Showing posts with label Kissing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kissing. Show all posts

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Ewan McGregor Split from His Wife in May, Mary Elizabeth Winstead Kissing Photos Surface

Ewan McGregor has reportedly been split from his wife, Eve Mavrakis, for as many as 5 months … which became clear after he was seen sucking face with his TV co-star. Ewan and Eve quietly separated back in May of this year, according to People ……


Friday, October 13, 2017

Kailyn Lowry & Javi Marroquin Spotted Kissing In Public!!!

If you’re having trouble keeping up with what’s going on in Kailyn Lowry’s love life these days, you’re certainly not alone.

Shortly after Lowry’s breakup with Chris Lopez, it was widely reported that she entered a new relationship with her next door neighbor.

Rumors of Kailyn dating Dionisio Cephas were bolstered by recent flirty Twitter exchanges between the two.

Some even went so far as to claim that the jokey back-and-forth messages were Kail and Dionisio’s way of confirming that they’re a couple.

Both parties shot those rumors down, however, confirming that they’re more than friends, but insisting that they’re not officially dating yet.

So when Kail attended a recent red carpet event with her ex-husband, Javi Marroquin, fans were on the lookout for possible signs of a reconciliation.

And the parents of young Lincoln certainly didn’t disappoint:

Kailyn and Javi filmed Marriage Boot Camp together recently (despite the fact that they’re no longer married) and as you can see, they got very friendly at the premiere party.

Javi planted one on Kailyn for all the world to see, but to hear him tell it, it was merely a gesture of platonic love for one of his best friends:

“I have love for her, but we’re not getting back together,” Javi told Radar Online.

“If things were different and things didn’t play out the way they did, maybe we could give it another shot. But too many things have happened to do that.”

Javi said that despite rumors to the contrary, he and Kailyn are getting along well these days and amicably co-parenting son Lincoln:

“We’re pretty good right now,” Marroquin told the site.

“We hang out a lot. I have Lincoln 50 percent of the time. I go to all their soccer stuff. I see her almost every day.”

 So it sounds like that kiss really was just a platonic, friendly thing … or was it?

“Kailyn, she’ll always have a soft spot in my heart,” Javi added.

“When she tells me stories of what she’s dealing with and what she’s going through in her life, it hits home with me. I never want to see her struggle or go through stuff.”

He concluded:

“I always want to help her out and ask if I can do anything. I wish things could be different but they’re not.”

Sounds like Javi could still be carrying a torch for Kailyn, but it also sounds like he won’t be acting on those feelings anytime soon.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Kail and Javi’s tumultuous romance.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Sam Smith Seen Kissing "13 Reasons Why" Star Brandon Flynn in NYC

Sam Smith doesn’t need 13 reasons to show PDA with his new dude, but the singer obviously has at least that many … based on these pics of them kicking it in NYC. Sam was spotted out with Brandon Flynn, one of the stars of “13 Reasons Why.” It’s…


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Selena Gomez Goes to Work Kissing On Woody Allen"s Set

Selena Gomez planted one on a dude that wasn’t her bf, The Weeknd, in NYC … but she ain’t two timin’ … it’s just another day at the office. The guy’s name is Timothee Chalamet. You might recognize him from the TV show “Homeland” or the film…


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Jeremy Meeks and Chloe Green: Kissing Again, Now With Less Clothing!

Jeremy Meeks and his story are divisive, and it’s so easy to be of two minds about him and pretty much everything that he does.

This latest stunt is no example.

And while locking lips with Topshop heiress Chloe Green is nothing new, it’s less their very public displays of affection gaining attention this time and more their outfits … or lack thereof.

Jeremy Meeks got famous back in 2014 after his “hot felon” mugshot went viral on Facebook and then spread to the rest of the internet.

Most people don’t look great in their mugshots, but people immediately noticed Meeks’ icy blue eyes and stunningly sharp cheekbones.

By the time that he was released from prison, he already had modeling contracts lined up.

