Showing posts with label Deserve. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deserve. Show all posts

Sunday, June 18, 2017

19 Fathers Who Totally Deserve Their Special Day

Every day may not be Father"s Day.

But every day is Hilarious Father"s Day when it comes to the following parents.

Prepare to LOL upon reading through the funniest father Tweets we"ve come across online…


Be careful

With whatever it is you are doing. Just be careful.

2. Playing Dad

Playing dad

It’s just second nature at this point.

3. Hey, No Judgment Here!

Hey no judgment here

You’ve got a lot to carry!

4. I Think It’s in the Bathroom… or Living Room… or Backyard

I think its in the bathroom or living room or backyard


5. Sorry… Sorry… Sorry…

Sorry sorry sorry

…. really, I’m very sorry.

6. Fore Real!

Fore real

It worked for Johnny Carson.

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Sunday, May 14, 2017

29 Mothers Who Truly Deserve Their Own Day

No one ever said that being a parent would be easy.

But at least it can be funny.

We"d like to thank the following mothers for keeping their sense of humor, even among the most stressful/crazy/messy times…


I said dinner is ready

You will eat, dammit!

2. Communication Issues

Communication issues

This is not as funny as it sounds when you’re the parent involved.

3. Point, Mom

Point mom

Got a retort, Daughter?

4. Can It Be a Life Sentence?

Can it be a life sentence

Or at least, like, a six-hour sentence?

5. Lesson Missed

Lesson missed

But it’s all worth it… right?!?

6. There’s No Application Process

Theres no application process

Just a drinking game or two.

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Saturday, May 13, 2017

Lorenzo Fertitta Gives Blessing for Mayweather Vs. McGregor, "They Deserve It" (VIDEO)

Lorenzo Fertitta — the former co-owner of the UFC — says he supports Dana White’s plan to pay Mayweather $ 100 mil and McGregor $ 75 mil if they fight … saying, “They deserve it!”  You know Lorenzo’s story … he and his brother, Frank,…


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Frank Ocean SLAMS Taylor Swift: She Doesn"t Deserve a Grammy!

Frank Ocean is a national treasure. So talented. So beautiful.

But while we adore Frank, it seems that he does not feel the same way about the Grammy Awards.

Not even a little bit.

See, back in 2013, he performed at the Grammys. There were some issues with the performance — it was a live show on a huge scale, after all.

And that’s fine, it happens. But for some petty reason, a couple of producers from the awards show decided to run their mouths about it, four years later.

“We executed his vision knowing that it was faulty,” a producer named Ken Ehrilch told Rolling Stone in a new interview. “And we tried to tell him that, we tried to tell his management that, we tried to tell the record label that.”

Ken called Frank’s performance “rigid” and “faulty,” and that it was “not great TV,” and that the reason he hasn’t been involved with the Grammys in the years since is because he was upset about it.

And, well, Frank heard about the interview. And he didn’t appreciate it.

In fact, he felt strongly enough to address it in all all-caps rant on Tumblr.

“OK Ken (and David),” he began, David being the other producer that talked trash. “As much as I hate to make you guys famous or even to respond to you directly. We all die one day and you’re old so f-ck it.”

“Yea yeah my 2013 performance at the Grammys was absolute sh-t. Technical difficulties, blah blah. Thanks for the reminder. Very much appreciated.”

“F-ck that performance though,” he continued. “You think that’s why I kept my work out of the Grammy process this year? Don’t you think I would’ve wanted to play the show to ‘redeem’ myself if I felt that way?”

It’s a fair point, but Frank hasn’t even hit his stride yet.

“In reality,” he wrote, “I actually wanted to participate in honoring Prince on the show but then I figured my best tribute to that man’s legacy would be to continue to by myself out here and to be successful.”

“Winning a TV award doesn’t christen my successful. It took my some time to learn that. I bought all my masters back last year in the prime of my career, that’s successful.”

“‘Blonde’ sold a million plus without a label, that’s successful. I am young, black, gifted and independent.. that’s my tribute.”

OK, and now we’re about to get into the Taylor Swift shade …

Frank said that “I’ve actually been tuning into CBS around this time of year for a while to see who gets the top honor and you know what’s really not ‘great TV’ guys?”

“1989 getting album of the year over To Pimp a Butterfly. Hands down one of the most ‘faulty’ TV moments I’ve seen.”

He’s referring, of course, to Taylor’s last album, 1989, and how it beat out Kendrick Lamar’s amazing To Pimp a Butterfly for the Album of the Year Grammy.

“Believe the people,” he advised the Grammy producers. “Believe the ones who’d rather watch select performances from your program on YouTube the day after because your show puts them to sleep.”

