Showing posts with label Griffith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Griffith. Show all posts

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Nathan Griffith Tries to Get Out of Paying Child Support, Faces Off With Jenelle Evans in Court

Nathan Griffith wasn’t the worst boyfriend that Jenelle Evans has ever had, but that’s not saying much.

Nathan and Jenelle were engaged at one point, and though they never walked down the aisle, they did have a son together.

Obviously, that means they’re more or less bound together for life, and as far as we can tell, they deserve each other.

Just last week, Evans and Griffith reached a custody agreement, but it seems ex-couple’s court battles are far from over.

Jenelle and Nathan were back in front of a judge in North Carolina today because apparently no one briefed Nate on just how expensive it is to raise a kid before he went and knocked Jenelle up.

According to Radar Online, Jenelle filed for child support from Nathan back in March, but he has yet to make a single payment.

The problem, it seems, is that Nathan feels that he should only have to pay $ 100 a month, which might be enough to cover the living expenses of a dog, but not a human child.

The judge found in Jenelle’s favor, which is a phrase you don’t read every day.

We suppose it’s a testament to just how ridiculous Nathan’s request was that she and Griffith were in and out of the courtroom in a matter of minutes.

“He has to pay $ 311 plus child support payments from back when I filed which is March, April, May and June,” Evans told Radar.

It’s believed that Jenelle banks in the high six-figure range for her “work” on Teen Mom 2, and then there’s whatever she makes from public appearances and promotional work.

So it might seem strange to quibble with her ex over a couple hundred bucks, but why should Nathan get to get away with being a deadbeat just because Jenelle is the richest trainwreck in NC?

Plus we imagine it felt good to actually win in court for once.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the many ups and downs (mostly downs) of Jenelle and Nathan’s relationship.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Jenelle Evans & Nathan Griffith FINALLY Reach Custody Agreement

Jenelle Evans pretty much lives in court, so at this point she probably thinks nothing of standing in front of a judge and defending her competency as a mother.

For most people fighting two custody battles at once would be a deeply strange experience that might trigger some serious self-examination.

For Jenelle, it’s just another day as the Carolina Hurricane.

Fortunately, it looks as though she’s now back to fighting a war on only one front, as Radar Online is reporting that Jenelle and Nathan Griffith have reached an agreement for shared custody of 1-year-old son Kaiser.

The settlement reportedly calls for joint custody, with Kaiser spending most of the week at Jenelle’s house.

Yes, Jenelle has been granted primary physical custody of a human child. What an age we live in!

“Both parties have signed the agreement,” an attorney for Evans tells Radar.

Evans and Griffith first squared off in court back in March, and those familiar with the case say it was a particularly ugly one.

Jenelle was reportedly reduced to tears on several occasions, once while telling the court that Nathan gave Kaiser his first haircut without her knowledge or permission.

The incident was captured on an episode of Teen Mom 2:

Sources say she also tearfully told the court about an incident in which Nathan took Kaiser out of state without her permission.

Interestingly, while all of this was going on, Jenelle testified against Nathan in a larceny case that stemmed from him allegedly stealing her car earlier this year.

The charge was eventually dropped, and the incident appears to have had no impact on the custody hearings.

Now Jenelle just has to get custody of 6-year-old Jace back from her mom, and she’ll be all set.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of why that will never, ever happen.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Nathan Griffith Finally Visits Kaiser, Offers Proof on Twitter

According to some sources, Nathan Griffith recently went months without seeing his son Kaiser.

Some say it’s because Jenelle wouldn’t allow him to visit the one-year-old. Others (like Jenelle herself) say it’s because Griffith showed no interest in being a dad. Either way, the streak was broken yesterday, and Griffith offered plenty of evidence on social media.

A nice bonding moment with a total bummer of a caption:

“He will never forget his daddy!!!” Nathan wrote “Jumped in my arms and just held me when I saw him for like ten minutes!”

We may never know for sure who’s to blame for Nathan’s absence from his son’s life, but clearly the real victim is little Kaiser.

Nathan may have gone even longer than we thought without seeing the poor kid, as he seemed oddly intent on proving that Kaiser remembers who he is:

“What’s my name?” he asks in the clip above.

Kaiser, after some light prompting, replies, “Daddy!”

Obviously, the little guy is happy and healthy, but he’s at an age where he’ll soon begin to realize that his parents are filled with seething hatred for one another.