Modeling at his level can pay six figures per year, and it tends to involve world travel.

This was controversial, because you can’t help but think of all of the aspiring models who have the looks and the talent, but their only mistake was not being arrested on multiple gang-related charges.

Sometimes, that kind of unfairness is part of life.

His fans argued that this is a great chance for him to turn his life around — a chance that too few people realistically get in our prison system.

Jeremy Meeks started modeling and everything was looking great.

As in, he was looking great but it looked like his life was taking a new direction.

And then he was photographed on a boat cheating on his wife with Topshop heiress Chloe Green.

His wife, Melissa Meeks, who waited for him while he was in prison and who is also the mother of his child, was less than thriled.

(Actually, she’s still pretty pissed)

We can only imagine how thrilled she’ll be to see Jeremy Meeks showing more PDA with Chloe Green.


The two have been out and about with each other before, of course.

And while Jeremy’s done some work for Topshop, the British multinational retailer that sells shoes, clothing, makeup, and accessories all across the globe — and is part of the Arcadia Group, to which Chloe is the heiress — let’s just say that their relationship isn’t strictly professional.

But as they’ve been spotted lately, if you look past the feathers and stuff, Jeremy Meeks is basically just wearing boxer shorts.

Chloe Green is, decorations aside, just wearing a barely-there jeweled bikini top and a pair of bottoms.

After they’d advertised themselves in their outfits on Instagram, they were even spotted making out without the feathers at the Crop Over Carnival in Barbados.

The 33-year-old ex-con and the 26-year-old heiress make for a cute couple, but it strikes many as insensitive that he’d be flaunting their relationship where his wife cannot help but see.

What rubs people the wrong way is that Jeremy Meeks has left his wife behind, and started this relationship by cheating on her.

For the record, Jeremy Meeks is the one who filed for divorce.

Though this was after his wife responded to the photos of him and Chloe.

Arguably, his filing may have been less about wanting to split than about wanting to avoid a legal timeline of cheating.

He listed the date of separation before his time in Europe.

We’re no lawyers, but that might undercut his wife’s complaints about cheating.

He’s splitting hairs there mighty fine, but it’s technically not cheating if they were separated.

That can matter in the divorce.

If we were writing a ripped-from-the-headlines Law & Order episode about this, we’d have the guy conspicuously similar to Jeremy Meeks abandoning his family after prison because he doesn’t want his former criminal associates to take revenge on them for him leaving crime to go into modeling.

We don’t think that what’s going on here involves anything so dramatic.

Jeremy Meeks is leaving his old life in the dust, or trying to, because everything now is so shiny and new and exciting.

We don’t know when he’ll get a reality check.

But it might come when he has to cut that first child-support check.

Or whenever Chloe Green has had her fun and decides to move on.


Monday, August 7, 2017

Sasha Obama: Spotted Kissing Some Dude Named Matt!

We interrupt our occasional prying into the private life of Malia Obama to bring you an update on her sister.

A wholly unexpected update, that is!

Over the weekend, the former First Daughter was spotted at Lollapalooza, a music festival that was held at Hutchinson Field in Chicago.

In and of itself, this sighting was not especially surprising; not when the Obamas are from the Windy City and not when 16-year olds such as Sasha Obama are typically fans of socializing in this manner.

But a fellow attendee snapped photos of Sasha talking intimately with some guy allegedly named “Matt” not long after meeting him.

This same individual shared an image of Sasha and her love interest on Snapchat, including with it a caption that read:

“Matt gonna get Sasha Obama.”

Was he really, though?

Or were these two simply chatting it up while surrounded by thousands of other revelers at the event?

Nope, Matt really did get himself Sasha Obama! At least as far as the swapping of spit goes!

A second Snapchat photo from the meet-cute features Matt and Sasha engaged in a pretty serious game of tonsil hockey.

Both appear to be winning, although the true victors in this development are clearly intrigued celebrity gossip followers.

