Showing posts with label Jessica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jessica. Show all posts

Friday, February 9, 2018

Jessica Biel Teaches 2-Year Old About Sex. But Should She?

Jessica Biel believes in being open and very honest with her young son.

And this belief system has now gotten the actress in trouble with some critics on the Internet.

Speaking at the 2018 MAKERS Conference on Tuesday, Biel sat on a panel with CEO of WCG and CEO of Evofem Biosciences Saundra Pelletier and ex-Teen Vogue Editor-in-Chief Elaine Welteroth.

At one point in their candid conversation, the topics turned to kids, sex and relationships.

“How do parents…pick up where sex education leaves off in the school system?” Welteroth asked the other two women, which prompted some interesting comments from Biel.

“In my household, I have a two and a half year old and we’re starting now,” the actress explained, referencing her husband (someone named Justin Timberlake) and their son, Silas.

She continued:

“We shower together, and [we say], ‘This is what I’ve got. This is what you’ve got.

“We just talk about it. I know it’s really young, but I really believe that if you start this early, there’s no shame.

“I don’t want to tell him, ‘Keep your private parts,’ and this and that. It’s a beautiful thing. You have it and mine is different and it’s cool, man.

“We have to respect ourselves and respect each other.”

Biel also said that she and Timberlake don’t sugar coat the names of their private parts with any silly terms for the sake of their child.

They went him to understand how everything works and what everything is really called.

“I think I still go back to this idea that it doesn’t have to be so serious,” Biel said of sex education, adding:

“If you want to laugh and say vagina and laugh or say penis or whatever, well do it! Laugh and get it out, get the giggles out and then ask the real question that you know you have.

“I think that’s always what happened to me when I was young… you could barely get past the giggles to ask the real question, which was a really probably important question that as a young person you needed to know.”

It’s a fair point.

If parents are not open with their children about this topic, the kids may very well try to find out certain answers on their own.

And it’s not hard to imagine this going very poorly.

However, some trolls out there are aghast that Biel would go anywhere near the subject of sex with her two-year old son.

She’s being called “stupid” and “disgusting” and lots of other mean words.

To wit:

gross comments

As if these remarks weren’t cruel enough, someone else suggested Biel and Timberlake should not even be allowed to have children.

For real:

gross comments

It’s a pretty interesting debate, right?

Not whether Jessica and Justin ought to be parents. That’s unfair, close-minded and downright absurd.

But at what age do you talk sex with your kids? At what age do you give them an idea of what’s going on with their bodies and how they came into the world?

Is Biel being a responsible mother here?

Or is she getting too far ahead of things with young and impressionable Silas?


Monday, January 22, 2018

Jessica Miller: David Eason"s Sister Arrested For Assault! Did She Beat Up Jenelle Evans?!

Jessica Miller is the sister of Jenelle Evans’ husband, David Eason.

She’s never appeared on Teen Mom 2, and it seems she has little face-to-face contact with Jenelle.

Still, in the world of TM2 obsessives, Jessica is something of an icon, thanks to her stunning ability to match Ms. Evans in terms of violent insanity.

Jenelle and Jessica’s feuds are the stuff of legend, often spilling from one social media platform to another, as each attempts to publicly throw shade without the other one knowing.

It’s a thrilling game of cat and mouse, in which both the cat and the mouse accuse one another of being meth addicts.

Jessica accuses Jenelle of doing drugs while pregnant.

Jenelle accuses Jessica of driving while high and getting fired for stealing prescription painkillers from work.

We all look on in amazement and thank the heavens that our families are downright functional by comparison.

Unfortunately, it looks like the schaudenfreude might be coming to an end, as Jessica will likely be doing her best to keep her nose clean for the foreseeable future.

According to Starcasm, Jessica was arrested for assault over the weekend 

There’s no word on who Jessica may have assaulted, but it’s worth noting that she got into yet another Facbook fight with Jenelle the day before the arrest.

This time, Jenelle unequivocally initiated the spat, by posting this deranged “review” of Jessica’s t-shirt company:

“Fake business!!!!! This owner is psycho! She threatens people on a daily basis on social media saying she’s going to fight them and such.

