Showing posts with label Frankel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frankel. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Bethenny Frankel -- My Ex"s Mommy Can"t Be Our Notary

Bethenny Frankel thinks she got motherf***ed by a notary public — or more accurately … mother-in-law f’d.   The ‘RHONY’ star is suing attorney Jamie Andrew Schreck for allowing Jason Hoppy’s mother to notarize a trust they created for a…


Bethenny Frankel -- My Ex"s Mommy Can"t Be Our Notary

Bethenny Frankel thinks she got motherf***ed by a notary public — or more accurately … mother-in-law f’d.   The ‘RHONY’ star is suing attorney Jamie Andrew Schreck for allowing Jason Hoppy’s mother to notarize a trust they created for a…


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Bethenny Frankel -- Boyfriend Threatens Ex-Husband with Harassment Lawsuit

Bethenny Frankel’s boyfriend claims he’s been on the receiving end of a torrent of disgusting, vicious emails written by her ex-husband, and he’s preparing to fire back in court. Dennis Shields, who’s been dating Bethenny for a year, had his lawyer…


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Bethenny Frankel Slams Anti-Donald Trump Protests as "Moronic"

With thousands of people taking to the streets in protest of a Donald Trump Presidency, Bethenny Frankel has taken to social media…

… and put these same people on blast.

“Crazy to bully and badger over the election,” the outspoken reality star wrote. “We and the media nominated them and we had the right to vote for either.

She added:

“This protesting is moronic. What is the government going to say? ‘Just kidding. Do over?"”

For those unaware, Donald Trump was elected as the 45th President of the United States very early Wednesday morning.

Okay, you probably knew that.

Several hours later, in cities such as New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and Seattle, disgruntled Hillary Clinton supporters marched in public, shouting such mantras as “NOT OUR PRESIDENT!”

After mistakenly stating that Trump won the state of New York, and then clarifying her faux pas, Frankel expounded on her frustration and irritation surrounding the protests.

“People are burning flags This is not a joke,” she said, adding:

“Cursing and screaming and fighting and burning flags is not productive right now… I’m sorry – processing grief and frustration is one thing. This is another.”

One Internet user shot back at Frankel, writing that she doesn’t understand the protestor’s points because Frankel is a “multimillionaire white women [who hasn’t] exactly been the focus of [Trump’s] vitriol for over a year.”

For one thing, Frankel is a woman.

Therefore, yes, she has been the focus of Trump’s vitriol.

Secondly… Hispanics? Blacks? The ethnicities that Trump truly slammed on many occasions over the past several months?

They voted in far fewer numbers this year than they did in 2012.

So we’re not sure what this user is trying to say.

By late Wednesday night into early Thursday morning, the number of protesters in The Big Apple rose to about 100,000. They shut down streets and stopped traffic.

And, look, we get it.

Trump is a liar. He’s a bigot. He’s an insecure narcissist who is a complete embarrassment as a reality TV host, let alone as the President of the United States.

The world feels like a different, scary, confusing place ever since he got elected to the highest office in the world.

But where were these protests while he was actually running?

While Trump supporters were screaming about locking Hillary up (and screaming many racial epithets as well), it may have helped if Clinton supporters took these kinds of extreme actions before any votes were actually cast.

Moreover, the cities where these protests are taking place already “protested” against Trump… by casting their ballots for Clinton.

She won handily in New York, for example.

We understand their frustration that their candidate didn’t win, but what are they actually protesting here? The person who did win? That’s not a cause.

Finally… can you imagine how people would react if protestors chanted that Obama or Clinton were “not” their “President” the day after an election?

They would be roasted as un-American.

This is a trying time, we absolutely understand. And we feel the same way.

But remember what Obama said about Trump as President: it’s our duty as citizens to now root for his success.

“We’re patriots first,” the President said on Wednesday.

“We all want what’s best for this country. That’s what I heard in Mr. Trump’s remarks last night. That’s what I heard when I spoke to him directly. And I was heartened by that.”