Take a look at the noteworthy photograph for yourself:

Sasha Obama is 16 years old and there’s obviously nothing wrong with her kissing anyone.

We’re not passing judgment of any kind.

But that doesn’t mean this isn’t a makeout session that holds the public interest, considering Sasha is only a few months removed from living in the White House and considering her father was recently the most powerful human being on the planet.

For better or worse, likely to the chagrin of Sasha and Malia, their interactions will be analyzed in every which way for several years going forward.

As Barack Obama’s second term wound down last year, more and more attention turned to the decisions of his children.

For example, about a year ago to the date, Malia was allegedly seen smoking pot the 2016 version of Lollapalooza.

A few months later, 15-year old Sasha supposedly got drunk at some party; which, again, is totally normal behavior for a high school sophomore.

No one affiliated with the Obama family or administration has commented on these photos.

We doubt they will, either.

But it’s safe to say we’re not excited for President Trump to lash out at some point in the near future and criticize his predecessor as a bad parent for letting his young daughter act in this manner.

Does anyone doubt this may even have already happened by the time you read this post?


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Kim Kardashian is Kissing Up to Kanye West

Kim Kardashian kissed up to Kanye West … but only because he was standing on a curb. Kimye went all PDA Monday night while leaving a friend’s pad in Los Angeles. Looking stylish, as usual, they decided to give each other a quick peck in front…


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Tommy Lee Kissing Hot, Much Younger Mystery Girl

Tommy Lee’s post-Mötley Crüe years look a lot like he’s still on the road picking up hot chicks … like the super young brunette who was all over him after a dinner date. The 54-year-old extremely blessed drummer had a smokin’ pair of…


Monday, May 1, 2017

President Trump Should Be Kissing the Media"s Ass According to Carl Bernstein (VIDEO)

President Trump’s weekend attack on the press was not only “venomous,” but laughable according to legendary journalist Carl Bernstein … who thinks POTUS needs to show some gratitude. The guy who cracked Watergate took aim at Trump’s presidency…


Monday, March 13, 2017

Johnny Manziel & Fiancee French Kissing In Paris ... and Partying with Drake (PHOTO GALLERY & VIDEO)

Johnny Manziel is LOVIN’ the engaged life — making out with his new fiancee, Bre Tiesi, on the streets of Paris … followed by getting the couples VIP treatment at the Drake concert.  Manziel popped the question (with a massive ring) on…


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Mackenzie McKee Posts Video of Son Kissing Dead Dog

There have been numerous Teen Mom parenting scandals over the years, but the latest controversy over TM3 star Mackenzie McKee is different for a couple of reasons:

For starters, McKee isn’t really famous anymore, so unlike some of her predecessors who had the good fortune to get pregnant while the basic cable gettin’ was good, it takes a lot more for her to get a genuine WTF?! reaction from social media.

On top of that, this may be the only time that Teen Mom – or any reality show franchise – has been wrapped up in a scandal involving the improper handling a deceased puppy.

In case you don’t follow McKee on Snapchat (What have you been doing with your life?!), she’s been updating fans about the ongoing drama surrounding her pregnant dog, Mia.

Mia finally gave birth to yesterday, and sadly, it seems one of her puppies didn’t survive.

Mackenzie offered online updates on the bittersweet occasion in the McKee household, even as things got increasingly weird:

“Update everyone,” Mackenzie says in the first clip. “Mia just had a C-section, and one puppy made it.”

Generally, it doesn’t get much more macabre than a dead puppy post, but believe it or not, things got darker from there, you’ve been warned:

“OK. So, one of the dogs didn’t make it,” Mackenzie says, “and I don’t know how to tell my son.” 

The camera pans over to young Gannon cradling the puppy, clearly oblivious to the fact that it’s gone the way of Old Yeller and like 40 pooches in that sh-tty A Dog’s Purpose movie.

Asked what he plans to do with the puppy, Gannon replies, “Keep it.”

His mother’s appeals seem to fall on deaf ears.