“She also doesn’t own one piece of this clothing at all and uses an “art” app on her phone to copy and paste texts onto shirts without even testing them out herself.

“She tried stealing a logo from another company. I ordered a shirt a week ago and it’s still not here. I asked to be refunded and it’s taking forever! Really upset with this company! Never shopping here again. Maybe if the owner wasn’t on drugs this business would be ran properly.”

We don’t know what’s funnier–the fact that Jenelle has gone full-Trump and is now calling everything she doesn’t like “fake,” or the fact that tried to legitimize the whole thing by slipping an actual complaint about delivery time into unhinged psycho-screed.

Interestingly, an Instrgam follower recently asked Jessica why she’s never gotten into a physical altercation with Jenelle.

David’s sister had this to say in response:

“I came really close to it when i had to go to court with her and barbara over jace. I followed her into the bathroom and i told her what an ungrateful selfish little B she is but i kept my hands to myself bc she isnt worth jail time or my money in court costs! “

Perhaps tellingly, Jenelle hasn’t taken to Twitter to boast about Jessica’s arrest, as one might expect her to.

We’re not saying Jessica and Jenelle got into a fight, but we certainly wouldn’t be floored by that news.

We’ll keep you updated on the situation as more information becomes available.

In the meantime, watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just what a brawler Jenelle is.

She’s not someone you wanna mess with…


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Jessica Alba Gives Birth! Look at These Gorgeous Newborn Photos!

Forget celebrating the new year with a glass of champagne and a kiss.

Jessica Alba celebrated the flipping of the calendar with… a new baby!

The actress and long-time husband Cash Warren added to their gorgeous family on Monday night, welcoming child number-three to close out 2017 in the most miraculous way possible.

Wrote Alba on Instagram, along with the following picture of her newborn:

“Hayes Alba Warren 12/31/17 Best gift to ring in the New Year!! Cash and I feel so blessed. Haven and Honor are already obsessed with their new baby bro.”

What a precious image, don’t you think?

Take a close, long, sentimental look at it here:

Indeed, as Alba mentions above, the stars are already parents to daughters Honor, 9, and Haven, 6, and had always planned on giving them a brother or a sister.

“It was always in the cards for them to have a third child,” an insider previously told E! News. “It was definitely part of the plan and they just wanted to wait a few years for the right time.”

Alba announced her pregnancy in July.

“@cash_warren and I are officially going to be outnumbered #babyonboard #herewegoagain #blessed,” Alba penned as a caption at the time alongside a photo of her and her two kids.

Warren, meanwhile, also shared a precious picture on Instagram and wrote right next to it:

Hayes Alba Warren: You sure know how to ring in the new year!” he captioned the photo. “You showed up a few days early but we couldn’t be any happier.

Your Mamma is the strongest woman I know … you’re so lucky to have her by your side. You have two amazing sisters who already adore you and I know you’ll be thankful to have them guide the way.

On your first day of life, I promise to love you, to cherish you, and to provide you with a sandbox full of dreams to explore.

Welcome to the family my sweet baby Hayes!

Alba, who runs The Honest Company and has basically retired from acting, often shared photos of her baby bump on social media over the past few months.

She very openly embraced her curves and the bun growing in her oven.

“Love being preggers w my baby boo #BossLady @jkroogr,” the star wrote at one point.

Adds the aforementioned source to E! News:

“Jessica has been working her entire pregnancy and will still play a role when the baby is born.

“Her company means a lot to her but she is thankful that she has a great team to help her.”

We send her the very best.


Monday, December 18, 2017

Jessica Alba Is Very Pregnant But Still on the Go in Bev Hills

Jessica Alba’s face is all you need to see to understand why she says this WILL be her last child. Looking as pregnant as can be, Jessica was out and about in Bev Hills Saturday … but we’re guessing she’d rather to be somewhere giving birth. Based…


Sunday, December 10, 2017

Jessica Alba Hosts Her Baby Shower in Beverly Hills

Jessica Alba got glammed up for a party with her gal pals … all in celebration of her third baby, who looks to be well on his way. Alba was fully bumpin’ in a suede black dress Saturday as she made her way to Laduree in Beverly Hills ……


Friday, December 1, 2017

Jessica Simpson: SLAMMED For Letting 5-Year-Old Daughter Wear Makeup!

