Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Stormi Webster Photo Most-Liked in Instagram History

As pretty much everyone on the planet knows at this point, Kylie Jenner gave birth to her baby girl. On Sunday, she shared that beautiful news with her fans.

On Tuesday, Kylie revealed her daughter’s name on Instagram.

That post is now the most-liked photo on Instagram. Which means that Kylie just beat Beyonce. Let that sink in.

Yes, Kylie’s daughter is named Stormi Webster.

(Yes, whatever jokes just came to your mind, Twitter’s comments on Stormi Webster have them covered)

Kylie revealed her sweet little baby’s first name in the captions of her Instagram post, accompanied by this photo.

She later edited that caption to reveal Stormi’s last name.

Some fans were surprised, thinking that Stormi’s last name would either be Jenner like her mother’s or Scott for Travis Scott, the baby daddy.

But Travis Scott is just a stage name — Jacques Webster is his real name. So his daughter’s name is Stormi Webster.

Kylie Jenner Baby Announcement Instagram Likes

With a post this popular, any screenshot is out of date within seconds.

That is already beyond the 11,242,823 likes that Beyonce’s pregnancy announcement photo had when that screenshot was taken.

The gap isn’t narrow — it’s by the millions, and growing with every moment that passes.

Beyonce is one of the biggest stars in the world and she was pregnant with twins. How, some wonder, did Kylie outpace her so quickly in Instagram likes?

Part of that, of course, is that Kylie withheld new material for months and months and months. Fans were starving, and suddenly blessed with a cute baby photo.

The other part is that, quite frankly, Kylie’s demographic is youth-oriented and it’s Kylie’s core fans who are most likely to be active on Instagram. Yes, even more likely than Beyonce’s core fans who are really only a few years older.

We still haven’t gotten a full photo of sweet baby Stormi.

Although Kylie has spent half of her life in the spotlight and is therefore extra sensitive to the burdens of fame, she’s not likely to keep Stormi hidden away forever.

Instead, Kylie will probably share a real baby photo when she feels that the time is right.

(Or maybe when Stormi looks up to it — sometimes, newborns are born covered in baby acne or otherwise need a few days to … well, cool off after being in the oven, so to speak)

The question is … will that inevitable picture get more likes than this one?

Honestly? Who knows.

And though branding is almost second nature to Kylie, we suspect that this isn’t really on her mind.

She’s reportedly eager to get back to her regular life — except, you know, she’s a mom now, so even with all of the paid help in the world, her life will never be the same again.

On some level, though, she’ll always be preoccupied with her daughter. We don’t just mean now, when Stormi is a newborn and most likely to need her.

Parents remain preoccupied with thoughts of their children … well, for life.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Audrey Roloff: Shading Jacob Roloff Engagement in Passive-Aggressive Instagram Post?

With Little People, Big World star Jacob Roloff engaged to Isabel Rock, fans of the famous TLC family are by and large thrilled.

And, just as predictably, his sister-in-law Audrey Roloff is being accused of trying to upstage Jacob and Izzy’s announcement.

Jacob and Audrey

Some fans quickly accused Audrey of igniting controversy and trying to sabotage the happy couple with her most recent post on Instagram.

Did she really do such a thing, though?

This much is true: Jacob and Isabel had been engaged – publicly, anyway – for all of a few hours when Audrey posted her latest message.

In it, she offered relationship advice (as she often does), specifically about not rushing into a relationship, which raised some eyebrows.

The notion that she somehow posted this particular message as a shot at Isabel may be a stretch, but the timing was curious.

Audrey Roloff captioned the image below:

“Some words on dating from a Christian perspective…”

“Let’s just say you recently hurried into a relationship, dabbled with sexual intimacy, and then became emotionally attached.”

“The main problem with this scenario is that it blinds you to red flags. It’s the classic ‘love at first sight’ trap.”

“You begin to see the person you are dating as the ‘the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe."”

“(If you don’t get that reference, please go watch The Lego Movie after you finish this book. It’s sure to solve all your dating problems).”

“As time passes, your friends and family may raise concerns, but you won’t be able to rationalize with them because all you will see is perfection.” 