If you are upset about what happened in this election, get involved in local government. Talk to the other side and try to understand where they are coming from. Register Democrats to vote.

Donate to Planned Parenthood or a refugee cause. Do something about organizations or people that may actually suffer under a Trump administration.

But the election basically was a protest. That was a literal chance to have your voice heard in the most fair and democratic way possible.

So go inside. Take a deep breath. Put down your signs. And figure out a way to make sure no one like Donald Trump gets anywhere close to the White House ever again.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Jason Hoppy to Bethenny Frankel: Shut Up!

Jason Hoppy and Bethenny Frankel were once a loved up couple. 

Yes, for a very brief period of time, they were totally in love, but that all came to a grinding halt pretty quickly. 

As you probably know if you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, Bethenny likes to talk about her relationship. 

However, she doesn’t keep all of it for the show, but she most certainly does not speak highly of her ex-husband. 

Something always seemed pretty off about their relationship. As much as they wanted fans to believe they were legit, it just seemed like a business agreement. 

The couple got married on Bethenny Getting Married, but their relationship concluded in 2013, with Bethenny filing for divorce. 

However, the two of them were locked in a nasty custody battle afterwards. 

The former couple are probably far from amicable right about now. 

At one stage, Bethenny even revealed that Jason taunted her by leaving bad press about her on her counter. 

That was a low blow, but maybe it was in retaliation to what he was going through with Bethenny. 

There’s no denying that she’s an opinionated woman, but would she really go as far as to cause all of that drama for her former flame?

Well, she did call him “white trash” in a courtroom. 

Now, it’s been revealed that all Jason wants is for Bethenny to stop trashing him. 

His lawyer, Bernard Clair did not hold back about what Jason thinks about Bethenny in a new report. 

“Jason has asked her numerous times to stop talking about him, their daughter, and their divorce publicly,” Clair revealed. 

Hoppy is also allegedly not happy about someone making a parody Twitter account in his name. 

It fooled a lot of people into thinking it was the real deal. 

Clair also revealed that Hoppy has not given an interview or been quoted directly. On top of that, Hoppy allegedly does not want to appear on TV again. 

“All Jason wants is that his ex-wife honor both parties’ commitment to protect their daughter,” Clair said.

What do you think of all of this?

Hit the comments below!


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Bethenny Frankel: I Did NOT Get Plastic Surgery!

Bethenny Frankel has had a rough season on The Real Housewives of New York City

Her BS filter was at an all-time high and we all know she can’t keep her mouth shut when she knows some juicy gossip. 

That got her in trouble a lot of times throughout the most recent season of the Bravo hit. 

The thing that’s great about Frankel, is that she’s brutally honest. 

She speaks her mind and does not care for the repercussions.

That’s part of what made this week’s reunion special all the more thrilling. 

LuAnn de Lesseps continued to deny her fiancé, Tom, was cheating on her with other woman. 

The thing that made the case against Tom so difficult is that he’s practically bedded, or tried to bed all of LuAnn’s co-stars. 

That’s not a man anyone would want someone close to them to be with, but de Lesseps is just adamant that her beau is not the man the women think he is. 

Maybe she doesn’t watch the show as the episodes air, but if she did, she’d probably be wondering why the heck she didn’t ditch his ass long ago. 

As real as Bethenny is about things, viewers seem to think the star is lying about getting plastic surgery

It’s a question that keeps recurring for Frankel and it must be getting tedious. 

Bethenny was quick to shoot down a fan questioning if she has had surgery. 

“I didn’t,” Frankel said.

“Well, I had my jaw injected with Botox because I have TMJ, and if you look at pictures of me from probably, like, seven years ago it’s gradually gotten smaller to the point where I had to stop, and now it actually hurts again.”

Frankel did agree that she looked different on recent episodes of the Bravo series. 