Jessica Simpson tends to let it all hang out on Instagram.

We mean that in both the semi-literal sense, as Jessica Simpson bikini pics are a semi-regular occurrence, but also in a more figurative sense, as Jess enjoys putting the quirkier aspects of her private life on display for her millions of followers.

In the past, this has landed the mother of two in hot water.

Simpson’s parenting has been criticized on a number of occasions because for some reason, a surprisingly large segment of our population loves nothing more than going on social media and telling moms they’re bad at being moms.

Jessica posted the above photo yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“This is NOT an #ad, @maccosmetics is my daughter’s favorite store! Mommy-Daughter Day with #MAXIDREW #girlygoth,”

And with that, the call rang out to all the mommy-shamers in the land, who emerged beneath their bridges to get in some quality troll shots:

“You both are beautiful without makeup. Please teach her you don’t need makeup to be beautiful,” wrote one follower.

“How about taking your daughter some were [sic] fun were [sic] she can be a little girl. Instead of being brain washed that she need [sic] makeup to look pretty,” commented another.

Fortunately, the haters were largely outnumbered by those who take the much more logical position that a little girl trying on makeup is probably not a reason to call in CPS:

“Who cares if she wants to wear a little lipstick. Kids just want to be like their mom. Leave the woman alone,” wrote one.

“All these mommy shamers need to get a life. I mean honestly WHO CARES! I played with makeup as a little girl. She’s her daughter!” echoed a second.

This is not the first time that Jessica’s daughter has worn makeup on Instagram, and it’s not the first time that Jessica has taken flak for it.

In a way, the backstory makes this photo even better.

Jess knew there would be backlash, and she posted the damn pic anyway.

Why? Because you can’t let the haters run your life, that’s why.

Jessica’s daughter is 5 years old and already owning trolls en masse.

If that’s not solid parenting, we don’t know what is.


Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel"s Key to a Successful Marriage

This one’s gonna hurt, Jimmy Fallon – but turns out Jessica Biel makes Justin Timberlake laugh his ass off, too … plus, she’s way hotter. JT and JB looked like a couple of kids on a first date, going all LOL Thursday evening in…


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Jessica Alba Hits Up Urban Outfitters Looking Stylish and Pregnant

Jessica Alba hit up Urban Outfitters Saturday as she is getting ready for the grand entrance of baby #3. Jessica looks great in her peach dress with some white slip on shoes for comfort.  Unclear when the baby is due … but we’re guessing it’s…


Jessica Alba Hits Up Urban Outfitters Looking Stylish and Pregnant

Jessica Alba hit up Urban Outfitters Saturday as she is getting ready for the grand entrance of baby #3. Jessica looks great in her peach dress with some white slip on shoes for comfort.  Unclear when the baby is due … but we’re guessing it’s…


Monday, November 6, 2017

Jessica Chastain Adamant Robin Wright"s Ready to Carry "House of Cards"

Jessica Chastain’s doubling down and casting her vote for Robin Wright to step over Kevin Spacey, and become the lead on “House of Cards.” We got Jessica outside Catch LA Sunday night and asked if Netflix should give Robin the chance to run…


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Jessica Alba"s Honest Company Sues Company for "Honestly Cute" Brand Toys

Jessica Alba’s Honest Company is going after a baby toy manufacturer for ripping off its brand name AND its floral pattern … according to a new suit. Alba’s company claims another Delaware company — JAKKS Pacific — started cranking out baby and…


Friday, October 20, 2017

Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel Post Cute Anniversary Tributes

Not every start or hearthrob from the turn of the century remains a star or gets their happily ever after. For proof, look no further than Aaron Carter’s many, many problems.

But, as so many of us hoped back in the late ’90s, both Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake are now living their best lives. Just … not with each other. And that’s okay.