It’s unclear exactly how long it had been since Nathan saw his son but on this week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, he complained that it had been 7-8 weeks – in a scene that was filmed several months ago.

As far as we can tell, he didn’t visit Kaiser at all in the interim.

Currently, Jenelle and Nathan are locked in a custody battle, and you can bet they won’t reach an amicable conclusion.

We’re hoping they’ll both make Kaiser’s best interests their top priority, but something tells us that won’t be the case.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more questionable parenting decisions from the Carolina Hurricane.

Nathan Griffith on Jenelle Evans: She Lives With a FELON! She Can"t Be a Mom!

Last week, Jenelle Evans was found not guilty on assault charges stemming from an August 2015 incident in which she allegedly threw a Mason jar at the head of Nathan Griffith’s girlfriend, Jessica Henry.

Obviously, it’s great news for Ms. Evans.

Unfortunately, that’s just one of many legal entanglements Jenelle is wrapped up in at the moment, and she’ll soon find herself back in court, fighting two custody battles at the same time.

One of them, of course, is against Baby Daddy #2, Nathan Griffith.

Things have already gotten very ugly between these two (Did we mention the Mason jar-throwing incident?), with both parties accusing one another of being unfit parents.

Jenelle says Nathan is on steroids and thus shouldn’t be trusted to take care of 1-year-old Kaiser.

Nathan, of course, has many, many, many arguments for why Jenelle shouldn’t be permitted to look after a house plant, much less a human child.

He could pretty much just walk into court, cue up a scene from any season of Teen Mom 2 and be like, “I rest my case.”

On this week’s episode, Nathan chose to focus on Jenelle’s awful taste in men, along with the fact that she allegedly kept his son from him for nearly two months.

“You live with a felon – I don’t,” Nathan told Jenelle, referring to her jailbird boyfriend, David Eason.

A tad ironic, considering Griffith’s own troubles with the law include multiple DUIs and charges of resisting arrest, but a good point nonetheless.

For his part, Eason is no fan of Griffith either:

“It doesn’t matter if he’s the father of your child or not,” he tells her before she meets up with Nathan. “To me it’s like a slap in the face that you would even want to meet up with him and talk to him.”

Dude. You’re dating Jenelle freakin’ Evans. If meeting up with her baby daddy is the most messed-up thing she does today, consider yourself very lucky.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how crazy the Carolina Hurricane can get.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Jenelle Evans & Nathan Griffith Settle Larceny Case

At any given moment, Jenelle Evans is involved in multiple court battles, so it’s not surprising that she decided to cross one case off her personal docket by accepting a settlement from Nathan Griffith.

Just so we’re clear, the custody battle between Jenelle and Nathan has yet to be decided, and it’s getting uglier by the day.

But according to Radar Online Jenelle and Nathan have reached an agreement that should clear up the matter of Nathan’s larceny charges before they head back to court later this month determine custody of 1-year-old Kaiser.

The charges stem from an incident back in February in which Jenelle had Nathan arrested for allegedly stealing her car for the odd reason of obtaining some clothing and other items that he purchased for Kaiser out of the trunk.

Now, both parties have agreed that if Nathan pays for the clothes, Jenelle will temporarily cease her efforts to have him thrown in jail.

“Jenelle agreed for Nathan to pay her $ 300 for Kaiser’s missing clothes and then the charges will be dropped once he pays Jenelle,” says one insider.

“Nathan paid $ 200 already and has a week to pay the other $ 100.”

As this arrangement resulted in minimal suffering for the father of her child, Evans is obviously less than thrilled about it:

“Jenelle isn’t sure why she agreed to that, but she isn’t happy that she did,” says the insider.

Don’t worry, Jenelle. You’ll have plenty of other opportunities to make Nathan’s life hell.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to see Jenelle and Nathan in happier times. Actually, we’re not sure if Jenelle is capable of happiness.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Refusing to Let Nathan Griffith See Kaiser?!

As you may already know, Jenelle Evans can be a somewhat unreasonable person at times.

And by “somewhat unreasonable,” we mean Jenelle is currently involved in four court cases, including one in which she’s been accused of assaulting her baby daddy’s new girlfriend. 

So it should come as no surprise that Evans’ custody battle with Nathan Griffith isn’t exactly going smoothly. 

In addition to the fact that she had Griffith arrested for larceny after he borrowed a car that’s registered in his name, Jenelle is now reportedly refusing to allow her ex to see their son, Kaiser.

