolds" Death

Burt Reynolds inspired generations of Hollywood celebs, and almost every one of them — whether they worked with him or not — seems to be sharing his or her memories of the legendary actor. These celeb tributes to Burt started flooding the…


Friday, August 31, 2018

President Trump Doesn"t Regret His Handling of John McCain"s Death

President Trump is defending the way he handled the death of Senator John McCain, saying he did “everything that they requested” and didn’t bungle a damn thing. The Prez sat down with Bloomberg News Thursday for an exclusive interview in the Oval…


Monday, August 27, 2018

Pantera Drummer Vinnie Paul"s Cause of Death Revealed

Vinnie Paul — Pantera’s drummer and one of the original founders of the band — died from a bad heart … TMZ has learned. The Clark County Coroner tells TMZ that Vinnie died of dilated cardiomyopathy — an enlarged heart — as well as severe…


Jackson Odell: Cause of Death Revealed

We have an update on the tragic passing of Jackson Odell.

The actor, best known for his role on The Goldbergs when he died suddenly this summer, was found dead at a sober living facility in the San Fernando Valley in mid-June.

He was only 20 years old at the time.

Odell portrayed Ari on the aforementioned ABC sitcom, but he also appeared on Nickelodeon’s iCarly and made stopped by for an episode of mega hit Modern Family.

And we now know how he died:

According to E! News, The Blast and Entertainment Tonight, the 20-year-old passed away of an accidental drug overdose.

The coroner reportedly ruled that Odell’s cause of death was “acute heroin and cocaine toxicity” and the manner of death was deemed “accidental.”

This confirms what many outlets had reported in the days following Odell’s passing.

Back in June, a public information officer told Entertainment Tonight that Odell was found unresponsive.

His family later released a statement on Twitter that confirmed this awful news.

It read as follows:

The Odell family has lost our beloved son and brother, Jackson Odell, on Friday.

He will always be a shining light and a brilliant, loving and talented soul. He had so much more to share. Our family will always carry that truth forward.

Our wish is that the rest of the world who knew him does as well.

We are now going to try to make sense of our immeasurable loss privately. We will not be making any more statements.

odell tweets

Odell was laid to rest in a private funeral service on June 13.

He was mourned by many around Hollywood, perhaps most notably by Modern Family actress Ariel Winter, who had known Jackson for years.

“Devastated to hear about the passing of Jackson Odell,” she wrote in response to his death, adding:

“I knew Jackson since we were 12 years old, and he even appeared in an episode of Modern Family. We didn’t talk much as we entered our high school years, but I’m glad I got to spend time with him before his end.

“Very hard for me to hear about anyone passing away, but someone so young really saddens me. Sending love to his family and friends.”

Along with his acting roles, Odell was also a singer-songwriter who contributed numerous original songs to the soundtrack for the 2018 movie Forever My Girl.

We continue to send our condolences to his friends, family members and loved ones.

May he rest in peace.


Sunday, August 26, 2018

Family, Friends and Celebrities React to Senator John McCain"s Death

Love and heartfelt condolences from family, friends, fellow politicians and celebrities are pouring in for John McCain … who died Saturday afternoon at age 81 after a year-long battle with brain cancer. John’s wife, Cindy, says … “My heart…


Friday, August 24, 2018

Stick in "Game of Death" "Memba Him?!

Mel Novak is best known for playing the sharpshooting sniper Stick — named for the matchstick he keeps in his mouth — in the epic 1978 Bruce Lee film “Game of Death.” Guess what he looks like now!


Stick in "Game of Death" "Memba Him?!

Mel Novak is best known for playing the sharpshooting sniper Stick — named for the matchstick he keeps in his mouth — in the epic 1978 Bruce Lee film “Game of Death.” Guess what he looks like now!


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Mike Trout Posts Heartbreaking Message After Brother-In-Law"s Death

Mike Trout is opening up on the passing of his brother-in-law … saying, “You brought so much happiness and joy to my life every time I was with you.” The best player in baseball stepped away from the Angels a week and a half ago to mourn the loss…


Korn Frontman Jonathan Davis Speaks Out About Wife"s Death & Mental Illness

Jonathan Davis says his wife Deven was very sick for the past decade, and suggests her mental illness led to her addiction … and it’s to blame for her death. Korn’s lead singer shared a message on Instagram Wednesday night to address what…


Richie Incognito Says Dad"s Unexpected Death was Traumatic

Richie Incognito’s father’s death was unexpected — and the Pro Bowl lineman took it extremely hard in the time leading up to his arrest at an Arizona funeral home … TMZ Sports has learned.  As we previously reported, Incognito was taken into…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Richie Incognito Arrested at Funeral Home After Dad"s Death

Ex-NFL star Richie Incognito was arrested in Arizona on Monday after allegedly going berserk in a funeral home following the death of his father … TMZ Sports has learned.  We’re told … the 35-year-old offensive lineman was talking with…