“I looked at the reunion and my eyes — the little trick that actually [makeup artist] Kristofer Buckle taught Maryana, my makeup artist, is when you put your eyelashes on, put the ends up a little bit, and it makes your eyes look a little more out. So they don’t go down,” she explained.

“But, no, I have not. I have not had any plastic surgery.”

The star has revealed in the past that she’s had botox, but that appears to be it. 

It must be a little bit tedious if people keep asking the same questions, but with Bethenny revealing more details about her condition, maybe people will hold their tongue. 

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Bethenny Frankel to LuAnn de Lesseps: Who You Banging?!?

Bethenny Frankel and LuAnn de Lesseps just can’t stop bickering. 

They can literally explode into an argument at any given moment. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you’ll know it all makes for some great TV. 

In a recent episode, Bethenny made it clear that she was in the know about some things that could signal the end of LuAnn’s engagement to Tom D’Agostino. 

Fun fact: D’Agostino also dated current RHONY stars Ramona Singer and Sonja Morgan. 

Talk about keeping it in the family. In this case, the Bravo family. 

At the end of the  engagement party, Bethenny revealed that she has some incriminating text messages about LuAnn and Tom. 

Obviously, LuAnn was less than impressed with Bethenny’s comments and even branded her co-star a terrorist.

There’s only so much one person can take before they go crazy and it seems that LuAnn is getting to that stage with Bethenny.

What does it even have to do with Bethenny?

Are the producers offering her bonuses to get involved in drama that doesn’t concern her?

In a clip from the episode airing August 3, 2016, it is revealed that Bethenny isn’t done trying to cause problems. 

She asked de Lesseps if she and Tom are seeing other people. 

“I mean, I know this is going to sound ridiculous because I know you had a different type of European relationship with Alex — are you guys monogamous?” Frankel asks.

“Of course, of course,” a startled de Lesseps replies. “What do you mean ‘monogamous’? We’re getting married!”

LuAnn then took to the camera to air her thoughts on Bethenny’s comments. 

“Why are you asking such bizarre questions? We just got engaged, and you’re asking me if we’re monogamous? Who asks that?” The way that Bethenny’s asking me these questions is not sitting right with me,” she continues.

“It makes me think that Bethenny is up to something. She’s not being mean, she’s not being argumentative — she’s just being coy.”

All things considered, LuAnn had every right to be annoyed with Bethenny. Would Bethenny like if someone tried to play god with her relationship?

What do you think about this?

Hit the comments. 

Friday, July 29, 2016

Luann de Lesseps on Bethenny Frankel: She"s a Terrorist!

Luann de Lesseps took center stage on The Real Housewives of New York City this week.

The longtime cast member brought her co-stars on to a yacht in order to celebrate her engagement to Tom D’Agostino, the same Tom D’Agostino who also dated Ramona Singer and Sonja Morgan.

“This is very awkward because I lost a companion, I lost a lover and I lost a dinner date,” Morgan complained at one point about going to the yacht party.

But Morgan said she would be willing “suck it up” for Luann’s sake and attend the shindig.

This is what de Lesseps had to say about Morgan’s reaction and Morgan’s past with Tom in her latest blog entry:

“It took Tom only a couple of months to realize that he wanted to marry me and in 10 years, he never considered making the same commitment to Sonja. This doesn’t mean that Tom didn’t care about her or that he didn’t enjoy her company.

“They are friends. What it does mean is that our relationship is different, and we are deeply in love and looking forward to spending the rest of lives together.”

However, there appears to be a storm brewing on the Bravo hit that has nothing to do with Morgan.

And everything to do with Bethenny Frankel.

Those who watch The Real Housewives of New York City online saw on Wednesday night how the episode ended with Frankel claiming to have received a late-night barrage of incriminating text messages from somebody that could derail Luann’s upcoming wedding.

“Is Sonja a sleeper cell?” Luann wondered on her blog, actually adding:

I’m thinking that Bethenny is going to be the terrorist of this trip.