“Use the old gramophone to actually listen bro,” he went on. “I’m one of the best alive. And if you’re up for a discussion about the cultural bias and general nerve damage the show you produce suffers from then I’m all for it.”

“Have a good night.”

And, well, he’s not wrong. About any of it.

Taylor’s album sold extremely well, and it was fun and catchy, but Kendrick Lamar definitely had the better album.

Just like, all those years ago, Beyonce had the better music video.

It’s a good thing Taylor doesn’t have a new album this year — we have a feeling we know who’d be getting the pointed, misguided speech this year.


Monday, January 2, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: Get The Love You Deserve In 2017!

Khloe Kardashian will probably be ecstatic at the prospect of putting 2016 behind her. It was probably one of the worst years of her life. 

Her relationship with Tristan Thompson was probably one of the only bright spots of that year.

Wait… we can probably also throw her finalizing her divorce to Lamar Odom into one of the highlights. 

Ever since Khloe and Tristan have been a thing, it’s been clear the pair are totally in love. They’ve been very vocal about it over social media. 

People have even been speculating that Khloe has a little Kardashian bun in her oven, but we still have no idea whether that’s a fact, or some more Kardashian family fiction. 

Khloe took to Instagram to ring in the new year with a cute picture of Tristan kissing the side of her head, accompanied with a very hopeful caption.

“Happy New Year!!! May you always be surrounded by the love you are deserving of! May Gods blessings continue to rain on us all!”

There’s no denying that the picture was very cute, and it solidified the fact that the pair are really in love. 

With 2016 in the can, Khloe has a new reality show to look forward to. She will be the key attraction on Revenge Body, a new series that will help lucky individuals shut the haters up. 

Basically, viewers will apply for the opportunity to go on the show and have Khloe Kardashian help them get the body they so desperately desire. 

It’s hardly an original concept for a TV show, but Khloe has went through some transformations herself, so she’s probably one of the best people in the industry for the job. 

It remains to be seen if any of her family members will show up to try and plug the ratings. 

What do you think about all of this? 

Sound off below!


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Steve Smith -- Blasts Josh Brown ... You Deserve a Beatdown!

Baltimore Ravens superstar Steve Smith is coming out swingin’ at NY Giants kicker Josh Brown — saying the guy needs his ass beat down after new domestic violence details came to light.  “You know what if your ex-wife was my daughter yo ASS…


Friday, October 14, 2016

Luke Rockhold -- Greg Hardy"s So "Far Lost" ... He Doesn"t Deserve To Fight (VIDEO)

UFC superstar Luke Rockhold is BLASTING Greg Hardy and anyone considering training the ex-NFL star … saying, “it’s crazy to think that someone would actually train this guy.” Rockhold joined the “TMZ Sports” TV…


Saturday, May 21, 2016

18 Cute Kids Who Deserve Better Parents

Not to go all Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler on the men and women responsible for the following photos, but we have one word for them:


They may be decent parents at other times, but they clearly failed when these pictures were taken. 

Click around below and see if you agree:

1. Hello? Is Anyone There?

Hello is anyone there

Anyone at all? Guess I’ll just hang out for a bit by myself.

2. Raiding the Fridge

Raiding the fridge

When the parents are away, the kids will play. And also eat.

3. Just… No

Just no

Nothing that fell into that pit is worth this, Dad.

4. I Can’t Breathe!

I cant breathe

I admire you for trying to lose weight, Mom, but keep me out of it next time.

5. Catch!


Please, someone tell us this was Photoshopped.

6. In the Crapper

In the crapper

Come on. The bathtub is right there!

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Monday, March 28, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Teaser: We Deserve Death

In a word? GULP!

HBO has released a new trailer with new footage from Game of Thrones Season 6 and it doesn"t appear as if episodes ahead will be chock full of rainbows and sunshine.

Shocking, we know.

The opening line from the following preview feature Peter Dinklage as Tyrion, asking:

"Are you afraid? You should be. You’re in the great game now. And the great game is terrifying."

Jonathan Pryce, whose High Sparrow will play a key role this spring, later chimes in by saying “we are all sinful creatures” and “we all deserve death."

There"s little question that plenty of death will befall some of our favorite characters on Season 6, though most fans right now are busy wondering whether or not death has already befallen Jon Snow.

There"s no mention of He Who Knows Nothing in this latest trailer.

But there is a reference to a previous Game of Thrones trailer released in February, one that focused on the Hall of Faces, as another voice can be heard intoning:

"One way or another, the gift will be given. One way or another, a face will be added to the hall."

New episodes of this HBO smash will kick off on Sunday, April 24.

Check out fresh Game of Thrones footage now:

Game of thrones season 6 teaser we deserve death

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna: We Deserve Our Own Reality Show!

