Showing posts with label Diagnosis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diagnosis. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Senator John McCain Returns for Health Care Vote After Brain Cancer Diagnosis, Gets Standing Ovation

Senator John McCain got a standing O on Capitol Hill Tuesday as he returned to vote on a health care bill that would start the process of repealing Obamacare … this after being diagnosed with brain cancer. McCain flew into D.C. Tuesday just…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

John McCain Reveals Brain Cancer Diagnosis

John McCain has been diagnosed with brain cancer.

The Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix has confirmed that the 80-year old Republican Senator from Arizona has “a glioblastoma” that was found via testing after he went in for surgery on a blood clot over his eye on July 14.

According to the American Brain Tumor Association, Glioblastoma is an especially aggressive tumor that forms in the tissue of the brain and spinal cord.

The politician – who ran against Barack Obama for President in 2008 – will weigh his future medical options, but a representative says he will likely undergo a combination of radiation and chemotherapy.

A statement from McCain’s office just minutes after the diagnosis went public says he is “in good spirits as he continues to recover at home with his family in Arizona.”

It reads in full:

Senator McCain appreciates the outpouring of support he has received over the last few days. He is in good spirits as he continues to recover at home with his family in Arizona.

He is grateful to the doctors and staff at Mayo Clinic for their outstanding care, and is confident that any future treatment will be effective.

Further consultations with Senator McCain’s Mayo Clinic care team will indicate when he will return to the United States Senate.

The Mayo Clinic, meanwhile, emphasizes that McCain’s “underlying health is excellent” and that “treatment options” are being debated by his medical team.

The blood clot for which McCain was treated last week was over the senator’s left eye, not far from the left temple where he was diagnosed with melanoma in 2000.

Prior to this diagnosis, the long-time politician had three other malignant melanomas removed in 1993, 2000 and 2002. None of these melanomas were invasive.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta tells CNN that the average survival rate for malignant glioblastoma tends to be around 14 months with treatment.

“The news of my father’s illness has affected every one of us in the McCain Family,” Tweeted Meghan McCain on Wednesday night, adding:

“It won’t surprise you to learn that in all this, the one of us who is most confident and calm is my father.”

You can read the complete, moving statement below:

mm statement

In 1967, while serving in the United States Navy, McCain was shot down during a Vietnam War mission.

He was held captive by the enemy until 1973, surviving years of torture that left him with many physical ailments for the rest of his life.

He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona; he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 and was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986.

McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000, but lost in a primary to George W. Bush.

Eight years later, he represented the GOP in the general Presidential election, but lost to Obama.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called McCain “a hero to our conference and a hero to our country” upon learning of his cancer diagnosis, adding:

“He has never shied from a fight and I know that he will face this challenge with the same extraordinary courage that has characterized his life. We all look forward to seeing this American hero again soon.”

With messages of support pouring in all over social media, Arizona’s other senator, Jeff Flake, wrote on Twitter:

“Just spoke to @SenJohnMcCain. Tough diagnosis, but even tougher man.”

And this from Democratic senator Brian Schatz: “This is awful news. The country owes a debt of gratitude to this American hero.”

We share these sentiments and we send our thoughts to John McCain and his family during this dificult time.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Erin Andrews Opens Up About Cancer Diagnosis: Get The Details!

Erin Andrews is cancer-free after having surgery to remove all traces of the disease from her body

The 39-year-old has opened up to Health magazine about her diagnosis, recovery and whether there is the possibility that cancer could return down the line. 

One of the key talking points, of course, was Erin’s decision to freeze her embryos a few years back. Her reason?

“Just because it was all the rage,” the star confirms to the publication. 

“It definitely took a serious turn for us,” Andrews opens up about the chances of conceiving with fiancé, Jarret Stoll.

“I’m not young, we don’t know when we’re going to have a baby, we don’t know if this is going to come back.”

It sure sounds like things were in an uncertain state for Andrews during that difficult time. Thankfully, she’s currently healthy.

Andrews even opened up about keeping her diagnosis a secret from her coworkers. We can’t even begin to imagine how it must have been for Erin to come to terms with the diagnosis. 