“Gannon, you know that dog is dead, right?” Mackenzie asks.

“Yeah,” the boy replies.

“Gannon, I think that that doggie went to doggie heaven and we need to bury it,” says Mackenzie. “You’re just going to keep a dead dog?”

Gannon eventually hands over the departed pooch, but not before planting a goodbye kiss on its snout, in a moment that some viewers found heartbreaking, others horrifying.

Perhaps anticipating some social media backlash, Mackenzie posted a message explaining the weirdness we had just witnessed:

“Before I start getting all getting all these crazy messages, we did leave the momma alone with the puppy for hours, and she just wanted nothing to do with him,” Mackenzie claims.

“We called the vet and asked everything that we should do, and he said we needed to feed him. So yes, we have done everything that the vet told us to do, and Gannon is having a hard time saying goodbye to the puppy that didn’t make it.”

Hey, kids do weird stuff, and it looks like Mackenzie handled the situation as best she could, especially given all the drama she’s been dealing with in her own life.

In August, McKee welcomed her third child, a boy named Broncs.

Less than five months later, Mackenzie confirmed her separation from her husband amid cheating allegations.

All of this, and a little morbid farm-life weirdness?

It might be time for MTV to look into giving this girl a spinoff.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Selena Gomez and The Weeknd: Spotted Kissing and Cuddling!

Selena Gomez has apparently been working for The Weeknd.

By which we mean the following:

The singer has been working her tongue in and around the mouth of fellow singer The Weeknd, as evidenced by new photos that make it clear these stars are a lot more than friends.

Oh, yes, folks: these two are hooking up!

They are knocking boots! They are talking long walks along the beach at sunset! They are doing all kinds of romantic stuff!

We presume, at least, based on pictures shared on Us Weekly, E! News and other reliable outlets.

The musicians were spotted on a romantic dinner date at Los Angeles hotspot Giorgio Baldi last night, with an insider telling E! News that Gomez and The Weeknd were very clearly into each other.

“They were there for three hours! Just the two of them,” the source tells E! of Selena and The Weeknd’s evening out. “They came out and were so happy.”

According to this same witness, Gomez and The Weeknd sat in the back room of the establishment and had their own personal server.

Afterwards, they engaged in some major public displays of affection, obviously proud of their romance and unafraid of anyone just walking by and seeing them swap spit.

To back up E!’s description of the night, a source relayed similar information to Us Weekly.

“They came out and they were so happy,” this tabloid writes, adding of the artists:

“They were hugging and kissing. … Selena was all over him, hugging, kissing [him]. She looked amazing and so incredibly happy and in love.”

The singers allegedly headed to Gomez’s house after their date.

We wonder what they did there…

The Weeknd most recently dated Bella Hadid, splitting from the model in November.

Gomez, of course, is best known in the relationship department for having been off and on (and then off… and on… and then off again…) with Justin Bieber for years.

But a turning point appears to have taken place over the summer after Selena inserted herself in Bieber’s then-relationship with Sofia Richie.

She commented on an Instagram post in which Bieber asked fans to stop harassing Richie, leading to Justin deleting his account and turning his back on his ex.

Largely in response, Gomez eventually checked into a rehab facility and took a break from the spotlight to focus on her mental health.

But she’s doing a lot better now!

“I recently took 90 days off. During that time I did not have my cellphone,” she explained in Thrive Global’s questionnaire, adding late last year:

“It was the most refreshing, calming, rejuvenating feeling. Now I rarely pick up my phone, and only limited people have access to me.”

But The Weeknd is clearly one of the people on that list. And maybe the most important one at the moment.

As for where this romance is going? It’s hard to say at the moment.

A separate source tells E! News that Selena and The Weeknd together is “something new” and that “it’s nothing serious right now.”