In fact, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are immensely precious and adorable together. Look at what they each wrote for their 5-year anniversary!

It’s weird, thinking back on it.

Some celebrity couples, like Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis, seem almost preordained.

(One could argue that the writers from That ’70s Show set the couple up)

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber, who are thankfully no longer together (although they’re talking again), both rose to fame around the same time. It was sort of a natural fit.

Other couples aren’t quite what you would have expected, back when they first became famous.

Justin Timberlake was on The All-New Micky Mouse Club and then skyrocked the fame as the most thirsted after member of NSYNC when they launched in the ’90s.

He’s been an enduring sex symbol ever since, though he’s definitely more in the “DILF” category now. That’s how time works, but it’s been kinder to him than to many of his former bandmates.

And then there’s Jessica Biel, who might still be best known for her role on that old Christian family drama, Seventh Heaven.

But in 2007, they met at the Golden Globe Awards. That, according to witnesses, is when “sparks flew.”

We don’t believe in love at first sight, exactly, but overpowering thirst at first sight can absolutely blossom into genuine love.

Because just look at them now.

On October 19th, 2012, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel got married.

And that means that, yes, yesterday was the beautiful couple’s 5 year wedding anniversary.

Justin Timberlake left 

“#TBT to a late night freestyle session on a break in the studio — YES I’ve been back in the studio cooking!”

So he’s back in the studio for real, but he shared some black-and-white throwbacks of himself in the studio.

“But, today is even more special for me because five years ago, on this day, I became the luckiest man in the world when I exchanged vows with my best friend. This song was our first dance.”

Awwww! That is so cute, you guys!

“To my beautiful @jessicabiel : You have taught me so much about what a true love means.”

Some things you have to do in order to properly understand them. Like computer programming. Or true love. Or surgery.

“I can’t put into words what these last five years have meant to me, so… ‘Listen to the melody ‘cause my love is in there hiding…"”

Hey, artistic expression is sometimes the best kind of expression.

He finished with the tags:

“#Happy5thAnniversaryWifey #ASongForYou”

That’s so sweet! Corny, but sweet.

It has to be surreal to be married to a sex symbol, even if you yourself are also a big-name actress and major Hollywood hottie.

Their son, Silas Randall Timberlake, is only two years old.

One day, he’s going to watch the Shrek movies — all 9,000 of them, by that point. Before he gets to the one where his father provides a guest voice, he’ll see Princess Fiona sleep in her childhood bedroom where a poster reads “Sir Justin.”

Like … that level of cultural impact that Justin Timberlake has had … it just has to be a little weird for the people who know him best.

Cool, but weird.

Jessica Biel, however, just counts herself lucky.

Her message of love and adoration for Justin was much more succinct.

“How lucky am I? Even if he’s initially skeptical, he always gets extra for me. #5”

She’s talking about him dancing goofily along to music with her, but it sounds like he’s like that all of the time.

And that’s so good to hear.

It sounds like Justin Timberlake might be playing the Superbowl Halftime Show this year.

You know, the musical performance that happens to have some sort of sporting event before and after it. The Halftime show is where the action is. And it’s where stars are born — remember Left Shark?

Well, Justin Timberlake has already been part of a similarly memorable Halftime Show … when he and Janet Jackson and an alleged ‘wardrobe malfunction” shocked audiences with Janet’s bare breast.

That was back in 2004. And we’re pretty sure that it was the origin of the term “wardrobe malfunction.”

Many people feel that, because Janet was blacklisted from so many networks in retaliation, Justin shouldn’t get to come back unless she can.

While that sounds fair to Janet, it sounds unfair to JT, you know?

We don’t know whether Justin should play the Halftime Show, but we think that Jessica Biel would be all for it.


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Jessica Simpson Schoolgirl Pic Dubbed Creepiest Thing Online

Jessica Simpson"s latest Instagram post is receiving a lot of backlash, which is nothing new for her, but … well, you gotta see the photo.

The one-time alleged singer/actress turned fashion entrepreneur and mother of two is no stranger to catching heat for her shared images.

This one is just different, though.