“This is a titanic problem,” she goes on.

“The recipe for a healthy dating relationship calls for generous servings of insight from the people who love and care about you.”

“Don’t be that girl who started dating someone and then fell off the face of the earth. Couples who do this are usually hiding shame, guilt, fear, or pride.”

“Allow your friends to see into your relationship and speak truth and affirmation. Allow them to raise red flags.”

“Their honestly may sting, but it could also be what prevents some deep wounds. #beating50percent #journeyofjerandauj

Audrey’s messages can come across self-righteous and preachy, and often rub fans the wrong way. This one was no exception.

“Would be great if Audrey would not destroy the moment with her dumb post on IG,” said one fan, pointing out the timing aspect.

“The timing when she posted (right after they announced the engagement) and what she said there sounds like it’s about Izzy.”

“Hope they will be happy,” said another fan about Jacob Roloff and his fiancee. “Because someone [is] clearly not happy about this.”

Yet another Roloff Instagram follower accused Audrey of “always trying to upstage others and sabotage people’s happiness.”

(Audrey has reportedly blocked these two followers.)

Still more critics accused her of deleting comments that portray her in a negative manner and “liking” Jacob’s post after the fact.

As in only as a minor form of damage control.

One disgruntled fan even went so far as to call Audrey “very egoistic girl” of whom their opinion “completely changed after that.”

To be fair, most of Roloff’s fans showed their appreciation for her words of wisdom on Instagram and did not jump to conclusions.

While Audrey gushing about her lifestyle (using God to make money, critics might say) may be off-putting, perhaps that’s all it is?

In other words, maybe it’s not about Jacob?

There have been rumors floating around for months that Jacob and Audrey don’t get along, allegedly due to contrasting views on religion.

Audrey is all about her faith, which goes without saying, while Jacob does not appear to be as strong a believer, at least publicly.

Still, they were all smiles during Jacob’s 21st birthday recently, leading us to believe they had quashed any beef that existed.

What do you think of her message?


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Kendall Jenner SLAMS Scott Disick and Sofia Richie in Epic Instagram Post!

Kendall Jenner is usually the chillest member of the family, right?

Like she’s not out there having meltdowns on social media, she rarely shares nude photos.

In the Kardashian/Jenner clan, she’s practically a nun.

But every now and then, our dear Kenny will break out with some unexpected personality — some sass, or a little bit of humor, that sort of thing.

And boy, she sure did bust a gem out right here!

See, Scott Disick took his girlfriend, 19-year-old Sofia Richie, out to dinner last night, and he actually brought his kids along, too.

It’s a little surprising that he would take that huge step, but a witness spoke to People about it and explained that it was “a short dinner” and that Scott and Sofia “were not affectionate.”

“Sofia acted like Scott’s friend and you could tell she was trying a gentle approach to get his kids’ approval,” the source added.

So that’s good, right? It would be a little inappropriate if Scott just sprung everything on the kids at once — especially since there’s only an 11 year age difference between Sofia and his oldest kid.

But that happened, and a Scott Disick fan page posted a paparazzi image of the whole gang in the car together.

All pretty normal stuff, right?

But Kendall happened to see the photo, and she took the time to comment on it.

What did she write?

“Awww Scott and his kids,” that’s what she wrote. Oh, along with a laughing emoji.

… Yeah, she did that.

It was a weird move, honestly. How did she come across the fan page in the first place? Was she searching Scott or Sofia’s tags? Was she that desperate to find a way to be petty?

It’s hard to say what exactly her motivation was, but it happened, she went through with it, and we can never go back to a time when we haven’t seen this supremely catty side of Kendall.

This is kind of a monumental moment, honestly.

Some people were totally here for this, calling Kendall things like “savage queen” and “queen of shade.”

Those people applauded her pettiness, and her willingness to stand up for Kourtney and call out Scott for his questionable choices in girlfriends.

But many, many more people were not amused.

“Girl u need to look at your own family before attacking your sisters ex and your best friends friends lmao,” one person wrote.

Another told her to “stay in ur lane and leave Sofia alone that’s disrespectful so i hope when kourtney n younes go out with the kids u can say kourtney n her kids! Smh.”