It would have been difficult for anyone. 

“Working with a bunch of men, I didn’t wanna be like, ‘Sooo, they think I have cervical cancer,’ and they’d be like, ‘Where’s your cervix?’ ” she says.

“But I’d also come off this huge trial that was kind of the focus of the summer, and I don’t want to be the girl that always has the problems at the table — ‘And now I have cancer!’”

The huge trial Erin is referring to was the one in which she was awarded $ 55 million because she sued the Marriot International hotel chain. She claimed that they knowingly let peeping tom, Michael Barrett to have the room next to her. 

This resulted in a nude video of Andrews doing the rounds in 2009. It was a difficult time for the Fox News anchor and Dancing with the Stars co-host, who claimed she felt ashamed and was even close to abandoning her career. 

Erin also felt like her illness was not something that was a big deal and that’s part of the reason why she kept quiet about it. 

“I also think that I didn’t want to believe it was that big a deal, so we kept it quiet. But the wait was horrible.”

Andrews then went on to speak about the aftermath of her surgery, which took place on October 11. 

“At Dancing with the Stars that Monday, I was in my dressing room when the phone rang and [the doctor] said, ‘You’re good. We got it.’ I was like, ’Oh my God,’ crying — while trying on a ballroom dress,” she says.

Nowadays, Erin is hopeful for the future and may be looking into having children. 

“I want to continue doing more, but it’s going to be shaped toward how I want to have this family and how I do want to have kids,” she says. 

“I think it’s possible that I’ll be able to have a kid and be able to do this for a living. We’re just gonna have to figure out how.”

What do you think about all of this?


Friday, June 2, 2017

Olivia Newton-John: Daughter Slammed for Insensitive Pics After Cancer Diagnosis!

We’ve all heard the sad news about Olivia Newton-John’s breast cancer diagnosis, and while we all know how hard that must be for her daughter, Chloe Lattanzi, some people are looking to make it worse.

It seems that Chloe can’t even use social media without getting blasted by misguided “fans.”

The vitriol that she’s received in Instagram comments was so bad … she’s taking a break from social media.

Chloe’s “crime?” Posting pictures of herself living her life and being a person and, gasp, smiling.

You know, being a person. Which is certainly what her mother wants.

But the backlash that she got in the comments — that she shouldn’t show herself doing anything but mourning her mother’s diagnosis — was enough to make her want to step back from the photo-sharing app.

“Some woman commented that I couldn’t post happy pictures of myself because of what my mother is going through. I am so sad and no one has any idea what I am going through,” she wrote.

“I don’t want my life to be public and this [is] the greatest struggle a daughter could go through. And the last thing I need is someone telling me that I can’t distract myself and post normal creative pics on my Instagram.”

Chloe is 31. She’s made some plastic surgery mistakes in the past, but she’s a grown-ass adult.

We’re sure that she’s acutely aware of the weight of her mother’s diagnosis.

She still has to live her life. That’s the most important thing for her to do for her own well-being.

Unless you’re caring for a child, anything else just leads to an unhealthy mindset and resentment.

We can’t imagine that Olivia Newton-John wants her daughter to mope around thinking about cancer at literally all times.

And we don’t have to imagine, because Chloe shared exactly what her mother wants.

“My mom is fine and the one thing she told me is to keep being creative positive and take my mind off anything negative (sic). My mom and I are humans and unfortunately my mother’s cancer has to be everyone’s buisness (sic).”

She really lets the world know how she feels.

“You could never imagine how much we just want to be alone. And not have to deal with the world’s opinions of how we deal with this. I’m going to leave my Instagram for a while. Not. Because Im (sic) ashamed that I posted a pic that wasn’t to do with my mom, but because I’m angry.”

Who wouldn’t be angry?

“Angry that there are such incredibly insensitive assholes out there making me feel ashamed of trying to feel normal.”

And then, after expressing optimism that her mom will beat this, she bids farewell to Instagram.

“Good bye for a while.”

That’s a fair response.

It’s hard to imagine why anyone would want to compound a tragic diagnosis by giving someone’s daughter a hard time just for living her life and trying to steal little moments of happiness.