Monday, January 2, 2017

Ansel Elgort Kissing Girlfriend in Miami (PHOTOS)

Ansel Elgort’s getting it in Miami — the girlfriend, the beach, the bod …  The “Allegiant” star and Violetta Komyshan sucked a lil’ face before he squeezed in a workout New Year’s Day on South Beach. Do you think he knows people are…


Monday, October 24, 2016

Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard: Spotted Nearly Kissing!!!!!!

Brad Pitt has been caught nearly kissing Marion Cotillard.

What sort of wrench will this throw into Pitt’s divorce proceedings with Angelina Jolie?

Will she use the image below against her estranged husband in her plans to secure full legal custody of the stars’ six children?

What impact will this development have on Pitt’s global popularity?

The answers, in order, are:

No wrench. No way for Jolie to use this photo against Pitt. And no impact at all on Pitt’s standing with millions of fans around the globe.

How come? Because the image in question is a movie poster!

HA! Got ya!

Sorry, but we had to.

The first promotional poster for Pitt and Cotillard’s upcoming World War II romantic drama, Allied, has hit the Internet.

And it’s only worth noting because a rumor circulated soon after Jolie filed to divorce Pitt that he actually carried on an affair with Cotillard.

This chatter was based on nothing but the fact that Pitt and Cotillard are starring together as husband and wife in this film and were probably caught looking cozy on set together.

For the camera, that is, and nothing more.

Of course, it is widely believed that Pitt got together with Jolie on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith way back in the day, ending his marriage to Jennifer Aniston as a result of this new relationship.

So we do understand where people got the idea that Pitt might bond with a female co-star.

But Cotillard did a masterful job of shooting down any affair allegations before they built up too much momentum.

In a very straightforward Instagram post, the French actress responded to these silly rumors as follows last month:

This is going to be my first and only reaction to the whirlwind news that broke 24 hours ago and that I was swept up into.

I am not used to commenting on things like this nor taking them seriously but as this situation is spiraling and affecting people I love, I have to speak up. 

Firstly, many years ago, I met the man of my life, father of our son and of the baby we are expecting. He is my love, my best friend, the only one that I need.

Secondly to those who have indicated that I am devastated, I am very well thank you. This crafted conversation isn’t distressing. And to all the media and the haters who are quick to pass judgment, I sincerely wish you a swift recovery.

Finally, I do very much wish that Angelina and Brad, both whom I deeply respect, will find peace in this very tumultuous moment. With all my love Marion.

There you have it, right? Case very much closed.

Allies opens in theaters on November 23.

It will be interesting to see if Pitt’s divorce helps the movie do well… or prompts the movie to tank at the box office.

As for the latest regarding the Divorce Heard ‘Round the World, a recent report suggests that Jolie is having second thoughts about her legal split.

“Angelina didn’t realize how much she would miss him but now that Brad is out of her daily life, she misses his sense of humor and seeing him everyday,” an anonymous insider tells Hollywood Life.

Believe this at your own discretion, however.

We’re pretty sure the marriage is doomed.


Friday, August 26, 2016

John Travolta: Caught Kissing Another Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do we have another John Travolta gay scandal on our hands?

Simply put: No.

But it’s worth explaining why some people are under this impression.

Travolta was recently in Butler County, Ohio to shoot scenes from the movie The Life and Death of John Gotti.

At some point, he decided to drop the office of Sheriff Richard K. Jones, posing with the law enforcement official for a photo that went semi-viral on Twitter.

Because Travolta is shaking hands with Jones? Not exactly.

It’s because Jones captioned the image as follows:

“Unexpected visit, unexpected kiss.. Awesome meeting Mr. John Travolta!!”

Here. See the caption for yourself:

travolta tweet

Sort of a weird thing to say, right?

Jones is very likely just referring to the fact that Travolta is known for being rather friendly; he often kisses people on the cheek to say hello.

But that’s not what we see in this picture, causing many Internet users to speculate wildly over what the heck happened when Travolta met Jones.

It doesn’t help, of course, that rumors about Travolta’s sexuality have been following him around for years.

He’s probably considered the actor most likely to be in the closet.