Because remember, it’s not like Scott is the only one in this whole group who’s been in relationships with large age gaps.

Kris Jenner’s boyfriend is almost half her age, and Kendall apparently didn’t have much to say when Kylie was acting like a stepmother to Tyga’s son when she was only 17 years old.

And, like that one person pointed out, if she’s going to say these things about Scott and Sofia, then she should probably say them about Kourtney and her boyfriend, Younes Bendjima, as well.

Younes is older than Sofia, but Kourtney was older than Scott, too — there’s the exact same age difference between Kourtney and Younes and Scott and Sofia.

That’s why several people are calling her a hypocrite for this, and really, that’s pretty accurate.

Like, at least Sofia was legally an adult when Scott got with her. We can’t say the same for Kylie and Tyga.

What do you think? Are you loving this sassy side of Kendall?


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Stormy Daniels Instagram Account Shut Down

Stormy Daniels has just lost her lifeline, aka Instagram, because for some reason her account has been suspended. Stormy was on a roll after her performance at a South Carolina strip club this weekend, in which she celebrated Trump’s 1-year…


Friday, January 19, 2018

Kim Kardashian Goes Nude, Gets Mom-Shamed on Instagram

Earlier this week, Kim Kardashian welcomed her third child.

The baby girl was delivered via surrogate, so Kim won’t have to put in the usual effort to regain her “pre-baby body.”

But that’s not stopping her from showing the world what kind of shape she’s in.

We have no way of knowing when this pic was taken, but we like to think it was last night and that Kim was wearing that look of smug superiority because she knew she was about to drop an internet-breaking bombshell the next morning.

In case you somehow haven’t heard, Kim revealed the name of her youngest daughter via her subscription-based app today.

Within minutes of the announcement, “Chicago West” became a top-trending topic on Twitter.

Yes, these days, there’s such a constant torrent of Kardashian news that Kim posing totally nude is barely a blip on her fans’ radar screens.

As usual, Kim received a lot of compliments for her pic … and a whole lot of criticism.

“You know your a mom right?” wrote one grammatically-challenged paragon of parenting.

“Ok Kim it’s time for that to stop you have three beautiful kids now leave something to the imagination only your husband should be seeing you like that,” commented one stalwart Puritan who follows Kim Kardashian on Instagram for some reason.

“Yes this is totally what all moms of newborns are doing with their time,” remarked one follower who is apparently unaware that Kim is very rich, and got that way by doing exactly this.

Kim has been in the spotlight for more than a decade, and yet somehow, people who are interested enough in her life to follow her on social media are unaware that she enjoys occasionally posting a risqué photo.

Even more mysterious is the fact that they feel the need to fill her in on details of her own life, such as the fact that she’s a mother of three.

Kim has never been accused of neglecting or mistreating her children.

In fact, those who know her best say she’s an incredibly devoted mom. 

And yet, when she chooses to show a little skin, she invariably gets slammed by people who apparently think they’re living superior lives.

Here’s a fun game: click on the profiles of the people talking the most trash sometime.

Don’t say anything rude or mean, because internet bullying is for the worst kind of losers.

Just marvel at the fact that these people consider themselves better than one of the most successful women on the planet.


Kodak Black"s Drug and Weapons Bust Sparked by Instagram Video

Kodak Black got busted after cops saw his infant child surrounded by drugs and a handgun during an Instagram Live broadcast. As we reported, the rapper got arrested Thursday in Florida and was booked for 7 charges … including drug possession,…


Friday, December 29, 2017

Rain Brown: Slammed on Instagram Over Exercise Video! Why?!

Poor Rain Brown. She has to deal with the struggles of being a teenager, with her mother"s cancer diagnosis and treatments, her own battle with depression, and with the rigors of being a reality star. Oh, and gay rumors.

She also has to deal with a bizarre amount of hate on Instagram. (Who hates a 15-year-old girl?!)

Rain posted a harmless video of herself doing pull-ups (as you"ll see below) and has gotten a world of hate for it. And you won"t believe why.

Ami Brown is battling lung cancer. As we told you in our latest Ami Brown cancer update, she recently suffered a setback but is reportedly recovering and making progress.