We’re hoping for the best in Olivia Newton-John’s battle with cancer.

We’re also hoping that humanity, as a collective, becomes a little kinder. Geez.


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Oliva Newton-John Opens Up About Cancer Diagnosis

This is heartbreaking news.

A cancer diagnosis is never good news. Almost every family has gone through the pain of learning that one of their own has this often terminal disease. We’ve all read about various famous people who’ve been diagnosed. 

Unfortunately, today, we learned about one more.

Olivia Newton-John is an absolute legend. She’s supremely talented as a singer and actress. an icon to many members of the LGBT community. 

She’s also now a cancer patient.

She issued a press release on the subject. It’s not the most personal way to share information, but sometimes being straightforward and informative is the best route to take when breaking bad news.

And this is the worst kind of news to break.

Olivia Newton-John Press Release

Sometimes, impersonal is best.

Olivia Newton-John had to cancel her North American concert dates for June, but this is one set of cancelations that no decent person could bemoan.

 Apparently they discovered the cancer because she had complained of back pain. Frightening to think that something so innocuous could be how you learn that you have cancer.

Specifically, it’s breast cancer that’s metastasized to her sacrum.

It’s also a reminder that even the healthiest people can get cancer.

A lot of people push the idea that overall wellness can prevent cancer, but disease can come from all sorts of sources, and genetics are a powerful factor when it comes to cancer.

Yoga teachers get cancer. Nutritionists get cancer. Marathon runners get cancer.

Living legends do, too.

Fortunately, there are treatments. Olivia Newton-John intends to undergo a short treatment of photon radiation therapy.

From her press release, she sounds optimistic. That can be so important for cancer patients.

And there’s reason to hope. Shannen Doherty recently announced that her cancer had gone into remission

Still, her fans from all over the world will be wishing her a swift and easy recovery. Cancer’s hard, and the life-saving treatment can be even more painful.

If you’ll excuse us, we’ll be listening to “Xanadu” and hoping for the best.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Conrad Hilton To Be Released on Bail if He Agrees to Enter Hospital for Diagnosis

Conrad Hilton’s family will use his arrest after going off the rails at his ex-girlfriend’s house to get him help … TMZ has learned. We broke the story … Conrad was arrested Saturday at 4 AM after allegedly stealing Rick Salomon’s Bentley,…


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

SpongeBob SquarePants Creator Announces ALS Diagnosis

Sad news today out of the world of children’s television:

Stephen Hillenburg, the creator and executive producers of SpongeBob SquarePants, has confirmed to Variety that he’s been diagnosed with ALS.

In his statement, Hillenburg said he plans to continue working on the wildly popular program, which debuted in 1999.

“Anyone who knows me knows that I will continue to work on SpongeBob SquarePants and my other passions for as long as I am able,” Hillenburg said, adding:

“My family and I are grateful for the outpouring of love and support. We ask that our sincere request for privacy be honored during this time.”

ALS is a a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord.

In response to this sad piece of news, Nickelodeon issued a statement of its own in support of Hillenburg.

It reads:

“Steve Hillenburg is a brilliant creator who brings joy to millions of fans. Our thoughts and support are with Steve and his family during this difficult time.”

SpongeBob SquarePants tracks the adventures and endeavors of the title character, along with his numerous friends in the fictional underwater city of Bikini Bottom.

The show’s popularity has made it a media franchise, as well as the highest-rated series to ever air on Nickelodeon; it is also the most distributed property of MTV Networks.

As of 2015, the media franchise had generated $ 12 billion in merchandising revenue for Nickelodeon.

Yes, $ 12 BILLION.

The series airs in over 170 countries and has been translated into over a dozen languages.

sponge pic

“I think SpongeBob was born out of my love of Laurel and Hardy shorts,” Hillenburg said in 2009. “SpongeBob was inspired by that kind of character: the Innocent – a la Stan Laurel.”

What has led to its ongoing popularity?

Why does it remain so successful after all these years?

“Everybody recognizes the childlike character,” Hillenburg said of the blend of traits and physical comedy. “It’s universally understood.” 