Back in March, rumors spread that Travolta only wanted to be massaged by men.

Last September, meanwhile, an even more scathing report claimed that Travolta pays his gay lovers to remain quiet about his affairs and that his wife, Kelly Preston, is in on the secret.

According to those allegedly in the know, Travolta and Preston have a sham marriage.

It was orchestrated by Scientology to keep the actor’s gay lifestyle on the down low.

Along these lines, someone named Doug Gotterba once wrote a tell-all book that claimed to expose all of Travolta’s lie.

Why have you probably not heard of it? Why was it not published?

Because Travolta allegedly coughed up $ 1.3 million to Gotterba, after which the memoir mysteriously disappeared, never seeing the light of day.

Elsewhere: Travolta supposedly has a unique insurance policy to protect him from lawsuits filed by men who are the victims of Travolta’s unwanted sexual advances.

According to a 2012 Gawker story, Travolta’s insurance company paid out two of the six sexual assault complaints made against him in recent years.

That would be pretty insane if true.

Two of these suits were filed by male masseurs who claimed Travolta took advantage of them during private sessions; another was filed by a cruise ship employee.

Other accusers have included a stunt double, a driver and a physical therapist.

There’s also Robert Randolph. He has written about Travolta’s gay preferences and even claims he has seen videotaped footage of John Travolta engaged in gay sex.

Travolta has always been considered somewhat of a weird guy.

Remember his awkward kissing of Scarlett Johansson at the Oscars?

Could that have been due to the fact that he doesn’t really know how to kiss a woman?

We’re not judging Travolta for his sexual preferences, that’s for sure.

Although it’s not cool at all if he really did make advances against me who showed no interest in him. That’s pure harassment.

Was the Sheriff in this odd Twitter case making a reference to these rumors about Travolta?

Again, we have no idea. But we do understand why the Internet has run wild with questions following the aforementioned caption.

Any time the word “kiss” is used in conjunction with Travolta and a man, these questions are going to arise going forward.

It’s just the way it is. And there’s been enough fuel poured on to this fire over the years for us to understand why.

John Travolta: Caught Kissing Another Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do we have another John Travolta gay scandal on our hands?

Simply put: No.

But it’s worth explaining why some people are under this impression.

Travolta was recently in Butler County, Ohio to shoot scenes from the movie The Life and Death of John Gotti.

At some point, he decided to drop the office of Sheriff Richard K. Jones, posing with the law enforcement official for a photo that went semi-viral on Twitter.

Because Travolta is shaking hands with Jones? Not exactly.

It’s because Jones captioned the image as follows:

“Unexpected visit, unexpected kiss.. Awesome meeting Mr. John Travolta!!”

Here. See the caption for yourself:

travolta tweet

Sort of a weird thing to say, right?

Jones is very likely just referring to the fact that Travolta is known for being rather friendly; he often kisses people on the cheek to say hello.

But that’s not what we see in this picture, causing many Internet users to speculate wildly over what the heck happened when Travolta met Jones.

It doesn’t help, of course, that rumors about Travolta’s sexuality have been following him around for years.

He’s probably considered the actor most likely to be in the closet.

Back in March, rumors spread that Travolta only wanted to be massaged by men.

Last September, meanwhile, an even more scathing report claimed that Travolta pays his gay lovers to remain quiet about his affairs and that his wife, Kelly Preston, is in on the secret.

According to those allegedly in the know, Travolta and Preston have a sham marriage.

It was orchestrated by Scientology to keep the actor’s gay lifestyle on the down low.

Along these lines, someone named Doug Gotterba once wrote a tell-all book that claimed to expose all of Travolta’s lie.

Why have you probably not heard of it? Why was it not published?

Because Travolta allegedly coughed up $ 1.3 million to Gotterba, after which the memoir mysteriously disappeared, never seeing the light of day.

Elsewhere: Travolta supposedly has a unique insurance policy to protect him from lawsuits filed by men who are the victims of Travolta’s unwanted sexual advances.