While these chemo treatments are taking a serious toll on the Brown family matriarch, Ami"s struggle is also taking its toll on the entire family.

Particularly on her youngest, Rain Brown, who openly admits that she doesn"t know if her mom"s going to make it.

Rain has been acting as her family"s de facto spokesperson in recent months, but her Instagram popularity comes at a cost: trolls.

Rain Brown has posted video of herself working out before.

So when Rain Brown posted what appears to be a totally innocuous, encouraging post — this time, doing pull-ups — you would think that it would be no big deal.

Rain"s caption, too, was harmless.

"Nine months ago I couldn’t even do a half of a pull up and now I can do 14 I’m so proud of myself and how far I have come never give up on your dreams and goals because If you start now who knows maybe nine months from now you could be half way to your goal"

That"s profoundly encouraging! Except that some trolls 

Some were patronizing:

"You"re doing it wrong but nice try A+ for effort."

Others seemed to direct their comments towards other, nicer Instagram followers.

"If she wants to be a fitness teacher, she should teach it right. It"s important. It also looks like someone is under her, helping by pushing her back up."

People seem to think that she was faking doing pull-ups.

"There"s no way she"s doing that on her own. No straining whatsoever. No need to lie Rainey"

And there were varying levels of rudeness.

"Show the box you"re standing on. Lol."

Rain did, however, receive some much kinder, friendlier comments.

"Keep it up Rainy and believe that way more people love you than don’t and bad comments come from insecurities in their own lives. You are amazing and luv and blessings goes to you and your whole family."

That"s so sweet!

"How are you and all your family doing. You are doing an excellent job, keep up the good work."

A lot of people asked about Ami"s health and about the show and also about how Rain is adjusting to city life. Other reminisced about Rain"s past.

"I remember when you challenged Bam to a push up contest. Keep it up and you’ll win someday soon!"

For half of Rain"s life, viewers have watched her grow up before their eyes. And they were eager to defend her:

"Rainy, ignore the fools. Keep up the good work! My group continues to send prayers for you and your family."

Rain Brown manages to remain cheerful — at least on camera — despite so much. And while the show"s on hiatus, she"s the only window to the Brown family for Alaskan Bush People fans.

The least that people could do is just be polite.

For the record, it looks like she"s really doing pull-ups. She"s a tiny person, folks. It"s not going to look the same as a muscled gymnast doing pull-ups.

Some people need to get a grip.

Rain brown slammed on instagram over exercise video why

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Demi Lovato Flaunts MASSIVE Cleavage on Instagram, Internet Rejoices

At some point in the past year or so, Demi Lovato became one of the hottest celebrities on the planet.

It’s not as if this development happened entirely out of nowhere–Demi was always attractive, but while no one was paying attention, she somehow attained previously unimaginable levels of smoke show-ness:

Maybe it happened when Demi got sober.

Maybe what we’re seeing is the positive benefits of removing Wilmer Valderrama from one’s life.

(Fact: Mila Kunis is the only member of the cast of That ’70’s Show that it’s okay to be attracted to.)

Whatever Demi’s doing, it’s working.

Demi Lovato swimsuit pics are nothing new, but it’s not hard to see why this is one of her most popular to date.

Despite going live less than 24 hours ago, Demi’s bathing suit selfie is already creeping up on 3.5 million likes.

Those are “break the internet” numbers.

As a general rule, anything that’s posted online that doesn’t involve kittens will attract haters and trolls.

So it’s possible that Demi has set some kind of record by posting such a popular pic without drawing any real criticism.

We suppose there might be some trash talk in the comments section somewhere, but it’s been buried by marriage proposals and declarations of undying love.

“I love you so deeply, I would die for you,” wrote one fan.


You get the idea.

Sadly, the image wasn’t accompanied by any info about how we might all be more like Demi.

“In [heart emoji] with this bathing suit…” Lovato captioned the pic.

That’s not gonna help us get rid of our post-holiday guts, Demi!

Fortunately, we know a little bit about how the 25-year-old singer stays in such incredible shape.

Demi’s battled eating disorders and addictions in the past, but these days she’s militantly devoted to maintaining her physical and mental health.