Is more Kardashian nonsense coming our way?

Rob Kardashian and his love of two-ish months, Blac Chyna are ready to become even more famous.  

Either that, or they just want to cash in on their relationship.

“They’re talking about doing their own reality show,” a source told Us Weekly.

The thing is, Kardashian hasn’t filmed anything since 2013, so producers are not 100% on board with him committing to (then, they probably fear, bailing on) a brand new show.

“E! would be hesitant about a spinoff,” an insider on the production team revealed. “They’d need to see him film on ‘Keeping Up’ first.”

The Kardashians family seems OK with him coming back to film.

“Kris Jenner would totally get behind this,” the production source added.

“If it takes Blac Chyna to help Rob rejoin life, Kris will be on board.”

Chyna has been a positive influence on Kardashian’s life since they started dating, from creating healthy meals to daily workouts.

The family believes this new project “might get him out of his funk”

The only one not 100% on board with this idea is Kylie Jenner, 18, who is dating Chyna’s ex-boyfriend and baby daddy, Tyga.

 “There will have to be an awkward talk with her beforehand,” the source said of Kardashian and his little sister.

She’ll get over it.  On with the show!

Friday, December 4, 2015

June Shannon: The Duggars Don"t Deserve a Second Chance!

In October of last year, TLC canceled Here Comes Honey Boo Boo after it was revealed that June Shannon dated a man who was convicted of molesting one of her daughters.

In a bizarre case of history repeating itself, the network found itself dealing with a similar problem in May of this year when the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls (four of whom were his sisters), and his parents went to great lengths to cover it up.

The situations are similarly appalling, but there’s one major difference between them:

While TLC permanently cut ties with Honey Boo Boo’s proudly redneck family, the network is giving the Duggars a second chance with Jill and Jessa: Counting On premiering next Sunday. 

Clearly, the decision was based on the bottom line, as the Duggars consistently brought on much higher ratings than the Shannon-Thompson clan. 

But despite the fact that her family never had quite as much clout as the Duggars, “Mama June” Shannon is still calling the network out for what she sees as an act of egregious hypocrisy. 

Of course, she didn’t put it in quite those words:

“TLC does some crazy stuff. Jill and Jessa are going back on TV,” Mama June said in a recent interview with Radar Online.

“Don’t tell me the Duggars aren’t going to be a part of that. They are working the Duggars back on TV in their own secret way.

“TLC took everything from us. They took so much away from the girls. Their bodyguards. They made them leave. The Duggars had security for weeks after they were canceled.”

Yes, apparently Honey Boo Boo had a full-time security detail. And Mama June is pissed that they’re not still around:

“They took out the two people who had been in my kids’ lives for three years,” she told the website. “If you were concerned about my kids, then why did you do that?”

And June believes TLC’s preferential treatment doesn’t stop with the Duggars:

“They are bringing Kate Plus 8 and they told me she was the worst person to work for and they were never going to bring her back,” she said. “I can’t believe TLC is bringing her back.”

June and “Sugar Bear” Thompson will star in the new season of Marriage Boot Camp, which premieres tonight on WE TV. 

Shannon says she’ll take the opportunity to clarify some misconceptions about her affair with convicted child molester Mark McDaniel:

“Mark’s not an issue. I’m not with him. I’m not dating him I never have,” Shannon told Radar.

“I honestly will feel better once the show comes out and the truth is revealed. The truth. Not just me saying it, the truth.”

Shannon adds that she Boot Camp producers even had her take a lie detector test while answering questions about her relationship with McDaniel.

Should be interesting – but it’ll never bring in Duggar ratings.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tila Tequila Goes INSANE on Twitter: Obese People Deserve to Die! I Have a Giant Penis!

Tila Tequila might be insane. We don’t mean she’s a little quirky, or a bit eccentric. We mean she’s the type of mom to put a Hitler mustache on her baby, post the pic on Instagram, and then wonder why everyone’s so upset.

She could be mentally ill, or she may just be the ultimate troll, but either way, Tila’s latest Twitter rant might be one of the great social media meltdowns of all time:

Now, before you read any further, it’s important to remember that Tila’s Nazi views recently got her kicked out of the Celebrity Big Brother house, which meand it’s possible she actually believes this crap.

So, we guess…trigger warning for mind-boggling idiocy. Are we doing that right? Anyway, the following is a bunch of tweets that Tila posted in the past 48 hours and still has not deleted. Enjoy:

  • “Sometimes I like to kill things just to see how it dies.”

  • “If you need a wheelchair to go grocery shopping because you’re too obese to walk, you deserve to die.”