According to a 2012 Gawker story, Travolta’s insurance company paid out two of the six sexual assault complaints made against him in recent years.

That would be pretty insane if true.

Two of these suits were filed by male masseurs who claimed Travolta took advantage of them during private sessions; another was filed by a cruise ship employee.

Other accusers have included a stunt double, a driver and a physical therapist.

There’s also Robert Randolph. He has written about Travolta’s gay preferences and even claims he has seen videotaped footage of John Travolta engaged in gay sex.

Travolta has always been considered somewhat of a weird guy.

Remember his awkward kissing of Scarlett Johansson at the Oscars?

Could that have been due to the fact that he doesn’t really know how to kiss a woman?

We’re not judging Travolta for his sexual preferences, that’s for sure.

Although it’s not cool at all if he really did make advances against me who showed no interest in him. That’s pure harassment.

Was the Sheriff in this odd Twitter case making a reference to these rumors about Travolta?

Again, we have no idea. But we do understand why the Internet has run wild with questions following the aforementioned caption.

Any time the word “kiss” is used in conjunction with Travolta and a man, these questions are going to arise going forward.

It’s just the way it is. And there’s been enough fuel poured on to this fire over the years for us to understand why.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Victoria Beckham Somehow Draws Internet Ire for Kissing Her Daughter

On July 10, Harper Beckham turned five years old.

In honor of her daughter, Victoria Beckham shared the following photo on Instagram, including with the image a caption that reads:

“Happy Birthday baby girl… We all love you so much… kisses from mummy.”

Pretty basic, right?

Pretty nice and normal and loving and there’s nothing else to say about this picture, right?

We wish.

We really wish that were it.

In response to the picture, however, online trolls expressed disgust and outrage over the former Spice Girl kissing her offspring on the lips.

“Horrible pic. David Beckhams birthday pic is much nicer and a lot less controversial than this stupid bitches,” someone actually wrote.

We wish we could say this person was alone in his or her response.

But take a look below. This user, sadly, was not…

beckham hate

Seriously, people really did write those things about a mother giving her daughter a kiss.

Even those who defended Beckham did so in a back-handed, overly analytical way.

They saw this picture and somehow found it necessary to turn it into a commentary on love and parenthood and society.

See what we mean here:

weird defense

Parental shaming has become the new, unfortunate norm on the Internet.

Last week, critics slammed Kristin Cavallari for supposedly not feeding her children, based on a solitary photo of them at the beach.

People also took issue with Bristol Palin’s daughter posing near some fake guns.

And this really has to stop.

All of these parents are doing the very best they can. They clearly love their children. And you have no idea what’s really going on at home between these family members.

It’s cruel to judge. It’s misguided. And it’s just mean.

It’s a cliche, but it’s also true: imagine if strangers on the World Wide Web slammed your parenting skills (or anything about you) based on a single image.

Imagine how you would feel.

Imagine that and then think twice before doing it to someone else.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Kendall Jenner & Jordan Clarkson: Caught Kissing at a Club!

It’s rare that Kendall Jenner makes headlines based on her love life.

Lately, she’d been fending off accusations by the fashion industry that she’s not a “true supermodel.”

But this weekend, she was caught canoodling (dontcha love that word?) with Jordan Clarkson, a name that’s popped up on her romantic resume a couple times in the past.

The pair stepped out in West Hollywood at the 1Oak nightclub after Kendall grabbed dinner with her sister Kylie Jenner.

Kendall and the Los Angeles Lakers point guard were allegedly caught kissing outside the club later in the evening.

The model was seen wrapped in Jordan’s maroon bomber jacket as they exited the club.

However, a source tells Us Weekly that these two are keeping things casual.

“[Kendall and Jordan] aren’t that serious by any means,” claimed the source.

“It’s not a real, traditional relationship. It’s more that they’re in the same group of friends.”

Kendall and Jordan were first spotted together in late March during a dinner date after one of his home games.