According to Radar Online, just yesterday Jenelle failed to drop Kaiser off at Nathan’s house for Easter so that the father and son could spend part of the day together as planned.

Instead, she posted the above photo of herself, her kids and her new boyfriend, David Eason, celebrating the holiday at Eason’s parents’ house.

“He was with David’s family,” a source told Radar when asked why Kaiser didn’t spend any part of the holiday weekend with his father.

Jenelle captioned the above phoro:

“It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters.” #Family #HappyEaster2016 Outfit by @fashionnova use promo code “XOJENELLE” for 15% Off your next purchase.”

Because nothing says family bonding like using pics of your kids to endorse an online clothing store.

Jenelle’s custody hearing is scheduled to begin on April 4. We’re sure she’ll bring coupons.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Jenelle Evans FREAKS OUT On Nathan Griffith Over Son"s Haircut! WATCH!

It doesn"t take much to set Jenelle Evans off.

In fact, we"re pretty sure she splits custody of her two sons with as many people as possible just so that she has more targets for her psychotic rage.

Just kidding, the courts made her do that because she"s a terrible mom.

Anyway, in a new clip from the upcoming episode of Teen Mom 2, Jenelle absolutely flips the f–k out, as is her wont, all because her son Kaiser"s hair is so infinitesimally shorter that someone had to point it to her, or she probably wouldn"t have noticed.

You may remember Nathan Griffith"s girlfriend, Jessica Henry, from the time that Jenelle got arrested for assault after throwing a glass at her.

We know it"s tough to keep track of all of Jenelle"s assault victims, but apparently Jessica has reached full-blown mortal enemy status, and Jenelle is pissed – pissed! – to find that she might have taken a few centimeters off of her son"s bangs.

"I"m changing my number right now, and if you want to see Kaiser, you can take me to court for visitation," she screams at Nathan…while driving…with her kid in the car. 

The Jenelle-Nathan custody battle is still going on so we assume she"s really holding a grudge over that possible haircut.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Jenelle at her most psychotic.

Jenelle evans freaks out on nathan griffith over sons haircut wa

Friday, March 18, 2016

Jenelle Evans to Testify Against Nathan Griffith in Larceny Trial

This may shock you, but it seems to us that Jenelle Evans doesn’t always consider the potential consequences of her actions.

For example, when Jenelle had Nathan Griffith arrested for larceny last month, she probably didn’t think about the fact that she would eventually be forced to testify against him in court.

Now, if someone stole your car, which is what Jenelle initially claimed Nathan did, you’d probably be happy to testify against them.

But Jenelle called 911 on Nathan for taking a car that was registered to him without asking her first.

With two custody battles coming up (one of them against Griffith), Jenelle has a lot on her plate and she probably just wants this pesky little larceny case to go away, but unfortunately, that’s not how the law works.

In fact, Radar Online is now reporting that Jenelle was subpoenaed today, and will be forced to testify in Griffith’s upcoming trial.

“Jenelle was served by the sheriff,” one insider tells the website.

“Jenelle’s boyfriend David Eason also has to appear in court on April 4 against Nathan. He got summoned too.”

Evans is reportedly nervous, as she’s afraid that if there are any discrepancies between her testimony and her original police report, it may hurt her fight for sole legal custody of her and Griffith’s son, Kaiser.

Probably the sort of thing she should’ve thought about before she called the cops to settle a minor disagreement. Just sayin’. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Nathan Griffith: Jenelle Is an UNFIT MOTHER & Her Boyfriend Is an Abuser!

The custody battle between Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith just turn an unexpected turn, and it’s not in the Teen Mom 2 star’s favor.

Nathan just filed a motion with the court to obtain “permanent primary custody” of their one-year-old son Kaiser, and with it came a slew of allegations declaring Jenelle an unfit mother.

In court documents obtained by Radar Online, Nathan accuses Jenelle of permitting him to see his son on only two occasions since they broke up, one of which took place at a Chuck E. Cheese in January.

Nathan claimed that he drove several hours to see his son, but the visit was supervised by Jenelle’s current live-in boyfriend David Eason and lasted only 30 minutes.

Clearly dissatisfied with this arrangement, Nathan wants full custody of Kaiser and is pulling out all the stops.

The documents filed by Nathan contain close to 90 items that make the case against Jenelle and are painful to sift through, so we’ll break down the highlights for you:

  • Nathan points out that Jenelle is facing a charge of assault for throwing a glass at his current girlfriend. 