“You can see how excited she was to tell her friend in Florida about something she heard regarding Tom and me. The look on her face says it all…like a cat who ate the canary!

“Why some of the girls revel in making me unhappy, I’ll never understand. I’m just glad that I know myself and I know Tom so whatever Bethenny’s concocting, we’re ready for it.”

That’s fair.

And it’s understand why Luann would be unhappy about Bethenny’s attempt to ruin her relationship with Tom.

But perhaps we can put an end to all “terrorist” talk when it comes to storylines on The Real Housewives of New York City.

Must we really explain why this is an inappropriate metaphor to use?

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Bethenny Frankel Has Huge Meltdown: Find Out Why!

Bethenny Frankel hasn’t had the best of seasons on The Real Housewives of New York City. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you’ll know that she’s been at the center of several arguments with her co-stars, while battling with several health issues. 

The arguments with the other housewives didn’t exactly show the 45-year-old in a good light and that’s what apparently pushed the star to the edge

During a 12-hour shoot of the reunion show for the most recent season of the Bravo smash, Frankel was said to have had an “epiphany” about the way she was portrayed. 

“She was genuinely upset by how she came across onscreen,” the insider explains.

“Often, she doesn’t realize how she comes across.”

She clashed with the likes of LuAnn de Lesseps, Sonja Morgan and Jules Wainstein. That’s probably the reason producers fought so hard to get her back on the show. 

Frankel is a slam dunk if you want controversy. She leads an interesting life and is not afraid to open her mouth if there’s opportunity for an argument.

She always comes across as tough as nails, so she must be genuinely shocked by her behavior. 

It was bad, but not THAT bad. All of the arguments were caused by petty things. 

What could have sent her down her path to breaking point?

“Bethenny was sobbing,” the source confirmed. They then went one step further to declare, “she had a complete meltdown.”

The reality star could have still been in shock at her divorce from Jason Hoppy finally happening after three years. 

Yeah, that’s a pretty long time to try and end a link to someone. Right?!

Frankel must be ecstatic that chapter is officially over.

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy: It"s FINALLY Over!

It is finally, mercifully all over for Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy.

More than three years after The Real Housewives of New York City actress filed for divorce from Hoppy, the couple’s marriage has officially come to a conclusion.

“Out of respect for her privacy and the well-being of her daughter, Bethenny is declining to comment,” the star’s lawyer told E! News.

“We can confirm that the divorce has been resolved. Our client is ecstatic that this long chapter is over, and she is looking forward to moving on with her life.”

Things turned very ugly between the parents of daughter Bryn over the years.

At one point, Hoppy insisted that their infant never appear on television.

At another, Jason and Bethenny battled over child support payments, with Frankel eventually having to shell out a ton every month to her ex-husband.

“Jason is thrilled that this chapter of his life is over; he is extremely pleased with the settlement that was reached,” Jason’s attorney said in a statement to People Magazine, who first broke this news.

“Jason looks forward to the future and enjoying that time privately with family, friends and most important to him, his daughter.”

In addition to a custody debate, the former lovers endured conflict over who could live in the Tribeca apartment Bethenny bought in 2001.

The two actually continued to live under that same roof, long after their split.

Hoppy finally moved out last month.

“I walked in and it just washed over me. I sobbed for hours,” Frankel said on her Sirius XM radio show of his move.

“It was like this release. And you always think things are going to be one way. I thought it was going to be, like, the biggest party ever.

I’d be roller-skating through there with my top off, my tits hanging out, so excited – and there’s nothing good about any of it. It was all just remembering moving in there.

It was a hideous experience, and I just didn’t know how to even process the feeling.”

It’s almost hard to believe Hoppy and Frankel were ever in love.

But let’s hope they can each finally move on now.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Bethenny Frankel: Who Wants Her Out of The Real Housewives of New York City?

Bethenny Frankel is probably the most famous name on The Real Housewives of New York City.

But this doesn’t mean she’s the most popular person on The Real Housewives of New York City.