Then later in April, they were seen goofing around together on Snapchat, and rumors heated up.

“They keep things low-key when they’re in public, but in private they’re very much together and affectionate,” a source dished at the time.

“He’s really into her.”

Since then, we haven’t heard much chatter about this new couple, possibly because they both have heavy travel schedules that preclude them from being together often.

They’re both too young to get tied down anyhow. Too bad Kendall’s sister Kylie hasn’t learned that lesson.

Kendall Jenner & Jordan Clarkson: Caught Kissing at a Club!

It’s rare that Kendall Jenner makes headlines based on her love life.

Lately, she’d been fending off accusations by the fashion industry that she’s not a “true supermodel.”

But this weekend, she was caught canoodling (dontcha love that word?) with Jordan Clarkson, a name that’s popped up on her romantic resume a couple times in the past.

The pair stepped out in West Hollywood at the 1Oak nightclub after Kendall grabbed dinner with her sister Kylie Jenner.

Kendall and the Los Angeles Lakers point guard were allegedly caught kissing outside the club later in the evening.

The model was seen wrapped in Jordan’s maroon bomber jacket as they exited the club.

However, a source tells Us Weekly that these two are keeping things casual.

“[Kendall and Jordan] aren’t that serious by any means,” claimed the source.

“It’s not a real, traditional relationship. It’s more that they’re in the same group of friends.”

Kendall and Jordan were first spotted together in late March during a dinner date after one of his home games.

Then later in April, they were seen goofing around together on Snapchat, and rumors heated up.

“They keep things low-key when they’re in public, but in private they’re very much together and affectionate,” a source dished at the time.

“He’s really into her.”

Since then, we haven’t heard much chatter about this new couple, possibly because they both have heavy travel schedules that preclude them from being together often.

They’re both too young to get tied down anyhow. Too bad Kendall’s sister Kylie hasn’t learned that lesson.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Tom Hiddleston: Caught Kissing Taylor Swift!!!!!

So much for Taylor Swift writing a sad new breakup album.

Why would the singer feel a need to sit down and pen such a record now? She has every reason to be happy!

Yes, Swift recently split from Calvin Harris after over 15 months of dating.

And, yes, insiders say Taylor was rather broken up over this relationship ending, especially because Harris apparently just became bored of the artist.

But Swift has managed to bounce back in admirable, handsome fashion… BY MAKING OUT WITH TOM HIDDLESTON!!!!!

This is not conjecture, people.

The Sun has published photos of Swift and Hiddleston kissing on the rocky beach of Misquamicut by Swift’s mansion in Watch Hill, Rhode Island.

Just check out the following front page, along with what ought to be an award-winning headline:

“They were all over each other – hugging and kissing – even though there were 20 people coming and going on the beach,” a witness tells the British newspaper. “They looked like any young couple madly in love without a care in the world.”

Hey. When Taylor Swift falls, Taylor Swift falls hard.

And it appears as if the man behind Loki and the rumored next James Bond has had his eye on the world’s most popular pop star for quite some time.

“Tom has been courting Taylor since they met – he sent her flowers,” the newspaper added. “She’s been won over.”

The Internet, of course, was won over back in May when Swift and Hiddleston competed in a friendly dance-off at the MET Gala in New York City:

But Swift was still dating Harris at the time and we didn’t think too much of this, aside from a couple of stars just having a good time together.

In hindsight, however, perhaps we should have seen this romance coming. Look at how happy Taylor and Tom looked at the event:

Now they’re kissing, though. Now they’re acting all sweet and cozy and comfortable just a few weeks after Swift stopped seeing Harris.

“Taylor swift and tom hiddleston didn’t keep their relationship very loki lol,” one genius fan Tweeted upon seeing The Sun photos.

We hadn’t named Tom Hiddleston as a possible rebound for Swift after her Calvin Harris break-up.

But it looks like she didn’t need our help after all. Job well done, Tay Tay!