Demi was recently awarded a blue belt in  Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and she’s reportedly dating a mixed-martial artist.

So yes, she looks incredible, but more importantly, she can kick ass.

We’re beginning to understand all those marriage proposals on her IG page.


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Hailie Jade Mathers: Eminem"s Daughter Flaunts Boobs on Instagram!

Eminem is back in the news these days, largely because of his vocal criticism of Donald Trump, which seems to have befuddled many a pissed-off white dude, forcing them to turn to scripture and Kid Rock’s Twitter page for answers.

But regardless of where you stand on Em’s politics, there are certain Shady-related truths on which we can all agree.

For example:

1. He’s one of the most gifted rappers to ever pick up a mic.

2. Cheddar Bob was the real hero of 8 Mile.

3. Em’s daughter is a total smoke show.

That third point may seem a bit strange if you grew up listening to Mr. Mathers rap about his baby daughter Hailie and being harassed by this fat kid named D’angelo Bailey, but allow us to put your concerns to rest.

At 22, Hailie Jade is very much a grown woman

And she looks like this:

See what we mean?

Her dad may be a psychopath with an unhealthy chainsaw obsession, but it’s pretty much impossible not to comment on his daughter’s hotness 

We may wind up getting brutally murdered, but hopefully the confession will come in the form of a blistering freestyle in which the word “orange” is rhymed several times.

Proving that being born into fabulous wealth and fame should never interfere with one’s basicness, Hailie captioned the photo, “Happy early birthday to me.”

(Hailie turned 22 on Christmas Day.)

We kid Hailie, but it really is a relief to see her mature into such a stable and grounded young woman.

Eminem gushes about Hailie every chance he gets, and it’s certainly not hard to see why.

In addition to being beautiful, Hailie is bright and ambititious, set to graduate from Michigan State University in 2018.

Earning a degree is an impressive feat for anyone, but for Hailie it’s downright miraculous, considering how poorly things could have gone.

She’s been a fixture in her father’s music since before she learned how to talk, but it certainly doesn’t seem like she’ll be giving in to the child star curse any time soon.

Em defied the odds when he emerged from a Detroit trailer park to become one of the most celebrated musical artists on the planet, and in her own, more quiet way, it seems Hailie is following suit.


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Oprah Warns Fans of Fraud Instagram Account

Someone’s out there pretending to be Oprah – soliciting money from her fans and followers — and the real O ain’t happy about it. The real deal Oprah went straight to her real deal IG account to warn fans about the impostor account.…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Jinger Duggar: Confirming Pregnancy With Latest Instagram Pic?

For over a year now, Jinger Duggar pregnancy rumors have been circulating non-stop on social media.

Thus far, there’s been no official word from Jinger and husband Jeremy Vuolo about whether or not they’ll be expanding their family anytime soon.

But in recent, weeks many fans have become convinced the couple is slyly hinting that there’s a bun in the oven.

The speculation began when Jeremy posted pic of Jinger enjoying this week’s unexpected snowfall in Laredo, Texas.

Fans were convinced that Jinger was sporting baggy clothes in order to conceal a baby bump.

At one point, Jeremy posted a video clip that seemed to show Jinger rubbing her belly, and that really set Duggar obsessives off.

At this point, they’ve stopped just short of picking out names and knitting booties.

Tellingly, Jinger and Jeremy did not issue a denial amidst all the pregnancy rumors.

Instead, they posted the pic below, which a lot of fans believe is loaded with hidden meaning:

On the surface, it’s just a photo of a married couple enjoying a tender moment.

And in all likelihood, there’s nothing more than that going on here.

But that hasn’t stopped Jinger pregnancy conspiracy theorists from reading way too much into this thing.

Their theory is that the couple’s silence on the matter speaks volumes.

And this pic, presented without comment, is being interpreted as the Vuolo’s way of subtly confirming that the fans are correct in their assumptions.

It’s a a long-shot, maybe, but it’s not as ridiculous as it might seem at first.

After all, if and when Jinger does get pregnant she likely be able to share the news with fans until her father Jim Bob (aka “the Kris Jenner of Arkansas”) figures out a way to use the reveal as a ratings booster.