  • Jenelle moved in with current boyfriend David Eason after just a few weeks of dating.

  • Eason is a “drug user” with “very bad anger problems” who has “threatened to kill” and “committed an act of domestic violence” against his ex-girlfriend while she was pregnant.

  • Jenelle complained that Nathan took Kaiser out of state without her permission although she has done the same on many occasions.

  • Jenelle travels frequently and often leaves Kaiser with her friend Victoria Rhyne, who has bragged on social media about using illegal drugs. 

  • Jenelle changed her phone number and will not provide the new number to Nathan.

  • Eason has sent “inappropriate” texts to Nathan that have nothing to do with Kaiser.

  • Jenelle is a former drug addict who continued to use marijuana up until three months ago, which she admitted on the TV show The Doctors.

  • Jenelle admitted to quitting pot only because she is trying to win back custody of her other son, Jace, from her mother.

Clearly, Nathan is going for the friggin’ jugular.

Of course, it’s not as though Nathan has a squeaky clean past himself – he has also been arrested multiple times and Jenelle recently told Us Weekly that he disappeared and no one knows where he is.

Jenelle and Nathan are scheduled to face off in court this Monday, and it looks as though Jenelle has some serious explaining to do.

Jenelle Evans: Nathan Griffith Hasn"t Seen Kaiser in MONTHS! No One Knows Where He Lives!

Last week, Jenelle Evans informed fans that she was gearing up to fight “two custody battles at once.”

One of them was set to begin on Monday, but it looks as though Jenelle may not have to plead her case to a judge, as her baby daddy Nathan Griffith has officially gone off the grid.

“I’m trying to file custody papers, but Nathan won’t give me his address,” Evans recently told Us Weekly. “If he’s going to have Kaiser for a weekend, I need to know where he is.”

Police have reportedly assisted Jenelle in her efforts to locate Nathan and serve him with papers, but the deadbeat dad is apparently off in the woods living Huck Finn/Unabomber style, because local residents report that they haven’t seen him in months.

Of course, he still finds time to tweet:

“He hasn’t asked to see Kaiser since December,” Evans tells the tabloid. “He tweets about me but he won’t text me and ask to see him…He wants to make me look bad.”

Needless to say, the fact that Griffith is literally hiding from his responsibilities as a father should make for an open-and-shut custody case, and not surprisingly, Jenelle wants to limit Nathan’s rights as much as possible.

Griffith avoiding his son an baby mama is pretty low, but you know you’ve really hit rock bottom when you up against Jenelle freakin’ Evans in court and you’re guaranteed to lose.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Jenelle’s many, many brushes with the law.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Adam Lind and Nathan Griffith: Unexpected BFFs Alert!

Adam Lind and Nathan Griffith may both be members of the Teen Mom 2 Douchey Exes Club, but despite appearing on the same series, Adam and Nathan have little contact with one another.

After all, they live in completely different parts of the country, and there have long been rumors that Lind and Griffith’s ex Jenelle Evans do not get along.

So with Nathan in the midst of a bitter custody battle with Jenelle, perhaps it’s not surprising that he looked to Lind for a bit of roid-fueled bro-support.

“Adam and Nathan are planning to hang out,” a source close to the situation tells OK! magazine. “Nathan tried to cut Jenelle’s ties with Adam.”

The insider described the new bromance as “totally odd,” but admitted that Lind and Griffith do have a lot in common:

“They are both gym junkies who only care about themselves,” says the source. “They should be focusing on their kids and nothing else.”

Though both are distant memories for the women who made them famous (Lind’s ex Chelsea Houska recently got engaged to Cole DeBoer.), they’ll likely continue to make appearances on the show as long as they’re able to drum up drama.

Maybe Lind is planning to teach Griffith how to catch the Internet’s attention with a nude photo scandal.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Nathan and Adam’s douchiest moments.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Jenelle Evans Prepares to Face Off With Nathan Griffith in Court

Last week, Jenelle Evans bragged that she’ll soon be fighting “two custody battles” at once

Today, we learned that one of them will be getting underway much sooner than expected.

According to Radar Online, Jenelle and Nathan Griffith will face off in court on Monday, which leaves Evans with less than one week to prepare for what could be a very ugly legal battle. 