It’s quite the opposite, in fact, according to Life & Style.

With the latest season of this Bravo reality show getting close to completing its ongoing run, an insider tells the tabloid that producers are already under pressure regarding next season.

The pressure is coming from Bethenny’s colleagues because they don’t want to see Frankel return as part of main cast in 2017.

“They say she’s become aggressive and combative, and her ego is out of control,” a source tells the magazine.

So… she’s becoming the perfect member of a Real Housewives franchise?

We somehow doubt those qualities are enough to give Frankel the heave-ho.

Luann de Lesseps reportedly “feels Bethenny slut-shamed her this season and is really upset,” the source explains, while those who watch The Real Housewives of New York City online are aware of Bethenny’s recent clash with Sonja Morgan.

Morgan has been battling her fellow reality star over her new Tipsy Girl line, which Bethenny claims ripped off her Skinnygirl products.

Check out an exchange between the rivals here:

The only Real Housewives that seem to be in Bethenny’s “corner,” according to this story, “are Carole Radziwill and Ramona Singer.”

Still, Frankel isn’t concerned.

But Bethenny isn’t worried. How come?

“She thinks viewers love her. She’s not going anywhere,” the source concludes.

Not as long as ratings remain solid, that’s for sure.

The more trash her co-stars talk about her, the better chance Bethenny has of coming back.

Nothing fuels viewership as much as antagonism.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Bethenny Frankel: I"m Dating a Married Man!


Bethenny Frankel is dating a married man!

Actually… you can start the presses again. Frankel is here to explain.

As previously reported, Frankel has been dating New York banker Dennis Shields since late 2015, with sources confirming to E! News the semi-serious nature of their relationship.

Although Shields would be a stranger to those who watch The Real Housewives of New York online because he’s yet to appear, Bethenny’s new man has still become a source of contention between Frankel and co-star Luann de Lesseps.

In what way?

On a recent installment of the Bravo hit, Frankel went after the newly-engaged Luann for dating a man that Ramona Singer had also gone out with.

de Lesseps did not respond nicely to this diss, telling E! News:

“She calls me a hypocrite, but really she’s the hypocrite. I’m the one getting married, I’m engaged, and Bethenny’s still trying to get a divorce.”

de Lesseps then added that Frankel is the one “dating married men, not me.”

Whoa there. Shot fired!

With her reputation on the line, Frankel felt a need to hop on Twitter and do something surprising: she verified Luann’s account.

“I’m dating a separated married man,” she wrote on Tuesday, referring to Shields, who was previously married to Jill Schwartzberg in 1990 when he was 23 years old.

Bethenny then referenced her ongoing legal battle with estranged husband Jason Hoppy and added:

“I’m married. I went to high school w his ex wife 30 yrs ago. Any other questions?”

However, while it may seem as if Frankel is constantly at war with her co-stars and as if these women all hate each other, Bethenny made a point to Tweet the contrary.

“You’d be surprised at how much I care about them,” she wrote. “We’ve been through a lot. #donthatetheplayahatethegame”

We wouldn’t be surprised at all actually. This is all scripted by producers. But whatever.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Bethenny Frankel: Victim of Skinny-Shaming on Instagram!

When you’re a woman with a body, you just can’t win.

Trolls are everywhere on social media telling women they’re too fat, too thin, too this or too whatever.

Their latest victim is Bethenny Frankel, who recently shared the pic above to Instagram.

She was attending a gala celebrating the top women in brand marketing, but all fans cared about was her slender physique.

“Needs a hamburger. Too thin,” wrote one commenter.

“Your collar bones should not look like they are popping out of your skin…” opined another.

Some fans even accused her of having an eating disorder.

“You look sick and anorexic. You think your shit doesn’t stink but it does,” shared a detractor.

However, some fans came to her defense and told the others to pipe down.

“How about lifting women up rather than finding negative things to say?? You should try it sometime!” quipped a fan.

Last month, Bethenny shared a bikini pic to Instagram, and most folks thought she looked amazing.