Jinger being the resident rebel in her family, it would come as much of a surprise if she figured out a way to defy Jim Bob without actually going against him in such a way that might jeopardize her future earnings.

Again, it’s important to note that many assumptions are being made on the basis of single, innocent-seeming Instagram pic.

That said, it’s far from the craziest theory Duggar fans have come up with.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, December 11, 2017

Jinger Duggar Rocking Pants, Hiding Baby Bump on Instagram?!

Ever since Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo, fans have been eagerly awaiting an announcement that the newlyweds are expecting their first child.

More than a year later, however, there’s still no official word on the matter.

Of course, that hasn’t stopped fans from combing through the couple’s social media posts in search of clues.

The Vuolos latest pics show them enjoying the unexpected snowfall in Laredo, Texas over the weekend.

While the focus of the photos is meant to be the weather, fans have mostly zeroed in on two other details:

For one thing, Jinger is wearing pants, thus still defying the strict dress code under which she was raised.

Even more than her legwear, however, followers are obsessed with what they believe is the first official glimpse of Jinger’s baby bump.

Granted, this isn’t the first time that Duggar fans have claimed to have spotted a sure sign that Jinger is expecting, but a video posted by Jeremy offers the most compelling evidence yet:

Jeremy captioned the clip, “The weather outside is frightful.”

But again, it’s not the weather that’s caught fans’ attention.

As you can see, Jinger seems to be moving … well, gingerly.

She also appears to be protecting her midsection, and at one point she rubs her belly.

Sure, she’s not wearing a t-shirt that says, “Baby on Board,” but at this point, fans will take whatever “evidence” they can find.

Even the fact that Jinger is wearing sweatpants is being cited as proof that she’s expecting.

Jinger has been wearing pants and even shorts for several months now, but they’re usually more stylish and form-fitting than the sweatpants she sported this week.

The style decision may simply be a response to the weather, but don’t tell that to the hundreds of fans who are basically taking these posts as a pregnancy announcement.

At this point, if and when Jinger does reveal that she’s got a bun in the oven, the reveal will almost feel anti-climactic.


Watch Counting On online to relive Jinge and Jer’s road to the altar.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Leah Messer & Jeremy Calvert: Back Together? See Their Instagram Flirtations!

It"s been over two years since Leah Messer and Jeremy Calvert got divorced.

The split was an ugly one, and the two have clashed several times since calling it quits.

But now, there"s reason to believe the parents of 4-year-old Adalynn are still harboring feelings for one another.

Check out the social media interactions that have Teen Mom 2 fans thinking there"s a reunion on the horizion!

1. A Messy Split

Jeremy leah calvert

Leah and Jeremy went their separate ways in 2015. It was Leah’s second divorce, and it certainly wasn’t a civil one.

2. Parenting Problems

Leah messer with adalynn pic

The two welcomed daughter Adalynn in 2013, and disagreements about parenting have fueled many of their conflicts.

3. A Dark Time

Leah messer solo photo

Around the time of their split, Leah allegedly developed an addiction to prescription painkillers. She later checked into a rehab facility to be treated for her condition.

4. Kidding Around

Robbie kidd photo

It was around this time that rumors of Messer cheating on Calvert with ex-boyfriend Robbie Kidd began to circulate on social media.

5. On to the Next One

Leah messer calvert family

In November of 2014, Jeremy declared that he was “done” with Leah and began flirting with models on Instagram.

6. A Public Separation

Leah messer and jeremy calvert image

Between Teen Mom 2 and social media, Jeremy and Leah’s separation played out in the public eye. Now, it looks as though they’re being just as open about their reconciliation.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Selena Gomez Makes Instagram Account Private: Why?!

Selena Gomez is filtering who gets to see what on her Instagram account, and people have never been more intrigued by her. 

The 25-year-old made her account on the picture sharing website private. Unsurprisingly, it was not without controversy. 

The star recently appeared on the cover of Billboard (as its Woman of the Year, no less!) and had a fine old chat about her life, Justin Bieber and a whole host of other things. 

Before Selena made her account private, she shared a cryptic snap that made people question the real motives for going quietly into the night. 