ALS can be a debilitating, truly awful illness.

We send Hillenburg and his loved ones our very best wishes.

ALS can be a debilitating illness. May 


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Erin Andrews Reveals Cancer Diagnosis: Get the Details

Erin Andrews has opened up for the first time about something very painful and very personal:

She was diagnosed last year with cervical cancer.

The reporter and Dancing with the Stars co-host made this reveal in an interview with Sports Illustrated, confirming that she has undergone successful surgery to remove all traces of the terrible disease.

Andrews explained how she she had this type of cancer in September, a few months after settling her $ 55 million lawsuit against the Nashville Marriott.

The broadcaster had been awarded this large sum as the result of a stranger secretly filming her in the nude while staying in the room next to her in that hotel.

And she says that getting through this embarrassing incident toughened her up for her cancer battle.

“After the trial everyone kept telling me, ‘You’re so strong, for going through all of this, for holding down a job in football, for being the only woman on the crew,’” Andrews told SI’s MMQB website.

“Finally I got to the point where I believed it too. ‘Hey, I have cancer, but dammit, I am strong, and I can do this.”

Andrews was encouraged by her oncologist at the time to go under the knife as soon as possible, but she had a game to help broadcast.

So Andrews did her job and then flew to Los Angeles to deal with the disease.

On October 11, she underwent surgery, 17 days after the diagnosis was made.

But Andrews made it clear that she had a game later that week to go cover and that was not going to let a little thing like cancer get in the way of her professional goals.

“I’m not watching any football games at home this year,” she says she him. “This is our Super Bowl year, and I’m not missing the Super Bowl.”

It’s true: Fox is set to air the Atlanta Falcons versus the New England Patriots on Sunday, February 5.

Two days after her surgery, Andrews was off to Green Bay to cover a Packers game.

She adds that fiance Jarret Stoll, who plays professional hockey, tried to get Andrews to take some time off work, but she didn’t think twice about her decision.

She had an easy response for him.

“You wouldn’t miss a game,” Andrews responded. “You’d play through any injury, do whatever it takes to get back out there. That’s going to be me.”

On November, 1, Andrews underwent a second procedure; she then learned 16 days later that she was all clear. She would not need radiation or chemotherapy.

Looking forward, Andrew thinks this ordeal will help her do her job even better than before.

“In a way, this all has allowed me related to players more,” she says. “I understand what it’s like to be the story.”

An inspiring story at that.

Way to go, Erin Andrews!


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Kanye West -- Psychosis Diagnosis May Trigger Huge Payout

Kanye West is dealing with a medical emergency, but there’s a silver lining … it may have saved him millions of dollars. Kanye announced the cancellation of his tour 6 hours before he was handcuffed to a stretcher and hauled off to UCLA Medical…


Monday, November 7, 2016

Michael Bublé: Sister Shares Inspiring Instagram Post in Light of Nephew"s Cancer Diagnosis

As previously reported, tragedy has struck Michael Buble and his family.

The singer confirmed via statement last week that his three-year old son, Noah, has been diagnosed with cancer.

The statement was posted on his wife’s Facebook page and it read as follows…

“We are devastated by the recent cancer diagnosis of our eldest son Noah who is currently in treatment in the United States.

“We’ve always talked a lot about the importance of the family and the love we have for our children.

“[My wife] and I are going to spend all our time and attention to help Noah to get better, by suspending our professional activities for now.

“During this difficult time, we ask that you pray for him and please respect our privacy.

“We have a long road ahead of us and we hope that with the support of our family, friends, fans around the world and our faith in God, we can win this battle.”

Buble and his wife are also parents to a baby boy named Elias.

A few days after this awful news was made public, Noah’s aunt and Michael’s sister, Brandee Bublé, has shared some inspiring words on Instagram.

Brandee took to her social media account and posted a picture of a chalkboard.

On the chalkboard was written a biblical quote from 1 Corinthians 13:13. It reads:

“And now these three remain: faith, hope, & love. But the greatest of these is love.”

“And we’ve got a lot … ” the children’s book author captioned the inspiring message, adding a heart emoji.