Of course, that didn’t stop one troll from writing “You’re still fat.”


Earlier this year, the Skinny Girl entrepreneur revealed that she was “facing a women’s health issue that many women can relate to.”

She did not elaborate on the specifics of her condition, but simply said, “I’m dealing with it head on and viewers will understand how I personally deal with matters such as this,” adding, “I hope women can relate, learn and support each other in life moments like this.”

We hope Bethenny is okay, and that all the body shamers would just STFU.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Bethenny Frankel on Sonja Morgan: I Pity Her

The Skinnygirl told off The Tipsy Girl on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 7.

In a confrontation for the ages, ​Bethenny Frankel told Sonja Morgan exactly what she thought about the latter trying to break into the wine business, sitting across from her on a couch and just tearing Morgan to shreds.

It was ugly and it was personal.

“I think you’re a fraud,” Frankel told Morgan upon being asked for her take on Morgan’s Tipsy Girl line of cocktails.

“You’ve come up with six fake businesses, and no one buys any of it. Nobody believes any of it.”

This critique brought Morgan to tears, with the reality star citing her reason Chapter 11 filing and explaining that she hoped this business idea would help her dire financial situation.

You can watch The Real Housewives of New York City online to relive the entire episode and click below to view this awkward exchange:

Having had some time to reflect on her destruction of Morgan, does Bethenny now have any regrets?

It doesn’t really sound like it.

“The Sonja situation was just kind of sad,” Frankel wrote on her blog today.

“Obviously, her idea can’t touch my brand. There is no product or distribution. It is a made-for-television idea, and I have over 20 varieties of wine, vodka and ready to drink.

“You can’t find a city of the Housewives where several women haven’t followed in my footsteps and attempted booze.”

How does the successful entrepreneur feel about this competition?

“Bring it on. The more the merrier. It is a brutal business, and it may look easy, but as you see, it isn’t.”

Bethenny added Tipsy Girl is an “unoriginal name and idea” and it gives audiences a misguided impression “that you just go on TV, and poof a brand is born. That isn’t how it works.”

Frankel is mostly right in this regard.

She does work hard and she has made a ton of money off her Skinnygirl brand.

But she’s lying to herself if she thinks her reality TV career didn’t play a big role in her success.

Frankel really did make Morgan cry on the latest episode of their Bravo hit, but she says now that there’s no ill will between the castmates.

“As for Sonja, well…I have no anger towards Sonja, but I do have sympathy,” she concludes.

“I hope she can find her truth somewhere in the process.

“Ideas and names are a dime a dozen. Execution, drive, dedication and passion push it through.”

Bethenny Frankel: Totally Changed Her Face by Getting Botox WHERE?

You may have noticed over the years that Bethenny Frankel"s face has changed.

Not drastically or anything – she still essentially looks the same, but there"s a subtle difference.

Take a look at her jawline.

The photo on the left was taken this year while the pic on the right was from 2012. 

Her jawline is noticeably slimmer, and the Real Housewives of New York alum now reveals why.

In an interview with Daily Mail, she says she gets Botox injections in her jaw, which has completely altered the shape of her face.

"I do look different. I"ve had Botox in my jaw," she told the publication. "You can see that my jaw has completely changed."

She explained that she"s been grinding her teeth for years, and the constant workout caused her jaw muscles to clench and enlarge.

Frankel said she wore a night guard to alleviate symptoms, but it wasn"t until she started the Botox that she noticed her muscles really started to relax, causing the marked change in her face.

"About three years ago, my dermatologist said to me, why don"t we try injecting your jaw because it’s so tense," she said. 

"My jaw from grinding for so many years was like this," she explained, making a tight fist. "It’s like a muscle, it’s like working out with weights." 

The Skinnygirl entrepreneur is "excited" about her new look, saying she was able to cut her hair into a bob because of it.

However, she emphatically denied rumors that she"s had invasive plastic surgery, admitting only occasional Botox on other areas of her face. She has also been open about her boob job in the past.