Thanks to the power of the internet, a screenshot of the final post is everywhere, so we still get to talk about it. 

Over the screenshot, she wrote, “Never will I let another human guess my words ever again. Or invite them in my home. That is so hurtful.”

She continued, “The most ‘ridiculous’ part of that is no one knowing my heart when I say things.”

Selena Gomez Lashes Out at Billboard

Those certainly seem to be the words of someone who is not in the best of moods, and the excerpt behind Selena’s words seem to tell the story. 

The excerpt of the Billboard article surrounded a big, cuddly bear the songstress keeps in her home. 

“There’s a five-foot teddy bear sprawled across the kitchen floor in Selena Gomez’s North Hollywood home,” it begins. 

“‘I know, I know,’ says Gomez, rolling her eyes, acknowledging that the stuffed animal doesn’t quite blend with the trio of armchairs nestled in the inviting, marble-accented nook.”

“‘It was a gift, and at first I thought, This is so ridiculous, I can’t wait until I give it away to another person.’ But Gomez, 25, hasn’t let go of it — yet.”

Based on the way Selena has reacted, perhaps she did not realize that everything she said was going to make the cut. 

They have to fill their pages somehow. There’s also the possibility that Selena feels her words were taken out of context and manipulated. 

It’s not uncommon for stars to take issue with the way their words are portrayed in the press.

Selena was ecstatic at being part of the magazine just last week, so maybe she never got to read the content before it went to print. 

She shared a picture of the cover and thanked the publication for making her its Woman of the Year just days ago. So, what took her so long to lash out?

Maybe she was too busy snuggling up with Justin Bieber and sending selfies of them kissing to Sofia Richie with the caption, “Yeah, they always return to the best.”

We kid, of course, but there’s something sketchy going on with the way the lights went off on Selena’s Instagram account, and there will hopefully be some clarity in due course. 

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Jill Duggar Shows Off TATTOO on Instagram!

It’s happening, folks.

Like Jinger and Jessa before her, Jill Duggar is finally defying the arch-conservatve views and arbitrarily strict rules of her upbringing.

And she’s giving us all a front row seat to the rebellion.

Last week, Jill’s nose ring stunned fans, who are accustomed to seeing the mother of two stick with the prairie wife aesthetic favored by her mother.

Considering Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar were reportedly outraged when Jill’s sister Jinger started wearing pants, the decision to display a semi-permanent body modification on social media was a bold one.

Sure, the Duggar girls might sport pierced ears, and the Duggar dress code might not specifically address the issue of facial piercings, but Jill knew how her parents would react to the sight of her looking like a Hot Topic employee who moonlights at Claire’s, circa 1997.

Similarly, she knew how they’d react to her latest pic.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you, Jill Duggar’s tattoo:

Yes, that’s Jill’s hand sharing the frame with her youngest son, Samuel.

You may have noticed that Jill’s “tattoo” is stenciled in temporary Henna ink.

So yes, the reaction from her traditionalist parents probably hasn’t been as severe as if she were sporting permanent body art, but if you know anything about Jim Bob and Michelle, you know they’re not big on even mild displays of individuality and worldliness.

Not surprisingly, Jill’s fashion statement has garnered a negative reaction from some of her more conservative fans.

“My teenage girls looked to you as a role model and now the piercing and henna. Worldly worldly,” wrote one of Jill’s followers.

“Thankfully they don’t look to that way anymore. I think we were warned when you were broken-hearted about your hubby cutting off his long hair.”

“Isn’t that a little wild for a so-called ‘simple, modest girl?"” remarked another.

Tough crowd. 

Fortunately, many were appreciative of Jill’s ink, and praised her flare for self-expression.

“I LOVE the henna! Six years of being a hippy dippy midwife and I still haven’t completed that bucket list item!” one fan commented

“She is hated for her lifestyle regardless of what she does… what is wrong with people?” asked another.

As with all acts of Duggar rebellion, this one is pretty innocuous to those of us living in the modern world.

But what’s important is that Jill knew she might face backlash or even consequences, and she showed her new tatt off anyway.

Sure, the ink is temporary.