Shannen Doherty, who is in the middle of her own breast cancer battle, recently spoke to Entertainment Tonight about Noah’s diagnosis

She confessed that she “can’t even begin to touch” on how the family is feeling, considering Noah’s young age, she was speaking from experience when she said:

“Just trust in your doctors. Make sure you have amazing doctors, a great team and know that organizations like the American Cancer Society, Stand Up to Cancer, they are doing so much good for cancer.

“And [there is] so much research that we have much better chances now. Stay positive. That positivity, that outlook on life that you can get through something, it actually does get you through.”

We send our prayers to the Buble family and we hope they know our thoughts are with them.

As demonstrated above and also around the nation, people most certainly do overcome cancer.

We hope Noah Buble can be added to this list.


Thursday, September 1, 2016

Kate Gosselin: I Was WAY Too Rough With Collin Before His Diagnosis

Last month, Kate Gosselin revealed that her son, Collin has a disability, and is away working through his issues.

Signs that the little boy was not like his siblings began to show in 2010, when he was expelled from school.

“Collin had such bad issues that he refused to get his picture taken at school. He’s tired of being on-camera,” a source told In Touch Weekly at the time, which followed Gosselin’s 2009 split from husband, Jon.

“The kids are going through a very challenging time, but Kate doesn’t feel this is something that should be discussed publicly.”

Another reveal came from Robert Hoffman’s 2014 tell-all, Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World, which contains some of Gosselin’s personal diary entries, according to Radar Online.

In September 2006, Gosselin expressed regret over being “too rough” with Collin, then 2, when he refused to sit in a corner after misbehaving.

“I feel so guilty that I treated him like that,” she wrote.

“I will set out tomorrow to be a better mommy.”

Perhaps one of the most frightening example of Collin’s behavior mixing with his mother’s short fuse occurred in January 2007, when Collin knocked over a high chair and spilled a bag of beans.

“I was instantly so SO angry, that I grabbed him and spanked him as hard as I could and thought I may seriously injure him so I sent him to his crib til Jon came home!” she wrote.

“I have never felt that I may seriously injure a child but today was that day!” 

As the boy’s mom, Gosselin noticed his temper, and wrote that she did like “that he doesn’t know how to handle his frustration and anger.”

When she was interviewed by People Magazine, Gosselin revealed that Collin does have behavior issues, and that he’s away getting help.

Gosselin, 41, explained that Collin does have special needs, and is in a program that will hopefully “help him reach his full potential.

“[There’s] a fairly fluid diagnosis of what those needs are, but he needs to learn certain strategies to help him deal with things,” she said.

“This has been a struggle we’ve had for a very long time, and it’s one I’ve dealt with on my own.  I’ve felt very alone in this.

“By the same token, it’s not something that has only impacted me or him … our entire family has been impacted”

Viewers who watched Jon & Kate Plus 8 are familiar with Gosselin’s own temper when it comes to disciplining her kids.  

It’s even earned her a reputation for being a cold, distant mother.

On the other hand, she’s raising eight children while her ex-husband was off finding himself whilst wearing Affliction and Ed Hardy.  

When you think about it, Gosselin does deserve a little credit for raising so many kids on her own.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Kassie DePaiva Reveals Cancer Diagnosis

Real-life drama has interrupted plans for a fictional return.

On the heels of her planned Days of Our Lives comeback, Kassie DePaiva has revealed that she’s been diagnosed with cancer.

The actress, who debuted on the NBC soap opera way back in 1975; left last fall; but was scheduled to return later this summer, updated her fans with this unfortunate news on Thursday afternoon.

“I was asked back to play Eve on ‘Days’ and had begun my exciting return,” DePaiva wrote, explaining what transpired next:

“During the 3 week July hiatus I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and have spent 6 of the last 9 weeks in the hospital.”

A soap opera veteran, DePaiva has also made appearances on General Hospital and One Life to Live.

She continued in her blog entry as follows:

“I will continue treatment over the next 3 months.

“My prognosis is good, I will not likely need a stem cell/bone marrow transplant, and we expect a complete cure. I consider this just a bump in the road.