See the image in question below, along with some of the reactions it got on Instagram, and see which side you come out on …

1. Jessica Simpson Schoolgirl Photo

Jessica simpson schoolgirl photo

Jess channeled her “inner school girl” in a pic for her fall clothing collection and the Internet is sufficiently freaked out for a number of reasons.

2. Not For Adults

Not for adults

A lot of people shared this view, though we would argue that any handle like @hansonfreak isn’t appropriate for adults either. Just saying.

3. Maybe if You Were 2 LOL

Maybe if you were 2 lol

In her defense, some of Jessica Simpson’s best quotes sound like a two-year-old could’ve said them.

4. No, No, No

No no no

We don’t understand what the first part of this comment even means, but clearly they weren’t a fan.

5. Or Your … What?

Or your what

What kind of hooker does this person frequent?!

6. Get Creeped Out

Get creeped out

That might be a stretch, given how much of the Internet is currently devoted to Farrah Abraham-related content. But we admit, the photo is kind of a head-turner.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Seth MacFarlane Says 2013 Harvey Weinstein Joke was Deliberate Shot for Jessica Barth

Seth MacFarlane says his joke about Harvey Weinstein at the 2013 Oscar Nominations wasn’t just meant to be funny … it was a deliberate shot at the Hollywood honcho on behalf of his friend, Jessica Barth. MacFarlane claims Barth — who he’s also…


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Kim Cattrall Drags Sarah Jessica Parker Over Sex and the City 3

Ding! Ding! Ding!

It is totally on between Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker.

For real this time.

Throughout the filming of Sex and the City the HBO television show and then Sex and the City, the two mediocre movies, there had always been chatter that these two actresses did not get along very well.

Which is fine.

Not all co-stars need to be best friends forever.

But the claws have now officially come out in the wake of Parker telling Extra that plans for a third film in the franchise have officially been scrapped.

“We had this beautiful, funny, heartbreaking, joyful, very relatable script and story,” she told the entertainment news outlet, adding:

“It’s not just disappointing that we don’t get to tell the story and have that experience, but more so for that audience that has been so vocal in wanting another movie.”

(Note: Have they, really?!? Sex and the City 2 has a score of 16% on Rotten Tomatoes.)

Amidst talk that Cattrall was the one to squash the follow-up flick due to various production demands, the veteran actress sat down with Piers Morgan on the program “Life Stories” to address any and all diva-related chatter.

Her general response?

I’ve never been on board for Sex and the City 3… and Parker sort of sucks!

“At this very moment it’s quite extraordinary to get any kind of negative press about something that I’ve been saying for almost a year of ‘no’ that I’m demanding or a diva,” Cattrall told Morgan, adding:

“And this is really where I take to task the people from Sex and the City and specifically Sarah Jessica Parker, in that I think she could have been nicer.”

So there you have it.

After all this time, that’s the first admission from either Cattrall or Parker that they aren’t exactly on each other’s Christmas lists.

“I really think she could have been nicer,” Cattrall reiterated in her interview. “I don’t know what her issue is. I never have.” 

Cattrall went on to explain that she was approached in December about the possibility of Sex and the City 3… and that it simply never appealed to her.

“This isn’t about more money, this is not about more scenes, it’s not about any of those things,” she said.

“This is about a clear decision, an empowered decision in my life to end one chapter and start another. I’m 61. It’s now.”

Fair enough, right?

And it’s not as if Cattrall is even against a third movie. Go ahead and make it without me, she happily tells the cast and crew!

“I want them to make the movie, if that’s what they want to do,” she said.

“It’s a great part. I played it past the finish line and then some and I loved it, and another actress should play it. Maybe they could make it an African-American Samantha Jones or a Hispanic Samantha Jones?’

“I’ve moved on. This is what my 60s are about. They’re about me making decisions for me, not my career. For me.

“And that feels frickin’ fantastic.”


Friday, September 29, 2017

Jessica Simpson Has a Drinking "Problem," Source Alleges

Remember when Jessica Simpson appeared on Ellen this past May?