The star recently shared a photo of herself in a bikini, flaunting an insanely toned physique.

Whatever she"s doing, she looks incredible.

Bethenny frankel totally changed her face by getting botox where

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Bethenny Frankel Bikini Pic Reminds Us To Get Off Our Asses

Hear ye, hear ye.  The season of minimal clothing is upon us.

Bethenny Frankel posted a photo over the weekend of her svelte, perfect bikini body while in Las Vegas.

Atop her head sat a butterfly headband, but no one really cared because her body is so insanely toned.

“Let’s do this right Las Vegas,” she wrote.

Frankel was in Sin City for the opening of Beauty & Essex at the Cosmopolitan, the second location outside of New York for the popular eatery.

“Amazing weekend!” Frankel wrote on social media after.

“My daughter [Brynn] had the time of her life. What a joy to see Vegas through her eyes.”

Frankel is still finalizing her divorce from Jason Hoppy, whom she married in March 2010.

“I feel like we’re on the 18th hole. I think we’re at the end of it, ” Frankel updated Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live last month.

“It’s been three and a half years and I like to be good at things, so I figure if I’m gonna get divorced, I’m gonna have the longest and best and most expensive divorce. It’s like a purse.”

It’s been a very tumultuous time for the Skinny Girl founder, who announced her split from Hoppy in December 2012. 

“It’s a learning experience. I’m feeling better and stronger and I’m happy. I’m coming out the other side,” she told Cohen, adding that she will not “legally get married again.”

Is she getting back out there?

“My dating life was on fire. It’s now as dry as a bone. As dry as a gray garden of petunias.

“But I’ll get going again.”

Frankel now has her own SiriusXM radio show, B Real With Bethenny, which allows her to talk freely about  dating, sex, parenting, food, diet, beauty, business, and the like.

“It’s really a no-holds-barred environment,” Frankel told Entertainment Weekly of her show, which launched May 2nd.

“I couldn’t just go rogue on my talk show… It’s just going rogue, is what [the radio show] is, and I love that. It’s a zero-f***s nation.”

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Bethenny Frankel Said WHAT About Black Women?!?

According to a woman in attendance at Rent The Runway’s and UBS’s Project Entrepreneur, Bethenny Frankel made some rather inflammatory remarks on Saturday night in New York City.

It’s worth noting that there’s no recording of the event.

So we’ll need to just take Mary Pryor’s word for what was said on stage by The Real Housewives of New York City cast member… and hope that she’s either lying or there was some kind of misunderstanding.

Because this is some pretty damning stuff.

“I was stunned when Frankel implied that women should have sex with men in exchange for capital,” Pryor Tweeted in summariazing the event.

“I was offended when she expressed some kind of kinship with black women because she’s ‘loud.’

“And I was taken aback when she advised those of us in the room to get business advice to hire a white man as the face of our companies.”

IF Frankel did imply any of these things, it’s pretty terrible.

“For @Bethenny to insist that a young, Black female founder ‘Find a white guy’ to rep her biz is a racial microaggression,” continued Pryor, who said she tried to fight back against Bethenny but got shouted down.

She addedd that she was shocked the organized did not issue a Mea Culpa, writing:

“For #PEIntensive16 to not issue an apology to the women of color in the room that were offended by her statement bothers me.

“I am tired of being asked to be present in the room for female founders events & have my voice SHUT DOWN.”

While not acknowledging exactly what Frankel did or did not say, Project Entrepreneur did later come out with the following statement:

We understand that guests were offended during our Day 1 luncheon, following remarks made by our speaker. This was not our intention and is contrary to our goals. We apologize to our guests.

We launched Project Entrepreneur to champion all women. We thank those of you who candidly spoke out and welcome this important dialogue. We look forward to continuing to empower women entrepreneurs as they build their businesses.

Doesn’t bode very well for Bethenny, does it?