“I have amazing prayer warriors, family, and friends that have been extremely supportive and life affirming throughout this.”

Adult acute myeloid leukemia very common. It is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells or platelets.

DePaiva said this diagnosis would have remained private, were it not known that her character of Eve was due back on Days of Our Lives.

It is now unclear what will happen to a storyline where (SPOILER ALERT!) Even was set to return for Theresa and Brady’s wedding… only to be abducted by Orpheus.

“This has been a private matter but with Eve’s return coming soon I felt it was time to let my loving fans know what’s been going on,” she wrote.

“The ‘Days’ and ‘OLTL’ family love runs deep. Although I’m unable to be ‘camera ready’ now… my goal is get back to stirring up trouble in Salem soon.

“Keep me in you thoughts and prayers.”

Of course, Kassie.

We have no doubt that you’ll soon be included in the list of celebrities below.

DePavia has been nominated twice for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series by the Daytime Emmy Awards.

She’s among the most popular stars of daytime television.

And this is how she concluded her latest post:

There is a tremendous need to find exact matches for stem cell/ bone marrow. If you would like to make a difference in someone’s survival please go to and find out how you can be a donor.

If you would like to donate blood or platelets which Leukemia patients need a lot of, please contact your local blood bank or American Red Cross.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Kassie DePaiva.

Holly Dunn Reveals "Rare and Aggressive" Cancer Diagnosis

Holly Dunn would like you to please keep her in your prayers tonight.

The 59-year old country singer says she has been diagnosed with an especially aggressive type of ovarian cancer.

Holly, who rose to pretty big success in the 1980s, made this sad admission to Christian website Hallels.

“Back in March of this year, I was diagnosed with a rare, very aggressive form of ovarian cancer,” Dunn said, joking:

“If you read the statistics, it is very bleak. Good thing I don’t believe in statistics!”

Dunn went on to say that her faith is helping her through this very difficult time. It’s unclear if she’ll survive the year.

“I had surgery and now I am having chemo treatments,” she said.

“I have since grown more tumors and it is going to be more of a battle than I anticipated, but I have a huge faith in the healing power of God and the healing power within me that originates from my God.”

Dunn went on to refer to her religion as her “rock” throughout this battle.

“I look towards a future when I am completely healed and cancer free. I ask for prayers of strength and courage as this journey continues,” she says.

Dunn is the sister of songwriter Chris Waters. She has released 10 albums over the years, with her best known tracks probably being “Daddy’s Hands” and “You Really Had Me Going.”

The artist’s first single, “Playing For Keeps,” was released in 1985.

She topped the country charts in 1989 and 1990 for her hits “Are You Ever Gonna Love Me” and and the aforementioned “You Really Had Me Going.”

She last came out with an album in 2003.

“I draw tremendous strength from my family and my family of friends who have gathered around me in total support,” Dunn concluded.

We send the singer our thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Amber Marchese Confirms Lyme Disease Diagnosis

Amber Marchese has been diagnosed with Lyme Disease.

The former The Real Housewives of New Jersey star opened up about this illness and what it means for her in an interview with Entertainment Tonight.

A doctor informed Marchese of the news last week.

“About two weeks ago, I had flu-like symptoms which included a low grade fever, headache, aches, chills, join pain and awful neck pain,” Marchese told ET, adding by way of explanation:

“I posted my condition on social media and a friend suggested I get tested for Lyme disease.

“She shared with me her struggles with Lyme disease and we shared many of the same symptoms.”

Marchese is a 38-year old mother of two.

She is currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer.

In the Entertainment Tonight interview, the reality star said she requested the Lyme Disease test while at her oncologist’s office, during a round of chemotherapy… and the tests came back positive.

“I am very fortunate as I caught it so early that no treatment is necessary,” she added. “But we are going to monitor it.”

Marchese is the latest member of the Bravo family to have come down with this health issue.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Yolanda Hadid has been battling the disease for years, recently admitting that two of her children – Bella and Anwar Hadid – are also coping with the ailment.

We wish them the best and we also send our best wishes to Amber Marchese for a full recovery.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Janice Dickinson Reveals Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Janice Dickinson has revealed that she is batting breast cancer.