But the image will remain etched in the minds of ultra-conservative Duggar enthusiasts forever.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, December 4, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Naked and Pregnant on Instagram!

As you’ve almost certainly heard by now, Kylie Jenner is pregnant with her first child.

Of course, she has yet to confirm the news, which is strange and sort of impressive, considering she usually documents every second of her life on social media.

Kylie hasn’t stopped posting, mind you, she’s just very strategic in terms of what she reveals to her followers.

Yes, the never ending flood of Kylie nudes has continued unabated, despite the fact that Kylizzle is several months pregnant and doesn’t want anyone to know.

As you can see, Kylie has discovered a way to go naked and wear fur, much to the chagrin of PETA.

She’s also discovered that it’s possible to post a risque selfie while leaving the state of one’s uterus a total mystery.

Fans of course, were upset that they didn’t get the big reveal they’ve been waiting for.

“She’s hiding her pregnancy,” one fan commented.

“Let us see the baby bump, Ky,” another implored.

Of course, there’s always the possibility that these pics of Kylie aren’t even recent.

She promised fans “exclusive Polaroids” that were taken “over the past few years,” which means these snaps could’ve been taken long before Kylie got knocked up.

Obviously, Kylie knew that fans would assume the photos are more recent, so this could be her way of addressing reports that she’s self-conscious about her appearance these days.

Insiders have claimed that Kylie is feeling extremely self-conscious these days, which is why she’s been keeping such a low profile.

Fortunately, she’s reportedly not letting those feelings impact her health.

Sources close to Kylie say she’s usually meticulous about her diet, but has thrown caution to the wind recently for the good of her baby.

“Kylie’s not holding back when it comes to cravings,” one insider tells Life & Style.

“She’s eating for two, and she’s eating whatever she wants. Waffles and pancakes for dinner are not unusual.”

Sounds like Kylie is enjoying her newfound dietary freedom.

However, we feel obligated to point out that you don’t have to be pregnant to enjoy breakfast for dinner.

That’s just delicious all the time.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Totally Naked on Instagram!

Kim Kardashian is back at it again. 

The Keeping Up with the Kardashians star has a reputation for hitting up social media with racy snaps to get her fans talking about how drop dead gorgeous she is. 

The 37-year-old’s latest attempt to break the internet came in the form of her painted from head-to-toe in glitter and posing in front of her mirror, and there was no clothing in sight!

Have a look for yourself. 

It’s a signature Kim Kardashian naked selfie. It has her in front of a mirror, showing off a whole lot of skin. 

The only surprising thing about it was that her nipples are all covered up a thin line. 

Maybe Kris Jenner had a say in what was shown in the snap and wanted her to free her nipples on an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. 

The snap was taken behind the scenes of a photo shoot she was doing for her KKW cosmetics line. Yes, like most of her family members, Kim is in the cosmetics business, and she makes a whole lot of money from it. 

Kardashian also shared another picture of the shoot, and it looked a whole lot more professional than the one that found her in front of a mirror showing everything off. 

Doesn’t she look as confident as ever? It’s obvious Kim is comfortable in her skin, and that’s part of the reason why she shows off her body on the internet every so often. 

However,  we have to admit that this latest naked selfie from the star is somewhat subdued in comparison to her past efforts. 

Case in point:

The above picture was shared in 2016 to a mixed reaction from her fans, but it still got her in the headlines and the snap was likely one of the most-viewed on the internet for the year, so it was likely a success to Kris Jenner. 

At the time, it was speculated that Kim wanted to show off her post-baby body to show that she was working out like crazy to maintain her physique. 

Kim is gearing up to welcome her third child into the world via surrogacy, so maybe she decided to make her latest nude selfie a classier affair. We do not want to be Kim when she has to explain to her kids as grown-ups why the internet is so obsessed with pictures of their mother naked. 

Will that be a conversation filmed in front of the reality TV cameras? Considering the family have signed a lucrative new deal with E!, they are likely sticking around for the duration. 

Who would have thought they would still be relevant after all these years in the spotlight? It’s crazy, and their popularity does not seem to be waning. 

What do you think about this picture?

Sound off below!