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Bethenny Frankel to Jason Hoppy: NO MORE Alimony for You!!

Bethenny Frankel just scored a major victory in her divorce settlement with Jason Hoppy.

A state court of appeals ruled that the Real Housewives of New York star no longer has to pay her ex $ 12,000 a month in temporary spousal support.

Damn, there goes the yacht.

Last May, Frankel suffered a setback when a judge ordered Frankel to make the sizeable alimony payments to Hoppy.

However, this new ruling asserts that terms stated in the couples’ prenuptial agreement waived “any and all claims for spousal support and/or maintenance,” including temporary support, reported Daily Mail.

While Frankel is clearly relieved, her divorce battle is far from over, as the courts still must decide on who gets to keep the couples’ $ 5 million condo in Tribeca. 

Sheesh, being filthy rich is just so goshdarn HARD!

The Skinny Girl mogul’s net worth is $ 22 million, and she’ll be damned if she’s forced to go through life as a mere peon worth only $ 17 mill!

Apparently, the property was purchased under a trust in both their names while she and Hoppy were married, so the businessman still has a shot at cashing in on some of his ex’s fortune.

“My client is extremely happy that the court agrees with him that the ownership of the apartment is still an open issue,” Hoppy’s lawyer, Bernard Clair, said. “And he will get his day in court to show that he is a joint owner.”

However, Frankel is attempting to prove otherwise.

“We believe that the evidence, including evidence of the husband’s fraudulent behavior and unclean hands, will clearly demonstrate that Bethenny, who is the sole purchaser, is also the sole owner, ” Frankel’s attorney Allan Mayefsky said in a statement.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Bethenny Frankel: LYING About Health Problems?!

As we reported last week, Bethenny Frankel is suffering from a mysterious illness, and while she’s addressed her medical problems publicly, she’s thus far refused to go into any sort of detail.

Her condition was briefly addressed in the first trailer for The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8, but Bethenny was cagey when answering questions about it in a recent People interview.

“I’m facing a women’s health issue that many women can relate to,” she told the magazine, refusing to elaborate any further.

Now, Bethenny’s estranged mother, Bernadette Birk, is throwing shade over the whole situation, telling Radar Online that she believes the 45-year-old reality star is just drumming up publicity in order to secure bigger ratings.

“I have no idea,” Birk said when asked about Bethenny’s illness. “I haven’t spoken to her in 12 years. Maybe more. I really don’t know anything about her life and I don’t want to.”

Subtly dissing her daughter’s fondness for plastic surgery, Birk added, “An overnight stay in the hospital is no big deal. It could be something cosmetic.”

Indeed, it does not look as though Frankel has received any long-term, in-patient medical care, but that doesn’t mean that her condition is, as Birk claims, “no big deal.”

Of course, it’s not like Bethenny’s never been known to blow things out of proportion.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Bethenny Frankel Confirms Mystery Illness, Hopes to Set Positive Example

As hinted at in the first trailer for The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8, Bethenny Frankel is battling a pretty serious medical issue at the moment.

But that’s all the reality star will really say about her condition at the moment.

“I’m facing a women’s health issue that many women can relate to,” Frankel told People this week, refusing to divulge anything further.

Despite offering few details, Bethenny says she hopes those who watch The Real Housewives of New York City online or on television will learn from her example.

“I’m dealing with it head on and viewers will understand how I personally deal with matters such as this,” Frankel says. “I hope women can relate, learn and support each other in life moments like this.”

We sincerely hope Bethenny is okay.

But is she using her illness as a way to tease new episodes of her reality show?

Because that’s pretty low, even for a Real Housewife of Bravo.

In the aforementioned trailer for The Real Housewives of New York City, Frankel was seen reacting to frightening news related to this topic, tearfully saying, “I have to do surgery” and that she needs to explore a “living will.”

The Real Housewives of New York City returns April 6 at 9/8c on Bravo.

Does Bethenny using her medical condition as a promotional tool make you more or less likely to tune in?