The 61-year old former supermodel went into detail regarding the diagnosis, which took place during a routine exam on March 12, in an interview with The Daily Mail.

“The doctor noticed it immediately,” Dickinson said, explaining that she made an appointment due to a minor stomach issue and ended up receiving a mammogram and subsequent biopsy.

Added the Bill Cosby accuser:

“I’m always optimistic…  initially when the doctor found the lump it hurt, it became quite painful when you touch it, that’s the point when I knew this is serious, when the doctor touched this little lump in my right breast, about the size of a pea, and I went bingo, I have cancer.”

The ex-America’s Next Top Model judge says her initial concern was not for herself, but for her family.

“I became fearful for my two children [Savannah, 22, and Nathan, 28] my loving fiancé Rocky [Gerner]… we have a grandson, aged four, his name is Aby. I just thought they are gonna flip out.”

Dickinson says the exact diagnosis is stage ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).

“It’s still quite shocking. Today I got very scared… I just get very scared and it hit me,” Dickinson said, adding that her journey will be chronicled on The Doctors.

“But I am not gonna let that define me, the fear. I’m going to get through this.

“I don’t know what the doctors really told me because it goes in one ear out the other, that’s how I roll. I know that my fiancé is a doctor of the highest caliber, I have four specialists, I’ve been prodded and poked on the inside and out and I can tell you I’m very. very lucky.”

We send Dickinson our thoughts and prayers for a full recovery.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Jenelle Evans Receives Frightening Diagnosis For Mysterious Illness

Last month, Jenelle Evans was hospitalized after experiencing a number of symptoms that were initially chalked up to severe anxiety.

The news wasn’t terribly surprising, as the troubled mother of two leads an incredibly stressful life.

Jenelle returned home the same day, and it was widely assumed that her problem had been sufficiently addressed.

Recent developments, however, indicate that Evans is still struggling with some sort of ailment, and that it may be more than just anxiety making her sick.

Jenelle opened up about her health problems last week, revealing that she took a trip to New York City to undergo tesyting, but she didn’t provide any specifics about her symptoms or the results of the tests.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Jenelle has been hospitalized again

“She’s in the hospital in North Carolina right now,” says a source close to the situation. “She just went this morning. She drove herself and is there with Dave and Kaiser.”

“She can’t walk from her muscles in her legs and hips being so weak. She’s dizzy and very pale. She’s also having hot flashes and cramps.”

Apparently, doctors believe they may have discovered the root of the problem, and the tentative diagnosis is more than a little frightening: 

“They think it’s her pituitary gland in her brain causing all of this,” the insider says. “That might mean a tumor, but Jenelle’s not sure.”

The source adds that if doctors determine that Jenelle needs surgery, she’ll likely have to go under the knife as soon as possible.

Yet another difficulty in a life that’s already been full of challenges.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Bret "Hitman" Hart Reveals Cancer Diagnosis

Sad news today out of the world of the WWE:

Bret “Hitman” Hart, one of the most popular professional wrestlers in history, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

The 58-year old made the announcement himself this afternoon on Instagram.

“I beat the odds when I suffered my stroke in 2002, but it is now yet again, that I … stand unafraid and face the tough road ahead of me,” Hart wrote, including with his message the photo above.

The WWE Hall of Famer added that he’ll undergo surgery in the next few days.

“I will wage my fearsome fight against cancer with one shield and one sword carrying my determination and my fury for life, emboldened by all the love that’s kept me going this long already,” Hart continued.

Hart, whose brother Owen tragically died in the ring when a stunt went horribly wrong in 1999, won the world heavyweight championship on five occasions in the WWF and twice with WCW.

In addition, he won the WWE U.S. heavyweight title five times.

“My children, grandchildren, and my loving wife Steph have been and will constantly be at my side,” he concluded.

“I refuse to lose, I will never give in or give up, and I will win this battle or die trying. Most important of all, I hope can take the fight to prostate cancer.

“To be a leader in awareness and to set the example for men everywhere who find themselves in my very same shoes, that prostate cancer can be beaten.”