The pre-trial orientation will allow Jenelle and Nathan a final opportunity to settle things amicably – but those in Jenelle’s inner circle doubt that she’ll take the opportunity.

“It’s a mediation orientation on Monday,” one source says. “They explain to you how and where Jenelle and Nathan would negotiate on terms of custody.

“For mediation, it would be Jenelle and Nathan in a room with a legal authority overseeing their talks.”

Yes, if they’re able to see eye-to-eye on the matter, Jenelle and Nathan can sort custody of little Kaiser out for themselves, rather than having a judge decide.

But based on the fact that Jenelle is already suing Nathan for child support (even though she’s the one with a freakin’ MTV show), we’re guessing that’s not gonna happen. 

As for the other custody battle, Jenelle will soon face off against her infamous mother, Barbara Evans, who’s been raising her youngest child pretty much since he was an infant.

Needless to say, exciting times are ahead for Ms. Evans.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Jenelle’s wildest moments.

Jenelle Evans Prepares to Face Off With Nathan Griffith in Court

Last week, Jenelle Evans bragged that she’ll soon be fighting “two custody battles” at once

Today, we learned that one of them will be getting underway much sooner than expected.

According to Radar Online, Jenelle and Nathan Griffith will face off in court on Monday, which leaves Evans with less than one week to prepare for what could be a very ugly legal battle. 

The pre-trial orientation will allow Jenelle and Nathan a final opportunity to settle things amicably – but those in Jenelle’s inner circle doubt that she’ll take the opportunity.

“It’s a mediation orientation on Monday,” one source says. “They explain to you how and where Jenelle and Nathan would negotiate on terms of custody.

“For mediation, it would be Jenelle and Nathan in a room with a legal authority overseeing their talks.”

Yes, if they’re able to see eye-to-eye on the matter, Jenelle and Nathan can sort custody of little Kaiser out for themselves, rather than having a judge decide.

But based on the fact that Jenelle is already suing Nathan for child support (even though she’s the one with a freakin’ MTV show), we’re guessing that’s not gonna happen. 

As for the other custody battle, Jenelle will soon face off against her infamous mother, Barbara Evans, who’s been raising her youngest child pretty much since he was an infant.

Needless to say, exciting times are ahead for Ms. Evans.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Jenelle’s wildest moments.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Going HAM on Nathan Griffith for Child Support?!

Jenelle Evans doesn’t just want full custody of her son Kaiser, she wants baby daddy Nathan Griffith to pay up.

The Teen Mom 2 star is reportedly under the impression that her ex is a thousandaire, rolling in fat checks he receives from the government for his past military service.

And Jenelle, allegedly, thinks she deserves a piece.

“Jenelle is putting the child support on Nathan,” a source told Radar Online. “She thinks he owes her something.”

The site reports that Nathan had gotten monthly checks as payment for suffering post-traumatic stress disorder and a crippling injury to the brain as a result of his service.

“He was getting over $ 3,000 a month in 2014,” claimed the source. “It’s called ‘compensation’ for being ‘disabled’ as a result of his deployment.” 

We don’t know what Jenelle’s attorneys have planned, but we’re fairly certain Nathan isn’t going down without a fight.

He’s already proven he’s willing to beg, borrow and steal (okay, just steal) for his kid when he made off with Jenelle’s car and $ 1,000 worth of belongings that were in it.

He allegedly wanted to seize a car seat and a stroller that were in the vehicle in order to prove to the courts that he bought things for Kaiser.

Sounds like a solid plan.

“Jenelle doesn’t know how much she will get,” the source added. “It depends on how much they make him pay per month and then it will all be added up.”

This isn’t the only custody battle Jenelle is facing. She is also going head to head with her mother Barbara, who currently has custody of Jenelle’s son Jace.

Jenelle and Nathan are said to duke it out over child support in court next month.


Monday, February 15, 2016

Jenelle Evans" Ex, Nathan Griffith Faces Eviction From Apartment

First he gets arrested for stealing her car.

Now, Jenelle Evans’ ex-fiance, Nathan Griffith is being evicted from his apartment falling behind on rent.

Radar Online got ahold of paperwork (two sets, in fact) filed by Griffith’s landlord in Horry County, South Carolina.

On December 7th, 2015, Griffith owed $ 1,534.74 with a note from the landlord stating that  “The tenant fails or refuses to pay the rent when due.”

A source came to Griffith’s defense, claiming that “he was late on his rent but he paid it and is still in the apartment.