And she rambled about her marriage and her hobbies and even her sexual past with women and everyone thought it was oh so very funny?

But what if it were very serious? What if it were indicative of a substance abuse problem for which Simpson needs professional help?

This is the assertion being made by an In Touch Weekly insider, who tells the tabloid that, as straightforwardly as possible, that the star “has a problem” with alcohol.

The magazine cites an incident that took place on September 19 when Simpson could barely stand up straight upon leaving the Los Angeles restaurant Craig’s.

Photographers captured the 37-year old losing her balance on the sidewalk that evening, literally held up by husband Eric Johnson.

We’ve all been here, of course. We’ve all thrown back one too many drinks on occasion and wondered what the heck we were thinking as we reached for the Advil the following morning.

But this wasn’t a one-time, harmless occurrence, according to anonymous friend of the singer’s.

“It’s been occurring on a frequent basis lately,” this friend tells In Touch of  Simpson, alleging that Jessica mixes booze with anti-anxiety pills and adding:

“The combination [of alcohol and medication] makes her loopy and disoriented.

This dangerous habit has supposedly grown worse in the wake of her father’s cancer diagnosis late last year.

Johnson is concerned about his wife’s behavior and possible addiction and has reportedly tried to discuss the issue with Simpson.

But she hasn’t been receptive to his critiques and/or advice.

“They’ll fight about Jessica’s drinking for a few days and then apologize to each other until it happens again,” this same magazine source explains.

At one point, Johnson allegedly even tried to stage an intervention for Simpson.

Alas, it never materialized.

“Eric just deals with it now,” the insider says, elaborating as follows:

“Of course he’s embarrassed, but there isn’t much he can do. Jessica can be really stubborn and if she doesn’t want to do something, no one can make her.”

This isn’t the first time Simpson’s supposed drinking problem has been raised as an issue.

Two years ago, Johnson urged his wife to check into a rehab facility in order to sober up.

Following an appearance on HSN in which Simpson came across as totally wasted, Johnson put his foot down, sources claimed in September of 2015.

“He is worried sick that Jess’ conduct is going to start affecting their two children and that their oldest is starting to realize there’s something wrong,” we wrote back then.

This is the appearance to which we’re referring:

Said another tabloid insider shortly after this embarrassing incident:

“She can’t be in denial any longer about the toll that her problems have taken on her marriage, her children, and her money.”

Fast forward two years and…well… she apparently can be.

Of course, accusing someone of a drinking problem is a pretty big deal.

We can’t say we have first-hand knowledge of Simpson’s situation here.

All we can say is that she has two kids and IF there really is an issue that has to be dealt with, we sincerely hope she realizes what’s most important as a mother and seeks the assistance she needs.

We’re rooting for you, Jess.


Playmate Jessica Wall Stunned She"s Now Hugh Hefner"s Final Pick

Hugh Hefner still had a hand in Playboy’s centerfold biz as his health was failing … according to Miss September, who’s floored she’ll now be mentioned in the same sentence as Marilyn Monroe. Jessica Wall — who’s 34-24-35 from Chicago –…


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Jessica Alba"s Honest Company Sues Hemp Product Company, Honest Herbal, for Infringement

Jessica Alba’s Honest company is not keeping things mellow with a health and wellness competitor it believes ripped off their brand name to boost sales … according to a new suit. Alba’s company is going after a Colorado company, Honest Herbal –…


Friday, September 22, 2017

"Big Brother" Star Jessica Graf Doesn"t Wanna be Prodded About Butt Poking

“Big Brother” star Jessica Graf — aka the anal invader — wasn’t feeling all the nudging about her butt poking … so she bailed. We got Jessica — flanked by fellow co-star and bf Cody Nickson — outside Clifton’s Thursday night in downtown…


"Big Brother" Star Jessica Graf Doesn"t Wanna be Prodded About Butt Poking

“Big Brother” star Jessica Graf — aka the anal invader — wasn’t feeling all the nudging about her butt poking … so she bailed. We got Jessica — flanked by fellow co-star and bf Cody Nickson — outside Clifton’s Thursday night in downtown…