  • “ALL HEIL #HITILA you know the Nazi’s actually won the war in another parallel that dripped over right?”

  • “Is it just me or does everyone struggle w/vibrating at such high frequencies that it becomes hard 2 stay in your meat suit?”

  • “My apologies about the @MileyCyrus penis ordeal. That happened because I’m always talking about how big my dick is so it manifested.”

  • “Rihanna is a replica of me. I was a ‘Good girl gone bad’ way before she was born. I also drowened [sic] in the bathtub.”

  • “Everyone really deserves to die.”

  • If you can spend your Government cheese feeding that fat ass but cannot afford a healthier lifestyle, you deserve to die.”

  • A great #AtomicBomb in the horizon! The future of mankind shall be incinerated. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust #TheEnd

  • “Remember when I used to call myself #Tilisis? Then a few years later they ripped me off & called the terrorists Isis!” 

Believe it or not, there are many, many more where that came from.

We have to hand it to her – we didn’t think it was possible for anyone to make Amanda Bynes’ tweets seem like a collection of rational, well-reasoned arguments, but Tila pulled it off!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Scandal Season 5 Episode 7 Recap: Does the Devil Deserve a Second Chance?

Following those pesky impeachment hearings, Fitz issued a public statement/apology to open Scandal Season 5 Episode 7.

He attempted to earn their trust back by vowing to work tirelessly for each and every one of them.

From there, Olivia dodged Abby’s questions about how she actually ended said impeachment hearings, though Abby gave her rival a knowing glance later on when Liv played dumb over Rowan’s “escape” from prison.

When Olivia got back home home, found finds Jake on her sofa. He blamed her for Elise’s demise and told her that she is Rowan’s greatest achievement.

Ouch! Burn! Olivia asked Jake to leave in response.

We then head to the Oval Office, where Olivia is camped out on the President’s couch… much to Cyrus’ chagrin. He realizes that she is really second in charge, not him, but that doesn’t stop Cyrus from telling Fitz to call off the FBI search for Rowan.

POTUS replies that he’s decided to go in a different direction.

At OPA, Huck has a few words to say to Olivia about her dad, believing Rowan will bring back B613 – but Olivia tells him the company is out of the spy business.

She then meets up with a woman named Hannah Taylor, who has been waiting in her office.

Taylor needs help getting justice against her rapist, Frank Holland, the man receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom. After hearing Hannah’s tale, Olivia heads to the White House.

Elsewhere, Abby learns from Liz North that Sally Langston has offered her an exclusive sit-down regarding her time in the White House.

She insists on being given a job within the President’s inner circle … or she’ll become a “lover of liberty.” Well played, Sally.

Cut to the Oval Office, where see that Jake is Fitz’s “different direction.” He plans to kill Rowan after he tracks him down.

Olivia and Quinn later meet with Frank Holland to ask him about the Hannah Taylor situation. He denies all allegations, saying Hannah plagiarized a paper for Holland’s class.

So, as you’ll note when you watch Scandal online, Quinn and Marcus set out to find more women Holland may have raped in order to help their case… and hit the jackpot.

Meanwhile, David is unable to prevent Liz from walking out of his office to give the interview with Sally Langston after she senses that this scheme has Cyrus Beene written all over it.

The Case of the Week concludes with the discovery that Holland’s wife is in total control, she doesn’t even let her husband talk. Hmmm… we wonder if this supposed to mirror anything going on within the White House.

Especially after Cyrus finds Olivia in the Oval Office again and Fitz takes her suggestion to let Liz go on air. He also makes Liz North Susan’s new Chief of Staff.

We end with Liz and David Rosen having sex (!!!!!) and with Cyrus confronting Olivia about her power inside the White House.

She better learn to wield it wisely.

Where will this all go on Scandal Season 5 Episode 8? We’ll be tuning in to find out!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Former Miss New York Contestant -- Decrowned For Going Topless ... "I Deserve An Apology Too"




A former Miss New York contestant forced to give up her crown by the Miss America Organization after appearing topless in a film wants an apology similar to Vanessa Williams‘.

Jennifer DeLora was crowned Miss Ulster County, New York in 1986 and was about to compete for the Miss New York crown when the org came across her starring role in “Bad Girls Dormitory,” in which she was topless for only 7 seconds.

DeLora says she got a letter notifying her she had 72 hours to surrender her county crown for what the organization called conduct that was “indecent and in bad taste.”


The letter said her conduct not only violated pageant rules, but they were also protecting her from looming bad publicity like Williams endured 2 years earlier.

DeLora grouses Williams’ photos were far more lurid than her tepid nude scene.

She says the organization took away her title, scholarship money and her pride and now she’s demanding an apology too.

Bad girls do cry.