We wish Hart the very best of luck.

Here is a rundown of celebrities who have conquered the cancer battle that he is now set to wage:

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Rob Kardashian: Refusing to Leave Bedroom, Binge-Eating Fast Food Following Diabetes Diagnosis

It’s been almost two weeks since Rob Kardashian was diagnosed with diabetes, and it seems that despite some stern warnings from doctors, the 28-year-old reality star has no intention of changing his lifestyle.

According to Radar Online, not only has Rob refused rehab, he’s over-indulging like never before, and family and friends are beginning to fear the worst.

One insider claims that Rob has holed up in his bedroom in Khloe Kardashian’s Calabasas home and appears to have no intention of leaving.

Worse, he’s reportedly been receiving constant deliveries of the kind of food that resulted in his current state. 

“He’s been eating everything fattening and unhealthy in sight‑ burgers, fries, pizza, fried chicken, potato skins, burritos, enchiladas and chips,” says the source.

The insider adds that Rob has continued in his shocking over-consumption of alcohol, soda and Red Bull energy drinks.

Rob’s loved ones are obviously concerned, but according to the source, Rob has no intention of complying with their requests to seek professional treatment.

In fact, Rob has reportedly turned down an offer of $ 1 million from Kris Jenner to go to rehab.

Insiders say the bribe came from a place of desperation as Rob is currently a ticking time bomb.

“His pancreas is basically not functioning,” a source revealed last week. “He also has kidney problems. He’s very, very sick.”

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Rob Kardashian: Cashing In on Diabetes Diagnosis?!

Last week, Rob Kardashian was hospitalized with what later turned out to be symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

Naturally, like everything in the life of a Kardashian, Rob’s recent health scare is now being turned into a money-making opportunity.

First, Kris Jenner bribed Rob to go to rehab and allow his struggle with diabetes to be a featured storyline on Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Now, TMZ is reporting that a company that specializes in meal plans for diabetics has offered to make Rob healthy again – and cut him a six-figure check for his troubles.

Okay, so it’s not quite that simple.

In addition to undergoing a free trial of Five Hour Diabetics, Rob has to allow the company to use his name and likeness in its advertising campaigns and on its social media pages.

In exchange, he’ll reportedly receive a cool $ 100,000.

The deal could be a literal life-saver for the 28-year-old, as sources say Rob is refusing rehab and shows no signs of giving up his reckless lifestyle.

Money talks in Kardashian Land, so insiders expect the Rob to take the deal, and possibly follow it up by accepting his momager’s $ 1 million bribe.

If only we could all get someone to pay us huge bucks in order to get healthy.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Rob Kardashian: Putting Life in Danger By Ignoring Diabetes Diagnosis, Source Says

Last week, Rob Kardashian was hospitalized after complaining about various ailments that caused concern amongst his family and friends. 

Upon being admitted, Rob was diagnosed with diabetes, and sources close to the situation say that he could’ve lapsed into a coma if he hadn’t received the proper treatment. 

His loved ones hoped the health scare would serve as a wake-up call for Rob, but now the 28-year-old is reportedly ignoring his doctor’s warnings and carrying on with his reckless lifestyle.

“[Rob] continues to drink Red Bulls which are loaded with sugar,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online. “He’s eating junk food too.

The insider says Rob is in denial about the severity of his problems, which is particularly frustrating for his inner circle, as he could potentially reverse the damage he’s done to his body with a few simple lifestyle changes.

“The diabetes diagnosis should have been a wake-up call for Rob, but he is in absolute denial about it,” the source says.

“He refuses to monitor his blood sugar daily as doctors have told him to do. Even more frustrating is that Rob’s diabetes would likely go away if he began working out and eating healthy!

“There is nothing the family can do to help Rob because he is shutting everyone out. With all of the resources available to him, including nutritionists, chefs, and trainers, this is completely manageable but Rob isn’t willing to make any effort.”

The insider adds that while Rob could recover if he were to take immediate action, his situation is currently dire – and it looks as though it will only get worse.

“His pancreas is basically not functioning,” the source says. “He also has kidney problems. He’s very, very sick.”