“The leasing company sold the property so that is why it was listed twice.”

On February 3rd, Griffith was arrested for misdemeanor larceny charges after he stole $ 1000 worth of items from Evans’ car while she was on vacation in Miami with boyfriend David Eason.

Before that Evans and Griffith got into it over the car.

“Nathan asked what Jenelle and David are doing about the car since he pays for it,” a source tld Radar.

“It’s Jenelle and Nathan’s car that they have always had. Jenelle lets David drive the car and Nathan knows Jenelle is handing the car in after she gets it fixed. Jenelle discussed all of this with him.”

Griffith is fighting for more visition rights, since Evans retains sole custody of their son, Kaiser.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Nathan Griffith: Going to Trial for Stealing Jenelle"s Car??

Last week we revealed that Nathan Griffith was arrested on larceny charges that had been filed against him by baby mama and Teen Mom 2 co-star Jenelle Evans.

Jenelle accused Nathan of stealing her car and $ 1,000 worth of belongings that were in it, including a stroller and a car seat.

Nathan turned himself in, appeared before the magistrate and then was released on the promise that he would attend all his court dates.

So what’s next?

Well, we know that Nathan’s hearing is scheduled for March 7, during which three things could happen, according to his attorney Megan Millikin.

“It’s just the first court date in the criminal case,” she told Radar Online. “There are only three results that could come of it. It’s dismissed by the state, it’s ‘continued’ to another future court date, or we have a trial.”

However, Millikin says she is doubtful that the case will go to trial.

“The first two [possibilities] are much more likely than the latter,” she said. “It’s just like a regular criminal court date. There will likely be hundreds of others on the docket and the State will decide if and how it wants to proceed in that matter.”

Of course, representing the defendant, she will naturally tell the press she anticipates the most favorable outcome for her client – which would be a dismissal.

However, if Nathan is found guilty of the misdemeanor charge, he could face up to 45 days in jail.

It wouldn’t be the first time he’s been behind bars. In 2014 the troubled reality show star was sentenced to 30 days in jail following a DUI.

Nathan and Jenelle share a son, Kaiser, 1, and we hope for his sake that his parents can bury the drama so he can grow up in a somewhat peaceful home. 

But it’s Jenelle and Nathan we’re talking about, so we’re not holding our breath.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Nathan Griffith: Mug Shot, Possible Prison Sentence Revealed!

Yesterday, we reported that Nathan Griffith was arrested on larceny charges filed by the Carolina Hurricane herself, Jenelle Evans.

Today, we’re getting our first look at Griffith’s mug shot, as well as our first information about what sort of penalties Jenelle’s baby daddy could be facing.

It seems Nathan has ample reason to look so bummed in his booking photo (and no, it’s not because he made the mistake of having a baby with Jenelle Evans).

According to Radar Online, there’s a good chance that the 27-year-old will be sentenced to 45 days behind bars for pulling a bizarre heist in an effort to prove he’s a suitable father.

Evans alleges that Griffth stole her car so that he could get his hands on about $ 1,000 worth of belongings that were in the trunk.

The items included a stroller and baby seat that Griffith says he purchased for his 18-month-old son, Kaiser.

Griffith says he wanted to get his hands on the baby essentials so that he could show them to the judge in his and Jenelle’s custody hearing, as proof that he’s been providing for his child.

“In North Carolina, if he was found guilty or pleads guilty [to the misdemeanor larceny charge], he’s facing up to 45 days in jail,” a source close to the case tells Radar.

Sounds like Nathan should’ve just held onto the receipts. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Ex Nathan Griffith ARRESTED on Larceny Charges

Nathan Griffith was arrested yesterday on larceny charges that were filed against him by baby mama and Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans.

Last week we reported that Nathan stole Jenelle’s car and about $ 1,000 worth of belongings that were in it.

According to Radar Online, Nathan turned himself in at the New Hanover County sheriff’s office and was accompanied by his attorney.

“Nathan turned himself in on the warrant that was issued for misdemeanor larceny,” his attorney, Megan Milliken, told the site.

However, the police did not detain him and released him on his own word.

“He was given an unsecured bond and what that means is that he did not have to ‘put up’ any money; instead, he was only required to promise to attend all of his court dates,” she added.

Okay. Sounds like the po-po are pretty trusting over in North Carolina, and Jenelle’s ex now roams free.

“Because it was a warrant — it was a violent North Carolina warrant — he shows up at the front desk,” explained Lt. Jerry Brewer of the sheriff’s office.

“The front desk people said, ‘OK, come with us,’ patted him down and made sure he didn’t have any weapons, put handcuffs on him, walked him about 100 feet to the magistrate, took the handcuffs off and saw the magistrate. He was out yesterday afternoon.”

Apparently the arrest warrant was not issued by law enforcement, but by Jenelle herself.

“North Carolina is one of just a few jurisdictions in the United States where a private citizen can go to a magistrate and obtain a warrant on another private citizen,” Milliken explained. “That is what happened in this case.”

Nathan reportedly took the car to seize a stroller and other items he had bought for their son, Kaiser, in order to prove to the court that he is a good dad. 

Go ahead an chuckle at the irony. We’ll hold.

Jenelle was obviously furious and shot off a bunch of screamy tweets directed at her ex, but has since removed them.

The drama seems to be taking a toll on Jenelle physically. Last week she was hospitalized for a mysterious illness that some believe may have been caused by anxiety.

Nathan’s court date is currently set for March 7.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Jenelle Evans Files Larceny Charges Against Nathan Griffith

Earlier today, we reported that Nathan Griffith stole Jenelle Evans’ car so that he could use items that Evans had left inside the vehicle as evidence at his upcoming custody hearing.

Apparently, the car contained a stroller and other items that Griffith had purchased for their son, Kaiser, and Griffith wanted to show them to the judge as proof that he’s a fit parent.

It may be the first time in history that a crime was committed in order to impress a judge, and someone should really fill Nathan in on the magic of receipts, because his situation may have just gotten a whole lot worse.

To the surprise of absolutely no one, Jenelle is seizing the opportunity to screw her ex over by pressing larceny charges

Apparently, Nathan can’t be charged for taking the car because it’s registered in both his and Evans’ names, so Jenelle is filing charges over the random crap he took out of the car:

“It’s a misdemeanor larceny charge,” a source with the New Hanover County Sheriffs Office tells Radar Online.

“She claims he took a car seat, bracelet, tanning lotion, clothing and some other items with a total value of a $ 1000.”

Reports vary as to what exactly Griffith stole from the car.

Jenelle tweeted earlier that he didn’t steal the car seat, and according to one source, she’s single-handedly spending more money on tanning lotion than the entire cast of Jersey Shore:

“He took jewelry, an iPad, a car seat, stroller, her kids’ jackets, her jacket, tanning lotion worth a lot of money, and more,” one source explained. 

“Jenelle is going to get a new car, so she could care less about that, but Nathan’s not the greatest person for doing it in the first place and it hurts Jenelle so bad that he would do this to his own son.”

Yeah! How dare he condemn his son to a life of living with a mom with an uneven tan!

Nathan Griffith Steals Jenelle Evans" Car For The Strangest Reason

With a 7th season of Teen Mom 2 definitely happening, Jenelle Evans has fans fired up about the trouble she’s causing.

First, we hear that her mother, Barbara got into a fight with Evans’ boyfriend, David Eason, to the point where the cops had to be called to the house.

Evans was allegedly doing her makeup in the bathroom when Eason and Barb got into it, forcing a call to be made to the cops.

“Kaiser was never taken from my house… I was in the bathroom doing my makeup to go to lunch with my mom,” Evans tweeted after the incident.

“Kaiser was in David’s arms and she kept yelling so he asked her to leave and she didn’t… Simple.”

Evans then later tweeted another update, teasing fans about Teen Mom 2′s upcoming season.

Then, on January 23rd Evans took to Twitter to accuse her ex, Nathan Griffith of stealing her car while she and Eason were in Miami.

Here are the series of tweets, captured by Starcasm because it appears that Evans deleted after the fact.

“I cannot BELIEVE you stole my car while I was gone,” she tweeted.”

“I get it.. U wanted all of kaisers stuff to prove in court u ‘bought’ him [Kaiser] things.  Thanks for taking the stroller.”

It went on…

“Thanks for taking my property that’s in my car, would call u but got scared when that cop called and shut off your phone.  damn thank god I took the car seat out and left it at home, u should buy one.. Not like you ever have.

“And u know what, you can have the f–king car becuz you ARENT getting me arrested again.”

Griffith lost his license after more than few DUIs, so Evans wondered who helped him with the heist.

“you STILL don’t even have a drivers license LMFAO,” she wrote.